Basics of Electrical Engineering
Basics of Electrical Engineering
Basics of Electrical Engineering
Use basic source and measuring instruments (power supply, function generator,
B) Measurement of Current
C) Measurement of resistance
Quantities measured:
Contemporary multimeters can measure many quantities. The common ones are:
• Voltage, alternating and direct, in volts.
• Current, alternating and direct, in amperes.
• The frequency range for which AC measurements are accurate must be specified.
• Resistance in ohms.
• Capacitance in farads.
• Frequency in hertz.
The resolution of a multimeter is the smallest part of the scale which can be shown.
The resolution is scale dependent. On some digital multimeters it can be configured,
with higher resolution measurements taking longer to complete. For example, a
multimeter that has a 1mV resolution on a 10V scale can show changes in
measurements in 1mV increments.
The resolution of a multimeter is often specified in the number of decimal digits
resolved and displayed. If the most significant digit cannot take all values from 0 to 9
is often termed a fractional digit. For example, a multimeter which can read up to
19999 (plus an embedded decimal point) is said to read 4^ digits.
Accuracy essentially represents the uncertainty of a given measurement because a
reading from a digital multimeter (DMM) can differ from the actual input.
The accuracy of an analog instrument usually refers to full-scale deflection; a
measurement of 30V on the 100V scale of a 3% meter is subject to an error of 3V,
10% of the reading. Digital meters usually specify accuracy as a percentage of
reading plus a percentage of full-scale value, sometimes expressed in counts rather
than percentage terms.
2) Digital multimeter
Diagrams A and B below show a circuit before and after connecting an ammeter:
This time, you do not need to break the circuit. The voltmeter is connected in parallel
between the two points where the measurement is to be made. Since the voltmeter
provides a parallel pathway, it should take as little current as possible. In other words,
a voltmeter should have a very HIGH resistance.
Voltage Current Resistance
The vertical section controls the amplitude of the displayed signal. This section carries
a Volts- per-Division (Volts/Div) selector knob, an AC/DC/Ground selector switch
and the vertical (primary) input for the instrument. Additionally, this section is
typically equipped with the vertical beam position knob.
The horizontal section controls the time base or “sweep” of the instrument. The
primary control is the Seconds-per-Division (Sec/Div) selector switch. Also included
is a horizontal input for plotting dual X-Y axis signals. The horizontal beam position
knob is generally located in this section.
The trigger section controls the start event of the sweep. The trigger can be set to
automatically restart after each sweep or it can be configured to respond to an
internal or external event. The principal controls of this section will be the source and
coupling selector switches. An external trigger input (EXT Input) and level
adjustment will also be included.
In addition to the basic instrument, most oscilloscopes are supplied with a probe as
shown. The probe will connect to any input on the instrument and typically has a
resistor of ten times the oscilloscope's input impedance. This results in a .1 (-10X)
attenuation factor, but helps to isolate the capacitive load presented by the probe
cable from the signal being measured. Some probes have a switch allowing the
operator to bypass the resistor when appropriate.
The signal to be measured is fed to one of the input connectors, which is usually a
coaxial connector such as a BNC or UHF type.
Open wire test leads (flying leads) are likely to pick up interference, so they are not
suitable for low level signals. Furthermore, the leads have a high inductance, so they
are not suitable for high frequencies. Using a shielded cable (i.e., coaxial cable) is
better for low level signals. Coaxial cable also has lower inductance, but it has higher
capacitance: a typical 50 ohm cable has about 90 pF per meter. Consequently, a one
meter direct (1X) coaxial probe will load a circuit with a capacitance of about 110 pF
and a resistance of 1 mega ohm.
To minimize loading, attenuator probes (e.g., 10X probes) are used. A typical probe
uses a 9 mega ohm series resistor shunted by a low-value capacitor to make an RC
compensated divider with the cable capacitance and scope input. The RC time
constants are adjusted to match. For example, the 9 mega ohm series resistor is
shunted by a 12.2 pF capacitor for a time constant of 110 microseconds. The cable
capacitance of 90 pF in parallel with the scope input of 20 pF and 1 mega ohm (total
capacitance 110 pF) also gives a time constant of 110 microseconds. In practice,
there will be an adjustment so the operator can precisely match the low frequency
time constant (called compensating the probe). Matching the time constants makes
the attenuation independent of frequency. At low frequencies (where the resistance
of R is much less than the reactance of C), the circuit looks like a resistive divider; at
high frequencies (resistance much greater than reactance), the circuit looks like a
capacitive divider.
The result is a frequency compensated probe for modest frequencies that presents a
load of about 10 mega ohms shunted by 12 pF. Although such a probe is an
improvement, it does not work when the time scale shrinks to several cable transit
times (transit time is typically 5 ns). In that time frame, the cable looks like its
characteristic impedance, and there will be reflections from the transmission line
mismatch at the scope input and the probe that causes ringing. The modern scope
probe uses lossy low capacitance transmission lines and sophisticated frequency
shaping networks to make the 10X probe perform well at several hundred megahertz.
Consequently, there are other adjustments for completing the compensation.
Probes with 10:1 attenuation are by far the most common; for large signals (and
slightly- less capacitive loading), 100:1 probes are not rare. There are also probes that
contain switches to select 10:1 or direct (1:1) ratios, but one must be aware that the
1:1 setting has significant capacitance (tens of pF) at the probe tip, because the whole
cable's capacitance is now directly connected.
Good oscilloscopes allow for probe attenuation, easily showing effective sensitivity
at the probe tip. Some of the best ones have indicator lamps behind translucent
windows in the panel to prompt the user to read effective sensitivity. The probe
connectors (modified BNCs) have an extra contact to define the probe's attenuation.
(A certain value of resistor, connected to ground, "encodes" the attenuation.)
There are special high-voltage probes which also form compensated attenuators with
the oscilloscope input; the probe body is physically large, and one made by
Tektronix requires partly filling a canister surrounding the series resistor with
volatile liquid fluorocarbon to displace air. At the oscilloscope end is a box with
several waveforms trimming adjustments. For safety, a barrier disc keeps one's
fingers distant from the point being examined. Maximum voltage is in the low tens
of kV. Observing a high-voltage ramp can create a staircase waveform with steps at
different points every repetition, until the probe tip is in contact. Until then, a tiny arc
charges the probe tip, and its capacitance holds the voltage (open circuit). As the
voltage continues to climb, another tiny arc charges the tip further.
There are also current probes, with cores that surround the conductor carrying current
to be examined. One type has a hole for the conductor, and requires that the wire be
passed through the hole; it's for semi-permanent or permanent mounting. However,
other types, for testing, have a two-part core that permits them to be placed around a
wire. Inside the probe, a coil wound around the core provides a current into an
appropriate load, and the voltage across that load is proportional to current. However,
this type of probe can sense AC, only. A more-sophisticated probe (originally made by
Tektronix) includes a magnetic flux sensor (Hall Effect sensor) in the magnetic circuit.
The probe connects to an amplifier, which feeds (low frequency) current into the coil
to cancel the sensed field; the magnitude of that current provides the low-frequency
part of the current waveform, right down to DC. The coil still picks up high
frequencies. There is a combining network akin to a loudspeaker crossover network.
Front panel controls Focus control
This control adjusts CRT focus to obtain the sharpest, most-detailed trace. In
practice, focus needs to be adjusted slightly when observing quite-different signals,
which means that it needs to be an external control. Flat-panel displays do not need
focus adjustments and therefore do not include this control.
Intensity control
This adjusts trace brightness. Slow traces on CRT oscilloscopes need less, and fast
ones, especially if not often repeated, require more. On flat panels, however, trace
brightness is essentially independent of sweep speed, because the internal signal
processing effectively synthesizes the display from the digitized data.
Beam finder
The graticule is a grid of squares that serve as reference marks for measuring the
displayed trace. These markings, whether located directly on the screen or on a
removable plastic filter, usually consist of a 1 cm grid with closer tick marks (often at
1mm) on the centre vertical and horizontal axis. One expects to see ten major
divisions across the screen; the number of vertical major divisions varies. Comparing
the grid markings with the waveform permits one to measure both voltage (vertical
axis) and time (horizontal axis). Frequency can also be determined by measuring the
waveform period and calculating its reciprocal.
On old and lower-cost CRT oscilloscopes the graticule is a sheet of plastic, often with
light- diffusing markings and concealed lamps at the edge of the graticule. The lamps
had a brightness control. Higher-cost instruments have the graticule marked on the
inside face of the CRT, to eliminate parallax errors; better ones also had adjustable
edge illumination with diffusing markings. (Diffusing markings appear bright.)
Digital oscilloscopes, however, generate the graticule markings on the display in the
same way as the trace.
External graticules also protect the glass face of the CRT from accidental impact.
Some CRT oscilloscopes with internal graticules have an unmarked tinted sheet
plastic light filter to enhance trace contrast; this also serves to protect the faceplate of
the CRT.
Accuracy and resolution of measurements using a graticule is relatively limited;
better instruments sometimes have movable bright markers on the trace that
permit internal circuits to make more refined measurements.
Both calibrated vertical sensitivity and calibrated horizontal time are set in 1 - 2 - 5 -
10 steps. This leads, however, to some awkward interpretations of minor divisions. At
2, each of the five minor divisions is 0.4, so one has to think 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6,
which is rather awkward. One Tektronix plug-in used a 1 - 2.5 - 5 - 10 sequence,
which simplified estimating. The "2.5" didn't look as "neat", but was very welcome.
Time-base controls
These select the horizontal speed of the CRT's spot as it creates the trace; this process
is commonly referred to as the sweep. In all but the least-costly modern oscilloscopes,
the sweep speed is selectable and calibrated in units of time per major graticule
division. Quite a wide range of sweep speeds is generally provided, from seconds to
as fast as picoseconds (in the fastest) per division. Usually, a continuously-variable
control (often a knob in front of the calibrated selector knob) offers uncalibrated
speeds, typically slower than calibrated. This control provides a range somewhat
greater than that of consecutive calibrated steps, making any speed available between
the extremes.
Hold-off control
Found on some better analog oscilloscopes, this varies the time (holdoff) during
which the sweep circuit ignores triggers. It provides a stable display of some
repetitive events in which some triggers would create confusing displays. It is usually
set to minimum, because a longer time decreases the number of sweeps per second,
resulting in a dimmer trace..
Vertical sensitivity, coupling, and polarity controls
The trace (horizontal) is adjusted to lie along the X-axis passing through the origin
(0,0) of the screen. The d.c input to be measure is fed to the Y-input of the CRO in
the d.c mode. The vertical shift of the trace is a measure of the magnitude of the d.c
Care should be taken to keep the vertical gain switch at a suitable position depending
on the magnitude of the input voltage such that the trace lies with the screen. The
measurement can be repeated for various values of the input voltages (both +ve or ve),
at different vertical gain etc. Compare the voltage measured by the CRO with the
voltage measured by a multimeter. Are they equal?
The ac signal from a signal generator is fed to the Y-input of the CRO in the ac mode
and the peak to peak voltage of the signal is measured by noting the height of the
signal on the screen and the vertical gain position of the Y input. This can be
repeated on signals of different frequencies and magnitude Check peak to peak
voltage= 2^ Vrms.
Connect the signal from the function generator (FG) to the Y-input and adjust the
horizontal sweep speed selector (time/div) to get a steady pattern of the signal on the
CRO screen. Measure the time interval between two peaks, say t secs. Hence
determine the frequency of the signal f=l/t. It is better to note down the time integral
for 5 to 6 peaks then calculate the average time between two adjacent peaks.
Set the CRO to XY mode and the function switch at XY position. Preferably adjust
(V/divn) of both the channels (X and Y) to be the same. The test signal (of frequency f)
is fed to one of the channels (say Y) and a reference signal (of frequency fr) to the
other channel (x). Adjust the frequency fr until you get a circle or ellipse (Lissajous
figures) as steady as possible. In the condition of single loop f:fr = 1:1. Knowing the
frequency of the reference signal fr, the frequency of the test signal can be obtained.
Repeat the measurement for Different ratio f : fr
= 1:2, 1:3, 2:1, 3:1, 2:3 etc. and the obtain the frequency f.
Peak-to-Peak Voltage:
Use the horizontal-position knobs to align any edge of the signal with a vertical
Use the vertical-position knob to place the next identical edge crossing on the X-
Count the number of divisions along the horizontal line to the next crossing in the
same direction.
Multiply the number of divisions from step 3 by the sec/div setting.
Measure the period of the signal (T).
Assuming the Sec/Div control knob read 50ms, the above period
milliseconds =
0.2625 seconds
Particulars Specification/Range Quantity Make/Model No.
The three most important groups for this lab are the frequency, function, and output
groups. The remaining three groups are sweep, amplitude modulation, and DC offset.
Frequency Selection Group:
These controls are used to select the operating frequency of the function generator.
This group consists of the frequency control knob and the eight frequency multiplier
selection buttons.
For example,
Output Group:
• When working with AC signals, there are three properties of the signal
Component Circuit Symbol Description
Unjoined Wires Not Joined Circuit commonly practised as there will not
Power Supplies
Component Circuit Symbol Description
Component Circuit Symbol Description
Component Circuit Symbol Description
Capacitor – Capacitor can be used in a timer
Polarized circuit by adding a resistor.
it Symbol
Used to vary the capacitance by
turning the knob. A type of variable
Component Circuit Symbol Description
Component Circuit Symbol Description
Component Circuit Symbol Description
Component Circuit Symbol Description
Component Circuit Symbol Description
Component Circuit Symbol Description
Component Circuit Symbol Description
Lamp Circuit Symbol
Lamp This is used to provide light for the
Wires Joined
Unjoined Wires
Power Supplies
DC Supply
AC Supply
Capacitor – Polarized
Variable Capacitor
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Zener Diode
Photo Diode
Tunnel Diode
Schottky Diode
Component Circuit Symbol Description
NPN Transistor
PNP Transistor
t Transistor
Junction FET
Junction FET
Logic Gates
Push Switch
Output Devices
Lighting Lamp
Indicator Lamp
1. The metal covering of all appliances are to be properly earthed in order to avoid
electrical shock due to leakage or failure of insulation.
2. Every line has to be protected by a fuse of suitable rating as per the requirement.
3. Handle with care while giving connections and doing experiments.
Circuit Diagram
Conductors, switches and other accessories should be of proper capable.of carrying the
maximum current which will flow through them. Conductors should be of copper or
aluminum. In power circuit, wiring should be designed for the load which it is supposed to
carry current. Power sub circuits should be kept separate from lighting and fan sub-circuits.
Wiring should be done on the distribution system with main branch distribution boards at
convenient centers.
Wring should be neat, with good appearance. Wire should pass through a pipe or box,
and should not twist or cross. The conductor is carried in a rigid steel conduit conforming
to standards or in a porcelain tube. A switch is used to make or break the electric circuit. It
must make the contact finely. Under some abnormal conditions it must retain its rigidity
and keep its alignment between switch contacts. The fuse arrangement is made to break
the circuit in the fault or overloaded conditions. The energy meter is used to measure
he units (kWh)
consumed by the load should not twist or cross. The conductor is carried in a rigid steel
conduit conforming to standards or in a porcelain tube.
1. Study the given wiring diagram.
2. Make the location points for energy meter, main witch box, Switchboard, and lamp.
3. The lines for wiring on the wooden board.
4. Place the wires along with the line and fix.
5. Fix the bulb holder, switches, socket in marked positions on the wooden board.
6. Connect the energy meter and main switch box in marked positions on the wooden board.
7. Give a supply to the wires circuit.
8. Test the working of light and socket
Thus the simple house wiring by using switches, fuse, indicator, filament lamps and
energy meter was studied.
1. For the circuit diagram given below draw the electrical layout using the required
These ELCBs monitored the voltage on the earth wire, and disconnected the supply
if the earth wire voltage was over 50 volts.
These devices are no longer used due to its drawbacks like if the fault is between
live and a circuit earth, they will disconnect the supply. However, if the fault is
between live and some other earth (such as a person or a metal water pipe), they
will NOT disconnect, as the voltage on the circuit earth will not change. Even if the
fault is between live and a circuit earth, parallel earth paths created via gas or water
pipes can result in the ELCB being bypassed. Most of the fault current will flow via
the gas or water pipes, since a single earth stake will inevitably have much higher
impedance than hundreds of meters of metal service pipes buried in the ground.
The way to identify an ELCB is by looking for green or green and yellow
earth wires entering the device. They rely on voltage returning to the trip via the
earth wire during a
fault and afford only limited protection to the installation and no personal protection
at all. You should use plug in 30mA RCD’s for any appliances and extension leads
that may be used outside as a minimum.
ELCBs have one advantage over RCDs: they are less sensitive to fault conditions,
and therefore have fewer nuisance trips.
While voltage and current on the earth line is usually fault current from a live wire,
this is not always the case, thus there are situations in which an ELCB can nuisance
When an installation has two connections to earth, a nearby high current lightning
strike will cause a voltage gradient in the soil, presenting the ELCB sense coil with
enough voltage to cause it to trip.
If the installation’s earth rod is placed close to the earth rod of a neighboring
building, a high earth leakage current in the other building can raise the local
ground potential and cause a voltage difference across the two earths, again tripping
the ELCB.
If there is an accumulated or burden of currents caused by items with lowered
insulation resistance due to older equipment, or with heating elements, or rain
conditions can cause the insulation resistance to lower due to moisture tracking. If
there is a some mA which is equal to ELCB rating than ELCB may give nuisance
If either of the earth wires become disconnected from the ELCB, it will no longer
trip or the installation will often no longer be properly earthed.
Some ELCBs do not respond to rectified fault current. This issue is common for
ELCBs and RCDs, but ELCBs are on average much older than RCB so an old
ELCB is more likely to have some uncommon fault current waveform that it will
not respond to.
Voltage-operated ELCB are the requirement for a second connection, and the
possibility that any additional connection to earth on the protected system can
disable the detector.
Nuisance tripping especially during thunderstorms.
They do not detect faults that don’t pass current through the CPC to the earth rod.
They do not allow a single building system to be easily split into multiple sections
with independent fault protection, because earthing systems are usually use common
earth Rod.
Checking the health of the ELCB is simple and you can do it easily by pressing
TEST Push Button Switch of ELCB. The test push-button will test whether the
ELCB unit is working properly or not. Can we assume that If ELCB is Trip after
Pressing TEST Switch of ELCB than your system is protected against earth
protection? Then you are wrong.
The test facility provided on the home ELCB will only confirm the health of the
ELCB unit, but that test does not confirm that the ELCB will trip when an electric
shock hazard does occur. It is a really sad fact that all the while this
misunderstanding has left many homes totally unprotected from the risk of electric
This brings us or alarming us to think over second basic requirement for earth
protection. The second requirement for the proper operation of a home shock
protection system is electrical grounding.
We can assume that the ELCB is the brain for the shock protection, and the
grounding as the backbone. Therefore, without a functional grounding (Proper
Earthing of Electrical System) there is totally no protection against electrical
shocks in your house even if You have installed ELCB and its TEST switch show
proper result. Looking after the ELCB alone is not enough. The electrical Earthing
system must also be in good working order for the shock protection system to work.
In addition to routine inspections that should be done by the qualified electrician,
this grounding should preferably be inspected regularly at shorter intervals by the
homeowner and need to pour Water in Earthing Pit at Regular interval of Time to
minimize Earth Resistance.
The supply coil, the neutral coil and the search coil all wound on a common
transformer core.
On a healthy circuit the same current passes through the phase coil, the load and
return back through the neutral coil. Both the phase and the neutral coils are wound
in such a way that they will produce an opposing magnetic flux. With the same
current passing through both coils, their magnetic effect will cancel out under a
healthy circuit condition.
In a situation when there is fault or a leakage to earth in the load circuit, or
anywhere between the load circuit and the output connection of the RCB circuit, the
current returning through the neutral coil has been reduced. Then the magnetic flux
inside the transformer core is not balanced anymore. The total sum of the opposing
magnetic flux is no longer zero. This net remaining flux is what we call a residual
The periodically changing residual flux inside the transformer core crosses path
with the winding of the search coil. This action produces an electromotive force
(e.m.f.) across the search coil. An electromotive force is actually an alternating
voltage. The induced voltage across the search coil produces a current inside the
wiring of the trip circuit. It is this current that operates the trip coil of the circuit
breaker. Since the trip current is driven by the residual magnetic flux (the resulting
flux, the net effect between both fluxes) between the phase and the neutral coils, it
is called the residual current devise.
With a circuit breaker incorporated as part of the circuit, the assembled system is
called residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) or residual current devise (RCD).
The incoming current has to pass through the circuit breaker first before going to
the phase coil. The return neutral path passes through the second circuit breaker
pole. During tripping when a fault is detected, both the phase and neutral
connection is isolated.
RCD sensitivity is expressed as the rated residual operating current, noted IΔn.
Preferred values have been defined by the IEC, thus making it possible to divide
RCDs into three groups according to their IΔn value.
High sensitivity (HS): 6- 10- 30 mA (for direct-contact / life injury protection)
Standard IEC 60755 (General requirements for residual current operated
protective devices) defines three types of RCD depending on the characteristics of
the fault current.
Type AC: RCD for which tripping is ensured for residual sinusoidal alternating
currents Sensitivity of RCB:
Medium sensitivity (MS): 100- 300- 500- 1000 mA (for fire protection)
Low sensitivity (LS): 3- 10- 30 A (typically for protection of
machine) Type of RCB:
Type A: RCD for which tripping is ensured
for residual sinusoidal alternating currents
for residual pulsating direct currents
For residual pulsating direct currents superimposed by a smooth direct current of
0.006 A, with or without phase-angle control, independent of the polarity.
Type B: RCD for which tripping is ensured
as for type A
for residual sinusoidal currents up to 1000 Hz
for residual sinusoidal currents superposed by a pure direct current
for pulsating direct currents superposed by a pure direct current
for residual currents which may result from rectifying circuits
three pulse star connection or six pulse bridge connection
two pulse bridge connection line-to-line with or without phase-angle monitoring,
independently of the polarity
There are two groups of
devices: Break time of RCB:
MCB or MCCB are widely used in electrical distribution system for ON/OFF
Electrical supply and it also gives over current and short circuit protection. Selection
of MCB or MCCB involved technical, Mechanical parameters. Some parameters are
important but some parameters are confusing and mislead to wrong selection of
MCCB. Some parameters are directly affected on cost of MCCB.
Specification / Name Plate Details of MCB/MCCB:
Following specifications are required to select appropriate MCB or MCCB.
(A) Current Related:
Frame Size (Inm): Amp
Rated current (In/ Ie): Amp
Ultimate short circuit breaking capacity (Icu): KA
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity (Ics): % of Icu
(B) Voltage Related:
Rated voltage (Ue): Volt
Rated Insulation voltage (Ui): Volt
Rated impulse withstand voltage(Uimp): KV
No’s of Pole : SP,DP,TP,TPN,FP
(C) Application Type:
Utilization Category/ Characteristic : B,C or D curve
(D) Accessories:
Rotary Handle: Extended/ Direct
Alarm Contact:
Shunt Trip:
Under voltage Trip:
Mechanical interlocking:
Manual /Auto operation
Motorized Operation:
(E) Protection Type:
Protection : Over current / Short circuit
Trip Mechanism: Thermal / Magnetic / Solid / Microprocessor
Trip Mechanism adjustment : Fixed / Adjustable
(F) Others:
Reference temperature: (if different from 30°C)
Pollution degree:
Suitability for isolation:
Type of Mounting arrangement
Electrical Life Cycles:
Mechanical Life Cycles:
Dimension: mm
Weight: Kg
Reference Standard: IEC: 60947-1/2, IS: 13947-1/2
Breaker Frame Size indicates the basic framework of the Plastic shell of MCCB that
can hold the biggest rated current.
It is the maximum current value for which the MCCB is designed (upper limit of
the adjustable trip current range) and it also determines the physical dimensions of
the device.
There are varieties current ratings MCCB for the same series frame Size.
For example, DX100 Frame Size MCCB for rated current of 16A, 20A, 25A, 32A,
40A, 50A, 63A, 80A, 100A.
Same DX225 Frame Size MCCB for rated current of 100A, 125A, 160A, 180A, 200A,
In above DX100 and DX225 has two Type of frame Size for rated current of 100A,
but the shape and size of breaking capacity of circuit breakers is not the same.
(2) Rated Current (In /Ie):
Breaking capacity can be defined as the maximum level of fault current which can
be safely cleared.
It is the highest fault current that the MCCB can trip without being damaged
The MCCB will be reusable after interrupting a fault, as long as it doesn’t exceed this
It is indicate operation reliability of MCCB
This parameter may increase or decrease the cost, so it should be properly decided.
Breaking capacity should be higher than the possible fault level. For domestic
application fault level may be 10kA.
It is the maximum voltage that the MCCB can resist according to laboratory tests.
It is higher than the rated working voltage, in order to provide a margin of safety
during field operation.
(7) Rated impulse withstands voltage (Uimp):
It is the value of transient peak voltage the circuit-breaker can withstand from
switching surges or lighting strikes imposed on the supply.
This value characterizes the ability of the device to withstand transient over
voltages such as lightning (standard impulse 1.2/50 μs).
Uimp = 8kV means Tested at 8 kV peak with 1.2/50μs impulse wave.
No of Pole for MCCB depends on Single Phase & Three Phase Power Controlling
Single Pole (SP) MCB:
A single pole MCB provides switching and protection for one single phase of a circuit.
Used: for Single Phase circuit
Double Pole (DP) MCB:
A two Pole MCB provides switching and protection both for a phase and the neutral.
Used: for Single Phase circuit
Triple Pole (TP) MCB:
A triple/three phase MCB provides switching and protection only to three phases of
the circuit and not to the neutral.
Used: for Three Phase circuit
3 Pole with Neutral (TPN (3P+N) MCB):
A TPN MCB, has switching and protection to all three phases of circuit and
additionally Neutral is also part of the MCB as a separate pole. However, Neutral
pole is without any protection and can only be switched.
Used: for Three Phase circuit with Neutral
4 Pole (4P) MCB:
A 4 pole MCB is similar to TPN but additionally it also has protective release for
the neutral pole. This MCB should be used in cases where there is possibility of
high neutral current flow through the circuit as in cases of an unbalanced circuit.
Used: for Three Phase circuit with Neutral
Utilization category / Characteristic (B, C, D, K, Z curve):
Characteristic of Trip curves of MCCB tell about the trip current rating of MCCB.
MCB will trip instantaneously according to their Tripping Characteristic at 0.1 sec.
There are various type of MCCB
Type B MCCB:
Operating Current: This type of MCB trips between 3 and 5 times rated current (In).
Operating Time:04 To 13 Sec
For example a 10A device will trip at 30-50A.
Application: Domestic applications or light commercial applications where
connected loads are primarily lighting fixtures, domestic appliances with mainly
restive elements.
Suitable for: Restive Load application (Lighting , Small Motor)
Surge Current: The surge current level is relatively low.
Installation at: At Sub feeder of Distribution Board.
Type C MCCB:
Operating Current: This type of MCB trips between 5 and 10 times full load current.
Operating Time:04 To 5 Sec
Application: commercial or industrial type of applications, fluorescent lighting,
motors etc where there could be chances of higher values of short circuit currents in
the circuit.
Suitable for: Inductive Load application (Pumps, Motor, fluorescent lighting.)
Surge Current: The surge current level is relatively moderate level.
Installation at: At incoming / Outgoing of Distribution Board.
Type D MCCB:
Operating Current: This type of MCB trips between 10 and 20 times full load current.
Operating Time:04 To 3 Sec
Application: specialty industrial / commercial uses (Transformers or X-ray
machines, large winding motors, discharge lighting, large battery charging). Where
current inrush can be very high.
Suitable for: Inductive- Capacitive Load application (Pumps, Motor)
Surge Current: The surge current level is relatively High
Installation at: At incoming of Distribution Board / Panels.
Type K MCCB:
Operating Current: This type of MCB trips between 8 and 12 times full load current.
Operating Time:04 To 5 Sec
Application: Suitable for inductive and motor loads with high inrush currents.
Surge Current: The surge current level is relatively High
Installation at: At incoming of Distribution Board / Panels.
Type Z MCCB:
Operating Current: This type of MCB trips between 2 and 3 times full load current.
Operating Time:04 To 5 Sec
Application: These types of MCBs are highly sensitive to short circuit and are
used for protection of highly sensitive devices such as semiconductor devices.
Surge Current: The surge current level is relatively too low
Installation at: At Sub feeder of Distribution Board for IT equipment.
To start, let's solder a large component held to a circuit board with through-hole solder pads.
A capacitor was already removed from the two solder pads. Each pad was heated
while the capacitor was pulled away from the board.
Notice how the solder holes are completely covered with solder. Opening these holes --
so the capacitor lead can be pushed through -- will greatly simplify installation.
Step 2
To open the hole blocked by solder, heat the solder pad with the tip of a soldering iron.
Push through the molten solder from the other side with a staple or sewing needle.
In our case, we decided to use a right angle pick. Lead solder will not stick to steel, so
pretty much any thin steel can be used.
Pushing the tool all the way through the hole may require heating the pad several
times. As a rule of thumb, heat the solder just enough for it to melt, then remove the
soldering tip from the pad. Excessive heat will damage electronic components.
Step 3
When the tool has completely passed through the hole, enlarge the hole by heating the
top side of the solder pad while pressing through with the tool.
Both solder holes should now be open enough to insert the bare leads of your component.
Step 4
Prepare your component for soldering by removing any excess solder from the
contacts. The contacts should be clean enough to pass through the solder pad holes.
Run the soldering iron tip down the lengths of each contact to wipe the solder away
from the component. Clean the iron's tip between strokes by wiping it against a moist
Excessive heat will damage the components, so do not apply the soldering iron to the
component for long amounts of time.
Step 5
Insert the contacts into and through the holes made in the solder pads.
To ease in soldering, slightly bend the contacts protruding through the holes so they
hold themselves in place.
Step 6
To solder each connection:
o Place the tip of the soldering iron against the solder pad.
o Melt just enough solder onto the solder pad so that the capacitor's contact lead
holds firmly in place.
o Remove both the solder and the soldering iron tip from the connection as soon as
enough solder melts onto the pad.
Next we will cover a moderately difficult soldering application. In our case, we will be
soldering very thin and delicate leads to a circuit board with small solder pads.
Small electronic components, including wires, cannot dissipate heat as quickly as
larger components. This makes them very susceptible to overheating. Make sure to
heat the connection just long enough to melt the solder.
The leads were removed from the solder pads by heating the joint on the top side of
the board, while pulling out the leads with a pair of tweezers.
Step 8
It is common for solder to cover up some of the holes through solder pads on the
board. Opening these holes greatly simplifies soldering.
Open the holes through the solder pads by pressing a straightened staple against the
blockage while heating the same pad from the other side of the board.
A "third hand" tool (or a friend) can greatly help in this procedure.
Step 9
After clearing all of the holes, insert the bare ends of the leads with a pair of tweezers.
To keep the leads in place, it may be helpful to first bend the battery leads into their
final shape, then insert the stripped ends into the holes.
Step 10
For the last section, battery leads will be soldered to surface-mount solder pads. These
type of joints are harder to solder because the lead has no solid anchor point (such as a
thru-hole) to hold it in place during soldering.
To de-solder the joint, place a solder wick on top of the existing solder ball and press
down on the solder wick with the soldering iron.
Once the solder melts and flows into the wick, remove the wick from the joint.
Repeat the same procedure on the remaining leads.
When a section of solder wick is saturated with solder, it should be trimmed and discarded.
Step 12
We recommend that you clean the surface-mount solder pads with a soft cloth or
sponge and a small amount of rubbing alcohol.
To melt a small bead of solder onto each solder pad:
o Place the tip of the soldering iron against the solder pad.
o Melt solder so that it forms a dome on top of the pad.
o Remove both the solder and the soldering iron tip from the solder pad as soon as
enough solder melts onto the pad.
Step 13
The solder bead should look like a small dome or hemisphere. If it is flat or jagged,
simply place the soldering iron back on the solder to re-melt it and then pull the
soldering iron away. It may require a little more solder if this does not work.
Step 14
To solder the new leads to the board, place the bare end of one lead onto the bead of
solder on its corresponding solder pad.
Press the tip of the soldering iron onto the solder bead until it melts.
Slide the exposed end of the lead into the liquid solder until it is in the center of the
bead, then remove the soldering iron.
Continue with the other connections the same way, taking special care not to solder two
of the pads together.
OBJECTIVE: Identify and rectify open circuit, and short circuit faults in PCB/System.
A check for short circuits is one of the most basic tests you can perform with a
multimeter. On the simplest meters, you use the resistance setting; sophisticated
models have a continuity setting that flashes a light or beeps a tone to let you know a
connection is a short circuit.
Turn off all power to the circuit or device under test. Unplug the equipment from the
AC outlet.
Probing an electrical circuit with a multimeter may pose a dangerous shock hazard if
the circuit's power is on.
Switch the multimeter on and turn its selector knob to the resistance setting. Use the
continuity setting if your meter has that function.
Some multimeters may have several resistance settings; choose the lowest resistance
scale on the meter.
Touch the test probes together and observe that the resistance reading goes to nearly
zero. For continuity, the light flashes or a tone sounds.
Locate the component or portion of the circuit you want to check for a short. The
tested part should not normally have zero electrical resistance; for example, the input
of an audio amplifier should have a resistance of at least several hundred ohms.
Observe what the meter does when you touch the probes to the circuit. A high
resistance signifies an open circuit. Very low resistance -- about 2 ohms or less --
indicates a short circuit. A meter with a continuity setting flashes or beeps only if it
detects a short circuit.
OBJECTIVE: Test assembled electronic circuit for various parameters and faults.
OBJECTIVE 1: To study different types of wiring and to prepare the following wiring:
Apparatus Required:
Types of Wiring
There are various types of wiring used in the residential and commercial buildings. They
1. Cleat Wring
2. Batten Wiring
Wiring Metal
Conduit Wiring
Conduit Wiring
(b) Concealed Conduit Wiring
1. Cleat Wiring:
Cleat wiring is recommended only for temporary installations. The cleats are made in
pain having bottom and top halves. The bottom half is grooved to receive the wire and
the top half is for cable grip. Initially the bottom and top cleats are fixed on the wall
loosely according to the layout. Then the cable is drawn, tensioned and the cleats are
tightened by the screw. Cleats are of three types, having one, two or three grooves, so
as to receive one, two or three wires. This system uses insulated Cables sub protected
in porcelain cleats. This is of wiring suitable only for temporary wiring purpose. In
lamp or wet location the wire used should be moisture proof and a weathering proof.
2. Batten Wiring
Tough rubber-Sheathed (T.R.S) or PVC - Sheathed cables are suitable to run on teak
wood battens. Varnishing of teak wood batten Method of securing the battens
Suitability of tough rubber-sheathed cable Suitability of PVC sheathed cable.
Wood casing wiring system shall not be used in damp places or in ill-ventilated places,
unless suitable precautions are taken. This system of wiring is suitable for low voltage
installation, I this wiring, cables like vulcanized rubber, insulated cables or plastic
insulated cables are use and carried within the wood casing enclosures. The wood
casing wiring system shall not be use in damp places and in ill-ventilated places,
unless suitable precautions are taken.
Material and Pattern of Casing
All casing shall be of first class, seasoned teak wood or any other approved hardwood
free from knots, shakes, saps or other defects, with all the sides planed to a smooth
finish, and all sides well varnished, both inside and out-side with pure shellac varnish.
The casing shall have a grooved body with a beaded or plain-molded cover as desired.
Tough rubber-Sheathed or PVC Sheathed Wiring System Wiring with tough rubber
sheathed cables is suitable for low voltage installations and shall not be used in places
exposed to sun and rain nor in damp places, unless wires are sheathed in protective
covering against atmosphere and well protected to withstand dampness.
Metal-sheathed wiring system is suitable for 1GW voltage installations, and shall not
be used in situations where acids and alkalis are likely to be present. Metal-sheathed
wiring may be used in places exposed to sun and rain provided no joint of any
description is exposed.
This uses a conduit pipe for the mechanical protection of wire. In this system of
wiring, wires are carried through P.V.C conduit pipe for giving converging to pipes
conduit pipe has certain advantages like it is moisture proof and durable.
OBJECTIVE 2: To control a single lamp from two different places.
Apparatus Required:
1. A two way switch is installed near the first step of the stairs. The other two
way switch is installed at the upper part where the stair ends.
2. The light point is provided between first and last stair at an adequate location
and height if the light is switched on by the lower switch. It can be switched
off by the switch at the top or vice versa.
3. The circuit can be used at the places like bed room where the person may not
have to travel for switching off the light to the place from where the light is
switched on.
4. Two numbers of two-way switches are used for the purpose. The supply is
To make connections of a fluorescent lamp wiring and to study the accessories of the same.
Apparatus Required:
1. The electrode of the starter which is enclosed in a gas bulb filled with argon
After this, the choke, the filaments (tube ends) to tube and starter becomes
connected in series.
3. When the current flows through the tube end filaments the heat is produced. During
the process the discharge in the starter tube disappears and the contacts in the
starter move apart.
4. When sudden break in the circuit occur due to moving apart of starter terminals,
discharge to occur in the gas inside the tube. Thus the starts giving light.
7. The fluorescent lamp is a low pressure mercury lamp and is a long evacuated
tube. It contains a small amount of mercury and argon gas at 2.5 mm pressure.
At the time of switching in the tube mercury is in the form of small drops.
Therefore, to start the tube, filling up of argon gas is necessary. So, in the
beginning, argon gas starts burning at the ends of the tube; the mercury is
heated and controls the current and the tube starts giving light. At each end of
the tube, there is a tungsten electrode which is coated with fast electron
emitting material. Inside of the tube is coated with phosphor according to the
type of light.
8. A starter helps to start the start the tube and break the circuit. The choke coil is
also called blast. It has a laminated core over which enameled wire is wound.
The function of the choke is to increase the voltage to almost 1000V at the time
of switching on the tube and when the tube starts working, it reduces the
voltage across the tube and keeps the currents constant.
3. The phase wire is connected to the choke and neutral directly to the tube.
Corridor wiring is meant for switching on the lamp one by one while going forward
into the go down or the corridor and switch off the lamp one by one while returning
Circuit Diagram
S1 S2 S3 L1 L2 L3
ON 1-3 1’- ON OFF OF
3’ F
ON 1-2 1’- OFF ON OF
3- F
OFF 1-2 1’- OFF OFF ON
1. Give the corrections as per the circuit diagram
OBJECTIVE: To measure the energy consumed in a single phase circuit and 3 phase
Apparatus Required:
The rating associated with the energy meter are: 1. Voltage rating 2. Current rating 3.
Frequency rating 4. Meter constant
Formulae Used (1 Energy Meter)