R Chantrell1985-1
R Chantrell1985-1
R Chantrell1985-1
The Field-Cooled Magnetisation 619
Dedicated t o Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Dr. E. h. P. GORLICHon the occasion of his 80th birthday
A theory is developed of the field cooled magnetisation of a fine particle system. A cooling rate
dependent “blocking temperature” is derived, by means of which the magnetisation of a system
with a distribution of particle sizes can be calculated. Numerical calculations give good qualitative
agreement with experimental results on cobalt aluminosilicate glasses.
Eine Theorie fur die feldabgekuhlte Magnetisierung eines Iileinteilchensystems wird entwickelt.
Eine ,,Sperrtemperatur“ wird in Abhangigkeit von der Abkiihlrate berechnet und damit dic resul-
tierende Magnetisierung eines Systems mit Teilchengrol3everteilung abgeschiitzt. Numerische Be-
rechnungen ergeben eine gute qualitative Ubereinstimmung mit’ MeBergebnissen an Kobaltalu-
1. Introduction
It is well known that the magnetic properties of a fine particle system are time depend-
ent [l t o 31. This phenomenon arises from thermally activated transitions over the
energy barriers provided by the intrinsic magnetic anisotropy of the particles. The
response of particles of volume V is governed (in the absence of interparticle inter-
actions) by the Arrhenius-NBel relaxation time,
where K is the anisotropy constant and the frequency factor j o = lo9 s-l. By setting t
equal t o the experimental measurement time t a critical volume V , is determined, given
by :
= 14 tf, .
Because of the rapid variation of z with volume, V , defines the transition to thermal
equilibrium (superparamagnetic) behaviour as the particle size decreases.
Since all systems contain a distribution of V and hence t,a logarithmic time de-
pendence of the magnetisation is generally observed, resulting from the summation
of many exponential variations. The time dependence is usually observed by measuring
the vasiation in the magnetisation as the external parameters ( H , T,etc.) are held
constant after an abrupt change, usually in H . The field-cooled magnetisation (FCM)
where z1 and z2 are the relaxation times for thermally activated transitions from
states 1 to 2 and 2 to 1, respectively, which in general will be different.
Solution of (3) leads to the following equation for the time variation of the magneti-
sation :
where r +
is the reduced magnetisation (relative t o saturation) and t - l = ti1 tgl;
I, is the magnetisation a t time t = 0. The equilibrium inagnetisation is achieved
at time t = 03. Setting this value of t in (4)wre obtain
We now apply ( 5 ) to the calculation of the FCM. The field-cooling process is approxi-
mated by a stepwise reduction of the temperature in small increments A T from a n
initial temperature To t o a final temperature T,, the system remaining a t the given
temperature for a small time At. Within each temperature increment the magnetisation
is given by a n expression of the form of (5) and after i increments (corresponding to
a temperature Tf = To - i A T ) the reduced magnetisation is
Field-Cooled Magnetisation of a Fine Particle System 621
- - -
where AI, = I,j - Equation (7) is valid as long as the system is in an equil-
ibriurli state a t the initial temperature To. We now write (7) as
For a continuous process, i tends to infinity so that At and AT tend to zero. In this
T. ’1’
where T = d T / d t is the rate a t which the temperature is reduced; d?/dT is the teni-
perature differential of the equilibrium magnetisation.
For a system with aligned easy axes the equilibrium magnetisation is given by
7 = tanhp, (10)
where ,B = pH/kT with p the magnetic moment per particle.
The resultant expression for the FCM is
f ( T , ) = tanh pf - -
;f l’f
sech2p exp (- T-l
t-l dT’) .
If the r;ysteni has the particle easy axes randomly oriented (10) is no longer applicable.
It can be shown that in small fields the magnetisation has the same value as the Lange-
vin function,
I = coth p - p-‘ .
As a first approximation we shall use the Langevin function to represent the equi-
libriiini niagnetisation of a system with randonily oriented easy axes.
J = J t-l d T ’ .
where A E l , are the energy barriers to rotation, which for uniaxial particles are given
where HI<= 2K/Ibbis the anisotropy field, I,I, being the saturation niagnetisation of
the bulk inaterial of which the particles are composed. We now make the simplifying
assumption that transitions out of the field direction are negligible (zl is small) so
7-l = f o exp [--n(l - h ) 2 ], (14)
where LY = KVIkT and h = H / H A . Therefore, the exponential factor in (14) will be
incorrect by a small factor in small fields. However, due to the magnitude of
f o (- lo9 s-l), itself a poorly known quantity, our results are insensitive t o this ap-
Since f o is large we have the greatest interest in the evaluation of (13) for large
values of 01, since otherwise ~ - isl large, giving J 3 1 and (from (12)) y(T,) = Fe(Tf)
i.e. the system remains in thermal equilibrium. When AE > k T the decrease in t - l
as the temperature is decreased from T to T f is very rapid and most of the variation
can be considered as taking place a t temperatures close t o T . Thus we approximate
the integral by expanding a(1 - h ) 2 about T and retaining the first term in the ex-
pansion. This gives (with AT = T - T,)
The variation of J will generally be doiriinated by the first exponential factor, and
since iiiost of the variation takes place close to T , J is insensitive to the actual value
of the upper limit AT. We thus obtain a useful approximation to J by setting AT =
= co. This gives
J=fo exp [--ol(l - (15)
a ( l - h)2
From (12)) I(T,) is governed by the behaviour of exp (-?-V) which will have
a very rapid variation with temperature. Thus we define a rate-dependent critical
temperature TB a t which T - l J = 1. Then, to a good approximation, for T > TB,
exp (-@-'J) = 0 and for T <
TB, exp ( - @ - l J ) = 1. Inspection of (12) then shows
that if T f TB, then ? ( T f )= Te(Tf),i.e. the system remains in thermal equilibrium.
However, if TB >T,,
I(Tf)= Fe(Tf)+
J dl = je(TB)
I n order t o make our definition of T , similar to that of the isothernial blocking tem-
perature we choose a reference rate of reduction so that 2, = a,(l - h ) 2 = 25. This
reference rate is then equivalent to the assumed measurement time of t = 100 s for
quasi-static measurements in the isothermal ease. This criterion gives a value of
P I T K ( l- h ) 2 = 1.8 x and from (17) we then have
a,(l - h)2 = 25 - In
from which it follows that
Equation (18) can be used to calculate the PCM curve for a single paIticle size.
However, in general a system will contain a distribution of particle sizes and, conse-
quently, blocking temperatures. I n the following section we generalise the treatment
by the introduction of a particle size distribution.
where T,, is the median value of the distribution and u is the standard deviation. It
is convenient t o use a temperature parameter T, normalised with respect to T,,
which allows us t o write (18) in the form
T m T r (1 - h)2 = 1 -
where T, = T,/T, and T r = d(T/T,,,)/dt.
The net reduced magnetisation is the sum (weighted by the distribution function)
of the equilibrium and non-equilibrium contribution, thus,
The predicted theoretical curves are qualitatively similar to the experimental data
of Wenger and Mydosh [4].It is, however, not meaningful to attempt a fit between
theory and experiment a t this time due to the large number of adjustable parameters
involved. In this context it i s interesting to study the variation of magnetisation with
cooling rate a t a given temperature in a fixed field.
Consider the change in blocking temperature (and consequently the magnetisation)
when the cooling rate is increased from the “reference” rate given earlier to a value
of T . Erorn (18) it is straightforward t o show that as long as T is not too large, the
blocking temperature increases to
and T,(O) = TK(l- h)2is the blocking temperature corresponding to the reference
rate of hemperatwe reduction. The change in the cooling rate thus results in a higher
blocking temperature and a consequently smaller value of the frozen magnetisation
for particles with a given intrinsic blocking temperature T,. The new value of the
FCM i s
where FCM(T, 0) is the value of the FCM corresponding to the reference rate of teni-
perature reduction. If the change in the blocking temperature is small the first two
integraltr of (24) will be negligible in which case
Thus we expect a logarithmic dependence of the PCM on the cooling rate, with
5. Conclusions
We have investigated the rate dependence of the field-cooled niagnetisation of a fine
particle system. The rate dependence arises from the finite relaxation times of the
particles. An approximation, based on a rate-dependent “blocking temperature” has
been derived and used to calculate PCM curves for systems with a distribution of
blocking temperatures. The theoretical curves are qualitatively similar t o the ex-
periniental data of Wenger and Mydosh [4]on two insulating spin glasses; essentially
cobalt aluininosilicate glasses with different cobalt concentrations. It might be thought
inappropriate to apply our model to a spin glass. However, any system with a distri-
bution of energy barriers will have a corresponding spread in the relaxation times of
the magnetic moments. This will result in a distribution of T,, the basis of the present
A t present it is not meaningful to attempt a qualitative comparison with the ex-
perimental data because of the large nuinher of adjustable parameters involved. It is
suggested that further nieasiirenients should be made on well-characterised fine par-
ticle systems for which the important parameters can be measured independently.
It would be of some interest to investigate the effects of interparticle interactions on
the FCM. We have recently [ 5 ] developed a model of the anhysteretic renianent mag-
netisation (ARM) which shows that in a strongly interacting system the dynaniics
of the process have an important bearing on the final state attained. Such an effect
should also be present in the FCM, perhaps manifested as a more complex rate depend-
ence than predicted here.
[l] R. STREETand J. C. WOOLLEY, Proc. Phys. Soc. A62, 562 (1949).
[2] A. T. CAYLESS, S. R. HOON,B. K . TANNER,R. W.CHANTRELL, and If. KILNER,J. Magnetism
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[3] E. P. WOHLFARTH, J. Phys. F 14, L155 (1984).
[4] L. E. WENGERand J. A. MYDOSH, J. appl. Phys. 66, 1717 (1984).
[5] A. LYBERATOS, E. P. WOHLFARTH, and R . W.CHANTRELL, IEEE Trans. Magnetics, 21, 1277
(Receiced August 21, 1985)