2024 25 Aut MS101 EE Expt01 MeasInstr - Ver Aug05
2024 25 Aut MS101 EE Expt01 MeasInstr - Ver Aug05
2024 25 Aut MS101 EE Expt01 MeasInstr - Ver Aug05
2024-25/II Autumn
Expt 1: Familiarization with Basic Measuring Instruments (Ver_Aug05)
a) To familiarize with the laboratory measuring instruments and general lab equipment (DMM, DSO,
and AFG)
b) To measure the frequency response of an RC high-pass filter
Low-to-medium cost DMMs typically have typical accuracies better than ± 1% for most ranges.
In addition to the above, most DMMs have two useful features:
a) Continuity testing using a buzzer (for say, resistances < 50 Ω)
b) Diode check (for Si or Ge diodes)
DMM Input resistance (typical) for DC voltage measurements : 10 MΩ
Fig.1 shows the front panel of a DMM (Mastech 830L), which is typical of a medium cost DMM.
Note the various parts of your DMM (similar to what is shown in Fig.1 – the rotary switch for selecting
different functions, and the DMM terminals (VΩmA, COM, and 10A). For almost all the applications of
DMM in the MS101 lab, you will require only the VΩmA and the COM terminals. The VΩmA terminal
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is where you connect one end of the DMM wire (Red) for measuring a voltage, a resistance or a current
within 200 mA. The COM terminal is the ‘Common’ or the reference terminal.
• For example, for measuring a DC voltage in a circuit, say between points A and B, firstly choose
the appropriate voltage range on the DMM. Now connect the COM terminal to point B, and the
VΩmA terminal to point A. This would give the voltage VAB on the DMM, i.e. the voltage at
point A with respect to point B.
• For measuring an AC voltage, say the secondary output voltage of the transformer, choose the
appropriate AC voltage range and connect the secondary output to the VΩmA and the COM
• For measuring a resistance, put the DMM into the appropriate resistance range and then touch
one end of the resistor to the COM terminal and the other end to the VΩmA terminal. The
following precautions need to be taken:
o Take care not to touch both ends of the resistor with your hand, which would then cause
your body resistance to be in parallel with the resistance you are measuring. This is
especially important when you are measuring large resistance, say any value of 10 kΩ or
o If you get a display ‘1’ as the display, then the resistance value is greater than the range
you chose. Choose a higher range and repeat the measurement.
• For measuring a current within 200 mA, connect the ‘+’ lead of the measuring port of interest to
the VΩmA terminal and the second lead to the COM terminal. Care should be taken not to
exceed 200 mA.
In the MS101 laboratory, you will be using the DMM mainly to measure the resistance values and also
for measuring DC voltages. DMMs are very seldom used for measuring currents. DC currents up to
about 200 mA can be measured by most DMMs. However, it is best to avoid measuring currents; instead
estimate the current through voltage and resistance measurements.
a) Resistance mode of the DMM assumes that there is no current flowing in the resistor. Therefore,
take extra care when using the resistance mode.
b) In the resistance mode, most DMMs send out a constant dc current, and then measure the voltage
across the terminals (i.e. the resistance) to estimate the resistance value. If you try to measure the
resistance in a circuit which is powered through a dc power supply, the DMM can get damaged, or
its internal fuse (typically rated for 200 mA) might blow. Hence take extra care while measuring
c) DMM is essentially a voltage measuring instrument. Resistances and currents are first converted into
voltages by the DMM circuitry. For ac voltage measurements, most DMMs are calibrated at 50 Hz,
for sinusoidal rms voltages. Hence, do not attempt to measure using a DMM any ac voltages other
than 50 Hz sinusoidal voltages.
d) For measuring current, the DMM is set in current mode and connected in series with the current
path. The DMM set in current mode must not be connected across a voltage, as it may cause the
meter’s internal fuse to blow and damage to the circuit.
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2. Breadboard
Breadboard is essentially an electronic prototyping board meant for wiring electronic circuits. Fig.1.1A
shows the breadboard with a circuit connected. The right side shows the internal connections. Note that the
central portion is the main area where circuits are wired. Each column has five holes connected together.
Each column is isolated from the neighbouring column.
The top two rows and the bottom two rows are commonly used for GROUND and Power supply connections
(as these two may require more connections). Most breadboards have the bottom and top rows divided
further into two halves.
Fig 1.1 A Breadboard with a wired circuit Fig 1.1B Typical Breadboard internal connections
Fig 1.1 C Circuit diagram of the wired circuit Fig 1.1D Breadboard internal connections -
2.1 Verifying Breadboard Connectivity
• Using the wire stripper, prepare two short wire lengths (of say 15 cm each).
• Using the above wires verify the connectivity of a few points of your breadboard.
• Check whether there is continuity along the top row.
• Check for no connectivity between the top two rows of your breadboard.
• Check at a few random grids at the middle of the breadboard and verify that there is connectivity
within various points of a column.
• For a given column, check and verify that there is no connection between the bottom half and the
top half.
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2.2 Resistances in Parallel
• Connect the two resistances you measured in parallel. Note down the value obtained in your Lab
notebook. Verify the result.
We will be using the AFG to generate sinusoidal waveforms of different frequencies and amplitudes.
Read the following pages of the AFG user manual to understand how to choose different waveforms,
amplitudes and frequencies.
a) Refer to page 34 on how to generate a sine waveform and to adjust its dc offset voltage, amplitude
and frequency.
b) By default, the AFG output is set for Hi-Z output. Please do not change this. (In case of a mistake,
the output setting can be brought back to Hi-Z by pressing the ‘Utility’ and then choosing Hi-Z
under ‘Output Setting’)
c) Waveform selection and generation is quite intuitive and menu driven. Choose the values
In the MS101 lab, you will use the AFG mainly to generate sinusoidal waveforms of different frequencies.
Occasionally you might use it for generating pulse/square waveforms.
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1 Mega Ohm
4. Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) - Tektronix TBS 1000C series
Oscilloscopes are versatile electronic instruments used for displaying and measuring time varying voltage
signals. They are very useful in measuring the amplitude and frequency/time period of a waveform. The
oscilloscope most commonly used till about a decade ago was called a ‘Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
(CRO)’. CROs are now almost obsolete. Today, Digital Storage Oscilloscopes (DSO) are the ones in
common use. DSOs have several useful features which make waveform measurements much easier
compared to a CRO, which lacked these features.
CROs/DSOs are useful in measuring waveforms up to their rated bandwidths. TBS1000C series DSOs
have bandwidths of 70 MHz. Please note that in general for DC voltages, DMMs give better accuracies
than DSOs. This is because of the fact that the ADC (analog-to-digital converter) of the DSO vertical
waveform is typically 8 bits (as compared to 10 to 12 bits in a DMM).
The above reference manual will explain in detail the procedure to be followed in making a variety of
In the MS101 lab, you will be using the DSO for measuring the amplitudes of the waveforms, viz. at the
output of the RC high-pass filter, ripple voltages in a rectifier circuit, output waveform of the inverting
amplifier etc.
Menu system: When a front-panel button is pressed, the oscilloscope displays the corresponding
menu on the right side of the screen. The menu shows the options that are available when the unlabelled
option buttons on the right of the screen are pressed.
Vertical controls:
See Fig. 4(a).
Position (1 and 2) - positions the waveform vertically.
Menu (1 and 2) - displays the vertical menu selections and toggles the display of the channel
waveform on and off.
Scale (1 and 2) - selects vertical scale factors.
Horizontal controls
See Fig. 4(b).
Position - adjusts the horizontal position of all channel and math waveforms. The resolution of this
control varies with the time base setting.
Acquire - displays the acquisition modes — Sample, Peak Detect, and Average.
Scale - selects the horizontal time/division (scale factor).
Trigger controls
See Fig. 4(c).
Menu - when pressed once, it displays the Trigger Menu.
Level - when an Edge or Pulse trigger is used, the Level knob sets the amplitude level that the signal
must cross to acquire a waveform.
Force Trig – used to complete the waveform acquisition whether or not the oscilloscope detects a
(a) Vertical controls (b)Horizontal controls (c) Trigger controls (d) Multipurpose knob, Measure, Run/Stop, Autoset
Let the test signal be Vin = 5 sin ωt V, (frequency = 1 kHz). The DSO display area has 15 horizontal
divisions and 10 vertical divisions. Let us assume that we want to display the above waveform on
Channel 1.
Horizontal controls: choose ‘Scale’ as 1 ms/div or 500 μs/div or 200 μs/div. (In most cases there is no
need to adjust the ‘Acquire’ or ‘Position’ controls).
Vertical controls: Press ‘1’ under ‘Menu’ to select Channel 1; choose Channel 1 ‘Scale’ as 1 V/div or 2
V/div; adjust Channel 1 ‘Position’ so as to align the display vertically as desired. Note that when the
position control is adjusted the reference (zero voltage) level of the channel gets shifted. (In Fig 3 note
the reference level indicators on the left-hand side of the Channel 1 and Channel 2 waveforms).
Trigger controls: Press ‘Menu’ to get the trigger menu; under ‘Source’ choose CH1. Now adjust the
‘Level’ to be within +/- 5 V. (When the ‘Level’ knob is adjusted the display indicates the actual trigger
level. Adjust this level to be within the waveform voltage swing).
For high frequency waveforms, and also for measuring fast rising waveforms, the 10X mode should be
used. It is best not to use 1X except for input waveform amplitudes < 50 mV.
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6.1 Experiment - Measuring Parameters of the DSO Front Panel Test Waveform
a) Recommended settings of the DSO:
• Choose Vertical Channel-1 (press the yellow button marked ‘1’). You should be able to
see a yellow line on the DSO screen.
• Choose Channel-1 voltage setting as 5 V/div by turning the ‘Scale’ knob. Selected scale
will be shown in yellow in the DSO screen.
• Choose Horizontal scale as 500 μs/div.
• Using the trigger controls choose Channel 1 as the trigger source.
b) Connect the DSO probe of the Channel-1 DSO input (Yellow) to the ‘Probe Comp’ test point,
located at the extreme lower RHS.
Adjust the trigger settings and the ‘Horizontal’ rotary knob (potentiometer) such that the
test waveform is displayed clearly. (Use the ‘Trigger Menu’ and the ‘Level’ potentiometer
to get a stable waveform on the DSO. If you are unable to do so, then press the ‘Autoset’
button to get a stable waveform).
The test waveform in the DSO is used to compensate the DSO probe (done by adjusting
the probe variable capacitor). It is likely that the displayed square waveform is slightly
distorted (due to the uncompensated probe you are using). You need not worry about
probe compensation in this experiment.
c) Measure the period, frequency, maximum voltage, minimum voltage, and the Peak-to-peak
voltage of the test waveform.
You can do this by pressing the ‘Measure’ button followed by choosing the ‘Ch1’ option
on the menu. Now all the measurement options will be shown. You can choose a
maximum of three or four waveform parameters at a time. Choose the parameter of
interest by rotating the ‘Multipurpose’ potentiometer or the cursor, and then by pressing it
to select the parameter of interest.
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6.3 Experiment - Measurement of the Frequency Response of an RC High-pass Filter
6.3.1 Theory
The circuit diagram of an RC high-pass filter is shown in Fig. 5. As seen in the figure, a sinusoidal signal is
applied as the input test signal to the RC high-pass circuit.
Knowing that the impedance of the capacitor C at the angular frequency ω is (1/jωC ), we can write the
output voltage Vout as the voltage appearing across resistor R.
The amplitude of (Vout/Vin) can be written as | Vout/Vin | = 1/ sqrt[1 + (fc/f)2], where ω = 2πf, and
fc = 1/(2π RC).
The frequency fc is called the cut-off frequency of the above RC filter. When f = fc, | Vout/Vin | = 1/sqrt(2) =
0.707 V/V.
From the above expression for | Vout/Vin |, we see that its value will be lower than 0.707 for f < fc, and greater
than 0.707 for f > fc and would reach unity asymptotically for f >> fc.
Because of the above behaviour (i.e. passing frequencies above a certain cut-off frequency while attenuating
those below it) the circuit in Fig. 5 is called a high-pass filter.
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maximum (Vout/Vin) value and locate the experimental cut-off frequency (i.e. the 0.707 [Vout/Vin] )
point). Compare this with the theoretical cut-off frequency. Once you are sure that the circuit is
working as a high-pass filter, you could go ahead with the tabulation of results as detailed below.
ii) Observe the Vin and Vout outputs. Note down the waveform frequency, peak-to-peak of Vin and Vout
values and the Vout/Vin ratio in a tabular form (Frequency, Vin, Vout, Vout/Vin) . Note down your
theoretical and experimental cut-off frequencies. Also note down any other special observation.
iii) Using Microsoft Excel, sketch the |Vout/Vin | as a function of frequency. Use log scale for frequency
and linear scale for (Vout/Vin).
Pre-Lab Quizzes
1. All students should come to the labs with adequate preparation, by going carefully through the
detailed lab handout for the experiment. Without such preparation it will be impossible to perform
the experiments properly.
2. In order to check the lab preparation, there will be a Pre-lab Quiz during the first 10 minutes of each
lab session through the SAFE App. This will be based entirely on the Lab handout and the associated
3. We shall include a sample quiz in each experiment handout to familiarize students with the level and
scope of the questions.
1. Out of the following statements regarding Digital Multimeter (DMM), mark all the correct
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2. In the following circuit what is the total resistance in ohms across the terminals A and
3. With regard to the Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO), mark all the correct
A) DSOs are versatile electronic instruments used for displaying and measuring time varying
current signals.
B) DSOs are versatile electronic instruments used for displaying and measuring time varying
voltage signals.
C) The input resistance of the DSO channel (without using the DSO probe) is 1 MΩ.
D) The input resistance of the DSO channel (without using the DSO probe) is 1 kΩ.
E) In order to display a test signal 4 sin ωt V of frequency 500 Hz on the DSO, the proper scale
for the vertical channel is 1 ms/div and horizontal scale 1 V/div.
F) In order to display a test signal 4 sin ωt V of frequency 500 Hz on the DSO, an appropriate
scale for the vertical channel is 1 V/div and for the horizontal scale is 1 ms/div.
4. The circuit diagram of an RC filter is shown below. Its cut-off frequency was found to be
(1000/π) Hz. C = 0.1 μF. What is the value of R in ohms?
5k F_c = 1/(2 pi RC)
5. Circuit diagram of the RC filter circuit of Expt 1 is shown below. Its cut-off frequency is
given as fc Hz. For this circuit mark all the correct options from the following.
A) This circuit is that of a high-pass filter as it attenuates frequencies much higher than its cut-
off frequency fc.
B) This circuit is that of a high-pass filter as it attenuates frequencies much lower than its cut-
off frequency fc.
C) At very low frequencies (i.e. frequencies << fc) the gain (ratio of output voltage to input
voltage) will be close to unity.
D) At very high frequencies (i.e. frequencies >> fc) the gain (ratio of output voltage to input
voltage) will be close to unity.
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