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Study of Dienogest For Dysmenorrhea and Pelvic Pain Associated With Endometriosis

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Original Article

Obstet Gynecol Sci 2016;59(6):506-511

pISSN 2287-8572 · eISSN 2287-8580

Study of dienogest for dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain

associated with endometriosis
Soo Ah Kim1,2, Mi Jung Um1, Han Kyoung Kim1, Suk Jin Kim1, Seo Ju Moon1, Hyuk Jung1,2
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1Chosun University Hospital, 2Chosun University School of Medicine, Gwangju, Korea

To evaluate the effect of orally administered dienogest (DNG) for dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain associated with
For this study we recruited 89 patients with dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain associated with endometriosis diagnosed by
laparoscopy. All patients complained of persistent dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain despite surgical treatment 6 months
previously. After 6 months of DNG treatment, we used a 0 to 3 point verbal rating scale to measure the severity of disability
in daily life due to dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain, and the use of analgesics. Weight gain, serum lipid and liver enzyme tests
were performed before treatment and after 6 months of DNG treatment.
Total dysmenorrhea scores assessed by the verbal rating scale significantly decreased by the end of treatment (P<0.001).
The mean (±standard deviation) pain score for dysmenorrhea before and after treatment were 1.42±1.1 and 0.1±0.3,
respectively. The mean non-menstrual pelvic pain scores before and after treatment were 0.52±0.6 and 0.18±0.3,
respectively, showing a significant difference (P<0.001). The use of analgesics significantly decreased by the end of
the treatment (P<0.001). The associated adverse effects were weight gains (in 56 of 89 patients, 63%) and uterine
bleeding (in 28 of 89 patients, 31.5%). The weight gain (before treatment, 57.9±9.7; after treatment, 61.1±12.6) was
statistically significant (P<0.040).
This study demonstrated that orally administered DNG could be used to effectively treat dysmenorrhea and pelvic
pain associated with endometriosis although the side effects of weight gain and uterine bleeding should be
Keywords: Dienogest; Dysmenorrhea; Endometriosis

Dysmenorrhea is the most common symptom in patients with
Received: 2016.2.29. Revised: 2016.6.13. Accepted: 2016.6.14.
endometriosis [1]. Endometriosis is defined as the presence Corresponding author: Hyuk Jung
of endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterus. It is a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chosun University School of
chronic gynecologic disease. Symptoms include chronic pelvic Medicine, 309 Pilmun-daero, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61452, Korea
pain, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and infertility in reproduc- Tel: +82-62-220-3091 Fax: +82-62-232-2310
E-mail: bimilo@hanmail.net
tive-age women. http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2237-2422
Current guidelines for the medical treatment of endome-
triosis recommend hormonal therapies that suppress ovarian Articles published in Obstet Gynecol Sci are open-access, distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.
function to decrease the serum estradiol concentration and org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution,
thus shrink the lesions. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone ago- and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

nists (GnRH-a) are effective. Danazol, progestin, and estrogen/ Copyright © 2016 Korean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology

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Soo Ah Kim, et al. DNG for dysmenorrheal and pelvic pain

progestin combinations are also used [2]. endometriosis. The institutional review board approved the
Although a GnRH-a exhibits considerable efficacy by de- study, and informed consent was obtained from all women.
creasing the serum estradiol concentration to postmenopaus-
al levels, such agents are accompanied by a high incidence 2. Patient monitoring
of hypoestrogenic symptoms, and their long-term use is as- Of those evaluated for DNG use were, 69 patients (78%) had
sociated with a substantial decrease in bone mineral density, recurrent pain despite 6 months of GnRH-a use after surgery,
limiting the duration of use [3]. 20 (22%) with recurrent pain had been diagnosed endome-
There is, therefore, a need for new and highly effective triosis prior to surgery. Treatment with DNG began on the 3rd
drugs that can be used over a longer term. The progestin day (±2 days) of the menstrual cycle and continued for 6 cy-
dienogest (DNG) was developed for oral contraception, en- cles. During the 2 menstrual cycles before starting the study,
dometriosis treatment, and menopause management. DNG each patient underwent a pre-recruitment evaluation, consist-
is a synthetic progestogen that acts as a specific progesterone ing of a general medical and gynecologic history, a physical
receptor agonist with anti-androgenic activity and strong oral and pelvic examination, a clinical evaluation of the signs and
endometrial activity [4]. symptoms, a patient evaluation of pain, and a review of the
DNG (Visanne, Bayer HealthCare, Berlin, Germany) is a menstrual record, including scoring of dysmenorrhea and
selective progestin that has recently been approved for the non-menstrual pain, and recording of details about the use of
treatment of endometriosis in Europe, Japan, and other coun- analgesics. The effect of treatment was evaluated at the final
tries, at a low oral dose of 2 mg/day. DNG reduces endome- visit after completing the treatment course.
triosis lesions by creating a local progestogenic environment, Patients included in the study had dysmenorrhea or pelvic
while only moderately suppressing systemic estrogen levels pain scoring higher than 3 points at the admission visit by us-
[5,6]. ing a modified pain scale originally developed by Biberoglu
Therefore, we performed a clinical trial to examine the ef- and Behrman [8] and Andersch and Milsom [9]. This verbal
fect of oral administration of 2 mg DNG on dysmenorrhea rating scale (VRS) defines pain according to limitations on
associated with endometriosis. The aim of this study was to the ability to work and the need for analgesics, based on the
determine the effects of DNG, and compare the results with number of days analgesics are used.
previous reports. The severity of dysmenorrhea and non-menstrual pelvic pain
was scored by using a scale ranging from 0 to 3 (0=no pain,
1=some loss of work (or study) efficiency, 2=need for some
Materials and methods rest, with loss of work, and 3=rest for more than 1 day); the
use of analgesics was similarly scored (0=none, 1=analgesic
1. Patient selection use for 1 day, 2=analgesic use for 2 days, and 3=analgesic
The study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics use for >3 days).
and Gynecology at Chosun University Hospital. Between July Body weight was measured 6 months after treatment end-
2013 and July 2015, 105 reproductive-age women (range, ed with DNG. Serum lipids and liver enzyme tests were per-
22 to 53 years) who had endometriosis were enrolled in this formed before, and after 6 months of treatment with DNG.
non-randomized prospective study. Of 16 patients who did The adverse effects were investigated by questionnaire after
not completed the study, 9 were lost to follow up, 6 had the treatment ended. Weight gain was defined as an increase
inadequate charting, and 1 was excluded because of severe of over 1 kg, and uterine bleeding as bleeding more than 10
bleeding. Inclusion criteria included histologically-proven en- days.
dometriosis (stages I to IV, based on revised American Society
of Reproductive Medicine scoring) [7]. Exclusion criteria were 3. Statistical analysis
amenorrhea of 3 or more months, a need for primary surgical A paired t-test was used to compare changes in dysmenor-
treatment of endometriosis, use of hormonal agents within 1 rhea, and non-menstrual pelvic pain scores, use of analgesics,
to 6 months of screening (depending on the class of agent) or weight, serum lipid, and liver enzyme levels before and after
abnormal findings on gynecological examination other than treatment with DNG. A P-value of <0.05 indicated statistical

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significance. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS ver. Results

12.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
The demographic data are summarized in Table 1. Patients
had mean body weight of 57.9±9.7 kg, mean height of
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the subjects (n=89)
159.5±5.6 cm, and a body mass index of 22.8±3.6 kg/m2. All
Characteristics Value patients had endometriosis diagnosed by laparoscopy. All pa-
Age (yr) 40.2±7.1
tients complained of persistent dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain,
Weight (kg) 57.9±9.7 despite surgical treatment 6 months previously. A total of 77
Height (cm) 159.5±5.6 patients (86%) were classified as having stage III (moderate)
Body mass index (kg/m2) 22.8±3.6 or higher endometriosis, and 12 (14%) as having stage I-II.
Previous pregnancy 1.4±1.1 However, the pain and staging were not correlated.
Surgical diagnosis 89 (100) We determined the dysmenorrhea, and non-menstrual pel-
Presence of endometriosis 89 (100) vic pain scores, and use of analgesics in 89 patients before
Concomitant leiomyoma 31 (34.8) and after treatment with DNG (Table 2). The effective end-
Concomitant adenomyosis 8 (9) point was the patient response to treatment for dysmenor-
Concomitant ovarian cyst 7 (7.9) rhea and pelvic pain associated with endometriosis, as evalu-
Values are presented as mean±standard deviation or number (%). ated by the VRS. The analysis assessed changes in symptom
severity before and after treatment with DNG. The mean
Table 2. Effects of treatment with dienogest on dysmenorrheal (±standard deviation) score for dysmenorrhea was 1.42±1.1
score, pelvic pain score and use of analgesics (verbal rating scale) before treatment and 0.1±0.3 after treatment. The dysmen-
orrhea score significantly decreased by the end of treatment
Parameter Score P-value (P<0.001). The mean non-menstrual pelvic pain score was
Dysmenorrheal score 0.52±0.6 before treatment and 0.18±0.3 after treatment,
Pretreatment 1.45±1.1 <0.001 a significant difference (P<0.001). The use of analgesics de-
End of treatment 0.1±0.3 creased significantly by the end of treatment (P<0.001).
Pelvic pain There were a few side effects in this study (Table 3). Ir-
Pretreatment 0.52±0.6 <0.001 regular uterine bleeding occurred in 28 of 89 cases (31.5%);
End of treatment 0.1±0.3 however, only 1 patient discontinued treatment because of
Use of analgesics severe uterine bleeding. Moreover, irregular uterine bleed-
Pretreatment 0.85±1.1 <0 .001 ing decreased with continued treatment and resolved by the
End of treatment 0.03±0.2 end of treatment. Another adverse effect was weight gain, a
The dysmenorrheal score, pelvic pain score and use of analgesics are common adverse effect with other progestins used in endo-
expressed as mean score±standard deviation. Statistically significant metriosis treatment. Weight after treatment (61.1±12.6 kg)
differences exist when P <0.05. was greater than that before treatment (57.9±9.7 kg); the in-
crease was statistically significant (P<0.040). A weight gain of
Table 3. Adverse effects of dienogest treatment (n=89) 15 kg was recorded in 1 patient. Other than uterine bleeding
Parameter Value and weight gain, no serious adverse events related to DNG
Body weight gain 56 (63) use occurred. Laboratory safety parameters showed no clini-
Uterine bleeding 28 (31.5) cally relevant changes in serum lipid and liver enzyme levels
Fatigue 10 (11) with DNG treatment.
Insomnia 5 (5.6)
Breast discomfort 3 (3.3)
Depression 2 (2.2) Discussion
Dizziness 2 (2.2)
Values are presented as number (%). Some patients with endometriosis are asymptomatic. How-

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Soo Ah Kim, et al. DNG for dysmenorrheal and pelvic pain

ever, most have symptoms different intensity. The major the end of treatment, as seen in our study. Several clinical
symptoms are dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain, and deep trials have shown that contraceptive pills containing DNG
dyspareunia [10]. This study demonstrated that DNG was provide good cycle control, with shorter and lighter bleeding
effective in decreasing endometriosis symptom scores. Sev- than other contraceptives [17,18]. At the same DNG dose (2
eral progestins and synthetic steroids such as drospirenone, mg/day), the choice of contraceptive can have a significant in-
trimegestone, nestorone, nomegestrol acetate, and DNG, fluence on the incidence rate of irregular vaginal bleeding [19].
which mimic the action of endogenous progesterone, have The incidence rate of irregular bleeding in our study (28 of
been developed for use as contraceptives and in hormone 89, 31.5%) was less than that (61.6%) reported for DNG in
replacement therapy, and for treatment of gynecological dis- another study, in which the patients were prescribed DNG,
ease, such as endometriosis [11]. DNG was approved for the 1 mg orally twice a day for 16 weeks [19]. The incidence of
treatment of endometriosis in the EU (as Visanne) in Decem- genital bleeding decreased with continued treatment and
ber 2009. It was also approved in Japan (as Dinagest 1 mg) resolved by the end of treatment in our study. When uterine
in October 2007. Harada et al. [12] demonstrated that DNG bleeding persisted for more than 10 days of DNG treatment,
is as effective as a GnRH-a for relieving the pain associated the medication was discontinued. After the uterine bleeding
with endometriosis, but with a significantly lower decrease in had completely dissolved DNG treatment was resumed, after
bone mineral density and fewer hot flushes, which are typical which the cycle was maintained with no uterine bleeding.
side-effects of a GnRH-a. However, it is known that irregular The selective steroid receptor activities of DNG lead to fewer
genital bleeding occurs more frequently with DNG than with adverse effects, such as hirsutism, acne, weight gain, unfavor-
a GnRH-a. able carbohydrate and lipid metabolism compared to previous
Although laparoscopic diagnosis and treatment for endo- synthetic progestins, such as medroxyprogesterone acetate or
metriosis are currently used worldwide, Alkatout et al. [13] norethisterone [6].
showed that combined surgical and hormone therapy (3.75 The data in the present study showed weight increase by
mg GnRH-a, monthly for 3 months) for endometriosis was the end of treatment. A previous paper reported that the
the most effective treatment, especially for the reduction of absence of weight gain with DNG, but the present study
symptoms (dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, and others). showed a statistically significant difference (P<0.040).
The present study also used combined surgical and hormone Clinical evidence for the efficacy of DNG is lacking. Our
therapy, but with a difference. DNG, which may be used for 1 results demonstrated that oral administration of 2 mg DNG
year or more [13,14], was used instead of a GnRH-a which has effectively decreased dysmenorrhea associated with endo-
a limited duration of use, as it decreases bone mineral density. metriosis. No serious adverse events were observed. Data
A comparative trial of DNG (2 mg/day) versus a GnRH-a [15,16] from long-term studies indicated that pain relief continued to
concluded that DNG is as effective for the relief of pain associ- improve with sustained DNG therapy for 1 year and beyond
ated with endometriosis [15]. The proportion of women free of [14,20]. DNG can also induce decidualization of ectopic en-
pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea at 24 weeks was approximately dometrial tissue and atrophy of lesions with continued treat-
60% in both treatment arms: 82% in the DNG group and ment by creating a hypoestrogenic and hyperprogestogenic
90% in the GnRH-a group, respectively [16]. endocrine environment; thus, DNG is effective in treating
Various adverse effects of hormone therapy for the treat- endometriosis at a dose of 2 mg daily [6]. Our results sup-
ment of endometriosis have been reported, including uterine port the common clinical practice of treating dysmenorrhea
bleeding, weight gain, headache, nausea, and hot flushes. resulting from endometriosis with oral administration of 2 mg
In this study, patients complained of weight gain, uterine DNG. This study demonstrated that DNG was effective in de-
bleeding, fatigue, insomnia, breast tenderness, depression, creasing the scores of all endometriosis symptoms by the end
dizziness, and other symptoms (Table 3). The most common of treatment.
adverse effects were uterine bleeding and weight gain. In conclusion, the present study clearly demonstrated that
Horie et al. [15] reported rates of genital bleeding in DNG orally administered DNG can be used to effectively treat dys-
and GnRH-a groups of 122 of 129 (95%) and 85 of 126 menorrhea and pelvic pain associated with endometriosis,
(67%), respectively. However, this adverse effect resolved by although the side effects of weight gain and uterine bleeding

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