QP Math Put 2023-24 1
QP Math Put 2023-24 1
QP Math Put 2023-24 1
Q1(d) If the regression coefficient are 0.8 and 0.2 What will be the value of coefficient of correlation? 3 K3
Q1(e) The First 3 Central Moments of a distribution are 0 ,15 ,- 31 find the coefficient of skewness. 3 K2
Q1(f) Write Formula of Poisson Probability Distribution. 4 K2
Q1(g) What is statistical quality control(SQC), Define in brief. 5 K2
Q2(a) The method of least squares finds the curve y= ab best fits the following data: 1 3
X 2 3 4 5 6
Solve the equation 4uxx + uyy=0 subject to boundary conditions u( 0 ,y) = u( t, y) = 0 u( x,0) = 0 and K
Q2(b) u( x,,a) = sin n 2 3
In a normal distribution 12% of the items are under 30 and 85% items are under 60 find mean and standard K
Q2(c) deviation. 3 3
Q2(d) If X is a Poisson Variate such that P(X=2) = 9P (X=4) + 90P (X=6) find the standard deviation? 4 3
Q2(e) In an experiment on breading the following frequency of seeds were obtained: 5 3
Red & Wrinkled & Round & Wrinkled &
Yellow Yellow Green Green Total
315 101 108 32 556
Theory predicts the frequency should be in the proportions 9:3:3:1. Examine the correspondence between
theory and experiment. Test at 5% level of significance.[ The tabulated value of X20.05 = 7.815 for 3 degree
of freedom.]
Q4(a) A tightly stretched string with fixed end points x=0 and x=2 is initially in a position 2 K3
given by y=Sin3 . If it is released from rest from this position, find the displacement
Q4(b) Solve the PDE by method of separation of variables 4ux+uy = 3u given that 5e-y-e-5y, when x=0 2 K3
Q5(a) Two regression equation of 60 observations are given as 5x-6y= 24, 768x-100y = 3608 .Find 3 K3
Q5(b) First four moments about 2 are 1, 2.5, 5.5 and 16 respectively. Find the first four central 3 K3
moments, moments about origin and coefficient of skewness.
Q6(a) Define normal distribution. The deily wages of 1000 workers are distributed around a 4 K3
mean of Rs140 And with Standard deviation of Rs 10 find the number of workers
whose daily wages will be between Rs 140 and Rs 144.
Q6(b) Fit a Poisson distribution to the following data which give the number of yeast cells per square 4 K3
for 400 squares.
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
F 103 143 98 42 8 4 2 0 0 0 0
It is given that e-1.32=0.2674
Q7(b) The given table shows that the value of sample meanXbar and the range R for 10 samples Of 5 K3
Size 5 each. Draw mean and range chart and also comment on the state of control of the
process (Given A2 = 0.58, D3 = 0,D4=2.115)
Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
X Bar 45 46 48 52 53 37 51 46 47 38
R 4 5 6 7 4 5 7 6 6 4