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(OOP) Assignment

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Program # 01

#include < iostream >

using namespace std;
class Student
int adminno;
string sname;
float math, eng, science, total;
float ctotal()
total = math + eng + science;
return total;
void Takedata()
cout << "Enter the Number of Admin :";
cin >> adminno;
cout << "Enter the Name of Student :";
cin >> sname;
cout << "Enter the Number of Math :";
cin >> math;
cout << "Enter the Number of Science :";
cin >> science;
cout << "Enter the Number of English :";
cin >> eng;
ctotal ( );
void Showdata ( )
cout << "Admin No :" << adminno << '\n'<< "Student : " <<
sname << '\n'<< "Total Marks: " << total;
} };
int main ( )
Student s;
return 0;

Program #02
#include < iostream >
using namespace std;
class Batsman
int bcode, innings, notout, runs;
string bname;
float avg;
float calcavg ( )
avg = runs / (innings - notout);
void Readdata ( )
cout << "Enter the Batsman Code :";
cin >> bcode;
cout << "Enter the Name of Batsman :";
cin >> bname;
cout << "Enter the Number of Innings :";
cin >> innings;
cout << "Enter the Number of Not Outs :";
cin >> notout;
cout << "Enter the Runs of Batsman :";
cin >> runs;
calcavg ( );
void Displaydata ( )
cout << "Id: " << bcode << '\n'<< "Name :" << bname <<
'\n'<< "Average :" << avg << endl;
} };
int main ( )
Batsman B;
return 0;

Program # 03

#include < iostream >

using namespace std;
class Test
int TestCode, NoCandidate;
float NoCenters;
string Descrip on;
float CalCNTR ( )
NoCenters = (NoCandidate / 100 + 1);
void Schedule ( )
cout << "Enter the Test Code: ";
cin >> TestCode;
cout << "Enter the Descrip on: ";
cin >> Descrip on;
cout << "Number of Candidates: ";
cin >> NoCandidate;
CalCNTR ( );
void DispTest ( ) {
cout<<"Test Code: "<<TestCode<<endl<<"Descrip on :
"<<Descrip on<<endl<<"Number of Centers : "<<NoCenters;
} };
int main ( )
Test T;
return 0;

Program # 04

#include < iostream >

using namespace std;
class Jet
int Flightno;
string Des na on;
float distance, fuel;
float Calfuel ( )
if (distance <= 1000)
fuel = 500;
else if (distance > 1000 && distance <= 2000)
fuel = 1100;
fuel = 2200;
void FeedInfo ( )
cout << "Enter the Flight Number : ";
cin >> Flightno;
cout << "Enter the Des na on : ";
cin >> Des na on;
cout << "Enter the Total Distance :";
cin >> distance;
Calfuel ( );
void ShowInfo ( )
cout << "Flight Number : " << Flightno << endl <<
"Des na on : "<<Des na on << endl << "Distance : " <<
distance<<" Km" << endl<< "Fuel : " << fuel <<" liters";
} };
int main ( )
Jet j;
return 0;

Program # 05

#include < iostream >

using namespace std;
class Book
int bookno;
string book tle;
float price;
float TotalCost (int c)
float Tprice = price * c;
cout<< Tprice;
void Input ( );
void Purchase ( );
void Book : : Input( )
cout << " Book Number : ";
cin >> bookno;
cout << " Book Title : ";
cin >> book tle;
cout << " Price :";
cin >> price;
void Book : : Purchase ( )
int copies;
cout << "Enter the Number of Copies : ";
cin >> copies;
Input ( );
TotalCost (copies);
int main ( )
Book b;
b.Purchase( );
return 0;

Program # 06

#include < iostream >

using namespace std;
class Report
int adminno, sub[5];
string name, subject[5];
float avg, marks;
float GetAvg (int s)
avg = s / 5.0;
void ReadInfo ( )
cout << "Admin Number : ";
cin >> adminno;
cout << "Name : ";
cin >> name;
int s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << "Enter the " << i + 1 << " Subject Marks : ";
cin >> sub[i];
s = s + sub[i];
GetAvg (s);
void DisplayInfo ( )
cout << "Admin no: " << adminno << '\n'<< "Name :" <<
name << '\n'<< "Average : " << avg;
} };
int main ( )
Report r;
r.ReadInfo( );
r.DisplayInfo( );
return 0;

Program # 07

#include < iostream >

using namespace std;
class Rectangle
float length;
float width;
Rectangle (float l = 0, float w = 0)
length = l;
width = w;
void setlength (float l)
{ length = l; }
void setwidth (float w)
{ width = w; }
float perimeter ( )
{ return 2 * (length + width); }
float area ( )
{ return length * width; }
void show()
{ cout << "Rectangle with length " << length << " and
width " << width << endl; }
int sameArea( Rectangle &rect2)
{ return area( ) == rect2.area( ); } };
int main ( )
Rectangle rect1(5, 6.8);
Rectangle rect2(5, 18.9);

rect1.show( );
cout << "Area: " << rect1.area( ) << endl;
cout << "Perimeter: " << rect1.perimeter( ) << endl;

rect2.show( );
cout << "Area: " << rect2.area( ) << endl;
cout << "Perimeter: " << rect2.perimeter( ) << endl;

if (rect1.sameArea(rect2))
cout << "The two rectangles have the same area." << endl;
cout << "The two rectangles don't have the same area." <<
rect1.setlength (15);
rect1.setwidth (6.3);

rect1.show( );
cout << "Area: " << rect1.area() << endl;
cout << "Perimeter: " << rect1.perimeter() << endl;

rect2.show( );
cout << "Area: " << rect2.area() << endl;
cout << "Perimeter: " << rect2.perimeter() << endl;

if (rect1.sameArea(rect2))
cout << "The two rectangles have the same area." <<
cout << "The two rectangles don't have the same area."
<< endl;
return 0;

Program # 08

#include < iostream >

using namespace std;
class complex
float real;
float imag;

complex ( )
real = 0;
imag = 0;
complex (float r, float i)
real = r;
imag = i;
void set (float r, float i)
real = r;
imag = i;
void disp ( )
{ cout << real << " + " << imag << "i" << endl; }
complex sum(complex &c2)
return complex(real + c2.real, imag + c2.imag);
} };
int main ( )
complex c1, c2, c3;
c1.set (3.5, 2.5);
c2.set (1.5, 4.5);
c3 = c1.sum(c2);
cout << "Complex number 1: ";
c1.disp ( );
cout << "Complex number 2: ";
c2.disp ( );
cout << "Sum of complex numbers: ";
c3.disp ( );
return 0;

Program # 09

#include < iostream >

using namespace std;
class Distance
int feet;
float inches;
Distance ( )
feet = 0;
inches = 0;
Distance (int f, float i)
feet = f;
inches = i;
void Set (int, float);
void disp ( );

Distance add (Distance &y)

return Distance(feet + y.feet, inches + y.inches);
} };

void Distance : : Set(int f, float i)

feet = f;
inches = i;
void Distance : : disp ( )
cout << feet << " Feet" << " " << inches << " Inches" << endl;
int main ( )
Distance x, y, z;
x.Set (85, 98.3);
y.Set (54, 85.3);
z = x.add (y);
cout << "Distance 1 :";
x.disp( );
cout << "Distance 2 :";
y.disp( );
cout << "Distance 3 :";
z.disp( );
return 0;

Program # 10
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Time
int hours;
int minutes;
Time ( )
hours = 0;
minutes = 0;
Time (int f, int i)
hours = f;
minutes = i;
void SetTime (int, int);
void ShowTime ( );
Time sum ( Time &y)
return Time(hours + y.hours, minutes + y.minutes);
} };
void Time : : SetTime (int f, int i)
hours = f;
minutes = i;
void Time : : ShowTime ( )
cout << hours << " Hours"<< " " << minutes << " Minutes" <<
int main ( )
Time x, y, z;
x.SetTime (1, 6);
y.SetTime (85, 23);
z = x.sum(y);
cout << "First Time :";
x.ShowTime ( );
cout << "Second Time :";
y.ShowTime ( );
cout << "Sum of Time :";
z.ShowTime ( );
return 0;

Program # 11

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Seminar
int me;
Seminar ( ) //Func on 1
me = 30;
cout << "Seminar starts now" << endl;
void lecture ( ) //Func on 2
cout << "Lectures in the seminar on" << endl;
Seminar (int dura on) //Func on 3
me = dura on;
cout << "Seminar starts now 3" << endl;
~ Seminar ( ) //Func on 4
cout << "Thanks" << endl;
} };
int main ( ) {
Seminar s1, s(5); // To Ac vate Func on 1 & 3 and it also
ac vates the DeConstructor Func on 4
return 0;

Program # 12

#include < iostream >

#include< cstring >
using namespace std;
class Test
char paper [20];
int marks;
Test ( ) // Func on 1
strcpy (paper, "Computer");
marks = 0;
Test (char p [] ) // Func on 2
strcpy (paper, p);
marks = 0;
Test (int m) // Func on 3
strcpy (paper ,"Computer");
marks = m;
Test (char p [], int m) // Func on 4
strcpy (paper, p);
marks = m;
int main ( ) {
char k['l'];
Test t1, t2(k), t3(5), t4(k,4);
return 0;

Program # 13

#include < iostream >

using namespace std;
class Sample
int x;
double y;
Sample ( )
x = 0;
y = 0;
Sample (int x)
{ cout << x << endl; }
Sample (int x, int y)
{ cout << x << '\t' << y << endl; }
Sample (int x, double y)
{ cout << "This is 4" << endl << x << '\t' << y << endl; }

int main ( )
Sample s1, s2(25), s3(7, 52), s4(89, 5.3);
return 0;

Program # 14

#include < iostream >

using namespace std;
class cashRegister
int cashOnHand;
cashRegister ( )
{ cashOnHand = 500; }
cashRegister (int cash)
{ cashOnHand = cash; }
int getCurrentBalance ( )
{ return cashOnHand; }
void acceptAmount (int amount)
{ cashOnHand += amount; }

class dispenserType
int numberOfItems;
int cost;
dispenserType ( )
numberOfItems = 50;
cost = 50;
dispenserType (int items, int itemCost)
numberOfItems = items;
cost = itemCost;
int getNoOfItems ( )
return numberOfItems;
int getCost ( )
return cost;
void makeSale ( )
numberOfItems - - ;
} };

void showSelec on ( )
cout << "Welcome to the candy machine!" << endl;
cout << "Products available: " << endl;
cout << "1. Candies" << endl;
cout << "2. Chips" << endl;
cout << "3. Gum" << endl;
cout << "4. Cookies" << endl;
cout << "Please select the product you want to buy (1-4): ";
void sellProduct (dispenserType &product, cashRegister
int choice;
cout << "Enter your choice: ";
cin >> choice;

switch (choice)
case 1:
cout << "You selected Candies." << endl;
case 2:
cout << "You selected Chips." << endl;
case 3:
cout << "You selected Gum." << endl;
case 4:
cout << "You selected Cookies." << endl;
cout << "Invalid choice." << endl;

int cost = product.getCost ( );

cout << "The cost of the selected item is: Rs." << cost << endl;
cout << "Please deposit the money: ";
int amount;
cin >> amount;

if (amount >= cost)

cashRegisterMachine.acceptAmount (cost);
product.makeSale( );
cout << "Thank you for your purchase! Enjoy your item." <<

cout << "Insuffi cient amount deposited. Transac on
canceled." << endl;
int main ( )
cashRegister cashRegisterMachine;
dispenserType candies, chips, gum, cookies;
showSelec on ( );
sellProduct (candies, cashRegisterMachine);

return 0;

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