Week4 Sol
Week4 Sol
Week4 Sol
David Hilditch
André Cordeiro (TA) Relatividade
Christoph Gärtlein (TA) Week 4 — Solutions 2023/2024
Figure 1: Space-time diagram depicting an emission and reception of a light pulse. This is
drawn in reference frame S, such that the space-time axes of C are in black and those of C ′
in blue. Light rays are in red.
The moving clock C ′ receives the signal at the event (ct′2 , x′2 = 0) as measured in its own
reference frame. Plugging this into the Lorentz transformation
ct′ = γ (1 − β 2 ) ct = ct2
2 2
γ (2)
βct = x
2 2
Next, since the signal travels at c between the events (ct1 , 0) and (ct2 , x2 ) as measured in
the frame of C,
c(t2 − t1 ) = x2 ⇐⇒ ct2 (1 − β) = ct1 . (3)
Prof. David Hilditch
André Cordeiro (TA) Relatividade
Christoph Gärtlein (TA) Week 4 — Solutions 2023/2024
c) In order to understand what the previous result tells us about the frequency shift of light
waves, consider that two successive peaks of the wave are emitted by C with a delay
corresponding to the period of the wave, T . Then, the delay between these events as
observed by C ′ is T ′ , such that
T′ = T , (5)
which corresponds to the period of the light wave as observed in S ′ . Since the frequency
of a wave is the inverse of its period,
f′ = f . (6)