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FCSSOFT Annual Report FY 2019

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The efficiency catalyst eee

CIN: L72100DL1993PLC179154

FCS/STX/169/2019 22™ October, 2019


The Bombay Stock ExchangeLtd., National Stock Exchange of India Limited

Corporate Relationship Department, Exchange Plaza, Plot No. C/1, G Block,
P J Tower, Dalal Street, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E),
Mumbai- 400001 Mumbai- 400051

Subject: - Annual Report of the 26" Annual General Meeting of the Company as per
Regulation 34 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,

Dear Sir,

Pursuant to regulation 34 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)

(Amendment) Regulations, 2018, we are hereby submitting Annual Report of the 26" Annual
General Meeting of the Company going to be held on Wednesday, 13'" November, 2019 for the
Financial Year 2018-19.

This is for your information and record.

Please take note of the same.

enterprise interfaces

Thanking You,

For FCS Software Solutions Limited
collaborative platforms e

FCS “ee Ltd.

o Company Secretary
ompany Secretary)
ership No.: A33548
business processes@

Encl: Annual Report 2018-19


FCSSoftware Solutions Limited

Regd.off : 205, 2nd Floor, Aggarwal ChamberIV, 27, Veer Sawarker Block, Vikas Marg, Shakerpur, Delhi 110 092
Tel: +91-011-42418371, www.fesitd.com
Corporate office:- Plot No. 83, NSEZ, Noida PhaseIl, Noida-201305,Tel: 0120-4635900 Fax. 0120-4635941
Email id: investors@fcsltd.com website:- www.fcsitd.com
Noida Office: A-86, Sector-57, Noida-201301, India, Tel: 0120-3061100, Fax No-0120-3061111
BOARD OF DIRECTORS contents page
Chairman’s Communique 3
Dalip Kumar
(Chairman & Managing Director) Notice 4
Years at a glance 16
Shayam Sunder Sharma
CMD and CFO certification 17
(Non Executive Independent Director)
Director’s Report 18
Shweta Shatsri Report on Corporate Governance 38
(Non-Executive Independent Director)
Management discussion and analysis 50
Sunil Sharma Auditors’ report (Consolidated) 56
(Executive Director) Consolidated Financial Statements 63
Mahendra Pratap Singh Auditor’s report (Standalone) 86
(Non-Executive Director) Standalone Financial Statements 93

Development Centers
Anil Kumar Sharma I. FCS House, Plot No. 83, NSEZ, Noida Dadri
Road, Phase-II, Noida, Gautam Budha
Nagar-201305 (U.P)
COMPLIANCE OFFICER II. Plot-J-7, Rajiv Gandhi Technology Park,
Chandigarh – 160101
Harsha Sharma
III. FCS House, A-86, Sector – 57,
Auditors Noida – 201301[U.P.]
M/S. Aadit Sanyam & Associates IV. Plot No. 1A, Sector-73, Noida-201301
Chartered Accountants V. Plot No. 54, EHTP, Sector-34,
New Delhi - 110005 Gurugram-122004
VI. Plot No.-11, HSIIDC Park, Sector-22,
Registered Office Panchkula, Haryana-134109
205, 2nd Floor, Agrawal Chamber IV, VII. I.T. Park, Plot No.24, Sahastradhara, Road,
27, Veer Sawarker Block, Vikas Marg, Dehradun-248001
Shakarpur, Delhi – 110 092
Corporate office
Plot No. 83, NSEZ, Noida Dadri Road, (a) Foreign Subsidiaries:-
Phase –II, Noida -201 305 [U.P.] I. M/s. FCS Software Solutions GmbH
Goethestra Be740237, Dusseldorf, Germany
Website II. M/s. F.C.S. Software Solutions Middle East
www.fcsltd.com FZE, P.O. Box 16111, Ras Ai Khaimah, U.A.E.

CIN No: (b) Indian wholly owned Subsidiaries:-

V. M/s.Insync Business Solutions Limited

Bankers VI. M/s.Innova e Services Private Limited

Canara Bank VII. M/s.Stablesecure Infraservices Private Limited
HDFC Bank VIII. M/s.cGain Analytics Private Limited
ICICI Bank IX. M/s.Zero Time Constructions Private Limited
YES Bank
From the Chairman

My Dear fellow Stakeholders,

I welcome all of you to the 26th Annual General Meeting of the company. We have been in business now
for 26 years and with some ups and downs, we continue to serve the purpose with same vigor as when
we started. In a company’s life, there are moments that needs to be created and then built upon. While
some companies get those chances more quickly, others have to be patient. In our case, we had many
opportunities that we were able to avail of but then every time, market conditions changed that impacted
the scaling up of our opportunities. Just as everyone is aware, the market conditions continue to be tough
around globe. With high inflation, the costs continue to grow whereas the poor economic conditions make
it difficult to pass the costs to the clients who are themselves facing difficult times. In times like this, one
needs to have ability to sustain and that is what we have. We believe that we will be able to go through
these tough times and then as the markets improve, we will be able to utilize our strengths to build further
on scale and margins.

One of the key factors in last few years is that as markets mature, bigger companies get an advantage over
smaller companies due to their better branding. This is one aspect that we consider as our weakness and
we have started building a plan to address this weakness. In today’s world, one needs to be strong in social
media. We are going to build a strong social media presence to address our all stakeholders – employees,
customers, shareholders, and professionals.

I take this opportunity to thank all of you for your continued support both in good times and bad times. I
assure that everyone in the company will work extra hard to continue to earn the trust that we have built
over all these years.

I would like to cordially invite to all the shareholders of the Company to attend the 26th Annual General
Meeting of the Company (AGM) on 13th November, 2019 at 9:00 A.M. at The Executive Club, 439, Village,
Sahoorpur, Fatehpur, Beri, New Delhi-110074.

Dalip Kumar
(Chairman & Managing Director)

Date: 14/10/2019

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 3

M/s FCS SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS LIMITED will be held at The Executive Club, 439, Village
Sahoorpur, Fatehpur Beri, New Delhi- 110074 on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, 2019 at 9:00
A.M. to transact the following businesses:
1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended
March 31, 2019, together with the Reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon.
2. To consider re-appointment of Mr. Sunil Sharma (DIN-05359128), Executive Director of the
Company, who retires by rotation in terms of section 152(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 at the
ensuing Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, offer himself for re-appointment as an
Executive Director of the Company.
3. Re-Appointment of Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma as an independent director of the company
for the second term of 5 years
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass with or without modification, the following resolution as a
Special Resolution:
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Sections 149, 152 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the
Companies Act, 2013 ( “Act”) read with Schdeule IV to the Act, the Companies (Appointment and
Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment
thereof for the time being in force) and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations), Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma (DIN:00272803),
Independent Director, whose period of office expires on September 23, 2019, who has submitted
a declaration that he meets the criteria of independence under Section 149(6) of the Companies
Act, 2013 and who is eligible for re-appointment for the second term of five consecutive years
under the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements),
Regulations, 2015 be and is hereby re-appointed as an Independent Director of the Company,
not subject to retirement by rotation, for a term of 5 (Five) consecutive years with effect from 24th
September, 2019 to 23rd September, 2024.
4. Re–Appointment of Mrs. Shweta Shatsri as an independent director of the company for the
second term of 5 years
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass with or without modification, the following resolution as a
Special Resolution:
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Sections 149, 152 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the
Companies Act, 2013 ( “Act”) read with Schdeule IV to the Act, the Companies (Appointment and
Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment
thereof for the time being in force) and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations), Mrs. Shweta Shatsri (DIN:06480421), Independent
Director, whose period of office expires on September 23, 2019, who has submitted a declaration
that she meets the criteria of independence under Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013
and who is eligible for re-appointment for the second term of five consecutive years under the
Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations,
2015 be and is hereby re-appointed as an Independent Director of the Company, not subject to
retirement by rotation, for a term of 5 (Five) consecutive years with effect from 24th September,
2019 to 23rd September, 2024.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 4

5. Consider & approve Re-appointment of Mr. Dalip Kumar, Chairman & Managing Director
To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification (s), if any, the following
Resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Sections 117(3), 196, 197, 203 and all other applicable provisions
of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Schedule V to the said Act, and subject to other approvals
as are necessary, Mr. Dalip Kumar (DIN- 00103292) be and is hereby re-appointed as Chairman
& Managing Director of the Company for a period of five years with effect from 01.04.2020
to 31.03.2025 on the remuneration and other terms and conditions, as recommended by the
Nomination and Remuneration Committee as set out in the explanatory statement annexed.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Ms. Harsha Sharma, Company Secretary of the Company, be and
is hereby authorized to do all acts and take all such steps as may be necessary, proper or
expedient to give effect to this resolution.”
6. Consider and approve remuneration of Mr. Sunil Sharma, executive Director of the
To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification (s), if any, the following
Resolution as Special Resolution:
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 197 of Companies Act, 2013 and other
applicable and related provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”),
read with Schedule V of the Act and Chapter XIII of the Companies (Appointment & Remuneration
of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, as may be applicable (including any statutory modification
or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force), consent of the shareholders of the Company
be and is hereby accorded for payment of maximum remuneration upto Rs. 12,00,000/- (Rupees
Twelve Lakhs) annually to Mr. Sunil Sharma (DIN No. 05359128), by way of salary, perquisites and
allowances as may be mutually agreed between the Board of Directors and Mr. Sunil Sharma.”
7. Consider & approve remuneration of Mr. Dalip Kumar, Chairman & Managing Director of the
To consider and approve the payment of remuneration to Mr. Dalip Kumar, Chairman & Managing
Director of the Company for a period of 5 (Five) years w.e.f. 01 April, 2020 and if thought fit, pass
the following resolution as a Special Resolution, with or without modification(s):
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Sections 196, 197, 198, 203, and other
applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) read with Schedule V of the
Act, and the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014
and subject to requisite approval of Central Government, if necessary and such other approval
as may be required, (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof for the time
being in force), the Nomination and Remuneration Committee has recommended to the Board the
re-appointment of Mr. Dalip Kumar as Chairman & Managing Director of the Company for a period
of 5 (Five) years with effect from 1st April, 2020 to 30th March, 2025 on the terms & conditions
including remuneration by way of salary, perquisites and allowances as set out hereunder:
a) Salary: upto Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) per month;
b) Commission: upto 3% of the net profits calculated in the manner laid down under section 197
of the Companies Act, 2013
c) Benefits, Perquisites & Allowances: As may be determined by the Board from time to time;
d) Gratuity, Leave Encashment & Provident Fund: As per the policies of the Company.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 5

“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the remuneration payable to Mr. Dalip Kumar, Chairman & Managing
Director shall not exceed the overall ceiling of the total managerial remuneration as provided under
sections 197 and 198 read with Schedule V and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act,
2013 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment(s) thereof for the time being in force);”

By order of the Board of Directors

For FCS Software Solutions Limited

Place: Noida Harsha Sharma
Date: 14/10/2019 (Company Secretary)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 6

1. The Explanatory Statement pursuant to Section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”) setting out
material facts relating to the business stated under Item No. 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 is annexed hereto.
2. A Member entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is entitled to appoint
a proxy to attend and vote instead of himself and the proxy need not be a Member of the
Company. The instrument appointing the proxy, in order to be effective, must be deposited at
the Company’s Registered Office, duly completed and signed, not less than forty-eight hours
before the meeting. Proxies submitted on behalf of limited companies, societies, etc., must be
supported by appropriate resolutions/authority, as applicable.
3. Pursuant to Section 105 of Companies Act, 2013 and rules made there under, a person shall not act
as a proxy for more than 50 members and holding in the aggregate not more than ten percent of the
total share capital of the Company carrying voting rights. However, a member holding more than ten
percent of the total share capital of the company carrying voting rights may appoint a single person as
proxy and such person shall not act as a proxy for any other person.
4. The Register of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel and their shareholding, maintained under
Section 170 of the Companies Act, 2013 will be available for inspection by the members at the AGM.
5. The Register of Contracts or Arrangements in which Directors are interested, maintained under Section
189 of the Companies Act, 2013, will be available for inspection by the members at the AGM.
6. The Notice of AGM, Annual Report and Attendance Slip are being sent in electronic mode to Members
whose email address are registered with the Company or the Depository Participant(s), unless the
Members have registered their request for the hard copy of the same. Physical copy of the Notice of
AGM, Annual Report and Attendance Slip are being sent to those Members who have not registered
their email address with the Company or Depository Participant(s). Members who have received
the notice of AGM, Annual Report and Attendance Slip in electronic mode are requested to print the
Attendance Slip at the Registration Counter at the AGM.
7. The Register of Members and Shares Transfer Books of the Company will remain closed from
November 7, 2019 to November 8, 2019 (both days inclusive) for the purpose of Annual General
8. To support the ‘Green Initiative’, the Members who have not registered their e-mail addresses are
requested to register the same with RTA/Depositories.
Voting through electronic means
9. In compliance with provisions of Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013, Rule 20 of the Companies
(Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 as substituted by the Companies (Management and
Administration) Amendment Rules, 2015 (‘Amended Rules 2015’) and Regulation 44 of the Listing
Regulations and Secretarial Standard on General Meetings (SS-2) issued by the Institute of Company
Secretaries of India, the Company has provided a facility to the members to exercise their vote
electronically through the electronic voting service facility arranged by Link Intime India Private Limited.
The facility for voting, through ballot paper will also be made available at the AGM and the members
attending the AGM who have not already cast their votes by remote e-voting shall be able to exercise
their right at the AGM through ballot paper. Members who have cast their votes by remote e-voting prior
to the AGM may attend the AGM but shall not be entitled to cast their votes again. The instructions for
e-voting are prescribed below :
The instructions for shareholders voting electronically are as under:
Instructions for shareholders to vote electronically:
• Log-in to e-Voting website of Link Intime India Private Limited (LIIPL)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 7

1. Visit the e-voting system of LIIPL. Open web browser by typing the following URL: https://instavote.
2. Click on “Login” tab, available under ‘Shareholders’ section.
3. Enter your User ID, password and image verification code (CAPTCHA) as shown on the screen and
click on “SUBMIT”.
4. Your User ID details are given below:
a. Shareholders holding shares in demat account with NSDL: Your User ID is 8 Character DP ID
followed by 8 Digit Client ID
b. Shareholders holding shares in demat account with CDSL: Your User ID is 16 Digit Beneficiary ID
c. Shareholders holding shares in Physical Form (i.e. Share Certificate): Your User ID is Event No +
Folio Number registered with the Company
5. Your Password details are given below:
If you are using e-Voting system of LIIPL: https://instavote.linkintime.co.in for the first time or if you are
holding shares in physical form, you need to follow the steps given below:
Click on “Sign Up” tab available under ‘Shareholders’ section register your details and set the password
of your choice and confirm (The password should contain minimum 8 characters, at least one special
character, at least one numeral, at least one alphabet and at least one capital letter).

For Shareholders holding shares in Demat Form or Physical Form

Enter your 10 digit alpha-numeric PAN issued by Income Tax Department (applicable for
both demat shareholders as well as physical shareholders).
PAN • Members who have not updated their PAN with depository Participant or in the
company record are requested to use the sequence number which is printed on
Ballot Form / Attendance Slip indicated in the PAN Field.
DOB/ Enter the DOB (Date of Birth)/ DOI as recorded with depository participant or in the
DOI company record for the said demat account or folio number in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Enter the Bank Account number as recorded in your demat account or in the company
records for the said demat account or folio number.
Account • Please enter the DOB/ DOI or Bank Account number in order to register. If the above
Number mentioned details are not recorded with the depository participants or company,
please enter Folio number in the Bank Account number field as mentioned in
instruction (iv-c).
If you are holding shares in demat form and had registered on to e-Voting system of LIIPL: https://
instavote.linkintime.co.in, and/or voted on an earlier voting of any company then you can use your
existing password to login.
If Shareholders holding shares in Demat Form or Physical Form have forgotten password:
Enter User ID, select Mode and Enter Image Verification code (CAPTCHA). Click on “SUBMIT”.
Incase shareholder is having valid email address, Password will be sent to the shareholders registered
e-mail address. Else, shareholder can set the password of his/her choice by providing the information
about the particulars of the Security Question & Answer, PAN, DOB/ DOI, Dividend Bank Details etc.
and confirm. (The password should contain minimum 8 characters, at least one special character, at
least one numeral, at least one alphabet and at least one capital letter)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 8

NOTE: The password is to be used by demat shareholders for voting on the resolutions placed by
the company in which they are a shareholder and eligible to vote, provided that the company opts for
e-voting platform of LIIPL.
For shareholders holding shares in physical form, the details can be used only for voting on the
resolutions contained in this Notice.
It is strongly recommended not to share your password with any other person and take utmost care to
keep your password confidential.
• Cast your vote electronically
6. After successful login, you will be able to see the notification for e-voting on the home page of INSTA
Vote. Select/ View “Event No” of the company, you choose to vote.
7. On the voting page, you will see “Resolution Description” and against the same the option “Favour/
Against” for voting.
Cast your vote by selecting appropriate option i.e. Favour/Against as desired.
Enter the number of shares (which represents no. of votes) as on the cut-off date under ‘Favour/
Against’. You may also choose the option ‘Abstain’ and the shares held will not be counted under
8. If you wish to view the entire Resolution details, click on the ‘View Resolutions’ File Link.
9. After selecting the appropriate option i.e. Favour/Against as desired and you have decided to vote, click
on “SUBMIT”. A confirmation box will be displayed. If you wish to confirm your vote, click on “YES”, else
to change your vote, click on “NO” and accordingly modify your vote.
10. Once you confirm your vote on the resolution, you will not be allowed to modify or change your vote
11. You can also take the printout of the votes cast by you by clicking on “Print” option on the Voting page.
• General Guidelines for shareholders:
— Institutional shareholders (i.e. other than Individuals, HUF, NRI etc.) and Custodian are required
to log on to e-Voting system of LIIPL: https://instavote.linkintime.co.in and register themselves as
‘Custodian / Mutual Fund / Corporate Body’.
They are also required to upload a scanned certified true copy of the board resolution /authority
letter/power of attorney etc. together with attested specimen signature of the duly authorised
representative(s) in PDF format in the ‘Custodian / Mutual Fund / Corporate Body’ login for the
Scrutinizer to verify the same.
— During the voting period, shareholders can login any number of time till they have voted on the
resolution(s) for a particular “Event”.
— Shareholders holding multiple folios/demat account shall choose the voting process separately for
each of the folios/demat account.
— In case the shareholders have any queries or issues regarding e-voting, please refer the Frequently
Asked Questions (“FAQs”) and Instavote e-Voting manual available at https://instavote.linkintime.
co.in, under Help section or write an email to enotices@linkintime.co.in or Call us :- Tel : 022 -
(A) The voting period begins on 10th November, 2019 (9:00 am) and ends on 12th November, 2019 (5:00
pm). During this period shareholders of the Company, holding shares either in physical form or in

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 9

dematerialized form, as on the cut- off date i.e. 6th November, 2019 may cast their vote electronically.
The e-voting module shall be disabled by Link Intime India Private Limited for voting thereafter.
(B) Any person, who acquires shares of the Company and become Member of the Company after dispatch
of the Notice and holding shares as on the cut-off date i.e. 6th November, 2019 may follow the same
instructions as mentioned above for e-voting.
(C) Mr. Shashi Shekhar, Practicing Company Secretary (Membership No. 37987) has been appointed as
Scrutinizer to scrutinize the e-voting process in a fair and transparent manner.
(D) The voting rights of the shareholders shall be in proportion to their shares of the paid-up equity share
capital of the Company as on the cut-off date of 6th November, 2019.

By order of the Board of Directors

For FCS Software Solutions Limited

Place: Noida Harsha Sharma
Date: 14.10.2019 (Company Secretary)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 10


Name Of Director Mr. Sunil Sharma

Date of Birth 10th May, 1975
Category/Designation Executive Director
Nationality Indian
Date of Appointment on the Board 13/08/2016
Expertise in specific functional More than 17 years of experience as electronics and communica-
area tion engineer.
Other Directorship in the Other
Listed Companies
Committee position in other List-
ed entities

Name Of Director Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma

Date of Birth 27th Nov, 1958
Category/Designation Independent Director
Nationality Indian
Date of Appointment on the Board 08/12/2000
More than 19 years of expierence and have in-depth knowledge of
Expertise in specific functional IT industry and brings his large exposure to FCS Board. He is an
area Expert in the field of System Administration with focus on AIX and
UNIX based systems.
Other Directorship in the Other
Listed Companies
Committee position in other List-
ed entities

Name Of Director Ms. Shweta Shatsri

Date of Birth 8th February, 1980
Category/Designation Independent Director
Nationality Indian
Date of Appointment on the Board 24/09/2014
Ms. Shweta Shatsri has Bachelor Degree in Art. She has been
associated with Relieve Consultancy Services Private Limited as
a Director. She has also been working as a social worker for last
seven years. She has good knowledge of human development and
Expertise in specific functional
behavior, of social, economic and cultural and of the interaction of
all these factors. She helps people overcome some of life’s most
difficult challenges: poverty, discrimination, abuse, addiction, phys-
ical illness, divorce, loss, unemployment, educational problems,
disability, and mental illness.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 11

Other Directorship in the Other
Listed Companies
Committee position in other
Listed entities

Name Of Director Dalip Kumar

Date of Birth 21st December 1961
Category/Designation Chairman & Managing Director
Nationality Indian
Date of Appointment on the
He is having more than 29 years of global industry experience
and has worked on large projects in implementing paper less
offices, office automation and workflow management for clients
in government, banking, infrastructure and private sector. He has
Expertise in specific functional
been working on Web based projects and ERP centric projects for
many years. His special expertise area now is to build e-business
and implement e-services. He has managed various projects
starting form microprocessors to mainframes in terms of technology
and man management.
Other Directorship in the Other
Listed Companies
Committee position in other
Listed entities

Inter-se relationship between directors as required under Regulation 36 (3) (e) of Listing Regulation:

None of the above Directors are related to any other Directors of the Company.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 12

The following Explanatory Statement, pursuant to Section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”), sets out
all material facts relating to the business mentioned under Items of the accompanying Notice dated October
14, 2019.
Item No. 3
The Company had Pursuant to the provisions of section 149 of the Act, which came into effect from April 1,
2014, every listed public company is required to have at least one-third of the total number of directors as
an independent directors, who are not liable to retire by rotation.
The Board of Directors has recommended the re - appointment of Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma as an
Independent Director for a second term of 5 years i.e. from September 24, 2019 up to September 23, 2024.
Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma, non- executive Independent Director of the Company, has given a declaration
to the Board that he meets the criteria of independence as provided under section 149(6) of the Act. In the
opinion of the Board, the director fulfills the conditions specified in the Act and the Rules framed thereunder
for re-appointment as an Independent Director and he is independent of the management.
In compliance with the provisions of section 149 read with Schedule IV of the Act, the re-appointment as an
Independent Director is now being placed before the Members for their approval.
The terms and conditions of re-appointment of the above Director shall be open for inspection by the
Members at the Registered Office of the Company during normal business hours on any working day.
None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel or their relatives except Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma are
in any way concerned or interested in the said resolution.
The Board recommends this Resolution for your approval.
Item No. 4
The Company had Pursuant to the provisions of section 149 of the Act, which came into effect from April 1,
2014, every listed public company is required to have at least one-third of the total number of directors as
an independent directors, who are not liable to retire by rotation.
The Board of Directors has recommended the re - appointment of Ms. Shweta Shatsri as an Independent
Director for a further term of 5 years i.e. from September 24, 2019 up to September 23, 2024.
Ms. Shweta Shatsri, non- executive Independent Director of the Company, has given a declaration to the
Board that she meets the criteria of independence as provided under section 149(6) of the Act. In the
opinion of the Board, the director fulfills the conditions specified in the Act and the Rules framed thereunder
for re-appointment as an Independent Director and she is independent of the management.
In compliance with the provisions of section 149 read with Schedule IV of the Act, the re-appointment as an
Independent Director is now being placed before the Members for their approval.
The terms and conditions of re-appointment of the above Director shall be open for inspection by the
Members at the Registered Office of the Company during normal business hours on any working day.
None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel or their relatives except Ms. Shweta Shatsri are in any way
concerned or interested in the said resolution.
The Board recommends this Resolution for your approval.
Item No. 5
The Board of Directors has recommended the re - appointment of Mr. Dalip Kumar Chairman & Managing
Director of the Company for a further term of 5 years i.e. from September 24, 2019 up to September
23, 2024.
Mr. Dalip Kumar, aged 58 years is presently designated as Chairman & Managing Director of the Company.
He is having more than 29 years of global industry experience and has worked on large projects in

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 13

implementing paper less offices, office automation and workflow management for clients in government,
banking, infrastructure and private sector. He has been working on Web based projects and ERP centric
projects for many years.
His special expertise area now is to build e-business and implement e-services. He has managed various
projects starting form microprocessors to mainframes in terms of technology and man management.
None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel or their relatives except Mr. Dalip Kumar are in any way
concerned or interested in the said resolution.
The Board recommends this Resolution for your approval.
Item No. 6
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 197 of Companies Act, 2013 and other applicable and related
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”), read with Schedule V of the Act
and Chapter XIII of the Companies (Appointment & Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014
the fixation of remuneration of executive Director requires the approval of shareholders through special
resolution. For this purpose, it is proposed to pass the above resolution by way of shareholders’ approval.
None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel or their relatives except Mr. Sunil Sharma are in any way
concerned or interested in the said resolution.
The Board recommends this Resolution for your approval.
Item No. 7
Mr. Dalip Kumar, (DIN- 00103292), Chairman & Managing Director of the Company is re-appointed for a
term of 5 years from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2025. The material provisions of the agreement to be entered into
with Mr. Dalip Kumar are as under:-
1. Salary: upto 1,00,000/- per month
2. Commission: upto 3% of the net profits calculated in the manner laid down under sections 197 of the
Companies Act, 2013
I. Housing:
• In case of furnished accommodation provided by the Company, such expenditure not exceeding
60% of the salary.
• In case no accommodation is provided by the Company, he shall be entitled to House Rent
Allowance subject to the ceiling laid under the provisions of Income Tax Act, 1961.
• In case accommodation is owned by the Company, a deduction of 10% of the salary of the
Managing Director shall be made by the Company.
• The expenditure incurred by the Company on gas, electricity, water & furnishing shall be valued
as per the Income Tax Rules, 1962 which shall, however, be subject to a ceiling of 10% of the
II. Medical Reimbursement:
Medical Reimbursement of the expenses incurred by Mr. Dalip Kumar for self and his family subject to
a ceiling of one month’s salary in a year or 5 months’ salary over a period of 5 years.
III. Leave Travel Concession:
Leave Travel Concession for him and his family once in a year in accordance with the rules of the
IV. Club Fees :
Fees of the clubs subject to a maximum of two clubs. This will not include admission and life membership

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 14

V. Personal Accident Insurance:
Personal Accident Insurance of an amount not exceeding 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only)
Contribution to the Provident Fund, Superannuation Fund or Annuity Fund as per
the rules of the Company to the extent these, either singly or put together, are not
taxable under Income Tax Act, 1961.
The Company shall provide a car with a driver and two telephones and a fax at his residence. Personal long
distance calls and use of car for private purpose shall be billed by the Company to him. All official calls made
by him from his Cell Phone will also be reimbursed by the Company.
The aggregate remuneration shall not exceed the limits provided in Sections 197 read with Schedule V of
the Companies Act, 2013.
The shareholders’ approval may be sought for authorization to increase, vary or amend the remuneration
including salary, perquisites and benefits, minimum remuneration and other terms of re-appointment of the
Chairman & Managing Director from time to time, as deemed expedient or necessary during the tenure of
his appointment.
None of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel or their relatives except Mr. Dalip Kumar are in any way
concerned or interested in the said resolution.
The Board recommends this Resolution for your approval.

By order of the Board of Directors

For FCS Software Solutions Limited

Place: Noida Harsha Sharma
Date: 14.10.2019 (Company Secretary)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 15

Years at a Glance (Rs. In Lakhs)
For the year 2019 2018
Revenue from operations 4040.36 3430.76
Operating profit (EBITDA) 707.24 528.12
Other Income 224.95 655.19
Profit before tax (PBT) (16346.68) (5730.99)
Profit after tax (PAT) (16427.88) (5836.22)
EPS (par value of Rs. 1 each) - -
Basic (0.99) (0.43)
Diluted (0.99) (0.43)
Dividend - -
At the end of the year - -
Fixed assets – net 21262.33 5021.75
Investment 10130.98 9476.84
Non-Current Assets 4603.57 20375.38
Net current assets 2492.20 2725.91
Total assets 38489.08 37599.88
Debt 2742.54 333.58
Liabilities and short term borrowings 1536.25 2876.27
(Net of deferred tax assets) - -
Pending Allotment & non controlling intrest 0 309.63
Total Liabilities & Debts 4278.78 3209.85
Equity(Shareholders Fund)/ Net Worth 34210.30 34080.40

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 16

Chairman & Managing Director (CMD) and Chief Financial
Officer (CFO) Certification
We, Dalip Kumar, Chairman & Managing Director and Anil Kumar Sharma, Chief Financial Officer of FCS
Software Solutions Limited, to the best of our knowledge and belief, certify that-
a. We have reviewed the financial statements and the cash flow statement of FCS Software Solutions
Limited for the year ended 31st March, 2019 and to the best of our knowledge and belief:
(i) these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact or
contain statements that might be misleading;
(ii) these statements together present a true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and are in
compliance with existing accounting standards, applicable laws and regulations.
b. To the best of our knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the Company during the year
2018-19, are fraudulent, illegal or violative of the Company’s Code of Conduct.
c. We accept responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal controls for financial reporting and
we have evaluated the effectiveness of Company’s internal control systems of the company pertaining
to financial reporting and we have disclosed to the auditors and the audit committee, deficiencies in
the design on operation of such internal controls, if any, of which we are aware and the steps we have
taken or propose to take to recify those deficiencies.
d. We have indicated, to the Auditors and the Audit Committee:
(i) that there are no significant changes in the internal control over financial reporting during the quarter;
(ii) that there are no significant changes in accounting policies during the quarter, and that the same
have been disclosed in the notes to the financial results.
(iii) that no significant instances of significant fraud of which we are aware and involvement therein, if
any, of the management or an employee having a significant role in the company’s internal control
systems over financial reporting.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

For FCS Software Solutions Limited

Place: Noida Sd/- Sd/-

Date: 14/10/2019 Dalip Kumar Anil Kumar Sharma
Chairman & Managing Director Chief Financial Officer

Declaration by the Chairman & Managing Director under Para D of Schedule V of The SEBI
(Listing Obiligation And Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015

The Members of FCS Software Solutions Limited,

I, Dalip Kumar, Chairman & Managing Director of the Company, hereby confirm that the Company has
obtained from all the members of the Board and Management Personnel, affirmation that they have
complied with the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for Directors/Management Personnel for the year
ended 31st March, 2019.

Place: Noida sd/-

Date: 14/10/2019 Dalip Kumar
(Chairman & Managing Director)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 17

Director’s Report
(For the Year 2018-2019)
Dear Stakeholders,
We have pleasure in presenting the 26th Directors Report on business and operations, together with the
Audited Statement of Accounts, for the financial year ended March 31, 2019.

(Rs. in Lakhs)
Standalone Consolidated
F.Y 2018-19 F.Y2017-18 F.Y 2018-19 F.Y 2017-18
Revenue from operation 3962.00 3101.13 4040.36 3430.76
Other Income 200.66 653.61 224.95 655.19
Total Income 4162.66 3754.73 4265.32 4085.95
Operating Expenditure 3464.33 3205.64 3663.54 3595.62
Depreciation and
333.89 104.23 16948.45 6221.32
Amortization exps
Total Expenses 3798.22 3309.87 20611.99 9816.94
Profit before finance cost
364.44 444.86 (16241.21) (5693.20)
and tax
Finance Cost 104.72 37.62 105.47 37.78
Profit before tax 259.72 407.24 (16346.68) (5730.99)
Tax expense 78.1 105.08 81.20 105.24
Profit for the year 178.61 302.16 (16427.88) (5836.22)
The Board of Directors has made conscious efforts for drawing the financial statements on the basis of
sound, accepted and conservative accounting principles to comply with the Accounting Standards Specified
under Section 133 of Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014
and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. The revenues generated have to provide for prior
period adjustments and provisions also but at the same time it ensure true and fair financial statements of
the Company.The Company has adopted the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) from 1st April, 2016.
The comparative financial information of the Company for the year ended 31st March, 2019 have also been
reinstated to comply with Ind AS.
Financial Review
For the financial year ended March 31, 2019, the Company reported a total Consolidated revenue income
of Rs. 4040.36 lakhs and Standalone revenue of Rs. 3962.00 lakhs.
Changes in Share Capital.
During the year 2018-19, there was no change in the share capital of the Company.
Changes in the nature of business
During the year 2018-19, there were no change in the nature of business of the company.
Material changes and Commitments
There has been no material changes and commitments affecting the financial position of the company which
have occurred between the end of the financial year of the company to which the balance sheet relates and
the date of this report.
Transfer to Reserves
The Board of Directors of your company, has decided not to transfer any amount to the Reserves for the
year under review.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 18

The Board of Directors of your company, after considering holistically the relevant circumstances has
decided that it would be prudent, not to recommend any Dividend for the year under review.
Director and Key Managerial Personnel (KMP)
Mr. Sunil Sharma, Executive Director of the Company, who retires by rotation in terms of section 152(6)
of the Companies Act, 2013 is proposed to be appointed as an Executive Director of the Company in the
Annual General Meeting to be held on 13th November, 2019.
Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma, Independent Director of the Company, was appointed as per Section 149 of
the Companies Act, 2013, in 2014 for a period of five years. His first term expires on 23rd September, 2019.
The Board recommends his appointment for the second term of 5 years w.e.f. 24th September, 2019 subject
to approval of shareholders. The Board has received his eligibility and consent for re-appointment.
Mrs. Shweta Shatsri, Independent Director of the Company, was appointed as per Section 149 of the
Companies Act, 2013, in 2014 for a period of five years. Her first term expires on 23rd September, 2019.
The Board recommends his appointment for the second term of 5 years w.e.f. 24th September, 2019 subject
to approval of shareholders. The Board has received her eligibility and consent for re-appointment.
The Independent Directors have submitted required declarations that they fulfill the requirements as
stipulated in Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (LODR) Regulations. Pursuant to Clause
VII (1) of Schedule IV of the Companies Act, 2013. The Independent Directors had a separate meeting on
11th February, 2019 during Financial Year 2018-19. The Independent Directors have also complied with the
Code for Independent Directors prescribed in Schedule IV of the Act.
Mr. Dalip Kumar, Chairman & Managing Director of the Company, was appointed as per Sections 196, 197,
203 of the Companies Act, 2013, in 2013 for a period of five years. His term will expire on 31st March, 2020.
The Board recommends his appointment for further term of 5 years with effect from 1st April 2020 to 31
March 2025. The Board has received his eligibility and consent for re-appointment.
Mr. Dalip Kumar (Chairman & Managing Director), Mr Sunil Sharma (Executive Director), Mr. Anil Kumar
Sharma (Chief Financial Officer) and Ms. Harsha Sharma (Company Secretary) are Key Managerial
Personnel of the Company.
During the year 2018-19, Mr. Mahendra Pratap singh was appointed as additional director of the company on
14.08.2018 and regularised as Director of the Company at annual general meeting held on 25th September
Mr. Shiv Nandan Sharma, Independent director has resigned from the Board w.e.f. 27th July, 2019 and has
sent resignation letter to the company. He has not provided his confirmation on material reason required as
per amended SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations.
Number of Meetings of the Board of Directors
The Board met seven times during the financial year 2018-19, the details of the Board Meeting with regard
to their dates and attendance of each director have been provided in the Corporate Governance Report that
forms a part of this Annual Report. The maximum interval between any two consecutive meetings did not
exceeded 120 days.
Board Evaluation
Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI Listing Regulations, 2015, the Board has
carried out an annual performance evaluation of its own performance, and that of its Committees and individual
directors. The manner in which such formal annual evaluation was made by the Board is given below:
• Performance evaluation policy for Board, Committees of the Board and Directors were approved by the
Board at its meeting and the same were placed on the Company’s website www.fcsltd.com.
• The evaluation of all the directors and the Board as a whole was conducted based on the criteria and
framework adopted by the board.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 19

• The report of performance evaluation so arrived at was then noted and discussed by the Nomination
and Remuneration Committee and the Board in their respective meetings.
• Under law, as per the report of performance evaluation, the Board shall determine, inter alia, whether
to continue the term of appointment of the independent director. During the year under review, there
was no occasion to decide on the continuance of the term of appointment of any of the independent
directors and hence, the question of taking a decision on their re-appointment did not arise.
During the year under review, SEBI vide its circular dated 5th January 2017 came out with a Guidance
Note on Board Evaluation, which was to be adopted by the Company, as considered appropriate. The
performance evaluation criteria for the Board, Committees of the Board, Chairperson and Directors were
accordingly modified by the Board at its meeting, as approved and recommended by the Nomination and
Remuneration Committee. The updated policy is placed on the Company’s website www.fcsltd.com and will
be applicable for evaluation from the year 2018-19.
Audit committee
The details pertaining to the composition of the audit committee are included in the Corporate Governance
Report, which is a part of this report.
Policy on directors’ appointment and remuneration and other details
The Company’s policy on directors’ appointment and remuneration and other matters provided in Section
178(3) of the Act has been disclosed in the Corporate Governance Report, which is a part of this report.
The Board of Directors of our Company have reviewed the affairs of all the subsidiary companies. A
statement of holding company’s interest in subsidiaries as required under Section 129 of the Companies
Act, 2013, forms part of this annual report.
A Statement containing salient features of the financial statement of subsidiaries is provided in Form- AOC-
1 as “Annexure A” to this Director’s Report. In accordance with the third proviso of the Section 136(1)
of the Companies Act, 2013, the Annual Report of the Company, containing therein its standalone and
consolidated financial statements have been placed on the website of the Company, www.fcsltd.com
Particulars of Contract or Arrangement with Related Party
During the year, no transaction with related parties was in conflict with the interest of the Company. All
transactions entered into by the Company with related parties during the financial year were in the Ordinary
course of business and on an arm’s lenth basis. The Company did not enter into any transaction with its
KMP. As stipulated by section 134(3)(h) of the Act read with rule 8(2) of Companies (Accounts) Rules,
2014, particulars of related party transactions are given in form no. AOC-2 as “Annexure-B” to this report. In
compliance with Regulation 46(2)(g) of listing regulation policy on dealing with related party transactions as
approved has been hosted on the Company’s website.
Conservation of energy, research and development, technology absorption, foreign exchange
earnings and outgo
The particulars as prescribed under section 134(3)(m) of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 8(3) of
the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, are set out in the “Annexure- C” to this Board Report.
Subsidiaries and Consolidated Financial Statements
FCS has Two Wholly Owned Subsidiary Companies outside India, viz. F.C.S Software Middle East FZE in
UAE and FCS Software Solutions GmbH, in Germany. FCS has five Wholly Owned Subsidiary Companies in
India i.e. Insync Business Solutions Limited, Innova E Services Private Limited, Stablesecure Infraservices
Private Limited, cGain Analytics Private Limited, and Zero Time Constructions Private Limited.
M/s. Enstaserv Eservices Limited is the associate company of FCS Software Solutions Limited. Investment
in M/s Myzeal IT Solutions Ltd was transferred during the financial year 2018-19.
The consolidated Financial Statements of the Company and its subsidiaries, prepared in accordance with
Indian Accounting Standards notified under the Companies (Indian Accounting Statndards) Rules, 2015 (Ind

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 20

AS) forms part of the Annual Report and are reflected in consolidated financial statement of the Company.
Particulars of Loan, Guarantees or Investments
In Compliance with the provisions of Section 134(3)(g) forming part of this Annual Report particulars of
loans, Guarantees and Investment covered under the provisions of section 186 of Companies Act, 2013 are
provided in the notes to the Financial Statement.
Public Deposits
The Company has not accepted any public deposits during the year under Section 73 of the Companies
Act, 2013, read with Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014, and as such, no amount on account
of principal or interest was outstanding as on the date of Balance Sheet.The Company has not made any
loans/advances and investment in its associates during the year.
Particulars of employee’s remuneration
During the year ended March 31, 2019, no employee is drawing remuneration in excess of the amount
prescribed under section 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 5 of Companies (Appointment
and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014.
Directors’ responsibility statement
To the Members,
We, the directors of FCS Software Solutions Limited, pursuant to the provisions of section 134(3)(c) of the
Companies Act, 2013, confirm the following:
1. that in the preparation of the annual accounts for the Financial Year ended 31st March 2019, the
applicable accounting standards had been followed along with proper explanation relating to material
2. that the directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made
judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the
state of affairs of the Company at the end of the financial year and of the profit of the Company for that
3. that the directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting
records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 for safeguarding the assets of
the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;
4. that the directors had prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis.
5. that the Board of Directors had laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the Company and
that such internal financial controls are adequate and operating effectively.
6. that the Board of Directors had devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all
applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating effectively.
Internal Financial Control
The Board has adopted policies and procedures for ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its
business, including adherence to the Company’s policies, the safeguarding of its assests, the prevention
and detection of fraud, error reporting mechanisms, the accuracy and completeness of the accounting
records, the timely preparation of reliable disclosures.
Based on the framework of internal financial controls and compliance systems established and maintained
by the Company, work performed by the internal, statutory and secretarial auditors and external consultants,
including audit of internal financial controls over financial reporting by the statutory auditors, and the reviews
performed by management and the relevant board committees, including the audit committee, the board is
of the opinion that the Company’s internal financial controls were adequate and effective during Financial
Year 2018-19.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 21

The extract of Annual Return
Extract of Annual Return of the Company in the prescribed Form MGT-9, is placed on the Company’s
website www.fcsltd.com.
Ensuring Compliance of laws
The company has devised and set in place proper systems to ensure compliance of all laws applicable to
the company.
Transfer to Investor Education and Protection fund
Pursuant to Section 125 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013, all unclaimed/
unpaid dividend, application money, remaining unclaimed/unpaid for a period of seven years from the date
they became due for payment, in relation to the Company, have been transferred to the Investor Education
and Protection fund (IEPF) established by the Central Government. During the year Company was not
required to transfer any amount in the IEPF Account.
Board Committee
The Company has the following committees of the Board:
1. Audit Committee
2. Nomination and Remunaration Committee
3. Stakeholders Relationship Committee
4. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
Composition of Audit Committee
Details of Audit Committee of Board of Directors of the Company forms part of the Annual Report and is
given separately in Report of Corporate Governance.
Management Discussion and Analysis
The report on Management Discussion and Analysis Report as required under Schedule V of the
SEBI(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015 read with Regulation-34(3) (c) is
annexed and form part of Annual Report.
Details of significant and material orders passed by the regulators or courts or tribunals impacting the going
concern status and Company’s operations in future
During the year, no significant and material orders were passed by the regulators or courts or tribunals
impacting the going concern status and Company’s operation in future.
Policy on Sexual Harassment
FCS has adopted a policy on prevention, prohibition and redressal for employees on sexual harassment at
workplace as per The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal)
Act, 2013.
During the financial year 2018-19 there were no cases filed pursuant to the Sexual Harassment of Women
at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
Vigil Mechanism/Whistle Blower Policy
In Compliance with the provisions of Section-177(9) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule-7 of
Companies (Meeting of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014 and Regualtion 22 of SEBI(Listing Obligations
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015, the Company has a vigil mechanism through Whistle
Blower Policy to deal with instances of fraud and mismanagement, if any. The details of the policy is
explained in the Corporate Governance Report and is also placed on the website of the Company.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 22

Corporate Social Responsibity (CSR)
CSR is a means to balance economic, social and environmental objectives, it is a responsible way of doing
In terms of provisions of section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 & Rule 9 of Companies (Corporate Social
Responsibility) Rule, 2014 and other clarification issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, the Company has
qualified the norms specified under section 135 of Companies Act, 2013 to contribute towards CSR. The
company has contributed Rs. 3,00,000/- this year for corporate social responsibility in accordance with
Schedule VII.
Annual Report on CSR is Annexed as “Annexure-D” of the Director’s Report.
Statement of Disclosure of Remuneration under Section 197 of Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 5(1)
of Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014
Disclosures pertaining to remuneration and other details as required under Section 197(12) of the Companies
Act, 2013 read with Rule 5(1) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel)
Rules, 2014, is annexed herewith as “Annexure-E”.
Corporate Governance
As stipulated by Regulation 34(3) read with Schedule V (c) of listing regulations, Corporate Governance
Report forms part of this Annual Report.
Certificate confirming compliance of the conditions of Corporate Governance, is provided as “Annexure F”
to this Director’s Report.
Consolidated Financial Statements
The Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company has been prepared in accordance with applicable
Accounting Standards forms a part of this Annual Report.
Company’s policy relating to directors appointment, payment or remuneration and discharge of
their duties
The provisions of Section 178(1) relating to constitution of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
are applicable to the Company and hence the Company has adopted a policy relating to appointment of
Directors, payment of Managerial remuneration, Directors qualifications, positive attributes, independence
of Directors and other related matters as provided under Section 178(3) of the Companies Act, 2013.
Scheme of Amalgamation with wholly owned subsidiaries
In order to gain operational synergy and efficient allocation of managerial capabilities and infrastructure
and consolidation and economies of scale by expansion and diversion to exploit extended domestic and
global markets, FCS Software Solutions Limited (hereinafter referred to as “FCS”) has filed application to
Regional Director, Delhi for amalgamation with its Wholly owned subsidiaries i.e. Insync Business Solutions
Limited, Stablesecure Infraservices Private Limited, cGain Analytics Private Limited, Innova e Services
Private Limited and Zero Time Constructions Private Limited. The Scheme of Amalgamation has been filed
in Regional Director, Delhi for final approval and same is pending before the authority.
Statutory Auditors
M/s. Aadit Sanyam & Co., Chartered Accountant, is the existing statutory auditor of the Company were
appointed at 24th Annual General Meeting held on 28th September, 2017 to hold the office till conclusion of
our 29th Annual General Meeting for a period of 5 years.
The Audit Report on the Financial Statements of the Company for the financial year ended March 31,
2019 read with relevant Notes thereon are self-explanatory and do not call for any further explanation. The
Auditors Report does not contain any qualification, reservation or adverse remark.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 23

During the year under review, the Statutory Auditors have not reported any matter under Section 143(12) of
the Act, and therefore no details are required to be disclosed under Section 134 (3)(ca) of the Act.
Secretarial Auditor
The Board of Directors of the Company has appointed M/s. VS Associates, Practising Company Secretaries,
to conduct Secretarial Audit for the F.Y. 2018-19. The Secretarial Audit Report of M/s. VS Associates,
Practising Company Secretaries for the financial year ended 31st March, 2019, is annexed herewith as
The Secretarial Audit Report does not contain any qualification, reservation or adverse remark.
Internal Auditor
The Board of Directors of the Company has appointed M/s. SPMG & Company, Chartered Accountants as
an internal auditor of the Company for financial year 2018-19.
Listing Fees
The Equity Shares of the Company are listed on the BSE Limited (BSE) with scrip code No. 532666 and on
National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) with scrip code of FCSSOFT. The Company confirms that
the annual listing fees to both the stock exchanges for the financial year 2018-19 have been paid.
Certificate of Non- Disqualification of Directors
The Certificate required as per Regulation 34(3) and Schedule V Para C clause (10)(i) of the SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 forming part of annual report is Annexed as
The Board of Directors of the Company has appointed M/s. Oberoi & Associates, Practising Company
Secretaries, to provide certificate of Non- disqualification from professional for the F.Y. 2018-19. The
certificate of Non- disqualification of directors of M/s. Oberoi & Associates, Practising Company Secretaries
for the financial year ended 31st March, 2019, is annexed herewith
The Directors thank the Company’s employees, customers, vendors, investors, service providers, bankers
for their continued support. The Directors also convey a special thanks to the Government of India,
particularly Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, the Customs and Excise departments,
the Income Tax department, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Office of Registrar of Companies, New Delhi,
Board of approval and Development Commissioner of Special Economic Zones, particularly of Noida and
Chandigarh for their co-operation.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

For FCS Software Solutions Limited

Place: Noida sd/-

Date: 14/10/2019 Dalip Kumar
(Chairman & Managing Director)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 24

AOC-I “Annexure-A”
Statement containing salient features of the financial statement of subsidiaries/associate companies/joint ventures
(Pursuant to first proviso to sub-section (3) of section 129 read with rule 5 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014)
Part “A”: Subsidiaries

1 Names of subsidiaries F.C.S Software FCS Software Insync Innova e Stablesecure cGain Zero Time
Middle East Solutions GmbH Business Services Infraservices Analytics Constructions
FZE Solutions Ltd. Private Limited Private Limited Private Private Limited
2 Reporting period 1st April,2018 1st April,2018 1st April,2018 1st April,2018 1st April,2018 1st April,2018 1st April,2018
for the subsidiary to 31st March, to 31st March, to 31st March, to 31st March, to 31st March, to 31st March, to 31st March,

FCS Software Solutions Ltd.

concerned 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019
3 Reporting currency USD EURO INR INR INR INR INR
4 Share capital 73,732,970 25,000 5,00,000 1,46,00,000 13,76,00,000 2,48,00,000 20,98,00,000
5 Reserves & surplus (72,054,513) (25,000) 2,37,98,498 (1,30,47,928) 4,92,03,235 (1,77,09,044) (20,93,00,162)
6 Total assets 1,718,165 - 2,51,85,076 16,94,268 18,71,03,940 83,12,022 8,38,416
7 Total Liabilities 39,708 - 8,86,578 1,42,196 3,00,705 12,21,067 3,38,577
8 Investments - - - - 1,82,00,000 - -
9 Turnover - - 66,36,339 12,00,000 - - -
10 Profit before taxation (23,871,179) - (8,19,773) 1,76,039 (2,78,882) 7,94,726 (2,49,424)
11 Provision for taxation - - 9,328 - - 1,36,960 -
12 Profit after taxation (23,871,179) - (8,29,101) 1,76,039 (2,78,882) 6,57,766 (2,49,424)
13 Other Comprehensive - - (1,95,068) - 5,19,90,737 (53,20,000)
14 Proposed Dividend - - - - - - -
15 % of shareholding 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 100 100 100

Part “B”: Associates and Joint Ventures
Statement pursuant to Section 129 (3) of the Companies Act, 2013 related to
Associate Companies and Joint Ventures

Associate Company
Name of associates/Joint Ventures Enstaserv Eservices
Latest audited Balance Sheet Date 31stMarch, 2019

Shares of Associate/Joint Ventures held by the company on the year end

No. 82,79,930
Amount of Investment in Associates/Joint Venture 17,05,00,000
Extend of Holding% 48.94%

Description of how there is significant influence

Reason why the associate/joint venture is not consolidated NA

Net worth attributable to shareholding as per latest audited Balance Sheet

Profit/Loss for the year (Before Tax) 1,96,305

Considered in Consolidation 96,072
Not Considered in Consolidation 1,00,233

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Place: Noida sd/-
Date: 14/10/2019 Dalip Kumar
(Chairman & Managing Director)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 26

“Annexure B”
Form AOC-2
(Pursuant to clause (h) of sub-section (3) of section 134 of the Act and Rule 8(2) of the Companies

(Accounts) Rules, 2014)

This Form pertains to thedisclosure of particulars of contracts/arrangements entered into by the company
with related parties referred to in sub-section (1) of section 188 of the Companies Act, 2013 including certain
arms length transactions under third proviso thereto

1. Details of contracts or arrangements or transactions not at arm’s length basis:

There were no contracts or arrangement or transactions entered into during the year ended March 31,
2019, which were not at arm’s length basis.

2. Details of material contracts or arrangement or transactions at arm’s length basis:

(a) Name(s) of the related party and nature of relationship: N.A

(b) Nature of contracts/arrangements/transactions: N.A

(c) Duration of the contracts / arrangements/transactions: N.A

(d) Salient terms of the contracts or arrangements or transactions including the value, if any: N.A

(e) Date(s) of approval by the Board, if any: N.A

(f) Amount paid as advances, if any: N.A

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Place: Noida sd/-
Date: 14/10/2019 Dalip Kumar
(Chairman & Managing Director)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 27

“Annexure C”
Conservation of Energy, Research and Development, Technology Absorption and Foreign
Exchange Earning and Outgo
Particulars pursuant to Companies (Disclosure of particulars in the report of the Board of
Directors) Rules, 1988.
Conservation of energy
We continue to strengthen our energy conservation efforts. We are always in lookout for energy efficient
measures for operation, and value conservation of energy through usage of latest technologies for quality
of services. Although the equipments used by the Company being in the business of software development
and education are not energy sensitive by their very nature, still the Company is making best possible efforts
for conservation of energy by putting in place a well defined policy, which assures that the Computers and
all other equipments purchased by the Company strictly adhere to environmental standards, and they make
optimum utilization of energy.
The Company has also put in place, the continuous process of identifying and replacing in a phased manner,
the machinery like Computers, Air Conditioners and UPS etc., which are low in efficiency.
Research and Development (R&D)
The Company believes that in order to improve the quality and standards of services, the Company should
have a progressive Research and Development Process, which should keep on increasing along with the
scale of operations of the Company. Sticking to its policy, the Company has allocated more than 20% time of
its senior professionals exclusively for R&D in order to improve the quality of services, increase profitability,
enhance the FCS brand and gain a reputation as an innovative business.
Technology absorption, adaptation and innovation
In this era of competition, in order to maintain and increase the clients and customers, we need to provide
best quality services to our clients and customers at minimum cost, which is not possible without innovation,
and adapting to the latest technology available in the market for providing the services. For this purpose,
your company has partnered with market leaders in technology. The senior management of your Company
is focused on the ongoing process of technology up gradation, and reinvention of business model of your
Company, as and when required.
Foreign Exchange Earning and Outgo
Activities relating to exports, initiatives taken to increase exports, development of new export markets for
products and services, and export plans. During the year around 73.79% of revenues were derived from
exports. The foreign exchange earned comprising of FOB value of exports, services was Rs. 3147.64 lakhs
whereas total foreign exchange used (comprising of CIF value of imports and other outgoings) was Rs. 0

Foreign exchange earned and used (Rs. In lakhs)

2018-19 2017-18
Earning 3147.64 2524.32
Outflow - 224.95
Net Foreign Exchange Earning 3147.64 2299.37

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Place: Noida sd/-
Date: 14/10/2019 Dalip Kumar
(Chairman & Managing Director)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 28

Annual Report on CSR
S. No. Particulars Remarks
1. A Brief outline of the Company’s CSR • Corporate Social Responsibility has always been
policy, including overview of projects or an integral part of FCS’s vision. FCS believes that
programs proposed to be undertaken corporations must reach out to the society and help
and a reference to the web-link to the in improving the quality of education and healthcare
CSR policy and project or programs. through various community development programs.
• Web link: www.fcsltd.com
2. The Composition of the CSR The constitution of CSR Committee is as on 31st March,
Committee. 2019 is as follows:
Name of Member Designation
Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma Chairman
Mr. Shiv Nandan Sharma Member
Mr. Mahendra Pratap Singh Member
Mr. Sunil Sharma Member
3. Average net profit of the Company for Average net profit of the company for last three financial
last three financial years. years:
Financial Year Net Profit Before Tax
(Amount in Rs.)
2016-17 (14953226)
2017-18 40724000
2018-19 25972000
Average Profit of 3years 17247591.3
4. Prescribed CSR Expenditure (two Due to profits in the preceding financial year company
per cent. of the amount as in item 3 was required to spend amount on CSR activities
5. Details of CSR spent during the
financial year:
a) Total amount to be spent for the
financial year 3,00,000/-
b) Amount unspent, if any;
c) Manner in which the amount spent
during the financial year is detailed below

S. CSR Project Sector Projects or Amount Amount spent on Cumu- Amount

No. or activity in which programs(1) Local outlay the projects or lative spent:
identified the area or other(2) (budget) programs Sub- expen-
project is Specify the State project heads: (1) Direct diture
covered and district or pro- expenditure upto the
where projects grams on projects or report-
or programs was wise programs. (2) ing
undertaken Overheads: period.

Social Welfare 300000 300000 300000 300000

(Item No. 3 of
Schedule VII)

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Place: Noida sd/-
Date: 14/10/2019 Dalip Kumar
(Chairman & Managing Director)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 29

“Annexure- E”
As per the provisions of Section 197 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Companies (Appointment
and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, the Company is required to disclose
following information in the Board’s Report:
Ratio of the remuneration of each Director to the median remuneration of the employees of the Company
for the financial year
1. Ratio of the remuneration of each Executive Director to the median remuneration of the Employees
of the Company for the financial year 2018-19, the percentage increase in remuneration of Chief
Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and other Executive Director and Company Secretary during
the financial year 2018-19.

S. Name of Directors/ Designation Ratio of remuneration Percentage

No. KMP of each Director to increase in
median remuneration of Remuneration
1 Sunil Sharma Executive Director 2.83 NIL
2 Anil Kumar Sharma Chief Financial Officer 5.90 NIL
3 Harsha Sharma Company Secretary and 2.31 NIL
Compliance Officer

2. The Company has 292 permanent Employees on the rolls of Company as on 31st March, 2019.
3. Average percentage increase made in the salaries of Employees other than the managerial personnel
in the financial year was 6.8% whereas there is no change in the managerial remuneration during the
financial Year.
4. It is hereby affirmed that the remuneration paid during the year is as per the Remuneration Policy of the

* The Non-Executive Directors of the Company are entitled for sitting fee only. The details of remuneration
of Non-Executive Directors are provided in the Corporate Governance Report. The ratio of remuneration
and percentage increase for Non-Executive Directors Remuneration is therefore not considered for the
purpose above.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 30

“Annexure- F”

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 31

“Annexure- G”

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 32

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 33
FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 34
FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 35
“Annexure- H”

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 36

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 37


The Directors present the Company’s Report on Corporate Governance pursuant to the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing
Regulations 2015).
FCS Software Solutions Limited (“FCS”) firmly that the governance process should ensure that these
resources are utilised in a manner that meets stakeholders’ aspirations and societal expectations.
This belief is reflected in the Company’s deep commitment to contribute to the “triple bottom line”,
namely conservation and development of the nation’s economic, social and environmental capital. The
philosophy of the Company is in consonance with the accepted principles of good governance.
Corporate governance must empower the executive management of the Company. At the same time,
Governance should create a mechanism of checks and balances to ensure that the decision-making
powers vested in the executive management are used with care and responsibility to meet stakeholders’
aspirations and societal expectations.
We have a defined policy framework for ethical conduct of businesses. The Company believes that
good Corporate Governance is a continuous process and strives to improve the Corporate Governance
practices to meet shareholder’s expectations.
The Company is in compliance with the requirements stipulated under Regulation 17 to 27 read with
Schedule V and clauses (b) to (i) of sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 46 of Securities and Exchange
Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“SEBI Listing
Regulations”), as applicable, with regard to corporate governance.
The Board of the Company, as on 31st March, 2019, consists of six Directors with a combination
of Executive and Non- Executive Directors in accordance with Regulation 17 of the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (the
“Listing Regulations”).
The details of Board of Directors of the Company are as below:-
1. Mr. Dalip Kumar- Chairman & Managing Director (Executive Director)
2. Mr. Shiv Nandan Sharma- Non Executive Independent Director
3. Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma- Non Executive Independent Director
4. Ms. Shweta Shatsri- Non Executive Independent Director
5. Mr. Sunil Sharma- Executive Director
6. Mr. Mahendra Pratap Singh- Non Executive Director

All Independent Directors are well qualified professionals bringing wide range of experience in business,
finance and law. None of the Directors on the Board is a member of more than 10 Committees or
Chairman of more than 5 (five) Committees across all companies in which he/she is a Director. The
Board periodically evaluates the need for change in its composition and size.

All the Independent Directors have confirmed that they meet the criteria of independence as laid
down under the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI listing Regulations. The Company has issued formal
letters of appointment to Independent Directors, whenever required, in the manner as provided in the
Companies Act, 2013.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 38

(b) Director’s attendance record:
Name of Directors No. of Board Meetings No of Meetings Whether attended
held during the year attended the last AGM
Mr. Dalip Kumar 7 3 NO
Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma 7 7 YES
Mr. Shiv Nandan Sharma 7 4 NO
Ms. Shweta Shatsri 7 5 NO
Mr. Sunil Sharma 7 5 YES
Mr. Mahendra Pratap Singh 7 3 YES

(c) Composition, Category of Directors and their other Directorship as on 31st March, 2019
Director’s name Position and Category No.of Directorships in
other Indian Public and
Private Ltd. Companies
Mr. Dalip Kumar Executive (Chairman & Managing 7
Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma Non-Executive (Independent Director) 2
Mr. Shiv Nandan Sharma Non-Executive (Independent Director) 2
Ms. Shweta Shatsri Non-Executive (Independent Director) 1
Mr. Sunil Sharma Executive Director 1
Mr. Mahendra Pratap Singh Non – Executive Director 0
Details of Directorship(s) held by the Directors on the Board in other Listed Companies during the
financial year 2018-19:
The directors of the Company is not having any other directorship in listed entity during the financial year
2018-19. Therefore, no disclosure of name of listed entity and category of directorship is required
(d) Number of Board Meetings
The Board met Seven times during the financial year 2018-19 and dates for the Board meetings are:
1. April 24, 2018
2. May 29, 2018
3. July 27, 2018
4. August 14, 2018
5. August 24, 2018
6. November 14,2018
7. February 11, 2019

(e) Disclosure of relationship between Directors inter-se:

No director of the Company is having any relationship with other director.
(f) As on 31st March, 2019, non executive directors does not held any equity shares in the Company. Also,
the Company does not have any convertible instruments.
(g) The details of the familiarisation programme for Independent Directors are given below:
With a view to familiarise the Independent Directors, the Company arranged programs to familiarise the
Independent Directors with the Company, their roles, rights and responsibilities in the Company, nature
of the industry in which the Company operates, business model of the Company, etc.
The details of familiarisation programme of the Independent Directors are available on the website of
the Company: https://www.fcsltd.com.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 39

h) Skills/Expertise/Competencies Of The Board Of Directors:
The following is the list of core skills / expertise / competencies identified by the Board of Directors as
required in the context of the Company’s business and that the said skills are available with the Board
i) Knowledge on Company’s businesses (IT and ITES Services), policies and culture (including the
Mission, Vision and Values) major risks / threats and potential opportunities and knowledge of the
industry in which the Company operates.
ii) Behavioral skills - attributes and competencies to use their knowledge and skills to contribute
effectively to the growth of the Company
iii) Corporate Governance, Administration, Decision Making.
iv) Financial and Management skills
v) Technical / Professional skills and knowledge in relation to Company’s business
i) All the Independent Directors have confirmed that they meet the criteria of independence as laid
down under the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI listing Regulations. The Company has issued formal
letters of appointment to Independent Directors, whenever required, in the manner as provided in the
Companies Act, 2013.
Independent Directors Meeting:
In view of the provisions of Section 149 read with Schedule IV of the Companies Act 2013, the Company
was required that the Independent Directors of the Company shall hold at least one meeting in a year.
Independent Directors Meeting comprise of the following Independent Directors of the Company:
Name of Directors Category
Mr. Shiv Nandan Sharma Independent Director
Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma Independent Director
Ms. Shweta Shatsri Independent Director

During the year under review, the Independent Directors met on 11th February, 2019 , inter alia, to discuss:
1. Evaluation of the performance of Non Independent Directors and the Board of Directors as a Whole;
2. Evaluation of the performance of the Chairman of the Company, taking into account the views of the
Executive and Non Executive Directors.
3. Evaluation of the quality, content and timelines of flow of information between the management and the
Board that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably perform its duties.
Shareholding of Directors as on March 31, 2019:
Directors Mr. Dalip Mr. Shayam Mr. Shiv Ms. Shweta Mr. Mr. Sunil
Kumar Sunder Nandan Shatsri Mahendra Sharma
Sharma Sharma Pratap
Number of 10.8751 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Shares held


The Board has constituted various committees with specific terms of reference and scope. The details
of the committees constituted by the Board are given below:
3.1 Audit Committee:
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors meets the criteria laid down under Section 177 of
the Companies Act, 2013, read with Regulation 18 of the Listing Regulations.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 40

(a) The terms of reference to the Audit Committee inter alia includes:
• Oversight of the Company’s financial reporting process and the disclosure of its financial
information to ensure that the financial statement is correct, sufficient and credible;
• Review and monitor the auditor’s independence and performance, and effectiveness of audit
• Approval or preapproval or any subsequent modification of transactions of the Company with
related parties except the transactions with a wholly owned subsidiary whose accounts are
consolidated with the Company and placed before the shareholders at the General Meeting
for approval;
• Evaluation of internal financial controls and risk management systems;
• Reviewing, with the management, performance of statutory and internal auditors, adequacy
of the internal control systems;
• To review the functioning of the Whistle Blower mechanism.
(b) Composition, name of members and Chairperson of the Audit Committee is given below:
The Audit Committee consists of three Independent Directors i.e., Mr. Shiv Nandan Sharma,
Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma and Ms. Shweta Shatsri and one executive director i.e, Mr.
Sunil Sharma. Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma, Independent Director was Chairperson of Audit
(c) The Committee met Seven times during the financial year 2018-19. The attendance record of
the members at the meeting were as follows:
Members Position and Category No. of No. of Meetings
Meetings held Attended
Mr. Shiv Nandan Sharma Member-Independent 7 4
Mr. Shayam Sunder Chairman–Independent 7 7
Sharma Director
Ms. Shweta Shatsri Member-Independent 7 7
Mr. Sunil Sharma Member- Executive 7 3

The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary of the Audit Committee.

3.2 Nomination & Remuneration Committee:
(a) The Nomination & Remuneration Committee of the company is constituted in line with the
provisions of Regulation 19 of SEBI Listing Regulations, read with Section 178 of the Act. The
Nomination & Remuneration Committee comprises of three Independent Directors.
The terms of reference to the Nomination & Remuneration Committee are as given below:
• Formulation of the criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes and independence
of a director and recommend to the Board a policy, relating to the remuneration of the
directors, key managerial personnel and other employees;
• Formulation of criteria for evaluation of Independent Directors, Committees of Board and the
• Devising a policy on Board diversity;
• Identifying persons who are qualified to become directors and who may be appointed in
senior management in accordance with the criteria laid down, and recommend to the Board
their appointment and removal;

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 41

• The Committee will develop and review induction procedures for new appointees to the Board
to enable them to become aware of and understand the Company’s policies and procedures
and to effectively discharge their duties.
b) The composition of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee and particulars of meetings held
and attended by the members are given below:
Members Position and Category No. of No. of Meetings
Meetings held Attended
Mr. Shiv Nandan Sharma Member-Independent 2 1
Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma Chairman–Independent 2 2
Ms. Shweta Shatsri Member-Independent 2 2

The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.
c) Performance Evaluation criteria for the Independent Directors
• Evaluation of the performance of Non Independent Directors and the Board of Directors as a Whole;
• Evaluation of the performance of the Chairman of the Company, taking into account the views of the
Executive and Non Executive Directors.
• Evaluation of the quality, content and timelines of flow of information between the management and the
Board that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably perform its duties.
4. Remuneration of Directors:
The details of remuneration paid to the Directors are given in Form MGT–9 which is available on
website at www.fcsltd.com.
Independent and Non-executive directors’ compensation:
The non-executive and Independent Directors are paid sitting fees for attending the meetings of the
Board of Directors within the ceilings prescribed by the Central Government.
5. Stakeholders Relationship Committee
The Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee has been constituted by the Board in compliance with the
requirements of Section 178 (5) of the Act and Regulation 20 of the Listing Regulations. Mr. Shayam
Sunder Sharma, Independent Director is the Chairman of this Committee.
The terms of reference to the Stakeholders Relationship Committee consists inter-alia the following:
• Look into the redressing of the shareholders complaints and queries and to focus on the
strengthening of investor relations;
• To monitor and review the performance and service standards of the Registrar and Transfer Agents
(RTA) of the Company and provides continuous guidance to improve the service levels for investors;
• Monitor and review any investor complaints received by the Company or through SEBI, SCORES
and ensure its timely and speedy resolution, in consultation with the Company Secretary and
Chief Compliance Officer and RTA of the Company.
The attendance record of the members at the meeting of Stakeholders Relationship Committee were as
Name of Directors Category Status No. of Meetings
Held Attended
Mr. Shiv NandanSharma Independent- Non Executive Director Chairperson 1 1
Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma Independent- Non Executive Director Member 1 1

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 42

Numbers of Shareholder’s complaints received by Company from its RTA, BSE, NSE, SEBI and
Shareholders, during the financial year ended March 31, 2019 are as under:

S. No. Authority No. of complaints

1. NSE 0
2. BSE 0
3. RTA 0
4. SEBI 0
5. Shareholders ---
Total Grievances/Complaints received during the financial year -----
Total Grievances attended -----------
d) No. of complaints not solved to the satisfaction of shareholders NIL
e) Total Grievances pending NIL

The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary of the Stakeholder Relationsip Committee.
6. Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) Committee:
As required under section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 the company has formed a CSR committee
consisting of the below members:
Terms of reference of the CSR Committee are:
• Formulate and recommend to the Board, a CSR policy indicating the activities from the specified
list of activities in Schedule VII of the Act;
• Recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred for the chosen activities;
• Monitor the CSR Policy and activities from time to time;
• To carry on such task and activities as may be assigned by the board of directors from time to time.

Members Position and Category No. of No. of Meetings

Meetings held Attended
Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma Chairman–Independent 1 1
Mr. Shiv Nandan Sharma Member-Independent Director 1 1
Mr. Sunil Sharma Member-Executive Director 1 1
Mr. Mahendra Pratap Singh Member- Non Executive 1 1

Terms of reference of the CSR Committee are:

• Formulate and recommend to the Board, a CSR policy indicating the activities from the specified list of
activities in Schedule VII of the Act;
• Recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred for the chosen activities;
• Monitor the CSR Policy and activities from time to time;
• To carry on such task and activities as may be assigned by the board of directors from time to time.
The CSR policy of the Company is available on our website: www.fcsltd.com
The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 43

Details of last three Annual General Meetings are as under:
Year Day, Date and Time of Venue No. of Special
Meeting Resolutions
2015-16 Thursday, September 22, The Executive Club, 439, Village 1
2016 Time: 9.00 A.M. Shahoorpur, FatehpurBeri, New
Delhi –110 074.
2016-17 Thursday, September 28, The Executive Club, 439, Village 0
2017 Time: 9.00 A.M Shahoorpur, FatehpurBeri, New
Delhi –110 074.
2017-18 Tuesday, September 25, The Executive Club, 439, Village 2
2018 Time: 9.00 A.M Shahoorpur, FatehpurBeri, New
Delhi –110 074.

Special Resolution passed through Postal Ballot

For the year ended March 31, 2019, there have been no special resolutions passed by the Company’s
Shareholders through postal ballot.
Quarterly/half-yearly/Annual financial results: The quarterly and half-yearly/Annual financial results are
forthwith communicated to the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE) and National Stock Exchange
of India Limited (NSE), where the shares of the Company are listed, as soon as they are approved and
taken on record by the Board of Directors.
Newspaper wherein results are normally published: Public notices and financial results are published
in leading newspapers, namely, The Financial Express in English and Hari bhoomi in Hindi.
Website: The Company’s website (www.fcsltd.com) contains a separate dedicated section ‘Investor
Relations’ where shareholders information is available. The Company’s Annual Report is also available
in a user-friendly and downloadable form.
The Company has following Non-Listed Indian Subsidiary Companies i.e. Insync Business Solutions
Limited, Innova e Services Private Limited, Stablesecure Infraservices Private Limited, cGain Analytics
Private Limited and Zero Time Constructions Private Limited.
The Company’s Indian unlisted subsidiaries does not fall under the definition of “material unlisted
Indian subsidiaries”.
The Audit Committee of directors of the Company reviews the financial statements and in particular
investments made by the unlisted subsidiaries.
Material Subsidiaries Policy:
The board has duly formulated a policy for determining ‘material’ subsidiaries. A subsidiary is considered
as “a material subsidiary”, if its income or networth exceeds 20% of the consolidated income or networth
of the Company during the previous financial year.
Copy of the said policy is available on the Company’s website in the following link:
Annual General Meeting
Date and Time : 13th November, 2019, 9:00 A.M.
Venue : The Executive Club, 439, Village Shahoorpur, Fatehpur Beri, New Delhi – 110 074

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 44

Financial Calendar : 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019
Tentative Calendar for declaration of results for the financial year 2019-20 is given below:
Results for the Quarter / Year ending Date of Declaration
June 30, 2019 On or before August 14, 2019
September 30, 2019 On or before November 14, 2019
December 31, 2019 On or before February 14, 2020
March 31, 2020 (Annual Audited) On or before May 30, 2020

Dividend Payment Date:

No Dividend is recommended for the financial year 2018-19.
Date of Book Closure: November 7, 2019 to November 8, 2019 (Both days inclusive)
Name of Stock Exchange where shares are listed
Bombay Stock Exchange : BSE Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai- 400001
National Stock Exchange : National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
Exchange Plaza, Plot No. C/1,G Block, BandraKurla Complex,
Bandra (E), Mumbai: 400051
Listing fee for 2018-19 : Paid for both the above stock exchanges.
ISIN No. : INE512B01022 (for fully paid up shares)
ISIN No. : IN9512B01020 (for partly paid up shares)

Name of the Stock Exchange Exchange code

BSE 532666
Stock market price data
Monthly High and Low and the performance of our share price vis-à-vis NSE (Nifty) and BSE (Sensex) is
given below and Chart A and B (overleaf) respectively.
Performance comparison with indices:
High Low Volume High Low Volume Total
Apr-18 0.38 0.30 5095794 0.38 0.30 5095794 10191588
May-18 0.32 0.24 2158677 0.32 0.24 2158677 4317354
Jun-18 0.30 0.22 2033208 0.30 0.22 2033208 4066416
Jul-18 0.25 0.19 2882684 0.25 0.19 2882684 5765368
Aug-18 0.25 0.21 3705909 0.25 0.21 3705909 7411818
Sep-18 0.26 0.21 6083097 0.26 0.21 6083097 12166194
Oct-18 0.25 0.20 7045614 0.25 0.20 7045614 14091228
Nov-18 0.24 0.22 4884937 0.24 0.22 4884937 9769874
Dec- 18 0.24 0.21 6899431 0.24 0.21 6899431 13798862
Jan-19 0.24 0.20 2956324 0.24 0.20 2956324 5912648

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 45

Feb-19 0.23 0.20 4945039 0.23 0.20 4945039 9890078
Mar-19 0.24 0.20 6637204 0.24 0.20 6637204 13274408
Total 55327918 55327918 110655836



Share transfers in physical form

Shares sent for physical transfer are affected after giving a notice of 15 days to the seller for sale confirmation.
Our Investors’ Grievance Committee meets as often as required.
The total number of shares transferred in physical form during the year was 10.
As the Company’s shares are compulsorily to be traded in dematerialized form, members are requested to
send the shares if held in physical form, directly to the Registrars and Transfer Agents for dematerialization.
Members have the option to open their accounts either with National Securities Depository Limited or
Central Depository Services (India) Limited as the Company has entered into Agreements with both the

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 46

All physical share transfers are returned within 30 days of lodgment subject to the documents being in order.
Share transfer system
M/s. Link Intime (India) Pvt. Ltd. are the Registrar and Share Transfer Agents for processing transfers, sub-
division, consolidation, splitting of shares and for rendering depository services such as Dematerialization
and Re-materialization of the Company’s shares.
Distribution of shareholding
Following Tables list the distribution of the shareholding of the equity shares of the company by size and by
ownership class as on March 31, 2019.
Shareholding pattern by size
As on 31st March, 2019
Shareholding of No. of % of total No. of shares % of Total
Normal Value (Rs.) shareholder shareholder held shares
Upto 500 34785 30.4461 8186724 0.4789
501-1000 21903 19.1709 20084479 1.1748
1001-2000 17685 15.4791 30881841 1.8064
2001-3000 7419 6.4936 20120435 1.1769
3001-4000 4956 4.3378 18702678 1.0940
4001-5000 5804 5.0800 28257739 1.6529
5001-10000 9983 8.7378 80174097 4.6898
10001- & above 11716 10.2546 1503145107 87.9262
Total 114251 100.0000 1709553100 100.0000

Shareholding Pattern By Ownership

Categories As on March 31, 2019 As on March 31, 2018
No of share % of No of share % of
holding holding
Indian 335962450 19.6521 335962450 19.6521
Foreign 0 0 0 0
Mutual Fund & UTI 0 0 0 0
Banks and Financial Institution and 543150 0.0318 543150 0.0318
Insurance Companies
Central Government/State Government 568300 0.0332 568300 0.0332
Foreign Institutional Investor 0 0 0 0
Private Bodies Corporate 509729907 29.8166 519682396 30.3987
Indian Public-Individual 826232574 48.3303 814748949 47.6586
NRI/OCB's 16552092 0.9682 16759814 0.9804
Clearing Member 4366841 0.2554 5830061 0.3410
Other (Director & their relatives , HUF) 15597786 0.9123 14222528 0.8319
Total 1709553100 100 1709553100 100

Dematerialization of the shares and liquidity:

As on March 31, 2019, to the extent of 99.97% shares of the company were held in de-materialized form.
Trading in Company’s shares is permitted only in dematerialized form as per notifications issued by Securities
Exchange Board of India. The Company has entered into agreements with National Securities Depository
Ltd. & Central Depository Services (India) Ltd., whereby the investors have the options to dematerialize their
shares with either of the depositories.
The Company shares are among the most liquid and actively traded shares on BSE & NSE. The monthly
trading volumes of the Company shares on these Exchanges are given above. The status of Dematerialization
as on March 31, 2019 is as under:

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 47

Segment No. of % of Total No. of No. of Shares % of Total No. of
Shareholders Shareholders Shares
Physical 108 00.089 517990 00.03
Demat 114143 99.911 1709035110 99.97
Total 114251 100 1709553100 100

Plant Locations
The Company has 7 offices as on 31st March, 2019 located in 4 cities across India and other offices are in
Dubai and Germany. The addresses of these offices are available on our corporate website/Annual Report.
Address for Correspondence
FCS Software Solutions Limited,
Plot no. 83, NSEZ, Phase-II,
Main Dadri Road, Noida-201305
Tel No’s: - 0120-4635900
Fax No: - 0120-4635941
E-Mail ID:-investors@fcsltd.com

NSE Electronic Application Processing System (NEAPS):

The NEAPS is a web based application designed by NSE for corporate. All periodical compliance filings like
shareholding pattern, corporate governance report, are filed electronically on NEAPS.
BSE Corporate Compliance & Listing Centre (the ‘Listing Centre’)
BSE’s Listing Centre is a web based application designed for corporate. All periodical compliance filings like
shareholding pattern, corporate governance report, are filed electronically on BSE Listing Centre.
SEBI Complaints Redress System (SCORES)
The investor complaints are processed in a centralized web-based complaints redressal systems. The
salient features of this system are: Centralized database of all complaints, online upload of Action Taken
Reports (ATR’s) by concerned Companies and online viewing by investors of actions taken on the complaint
and its current status.
Code of Conduct
In compliance with Listing Regulations and Companies Act, 2013, the Company has framed and adopted a
Code of Conduct and Ethics (‘the Code’). In terms of Code of Conduct, the Directors and Senior Management
must act within the boundaries of the authority conferred upon them and with a duty to make and enact
informed decisions and policies in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders and stakeholders.
The Company obtains the affirmation compliance of the Code of Conduct from its Directors and senior
Management on an annual basis.
All members of the Board, the executive officers and senior financial officers have affirmed compliance to
the code as on 31st March, 2019.
The Code of Conduct is available on our website:www.fcsltd.com
Disclosure on materially significant related party transactions, i.e. the Company’s transactions
that are of material nature, with its promoters, Directors and the management, their relatives or
subsidiaries, among others that may have potential conflict with the Company’s interest at large
There were no related party transaction during the financial year 2018-19.
Details of non-compliance by the Company, penalties and structures imposed on the Company by
Stock Exchanges or SEBI, or any other statutory authority, on any matter related to capital markets
during last three years
There has been no instance of non-compliances by the Company on any matter related to capital markets
during last three years, and hence, no penalties or structures have been imposed on the Company by Stock
Exchanges or SEBI or any other statutory authority.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 48

Whistle Blower Policy
The Company has a whistle blower policy to provide opportunity to associates to represent, in good faith, to
the Head-Human Resources in case they observe unethical and improper practices or any other wrongful
conduct in the Company and to prevent managerial personnel from taking any adverse vindictive personal
action against those associates. Any person who observes any unethical & improper practices may disclose
it as soon as possible to the Head-Human Resources. During the year no person was denied access to the
Head-Human Resources and there was no case reported under the policy.
The Whistle Blower Policy of the Company is available on our website:www.fcsltd.com
Compliance with mandatory / non-mandatory requirements
The Company has complied with all applicable mandatory requirements in terms of SEBI (LODR)
Regulations. The non-mandatory requirements have been adopted to the extent and in the manner as
stated under the appropriate headings detailed elsewhere in this report.
Code for prevention of Insider-Trading practices
In compliance with the SEBI regulation on prevention of insider trading, the company has instituted a
comprehensive code of conduct for its management and staff. The code lays down guidelines, which advises
them on procedures to be followed and disclosures to be made, while dealing with shares of company, and
cautioning them of the consequences of violations.
Disclosure of accounting treatment in preparation of financial statements
The financial statements are prepared to comply in all material aspects with all the applicable accounting
principles in India, the applicable accounting standards notified u/s 2(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 (the
‘Act’) and the relevant provisions of the Act.
Management Discussion and Analysis
The Management Discussion and Analysis is given separately and forms part of this Annual Report.
The company has pending litigation as at year end 31st March, 2019 the details of which is as under:-
Nature of Dispute Forum where dispute is pending 31/03/2019 31/03/2018
Advance against Land Chief Megistrate, Gautam Budh Nagar, 200 200
Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Note: The company has advanced Rs. 708.01 Lakh to Vivan Enterprises, for which legal notice has been
served for the recovery.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 49

FCS Software Solutions Limited is an IT Company providing IT and IT enabled services. The company has
strong delivery capabilities in Application development and maintenance, eLearning and Digital Content
Management, Software testing, Infrastructure management services, Product Development, and primarily
has done work to develop data centers, ecommerce portals, packaged application support, FPGA based
accelerated computing environments, IT Separation projects.
We encourage our shareholders to read the information presented here in conjunction with additional
information that we have furnished in the financial statements. The financial statements are prepared in
compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015; Our Management accepts responsibility for the integrity and objectivity of
these financial statements, as well as for the various estimates and judgments used therein. The estimates
and judgments relating to the financial statements have been made on a prudent and reasonable basis to
ensure that financial statements reflect in a true and fair manner, the form and substance of transactions, and
reasonably showcase the key financial parameters of the Company in an objective and unbiased manner.
A. Industry structure and developments:-
The industry structure in the IT sector has four major categories. These are -

IT Services Infra Management Solutions


IT enabled services Education/ E- Learning

• IT services • IT enabled services

• Software products • Education/E-Learning
IT services constitute a major part of the IT industry of India. IT services include client, server and web based
services. Opportunities in the IT services sector exist in the areas of consulting services, management
services, internet services and application maintenance. The major users of IT services are -
• Government • Banking
• Financial services • Retail and distribution
• Manufacturing
FCS works with clients to maintain their IT Applications on Time and Material (T & M) basis or Fixed Price
Fixed Timeframe (FPFT) basis.
• Based on client’s Request for Proposal (RFP) and provide an estimate of time and cost. Based on
nature of work, FCS will suggest T & M or FPFT pricing model as well as global delivery model.
• FCS replicates application environment based on project needs or will use secure VPN connections to
directly log in client servers.
• Set Centers of Excellence (COEs) to leverage talent skilled in a set of specific technologies and
• Set up Lab Model for temporary deployment of resources for one time kind of work e.g. Application
Testing, Third party Application Audit etc.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 50

IT enabled services:-
The services which make extensive use of information and telecommunication technologies are categorized
as IT enabled services. The IT enabled services is the most important contributor to the growth of the IT
industry of India. Some of the important services covered by the ITES sector in India are -
• Customer-interaction services including call-centers • Back-office services
• Revenue accounting • Data entry and data conversion
• HR services • Transcription and translation services
• Content development and animation • Remote education,
• Data search • GIS
• Market research • Network consultancy

Application Portfolio Support for Enterprise Applications

Reference Transation Dashboard
DW DW Datamarts Datamarts Other reports

Level 3 Support

Status Communication Value-added services Optional services

Incident resolution Knowledge management

Perfomance Management
On-call production support Process improvements
Environment Maintenance
Contingency Planning Automation effort
Disaster recovery
Problem management Intelligent Production Support
Change coordination

Enterprise Applications
Infrastructure Management Services:-
Collocation Data Centers, Virtualization, System and Networks Support, Plug and Play Infrastructure
provisioning, WAN, IP Based Voice, Cyber Security

Data Data Data

Center Center Center Infrastructure Infrastructure
Management Management Management Consulting Consulting

Advise Advise
Manage Manage Manage
Implement Implement

Systems Systems Systems Infrastructue Infrastructure

Databases Databases Databases Off-shorability Off-shorability
Mail and Mail and Mail and ITSM ITSM
Application Application Application Implementation Implementation
Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure ITIL / BS15000 ITIL / BS 15000
Six Sigma Six SigmaData
Hosting Hosting Hosting Data center center
Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Consolidation Consolidation
Command Command Command DR/BCP DR/BCP
Centers. Centers Centers Storage/ Storage/
security security

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 51

Leasing Incomes:- The Company is also leasing its unused additional space to IT & ITES companies and
gain rental Income from them.
Education/ E- Learning
Content Aggregation, Learning Management Systems, Portals, Assessment

We deploy ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Integration, Enhancements) methodology to build state
of art training programs that never become obsolete. Our people expertise:
• Subject Matter Experts
• Instruction Designers and Story Boards
• Graphics and Visual Designers
• Script Writers
• AICC, SCORM, and Section 508 Compliance Specialists
• Animation, Simulation, and Gaming Solutions

B. Opportunities and Threats

Opportunities- We are able to undertake complex business and technology transformation initiatives that
help our clients enhance their performance, increase agility and flexibility, reduce costs, and achieve
measurable business value.


Start Ups globally need large Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
technical project work based Automation Projects

Migrating Large
Mobile Apps Big Data Analytics JVs with new IT clients from
in Healthcare unicorns consulting base to
captive base

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 52

Threats- The global financial industry continues to pass through uncertainties. The tighter regulation to
combat this uncertainty has led to protectionist tendencies in some of our markets. New projects continue
to face budget constraints for IT investments as the focus is still on regulatory compliance. Fast change in
Technology Landscape


Tendency of clients to use large IT companies Cloud computing and SaaS

US market has anti- Fast change in Technology High Product Development

outsourcing sentiments Landscape and Marketing Cost and
High Risk of returns

Evolution of technology outsourcing

The nature of technology outsourcing is changing. Historically, enterprises either outsourced their technology
requirements entirely, or on a standalone, project-by-project basis. In an environment of rapid technology
change, globalization and regulatory changes, the complete outsourcing model is often perceived to limit
a Company’s flexibility and not fully deliver potential cost savings and efficiency benefits. Similarly, project-
by-project outsourcing is also perceived to result in increased operational risk and coordination costs and
as failing to leverage technology service providers’ entire range of capabilities. To mitigate these issues,
Companies are looking at outsourcing models that require their technology service providers to develop
specialized systems, processes and solutions along with cost-effective delivery capabilities.
C. Segment-wise / Product-wise Performance
The company has shown average performance being impacted by the global slowdown and the uncertainty
in the domestic economy, For the financial year ended March 31, 2019, the Company reported a total
consolidated revenue income of Rs. 4040.36 lakhs and Standalone revenue of Rs. 3962.00 lakhs The
percentage wise revenue contribution of each segment is as below:
1. IT & IT Enable Services
2. Education/E –Learning Division
3. Infrastructure management

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 53

D. Outlook
FCS is striving to strengthen its position in providing technology services. In order to increase our business
we will strategize to increase business flow from existing customer and also tap new clients. We seek to
provide value-added solutions by leveraging domain expertise and expanding the range of services offered
to clients beyond those in the initial engagement.
We combine business knowledge and industry expertise of our domain specialists and the technical
knowledge and implementation skills of our delivery team leveraging our products, platforms, partnerships
and solutions in our development centers located around the world.
E. Risk and Concern
The Risk Management framework of your Company ensures regular review by management to proactively
identify the emerging risks, to do risk evaluation and risk prioritization along with development of risk
mitigation plans and action taken to minimize the impact of the risk. These processes are also periodically
reviewed by management.
F. Internal control systems and their adequacy
FCS has aligned its current systems of internal financial control with the requirement of Companies Act,
2013 that are designed to provide reasonable assurance that material information relating to Company is
disclosed on a timely basis. Our management assessed the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control
and concluded that they were effective during the reporting period. The Company’s management, with the
participation of CFO, is also responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over
financial reporting to provide reasonable assurance the reliability of financial reporting.
The company has a well reputed firm as the Internal Auditor. The internal audit function has been outsourced
to a firm of Chartered Accountants, namely SPMG & Co., Chartered Accountants. The Internal Audit scope
includes review of the procedure and policies in place as designed by the management across all functional
areas, and assessing the internal control strength in all areas. The Audit Committee reviews the Internal
Audit reports and the status of implementation of the agreed action plan.
G. Financial performance with respect to operational performance
For the financial year ended March 31, 2019, the Company reported a total consolidated revenue income of
Rs. 4040.36 lakhs and Standalone revenue of Rs. 3962.00 lakhs.
H. Material developments in Human Resources/ Industrial Relations Front,
including number of people employed
Our culture and reputation in consulting, technology, outsourcing and next-generation services enable us
to attract and retain some of the best talent in India. Our Professionals are the most valuable assets of the
Company. FCS has inbuilt HR strategic planning in its overall business plan. Satisfaction of our around 298
employees is important for FCS, because it is the key factor on which productivity depends.
I. Details of Significant Changes (i.e. change of 25% or more as compared to the
immediately previous financial year) in key financial ratios, along with detailed
explanation thereof;

S. No. Particulars FY 2018-19 FY 2017-18 Changes Remarks/Explanation

1 Debtor Turnover 5.73% 8.97% -3.24%

2 Inventory 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%


3 Interest 426.99% 1958.56% -1531.57% Decreased in Earning from

Coverage Ratio 407.24 Lakhs to 259.72 Lakhs
during the year, due to increase in
depreciation by 236.96 Lakhs as
compare to Previous year.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 54

4 Current Ratio 205.14% 57.94% 147.20% 1. Advance from Customer
Reduced from 1560.29 Lakhs to
513.05 Lakhs during the Current
2. Advance received against sale
of Stake of Rs. 447.98 Lakhs
during Previous year, which is nil
during the year.
3. Advance paid to supplier is
increased from 22.36 Lakhs to
267.09 Lakhs during the year.
5 Debt Equity 12.83% 8.61% 4.22%
6 Operating Profit 6.56% 13.13% -6.58%

J. Details of Any change in Return on Net worth as compared to the immediately

previous financial year along with a detailed explanation thereof.

S. No. Particulars FY 2018-19 FY 2017-18 Changes Remarks/Explanation

7 Net Profit Margin 4.51% 9.74% -5.24%

8 Return on Net 0.77% 1.21% -0.44%


K. Compensation
Our technology professionals receive competitive salaries and benefits. We have a performance-linked
compensation program that links compensation to individual performance, as well as our Company’s
L. Cautionary Note
The statements in the “Management Discussion and Analysis Report” section describes the Company’s
objectives, projections, estimates, expectations and predictions, which may be “forward looking statements”
within the meaning of the applicable laws and regulations. The annual results can differ materially from
those expressed or implied, depending upon the economic conditions, Government policies and other
incidental factors.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

FCS Software Solutions Limited

Place: Noida Dalip Kumar
Date: 14/10/2019 Chairman & Managing Director

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 55

Independent Auditors’ Report
To the Members of M/s. FCS Software Solutions Limited
Report on the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of M/s FCS Software Solutions
Limited (“the Company”) and its subsidiaries (the company and its subsidiaries together referred as to
“the group”), which comprise the consolidated balance sheet as at 31st March 2019, and the consolidated
Statement of Profit and Loss (including Other Comprehensive Income), the consolidated Statement of
Changes in Equity and the Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended on that date, and a summary
of the significant accounting policies and other explanatory information (hereinafter referred to as “the
consolidated financial statements”).
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the
aforesaid consolidated financial statements give the information required by the Act in the manner so
required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the Indian Accounting Standards prescribed
under section 133 of the Act read with the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 as
amended, (“Ind AS”) and other accounting principles generally accepted in India, of the consolidated
state of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2019, and the consolidated profit, consolidated total
comprehensive income, consolidated changes in equity and consolidated cash flows for the year ended
on that date.
Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audit of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the Standards on
Auditing specified under section 143(10) of the Act (SAs). Our responsibilities under those Standards are
further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements
section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued
by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) together with the independence requirements
that are relevant to our audit of the consolidated financial statements under the provisions of the Act and
the Rules made thereunder, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with
these requirements and the ICAI’s Code of Ethics.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our audit opinion on the consolidated financial statements.
Key Audit Matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our
audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in
the context of our audit of the consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion
thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. We have determined the matters
described below to be the key audit matters to be communicated in our report.

S.No. The key audit matters How our audit addressed the key audit matter
1 Adoption of Ind AS 115 – Revenue from Our audit procedures on adoption of Ind AS 115,
Contracts with Customers Revenue from contracts with Customers (‘Ind
The Company has adopted Ind AS 115, AS 115’), which is the new revenue accounting
Revenue from Contracts with Customers standard, include:-
(‘Ind AS 115’) which is the new revenue • Evaluated the design and implementation of
accounting standard. The application and the processes and internal controls relating
transition to this accounting standard is to implementation of the new revenue
complex and is an area of focus in the audit. accounting standard;

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 56

The revenue standard establishes a • Evaluated the detailed analysis performed
comprehensive framework for determining by management on revenue streams by
whether, how much and when revenue selecting samples for the existing contracts
is recognized. This involves certain key with customers and considered revenue
judgments relating to identification of distinct recognition policy in the current period in
performance obligations, determination of respect of those revenue streams;
transaction price of identified performance • Evaluated the changes made to IT systems
obligation, the appropriateness of the basis to reflect the changes required in revenue
used to measure revenue recognized over a recognition as per the new accounting
period. Additionally, the standard mandates standard;
robust disclosures in respect of revenue
and periods over which the remaining • Evaluated the cumulative effect adjustments
performance obligations will be satisfied as at 1 April 2018 for compliance with the
subsequent to the balance sheet date. new revenue standard; and
• Evaluated the appropriateness of the
disclosures provided under the new revenue
standard and assessed the completeness
and mathematical accuracy of the relevant

Information Other than the Consolidated Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report Thereon
The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of the other information. The other
information comprises the information included in the Management Discussion and Analysis, Board’s
Report including Annexure’s to Board’s Report, Business Responsibility Report, Corporate Governance
and Shareholder’s Information, but does not include the consolidated financial statements and our auditor’s
report thereon.
Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not
express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the consolidated financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other
information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the
consolidated financial statements or our knowledge obtained during the course of our audit or otherwise
appears to be materially misstated.
If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other
information; we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
Management’s Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements
The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the matters stated in section 134(5) of the Companies
Act, 2013 (“the Act”) with respect to the preparation of these consolidated financial statements that give a
true and fair view of the consolidated financial position, consolidated financial performance, consolidated
total comprehensive income, consolidated changes in equity and consolidated cash flows of the group in
accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India. The respective Board of Director of
the companies included in group are responsible for maintenance of the adequate accounting records in
accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding of the assets of the Group and for preventing
and detecting frauds and other irregularities; selection and application of appropriate implementation
and maintenance of accounting policies; making judgments and estimates that are reasonable and
prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls, that were
operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to
the preparation and presentation of the financial statement that give a true and fair view and are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the consolidated financial statements, the respective Board of Directors of the companies
included in the group are responsible for assessing the Group ability to continue as a going concern,
disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 57

unless management either intends to liquidate the Goup or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative
but to do so.
The respective Board of Directors of the companies included in the group are responsible for overseeing the
financial reporting process of the Group.
Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements
as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s
report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee
that an audit conducted in accordance with SAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists.
Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate,
they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these
consolidated financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional
skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud
or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence
that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material
misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve
collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
• Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures
that are appropriate in the circumstances. Under section 143(3)(i) of the Companies Act, 2013, we are
also responsible for expressing our opinion on whether the company has adequate internal financial
controls system in place and the operating effectiveness of such controls.
• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates and related disclosures made by management.
• Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting
and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or
conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If
we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report
to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify
our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s
report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going
• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the
disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in
a manner that achieves fair presentation.
• Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidences regarding the financial information of the entities or
business activities within the group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We
are responsible for the direction supervision and performance of the audit of the financial statements of
such entities included in the consolidated financial statements.
Materiality is the magnitude of misstatement in the standalone financial statements that, individually or
in aggregate, makes it probable that the economic decisions of a reasonable knowledgeable user of the
financial statements may be influenced. We consider quantitative materiality and qualitative factors in (i)
Planning the scope of our audit work and in evaluating the results of our work: and (ii) to evaluate the effect
of any identified misstatements in the financial statements.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope
and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control
that we identify during our audit.
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant
ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 58

matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related
From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were
of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key
audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public
disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should
not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be
expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.
Other Matter
We did not audit the financial statements/ financial information of 2 Foreign subsidiaries viz., M/s F.C.S
Software Middle East FZE, M/s F.C.S Software Solutions GmbH; 4 Indian subsidiaries viz.,M/s Insync
Business Solutions Limited, Innova E Services Private Limited, cGain Analytics Private Limited, Zero Time
Constructions Private Limited and 1 Associate Company M/s Enstaserv E-Services Limited. These financial
statements/financial information have been audited by other auditors whose reports have been furnished
to us by the Management and our opinion on the consolidated Ind AS financial statements, in so far as it
relates to the amounts and disclosures included in respect of these subsidiaries and our report in terms of
sub-section (3) of Section 143 of the Act, in so far as it relates to the aforesaid subsidiaries is based solely
on the reports of the other auditors.
During the year 2018-19, FCS Software Limited has initiated the merger of its five wholly owned Indian
subsidiaries namely M/s Stablesecure Infraservices Pvt Ltd, M/s Innova E Services Pvt Ltd, M/s Insync
Business Solutions Ltd, M/s cGain Analytics Pvt. Ltd., M/s Zero Time Constructions Pvt. Ltd. The proposed
merger has been duly approved by the Board of Directors in its meeting held on 19th April 2019. The effective
date of proposed merger is 01.01.2019, once approved by the competent authorities. The necessary legal
process has been initiated for this merger.
Our opinion on the consolidated Ind AS financial statements above and our report on Other Legal and
Regulatory Requirements below, is not modified in respect of the above matters with respect to our reliance
on the work done and the reports of other auditors.
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, we report that:
a) We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge
and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit of the aforesaid consolidated financial
b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law relating to preparation of the aforesaid
consolidated financial statements have been kept so far as it appears from our examination of those
c) The consolidated Balance Sheet, the consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss including Other
Comprehensive Income, the consolidated statement of changes in equity and the consolidated
statement of Cash Flow dealt with by this Report are in agreement with the relevant books of account
maintained for the purpose of preparation of the consolidated financial statements.
d) In our opinion, the aforesaid consolidated financial statements comply with the Accounting Standards
specified under Section 133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014.
e) On the basis of the written representations received from the directors as on 31st March, 2019 taken
on record by the Board of Directors of the company and its subsidiaries incorporated in India and
the reports of the statutory auditors of its subsidiaries companies incorporate in India, none of the
directors of the Group Companies incorporated in India is disqualified as on 31st March, 2019 from
being appointed as a director in terms of Section 164 (2) of the Act.
f) With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls over financial reporting of the Company
and the operating effectiveness of such controls, refer to our separate Report in “Annexure A” which
is based on the auditor’s reports of the Company and its subsidiaries companies incorporated in

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 59

g) In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the
remuneration paid by the Company to its directors during the year is in accordance with the provisions
of section 197 (16) of the Act.
h) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of
the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, as amended, in our opinion and to the best of our
information and according to the explanations given to us:
i. The Consolidated financial statements disclose impact of pending litigations on the consolidated
financial position of the group – Refer Note 1.26 to the financial statements.
ii. The Company and its subsidiaries did not have any long-term contracts including derivative
contracts for which there were any material foreseeable losses.
iii. There were no amounts which were required to be transferred to the Investor Education and
Protection Fund by the Company.

For and on behalf of

M/s Aadit Sanyam & Associates
Chartered Accountants
FRN: 023685N

(CA Sanyam Jain)
M. No. 531388
Place: New Delhi
Date: 30.05.2019

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 60

Annexure A to the Independent Auditors’ Report
(Referred to in paragraph 1(f) under ‘Report on other Legal and Regulatory Requirements’ section of our
report to the members of FCS Software Solutions Limited of even date.)

Report on the Internal Financial Controls under Clause (i) of sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the
Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’)

In conjunction with our audit of the consolidated financial statements of the company as of and for the
year ended March 31, 2019, we have audited the internal financial controls over financial reporting of
FCS Software Solutions Limited (‘the Company’) and its subsidiary companies, which are companies
incorporated in India, as of that date.

Management’s Responsibility for Internal Financial Controls

The Board of Directors of the company and its subsidiary companies, which are companies incorporated
in India, are responsible for establishing and maintaining internal financial controls based on the internal
control over financial reporting criteria established by the Company considering the essential components of
internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting
issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (‘ICAI’). These responsibilities include the design,
implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls that were operating effectively
for ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to the Company’s
policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the prevention and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy
and completeness of the accounting records, and the timely preparation of reliable financial information, as
required under the Companies Act, 2013.

Auditors’ Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the internal financial controls over financial reporting of
Company and its subsidiary companies, which are companies incorporated in India, based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls over
Financial Reporting (‘the Guidance Note’) issued by ICAI and the Standards on Auditing, prescribed under
Section 143(10) of the Companies Act, 2013, to the extent applicable to an audit of internal financial controls.
Those Standards and the Guidance Note require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether adequate internal financial controls over
financial reporting was established and maintained and if such controls operated effectively in all material

Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal
financial controls system over financial reporting and their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal
financial controls over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal financial controls
over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the
design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected
depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the
consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. We believe that the audit evidence we
have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the internal financial
controls system over financial reporting of the Company and its subsidiary companies, which are companies
incorporated in India.

Meaning of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting

A company’s internal financial control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable
assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for
external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal financial
control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance
of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the
assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to
permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 61

that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of the
management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or
timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a
material effect on the financial statements.

Limitations of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting

Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial controls over financial reporting, including the
possibility of collusion or improper management override of controls, material misstatements due to error
or fraud may occur and not be detected. Also, projections of any evaluation of the internal financial controls
over financial reporting to future periods are subject to the risk that the internal financial control over financial
reporting may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with
the policies or procedures may deteriorate.


In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the Company
and its subsidiary companies, which are companies incorporated in India, have, in all material respects,
an adequate internal financial controls system over financial reporting and such internal financial controls
over financial reporting were operating effectively as at 31 March 2019, based on the internal control over
financial reporting criteria established by the Company considering the essential components of internal
control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting issued
by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

For and on behalf of

M/s Aadit Sanyam & Associates
Chartered Accountants
FRN: 023685N

(CA Sanyam Jain)
Place: New Delhi Partner
Date: 30.05.2019 M. No. 531388

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 62

Consolidated Balance sheet as at 31st March 2019
(All amounts are in Lakhs of Indian Rupees, unless otherwise stated)
Note no. As at March As at March
I. ASSETS 31, 2019 31, 2018
2. Non-current assets
(a) Property, plant and equipment 2 21,262.33 5,021.75
(b) Capital work-in-progress 3 546.95 1,252.49
(c) Goodwill - 215.80
(d) Intangible assets 4 27.73 14,462.84
(e) Financial assets
- Investments 5 10,130.98 9,476.84
- Loans and advances 6 2,418.98 1,735.23
- Others 7 226.28 285.32
(f) Deferred tax assets (Net) 8 112.78 144.36
(g) Other non-current assets 9 1,270.85 2,279.35
2. Current assets
(a) Financial assets
- Trade Receivables 10 371.53 418.82
- Cash and cash equivalents 11 1,387.33 1,121.05
- Loans and advances 12 291.65 743.44
(b) Other current assets 13 441.68 442.60
TOTAL 38,489.08 37,599.88
1. Equity
(a) Equity Share capital 14 17,095.53 17,095.53
(b) Other Equity 15 17,114.77 16,984.87
(c) Non Controlling Interest - 309.63
2. Non-current liabilities
(a) Financial liabilities
- Borrowings 16 2,742.54 333.58
(b) provisions 17 94.23 78.50
(c) Other non-current Liabilities 18 395.89 110.74
3. Current liabilities
(a) Financial liabilities
- Trade payables 19 281.51 797.30
(b) Provisions 20 3.51 3.11
(c) Other Current Liabilities 21 669.30 1,717.83
(d) Current Tax Liabilities (net) 22 91.81 168.79
TOTAL 38,489.08 37,599.88

Summary of Significant Accounting Policies. 1

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements
As per our report of even date attached

For Aadit Sanyam & Associates For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Chartered Accountants For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Firm Regd. No.: 023685N
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
CA. Sanyam Jain Dalip Kumar Shayam Sunder Sharma
(Partner) (Chairman & Managing Director) (Independent Director)
M. No.531388 Din: 00103292 Din: 00272803
Sd/- Sd/-
Place: Noida Anil Kumar Sharma Harsha Sharma
Date: May 30, 2019 (Chief Financial Officer) (Company Secretary)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 63

Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss for the year
ended 31st March 2019
(All amounts are in Lakhs of Indian Rupees, unless otherwise stated)
Note As at As at
No. March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
Revenue from operations 23 4,040.36 3,430.76
Other income 24 224.95 655.19
Total revenue 4,265.32 4,085.95
Emloyee benefit expense 25 1,900.99 2,009.52
Finance cost 26 105.47 37.78
Depreciation and amortisation expense 27 16,948.45 6,221.32
Other Operating expense 28 1,657.09 1,548.31
Total expenses 20,611.99 9,816.94

Profit/ (loss) before tax (16,346.68) (5,730.99)

Tax expense
a) Current tax 49.61 88.13
b) Deferred tax 31.59 17.11
Profit/ (loss) for the period before Other Comprehensive
(16,427.88) (5,836.22)
Other comprehensive income
- Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
1 Remeasurement of defined employee benefits plan (0.48) (4.49)
Changes in Fair Values of Investment in Equities carried
2 (13,825.54) (1,546.65)
at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income
Changes in Fair Values of Assets (Land & Building) carried
3 14,095.31 -
at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income
4 An item of Expense not recognised in profit or loss account - -
a Loss on Sale of Investments (660.73) -
b Foreign exchange fluctuation (142.94) -
Net Other Comprehensive Income (534.38) (1,551.13)
Total comprehensive income for the period
(16,962.26) (7,387.35)
(Profit/ loss + other comprehensive income)
Earnings per equity share (for continuing operations)
a) Basic (0.99) (0.43)
b) Diluted (0.99) (0.43)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements

As per our report of even date attached
For Aadit Sanyam & Associates For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Chartered Accountants For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Firm Regd. No.: 023685N
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
CA. Sanyam Jain Dalip Kumar Shayam Sunder Sharma
(Partner) (Chairman & Managing Director) (Independent Director)
M. No.531388 Din: 00103292 Din: 00272803
Sd/- Sd/-
Place: Noida Anil Kumar Sharma Harsha Sharma
Date: May 30, 2019 (Chief Financial Officer) (Company Secretary)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 64

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 31 March 2019
(All amounts are in Lakhs of Indian Rupees, unless otherwise stated)
As at March As at March
31, 2019 31, 2018
Net Profit Before Tax (16,346.68) (5,730.99)
Adjustments for :
Depreciation and amortisation 16,948.45 6,221.32
Net (Gain)/loss on sale of Investments - (71.50)
Interest income (199.66) (547.77)
Finance costs 105.47 37.78
Other Adjustments (54.44) (140.30)
453.13 (231.45)
Working capital adjustments:
(Increase)/Decrease in Trade Receivables 47.29 21.31
(Increase)/Decrease in Loans and Advances (231.97) 8,108.14
(Increase)/Decrease in Other Assets 1,068.44 (759.82)
Increase/(Decrease) in Trade Payables (515.79) 358.01
Increase/(Decrease) in Provisions 16.14 12.03
Increase/(Decrease) in Current Liabilities (840.36) (552.11)
Cash Generated from Operations (3.13) 6,956.11
Income Tax Paid 89.25 112.47
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (2,492.93) (187.13)
Interest Income 199.66 547.77
Proceeds from sale of investments 639.72 1,188.40
Gain on Sale of investments - 71.50
Purchase of Investment in Preference Shares - (6,941.30)
Purchase of Investment in Equity Shares (291.30) (416.00)


Finance costs (105.47) (37.78)
Proceeds from borrowings 2,408.96 297.83
Repayment of borrowings - (791.69)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 65



266.27 575.23

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 1,121.05 545.82


As per our report of even date attached

For Aadit Sanyam & Associates For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Chartered Accountants For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Firm Regd. No.: 023685N

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
CA. Sanyam Jain Dalip Kumar Shayam Sunder Sharma
(Partner) (Chairman & Managing Director) (Independent Director)
M. No.531388 Din: 00103292 Din: 00272803

Sd/- Sd/-
Place: Noida Anil Kumar Sharma Harsha Sharma
Date: May 30, 2019 (Chief Financial Officer) (Company Secretary)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 66

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2019
(All amounts are in Lakhs of Indian Rupees, unless otherwise stated)
Property, plant and equipment consist of the following for the year ended March 31, 2019:
Particulars Land Buildings Office Computer Furniture Vehicles Total
Equipment equipment and fixtures
Gross carrying value as of April 1, 2018: 2,803.04 2,119.91 747.07 6,654.82 420.07 77.04 12,821.94
Additions 26.93 1,054.83 1,003.08 1.51 406.58 - 2,492.93
Increase/(Decrease) due to Revaluation 10,519.22 3,576.09 - - - - 14,095.31
Deletions - - - - - - -
Gross carrying value as of March 31, 13,349.19 6,750.82 1,750.15 6,656.33 826.65 77.04 29,410.18

FCS Software Solutions Ltd.

2019 :
Accumulated depreciation as of April 1, - 366.30 673.31 6,340.05 354.03 66.50 7,800.19
Depreciation - 139.53 185.83 7.03 39.93 3.38 375.71
Add/(Less): Adjustments - (0.39) (27.88) 0.21 - (28.06)
Accumulated depreciation on deletions - - - - - - -
Accumulated depreciation as of - 505.83 858.75 6,319.20 394.17 69.88 8,147.84
March 31, 2019:
Carrying value as of March 31, 2019 : 13,349.19 6,244.99 891.40 337.13 432.48 7.15 21,262.33


Property, plant and equipment consist of the following for the year ended March 31, 2018:
Gross carrying value as of April 1, 2017: 2,799.18 873.99 742.62 6,649.27 420.07 77.04 11,562.16
Additions 3.86 1,245.92 4.45 5.55 - - 1,259.78
Deletions - - - - - - -
Gross carrying value as of March 31, 2,803.04 2,119.91 747.07 6,654.82 420.07 77.04 12,821.94
2017 :
Accumulated depreciation as of April 1, - 314.31 654.13 6,364.59 344.17 56.81 7,734.01
Depreciation - 25.09 20.33 18.20 13.29 5.57 82.50
Add/(Less): Adjustments - 26.90 (1.16) (42.75) (3.43) 4.12 (16.32)
Accumulated depreciation on deletions - - - - - - -
Accumulated depreciation as of - 366.30 673.31 6,340.05 354.03 66.50 7,800.19
March 31, 2018:

Carrying value as of March 31, 2018 : 2,803.04 1,753.61 73.76 314.77 66.04 10.54 5,021.75
(Rs. in Lakhs)
Intangible assets consist of the following for the year ended
March 31, 2019:
Particulars Software & IPR Total
Cost as at April 1, 2018 : 35,824.19 35,824.19
Additions - -
Deletions - -
Cost as at March 31, 2019 : 35,824.19 35,824.19

Accumulated amortization as of April 1, 2018: 21,361.35 21,361.35

Amortization expense 16,629.25 16,629.25
Add/(less): Adjustments (2,194.14) (2,194.14)
Deletion - -
Accumulated amortization as of March 31, 2019: 35,796.46 35,796.46
Carrying Amount as of March 31, 2019 : 27.73 27.73

Intangible assets consist of the following for the year ended March 31, 2018:
Particulars Software & IPR Total
Cost as at April 1, 2017: 35,824.19 35,824.19
Additions - -
Deletions - -
Cost as at March 31, 2018 : 35,824.19 35,824.19

Accumulated amortization as of April 1, 2016: 22,012.24 22,012.24

Amortization expense 6,138.83 6,138.83
Add/(less): Adjustments (6,789.71) (6,789.71)
Deletion - -
Accumulated amortization as of March 31, 2018: 21,361.35 21,361.35
Carrying Amount as of March 31, 2018 : 14,462.84 14,462.84

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 68

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2019
(All amounts are in Lakhs of Indian Rupees, unless otherwise stated)
As at As at
31.03.2019 31.03.2018
5. Non-current investments
a. Non Trade and unquoted - Investments in equity shares
(Carried at FVTOCI) of associates
M/s Myzeal IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 1900 Equity Shares of 0.19 0.50
Rs.10/- fully paid
M/s.Enstaserv eServices Ltd 8279930 Equity shares of 827.99 827.99
Rs.10/- each fully paidup.
(I) 828.18 828.49
b. Non Trade and unquoted - Investments in equity shares
(Carried at FVTOCI)
M/s. Pumarth Prperties & Holdings Private 400000 equity 900.00 900.00
shares @ Rs. 10 each at premium of Rs 215
M/s Bloom Healthcare (P) Ltd. 594366 (previously held 9598) 614.00 422.00
Equity Shares of Rs. 71/- each i.e. Rs. 10 per share at premium
of Rs. 61/- and 274285 Equity shares of Rs. 70/- each i.e Rs.
10 per share at premium of Rs.60/-
M/s Readystate Infraservices Private Limited 44,000 Equity 1,206.73 1,206.73
Shares of Rs.1500/- at premium i.e. Rs. 10 each per Share and
premium @ Rs.1490 and 47500 Equity Shares of Rs.1151/- at
premium i.e. Rs. 10 each per Share and premium @ Rs.1141
M/s Indian Durobuild Private Limited, 250000 Equity Sharesof - 25.00
Rs. 10 each fully paid up
Madoc Pharmaceuticals Pvt Limited - 90.00
M/s RPG Securities & Finacial Services LImited, 34900 Equity - 35.91
Sharesof Rs. 10 each and premium of Rs.92.9
M/s Passion IT Solutions Pvt Ltd, 21,890 Equity Sharesof Rs. - 21.89
10 each and premium of Rs.90
M/s Trimurti Petrochemicals & Allied Services Pvt. Ltd, 80,000 - 44.80
Equity Sharesof Rs. 10 each and premium of Rs.46
M/s. Karma Lakelands Pvt Ltd, 137000 equity shares @ Rs. 10 - 109.76
each at premium of Rs 62.99
M/s. Competent Infoways Pvt. Ltd. 31000 equity shares @ Rs. - 34.70
10 each at premium of Rs 92
M/s. Maksad Infracon Pvt. Ltd. 75000 equity shares @ Rs. 10 - 85.61
each at premium of Rs 94
M/s Indian Durobuild Private Limited, 175000 Equity Sharesof - 20.17
Rs. 10 each and premium of Rs.0.5
M/s Indian Probuild Private Limited, 800000 Equity Sharesof - 87.80
Rs. 10 each fully paid
M/s Heimdahl Software Systems Pvt. Ltd. 100379 Equity 26.10 26.10
Shares of Rs.26/- at premium i.e. Rs. 10 each per Share and
premium @ Rs.16
M/s Premier Capital Services Limited, 307140 shares of Rs. - -
5.61 each
(II) 2,746.82 3,110.47
c. Non Trade - Investments in Preference Shares
M/s Bloom Healthcare (P) Ltd. 9916138 Preference shares of 6,941.30 6,941.30
Rs. 70 each.
(III) 6,941.30 6,941.30
Total Non-Current Investments (I+II+III) 10,516.30 10,880.26
Less/(Add) : Provision for diminution in value of investments 387.26 1,404.39
Total (I+II+III) 10,130.98 9,476.84

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 69

As at As at
particulars March 31, March 31,
2019 2018
3. Capital work-in-progress
Considered Good
- Building WIP 546.95 1,252.49
Total 546.95 1,252.49
6. Non-Current Financial Assets- Loans & Advances :
Unsecured Considered Good
- Loans to Others 1,432.69 809.15
- Inter-corporate deposits 78.28 18.07
Unsecured Considered Doubtful - -
- Loans to Others * 708.01 708.01
Advance against Land # 200.00 200.00
Total 2,418.98 1,735.23
* Includes non interest bearing loan of Rs. 7.08 Crores since Feb, 2016, being contigent by Nature.
# Refer notice No. 1.23

7 Non-Current Financial Assets-Others :

- Long term Bank Deposits 154.30 200.67
- Security Deposits 71.99 84.64
Total 226.28 285.32
8 Deferred Tax Assets (Net):
- Depreciation & Amortization 83.64 115.23
- Employee Benefits 29.14 29.14
Total 112.78 144.36
9 Other Non-Current Assets
- TDS & IT Refund Receivables 75.85 44.22
- Preliminary & Othe Misc Expenses 1,195.00 2,235.13
Total 1,270.85 2,279.35
10 Current Financial Assets - Trade Receivables
- Considered Good 371.53 418.82
Total 371.53 418.82
11 Cash and Cash equivalents
(i) Balances with Banks
- In current accounts 1,320.71 1,066.12
(ii) cash in hand 66.62 54.94
Total 1,387.33 1,121.05
12 Current Financial Assets - Lease Receivables
- Advances to Employee 24.47 12.70
- Advance to Suppliers 267.18 730.73
Total 291.65 743.44
13 Other Current Assets
- Prepaid expense 26.90 22.29
- Interest Receivables 3.87 4.53
- Unbilled Revenue 143.52 219.68
- Indirect Tax Recoverables 167.31 16.69
- TDS & IT Refund Receivables 100.09 179.41
Total 441.68 442.60

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 70

As at As at
particulars March 31, March 31,
2019 2018
14 Share capital
A. Authorised Capital
185,00,00,000 Equity Shares of Re. 1/- each fully paid up with voting 18,500.00 18,500.00
B. Issued, Subscribed And Fully Paid Up
170,95,53,100 EQUITY SHARES OF Re. 1/- EACH fully paid up with 17,095.53 17,095.53
voting rights
Less :
Total 17,095.53 17,095.53
15. Other Equity
Other equity consist of the following:
(a) Capital reserve 1,881.03 1,881.03
(b) Share premium 25,099.44 25,099.44
(c) General reserve - -
(i) Opening balance 3,443.95 3,416.17
(ii) Transferred from retained earnings - -
3,443.95 3,416.17
(d) Retained earnings
(i) Opening balance (19,387.75) (13,480.33)
(ii) Less:Previous Year Provision Adjusted - (20.92)
(iii) Add/(less): Profit of Associates companies 0.96 0.98
(iv) Add: Profit for the period (17,232.02) (5,840.71)
(36,618.82) (19,340.98)
Less : Appropriations
(i) Appropriation/Adjustments (6.04) (46.77)
(36,624.86) (19,387.75)

Non Controlling Interest 2.52

(e) Investment Revaluation Reserve

(i) Opening balance (1,833.10) 125.84
(ii) Unrealised gain on equity shares carried at fair value through OCI 855.97 11.43
(ii) Realised gain on equity shares carried at fair value through OCI 1,059.54 (1,970.38)
82.41 (1,833.10)
(f) Assets Revaluation Reserve
(i) Opening Balance - -
(ii) Addition/Deletion due to Revaluation 14,095.31 -
(ii) Reversal on account of Depreciation on Revaluation 56.52 -
14,038.79 -

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 71

As at As at
particulars March 31, March 31,
2019 2018
(g) Others (Foreign Currency Translation Reserve ) 9,193.99 8,160.15
17,114.77 16,984.87
14A Details of shareholders holding more than 5% shares in the
Equity shares of Re. 1 each, fully paid up held by:
As at 31 March, 2019 As at 31 March, 2018
Number % Holding Number % Holding
- Dalip Kumar 185916060 10.88% 185916060 10.88%
- Enstaserv e services Limited 150000000 8.77% 150000000 8.77%
- SLG Softech Private Limited 220000000 12.87% 220000000 12.87%
- Prahlad Estates and Properties Pvt. Ltd. 260000000 15.21% 260000000 15.21%

16 Non-Current Financial Liabilities- Borrowings :

Secured loans
- ICICI Bank Loan 762.16 -
- HDFC Bank Loan 1,969.44 -
Unsecured Loan
- From entity other than Banks 10.93 333.58
Total 2,742.54 333.58
17 Non-Current Provisions :
- Provision for Leave encashment 15.15 12.80
- Provision for Gratuity 79.08 65.71
Total 94.23 78.50
18 Other Non Current Liabilities :
- Other Payables - 25.83
- Security Deposits 395.89 84.91
Total 395.89 110.74
19 Current Financial Liabilities - Trade Payables :
- Considered Good 281.51 797.30
Total 281.51 797.30
20 Current Provisions :
- Provision for Leave Encashment 0.77 0.93
- Provision for Gratuity 2.74 2.18
Total 3.51 3.11
21 Other Current Liabilities :
- Advance received from customers 513.30 1,562.82
- Others (Payables) 155.99 155.01
Total 669.30 1,717.83
22 Current Tax Liabilities (net)
- Income Tax Provision 49.61 88.13
- Indirect tax payable and other statutory liabilities 42.19 80.66
Total 91.81 168.79

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 72

As at As at
particulars March 31, March 31,
2019 2018
IT Enabled Services, Infra Management, e-Learning;
- Overseas 3,071.48 2,744.01
- Domestic 569.64 506.38
Rental Income 399.24 180.37
Total 4,040.36 3,430.76
Other income (net) consist of the following:
- Interest income 199.66 547.77
- Gain on sale of investments carried at FVTOCI - 71.50
- Net foreign exchange gains 5.58 32.01
- Other Income 19.71 3.91
Total 224.95 655.19
Interest income comprise:
- Interest on bank deposits 35.42 8.34
- Interest income on financial assets 159.85 509.66
- Other interest (including interest on income tax refunds) 4.39 29.78
Total 199.66 547.77
Employee costs consist of the following:
- Salaries, incentives and allowances 1,822.14 1,931.36
- Contributions to provident and other funds 23.53 26.69
- Staff welfare expenses 55.32 51.47
Total 1,900.99 2,009.52
26 FINANCE COSTS (at effective interest rate method)
Finance costs consist of the following:
- Interest expenses 79.43 22.07
- Bank Charges 26.04 15.71
Total 105.47 37.78
Depreciation of Property, Plant and equipment 319.19 82.50
Amortisation of Intangible Assets 16,629.25 6,138.83
Total 16,948.45 6,221.32
Other operating expenses consist of the following:
- Fees to external consultants 137.83 59.49
- Communication expenses 44.76 69.20
- Cost of equipment and software licenses 25.15 3.21
- Cost of Technical Sub-contractors 829.89 865.95
- Travel expenses 47.81 63.51
- Loss on sale of Investments - -
- Conveyance 27.79 28.67
- Power & Fuel 177.74 187.82
- Auditors Remuneration 11.67 11.26
- Running & Maintenance 63.84 96.24
- Other expenses 290.63 162.97
Total 1,657.09 1,548.31

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 73

1.1 Company Overview:
FCS Software Solutions Limited (‘FCS’ or ‘the company’ or ‘the holding company’) was incorporated
on 05th May, 1993. The company is listed on two stock exchanges in India namely National Stock
Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange.
The Company has its wholly owned subsidiaries in Germany, UAE and India (the company and
its subsidiaries constitute ‘the group’). The group business consists of software development
and marketing and providing support services mainly for corporate business entities in the BPO,
software development and e-learning service sector.
1.2 Basis of preparation of financial statements
These consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Indian Accounting
Standards (Ind AS) under the historical cost convention on the accrual basis, except for certain
financial instruments which are measured at fair values, the provisions of the Companies Act,
2013 (‘the Act’) (to the extent notified) and guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI). The Ind AS are prescribed under Section 133 of the Act read with Rule 3 of
the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 and relevant amendment rules issued
Effective April 1, 2016, the Group has adopted all the Ind AS standards and the adoption was
carried out in accordance with Ind AS 101, First-time adoption of Indian Accounting Standards,
with April 1, 2015 as the transition date. The transition was carried out from Indian Accounting
Principles generally accepted in India as prescribed under Section 133 of the Act, read with Rule
7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 (IGAAP), which was the previous GAAP.
Accounting policies have been consistently applied except where a newly-issued accounting
standard is initially adopted or a revision to an existing accounting standard requires a change in
the accounting policy hitherto in use.
As the year-end figures are rounded to the nearest lakhs. The figures reported for the previous
quarters might not always add up to the year-end figures reported in this statement.
1.3 Basis of consolidation
FCS consolidates entities which it owns or controls. The consolidated financial statements
comprise the financial statements of the Company, its controlled entities and its subsidiaries which
are as follows;
Rs. in lacs
Name of the Company % % Country of
Shareholdings Shareholdings Incorporation
31.03.2019 31.03.2018
FCS Software Middle East FZE 100 100 UAE
FCS Software Solutions GmbH 100 100 Germany
Insync Business Solutions Limited 100 100 India
Innova E services Pvt. Ltd. 100 99.31 India
Stablesecure Infraservices Pvt. Ltd. 100 92.67 India
Zero Time Constructions Pvt. Ltd.* 100 90.66 India
cGain Analytics Pvt. Ltd. 100 92.74 India

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 74

The Consolidated Financial statements also comprise the following associate companies;
Rs. in lacs
Name of the Company % % Country of
Shareholdings Shareholdings Incorporation
31.03.2019 31.03.2018
Enstaserv Eservices Pvt. Ltd. 48.94 48.94 India

Control exists when the parent has power over the entity, from its involvement with the entity
and has the ability to affect those returns by using its power over the entity. Subsidiaries are
consolidated from the date control commences until the date control ceases.
The financial statements of the group companies are consolidated on a line-by-line basis and
intra-group balances and transactions, including unrealized gain / loss from such transactions,
are eliminated upon consolidation. These financial statements are prepared by applying uniform
accounting policies in use at the Group. Non-controlling interests which represent part of the net
profit or loss and net assets of subsidiaries that are not, directly or indirectly, owned or controlled
by the Company, are excluded.
Associates are entities over which the company has significant influence but not control. Investments
in associates are accounted for using the equity method of accounting. The investment in initially
recognised at cost and carrying amount is increased or decreased to recognize the investor’s
share of profit or loss of the investee after the acquisition date. The group investment in associates
includes goodwill identified on acquisition.
Further, Management account of FCS Software Solutions GmbH & FCS Software (Shanghai)
Co. Ltd. is considered for the consolidation of financial statement & unaudited financial results
of associate enterprises namely Enstaserv Eservices Pvt. Ltd. & Myzeal IT Solutions Ltd. is
considered for the consolidation. Due to oversight, the word “audited financial statement” is used
for consolidation of associate enterprises in our Quarter 4 limited review report.
1.4 Use of estimates
The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with Ind AS requires the management
to make estimates, judgments and assumptions. These estimates, judgments and assumptions
affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the
disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and reported
amounts of revenues and expenses during the period. Accounting estimates could change from
period to period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Appropriate changes in estimates
are made as the Management becomes aware of changes in circumstances surrounding the
estimates. Changes in estimates are reflected in the financial statements in the period in which
changes are made and, if material, their effects are disclosed in the notes to the consolidated
financial statements.
1.5 Recent Accounting Pronouncements
Ind AS 116, LEASES:
On March 30, 2019, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has notified Ind AS 116, LEASES. Ind AS
116 will replace the existing leases standard, Ind AS 17, LEASES, and related interpretations. The
standard sets out the principles for the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of
leases for both parties to a contract i.e., the lessee and the lessor. Ind AS 116 introduces a
single lessee accounting model and requires the lessee to recognize assets and liabilities for all
leases with a term of more than twelve months, unless the underlying asset is of low value. Ind AS
116 substantially carries forward the lessor accounting requirements in Ind AS 17.
The effective date for the adoption of Ind AS 116 is annual periods beginning on or after April 1,
2019. The standard permits two possible methods of transition:
• Full retrospective – Retrospectively to each prior period presented applying Ind AS 8,
Accounting Policies, CHANGES in Accounting ESTIMATES AND Errors

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 75

• Modified retrospective – Retrospectively, with the cumulative effect of initially applying the
standard recognized at the date of initial application
Under modified retrospective approach, the lessee records the lease liability as the present value
of the remaining lease payments, discounted at the incremental borrowing rate and the right of use
asset either as :
• Its carrying amount as if the standard had been applied since the commencement date,
but discounted at the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate at the date of initial application, or
Effective date for application of this amendment is annual period beginning on or after April 1,
2019. The Company is currently evaluating the effect of this amendment on the standalone
financial statements
Amendment to Ind AS 19, plan amendment, curtailment or settlement:
On March 30, 2019, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs issued amendments to Ind AS 19, Employee
Benefits, in connection with accounting for plan amendments, curtailments and settlements.
The amendments require an entity:
• To use updated assumptions to determine current service cost and net interest for the
remainder of the period after a plan amendment, curtailment or settlement; and
• To recognize in profit or loss as part of past service cost, or a gain or loss on settlement, any
reduction in a surplus, even if that surplus was not previously recognized because of the
impact of the asset ceiling.
Effective date for application of this amendment is annual period beginning on or after April 1,
2019. The Company does not have any impact on account of this amendment
1.6 Revenue recognition
Revenue from IT Enabled Service including software development services and other projects on
as time-and material basis is recognized based on service rendered and billed to clients as per
the terms of specific contracts. In the case of fixed-price contracts, revenue is recognized based
on the milestones achieved, as specified in the contracts, on a percentage of completion basis.
Unbilled revenue represents amount recognized based on services performed in advance of
billing in accordance with contract terms. Interest on development of surplus funds is recognized
using the time-proportion method, based on interest rates implicit in the transaction. However,
those expenses on which revenue had not recognized was considered as work in process.
Advance received for services and products are reported as client deposits until all conditions for
revenue recognition are met.
The company presents revenues net of indirect taxes in its Statement of Profit & Loss Account.
Revenue from operation for the year ended March 31, 2019 and March 31, 2018 is as follows:
Rs. in lacs
S.No. Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
1 IT & ITES, Infra 3,641.12 3,250.39
Management, e-Learning
2 Revenue from Renting of 399.24 180.37
Total Revenue For 4,040.36 3,430.76

1.7 Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost of acquisition including incidental costs related
to acquisition and installation less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss, if any. All direct
costs are capitalized till the assets are ready to be put to use. Fixed assets under construction,
advances paid towards acquisition of fixed assets and cost of assets not put to use before the
period/year end, are disclosed as capital work in progress. The Group depreciates property, plant

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 76

and equipment over their estimated useful lives using the written down value method.
Rs. in lacs
Fixed Assets Useful life of Assets Useful life as per companies
Buildings 70 Years 60 Years
Office equipment 8 Years 5 Years
Computer equipment 3 Years 3 Years
Furniture and fixtures 14 Years 10 Years
Vehicles 6 Years 6 Years
Servers and networks 8 Years 6 Years

During the year, the company and its subsidiary companies revalued its Land and Building in
order to arrive at estimated Fair Market Value, as per the Valuation Certificate as certified by
independent valuer. The effective date of Revaluation is 31st December, 2018. Such Increase/
(decrease) in carrying amount of an asset due to revaluation is taken to other comprehensive
income and accumulated in equity as per Ind-AS 16. The revaluation effect is as follows:-
Rs. in lacs
S.No Class of Fixed Value before Value After Revaluation Profit
Assets Revaluation# Revaluation
1. Land 2,829.97 13,349.19 10,519.22
2. Building 2,672.41* 6,248.50 3,576.09

#It represents WDV as on 31st December, 2018.

*For the purpose of calculating depreciation, revalued figure has been apportioned on the basis of WDV available as at 31st
December, 2018.

1.8 Goodwill
Accounting Policy
Goodwill represents the investments in excess of the Group’s interest in the net fair value of
identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities as the case may be. Goodwill is measured
at cost less accumulated impairment losses.
1.9 Intangible assets
1.9.1 Accounting Policy
Intangible assets comprising of Software Application licenses & rights are stated at cost less
accumulated amortization and impairment. Intangible fixed assets are capitalized where they are
expected to provide future enduring economic benefits. Capitalization costs include license fees
and cost of implementation/system integration services. The costs are capitalized in the year
in which the software is fully implemented for use. Intangible assets are amortized over their
respective individual estimated useful lives on a straight-line basis, from the date that they are
available for use. The estimated useful life of an identifiable intangible asset is based on a number
of factors including the effects of obsolescence, demand, competition, and other economic factors
(such as the stability of the industry, and known technological advances). Amortization methods
and useful lives are reviewed periodically including at each financial year end.
Research costs are expensed as incurred. Software product development costs are expensed
as incurred unless technical and commercial feasibility of the project is demonstrated, future
economic benefits are probable, the Company has an intention and ability to complete and use
or sell the software and the costs can be measured reliably. The costs which can be capitalized
include the cost of material, direct labour, overhead costs that are directly attributable to preparing
the asset for its intended use.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 77

1.9.2 Impairment
Intangible assets are evaluated for recoverability whenever events or changes in circumstances
indicate that their carrying amounts may not be recoverable. For the purpose of impairment
testing, the recoverable amount (i.e the higher of the fair value less cost to sell and the value in
use) is determined on an individual assets basis unless the asset does not generate cash flows
that are largely independent of those from other assets.
1.10 Financial Instruments
1.10.1 Initial recognition
The Group recognizes financial assets and financial liabilities when it becomes a party to the
contractual provisions of the instrument. All financial assets and liabilities are recognized at
Transaction Price. Transaction costs that is directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of
financial assets and financial liabilities.
1.10.2 Subsequent measurement
a. Non-derivative financial instruments
(i) Financial assets carried at amortized cost
A financial asset is subsequently measured at amortized cost if it is held within a business
model whose objective is to hold the asset in order to collect contractual cash flows and the
contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows.
(ii) Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI)
A financial asset is subsequently measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
if it is held within a business model whose objective is achieved by collecting contractual cash
flows and the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash
flows. Investments which are classified as financial asset, the subsequent changes in fair
value are recognized through other comprehensive income (OCI).
(iii) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
A financial asset which is not classified in any of the above categories is subsequently fair
valued through profit or loss.
(iv) Financial liabilities
Financial liabilities are subsequently carried at amortized cost which is subsequently
measured at fair value through profit and loss. For trade and other payables maturing within
one year from the Balance Sheet date are carried at carrying amounts.
b. Derivative financial instruments
The Group does not holds any derivative financial instruments such as foreign exchange
forward and options contracts to mitigate the risk of changes in exchange rates on foreign
currency exposures.
1.10.3 De-recognition of financial instruments
The Group derecognizes a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the
financial asset expire or become non recoverable and are qualifies for de-recognition under Ind AS
109. A financial liability (or a part of a financial liability) is derecognized from the Group’s Balance
Sheet when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged or cancelled or expires.
1.11 Segment Reporting
Operating segments are defined as components of an enterprise for which discrete financial
information is available that is evaluated regularly by the chief operating decision maker, in
deciding how to allocate resources and assessing performance.
The Company has identified two main Geographical Segments as reportable segments. The
business segments comprise:

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 78

1. INDIA Segment
2. USA Segment
The Profit and Loss for reportable Primary Segment is set out below:-
For the Year Ended 31st March 2019
Description India USA Total
Year ended March 31, 2019
Revenue 968.88 3071.48 4040.36
Expenses 455.86 1445.13 1900.99
Segment result 513.02 1626.35 2139.37
Un-allocable expenses 18,711.00
Operating income (16,571.63)
Other income (net) 224.95
Profit before tax (16,346.68)

For the Year Ended 31st March, 2018

Description India USA Total
Year ended March 31, 2018
Revenue 506.38 2,744.01 3,250.39
Expenses 662.58 1,571.83 2,234.41
Segment result (156.20) 1,172.18 1,015.98
Un-allocable expenses 7,582.51
Operating income (6,566.53)
Other income (net) 835.56
Profit before tax (5,730.98)

Revenue and expenses directly attributable to segments are reported under each reportable
segment. Expenses which are not directly identifiable to each reporting segment have been
allocated on the basis of associated revenue of the segment and manpower efforts. All other
expenses which are not attributable or allocable to segments have been disclosed as un-
allocable expenses.
1.12 Impairment
Property, plant and equipment are evaluated for recoverability whenever events or changes in
circumstances indicate that their carrying amounts may not be recoverable. For the purpose
of impairment testing, the recoverable amount (i.e. the higher of the fair value less cost to sell
and the value-in-use) is determined on an individual asset basis unless the asset does not
generate cash flows that are largely independent of those from other assets. In such cases, the
recoverable amount is determined for the CGU to which the asset belongs.
If such assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized in the Consolidated
Statement of Profit and Loss is measured by the amount by which the carrying value of the
assets exceeds the estimated recoverable amount of the asset. An impairment loss is reversed
in the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss if there has been a change in the estimates
used to determine the recoverable amount. The carrying amount of the asset is increased to its
revised recoverable amount, provided that this amount does not exceed the carrying amount

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 79

that would have been determined (net of any accumulated depreciation) had no impairment loss
been recognized for the asset in prior years.
1.13 Provisions
A provision is recognized if, as a result of a past event, the Group has a present legal or
constructive obligation that is reasonably estimable, and it is probable that an outflow of
economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.
1.14 Functional & Foreign currency
Functional currency
The presentation currency of the group is Indian rupee. The functional currency of FCS Software
Solutions Limited, Insync Business Solutions Limited, cGain Analytics Pvt. Ltd, Innova Eservices
Pvt. Ltd., Stablesecure Infraservices Pvt. Ltd, Zero Time Constructions Pvt. Ltd. and Enstaserv
Eservices Pvt. Ltd. is the Indian rupee. The functional currencies for FCS Software Solutions
GmbH and FCS Software Middle East FZE are the respective local currencies. These financial
statements are presented in Indian rupees.
Transactions and translations
Foreign-currency-denominated monetary assets and liabilities are translated into the relevant
functional currency at exchange rates in effect at the Balance Sheet date. The gains or losses
resulting from such translations are included in net profit in the Statement of Profit and Loss.
Non-monetary assets and non-monetary liabilities denominated in a foreign currency and
measured at historical cost are translated at the exchange rate prevalent at the date of the
Balance sheet.
Transaction gains or losses realized upon settlement of foreign currency transactions
are included in determining net profit for the period in which the transaction is settled.
Revenue, expense and cash-flow items denominated in foreign currencies are translated
into the relevant functional currencies using the exchange rate in effect on the date of
the transaction.
The translation of financial statements of the foreign subsidiaries to the presentation currency
is performed for assets and liabilities using the exchange rate in effect at the Balance Sheet
date and for revenue, expense and cash-flow items using the average exchange rate for the
respective periods. The gains or losses resulting from such translation are included in currency
translation reserves under other components of equity.
1.15 Earnings per equity share
Basic earning per share is computed using the weighted average number of equity shares
outstanding during the year. Diluted earnings per share is computed using the weighted average
number of equity and diluted equity equivalent shares outstanding during the year-end, except
where the results would be anti-dilutive.
1.16 Income Taxes
Income tax expense comprises current and deferred income tax. Current income tax for current
and prior periods is recognized at the amount expected to be paid to or recovered from the tax
authorities, using the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted
by the Balance Sheet date. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are recognized for all
temporary timing differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their
carrying amounts in the financial statements. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting
date and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit will
be realized.
Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured using tax rates and tax laws that
have been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date and are expected
to apply to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected
to be recovered or settled. A deferred income tax asset is recognized to the extent that it is

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 80

probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary
differences and tax losses can be utilized. The Group offsets current tax assets and current
tax liabilities on net basis, where it has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognized
amounts and where it intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the asset and settle
the liability simultaneously.
1.17 Employee benefits
1.17.1 Gratuity
The Group provides for gratuity, a defined benefit retirement plan (‘the Gratuity Plan’) covering
eligible employees of FCS. The Gratuity Plan provides a lump sum payment to vested employees
at retirement, death, incapacitation or termination of employment, of an amount based on the
respective employee’s salary and the tenure of employment with the Group.
The Group recognizes the net obligation of a defined benefit plan in its Balance Sheet as an
asset or liability. Gains and losses through re-measurements of the net defined benefit liability
/ (asset) are recognized in other comprehensive income. The effect of any plan amendments is
recognized in net profits in the Statement of Profit and Loss.
1.17.2 Provident fund
Eligible employees of the group receive benefits from a provident fund, which is a defined
benefit plan. Both the eligible employee and the Company make monthly contributions to
the provident fund plan equal to a specified percentage of the covered employee’s salary.
Amounts collected under the provident fund plan are deposited in a government administered
provident fund. The companies have no further obligation to the plan beyond its monthly
1.17.3 Compensated absences
The Group has a policy on compensated absences which are both accumulating and non-
accumulating in nature. The expected cost of accumulating compensated absences is
determined by actuarial valuation performed by an independent actuary at each Balance
Sheet date using projected unit credit method on the additional amount expected to be paid
/ availed as a result of the unused entitlement that has accumulated at the Balance Sheet
1.18 Cash flow statement
Cash flows are reported using the indirect method, whereby profit/(loss) for the period is adjusted
for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature, any deferrals or accruals of past or future
operating cash receipts or payments and item of income or expenses associated with investing
or financing cash flows. The cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities of the
group are segregated.
Amendment to Ind AS 7:
Effective April 1, 2017, the Company adopted the amendment to Ind AS 7, which require the
entities to provide disclosures that enable users of financial statements to evaluate changes
in liabilities arising from financing activities, including both changes arising from cash flows
and non-cash changes, suggesting inclusion of a reconciliation between the opening and
closing balances in the Balance Sheet for liabilities arising from financing activities, to meet the
disclosure requirement. The adoption of the amendment did not have any material impact on the
financial statements.
1.19 Other income
Other income is comprised primarily of interest income, Rental Income and exchange gain /
loss on foreign currencies. Interest income is accounted for on accrual basis. Rental Income
comprising of rent and other related services from operating lease is recognized in the
Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss on accrual basis.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 81

1.20 Related Party Transactions:
Subsidiaries Companies
Rs. in lacs
Name of Subsidiaries Country Holding as at
31.03.2019 31.03.2018
FCS Software Middle East FZE UAE 100 100
FCS Software Solutions GmbH Germany 100 100
Insync Business Solutions Limited India 100 100
Innova e Services Pvt. Ltd India 100 99.31
Stablesecure Infraservices Pvt. Ltd. India 100 92.67
Zero Time Constructions Pvt. Ltd. India 100 90.66
cGain Analytics Pvt. Ltd. India 100 92.74

Name of Associate Country Holding as at

31.03.2019 31.03.2018
Enstaserv Eservices Pvt. Ltd. India 48.94 48.94
Myzeal IT Solutions Ltd.* India - 50.00
*Investment in Myzeal transferred

List of Key Managerial Personnel/Directors

• Dalip Kumar – Chairman & Managing Director
• Mahendra Pratap Singh – Non- executive Director
• Shayam Sunder Sharma – Independent Director
• Shiv Nandan Sharma – Independent Director
• Sunil Sharma – Director
• Shweta Shatsri – Independent Director
• Anil Kumar Sharma – Chief Financial Officer
• Harsha Sharma – Company Secretary
A. Transactions with the Related Parties
Rs. in lacs
Transactions 31.03.2019 31.03.2018
Insync Business Solutions Ltd.
Rental Income Received 15.60 15.60
Salary & Other Benefits to Key Management
1. Sunil Sharma 9.52 9.52
2. Harsha Sharma 7.80 7.80
3. Anil Sharma 19.87 20.40
Directors Sitting Fee
Shiv Nandan Sharma 3.20 2.35
Shayam Sunder Sharma 4.20 1.85
Shweta Shatsri 2.80 0.70

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 82

Mahendra Pratap Singh 0.60 Nil
Legal & Professional Charges
Mahendra Pratap Singh 1.07 Nil
Salary to Sandhya Singh 2.00 Nil

B. List of Related Parties – Where Control exists:

Rs. in lacs
Transaction between Holding and Subsidiaries: 31.03.2019 31.03.2018
M/s Zerotime constructions Pvt. Ltd.* Nil 950.00
M/s cGain Analytics Pvt. Ltd.** 3.80 57.00
M/s Stablesecure Infraservices Pvt. Ltd.# 182.00 -

* It represents sale of investment in subsidiary companies.

** It represent amount against Purchase of Zero Time Constructions (P) Ltd. Shares.
# It represents sale of shares of M/s Readystate Infraservices Pvt. Ltd. to Stablesecure Infraservices Pvt. Ltd.

C. List of Related Parties – where Control does not exists:

Rs. in lacs
Inter Corporate Transactions 31.03.2019 31.03.2018
M/s Bloom Healthcare & Hospitality Management 950.00 950.00
Pvt. Ltd.
M/s Heimdahl Software Systems Pvt. Ltd.** 57.00 57.00

**Amount in bracket represents sale of investment in subsidiary companies.

D. Outstanding Balance Receivable as at year end:

Rs. in lacs
S.No. Outstanding Balances as at year end: 31.03.2019 31.03.2018
1. Insync Business Solutions Limited (54.18) 117.65
2. FCS Software Solutions America Ltd.* Nil 447.98

*received against buy back of shares which has been ratified by board /management in their board meeting dated 29th
May, 2018

1.21 Expenditure in Foreign Currency

Rs. in lacs
31.03.2019 31.03.2018
Expenditure incurred overseas:
By USA Nil 224.91
By UAE Nil Nil
By Germany Nil 4,200
By India Office Nil Nil

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 83

1.22 Earning in Foreign Exchange
Rs. in lacs
31.03.2019 31.03.2018
Income from IT, ITES, Infra Management and E-learning services 3147.64 2524.33
3147.64 2524.33

1.23 Corporate Social Responsibility

As per Section 135 of Companies Act 2013 a Corporate Social responsibility Committee has
been formed by the Company. During the year the Company has undertaken Corporate Social
Responsibility activities as approved by the CSR Committee which are specified in Schedule VII
of the Companies Act 2013.
i) Gross amount required to be spent by the Company upto the period 31st March, 2019 is Rs.
3 lakhs (Previous Year NIL)
ii) Amount spent during the year on:

As on 31st March 2019

Rs. in lacs
S. Particulars In cash Yet to be Total
No paid in cash
i) Construction/Acquisition of any assets - - -
ii) On Purpose other than (i) above 3.00 - 3.00
iia) Sanitation and safe drinking water (Item No. (i) of - - -
Schedule - VII)
iib) Social Welfare (Item No.(iii) of Schedule-VII) 3.00 - 3.00
iic) Forest & Environment, animal welfare etc. (Item No. - -
(iv) of Schedule-VII)
iid) Contribution to 'Clean Ganga Fund' (Item No.(iv) of - - -
iie) Ensuring environment sustainability item No. (iv) of - - -
Schedule - (VII)
Grand Total (i+ii) 3.00 - 3.00

As on 31st March 2019

S. Particulars In cash Yet to be Total
No paid in cash
i) Construction/Acquisition of any assets - - -
ii) On Purpose other than (i) above - - -
iia) Sanitation and safe drinking water (Item No. (i) of - - -
Schedule - VII)
iib) Social Welfare (Item No.(iii) of Schedule-VII) - - -
iic) Forest & Environment, animal welfare etc. (Item No. - - -
(iv) of Schedule-VII)
iid) Contribution to 'Clean Ganga Fund' (Item No.(iv) of - - -

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 84

iie) Ensuring environment sustainability item No. (iv) of - - -
Schedule - (VII)
Grand Total (i+ii) - - -

1.24 Investments
Investments are classified into non-current and current investments based on the intent of
management at the time of acquisition. Net Assets value as certified by expert is considered as Fair
Market Value for the purpose of valuation of investment in all companies including subsidiaries.
However as per Ind AS 109, Non-current investments including investment in subsidiaries and
associate companies are measured at Fair value through other comprehensive income.
1.25 The Company is in the process of compiling relevant information from its suppliers about their
coverage under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (MSMED Act).
As the Company has not received the relevant information till finalization of accounts, disclosure
in this regard could not be made.
1.26 The company has pending litigation as at year end 31st March, 2019 the details of which is as
Nature of Dispute Forum where dispute is pending 31/03/2019 31/03/2018
Advance against Land Chief Megistrate, Gautam Budh Nagar, 200 200
Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Note: The company has advanced Rs. 708.01 Lakh to Vivan Enterprises, for which legal notice has been served for the
recovery. This may pose potential risk to the financial standing of the company

1.27 During the year 2018-19, FCS Software Limited has initiated the merger of its five wholly owned
indian subsidiaries namely M/s Stablesecure Infraservices Pvt Ltd, M/s Innova E Services Pvt Ltd,
M/s Insync Business Solutions Ltd, M/s cGain Analytics Pvt. Ltd., M/s Zero Time Constructions
Pvt. Ltd. The proposed merger has been duly approved by the Board of Directors in its meeting
held on 19th April 2019. The effective date of proposed merger is 01.01.2019, once approved by
the competent authorities. The necessary legal process has been initiated for this merger.
1.28 Previous year figures have been re-grouped/re-classified wherever necessary to correspond with
the current year’s classification/disclosures.

As per our report of even date attached

For Aadit Sanyam & Associates For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Chartered Accountants For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Firm Regd. No.: 023685N

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
CA. Sanyam Jain Dalip Kumar Shayam Sunder Sharma
(Partner) (Chairman & Managing Director) (Independent Director)
M. No.531388 Din: 00103292 Din: 00272803

Sd/- Sd/-
Place: Noida Anil Kumar Sharma Harsha Sharma
Date: May 30, 2019 (Chief Financial Officer) (Company Secretary)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 85

Independent Auditors’ Report
To the Members of M/s. FCS Software Solutions Limited
Report on the Audit of the Standalone Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying standalone financial statements of M/s FCS Software Solutions Limited
(“the Company”), which comprise the balance sheet as at 31st March 2019, and the statement of Profit and
Loss, (including Other Comprehensive Income), the Statement of Changes in Equity and the Statement of
Cash Flows for the year ended on that date, and a summary of the significant accounting policies and other
explanatory information (hereinafter referred to as “the standalone financial statements”).
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the aforesaid
standalone financial statements give the information required by the Act in the manner so required and give
a true and fair view in conformity with the Indian Accounting Standards prescribed under section 133 of the
Act read with the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 as amended, (“Ind AS”) and other
accounting principles generally accepted in India, of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31,
2019, and the profit, total comprehensive income, changes in equity and its cash flows for the year ended
on that date.
Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audit of the standalone financial statements in accordance with the Standards on
Auditing specified under section 143(10) of the Act (SAs). Our responsibilities under those Standards are
further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Standalone Financial Statements
section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued
by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) together with the independence requirements that
are relevant to our audit of the standalone financial statements under the provisions of the Act and the
Rules made thereunder, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these
requirements and the ICAI’s Code of Ethics.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our
audit opinion on the standalone financial statements.
Key Audit Matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit
of the standalone financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context
of our audit of the standalone financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we
do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. We have determined the matters described below to be
the key audit matters to be communicated in our report.

S.No. The key audit matters How our audit addressed the key audit matter
1 Adoption of Ind AS 115 – Revenue from Our audit procedures on adoption of Ind AS 115,
Contracts with Customers Revenue from contracts with Customers (‘Ind
The Company has adopted Ind AS 115, AS 115’), which is the new revenue accounting
Revenue from Contracts with Customers standard, include:-
(‘Ind AS 115’) which is the new revenue • Evaluated the design and implementation of
accounting standard. The application and the processes and internal controls relating to
transition to this accounting standard is implementation of the new revenue accounting
complex and is an area of focus in the audit. standard;
The revenue standard establishes a • Evaluated the detailed analysis performed
comprehensive framework for determining by management on revenue streams by
whether, how much and when revenue selecting samples for the existing contracts
is recognized. This involves certain key with customers and considered revenue
judgments relating to identification of distinct recognition policy in the current period in
performance obligations, determination of respect of those revenue streams;

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 86

transaction price of identified performance • Evaluated the changes made to IT systems
obligation, the appropriateness of the basis to reflect the changes required in revenue
used to measure revenue recognized over a recognition as per the new accounting
period. Additionally, the standard mandates standard;
robust disclosures in respect of revenue • Evaluated the cumulative effect adjustments
and periods over which the remaining as at 1 April 2018 for compliance with the new
performance obligations will be satisfied revenue standard; and
subsequent to the balance sheet date.
• Evaluated the appropriateness of the
disclosures provided under the new revenue
standard and assessed the completeness
and mathematical accuracy of the relevant

Information Other than the Standalone Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report Thereon
The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of the other information. The other
information comprises the information included in the Management Discussion and Analysis, Board’s
Report including Annexure’s to Board’s Report, Business Responsibility Report, Corporate Governance
and Shareholder’s Information, but does not include the standalone financial statements and our auditor’s
report thereon.
Our opinion on the standalone financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not
express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the standalone financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other
information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the
standalone financial statements or our knowledge obtained during the course of our audit or otherwise
appears to be materially misstated.
If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other
information; we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
Management’s Responsibility for the Standalone Financial Statements
The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the matters stated in section 134(5) of the Companies
Act, 2013 (“the Act”) with respect to the preparation of these standalone financial statements that give a true
and fair view of the financial position, financial performance, total comprehensive income, changes in equity
and cash flows of the Company in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India,
including the accounting Standards specified under section 133 of the Act. This responsibility also includes
maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding
of the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities; selection
and application of appropriate implementation and maintenance of accounting policies; making judgments
and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate
internal financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the
accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the financial statement that give a true
and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the
going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease
operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
The Board of Directors are also responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.
Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are
free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes
our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 87

conducted in accordance with SAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements
can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could
reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial
As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional
skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud
or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence
that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material
misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve
collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
• Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures
that are appropriate in the circumstances. Under section 143(3)(i) of the Companies Act, 2013, we are
also responsible for expressing our opinion on whether the company has adequate internal financial
controls system in place and the operating effectiveness of such controls.
• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
estimates and related disclosures made by management.
• Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting
and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or
conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If
we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report
to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify
our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s
report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going
• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the
disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in
a manner that achieves fair presentation.
Materiality is the magnitude of misstatement in the standalone financial statements that, individually or
in aggregate, makes it probable that the economic decisions of a reasonable knowledgeable user of the
financial statements may be influenced. We consider quantitative materiality and qualitative factors in (i)
Planning the scope of our audit work and in evaluating the results of our work: and (ii) to evaluate the effect
of any identified misstatements in the financial statements.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope
and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control
that we identify during our audit.
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters
that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were
of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key
audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public
disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should
not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be
expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
1. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2016 (“the Order”), issued by the Central
Government of India in terms of sub-section (11) of section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013, we give
in the “Annexure A” a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Order, to the
extent applicable.

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2. As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, we report that:
a) We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our
knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit.
b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far
as it appears from our examination of those books;
c) The Balance Sheet, the Statement of Profit and Loss including Other Comprehensive Income, the
statement of changes in equity and the statement of Cash Flow dealt with by this Report are in
agreement with the relevant books of account.
d) In our opinion, the aforesaid standalone financial statements comply with the Accounting Standards
specified under Section 133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014.
e) On the basis of the written representations received from the directors as on 31st March, 2019
taken on record by the Board of Directors, none of the directors is disqualified as on 31st March,
2019 from being appointed as a director in terms of Section 164 (2) of the Act.
f) With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls over financial reporting of the
Company and the operating effectiveness of such controls, refer to our separate Report in
“Annexure B”.
g) In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us,
the remuneration paid by the Company to its directors during the year is in accordance with the
provisions of section 197 (16) of the Act.
h) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11
of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, as amended, in our opinion and to the best of
our information and according to the explanations given to us:
i. The Company has disclosed the impact of pending litigations on its financial position in its
financial statements – Refer Note 1.23 to the financial statements.
ii. The Company did not have any long-term contracts including derivative contracts for which
there were any material foreseeable losses.
iii. There were no amounts which were required to be transferred to the Investor Education and
Protection Fund by the Company.

As per our report of even date attached

For Aadit Sanyam & Associates For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Chartered Accountants For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Firm Regd. No.: 023685N

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

CA. Sanyam Jain Dalip Kumar Shayam Sunder Sharma
(Partner) (Chairman & Managing Director) (Independent Director)
M. No.531388 Din: 00103292 Din: 00272803

Sd/- Sd/-
Place: Noida Anil Kumar Sharma Harsha Sharma
Date: May 30, 2019 (Chief Financial Officer) (Company Secretary)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 89

Annexure A to the Independent Auditors’ Report
The Annexure referred to in Independent Auditors’ Report to the members of the Company on the standalone
Ind AS financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2019, we report the following:
(i) In respect of the Company’s fixed assets:
(a) The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative
details and situation of fixed assets.
(b) The Company has a program of verification of its fixed assets to cover all the items in a phased
manner which, in our opinion, is reasonable having regard to the size of the Company and the
nature of its asset. Pursuant to the program, certain fixed assets were physically verified by the
management during the year. According to the information and explanations given to us, no
material discrepancies were noticed on such verification.
(c) According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination
of the records of the Company, the title deeds, comprising all the immovable properties of land
and buildings which are freehold, are held in the name of the Company as at the balance sheet
date. In respect of immovable properties of land and buildings that have been taken on lease and
disclosed as fixed assets in the financial statements, the lease agreements are in the name of the
Company, where the company is the lessee in the agreement.
(ii) The Company is a service company, primarily rendering software services. Accordingly, it does not hold
any physical inventories. Thus, paragraph 3(ii) of the Order is not applicable to the Company.
(iii) According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not granted any loans,
secured or unsecured to companies, firms, Limited Liability Partnerships or other parties covered in the
register maintained under section 189 of the Companies Act, 2013. Accordingly, the provisions of clause
3(iii)(a), (b) and (c) of the Order are not applicable to the Company and hence not commented upon.
(iv) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, provisions of section 185
and 186 of the Companies Act 2013 in respect of loans and advances given, investments made and,
guarantees, and securities given, whichever is applicable, have been complied with by the company.
(iv) According to the information and explanation given to us, the Company has not accepted any deposit
during the year. The Company does not have any unclaimed deposits and accordingly, the provisions
of Sections 73 to 76 or any other relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 are not applicable to
the Company.
(v) Accordingly to the information and explanations given to us, the Central Government has not prescribed
the maintenance of cost records under Section 148(1) of the Act, for any of the services rendered by
the Company. Thus reporting under Clause 3(vi) of the order is not applicable to the company.
(vi) (a) According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the
records of the Company, the company has generally been regular in depositing undisputed statutory
dues, including Provident Fund, Employee’s State Insurance, Income Tax, Service Tax, GST, Value
Added Tax, Cess and other material statutory dues applicable to it with the appropriate authorities.
(b) According to the information and explanations given to us, no undisputed amounts payable in respect
of provident fund, income tax, sales tax, value added tax, duty of customs, service tax, cess and other
material statutory dues were in arrears as at 31 March, 2019 for a period of more than six months from
the date they became payable.
(c) There are no dues of Income Tax, Sales Tax, Custom Duty, Excise duty and Value added Tax which
have not been deposited as on 31 March, 2019 on account of dispute.
(viii) Based on our audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting the true and fair view of the
financial statements and according to information and explanations given by the management, we are
of the opinion that the Company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to a financial institution, bank.
The company has not taken loan from government and has not issue debentures during the year.
(ix) The Company did not raise any money by way of initial public offer or further public offer (including debt
instruments) and term loans during the year. Accordingly, paragraph 3(ix) of the Order is not applicable.
(x) To the best of our knowledge and according to the information and explanations given to us, no material
fraud by the Company or on the Company by its officers or employees has been noticed or reported
during the year.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 90

(xi) According to the information and explanations given to us and based on our examination of the records
of the Company, the Company has paid / provided for managerial remuneration in accordance with the
requisite approvals mandated by the provisions of Section 197, read with Schedule V to the Act and
details has been disclosed in Note no. 1.17 in the financial statements.
(xii) The Company is not a Nidhi company. Accordingly, paragraph 3(xii) of the Order is not applicable.
(xiii) According to the information and explanations given to us and based on our examination of the records
of the Company, transactions with the related parties are in compliance with Sections 177 and 188 of
the Companies Act, 2013 and details of such transactions have been disclosed in Note No. 1.17 in the
standalone financial statements as required by the applicable Ind-As.
(xiv) According to the information and explanations give to us and based on our examination of the records
of the Company, the Company has not made any preferential allotment or private placement of shares
or fully or partly paid convertible debentures and hence, reporting under Clause 3(xiv) of the order is
not applicable to the company.
(xv) According to the information and explanations given to us and based on our examination of the records
of the Company, the Company has not entered into non-cash transactions with directors or persons
connected with him. Accordingly, paragraph 3(xv) of the Order is not applicable.
(xvi) The Company is not required to be registered under Section 45-IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934.
For and on behalf of
M/s Aadit Sanyam & Associates
Chartered Accountants
FRN: 023685N

(CA Sanyam Jain)

M. No. 531388
Place: New Delhi
Date: 30.05.2019

Annexure B to the Independent Auditors’ Report

(Referred to in paragraph 1(f) under ‘Report on other Legal and Regulatory Requirements’ section of our
report to the members of FCS Software Solutions Limited of even date.)
Report on the Internal Financial Controls under Clause (i) of sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the
Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’)
We have audited the internal financial controls over financial reporting of FCS Software Solutions Limited
(‘the Company’) as of 31 March 2019 in conjunction with our audit of the standalone Ind AS financial
statements of the Company for the year ended on that date.
Management’s Responsibility for Internal Financial Controls
The Board of Directors of the company is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal financial
controls based on the internal control over financial reporting criteria established by the Company considering
the essential components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial
Controls over Financial Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (‘ICAI’). These
responsibilities include the design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls
that were operating effectively for ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including
adherence to the Company’s policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the prevention and detection of frauds
and errors, the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, and the timely preparation of reliable
financial information, as required under the Companies Act, 2013.
Auditors’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal financial controls over financial
reporting based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of
Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting (‘the Guidance Note’) issued by ICAI and the Standards

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 91

on Auditing, prescribed under Section 143(10) of the Companies Act, 2013, to the extent applicable to
an audit of internal financial controls. Those Standards and the Guidance Note require that we comply
with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether
adequate internal financial controls over financial reporting was established and maintained and if such
controls operated effectively in all material respects.
Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal
financial controls system over financial reporting and their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal
financial controls over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal financial controls
over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the
design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected
depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the
standalone financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our
audit opinion on the Company’s internal financial controls system over financial reporting.
Meaning of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting
A company’s internal financial control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable
assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for
external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal financial
control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance
of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the
assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to
permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and
that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of the
management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or
timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a
material effect on the financial statements.
Limitations of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting
Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial controls over financial reporting, including the
possibility of collusion or improper management override of controls, material misstatements due to error
or fraud may occur and not be detected. Also, projections of any evaluation of the internal financial controls
over financial reporting to future periods are subject to the risk that the internal financial control over financial
reporting may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with
the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
In our opinion, the Company has, in all material respects, an adequate internal financial controls system over
financial reporting and such internal financial controls over financial reporting were operating effectively as
at 31 March 2019, based on the internal control over financial reporting criteria established by the Company
considering the essential components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal
Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
For and on behalf of
M/s Aadit Sanyam & Associates
Chartered Accountants
FRN: 023685N

(CA Sanyam Jain)

M. No. 531388
Place: New Delhi
Date: 30.05.2019

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 92

Standalone Balance sheet as at 31st March 2019
(All amounts are in Lakhs of Indian Rupees, unless otherwise stated)
Note As at 31st As at 31st
no. March 2019 March 2018
1. Non-current assets
(a) Property, plant and equipment 2 19,615.89 4,075.12
(b) Capital work-in-progress 3 546.95 1,252.49
(c) Other Intangible assets 4 27.73 42.74
(d) Financial assets
- Investments 5 12,703.96 26,672.12
- Loans & Advances 6 2,354.33 2,420.21
- Other Financial Assets 7 218.54 279.94
(e) Deferred tax assets (Net) 8 113.25 144.74
(f) Other non-current assets 9 62.51 44.22
2. Current Assets
(a) Financial assets
- Trade Receivables 10 226.90 278.05
- Lease Receivables 11 - 59.87
- Cash and cash equivalents 12 1,274.61 811.53
- Loans 13 291.56 32.69
(b) Other current assets 14 437.15 401.75
TOTAL 37,873.38 36,515.47
1. Equity
(a) Equity Share capital 15 17,095.53 17,095.53
(b) Other Equity 16 16,470.93 16,524.37
2. Non-current liabilities
(a) Financial liabilities
- Borrowings 17 2,731.61
(b) Provisions 18 93.05 77.77
(c) Other non-current Liabilities 19 395.07 84.09
3. Current liabilities
(a) Financial liabilities
- Trade payables 20 278.02 414.31
(b) Provisions 21 3.43 2.86
(c) Other Current Liabilities 22 717.58 2,148.40
(d) Current Tax Liabilities (net) 23 88.15 168.14
TOTAL 37,873.38 36,515.47

Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 1

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements

As per our report of even date attached

For Aadit Sanyam & Associates For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Chartered Accountants For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Firm Regd. No.: 023685N
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
CA. Sanyam Jain Dalip Kumar Shayam Sunder Sharma
(Partner) (Chairman & Managing Director) (Independent Director)
M. No.531388 Din: 00103292 Din: 00272803
Sd/- Sd/-
Place: Noida Anil Kumar Sharma Harsha Sharma
Date: May 30, 2019 (Chief Financial Officer) (Company Secretary)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 93

Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended 31 March 2019
(All amounts are in Lakhs of Indian Rupees, unless otherwise stated)
Note For the year For the year
no. ended ended
31 March 2019 31 March 2018
Revenue from IT & ITES, Infra Management & e-Learning 24 3,962.00 3,101.13
Other income 25 200.66 653.61
Total revenue 4,162.66 3,754.73
Emloyee benefit expense 26 1,844.64 1,913.29
Finance cost 27 104.72 37.62
Depreciation and amortisation expense 28 333.89 104.23
Other Operating expense 29 1,619.69 1,292.34
Total expenses 3,902.94 3,347.49
Profit/ (loss) before exceptional items and tax 259.72 407.24
Exceptional items - -
Profit/ (loss) before tax 259.72 407.24
Tax expense
a) Current tax 49.61 88.13
b) Deferred tax 31.49 16.96
Profit/ (loss) for the period from continuing operations 178.61 302.16
Profit/ (loss) for the period 178.61 302.16
Other comprehensive income
- Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
1 Remeasurement of defined employee benefits plan (0.44) (4.49)
2 Changes in Fair Values of Investment in Equities carried
(13,946.93) (5,282.55)
at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income
3 Changes in Fair Values of Assets (Land & Building)
carried at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive 13,450.17
4 An item of Expense not recognised in profit or loss
a) Loss on Sale of Investments (478.71) -
b) Foreign exchange fluctuation (142.94)
Net Other Comprehensive Income not to be
reclassified to Profit & Loss A/c in Subsequent (1,118.85) (5,287.04)
Total comprehensive income for the period (940.24) (4,984.88)
(Profit/ loss + other comprehensive income)
Earnings per equity share (for continuing operations)
a) Basic -0.05 -0.29
b) Diluted -0.05 -0.29

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements

As per our report of even date attached

For Aadit Sanyam & Associates For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Chartered Accountants For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Firm Regd. No.: 023685N
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
CA. Sanyam Jain Dalip Kumar Shayam Sunder Sharma
(Partner) (Chairman & Managing Director) (Independent Director)
M. No.531388 Din: 00103292 Din: 00272803
Sd/- Sd/-
Place: Noida Anil Kumar Sharma Harsha Sharma
Date: May 30, 2019 (Chief Financial Officer) (Company Secretary)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 94

Standalone Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 31 March 2019
(All amounts are in Lakhs of Indian Rupees, unless otherwise stated)
As at March As at March
31, 2019 31, 2018
Net Profit Before Tax 259.72 407.24
Adjustments for :
Depreciation and amortisation 333.89 104.23
Net (Gain)/loss on sale of Investments - (71.50)
Interest income (193.32) (546.18)
Finance costs 104.72 37.62
Other Adjustments (4.91) (96.43)
500.10 (165.01)
Working capital adjustments:
(Increase)/Decrease in Trade Receivables 111.01 60.77
(Increase)/Decrease in Loans and Advances (193.00) 7,422.51
(Increase)/Decrease in Other Assets 7.72 (166.28)
Increase/(Decrease) in Trade Payables (136.28) 371.04
Increase/(Decrease) in Provisions (64.13) 84.23
Increase/(Decrease) in Current Liabilities (1,119.84) (273.78)
Cash Generated from Operations (894.43) 7,333.47
Income Tax Paid 88.13 97.17
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (1,411.17) (198.00)
Interest Income 193.32 546.18
Proceeds from sale of investments 327.90 1,245.40
Gain/(Loss) on Sale of investments - 71.50
Investment in Preference Shares - (6,941.30)
Investment in Equity Shares (291.30) (416.00)
Finance costs (104.72) (37.62)
Proceeds from borrowings 2,731.61 (791.69)
Repayment of borrowings - -
463.07 714.77
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 811.53 96.76

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements

As per our report of even date attached

For Aadit Sanyam & Associates For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Chartered Accountants For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Firm Regd. No.: 023685N
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
CA. Sanyam Jain Dalip Kumar Shayam Sunder Sharma
(Partner) (Chairman & Managing Director) (Independent Director)
M. No.531388 Din: 00103292 Din: 00272803
Sd/- Sd/-
Place: Noida Anil Kumar Sharma Harsha Sharma
Date: May 30, 2019 (Chief Financial Officer) (Company Secretary)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 95

Standalone Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31st March 2019
(All amounts are in Lakhs of Indian Rupees, unless otherwise stated)
a. Equity share capital
Opening balance Changes in equity share Closing balance
as at 1 Apr 2018 capital during the year as at 31 March 2019
Equity shares of Rs.1 each 17,095.53 - 17,095.53
17,095.53 - 17,095.53

Opening balance Changes in equity share Closing balance

as at 1 Apr 2017 capital during the year as at 31 March 2018
Equity shares of Rs.1 each 17,095.53 - 17,095.53
17,095.53 - 17,095.53
Rights, preferences and restrictions attached to shares
The Company has one class of equity shares having a par value of Rs 1/- each. Each shareholder is eligible for one vote per share
held. The dividend, if any as and when proposed by the Board of Directors is subject to the approval of the shareholders in the
ensuing Annual General Meeting.
In the event of liquidation, the equity shareholders are eligible to receive the remaining assets of the Company after distribution of
all preferential amounts, in proportion to their shareholding.

b. Other Equity
For the year ended 31 March, 2019
Share Capital Retained Others (Foreign General OCI Items- OCI Items- Total Equity
premium reserve earnings Currency reserve Assets (L&B) Investment
Translation Revaluation Revaluation
Reserve ) Reserve Reserve
As at 1 April 25,099.44 1,881.03 5,739.36 1,543.38 2,904.31 - (20,643.15) 16,524.37
Profit for the - - (443.48) - - (443.48)
IT Provision of - -
Previous year
Addition during - 13,450.17 13,450.17
the Year
Other (6.04) (56.52) (62.56)
Other (13,934.60) (13,934.60)
Realised gain/ 937.03 937.03
(loss) on shares
carried at
TOTAL 25,099.44 1,881.03 5,289.83 1,543.38 2,904.31 13,393.65 (33,640.72) 16,470.93

For the year ended 31 March, 2018

Share Capital Retained Others (Foreign General OCI Items- OCI Items- Total Equity
premium reserve earnings Currency reserve Assets (L&B) Investment
Translation Revaluation Revaluation
Reserve ) Reserve Reserve
As at 1 April 25,099.44 1,881.03 5,428.36 1,543.38 2,904.31 - (16,378.91) 20,478
Profit for the - - 297.67 - - - - 298
IT Provision of - - (9.37) - - - - (9)
Previous year
Depreciation - - 23.00 - - - - 23
adjustment of
Prev. Years
Other Adjustments - - (0.30) - - - - (0)
Other - - - - - - (5,282.55) (5,283)
Realised gain/ - - - - - - 1,018.32 1,018
(loss) on shares
carried at
TOTAL 25,099.44 1,881.03 5,739.36 1,543.38 2,904.31 - (20,643.15) 16,524

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 96

12A. Details of shareholders holding more than 5% shares in the Company
Equity shares of Re. 1 each, fully paid up held by:
As at 31 March, 2019 As at 31 March, 2018
Number % Holding Number % Holding
- Dalip Kumar 185916060 10.88% 185916060 10.88%
- Enstaserve e services
150000000 8.77% 150000000 8.77%
- SLG Softech Private Limited 220000000 12.87% 220000000 12.87%
- Prahlad Estates and
260000000 15.21% 260000000 15.21%
Properties Pvt. Ltd.
Reconciliation of number of shares outstanding and amount of share capital as at March
31, 2019 and March 31, 2018
As at 31 March, 2019 As at 31 March, 2018
No. of Shares Amount No. of Shares Amount
Number of shares at the
1709553100 1709553100 1659553100 1659553100
beginning of the period
Add/Less: Changes in number
- -
of shares
Number of shares at the ende
1709553100 17,095.53 1709553100 17,095.53
of the period.

Summary of significant accounting policies

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements

As per our report of even date attached

For Aadit Sanyam & Associates For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Chartered Accountants For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Firm Regd. No.: 023685N

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

CA. Sanyam Jain Dalip Kumar Shayam Sunder Sharma
(Partner) (Chairman & Managing Director) (Independent Director)
M. No.531388 Din: 00103292 Din: 00272803

Sd/- Sd/-
Place: Noida Anil Kumar Sharma Harsha Sharma
Date: May 30, 2019 (Chief Financial Officer) (Company Secretary)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 97

Notes to the Standalone Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2019
(All amounts are in lakhs of Indian Rupees, unless otherwise stated)
Property, plant and equipment consist of the following for the year ended March 31, 2019:
Particulars Land Buildings Office Computer Furniture Vehicles Total
Equipment equipment and fixtures
Gross carrying value as of April 1, 2018: 1,832.61 2,119.91 743.42 6,641.10 416.26 77.04 11,830.33
Additions 0.00 1,054.83 1,003.08 1.51 406.58 0.00 2,466.00
Increase/(Decrease) due to Revaluation 9,874.08 3,576.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,450.17
Deletions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gross carrying value as of March 31, 2019 : 11,706.69 6,750.82 1,746.50 6,642.61 822.84 77.04 27,746.50

FCS Software Solutions Ltd.

Accumulated depreciation as of April 1, 2018: 0.00 366.30 670.11 6,301.04 351.26 66.50 7,755.21
Depreciation 0.00 139.53 185.83 7.03 39.62 3.38 375.40
Add/(Less): Adjustments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Accumulated depreciation on deletions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Accumulated depreciation as of March 31, 0.00 505.83 855.94 6,308.07 390.88 69.88 8,130.60
2019 :
Carrying value as of March 31, 2019 : 11,706.69 6,244.99 890.56 334.54 431.95 7.15 19,615.89


Property, plant and equipment consist of the following for the year ended March 31, 2018:
Particulars Land Buildings Office Computer Furniture Vehicles Total
Equipment equipment and fixtures
Gross carrying value as of April 1, 2017: 1,832.61 873.99 738.97 6,635.55 416.26 77.04 10,574.41
Additions 0.00 1,245.92 4.45 5.55 0.00 0.00 1,255.92
Deletions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gross carrying value as of March 31, 2018 : 1,832.61 2,119.91 743.42 6,641.10 416.26 77.04 11,830.33
Accumulated depreciation as of April 1, 2017: 0.00 314.31 650.93 6,353.60 341.99 56.81 7,717.63
Depreciation 0.00 25.09 20.33 18.20 12.71 5.57 81.91
Add/(Less): Adjustments 26.90 -1.16 -70.77 -3.43 4.12 -44.34
Accumulated depreciation on deletions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Accumulated depreciation as of March 31, 0.00 366.30 670.11 6,301.04 351.26 66.50 7,755.21
Carrying value as of March 31, 2018 : 1,832.61 1,753.61 73.31 340.07 64.99 10.54 4,075.12

Intangible assets consist of the following for the year ended March 31, 2019:
Particulars Software & IPR Total
Cost as at April 01, 2018 : 368.67 368.67
Additions - -
Deletions - -
Cost as at March 31, 2019 : 368.67 368.67

Accumulated amortization as of April 1, 2018: 325.93 325.93

Amortization expense 15.01 15.01
Deletion - -
Accumulated amortization as of March 31, 2019: 340.94 340.94
Carrying Amount as of March 31, 2019 : 27.73 27.73

Intangible assets consist of the following for the year ended
March 31, 2018:

Particulars Software & IPR Total

Cost as at April 1, 2017: 368.67 368.67
Additions 0.00 0.00
Deletions 0.00 0.00
Cost as at March 31, 2018: 368.67 368.67

Accumulated amortization as of April 1, 2017: 297.16 297.16

Amortization expense 22.32 22.32
Add/(less): Adjustments 6.45 6.45
Deletion 0.00 0.00
Accumulated amortization as of March 31, 2018: 325.93 325.93
Carrying Amount as of March 31, 2018 : 42.74 42.74

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 99

Notes to the Standalone Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March, 2019
(All amounts are in lakhs of Indian Rupees, unless otherwise stated)
As at As at
31.03.2019 31.03.2018
5. Non-current investments
a. Non-current investments
i. of subsidiaries
1 M/s Insync Business Solutions Limited 50000 Equity 6 6
Shares of Rs.10/- fully paidup
2 M/s Cgain Analytics Pvt. Ltd. 2300000 Equity Shares of 235 230
Rs.10/- fully paidup and 180000 Equity shares of Rs.
2.58 fully paidup
3 M/s Innova E servcies Pvt. Ltd. 1450000 Equity Shares 145 145
of Rs.10/- fully paidup and 10000 Equity shares @ Rs.
0.94 fully paidup
4 M/s Stablesecure Infraservices Pvt. Ltd. 12750000 1,365 1,275
Equity Shares of Rs.10/- and 1010000 Equity shares
@ Rs. 8.90 fully paidup
5 M/s Zerotime constructions Pvt. Ltd. 9520000 Equity 957 952
Shares of Rs.10/- Fully paidup and 11460000 Equity
Shares of Rs. 0.04 fully paidup
6 M/s.FCS SOFTWARE MIDDLE EAST FZE 2706 Equity 33,780 33,780
shares of AED 100000/- each fully paidup
7 M/s FCS Software Solutions America Ltd. USD 1.00 - 449
8 M/s.FCS SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS GmbH 100000 21 21
Equity shares of EURO 1/- each fully paidup
9 FCS Software (Shanghai) Co., Ltd 12 12
(I) 36,521 36,871
b. Non Trade and unquoted - Investments in equity shares
(Carried at FVTOCI)
iv. of associate
1 M/s Myzeal IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 1900 Equity Shares 0 1
of Rs.10/- fully paid
2 M/s.Enstaserv eServices Ltd 8279930 Equity shares of 828 828
Rs.10/- each fully paidup.
(II) 828 828
c. Non Trade and unquoted - Investments in equity shares
(Carried at FVTOCI)
1 M/s. Pumarth Prperties & Holdings Private 400000 900 900
equity shares of Rs. 225/- each at premium i.e. Rs. 10
per share and at premium of Rs 215
2 M/s Readystate Infraservices Private Limited 44627 514 1,207
Equity Shares of Rs.1151/- at premium i.e. Rs. 10 each
per Share and premium @ Rs.1141
3 M/s Indian Durobuild Private Limited, 250000 Equity - 25
Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up
4 M/s Bloom Healthcare (P) Ltd. 594366 Equity Shares 614 422
of Rs. 71/- each i.e. Rs. 10 per share at premium of Rs.
61/- and 274285 equity shares of Rs. 70/- each
5 M/s Heimdahl Software Systems Pvt. Ltd. 100379 26 26
(previously held 961538) Equity Shares of Rs.26/- at
premium i.e. Rs. 10 each per Share and premium @
6 M/s Madoc Pharmaceuticals Pvt Limited Equity Shares - 90
900000 of Rs. 10/- each fully paidup
(III) 2,054 2,670
d. Non Trade - Investments in Preference Shares
1 M/s Bloom Healthcare (P) Ltd. 9916138 Preference 6,941 6,941
shares of Rs. 70 each.
(IV) 6,941 6,941
Total Investments (I+II+III+IV) 46,345 47,310
Less : Provision for diminution in value of investments (33,641) (20,638)
Total (I+II+III) 12,704 26,672

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 100

As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
3. Capital work-in-progress
Considered Good
- Building WIP 546.95 1,252.49
Total: 546.95 1,252.49
6. Non Current Financial Assets - Loans & Advances :
Unsecured Considered Good
- Loans to Others 1,368.91 1,509.94
- Advances to Employee # - 2.25
- Inter-corporate Loans 77.40 -
Unsecured Considered Doubtful -
- Loans to Others * 708.01 708.01
Advance against Land (Refer Note No. 1.23) 200.00 200.00
Total: 2,354.33 2,420.21
* Includes non interest bearing loan of Rs. 7.08 Crores since
Feb, 2016, being contingent by nature.
#These are non-interest bearing advances given to employee -
repayable for more than one year.
7. Non Current Financial Assets - Others :
- Long term Bank deposits 147.20 195.95
- Security deposits 71.34 83.99
Total: 218.54 279.94
8. Deferred Tax Assets (Net) :
- Depreciation and amortisation 84.11 115.61
- Employee benefits 29.14 29.14
Total: 113.25 144.74
9. Other Non Current Assets :
- TDS & IT Refund Receivables 62.51 44.22
Total: 62.51 44.22
10. Current Financial Assets - Trade Receivables :
- Considered good 226.90 278.05
Total: 226.90 278.05
11. Current Financial Assets - Lease Receivables :
- Considered good - 59.87
Total: - 59.87
12. Cash and Cash Equivalents :
(i) Balances with banks
- In current accounts 1,255.19 797.08
(ii) Cash on hand 19.41 14.45
Total: 1,274.61 811.53
13. Current Financial Assets - Loans & Advances
- Advances to Employee 24.47 10.32
- Advance to Suppliers 267.09 22.36
Total: 291.56 32.69
14. Other Current Assets :
- Prepaid expense 26.90 22.29
- Interest Receivables 3.87 3.11
- Unbilled Revenue 143.52 219.68
- Indirect Tax Recoverables 167.31 16.69
- TDS & IT Refund Receivables 95.55 139.98
Total: 437.15 401.75

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 101

Notes to the Standalone Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2019
(All amounts are in lakhs of Indian Rupees, unless otherwise stated)

As at March As at March
31, 2019 31, 2018

15. Share capital

(a). Authorised Capital
185,00,00,000 Equity Shares of Re. 1/- each fully paid up with voting rights 18,500.00 18,500.00
(b). Issued, Subscribed And Fully Paid Up
170,95,53,100 EQUITY SHARES OF Re. 1/- EACH fully paid up with 17,095.53 17,095.53
voting rights
Less :
Total : 17,095.53 17,095.53
16. Other Equity
Other equity consist of the following:
(a) Capital reserve 1,881.03 1,881.03
(b) Share premium 25,099.44 25,099.44
(c) General reserve - -
(i) Opening balance 2,904.31 2,904.31
(ii) Transferred from retained earnings - -
2,904.31 2,904.31
(d) Retained earnings
(i) Opening balance 5,739.36 5,428.36
(ii) Add: Profit for the period (443.48) 297.67
5,295.87 5,726.03
Less : Appropriations
(i) Appropriation/Adjustments (6.04) 13.33
5,289.83 5,739.36
(e) Investment revaluation reserve
(i) Opening balance (20,643.15) (16,378.91)
(ii) Unrealised gain on equity shares carried at fair value through OCI (13,934.60) (5,282.55)
(iii) Realised gain on equity shares carried at fair value through OCI 937.03 1,018.32
(33,640.72) (20,643.15)
(f) Others (Foreign Currency Translation Reserve ) -
(i) Opening Balance -
(ii) Addition/Deletion due to Revaluation 13,450.17
(ii) Reversal on account of Depreciation on Revaluation 56.52
Total : 13,393.65 -
(g) Others (Foreign Currency Translation Reserve ) 1,543.38 1,543.38
16,470.93 16,524.37

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 102

Rights, preferences and restrictions attached to shares
The Company has one class of equity shares having a par value of Rs 1/- each. Each shareholder is eligible
for one vote per share held. The dividend, if any as and when proposed by the Board of Directors is subject
to the approval of the shareholders in the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
In the event of liquidation, the equity shareholders are eligible to receive the remaining assets of the
Company after distribution of all preferential amounts, in proportion to their shareholding.

15A. Details of shareholders holding more than 5% shares in the Company

Equity shares of Re. 1 each, fully paid up held by:
As at 31 March, 2019 As at 31 March, 2018
Number % Holding Number % Holding
- Dalip Kumar 185916060 10.88% 185916060 10.88%
- Enstaserve e services Limited 150000000 8.77% 150000000 8.77%
- SLG Softech Private Limited 220000000 12.87% 220000000 12.87%
- Prahlad Estates and
260000000 15.21% 260000000 15.21%
Properties Pvt. Ltd.

Reconciliation of number of shares outstanding and amount of share capital as at March

31, 2019 and March 31, 2018
As at 31 March, 2019 As at 31 March, 2018
No. of Shares Amount No. of Shares Amount
Number of shares at the
1709553100 17,095.53 1709553100 17,095.53
beginning of the period
Add/Less: Changes in number
- - - -
of shares
Number of shares at the end of
1709553100 17,095.53 1709553100 17,095.53
the period.

17 Non-Current Financial Liabilities- Borrowings :

Secured loans
- ICICI Bank Loan 762.16 -
- HDFC Bank Loan 1,969.44 -
Total: 2,731.61 -
18. Non-Current Provisions :
- Provision for Leave encashment 14.83 12.80
- Provision for Gratuity 78.23 64.97
Total: 93.05 77.77
19. Other Non Current Liabilities :
- Security Deposits 395.07 84.09
Total: 395.07 84.09

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 103

As at March As at March
31, 2019 31, 2018

20. Current Financial Liabilities : Trade Payables :

- Considered Good 278.02 414.31
Total: 278.02 414.31
21. Current Provisions :
- Provision for Leave Encashment 0.75 0.68
- Provision for Gratuity 2.68 2.18
Total: 3.43 2.86
22. Other Current Liabilities :
- Advance received from customers 568.26 1,562.06
- Advance received against sale of stake - 447.98
- Others (Payables) 149.32 138.36
Total: 717.58 2,148.40
23. Current Tax Liabilities (net)
- Income Tax Provision 49.61 88.13
- Indirect tax payable and other statutory liabilities 38.53 80.01
Total: 88.15 168.14
IT Enabled Services:
- Overseas 3,071.48 2,521.03
- Domestic 491.28 384.13
Rental Income 399.24 195.97
Total: 3,962.00 3,101.13
Other income (net) consist of the following:
- Interest income
- Net foreign exchange gains 193.32 546.18
- Gain on sale of Investment carried at fair value through - 32.01
- Other Income - 71.50
- Rent income 7.34 3.91
Total: 200.66 653.61
Interest income comprise:
- Interest on bank deposits 35.05 7.84
- Interest income on financial assets 155.94 508.56
- Other interest (including interest on income tax refunds) 2.33 29.78
193.32 546.18

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 104

As at March As at March
31, 2019 31, 2018
- Salaries, incentives and allowances 1,767.11 1,838.73
- Contributions to provident and other funds 22.21 23.10
- Staff welfare expenses 55.32 51.46
Total: 1,844.64 1,913.29
27. FINANCE COSTS (at effective interest rate method)
- Interest expenses 79.43 21.91
- Bank Charges 25.30 15.71
Total: 104.72 37.62
Depreciation of Property, Plant and equipment 318.88 81.91
Amortisation of Intangible Assets 15.01 22.32
333.89 104.23
Other operating expenses consist of the following:
- Fees to external consultants 124.15 60.77
- Communication expenses 42.88 53.54
- Cost of equipment and software licenses 25.15 3.21
- Cost of Technical Sub-contractors 829.89 669.32
- Travel expenses 47.81 59.81
- Bad debts and advances written off - -
- Conveyance 27.74 27.07
- Power & Fuel 177.74 187.82
- Auditors Remuneration 9.88 10.38
- Running & Maintenance 63.84 96.24
- Other expenses 270.62 124.20
1,619.69 1,292.34

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 105

1.1 Company Overview:
FCS Software Solutions Limited (‘the company’) was incorporated on 05th May, 1993 in India. The
company is listed on two stock exchanges in India namely National Stock Exchange and Bombay
Stock Exchange.
The Company has its wholly owned subsidiaries in Germany, UAE and India (the company and
its subsidiaries constitute ‘the group’). The company business consists of software development
and marketing and providing support services mainly for corporate business entities in the BPO,
software development and e-learning service sector.-
1.2 Basis of preparation of financial statements
These financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standards
(Ind AS) under the historical cost convention on the accrual basis, except for certain financial
instruments which are measured at fair values, the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the
Act’) (to the extent notified) and guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(SEBI). The Ind AS are prescribed under Section 133 of the Act read with Rule 3 of the Companies
(Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 and the relevant amendment rules issued thereafter.
Effective April 1, 2016, the Company has adopted all the Ind AS standards and the adoption was
carried out in accordance with Ind AS 101, First Time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards,
with April 1, 2015 as the transition date. The transition was carried out from Indian Accounting
Principles generally accepted in India as prescribed under Section 133 of the Act, read with Rule
7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 (IGAAP), which was the previous GAAP.
Accounting policies have been consistently applied except where a newly-issued accounting
standard is initially adopted or a revision to an existing accounting standard requires a change in
the accounting policy hitherto in use.
As the year-end figures are rounded to the nearest lakhs, the figures reported for the previous
quarters might not always add up to the year-end figures reported in this statement.
1.3 Use of estimates
The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with Ind AS requires the management
to make estimates, judgments and assumptions. These estimates, judgments and assumptions
affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities,
the disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and
reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the period. Accounting estimates could
change from period to period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Appropriate
changes in estimates are made as the Management becomes aware of changes in circumstances
surrounding the estimates. Changes in estimates are reflected in the financial statements in the
period in which changes are made and, if material, their effects are disclosed in the notes to the
financial statements.
1.4 Revenue recognition
Revenue from IT Enabled Service including software development services and other projects on
as time-and material basis is recognized based on service rendered and billed to clients as per
the terms of specific contracts. In the case of fixed-price contracts, revenue is recognized based
on the milestones achieved, as specified in the contracts, on a percentage of completion basis.
Rental Income comprising of rent and other related services from operating lease is recognized in
the Statement of Profit and Loss on accrual basis.
Unbilled revenue represents amount recognized based on services performed in advance of
billing in accordance with contract terms. Interest on development of surplus funds is recognized
using the time-proportion method, based on interest rates implicit in the transaction. However,
those expenses on which revenue had not recognized was considered as work in process.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 106

Advance received for services and products are reported as client deposits until all conditions for
revenue recognition are met.
The company presents revenues net of indirect taxes in its Statement of Profit & Loss Account.
Revenue from operation for the Period ended March 31, 2019 and year ended March 31, 2018 is
as follows:
Rs. in lacs
S.No. Particulars March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018
1 Revenue from IT & ITES, Infra Management, 3,562.76 2,905.16
2 Revenue from Renting of Property 399.24 195.97
Total Revenue For Operations 3,962.00 3,101.13
1.5 Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost of acquisition including incidental costs related
to acquisition and installation less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss, if any. All direct
costs are capitalized till the assets are ready to be put to use. Fixed assets under construction,
advances paid towards acquisition of fixed assets and cost of assets not put to use before the
period/year end, are disclosed as capital work in progress. The company depreciates property,
plant and equipment over their estimated useful lives using the written down value method. The
estimated useful lives of assets are as follows:
Fixed Assets Useful life of Assets Useful life as per
companies act
Buildings 70 Years 60 Years
Office equipment 8 Years 5 Years
Computer equipment 3 Years 3 Years
Furniture and fixtures 14 Years 10 Years
Vehicles 6 Years 6 Years
Servers and networks 8 Years 6 Years
During the year, the company revalued its Land and Building in order to arrive at estimated Fair
Market Value, as per the Valuation Certificate as certified by independent valuer. The effective
date of Revaluation is 31st December, 2018. Such Increase/(decrease) in carrying amount of an
asset due to revaluation is taken to other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity as per
Ind-AS 16. The revaluation effect is as follows:-
S.No Class of Fixed Value before Value After Revaluation Profit
Assets Revaluation# Revaluation
1. Land 1,832.61 11,706.69 9,874.08
2. Building 2,672.41* 6,248.50 3,576.09
#It represents WDV as on 31st December, 2018.
*For the purpose of calculating depreciation, revalued figure has been apportioned on the basis of WDV available as at 31st
December, 2018.

1.6 Financial Instruments

1.6.1 Initial recognition
The Group recognizes financial assets and financial liabilities when it becomes a party to the
contractual provisions of the instrument. All financial assets and liabilities are recognized at
Transaction Price. Transaction costs that is directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of
financial assets and financial liabilities.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 107

1.6.2 Subsequent measurement
a. Non-derivative financial instruments
(i) Financial assets carried at amortized cost
A financial asset is subsequently measured at amortized cost if it is held within a business model
whose objective is to hold the asset in order to collect contractual cash flows and the contractual
terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows.
(ii) Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI)
A financial asset is subsequently measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
if it is held within a business model whose objective is achieved by collecting contractual cash
flows and the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows.
Investments which are classified as financial asset, the subsequent changes in fair value are
recognized through other comprehensive income (OCI).
(iii) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
A financial asset which is not classified in any of the above categories is subsequently fair valued
through profit or loss.
(iv) Financial liabilities
Financial liabilities are subsequently carried at amortized cost which is subsequently measured at
fair value through profit and loss. For trade and other payables maturing within one year from the
Balance Sheet date are carried at carrying amounts.
(v) Investment in subsidiaries
Investments in subsidiaries are carried at cost as per Ind AS 27 “Separate Financial Statements”.
However the provision for impairment on these investments is recognised using the net asset
value certificate provided by the independent valuer.
b. Derivative financial instruments
The Group does not holds any derivative financial instruments such as foreign exchange forward
and options contracts to mitigate the risk of changes in exchange rates on foreign currency
1.6.3 De-recognition of financial instruments
The Group derecognizes a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the
financial asset expire or become non recoverable and are qualifies for de-recognition under Ind AS
109. A financial liability (or a part of a financial liability) is derecognized from the Group’s Balance
Sheet when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged or cancelled or expires.
1.7 Intangible assets
1.7.1 Accounting Policy
Intangible fixed assets comprising of computer servers and networks, are stated at cost of
acquisition less accumulated amortization and impairment loss, if any. Intangible fixed assets are
capitalized where they are expected to provide future enduring economic benefits. Capitalization
costs include license fees and cost of implementation/system integration services. The costs are
capitalized in the year in which the software is fully implemented for use. Intangible assets are
amortized over their respective individual estimated useful lives on a straight-line basis, from the
date that they are available for use. The estimated useful life of an identifiable intangible asset is
based on a number of factors including the effects of obsolescence, demand, competition, and
other economic factors (such as the stability of the industry, and known technological advances).
Amortization methods and useful lives are reviewed periodically including at each financial year
Research costs are expensed as incurred. Software product development costs are expensed
as incurred unless technical and commercial feasibility of the project is demonstrated, future

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 108

economic benefits are probable, the Company has an intention and ability to complete and use
or sell the software and the costs can be measured reliably. The costs which can be capitalized
include the cost of material, direct labour, overhead costs that are directly attributable to preparing
the asset for its intended use.
1.7.2 Impairment
Intangible assets are evaluated for recoverability whenever events or changes in circumstances
indicate that their carrying amounts may not be recoverable. For the purpose of impairment
testing, the recoverable amount (i.e the higher of the fair value less cost to sell and the value in
use) is determined on an individual assets basis unless the asset does not generate cash flows
that are largely independent of those from other assets.
1.8 Provisions
A provision is recognized if, as a result of a past event, the Company has a present legal or
constructive obligation that is reasonably estimable, and it is probable that an outflow of economic
benefits will be required to settle the obligation.
1.9 Impairment
Property, plant and equipment are evaluated for recoverability whenever events or changes in
circumstances indicate that their carrying amounts may not be recoverable. For the purpose of
impairment testing, the recoverable amount (i.e. the higher of the fair value less cost to sell and
the value-in‑use) is determined on an individual asset basis unless the asset does not generate
cash flows that are largely independent of those from other assets. In such cases, the recoverable
amount is determined for the CGU to which the asset belongs.
If such assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized in the Consolidated
Statement of Profit and Loss is measured by the amount by which the carrying value of the assets
exceeds the estimated recoverable amount of the asset. An impairment loss is reversed in the
Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss if there has been a change in the estimates used to
determine the recoverable amount. The carrying amount of the asset is increased to its revised
recoverable amount, provided that this amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would
have been determined (net of any accumulated depreciation) had no impairment loss been
recognized for the asset in prior years.
1.10 Functional & Foreign currency
Functional currency:
The functional currency of the Company is the Indian rupee. These financial statements are
presented in Indian rupees.
Transactions and translations:
Foreign-currency denominated monetary assets and liabilities are translated into the relevant
functional currency at exchange rates in effect at the Balance Sheet date. The gains or losses
resulting from such translations are included in net profit in the Statement of Profit and Loss. Non-
monetary assets and non-monetary liabilities denominated in a foreign currency and measured at
historical cost are translated at the exchange rate prevalent at the date of the Balance sheet.
Transaction gains or losses realized upon settlement of foreign currency transactions are included
in determining net profit for the period in which the transaction is settled. Revenue, expense
and cash flow items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into the relevant functional
currencies using the exchange rate in effect on the date of the transaction.
1.11 Earnings per equity share
Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing the net profit attributable to the equity holders
of the Company by weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year in
conformity with the Ind-AS-33. Diluted earnings per share is computed by dividing the net profit
attributable to the equity holders of the Company by weighted average number of equity and

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 109

equivalent diluted equity shares outstanding during the year-end, except where the results would
be anti-dilutive.
1.12 Income Taxes
Income tax expense comprises current and deferred income tax. Current income tax for current
and prior periods is recognized at the amount expected to be paid to or recovered from the tax
authorities, using the tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted at
the Balance Sheet date. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are recognized for all temporary
timing differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts
in the financial statements as prescribed in Ind-AS-12. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each
reporting date and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit
will be realized.
Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured using tax rates and tax laws that have
been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date and are expected to apply to
taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences are expected to be recovered
or settled. A deferred income tax asset is recognized to the extent that it is probable that future
taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences and tax losses
can be utilized. The Company does not offsets current tax assets and current tax liabilities on
net basis, where it has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognized amounts and where it
intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.
1.13 Employee benefits
1.13.1 Gratuity
The Company provides for gratuity, a defined benefit retirement plan (‘the Gratuity Plan’) covering
eligible employees of FCS. The Gratuity Plan provides a lump sum payment to vested employees
at retirement, death, incapacitation or termination of employment, of an amount based on the
respective employee’s salary and the tenure of employment with the Company.
The Company recognizes the net obligation of a defined benefit plan in its Balance Sheet as an
asset or liability. Gains and losses through re-measurements of the net defined benefit liability /
(asset) are recognized in other comprehensive income.
1.13.2 Provident fund
Eligible employees of the company receive benefits from a provident fund, which is a defined
benefit plan. Both the eligible employee and the Company make monthly contributions to the
provident fund plan equal to a specified percentage of the covered employee’s salary. Amounts
collected under the provident fund plan are deposited in a government administered provident
fund. The companies have no further obligation to the plan beyond its monthly contributions.
1.13.3 Compensated absences
The Company has a policy on compensated absences which are both accumulating and non-
accumulating in nature. The expected cost of accumulating compensated absences is determined
by actuarial valuation performed by an independent actuary at each Balance Sheet date using
projected unit credit method on the additional amount expected to be paid / availed as a result of
the unused entitlement that has accumulated at the Balance Sheet date.
1.14 Cash flow statement
Cash flows are reported using the indirect method, whereby profit/(loss) for the period is adjusted
for the effects of transactions of a non-cash nature, any deferrals or accruals of past or future
operating cash receipts or payments and item of income or expenses associated with investing
or financing cash flows. The cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities of the
company are segregated.
Amendment to Ind AS 7:
Effective April 1, 2017, the Company adopted the amendment to Ind AS 7, which require the
entities to provide disclosures that enable users of financial statements to evaluate changes in

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 110

liabilities arising from financing activities, including both changes arising from cash flows and
non-cash changes, suggesting inclusion of a reconciliation between the opening and closing
balances in the Balance Sheet for liabilities arising from financing activities, to meet the disclosure
requirement. The adoption of the amendment did not have any material impact on the financial
1.15 Other income
Other income is comprised primarily of interest income, Rental Income and exchange gain /
loss on foreign currencies. Interest income is accounted for on accrual basis. Rental Income
comprising of rent and other related services from operating lease is recognized in the Statement
of Profit and Loss on accrual basis.
1.16 Investment
Investments are classified into non-current and current investments based on the intent of
management at the time of acquisition. Net Assets value as certified by expert is considered as Fair
Market Value for the purpose of valuation of investment in all companies including subsidiaries.
Further as per Ind AS 109, Non-current investments including investment in subsidiaries and
associate companies are measured at Fair value through other comprehensive income.
1.17 Related Party Transactions:
Subsidiaries Companies
Rs. in lacs
Name of Subsidiaries Country Holding as at
31.03.2019 31.03.2018
FCS Software Middle East FZE UAE 100 100
FCS Software Solutions GmbH Germany 100 100
Insync Business Solutions Limited India 100 100
Innova Eservices Pvt. Ltd. India 100 99.31
Stablesecure Infraservices Pvt. Ltd. India 100 92.67
Zero Time Constructions Pvt. Ltd. India 100 90.66
cGain Analytics Pvt. Ltd. India 100 92.74
Associate Companies
Name of Associate Country Holding as at
31.03.2019 31.03.2018
Enstaserv Eservices Pvt. Ltd. India 48.94 48.94
Myzeal IT Solutions Ltd.* India - 50.00
*Investment in Myzeal transferred

List of Key Managerial Personnel

• Dalip Kumar – Chairman & Managing Director
• Mahendra Pratap Singh – Non- executive Director
• Shayam Sunder Sharma – Independent Director
• Shiv Nandan Sharma – Independent Director
• Sunil Sharma – Director
• Shweta Shatsri – Independent Director
• Anil Kumar Sharma – Chief Financial Officer
• Harsha Sharma – Company Secretary

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 111

A. Transactions with the Related Parties
Rs. in lacs
Transactions 31.03.2019 31.03.2018
Insync Business Solutions Ltd.
Rental Income Received 15.60 15.60
Salary & Other Benefits to Key Management Personnel 0.00 0.00
1. Sunil Sharma 9.52 9.52
2. Harsha Sharma 7.80 7.80
3. Anil Sharma 19.87 20.40
Directors Sitting Fee 0.00 0.00
Shiv Nandan Sharma 3.20 2.35
Shayam Sunder Sharma 4.20 1.85
Shweta Shatsri 2.80 0.70
Mahendra Pratap Singh 0.60 Nil
Legal & Professional Charges
Mahendra Pratap Singh 1.07 Nil
Salary to Sandhya Singh 2.00 Nil
B. List of Related Parties – Where Control exists:
Rs. in lacs
Transaction between Holding and Subsidiaries: 31.03.2019 31.03.2018
M/s Zerotime constructions Pvt. Ltd.* Nil 950.00
M/s Cgain Analytics Pvt. Ltd.** 3.80 57.00
M/s Stablesecure Infraservices Pvt. Ltd.# 182.00 -
* It represents sale of investment in subsidiary companies.
** It represent amount against Purchase of Zero Time Constructions (P) Ltd. Shares.
# It represents sale of shares of M/s Readystate Infraservices Pvt. Ltd. to Stablesecure Infraservices Pvt. Ltd.

C. List of Related Parties – where Control does not exists:

Rs. in lacs
Inter Corporate Transactions 31.03.2019 31.03.2018
M/s Bloom Healthcare & Hospitality Management Pvt. Ltd. 192.00 7,356.30
M/s Heimdahl Software Systems Pvt. Ltd.** Nil (223.90)
**Amount in bracket represents sale of investment in subsidiary companies.
D. Outstanding Balance Receivable as at year end:
Rs. in lacs
S.No. Outstanding Balances as at year end: 31.03.2019 31.03.2018
1. Insync Business Solutions Limited (54.18) 117.65
2. FCS Software Solutions America Ltd.* Nil 447.98
*received against buy back of shares which has been ratified by board /management in their board meeting dated 29th May,
1.18 Expenditure in Foreign Currency
Rs. in lacs
Particulars 31.03.2019 31.03.2018
Expenditure incurred overseas NIL Nil
1.19 Earning in Foreign Exchange
Rs. in lacs
31.03.2019 31.03.2018
Income from IT & ITES, Infra Management, 3,147.64 2,301.34
3,147.64 2,301.34

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 112

1.20 Corporate Social Responsibility
As per Section 135 of Companies Act 2013 a Corporate Social responsibility Committee has
been formed by the Company. During the year the Company has undertaken Corporate Social
Responsibility activities as approved by the CSR Committee which are specified in Schedule VII
of the Companies Act 2013.
i) Gross amount required to be spent by the Company upto the period 31st March, 2019 is Rs. 3
lakhs (Previous Year NIL)
ii) Amount spent during the year on:
As on 31st March 2019
Rs. in lacs
S. No Particulars In cash Yet to be paid Total
in cash
i) Construction/Acquisition of any assets - - -
ii) On Purpose other than (i) above 3.00 - 3.00
iia) Sanitation and safe drinking water (Item No. - - -
(i) of Schedule - VII)
iib) Social Welfare (Item No.(iii) of Schedule-VII) 3.00 - 3.00
iic) Forest & Environment, animal welfare etc. - -
(Item No. (iv) of Schedule-VII)
iid) Contribution to 'Clean Ganga Fund' (Item - -
No.(iv) of Schedule-VII)
iie) Ensuring environment sustainability item - - -
No. (iv) of Schedule - (VII)
Grand Total (i+ii) 3.00 - 3.00

As on 31st March 2018

S. No Particulars In cash Yet to be paid Total
in cash
i) Construction/Acquisition of any assets - - -
ii) On Purpose other than (i) above - - -
iia) Sanitation and safe drinking water (Item No. - - -
(i) of Schedule - VII)
iib) Social Welfare (Item No.(iii) of Schedule-VII) - - -
iic) Forest & Environment, animal welfare etc. - - -
(Item No. (iv) of Schedule-VII)
iid) Contribution to 'Clean Ganga Fund' (Item - - -
No.(iv) of Schedule-VII)
iie) Ensuring environment sustainability item - - -
No. (iv) of Schedule - (VII)
Grand Total (i+ii) - - -

1.21 Segment Reporting

The Segment reporting policy complies with the accounting policies adopted for preparation and
presentation of financial statements of the Company and is in conformity with Ind AS 108.The
segmentation is based on the Geographies (reportable business segment) in which the Company
operates and internal reporting systems. The geographical segmentation is based on the nature
and type of services rendered. Based on the “management approach” as defined in Ind AS 108.
The Company has identified two main Geographical Segments as reportable segments. The
business segments comprise:
1. INDIA Segment
2. USA Segment

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 113

The Profit and Loss for reportable Primary Segment is set out below:-
For the period ending 31st March 2019
Rs. in lacs
Description India USA Total
Year ended March 31, 2019
Revenue 890.52 3071.48 3962.00
Expenses 414.61 1430.03 1844.64
Segment result 475.91 1641.45 2117.36
Un-allocable expenses 2058.30
Operating income 59.06
Other income (net) 200.66
Profit before tax 259.72

For the Year Ended 31st March, 2018

Description India USA Total
Year ended March 31, 2018
Revenue 580.10 2521.03 3101.13
Expenses 251.46 1650.33 1901.79
Segment result 328.64 870.70 1199.34
Un-allocable expenses 1445.70
Operating income (246.36)
Other income (net) 653.61
Profit before tax 407.24
Revenue and expenses directly attributable to segments are reported under each reportable
segment. Expenses which are not directly identifiable to each reporting segment have been
allocated on the basis of associated revenue of the segment and manpower efforts. All other
expenses which are not attributable or allocable to segments have been disclosed as un-allocable
1.22 The Company is in the process of compiling relevant information from its suppliers about their
coverage under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (MSMED Act).
As the Company has not received the relevant information till finalization of accounts, disclosure
in this regard could not be made.
1.23 The company has pending litigation as at year end 31st March, 2019 the details of which is as
Nature of Dispute Forum where dispute is pending 31/03/2019 31/03/2018
Advance against Land Chief Megistrate, Gautam Budh 200 200
Nagar, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Note: The company has advanced Rs. 708.01 Lakh to Vivan Enterprises, for which legal notice has been
served for the recovery. This may pose potential risk to the financial standing of the company
1.24 Previous year figures have been re-grouped/re-classified wherever necessary to correspond with
the current year’s classification/disclosures.
As per our report of even date attached

For Aadit Sanyam & Associates For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
Chartered Accountants For FCS Software Solutions Limited
Firm Regd. No.: 023685N
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
CA. Sanyam Jain Dalip Kumar Shayam Sunder Sharma
(Partner) (Chairman & Managing Director) (Independent Director)
M. No.531388 Din: 00103292 Din: 00272803
Sd/- Sd/-
Place: Noida Anil Kumar Sharma Harsha Sharma
Date: May 30, 2019 (Chief Financial Officer) (Company Secretary)

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 114

[CIN No: L72100DL1993PLC179154]
Registered Office: 205, 2nd Floor, Agrawal Chamber IV, 27, Veer Sawarker Block,
Vikas Marg, Shakerpur, Delhi-110092, Phone: 011-42418371
Website: www.fcsltd.com; Email: investors@fcsltd.com

Form No. MGT-11

[Pursuant to section 105(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 19(3) of the Companies
(Management and Administration) Rules, 2014]

CIN: L72100DL1993PLC179154
Name of the company: FCS Software Solutions Limited
Registered office: 205, 2ndFloor, Agrawal Chamber IV, 27, Near Sawarker Block, Vikas Marg, Shakerpur,

Name of the member(s):

Registered address:

E-mail Id:

Folio No/ Client Id:


I/We, being the member (s) of ......................……....................……. shares of the above named company,
hereby appoint

1. Name: .....……….......................................................................................................................................

Address: …………………….......................................................................................................................

E-mail Id: ……………………................................. Signature:………...............................…., or failing him

2. Name: ……………………..........................................................................................................................

Address: …………………….......................................................................................................................

E-mail Id: ………........................................ Signature:…………..................................…., or failing him

3. Name: ……………………..........................................................................................................................

Address: …………………….......................................................................................................................

E-mail Id: ………........................................ Signature:………….................................…., or failing him

as my/our proxy to attend and vote (on a poll) for me/us and on my/our behalf at the 26th Annual General
Meeting of the company, to be held on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, 2019 at 9:00 A.M at The
Executive Club, 439, Village Sahoorpur, Fatehpur Beri, New Delhi- 110074 and at any adjournment thereof
in respect of such resolutions as are indicated below:

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 115

Ordinary Business:
1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements
for the year ended 31st March, 2019 together with the reports of
the Directors and Auditors thereon.
2. To consider re-appointment of Mr. Sunil Sharma (DIN-
05359128), as Executive Director of the Company, who retires
by rotation.
Special Business:
3. Re–Appointment of Mr. Shayam Sunder Sharma as an
independent director of the company for the further term of 5
4. Re–Appointment of Mrs. Shweta Shatsri as an independent
director of the company for the further term of 5 years
5. Re- Appointment of Mr. Dalip Kumar as Chairman & Managing
Director of the company
6. Consider and approve remuneration of Mr. Sunil Sharma,
executive Director of the Company
7. Consider and approve remuneration of Mr. Dalip Kumar,
Chairman & Managing Director of the company

Signed this…........................... day of….............…… 2019 Affix

Re. 1/-

Signature of shareholder............................................................................

Signature of Proxy holder(s)......................................................................

Note: This form of proxy in order to be effective should be duly completed and deposited at the Registered
Office of the Company, not less than 48 hours before the commencement of the Meeting.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 116

[CIN- L72100DL1993PLC179154]
Registered Office: 205, 2nd Floor, Agrawal Chamber IV, 27, Near Sawarker Block,
Vikas Marg, Shakerpur, Delhi-110092, Phone: 011-42418371
Website: www.fcsltd.com; Email: investors@fcsltd.com


Regd. Folio No.

Name of Shareholder
No. of Shares held
DP. ID. No.
Client ID. No.

I/ We certify that I/We areMember(s) / Proxy of the Member(s) of the Company holding …………………………

Hereby record my presence at the 26th Annual General Meeting of the Company on 13th day of November,
2019 at The Executive Club, 439, Village Sahoorpur, Fatehpur Beri, New Delhi - 110074.

Signature of Member/Proxy

Note: Please fill this attendance slip and hand over at the entrance of the meeting hall.

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 117

AGM Venue, 2019

FCS Software Solutions Ltd. 118

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