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Week4 Sol

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David Hilditch
André Cordeiro (TA) Relatividade
Christoph Gärtlein (TA) Week 4 — Solutions 2023/2024

Solution 2: Relativistic Doppler Effect

a) When drawing the space-time diagram, keep in mind that the world lines of light-rays
should have inclinations of ±45◦ , and the world lines of objects travelling slower should
have smaller inclinations with respect to the time axis. An example is drawn in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Space-time diagram depicting an emission and reception of a light pulse. This is
drawn in reference frame S, such that the space-time axes of C are in black and those of C ′
in blue. Light rays are in red.

b) Remember the Lorentz transformation from S to S ′ ,

ct′ = γ (ct − βx)
. (1)
x′ = γ (−βct + x)

The moving clock C ′ receives the signal at the event (ct′2 , x′2 = 0) as measured in its own
reference frame. Plugging this into the Lorentz transformation
ct′ = γ (1 − β 2 ) ct = ct2

2 2
γ (2)
βct = x
2 2

Next, since the signal travels at c between the events (ct1 , 0) and (ct2 , x2 ) as measured in
the frame of C,
c(t2 − t1 ) = x2 ⇐⇒ ct2 (1 − β) = ct1 . (3)

Prof. David Hilditch
André Cordeiro (TA) Relatividade
Christoph Gärtlein (TA) Week 4 — Solutions 2023/2024

Putting these results together we obtain the desired result,

t′2 = t1 . (4)

c) In order to understand what the previous result tells us about the frequency shift of light
waves, consider that two successive peaks of the wave are emitted by C with a delay
corresponding to the period of the wave, T . Then, the delay between these events as
observed by C ′ is T ′ , such that
T′ = T , (5)
which corresponds to the period of the light wave as observed in S ′ . Since the frequency
of a wave is the inverse of its period,
f′ = f . (6)

Solution 6: Muons in the atmosphere

a) For a velocity of v = 0.9999 c and a lifetime of ∆t = τ = 2 × 10−6 s, we have for the naive
∆x = v · ∆t = 0.9999 × 299 792 458 m/s × 2 × 10−6 s ≈ 0.6 km < 20 km , (7)
which corresponds to the length traversed by the muons as measured in their own frame.
b) Performing this analysis correctly requires comparing the length traversed by the muons
with the height of the atmosphere in the same frame. In the muon frame, the atmosphere
is length contracted such that its height becomes
hAtmosphere 20 km
hAtmosphere, Muon = = ≈ 0.28 km < 0.6 km , (8)
γ 70.71
and so the muons are able to traverse the atmosphere.
Performing the analysis in the frame of a ground observer, the muon decay time is dilated,
such that
∆tObserver = γ · τ = 70.71 × 2 × 10−6 s ≈ 1.41 × 10−4 s . (9)

In this time, the muons can traverse a distance

∆xObserver = v · ∆tObserver = 0.9999 × 299 792 458 m/s × 1.41 × 10−4 s (10)
≈ 42 km > 20 km , (11)
which is enough to cover the atmosphere.

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