Efficacy of Gabapentin For Treatment of Post Photorefractive Keratectomy-8
Efficacy of Gabapentin For Treatment of Post Photorefractive Keratectomy-8
Efficacy of Gabapentin For Treatment of Post Photorefractive Keratectomy-8
Introduction: For ophthalmic patients, eye discomfort is a major problem requiring efficient
pain treatment techniques. Pregabalin and gabapentin have surfaced as viable treatments for
post-keratoplasty pain. To manage pain after keratoplasty surgery, gabapentin and pregabalin are
evaluated in this systematic review and meta-analysis.
Results: A total of 532 people were included in seven studies that satisfied the inclusion
requirements. A meta-analysis showed that gabapentin/pregabalin significantly reduced pain
ratings compared to placebo (MD 1.59, 95% CI 1.17 to 2.01). The outcomes of individual studies
differed; some reported a considerable decrease in pain while using gabapentin/pregabalin in
comparison to a placebo, while other studies showed no discernible difference. Although
pregabalin showed promise in lowering immediate postoperative pain, there is still disagreement
over its long-term effects on pain management. After PRK, gabapentin provided a non-opioid
option for pain management, although it wasn't any better than oxycodone and acetaminophen.
Conclusion: Gabapentin and pregabalin have shown potential in the management of pain after
keratoplasty surgery as compared to placebo; however, further study is necessary to improve
dosage schedules, time of administration, and long-term results. These results emphasize the
need for further research to improve patient outcomes and postoperative pain management
1 Introduction:
Among ophthalmic patients, eye pain is one of the most upsetting complaints and symptoms.
Finding the source of eye discomfort requires a basic eye history and examination (A. G. Lee et
al., 2014). There are two types of eye pain disorders: neuropathic pain and nociceptive pain
(Ebrahimiadib et al., 2020) Acute trauma, tissue inflammation, or surgery are often the causes of
the former (Brooks & Tracey, 2005). Nervous system disorders are often the cause of
neuropathic pain (Treede et al., 2019). It is common to find that these two types of pain coexist.
Individuals who are diagnosed with pain in the eyes and ocular symptoms will also need pain
The anticonvulsant drug gabapentin was first identified in the 1970s (Yasaei et al., 2022). It was
approved by the FDA in 1993, and since 2004, it has been sold as a generic in the United States.
It was first used as an antispasmodic and muscle relaxant, but subsequent research revealed that
it also has anticonvulsive properties and may be used as a supplement to stronger anticonvulsants
(Small et al., 2020). Currently, the FDA has approved gabapentin for several illnesses. First of
all, postherpetic neuralgia—a kind of nerve pain that develops as a side effect of shingles—can
be treated with it. Furthermore, in individuals with epilepsy 12 years of age and older,
gabapentin is recommended as an adjuvant treatment for partial seizures, with or without
subsequent generalization (Ziganshina et al., 2017). This approval covers the pediatric
population—that is, children who have partial seizures between the ages of three and twelve.
Moreover, moderate to severe restless leg syndrome (RLS) may be treated with gabapentin
(Yasaei et al., 2022). In addition, gabapentin was shown to be more beneficial in managing
mood, sadness, anger-hostility, tiredness, and physical functioning than placebo (Berlin et al.,
Pregabalin has structural similarities with gabapentin and is considered a structural analog of γ-
aminobutyric acid. By modifying calcium channels and preventing the release of excitatory
neurotransmitters in the central nervous system, these substances reduce pain (Verma et al.,
2014). Although the precise mode of action involving GABA receptors remains unclear,
scientists are aware that gabapentin crosses the blood-brain barrier without restriction and
functions by interacting with neurotransmitters (Cross et al., 2022). The molecular structure of
gabapentin is similar to that of the neurotransmitter GABA, with a cyclohexyl group. Its
structure is similar to that of GABA; however, it does not bind to GABA receptors or affect
GABA production or absorption. To function, gabapentin must have a strong affinity for binding
sites across the brain that correspond to voltage-gated calcium channels, particularly alpha-2-
delta-1 (Derry et al., 2019). This binding affinity appears to inhibit the release of excitatory
neurotransmitters in the presynaptic area that are involved in epileptogenesis. Research has
shown that gabapentin raises total-blood levels of serotonin in healthy control volunteers, despite
the lack of evidence for direct activity at the dopamine, histamine, benzodiazepine, or serotonin
The use of gabapentin and pregabalin for pain management after ocular operations, such as
cataract extraction and refractive treatments, has been the subject of many research. In a recent
systematic review by Shen et al., the efficacy and safety of pregabalin in managing eye pain were
evaluated (Shen et al., 2023). Analyzing six randomized, double-blinded trials, the study found
that pregabalin significantly reduced pain scores 24 hours after various ophthalmological
surgeries. However, in this study other eye surgeries besides keratoplasty were also considered
and it only focused on pregabalin. Consequently, the purpose of our systematic review is to
thoroughly analyze the effectiveness and safety of gabapentin and pregabalin in the management
of pain after keratoplasty surgery. This study aims to provide insights into the possible function
of gabapentinoids in optimizing pain management regimens for patients undergoing keratoplasty
by integrating the current research, thereby improving postoperative results and patient
2 Methodology:
3 Results:
784 publications were found in the first literature search. 86 papers were deemed relevant after a
thorough analysis of the abstracts and titles, and their whole texts were acquired for further
research. Excluded studies were those that did not match the inclusion criteria or did not
particularly look into how well gabapentin and pregabalin worked to reduce pain after
keratoplasty surgery. Seven were concluded to be suitable for the systematic review and meta-
analysis after a thorough screening procedure.
Identification of studies via databases and registers
Records screened Records excluded**
(n =543) (n =457)
Studies included in review
(n =7)
Seven studies examining the effectiveness of pregabalin and gabapentin in treating pain after
keratoplasty surgery were included in the systematic review. There were many different types of
study designs, including three randomized double-blind trial, one randomized masked clinical
trial, two prospective randomized trial, and one prospective nonrandomized trial. 532 patients
having different corneal surgeries, such as photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), laser epithelial
keratomileusis (LASEK), and laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), made up the total
population throughout the trials. Interventions included comparing the administration of
pregabalin or gabapentin to oxycodone/acetaminophen or placebo.
Regarding the efficiency of gabapentin and pregabalin in the treatment of pain after keratoplasty
surgery, the results were not entirely consistent. Pregabalin or gabapentin was shown to
considerably reduce pain ratings when compared to a placebo in some research. At the same
time, there was no discernible change in pain levels between treatment groups in other
investigations. Furthermore, one research found that gabapentin usage was linked to greater
oxycodone/acetaminophen intake. The meta-analysis's overall conclusion is that gabapentin and
pregabalin may be somewhat helpful in lowering pain after keratoplasty surgery; nevertheless,
the evidence varies throughout the studies, highlighting the need for further studies in this field.
Matthew 2011 Randomized 83 Active- Gabapentin There was no discernible In terms of pain
D. Kuhnle Masked duty 300 mg, change in pain between the management,
et al. Clinical United Placebo. gabapentin and placebo gabapentin did not
(Kuhnle et Trial States groups. The gabapentin significantly
al., 2011) Army group used oxycodone and outperform a
soldiers acetaminophen more often placebo. The
undergoing (p=0.034). gabapentin group
bilateral showed higher
and 41
PRK. oxycodone–
Dong Won 2022 Prospective 80 eyes Pregabalin One week after surgery, the Up to 6 months after
Paik et al. Randomized undergoing 150 mg twice pregabalin group reported LASEK surgery,
(Paik et al., Trial LASEK daily, less discomfort. At six pregabalin may
2022) surgery Placebo months, there were no lower corneal nerve
significant changes in the sensitivity and
degree of dry eye or corneal discomfort but not
sensitivity. nerve regeneration
or structural
Julie M. 2014 Randomized 135 Pregabalin There was no statistically After PRK,
Meek et al. Controlled Patients 75 mg twice significant difference pregabalin may
Trial scheduled daily, between the treatment and provide an
(Meek et
for PRK Placebo placebo groups in terms of additional or
al., 2014)
the 10% improvement in substitute for
subjective pain levels. On traditional opioids in
surgical days 1 and 2, the the treatment of
pregabalin group needed far pain.
fewer doses of rescue
painkillers (p < 0.05).
Anat Galor 2019 Prospective 43 patients Pregabalin Six months after surgery, In this short pilot
et al. Randomized undergoing 150 mg twice perioperative pregabalin did trial, pregabalin
(Galor et Trial LASIK daily, not considerably lessen the given during surgery
al., 2019) surgery Placebo symptoms of dry eyes. did not lessen the
Ocular symptoms and reports frequency or
of neuropathic pain did not severity of dry eye
vary significantly (p>0.05). complaints six
months following
Steven A. 2008 Prospective 141 Gabapentin When it came to overall pain For postoperative
Nissman et Nonrandomi patients 300 mg, management scores, PRK pain,
al. zed Trial undergoing Oxycodone/ gabapentin and gabapentin did not
(Nissman PRK Acetaminoph oxycodone/acetaminophen significantly differ
et al., en did not vary substantially. from
2008) Gabapentin is linked to more oxycodone/acetamin
frequent usage of ocular ophen in terms of
drops used for anesthesia pain management.
Doses in mg
Moham- Matthew D. Alejandro Dong Won Julie M. Anat Galor Steven A.
mad Kuhnle et Lichtinger Paik et al. Meek et al. et al. Nissman et
Pakravan al. et al. al.
et al.
Pregablin Gabapentin
Figure 2: Doses of pregabalin and gabapentin given to the patients in different studies.
Moham- Matthew D. Alejandro Dong Won Julie M. Anat Galor Steven A.
mad Kuhnle et Lichtinger Paik et al. Meek et al. et al. Nissman et
Pakravan al. et al. al.
et al.
In managing pain after keratoplasty surgery, the meta-analysis assessed the effectiveness of
gabapentin and pregabalin in comparison to a placebo. A total of 321 individuals from five trials
were included. In favor of gabapentin/pregabalin, there was a statistically significant difference
in mean pain reduction between the two groups (MD 1.59, 95% CI 1.17 to 2.01). Variability in
the outcomes was shown by the heterogeneity across the research (Chi-square = 96.94, df = 4, P
< 0.00001). Overall, there was a significant Z-score of 7.38 (P < 0.00001) favoring
gabapentin/pregabalin over placebo.
Different research findings indicated different levels of pain alleviation. The mean difference
reported by Anat Galor et al. (2019) was 0.75 (95% CI -0.03 to 1.53), while Julie Meek et al.
(2013) reported a mean difference of -3.90 (95% CI -8.16 to 0.36), Matthew D. Kuhnle et al.
(2011) reported a mean difference of -0.36 (95% CI -1.41 to 0.69), Mohammad Pakravan et al.
(2012) reported a mean difference of -0.70 (95% CI -1.76 to 0.36), and STEVEN A. NISSMAN
et al. (2007) reported a mean difference of 4.20 (95% CI 3.51 to 4.89). These results imply that,
although the exact amount of the benefit may differ throughout trials, gabapentin and pregabalin
may be useful in lowering pain after keratoplasty surgery.
Figure 5: Funnel plot of the studies reviewed in meta-analysis.
The results of a meta-analysis comparing pregabalin and gabapentin against placebo on pain
scores on the second post-intervention day are shown in a forest plot. Data from four studies—
Kuhnle et al. (2011), Pakravan et al. (2012), Meek et al. (2013), and Nissman et al. (2007)—
were included in the analysis. On the second day after the intervention, the mean pain score was
lower in the pregabalin or gabapentin group than in the placebo group. Pregabalin or gabapentin
was preferred over a placebo, as shown by the pooled mean difference in pain levels between the
two groups of -0.71 (95% CI: -1.26 to -0.15). The analysis revealed a moderate degree of
heterogeneity between the studies (Tau = 0.12; Z = 2.49, p = 0.01), indicating some variation in
the effect sizes noted in the included research. Pregabalin or gabapentin, however, had a greater
overall effect in lowering pain scores on the second day after the intervention.
Results from a meta-analysis examining the impact of pregabalin and gabapentin on pain ratings
on the third day post-intervention, in comparison to placebo, are shown in a forest plot. Four
investigations (Kuhnle et al., 2011; Meek et al., 2013; Pakravan et al., 2012; Nissman et al.,
2007) provided data for analysis.
Between the pregabalin or gabapentin-treated group and the placebo group, there was no
discernible change in pain levels on the third day after the intervention. The analysis revealed
that there was no significant difference in pain reduction between the two treatment methods,
with the pooled mean change in pain ratings between the two groups being -0.09 (95% CI: -0.32
to 0.14). Indicating consistency in the effect sizes obtained across the included studies, the
analysis showed minimal heterogeneity across the studies (Chi-squared test: Chi2 = 2.29, df = 3,
p = 0.51; I-squared: I2 = 0%). Furthermore, no statistically significant difference was seen in
pain reduction on the third day post-intervention between pregabalin or gabapentin and placebo,
according to the test for overall effect.
Figure 10: Quality assessment of the studies.
4 Discussion:
Whether it be in the form of "red eye" or "quiet eye," eye pain is a warning sign for ocular
disorders (Narayana & McGee, 2015) (Kulenkamp et al., 2020). Neurologists need to determine
the various causes of eye discomfort. Furthermore, in order to reduce pain, these individuals also
need efficient pain management. Pregabalin's analgesic effectiveness and safety in the treatment
of pain, including both acute and chronic pain, have been the subject of growing research (Derry
et al., 2019) (Reddi, 2016). The results of the meta-analysis and systematic review indicate that
pregabalin and gabapentin are effective in lowering post-operative pain after different kinds of
corneal procedures, such as laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy (LASEK) and
photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). The meta-analysis used data from prospective trials and
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to provide a thorough picture of how well these drugs work
to manage pain related to these operations.
Photorefractive keratectomy is the most common kind of refractive surgery and a good substitute
for LASIK. Postoperative pain and discomfort is the primary issue with PRK (Ambrósio &
Wilson, 2003). Originally created as a GABA analogue to treat epilepsy, gabapentin is now often
used to treat severe depressive disorders and pain, particularly neuropathic pain (Wiffen et al.,
2011). While gabapentin is thought to function on distinct brain receptors, it was first created to
imitate the molecular structure of the neurotransmitter GABA. A research has identified a
potential mechanism of action for gabapentin, which is to inhibit the development of new
synapses (Eker et al., 2009). It is believed that this substance binds to the central nervous
system's voltage-dependent calcium channel's α-2-δ subunit (Eroglu et al., 2009)(Heblich et al.,
2008). Although pregabalin and the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA are structurally similar,
they are not functionally linked (Ben-Menachem, 2004). Similar to gabapentin, it binds to the
voltage-gated calcium channel's α-2-δ sub unit, inhibits the release of several excitatory
neurotransmitters, and prevents central sensitization and hyperalgesia (Shneker & McAuley,
2005)(Davies et al., 2007). Pregabalin is comparable to gabapentin in its anticonvulsant,
antihyperalgesic, and anxiolytic effects, but it has a better pharmacokinetic profile with dose-
independent absorption (Chizh et al., 2007)(Tassone et al., 2007). Additionally, it has fewer side
effects and is many times more powerful than gabapentin (Shneker & McAuley, 2005). Dorsal
horn neuron sensitization has been shown in models of acute pain and might be involved in the
pathophysiology of post-operative chronic pain. Pregabalin and gabapentin may reduce tissue
damage-induced hyperexcitability of dorsal horn neurons, which may be useful in the
management of postoperative pain. Many off-label uses of gabapentin have been documented,
including the treatment of postoperative pain after PRK.
Pregabalin taken orally has a half-life of 6.3 hours and a maximum oral bioavailability
(Bockbrader et al., 2010). While the time of analgesic delivery affects successful pain
management, pregabalin was given orally either before or one to two hours after surgery in these
studies. It appeared that pregabalin's analgesic efficacy was unaffected by the variation in dosage
timing. Researchers Paik et al. and Galor et al. looked at how pregabalin affected chronic pain
(Paik et al., 2022)(Galor et al., 2019). When pregabalin was used in comparison to a placebo,
Paik et al. found that pregabalin considerably decreased pain seven days after surgery. A single
pregabalin treatment, however, may not be sufficient to lessen chronic pain, as shown by the lack
of change in pain management between the ocular pain tests conducted by Galor et al. at 3 and 6
months. Pregabalin failed to completely block the afferent flood of chemical mediators or
nociceptive signals that come from the cornea and influence the central nervous system, which
resulted in pain sensitization and chronicity (Vadivelu et al., 2014). They did not, however, test
at the same period, and the analgesic impact varied significantly across the 3- or 6-month and 7-
week durations. Therefore, further research is required to determine how pregabalin-assisted
chronic pain treatment affects cornel damage.
The dosage range of 600–1800 mg is where gabapentin's therapeutic benefits for neuropathic
pain are seen, and this range should be modified based on the patient's reaction. Because
gabapentin has a half-life of five to seven hours, it must be administered three times a day in
order to maintain the ideal plasma concentration (Bockbrader et al., 2010). For painful diabetic
peripheral neuropathy, the maximum dosage of pregabalin that is advised is 100 mg three times
per day. Even though pregabalin has been investigated at dosages as high as 600 mg per day,
there is no proof that this quantity offers any further benefits and is less well tolerated. It is not
advised to treat diabetic peripheral neuropathy with dosages more than 300 mg/day due to dose-
dependent side effects (Gajraj, 2007). Pregabalin 300 mg daily (100 mg three times a day) has
been shown to be beneficial in controlling pain after dental surgery; however, 50 mg daily is
about the same as a placebo (Hill et al., 2001). The majority of research has contrasted daily
dosages of 150 and 300 mg for the management of acute postoperative pain.
The most frequent side effect of pregabalin was nausea, followed by dizziness. The statistics on
the incidence of adverse effects seemed to be quite consistent (Derry et al., 2019). Patients had a
greater frequency of adverse symptoms that persisted after using pregabalin (Morrison et al.,
2017). According to a meta-analysis, pregabalin dosages more than 300 mg prior to surgery
considerably reduced pain during the first 24 hours after surgery; nevertheless, a higher dose
markedly increased pregabalin adverse effects (Zhang et al., 2011). However, compared to other
studies, the results of Alimian and colleagues' study demonstrated that a single oral dose of
pregabalin at a dose of 300 mg is more effective than doses under 300 mg or in divided doses.
These authors suggested that the type of surgery is a significant factor and that pregabalin has its
maximal effect without any side effects in minor to moderate surgeries (Alimian et al., 2012).
Interpreting these conclusions in light of specific research findings and possible causes of
variability is essential, however. There was a noticeable degree of variation across the included
trials, even though the overall impact preferred gabapentin/pregabalin above placebo. While
Steven A. Nissman et al. noted a much greater impact size, Anat Galor et al. showed a minor
mean difference (Nissman et al., 2008)(Galor et al., 2019). Variations in research demographics,
surgical methods, dosage schedules, and outcome measures might be the cause of these
The varied results from several trials further highlight the possible advantages of pregabalin and
gabapentin in reducing pain after keratoplasty surgery. A mean difference of 0.75 (95% CI -0.03
to 1.53) was observed by Anat Galor et al. (2019); however, more significant mean differences
of -3.90 (95% CI -8.16 to 0.36) and 4.20 (95% CI 3.51 to 4.89) were recorded by Julie Meek et
al. (2013) and STEVEN A. NISSMAN et al. (2007). While there could be differences in the
amount of pain alleviation across studies, the general pattern shows that gabapentin and
pregabalin have potential as useful treatments for reducing pain after keratoplasty surgery.
The meta-analysis showed that patients on gabapentin or pregabalin saw a statistically significant
decrease in pain levels on the second day post-intervention when compared to those on a
placebo. This result implies that both drugs may be useful in reducing pain during the first
postoperative phase after keratoplasty. Nevertheless, the analysis on the third post-intervention
day did not reveal a statistically significant difference in pain levels between the placebo group
and the group receiving gabapentin or pregabalin. This suggests that on the third day after
surgery, the analgesic effects of pregabalin and gabapentin may fade or become less noticeable.
This systematic review and meta-analysis have several limitations, even if it is thorough. First of
all, there was variability in the included studies' research designs, patient demographics, surgical
methods, and outcome measures, which might have limited the generalizability of the results.
Furthermore, variations in pregabalin and gabapentin dosage schedules between trials may have
impacted reported results, emphasizing the need for protocol standardization to improve
comparability. Second, there is a knowledge gap about long-term pain treatment and patient-
reported results due to the emphasis on short-term pain outcomes right after surgery. Future
research should emphasize longitudinal studies with lengthy follow-up periods to evaluate the
sustained effectiveness and possible side effects of gabapentinoids beyond the immediate
postoperative period, given the potential impact of persistent postoperative pain on quality of
5 Conclusion:
This systematic review and meta-analysis concludes that gabapentin and pregabalin both are
effective,as compared to placebo, in reducing pain following keratoplasty surgery. The pooled
analysis shows a statistically significant decrease in pain scores that favors
gabapentin/pregabalin over placebo. The results highlight the possibility of these drugs as
beneficial supplements to pain management plans for patients having LASIK and PRK
procedures on their corneas. Nonetheless, further studies are necessary to clarify the best dosage
schedules, when to administer them, and their long-term safety and effectiveness. This highlights
the need of ongoing research to improve surgical results and patient satisfaction in this particular
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2 Astigmatism[Title/Abstract]
#5 #1 OR #2
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