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Human Reproduction Vol.21, No.1 pp. 248–256, 2006 doi:10.

Advance Access publication September 21, 2005.

Subcutaneous depot medroxyprogesterone acetate versus

leuprolide acetate in the treatment of endometriosis-associated

P.G.Crosignani1, A.Luciano2, A.Ray3,5 and A.Bergqvist4

Director, I Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica - Università di Milano, Via Commenda 12 20122 Milano, Italy, 2University of Connecticut
School of Medicine, New Britain General Hospital, 100 Grand Street, New Britain, CT 06050, United States, 3Pfizer Inc, East 42nd St
150/11/62S New York, NY 10017, United States and 4Karolinska Institutet, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Danderyds

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Hospital, SE-182 88 Stockholm, Sweden
To whom correspondence should be addressed: amrit.ray@pfizer.com

BACKGROUND: A clinical study compared efficacy and safety of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) with
leuprolide for endometriosis-associated pain. METHODS: This multicentre, 18 month, evaluator-blinded, comparator-
controlled trial randomized 300 women with laparoscopically diagnosed endometriosis to 6 month treatment with
subcutaneous injection of 104 mg/0.65 ml DMPA (DMPA-SC 104) every 3 months or leuprolide (3.75 mg monthly or
11.25 mg every 3 months), with 12 months post-treatment follow-up. Endpoints included patient response to treatment in
five signs/symptoms (dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, pelvic pain, pelvic tenderness, induration) and changes in bone
mineral density (BMD) and productivity at 6 and 18 months. RESULTS: DMPA-SC 104 and leuprolide produced
equivalent (P < 0.02) reductions in at least four pain categories and significant (P < 0.001) improvements in composite
score at months 6 and 18. At month 6, reductions in total hip and lumbar spine BMD were significantly less (P < 0.001)
with DMPA-SC 104 versus leuprolide. BMD returned to pre-treatment levels 12 months post-treatment in the
DMPA-SC 104 but not the leuprolide group. Total productivity also significantly (Pⱕ0.05) improved in both groups
at 6 and 18 months. CONCLUSIONS: DMPA-SC 104 reduces endometriosis-associated pain as effectively as leuprolide
and improves productivity with significantly less BMD decline.

Key words: bone mineral density/depot medroxyprogesterone acetate/subcutaneous injection/endometriosis/leuprolide/pelvic pain

Introduction added benefit of a wide range of newer dosing and delivery

Endometriosis, defined as the presence and proliferation of options, currently available progestins or those in development
endometrial-like tissue outside the uterine cavity (Child and Tan, represent a viable treatment option for endometriosis pain.
2001), is thought to affect up to 10% of all women of reproduc- This study was undertaken to evaluate the use of a new, subcu-
tive age (Wheeler, 1989; Valle and Sciarra, 2003) and 25% of taneous formulation of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate 104
women who experience pelvic pain (Eskenazi and Warner, mg/0.65 ml (DMPA-SC 104) as a treatment for endometriosis-
1997). The generally cyclical nature of the pain associated with associated pain. This unique formulation contains different excipi-
endometriosis probably results from the response of the endome- ents from the intramuscular formulation and was specifically
trial-like tissue to cycling reproductive hormones (particularly designed for subcutaneous administration. As such, DMPA-SC
estrogen) (Bulun et al., 1999). As endometriosis lesions become 104 cannot be compounded from the intramuscular formulation.
inactive and gradually undergo regression during ovarian down- Contraceptive studies have demonstrated the safety and tolerabil-
regulation, medical treatments attempt to produce these condi- ity of DMPA-SC 104, which contains an ∼30% lower dose than
tions hormonally (Valle and Sciarra, 2003). the intramuscular formulation (Jain et al., 2004a; Jakimiuk, 2004).
Progestins have been used worldwide for decades as a treat- The objectives of this study were to assess the equivalence
ment for endometriosis; they appear to stop proliferation in (non-inferiority) of DMPA-SC 104 to leuprolide (a widely
endometriotic implants and induce regressive changes used and highly effective treatment for pain related to endome-
(Schweppe, 2001). Given that endometriosis is a chronic, triosis) (Dlugi et al., 1990; Rotondi et al., 2002; Valle Sciarra,
recurrent disorder, it is especially important that progestins are 2003) in the reduction of endometriosis-associated pain, as
relatively well-tolerated, have only limited metabolic side- well as to evaluate differential effects of these treatments on bone
effects at low doses and are inexpensive, in order to make these mineral density (BMD) during 6 months of treatment and 12
agents suitable for longer term use (Schweppe, 2001). With the months of post-treatment follow-up. Hypoestrogenic symptoms,

248 © The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved.
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DMPA-SC 104 versus leuprolide for endometriosis-associated pain

bleeding-pattern changes, adverse events, and the effects of distribution to the study sites. Leuprolide was obtained by each coun-
treatment on quality of life were also assessed. try for distribution to the study sites.
Patients were followed on a monthly basis, at which time patient
diaries were reviewed for evaluation of symptoms and bleeding-pat-
Materials and methods tern changes; side-effects or other health concerns were also elicited.
A pelvic examination was performed at most visits according to
Patients and study design
schedule. Patients entered the follow-up phase after completing 6 months
This was an 18 month, randomized, Phase III, evaluator-blinded, of treatment. An endometriosis-impact patient diary was distrib-
comparator-controlled clinical trial conducted in Europe, Asia, Latin uted every 3 months during follow-up. Bleeding-pattern information
America and New Zealand. The study period was from July 1, 2001, was not collected during the follow-up period. BMD was evaluated at
through August 11, 2003. Patients were randomized to 6 months of pre-treatment, after 6 months of treatment and during the follow-up
active treatment with DMPA-SC 104 or with leuprolide and were fol- phase at 6 and 12 months post-treatment.
lowed for an additional 12 months post-treatment during which nei- This was an evaluator-blinded study, in which the principal investi-
ther drug could be used. Independent Ethics Committees approved the gator and any designated sub-investigators and study coordinators at
study protocol and all protocol amendments. Monitoring and auditing each centre were blinded to the randomization of each patient. For the
procedures before, during and upon completion of this study verified purpose of maintaining the blinding, an independent person main-

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that it was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. tained the randomization code, received the study syringes and admin-
This study included pre-menopausal women aged 18–49 years with istered the study medication. This individual was instructed not to
laparoscopically diagnosed endometriosis and persistent pain symp- reveal the randomization code or to discuss the patient’s route of
toms. Patients could be either recently diagnosed with signs and administration with clinical study site personnel. In addition, patients
symptoms that fulfilled endometriosis pain criteria and with 3 months were instructed not to discuss the route of administration.
of persistent symptoms if surgery had been performed during laparos-
copy, or they could have had a diagnostic laparoscopy within the past Efficacy, outcomes research, and safety endpoints
42 months and persistent or recurrent symptoms for ≥3 months for
The primary efficacy endpoint was the patient response to treatment in
which they had not received pharmacotherapy with medication.
five individual endometriosis-associated pain categories (dysmenor-
Symptoms were assessed using the modified scale of Biberoglu and
rhoea, dyspareunia, pelvic pain, pelvic tenderness and induration)
Behrman (1981), in which pelvic symptoms/findings are rated on a
using the modified Biberoglu and Behrman symptom scale. For each
scale of 0 (no discomfort) to 3 (severe pain) in the following five cate-
category, a positive response was defined as an improvement from
gories: dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, pelvic pain, pelvic tenderness
pre-treatment of ≥1 point in the score at the end of 6 months of treat-
and induration. Endometriosis-associated pain criteria included a total
ment. For DMPA-SC 104 to demonstrate clinical equivalence to leu-
pelvic score of ≥6 (out of 15 possible), with a score of ≥2 in each of
prolide in the reduction of endometriosis-associated pain, statistically
the pain categories of dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia and pelvic pain. If
equivalent improvement in at least four of the five symptoms would
a patient was sexually inactive for reasons other than endometriosis,
be required at month 6 (end of treatment). Additional (secondary) effi-
the total score must have been ≥4, with scores of ≥2 for both dysmen-
cacy endpoints included improvement in symptom scores at 12
orrhoea and pelvic pain. Women must also have had normal results
months follow-up (month 18 relative to pre-treatment).
from a Papanicolaou smear and normal mammogram (for women
Efficacy was also assessed using a composite score, the sum of all
aged ≥35 years) within the past 12 months and be willing to use a non-
five individual symptom scores, which represents a global measure-
hormonal contraceptive method for the duration of the study, as well
ment of disease improvement. Clinically meaningful improvement
as provide signed informed consent.
was defined as a mean decrease of 4 points in the composite score
Staging of endometriosis patients was not done in this study.
within a treatment group after 6 months of treatment and after 12
Although disease severity may be assessed by classification systems,
months of follow-up. For patients who were not sexually active for
there is no correlation between these systems and the severity of pain
reasons other than endometriosis-associated pain, a mean improvement
symptoms (Kennedy et al., 2005).
of 3 points in the composite score (excluding dyspareunia) relative to
Exclusion criteria included BMD below acceptable levels (both
pre-treatment was considered clinically meaningful.
lumbar spine and total hip t score < –1.0) or a history of pathological
Outcome research endpoints included seven pre-specified quality-
or compression fractures; or any condition that might render a patient
of-life scales from validated disease-specific [Endometriosis Health
unable to comply with study instructions.
Profile-30 (EHP-30)] and generic [Short Form-36 (SF-36)] instruments.
Outcome data were also collected using additional subscales from these
Study treatments and assessments instruments: a Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire and an endometriosis-
This study randomized patients in a 1:1 ratio to receive 6 months of impact diary that included changes in productivity levels.
treatment with either DMPA-SC 104 once every 3 months by subcuta- The primary safety endpoint was the decline in BMD after 6 months
neous injection or leuprolide acetate by subcutaneous injection (3.75 mg of treatment relative to pre-treatment and BMD recovery after 12
monthly or, in The Netherlands, 11.25 mg once every 3 months, months of follow-up (month 18 relative to pre-treatment). Secondary
depending on the labeling in the respective countries). In Peru, leupro- endpoints included changes in the Kupperman Index (a composite
lide was not approved for subcutaneous administration at the time of measure of hypoestrogenic symptoms); the occurrence of hot flushes;
the study and was therefore administered intramuscularly in accord- changes in estradiol levels; adverse events; and changes in bleeding pat-
ance with the local licence. Both treatments were initiated within the terns, blood pressure, body weight and laboratory assay values. Bleed-
first 5 days of a normal menstrual cycle at visit 1 and a second injec- ing patterns were collected from endometriosis-impact diaries and
tion was given 3 months (91±7 days) later (except for leuprolide 3.75 assessed using a 30 day bleeding-pattern analysis. For each 30 day
mg subcutaneously, which was administered monthly), for a total period of treatment, the proportion of patients with amenorrhoea was
duration of 6 months of active treatment. summarized for months 1–6 for each treatment group. Coagulation tests
The DMPA-SC 104 injection was packaged and labelled by Pfizer and lipid profiles were performed only at selected study sites in Poland
(Pharmacia, Nerviano, Italy), which shipped it to each country for and Sweden. Coagulation tests included platelet count, prothrombin

P.G.Crosignani et al.

time, activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen, factor VII, fac-

tor X, antithrombin III, protein C and free-protein S. Lipid profiles
included total cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-
cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol and very-
low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)-cholesterol measurements.

Statistical methods
Patients who received at least one dose of study medication were
included in the intent-to-treat population. Analyses for efficacy,
outcomes research and safety endpoints were conducted using intent-to-
treat observed-case analysis. In the observed-case analysis, only the
collected data were used for analysis.
Statistical tests were two-sided and, except for the equivalence effi-
cacy endpoints, a statistical test with P ≤ 0.05 was considered statisti-
cally significant. For the difference in improvement rates for each of
the five signs and symptoms of endometriosis, 96% two-sided confid-

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ence intervals were used. This reflects a multiple-endpoint adjustment Figure 1. Disposition of patients in a randomized, evaluator-blinded,
comparator-controlled trial comparing the efficacy and safety of depot
to control the overall type I error rate at α = 0.05 using the Hailperin–
medroxyprogesterone acetate 104 mg/0.65 ml subcutaneous injection
Ruger method of adjustment (Koch and Gansky, 1996). Equivalency vs leuprolide in the treatment of endometriosis-associated pain. Numbers
(non-inferiority) was established for a sign or symptom if the lower of patients and reasons for withdrawal are given for both the 6-month
bound of the confidence interval for the difference in the improvement treatment period and 12-month post-treatment follow-up phases.
rates between DMPA-SC 104 and leuprolide was > –20%. A P value was
calculated that tested the null hypothesis that if DMPA-SC 104 percent
improved minus leuprolide percent improved is ≤ –20%. Treatment
Table I. Patient demographics and pre-treatment characteristics (intent to
equivalence was concluded when P < 0.02.
For the purpose of statistical analysis, variables were classified as
either continuous or categorical. One-way analysis of variance was Characteristic DMPA-SC 104 (n = 153) Leuprolide (n = 146)
used to compare the treatment groups for selected pre-treatment con-
tinuous variables (e.g. age, weight, body mass index and composite Age (years)
Mean ± SD 31.8 ± 6.7 30.9 ± 6.1
score). For other continuous variables, treatment groups were com- Race (%)a
pared at pre-treatment and in the change from pre-treatment using a White 56.2 64.4
Kruskal–Wallis test; within-group changes were analysed using a Black 2.0 4.1
Wilcoxon-signed rank test. The χ2-test was used for categorical varia- Asian/Pacific Islander 17.6 5.5
Mixed/multiracial 24.2 26.0
bles. The evaluation of the seven pre-specified quality-of-life scales
Weight (kg)
followed a gatekeeping approach to control the type I error rate at α = Mean ± SD 61.5 ± 11.9 62.6 ± 12.6
0.05. Statistical testing for quality-of-life scales was conducted BMI (kg/m2)
using two-tailed t tests to evaluate within-treatment group changes Mean ± SD 23.6 ± 3.9 23.9 ± 4.3
from pre-treatment. Range 16.1–35.0 15.2–37.6
Pre-treatment endome-
triosis composite
Results Mean ± SD 9.3 ± 2.4 9.8 ± 1.8
Of 300 randomized patients, 299 received at least one dose of Range 3–14 6–14
Total hip BMD
study medication and were included in the intent-to-treat popula- (g/cm2)
tion: 153 in the DMPA-SC 104 group and 146 in the leuprolide Mean ± SD 1.1 ± 0.1 1.1 ± 0.1
group. Continuation rates were similar between the treatment Lumbar spine BMD (g/
groups, with 90.2% of patients receiving DMPA-SC 104 and Mean ± SD 1.2 ± 0.1 1.2 ± 0.1
93.2% of those receiving leuprolide completing the 6 month
treatment period. Of the patients that completed the 6 month Difference between treatment groups: P = 0.009.
Sum of scores at randomization for dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, pelvic pain, pel-
treatment period, 71.7 and 73.5% of patients in the DMPA-SC vic tenderness and pelvic induration, where absent/none = 0, mild = 1, moderate =
104 and leuprolide groups completed the 12 month follow-up 2 and severe = 3.
period respectively. Reasons for withdrawal are summarized in Difference between treatment groups: P = 0.039.
DMPA-SC 104 = depot medroxyprogesterone acetate 104 mg/0.65 ml subcuta-
Figure 1. neous injection; BMI = body mass index; BMD = bone mineral density.
The two treatment groups were similar with respect to all
pre-treatment and demographic characteristics except race
(the DMPA-SC 104 group had a higher percentage of Asian/ similar with respect to the five individual signs and symptoms of
Pacific Islander patients and the leuprolide group had a endometriosis at pre-treatment, although the mean pre-treatment
higher percentage of white patients, P = 0.009) (Table I). The composite score was significantly higher (P = 0.039) in the
mean ages were 31.8 and 30.9 years in the DMPA-SC 104 leuprolide group compared with the DMPA-SC 104 group.
and leuprolide groups respectively, with a mean body mass Most patients in each group had moderate to severe pre-treatment
index of 23.6 kg/m2 in the DMPA-SC 104 group and 23.9 kg/m2 pain. Ninety-eight patients met the protocol-specified crite-
in the leuprolide group. The two treatment groups were also rion for a total pelvic score of ≥6 (or ≥4 if sexually inactive)

DMPA-SC 104 versus leuprolide for endometriosis-associated pain

at baseline but did not meet the criterion for a score of ≥2 After 12 months of post-treatment follow-up, the percent-
in each of the categories of dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia ages of patients in each group continuing to show improve-
and pelvic pain (or if sexually inactive, a score of ≥2 in each ment from pre-treatment in these symptoms remained high
of the categories of dysmenorrhoea and pelvic pain), at both (>75%), and treatment with DMPA-SC 104 demonstrated
baseline and randomization. This included 58 patients in the statistical equivalence to leuprolide for four of the five signs
DMPA-SC 104 group and 40 patients in the leuprolide group. and symptoms (Figure 2B). Improvement of endometriosis-
associated dyspareunia was also observed in both treatment
Efficacy of DMPA-SC 104 versus leuprolide in the treatment groups, although the results did not meet statistical equiva-
of endometriosis-associated pain lence (P < 0.049).
In the observed-case analysis, 6 months of treatment with Composite scores, calculated as the sum of the five individual
DMPA-SC 104 resulted in statistically equivalent (P < 0.02) scores for signs and symptoms of endometriosis, revealed that
reductions of all five signs and symptoms of endometriosis both DMPA-SC 104 and leuprolide resulted in statistically
(dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, pelvic pain, pelvic tenderness and significant (P < 0.001) and clinically meaningful symptom
induration) compared with leuprolide treatment (as shown in improvements at month 6 (end of treatment) and at 12 months
Figure 2A). These results met the primary efficacy objective follow-up (month 18 relative to pre-treatment). In the

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of the study, demonstrating that DMPA-SC 104 reduced DMPA-SC 104 group, mean improvement from pre-treatment
endometriosis-associated pain as effectively as leuprolide. was 6.3 at month 6 and 6.6 after 12 months of follow-up.
Similarly, mean improvement from pre-treatment in the leu-
prolide group was 7.3 at month 6 and 6.1 after 12 months of

Quality of life
As determined from patient reports, significant improvements
in quality of life occurred in both the DMPA-SC 104 and leu-
prolide groups, as measured by EHP-30 and SF-36 scales.
Mean scores for all four pre-specified EHP-30 scales (pain,
emotional well-being, self-image and intercourse) as well as
the two remaining scales (social support, control and power-
lessness), significantly improved in both groups at month 6
compared with pre-treatment, and these improvements were
maintained after 12 months of post-treatment follow-up
(Figure 3). Similarly, scores for all three pre-specified scales
of the SF-36 (physical function, role physical and social func-
tioning) significantly improved at month 6 relative to pre-
treatment in both treatment groups, with improvements main-
tained after 12 months of post-treatment follow-up (P ≤ 0.001).
On the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire, both groups
experienced significant (P ≤ 0.006) improvements in emotional
and physical health at month 6 (end of treatment) relative to
pre-treatment, based on patient reports. Patients in the DMPA-
SC 104 group also experienced significant improvements in
their sexual relationship at month 6 (P = 0.039); no significant
improvement was observed in the leuprolide group (P = 0.318).
Productivity endpoints collected from the endometriosis-
impact diaries revealed significant improvements in both
groups with regard to the mean number of employed work and
housework hours lost due to endometriosis symptoms (Table II).
Figure 2. Percentages of patients treated with depot medroxyproges- The hours of productivity that were lost due to absenteeism
terone acetate 104 mg/0.65 ml subcutaneous injection or leuprolide (planned work not attempted) and presenteeism (productivity
showing improvement in 5 individual signs and symptoms of endome-
triosis relative to pre-treatment, using observed-case analysis for the lost due to reduced effectiveness caused by endometriosis
intent-to-treat population. Improvement was defined as a decrease of at symptoms) both significantly improved from pre-treatment to
least one point in the score relative to pre-treatment, using the modified month 6, and these improvements were maintained throughout
Biberoglu and Behrman scale. Treatments were equivalent if P < 0.02, the 12 months of follow-up (P ≤ 0.05). Total productivity losses
where the following null hypothesis was tested: Percent improvement for employed work and housework due to endometriosis also
with DMPA-SC 104 minus percent improvement with leuprolide is
≤−20%. (A) At month 6 end of treatment. (B) After 12 months of significantly (P ≤ 0.05) improved in both groups from pre-
post-treatment follow-up (month 18 relative to pre-treatment). aTreat- treatment to month 6, and through the 12 months of follow-up
ments not equivalent (P = 0.049). (month 18 relative to pre-treatment).
P.G.Crosignani et al.

(P = 0.006). For lumbar spine BMD, the median percentage

change from pre-treatment was less in the DMPA-SC 104
group compared to the leuprolide group after 12 months of
follow-up, although the difference was not statistically significant
(P = 0.08).
Secondary safety and tolerability endpoints included
measures of hormone-related effects. Median changes from
pre-treatment in the Kupperman Index (Kupperman et al., 1953)
scores of hypoestrogenic signs and symptoms demonstrated
statistically significant differences between treatment groups
(P < 0.001) at each monthly visit throughout the 6 month
treatment period (Figure 5). The leuprolide group experienced
a significant median increase from pre-treatment (P < 0.001) at
each month, while median scores changed very little in the
DMPA-SC 104 group. At month 6 (end of treatment), the median

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change in Kupperman Index was 0 in the DMPA-SC 104 group
and +6.0 in the leuprolide group.
The median average daily number of hot flushes (calculated
by dividing the total number of hot flushes in the reference
month by the number of days with data recorded in that month)
was significantly lower (P < 0.001) in the DMPA-SC 104
group than in the leuprolide group during all 6 months of treat-
ment. At month 6, the median average daily number of hot
flushes was zero in the DMPA-SC 104 group and 2.0 in the
leuprolide group. The maximum severity of hot flushes within
a diary reference month was also significantly lower in the
DMPA-SC 104 group than in the leuprolide group throughout
Figure 3. Impact of treatment on quality of life (intent-to-treat popu- the 6 month treatment period. At month 6 (Figure 6), severe hot
lation): Mean scores on four pre-specified and two additional
Endometriosis Health Profile-30 (EHP-30) scales at randomization,
flushes were reported in 7.6% of patients in the DMPA-SC 104
month 6 (end of treatment [EOT]) and after 12 months of post-treatment group compared with 35.2% in the leuprolide group (P < 0.001).
follow-up (month 18 relative to pre-treatment). Lower scores indicate At month 6, a significantly (P < 0.001) higher percentage of
improvement on each scale. P values for within-group differences patients in the leuprolide group (90.3%) had estradiol levels
from pre-treatment (t test): aP < 0.001. bP = 0.002. below the limit of detectability (41 pg/ml), when compared to
the DMPA-SC 104 group (61.8%).
Treatments also showed differences in bleeding-pattern pro-
files. Over the course of treatment, the incidence of amenorrhoea
Safety and tolerability increased in each treatment group, although more patients in the
The primary safety endpoint in this trial was the change in BMD leuprolide group experienced amenorrhoea. In the DMPA-SC
after 6 months of treatment, shown in Figure 4. In the leuprolide 104 group, the percentage of patients having amenorrhoea
group, significant (P < 0.001) reductions from pre-treatment in increased from 19.5% in month 3 to 24% in month 6. In the leu-
both total hip and lumbar spine BMD (median percentage changes prolide group, 83.7% of patients had amenorrhoea in month 3,
of –2.10 and –4.00, respectively) were observed at month 6. and this percentage increased to 89.9% in month 6.
However, the DMPA-SC 104 group showed significant reduction The percentage of patients who reported at least one adverse
from pre-treatment (P < 0.001) only in lumbar spine BMD event during the treatment period was similar in the DMPA-SC
(median percentage changes: total hip, –0.50; lumbar spine, 104 and leuprolide groups (69.7 and 65.0% respectively).
–1.00). Compared with the leuprolide group, reductions in both Adverse events reported during the treatment period and con-
total hip and lumbar spine BMD were significantly smaller sidered by the investigator to be drug-related occurred in
(P < 0.001) in the DMPA-SC 104 group. 50.7% of patients in the DMPA-SC 104 group and 39.2% of
After 12 months of follow-up (month 18 relative to pre- patients in the leuprolide group (P = 0.047). Drug-related
treatment), the leuprolide group continued to show significant adverse events in each treatment group (occurring in ≥5% of
(P ≤ 0.002) residual loss in median percentage change from patients) are listed in Table III. A significantly higher (P ≤ 0.05)
pre-treatment in both total hip (–1.1%) and lumbar spine (–1.3%) percentage of patients in the DMPA-SC 104 group than in the
BMD (Figure 4). In contrast, the DMPA-SC 104 group did not leuprolide group reported drug-related intermenstrual bleeding,
show statistically significant changes from pre-treatment uterine haemorrhage and vaginal haemorrhage, while a signifi-
after 12 months of follow-up for either total hip (–0.2%) or cantly higher (P = 0.003) percentage of patients in the leupro-
lumbar spine (–0.4%) BMD. As at month 6, the decreases after lide group reported drug-related hot flushes. Serious adverse
12 months of follow-up were significantly less in the DMPA-SC events occurred in 3.9% of patients in the DMPA-SC 104
104 group than in the leuprolide group for total hip BMD group and 2.1% of patients in the leuprolide group during the
DMPA-SC 104 versus leuprolide for endometriosis-associated pain

Table II. Endometriosis-impact diary: monthly mean (SD) responses from baseline for productivity (intent to treat)

Category Pre-treatmenta Month 6 (end of treatment) 12 months follow-up (month

18 relative to pre treatment)

DMPA-SC 104 Leuprolide DMPA-SC 104 Leuprolide DMPA-SC 104 Leuprolide

Hours of employment lost due to absenteeism 19.14 14.19 4.88b 1.36b 3.59b 2.47b
(35.95) (28.62) (17.11) (6.54) (18.21) (7.92)
n = 100 n = 101 n = 90 n = 89 n = 40 n = 43
Hours of employment productivity lost due to presenteeism 40.79 38.99 26.62b 26.90b 28.02b 17.32b
(50.29) (39.68) (41.72) (35.25) (44.51) (23.81)
n = 95 n = 97 n = 86 n = 84 n = 40 n = 39
Total hours of productivity lost at employment 57.89 51.63 30.32b 26.75b 31.61b 18.18b
(57.41) (49.45) (43.79) (35.09) (46.58) (24.07)
n = 100 n = 101 n = 90 n = 89 n = 40 n = 43
Hours of housework lost due to absenteeism 14.67 17.21 3.88b 2.80b 3.37b 1.42b
(19.12) (30.41) (14.81) (9.77) (13.34) (5.32)
n = 132 n = 130 n = 101 n = 108 n = 51 n = 45

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Hours of housework productivity lost due to presenteeism 18.34 18.15 7.32b 12.31b 5.25b 8.76b
(28.04) (30.07) (12.68) (21.48) (7.00) (15.18)
n = 129 n = 126 n = 98 n = 99 n = 50 n = 40
Total hours of productivity lost at housework 32.59 34.80 10.98b 14.08b 8.52b 9.21b
(34.02) (44.90) (20.12) (22.38) (15.76) (15.67)
n = 132 n = 130 n = 101 n = 108 n = 51 n = 45
Includes all diary entries recorded before the start of treatment, averaged over 1 month.
Statistically significant change from pre-treatment, t-test, significance defined at P ≤ 0.05.
Absenteeism is defined as hours of planned work that was not attempted.
Presenteeism is defined as hours of lost productivity during work activity due to reduced effectiveness caused by endometriosis symptoms.
DMPA-SC 104 = depot medroxyprogesterone acetate 104 mg/0.65 ml subcutaneous injection.

Figure 5. Median change from pre-treatment in Kupperman Index

during 6 months of treatment with depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
104 mg/0.65 ml subcutaneous injection (DMPA-SC 104) or leupro-
Figure 4. Median percent change in both total hip and lumbar spine lide, where increasing scores indicate an increase in hypoestrogenic
bone mineral density (BMD) in each treatment group (intent-to-treat symptoms (intent-to-treat [ITT] population). aP values for between-
population) from pre-treatment to month 6 (end of treatment [EOT]) group differences (Kruskal-Wallis test): P < 0.001.
and after 12 months of post-treatment follow-up (month 18 relative to
pre-treatment). aStatistically significant greater decrease observed
in the leuprolide group vs the depot medroxyprogesterone acetate patients. Other adverse events occurring in >5% of patients in
104 mg/0.65 ml subscutaneous injection (DMPA-SC 104) group
(Kruskal-Wallis test, P ≤ 0.05). N = number of patients. either group during follow-up were nasopharyngitis, headache,
nausea, arthralgia, intermenstrual bleeding, and pregnancy.
The coagulation and fasting lipid sub-studies showed the
expected small effect of DMPA-SC 104 on these parameters.
treatment period. The percentage of patients that discontinued No clinically relevant changes in haematology, chemistry
treatment due to adverse events was 2.0% in the DMPA-SC assays or urinalysis were noted. Likewise, no clinically mean-
104 group and 1.4% in the leuprolide group. The percentage of ingful changes in blood pressure were observed. With regard to
patients who reported at least one adverse event during the fol- body weight, no clinically meaningful changes were noted. At
low-up period was also similar between groups (55.1% in the month 6, the median increase in body weight was 0.70 kg in
DMPA-SC 104 group and 50.0% in the leuprolide group). The the DMPA-SC 104 group and 0.50 kg in the leuprolide group.
most frequently reported adverse event during the follow-up After 12 months of follow-up, the median increase in body
period was breast pain, which was reported in 6.5% of the weight was 0.9 kg in the DMPA-SC 104 group and 0.85 kg in
patients receiving DMPA-SC 104 and 5.1% of leuprolide-treated the leuprolide group.
P.G.Crosignani et al.

Importantly, treatment with either DMPA-SC 104 or leuprolide

also significantly improved patients’ quality of life. The higher
quality of life noted by the patients at month 6 did not diminish
or lessen during the 12 months of follow-up. These results
highlight DMPA-SC 104 as a promising option for the man-
agement of endometriosis.
Current treatment options for endometriosis include surgery
and medical therapies. Surgery is an invasive approach and
may offer no improvement over medical therapy in terms of
pain reduction (Sutton et al., 1994; Hornstein et al., 1997;
Winkel, 2000, 2003; Shaw, 2003). Medical treatment options,
which include combined oral contraceptives (Vercellini et al.,
2003a,b), danazol (Valle and Sciarra, 2003), progestins (Ver-
cellini et al., 1997) and GnRH agonists such as leuprolide
(Winkel, 2000; Rotondi et al., 2002; Rice, 2002; Valle and Sci-

Downloaded from http://humrep.oxfordjournals.org/ at Serials Section Norris Medical Library on April 3, 2014
arra, 2003), have demonstrated benefits in clinical trials. How-
Figure 6. Percentages of patients in each treatment group with max- ever, not all patients can use estrogen (Collaborative Group on
imum severity of hot flushes recorded in endometriosis-impact diaries Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer, 1996; WHO Collaborative
for month 6 rated as none, mild, moderate or severe (ITT population).
P value for between-group difference (chi-square test): P < 0.001. Study of Cardiovascular Disease and Steroid Hormone Contra-
ception, 1997); moreover, the long-term treatment of endome-
triosis requires alternative strategies. More recently, potential
treatments such as antiestrogens (Saito et al., 2003; Viganò
Table III. Drug-related adverse events reported in ≥5% of patients during 6 et al., 2003) and aromatase inhibitors (Takayama et al., 1998;
months of treatment (intent to treat)
Viganò et al., 2003; Ailawadi et al., 2004; Bulun et al., 2004)
Adverse event DMPA-SC 104 (n = 152) Leuprolide (n = 143) have been considered, but larger clinical trials are required to
Nausea 17 (11.2) 10 (7.0) assess their efficacy.
Headache 5 (3.3) 9 (6.3) Progestins, which have been in use for many years, have
Breast pain 8 (5.3) 5 (3.5)
Intermenstrual bleeding 19 (12.5)a 1 (0.7) been shown in several randomized controlled trials to provide
Hot flushes 9 (5.9) 24 (16.8)a equivalent efficacy to danazol or GnRH agonists for the relief
of endometriosis-associated pain (Vercellini et al.,1997). Lim-
Values are n (%).
Significantly different between groups, χ2-test, P ≤ 0.05. ited data have demonstrated the efficacy of oral medroxypro-
DMPA-SC 104 = depot medroxyprogesterone acetate 104 mg/0.65 ml subcuta- gesterone acetate (MPA) and depot medroxyprogesterone
neous injection. acetate intramuscular injection 150 mg/ml, in providing relief
from endometriosis-related pain (Vercellini et al., 1996; Har-
rison and Barry-Kinsella, 2000). However, use of the oral for-
mulation necessitates daily dosing. This study demonstrated
Discussion that DMPA-SC 104—a lower dose, SC formulation of depot
In this randomized, evaluator-blinded, comparator-controlled medroxyprogesterone acetate—is equivalent to leuprolide in
clinical trial, DMPA-SC 104 was shown to be equivalent reducing endometriosis-associated pain. The additional
(non-inferior) to leuprolide in the reduction of endometrio- advantages of DMPA-SC 104 include convenient dosing
sis-associated pain after 6 months of treatment, as well as after (once every 3 months) and high efficacy as a contraceptive
12 months of post-treatment follow-up. Both agents also pro- (Jain et al., 2004a,b). While the impact on BMD limits treat-
duced statistically significant and clinically meaningful ment with leuprolide to 6 months duration [Lupron Depot
improvements in composite score after 6 months of treatment (package insert); Tap Pharmaceuticals, Lake Forest, IL, USA],
and after 12 months of follow-up. In addition, DMPA-SC 104 DMPA-IM 150 has been used as a contraceptive for durations
had significantly less impact on BMD than leuprolide during 6 >6 months in women worldwide (Westhoff, 2003). Data on
months of treatment; BMD levels returned to pre-treatment DMPA-IM 150 show that reversible declines in BMD occur
within 12 months of discontinuation, while patients receiving during use, with increases in BMD observed following dis-
leuprolide continued to show significant reductions from base- continuation (Kaunitz and Montgomery Rice, 2005; Mont-
line in BMD at the end of follow-up. These data indicate that gomery Rice and Kaunitz, 2005; Scholes et al., 2002, 2005).
DMPA-SC 104 resulted in significantly less BMD decline than Compared with DMPA-IM 150, preliminary data show that
leuprolide after 6 months of treatment. Hypoestrogenic side- DMPA-SC 104 users experience smaller median percentage
effects such as hot flushes were reported more frequently in declines in BMD after 1 and 2 years of treatment (Kaunitz and
the leuprolide group and were consistent with the decreased Kipersztok, 2005).
estradiol levels observed in this group, while more patients in While weight changes may occur over time in women using
the DMPA-SC 104 group reported bleeding changes. No clini- hormonal contraception (Kaunitz, 2000; Stager and Cromer,
cally relevant weight changes between or within groups were 2000; Pelkman, 2002), this study did not observe an effect of
observed during treatment or during the follow-up period. DMPA-SC 104 on body weight. This is consistent with the
DMPA-SC 104 versus leuprolide for endometriosis-associated pain

only rigorously designed study on DMPA-IM 150, which endometriosis: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study. Fertil
Steril 54,419–427.
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issue to consider: women with chronic pelvic pain associated nafarelin versus placebo after reductive laparoscopic surgery for endometri-
with endometriosis consistently report lower quality of life than osis. Fertil Steril 68,860–864.
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et al., 2004). Because endometriosis is a chronic condition, a lower dose subcutaneous formulation of Depo-Provera®. Contraception
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