Cardiac Pacemaker Utama
Cardiac Pacemaker Utama
Cardiac Pacemaker Utama
Cardiac Pacemaker Pacemaker indications Pacemaker Complications
Pacing Modes Pacemaker Interrogation
9. Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) are devices used for treatment of
tachyarrhythmias. ICDs are equipped with both demand pacing functionality
as well as the ability to deliver high-voltage shock. They might also be pro-
grammed to provide specialized therapeutic intervention such as anti-tachy-
cardia pacing (ATP).
10. A pacemaker magnet moves a programmable switch in the pacemaker which will
change the pacemaker mode, commonly DOO at a predetermined high rate.
Magnets will also turn off ICD therapy so that it will not be able to deliver a shock.
Pacemaker insertion in the setting of sinus node dysfunction requires both symptoms
and irreversibility. Asymptomatic sinus bradycardia is not an indication for a pace-
maker, so it is important to distinguish this from pathologic bradycardia. Similarly,
permanent pacemaker insertion should be avoided in the setting of reversible causes
of bradycardia as can be seen with electrolye disturbances, toxins, and medications.
The following guidelines, with corresponding certainty and magnitude of treatment
based on AHA evidence classification, apply (for full list, see Epstein and col-
Heart rate less than 40 beats per minute when association between symptoms
and bradycardia has not been established
Unexplained syncope if sinus node abnormalities are discovered or provoked in
electrophysiologic studies
Minimally symptomatic patients with heart rate persistently less than 40 bpm
while awake.
Asymptomatic third-degree block with escape rate greater than 40 bpm without
It is important for hospitalists to be familiar with the conditions in which pacemakers
are not recommended.
Pacemakers are not indicated for:
Sinus node dysfunction in asymptomatic patients
Sinus node dysfunction when the concerning symptoms are documented to
occur in the absence of bradycardia
Sinus bradycardia due to medications that can safely be discontinued
378 Paglia & Carter
Fig. 2. Chest radiography revealing dual-chamber pacemaker with appropriate lead place-
ment. (A) PA view and (B) lateral view.
Cardiac Pacemakers 379
pulse generator typically is visible in the upper left or right chest. The right atrial lead is
inferiorly directed, with a terminal anterior curve known as the J loop, which suggests
the tip is at the right atrial appendage. The RV lead is directed inferiorly through the
right atrium. It crosses the tricuspid valve and terminates at the RV apex. Appropriate
placement is indicated by the lead tip appearing to the left of the spine on posteroan-
terior (PA) view and by a lateral view revealing an anteriorly oriented lead. In single-
chamber pacemakers, only one of the leads is present. See Fig. 2 for an example
of chest radiography revealing dual-chamber pacemaker with appropriate lead place-
ment—PA view on the left and lateral view on the right.
Biventricular pacemakers, also referred to as CRT, are used as treatment of heart fail-
ure with concurrent ventricular dyssynchrony. Biventricular pacemakers have leads
pacing both the RV and LV and occasionally have a right atrial lead. The right-sided
lead positions should look similar to a standard dual-chamber pacemaker, as discussed
previously. Through a transvenous approach, the LV lead is guided from the right atrium
to the posterolateral epicardial vein of the LV wall via the coronary sinus. See Fig. 3 for
an illustration of lead placement in a biventricular pacemaker. Correct positioning of the
LV lead would be confirmed on a lateral chest radiograph, with posterior orientation of
the LV lead.
Fig. 3. Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) or biventricular pacemaker (BiV). (1) Pacemaker
generator. (2) Right atrial pacer wire. (3) RV pacer wire. (4) Coronary sinus (LV) pacer wire.
(Courtesy of Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota; with permission.)
Table 1
Device company contact information
Medtronic 1-800-MEDTRONIC
St Jude 1-800-722-3774
Fig. 5 is a zoomed-in radiograph of a pacemaker. The letters PVX are noted on the
device, indicating that this is an Ensura or Advisa (Medtronic) generator. The wavy line
symbol w indicates an MRI conditional pacemaker.
Fig. 5. Inserted pacemaker on chest radiograph. Red arrow identifies ANC location. The let-
ters PVX are noted on the device, indicating that this is an Ensura or Advisa (Medtronic)
generator. The wavy line symbol w indicates an MRI conditional pacemaker.
Pneumothorax (0.5%–2%)
Access via subclavian venous puncture is associated with increased rate of pneumo-
thorax when compared to cephalic vein cut-down or axillary vein puncture, which is
associated with lower rate of pneumothorax.5–8
Myocardial Perforation (0.1%–0.98%)
Myocardial perforation is classified as acute (developing during the first 24 hours after
implantation), subacute (up to 1 month), or chronic (greater than 1 month).10 Perfora-
tion is more likely to be seen at the site of an atrial lead due to the thinner (2 mm) wall or
with a ventricular lead in the setting of a thin, dilated ventricular wall. Risk factors for
cardiac perforation include steroid use, low body mass index, older age, female
gender, and anticoagulation.7 Red-flag symptoms of perforation depend on the site
of perforation and might include chest or abdominal pain, dyspnea, or hiccups. Hos-
pitalists should be vigilant for any significant down-trending blood pressure sugges-
tive of associated complications such as pericardial effusion or cardiac tamponade
to screen for any evidence of perforation.
A chronic perforation may be walled off by muscle and fibrous tissue and, therefore,
may be asymptomatic. Discussion of treatment of this long-term complication is
beyond the scope of this article.
Pacemaker Infections
Pacemaker-associated infections can occur at any site, including pocket, leads, and
valves. Risk of infection is significantly higher in those patients whose device implan-
tation was complicated by hematoma.14 It has also been observed that pacemaker
infection is associated with early reintervention for complication (ie, hematoma or dis-
lodged lead) as well as comorbid congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus, and renal
insufficiency.15,16 The incidence of early infection is minimized by the use of perioper-
ative antibiotics at the time of pacemaker insertion.17,18
Position I
Position I indicates the chamber paced. “A” indicates pacing in the atrium, “V” indi-
cates pacing in the ventricle, and “D” indicates dual pacing (both atrium and ventricle).
Position II
Position II indicates chamber sensed (ie, the detection of spontaneous cardiac depo-
larizations). “A” indicates the ability to sense depolarization in the atrium, “V” indicates
the ability to sense depolarizations in the ventricle, and “D” indicates sensing in both
atria and ventricle (dual). “O” indicates the absence of sensing.
Position III
Position III indicates how the pacemaker responds to a sensed discharge. The pace-
maker may inhibit (I) pacing or trigger (T) pacing. A dual mode (D) indicates that after a
sensed atrial event, ventricular output is triggered but only if no intrinsic ventricular
event is sensed (after specified delay). “O” indicates the absence of any response.
Position IV
Position IV indicates whether or not rate modulation (R) is present or absent (O). That
is, the ability to adjust the programmed rate based on activity (determined by sen-
sors—vibration, minute ventilation).
384 Paglia & Carter
Table 2
NASPE/BPEG pacemaker code
Chamber paced Chamber sensed Response to Rate modulation Mutisite pacing
sensed beat
O 5 none O 5 none O 5 none O 5 none O 5 none
A 5 atrium A 5 atrium T 5 triggered R 5 rate A 5 atrium
V 5 ventricle V 5 ventricle I 5 inhibited modulation V 5 ventricle
D 5 dual (A 1 V) D 5 dual (A 1 V) D 5 dual (T 1 I) D 5 dual (A 1 V)
From Bernstein A, Daubert J, Fletcher R, et al. The revised NASPE/BPEG generic code for antibradycar-
dia, adaptive-rate, and multisite pacing. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2002;25(2):260–4; with permission.
Position V
Position V indicates the presence or absence of multisite pacing (stimulation of both
atria or both ventricles or more than one stimulation site in any single chamber).
This position is rarely used.
Fig. 6. Example of an atrial paced rhythm. This is an ECG of a patient who received a pace-
maker for SA node dysfunction.
See Fig. 7 for an example of a ventricular paced rhythm. This is the ECG of a patient
who received a pacemaker for third-degree AV block (complete heart block).
Fig. 7. Example of a ventricular paced rhythm. This is an ECG of a patient who received a
pacemaker for third-degree AV block (complete heart block).
Fig. 8. Example of AV sequential pacing, as evidenced by pacing spikes preceding both the
P wave (atrial pacing) and the wide, bizarre QRS complex (ventricular pacing).
Pacemakers with unipolar leads result in much larger pacing spikes than those pro-
duced by bipolar leads. Bipolar pacemaker spikes can be very small and difficult to
see, particularly on a telemetry monitor. Monitors have different settings and
commonly are not set to maximize the identification of pacing spikes. Additionally,
with newer pacemaker models and rate-responsive functions it can be challenging
on an ECG or telemetry to confirm that the pacemaker is both sensing and pacing
appropriately. This can lead to provider confusion and subsequent requests for
Fig. 10. Ventricular paced rhythm (A sensed, V paced—also called P wave tracking).
Atrial paced rhythm (A paced, V sensed), seen with sinus node dysfunction with
intact conduction (Fig. 11)
Fig. 11. Atrial paced rhythm (A paced, V sensed). Seen with sinus node dysfunction with
intact conduction.
Cardiac Pacemakers 387
Both atrial and ventricular paced rhythm (A paced, V paced) (Fig. 12)
Fig. 12. Both atrial and ventricular paced rhythm (A paced, V paced).
VVI mode is a single-ventricular pacing mode. The RV is paced at a preprogrammed
interval called the lower rate interval, the longest amount of time allowed before the
delivery of a pacing pulse. A sensed ventricular event (within the lower rate interval)
inhibits pacing the ventricle. If native ventricular electrical activity is sensed, the pace-
maker does not discharge. If native ventricular activity is not sensed, pacing of the
ventricle occurs at the preprogrammed rate. VVIR mode adds the rate modulation (in-
creases rate based on increased minute ventilation or activity).
AAI mode is a single-chamber atrial pacing mode. The right atrium is paced at a pro-
grammed rate unless inhibited by a sensed event. Because there is no ventricular lead,
and thus no ventricular pacing, the mode is best suited for pure sinus node dysfunc-
tion with preservation of normal cardiac conduction.
VOO mode is a single-chamber pacing mode that paces the ventricle at a fixed rate.
There is no sensing and, therefore, no coordination with intrinsic, spontaneous
rhythm. Because this program does not synchronize with intrinsic electrical activity
it can be referred to as an “asynchronous mode”. Pacemakers are not normally pro-
grammed to this setting; however, they may be used temporarily in specific situa-
tions. For example, this mode might be used in the operating room to avoid the
risk of inhibition from electrosurgical interference. The other asynchronous modes
are AOO and DOO.
388 Paglia & Carter
Mode Switching
Rapid tracking of atrial tachyarrhythmias is a concern for patients who are prone to
paroxysmal AF, atrial flutter, or other supraventricular tachycardias. With the advent
of mode-switching algorithms, dual-chamber pacemakers programmed to DDD
mode may now be used in this population. In the setting of an atrial tachyarrhythmia,
the device no longer attempts to track each atrial depolarization; rather, it mode
switches and paces the ventricle at a predetermined rate (with ongoing atrial sensing).
DDD mode and atrial tracking resume once the tachyarrhythmia resolves. In addition
to minimizing RV pacing and AV dyssynchrony, symptom surveys reveal that patients
prefer DDD mode with mode switching compared with VVI mode.22
What does it mean to interrogate? Who does it? What information is obtained?
In conjunction with a complete patient history, a pacemaker interrogation can provide
useful information regarding potential pacemaker malfunction and/or underlying
arrhythmia. The most common symptoms suggesting pacemaker malfunction include
near syncope, syncope, or sudden decrease in exercise tolerance.23 Pacemaker interro-
gations are often performed by a specialized nurse, physician assistant, nurse practi-
tioner, or clinical pacemaker specialist/technician but can also be performed by
physicians trained to perform interrogation. Clinical services, such as device interroga-
tion, are typically available around the clock by major device manufacturers and can be
requested by calling the toll-free technical support number specific to each manufacturer.
Basic information obtained during pacemaker interrogation may include:
Battery status and expected remaining longevity (in years or months)
The estimate of longevity is based on the remaining voltage of the battery,
pacemaker settings, and percentage of time pacing is used.24
Elective replacement indicator (ERI) indicates 90 days of reliable function
End of life indicates the battery is depleted to the point that function is
Pacing mode (ie, AAI, VVI, DDD, etc)
Upper and lower rate limits (in beats per minute)
Sensing thresholds
Sensing is the ability of the pacemaker to detect intrinsic electrical activity and
is measured in millivolts. Higher values imply lower sensitivity.
Pacing thresholds
Pacing thresholds, or capture thresholds, are the measurements (in volts and
duration) of the energy required to reliably depolarize the myocardium. Devices
Cardiac Pacemakers 389
What are the other considerations with which hospitalists should be familiar?
Electrosurgery is the use of electrical current to cut or coagulate. It requires that elec-
trical current travel through tissue in a complete, closed, electrical circuit. A bipolar
electrosurgical unit uses a forceps-style mechanism with the electrical current traveling
from one tip to the other with the tissue in between (more commonly used in neurosur-
gery). A monopolar or unipolar electrosurgical unit uses a grounding plate to direct the
current (often placed on the leg or buttock). Electrosurgery can cause electromagnetic
interference (EMI) and result in bradyarrhythmia or asystole (if EMI leads to pacemaker
inhibition) as well as other complications, including but not limited to:
Misinterpretation of EMI as atrial signal (P wave) and causing ventricular pacing
(P wave tracking) and subsequent tachycardia.
Misinterpretation of EMI as ventricular tachycardia (VT) or ventricular fibrillation
(VF), resulting in inappropriate ICD shock.
Direct damage to the battery or generator.
EMI can be minimized by the following:
Use of bipolar electrosurgery (keeping electrical circuit between forceps tips,
thus grounding pad not required)
In monopolar electrosurgery, placing grounding as close as possible to the
surgery site
Surgical sites closest to the generator are at highest risk (chest or neck). For high-
risk surgical procedures, the pacemaker should be programmed to VOO/DOO, which
would eliminate the possibility of misinterpreting the EMI (ie, pacemaker no longer able
to sense). In this situation, it is important to monitor continuous ECG intraoperatively
and be prepared for urgent cardioversion or pacing. Modes, such as DOO/VOO,
require the anesthesiologist to monitor for R-on-T phenomenon (because the pace-
maker is in an asynchronous mode and no longer sensing).
Fig. 13. Example of pacemaker magnet. (Reproduced with permission of Medtronic, Inc.)
Cardiac Pacemakers 391
Note: electrocautery refers to small, battery-operated devices, which heat a wire tip
(often used by dermatologists and ophthalmologists) and is not synonymous with
Radiation treatment presents unique challenges for patients with CIEDs. Exposure of
the CIEDs to radiation may cause any of several malfunctions, including:
1. Device-related clinical events—pacemaker may inappropriately sense radiation as
intrinsic cardiac activity leading to pauses in pacing therapy (or inappropriate dis-
charges in patients with ICDs)
2. Device-related (nonclinical) malfunctions, such as parameter resets or memory er-
rors/memory wipe-outs
3. Permanent device damage
Theoretically, the device should be relocated if it is directly within a radiation treat-
ment field. In one study,31 malfunction of CIED attributable to radiation occurred in 7%
of the cases reviewed, with 2.5% experiencing clinical symptoms. All cases of mal-
function occurred in the setting of neutron-producing radiation therapy (with no events
noted in electron or proton-producing radiation). For this reason, highest concern is
with high-energy, high neutron production radiation therapy. Algorithms vary from
site to site, although it is typical to have pacemaker-dependent patients secure a mag-
net over the device during therapy (ie, convert to asynchronous mode) followed by
postradiation interrogation. Nondependent patients do not usually require magnet
mode and may be monitored with regular interrogation. Electrophysiology consult is
usually obtained prior to initiation of any radiation treatment regimen.
syndrome include those associated with diminished cardiac output, such as fatigue,
lightheadedness, and lethargy as well as symptoms that can be associated with
congestion, such as shortness of breath, dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, or neck pul-
sations.33 All these symptoms are more commonly seen with ventricular pacing
modes, such as VVI, particularly when the patient is in sinus rhythm.34 Some of the
symptoms are attributed to the occurrence of atrial kick against closed valves,
although the pathophysiology seems more complicated, including diminished stroke
volume, loss of systemic vascular resistance, and sympathetic activation.31 On exam-
ination, elevated neck veins, pulmonary and hepatic congestion, or lower extremity
edema may be observed. Occasionally, due to these complex autonomic and vascular
changes, hypotension can occur and may lead to syncope and presyncope.35
Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) are devices used for treatment of tachy-
arrhythmias. ICDs are equipped with both demand pacing functionality as well as the
ability to defibrillate. If a patient develops a tachyarrhythmia, the ICD can sense the
elevated ventricular rate. Dependent on a device’s programming, the ICD may be
able to administer antitachycardia pacing (ATP) with the goal of terminating the ven-
tricular arrhythmia. If ATP is enabled, there is usually a predetermined number of at-
tempts or a prespecified period of time during which ATP can be undertaken. If ATP
fails to terminate the arrhythmia, or the ventricular rate is higher than a particular
rate (such as in VF), then the ICD delivers a shock (defibrillate) in an attempt to restore
normal electrical activity.
Patients with nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy AND who have an LVEF less
than or equal to 35% AND who are in NYHA functional class II or III
Patients with LV dysfunction due to prior MI AND who are at least 40 days
post-MI, AND have an LVEF less than or equal to 30%, AND are in NYHA functional
class I
Patients with nonsustained VT due to prior MI, AND LVEF less than or equal to
40%, AND inducible VF or sustained VT at electrophysiologic study
HRS consensus statement: A patient with decision-making capacity has the legal
right to refuse or request the withdrawal of any medical treatment or intervention,
regardless of whether s/he is terminally ill, and regardless of whether the treat-
ment prolongs life and its withdrawal results in death. When a patient lacks ca-
pacity, his/her legally-defined surrogate decision-maker has the same right to
refuse or request the withdrawal of treatment as the patient would have if the pa-
tient had decision-making capacity.37
The HRS, in its 2010 publication, recommends thoughtful conversation and docu-
mentation of advance directives prior to implantation, which should include
Clear discussion of benefits and burdens of the device
Discussion of potential future limitations or burdensome aspects of device
Encouraging patients to have some form of advance directive
Informing of option to deactivate in the future
27. Slotwiner D, Varma N, Akar J, et al. HRS expert consensus statement on remote
interrogation and monitoring for cardiovascular implantable electronic devices.
Heart Rhythm 2015;12(7):e69–100.
28. Devices that may interfere with pacemakers. Heartorg; 2017. Available at:
WKEWOhsrK70. Accessed February 10, 2017.
29. Schulman P, Rozner M. Use caution when applying magnets to pacemakers or
defibrillators for surgery. Anesth Analg 2013;117(2):422–7.
30. Jacobs I, Sunde K, Deakin C, et al. Part 6: defibrillation: 2010 international
consensus on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care
science with treatment recommendations. Circulation 2010;122(16_Suppl_2):
31. Grant J, Jensen G, Tang C, et al. Radiotherapy-induced malfunction in
contemporary cardiovascular implantable electronic devices. JAMA Oncol
32. Ellenbogen K, Gilligan D, Wood M, et al. The pacemaker syndrome — A Matter of
definition. Am J Cardiol 1997;79(9):1226–9.
33. Ausubel K. The pacemaker syndrome. Ann Intern Med 1985;103(3):420.
34. Heldman D, Mulvihill D, Nguyen H, et al. True incidence of pacemaker syndrome.
Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 1990;13(12):1742–50.
35. Nishimura R, Gersh B, Holmes D, et al. Outcome of dual-chamber pacing for the
pacemaker syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc 1983;58(7):452–6.
36. Epstein A, DiMarco J, Ellenbogen K, et al. ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 guidelines for
device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm abnormalities: executive summary.
J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;51(21):2085–105.
37. Lampert R, Hayes D, Annas G, et al. HRS expert consensus statement on the
management of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) in pa-
tients nearing end of life or requesting withdrawal of therapy. Heart Rhythm