Reading Newsletter
Reading Newsletter
Reading Newsletter
i gh road Aca
Book Trivia!
• Paper was
Helping Your Child With Reading: invented in
China around
105 A.D
It is important that students realize that reading is not just
for school; that it is an activity that has benefits for all parts of • More than 2.5
billion copies
their lives. Reading, as an everyday activity, builds creativity,
of the Bible
knowledge, comprehension and an understanding of the world have been
around them. However, just like any activity, reading needs to be made
practiced and practiced continuously to improve and grow.
• Dr. Seuss
On the next couple pages are some suggestions on how to
wrote “Green
support your child’s interest in reading and encourage reading as a Eggs and Ham
natural part of your child’s life. after his edi-
tor dared him
to write a
book contain-
ing fewer
than 50
• Shakespeare
8,000 new
words to the
English lan-
guage through
his plays.
Place: Time:
Choose a place where your Sometimes it can be tricky to find a good time to
child will not be too dis- read with your child or your child wants to do things
tracted but where you also other than read. It is a lot easier to pick a specific
know that they are reading. time to read with your child to establish a routine.
Some choices could be: Some suggestions for good times to read are:
Encouraging Reading:
There are many ways to encourage your child to read no matter what their reading level
is. Here are some tips and strategies that will help you encourage a love for reading in
your child:
• Read with your child! Make • Take your child to the library • Label things around the
this a special time to be with and get them their own library house.
them. card.
• Spend time reading yourself so • Encourage your child to bring books
that they can see you reading. home from school.
This will show them that you • Look at all the pictures first with your
also value reading. child.
• Have them read labels, signs • Make predictions about what will hap-
pen next and after reading the story,
and other things when they are
discuss what happened.
with you shopping.
• Ask them questions about what they
• Read to them. All children love have read before signing their reading
to be read to and children pick logs. This will help build comprehension
up a lot of information and vo- and make sure they are understanding
cabulary from being read to. what they are reading.
Page 2
3H Newsletter
How Do I Choose Books For My Child?
Sometimes it is hard choosing books that are appropriate for your child to read. Here are
some suggestions for picking the “right” book for your child.
• Get suggestions from Mr. Hancock. • Sometimes books put reading levels on the backs
• Choose books with pictures to support the story of their books. You may see something like “RL
for weaker readers. 3.2”. This means that a student in the second
month of third grade is able to read this book.
• Match your child’s interests. If they are really
interested in sports, then choosing books that • Allow students to choose what they think they
center around sports activities may appeal to are able to read even if it is a book that you
your child. know is beyond them. However, have them also
choose books that you know they would have
• Use the “Five-Finger” method. Over the period
more success with. Read the harder books with
of a full page, every time your child makes a mis-
them so as to not discourage them from choosing
take, put up a finger. Count the number of fin-
to read.
gers that you have up by the time your child
gets to the bottom of the page.
- 0 fingers = Too easy
- 1-3 fingers = Just right!
- 4-5 fingers = Quite hard!
- 5+ fingers = Too hard for now.