Hurrian Panth FsBeckman
Hurrian Panth FsBeckman
Hurrian Panth FsBeckman
Gary M. Beckman
A Tribute to Gary Beckman
edited by
Billie Jean Collins
Piotr Michalowski
Publications of Gary Beckman
Alfonso Archi
The West Hurrian Pantheon and Its Background
Mary R. Bachvarova
Adapting Mesopotamian Myth in Hurro-Hittite Rituals at Hattua:
ITAR, the Underworld, and the Legendary Kings
Joel P. Brereton
The Rgvedic Ghos Hymns and the Atirtra
Marjorie Fisher
A Diplomatic Marriage in the Ramesside Period:
Maathorneferure, Daughter of the Great Ruler of Hatti
Benjamin R. Foster
Albert T. Clay and His Babylonian Collection
Stephanie W. Jamison
A Sanskrit Riddle in Three Movements Rig Veda V.84
H. Craig Melchert
Luvian Language in Luvian Rituals in Hattua 159
Piotr Michalowski
The Steward of Divine Gudea and His Family in Ur III Girsu
Alice Mouton
Le rituel dAll dArzawa contre un ensorcellement(CTH 402):
une nouvelle dition
Elizabeth E. Payne
Accounting for Gold in a Period of Unrest
Jack M. Sasson
Prologues and Poets: On the Opening Lines of the Gilgamesh Epic
Brian B. Schmidt
The Social Matrix of Early Judean Magic and Divination:
From Top Down or Bottom Up?
Piotr Steinkeller
The Umma Field Ugida and the Question of GARanas Location
Claudia E. Suter
The Divine Gudea on Ur III Seal Images
Terry G. Wilfong
Dig Dogs and Camp Cats at Karanis: The Animals of the 19241935
University of Michigan Expedition to Egypt
Gernot Wilhelm
Texts and Royal Seals of the Middle Hittite Period from the
House of the Chief of the Guards at Hattua
Alfonso Archi
(the region of Alalah) are only known from secondary sources in the
Hittite archives. Roughly half of the population of Alalah VII (second half
of the seventeenth century) had Hurrian names;6 at Alalah IV (fifteenth
fourteenth centuries) this proportion rises to around three-quarters.7
Confirmation of this is provided by tablets from Tell Afis (55 km south
of Aleppo), from the period of Hattuili III.8 Some letters found at Qatna
sent by various individuals, including Takuwa, king of Niya, and Hannutti,
a Hittite general, to King Idadda, a contemporary of uppiluliuma I, are in
Akkadian. They include, however, terms explained by Hurrian glosses and
wordseven verb formsas elements in Akkadian phrases.9 Niya lies in
the Ghab, near Apamea, and this shows that in inner Syria, between the
coast and the valley of the Euphrates, the spoken language was Hurrian.10
Alfonso Archi
face the same problem when they had to report the campaigns of their
king in Upper Mesopotamia, from the Transtigris to the Jezirah. The local
rulers could not be compared with the Akkadian king. The scribes chose,
therefore the logogram e n ; RIME 2, E2.1.4.25 3336 and E2.1.4.2: The
governors (NSI.NSI) of Subartum and the lords of the Upper <Lands>
(EN.EN a-l-a-tim). That en-dan would be a neologism created in the
scriptorium of Urki and in the northern regions by Hurrian scribes aware
of the use of e n by the Akkadian scribes in their royal inscriptions is
possible, but not so evident.
The Hurrians received few words related to the administrative
organization: Akk. akallu (< Sum - g a l ) palace;17 halzi (< halsu)
fortress; district, see also halzuhlu commandant of a h.; to the echange
activity: tamkari (< tamkru) merchant, tamkarai profits; puhukaru
(< phu) replacement.18
Concerning religion, instead, there is a strong Akkadian influence. The
ritual KUB 27.38 (ChS I/5)19 (probably a ceremony concerning kingship)
includes material from three different periods.20 In the first column there
is a Hurrian song related to the preparation of wool figures representing
divinized kings, arrna (I 23). The names of these kings are listed in
I 17. The first names are missing; it follows (the images) of the divine
kings, Darri=n(a)==e, of Atal-en (king of Urki and Nawar), of the
Sea, of a mysterious Immar, of the Mountains, of the Rivers (all with the
divine determinative). The god list in col. II belongs in general to a more
recent period than the section of the divinized kings. In III 13 a list begins
with famous wise kings (arrna) of the ancient time, opened by NaramSin (with divine determinative, according to the Akkadian tradition!) and
Sargon of Akkad (here the text breaks off). In IV 911 there is Audalumma
king (ewri) of Elam, followed by Iammaku king (ewri) of Lullu and
Kiglipadalli king of Tukri (IV 1314); then Man-ituu king (ewri), the
older son of Sargon and ar-kali-arri (IV 2225). The preceding section
(IV1921) introduces two divine kings: Silver, king (ewri), as king (arra)
21. Gernot Wilhelm, Knig Silber und Knig Hidam, in Hittite Studies in Honor
of Harry A. Hoffner Jr. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, ed. Gary Beckman, Richard
H. Beal, and Gregory McMahon. (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2003), 39395.
22.Kammenhuber, Orakelpraxis, Trume und Vorzeichenschau, 89.
23.Laroche, Glossaire de la langue hourrite, 217.
24. Emmanual Laroche, Panthon national et Panthons locaux chez les Hourrites, OrNS 45 (1976), 98; idem, Glossaire de la langue hourrite, 42.
25. Francesco Pomponio and Paolo Xella, Les dieux dEbla, AOAT 245 (Mnster:
Ugarit-Verlag, 1997), 11121.
26.Laroche, Glossaire de la langue hourrite, 21617; Hans Martin Kmmel, Ersatzrituale fr den hethitischen Knig, StBoT 3 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1967), 4749.
27. Philo Howink ten Cate, The Hittite Storm God: His Role and His Rule According to Hittite Cuneiform Sources, in Natural Phenomena. Their Meaning, Depiction
and Description in the Ancient Near East, ed. Diederik J. W. Meijer (Amsterdam: Royal
Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1992), 117.
28.Marie-Claude Trmouille, La religion des Hourrites: tat actuel de nos
connaissances, SCCNH 10 (1999) 28889. Volkert Haas (Geschichte der hethitischen
Religion [Leiden: Brill, 1994], 309) adds Pairra die Bauenden and Irirra die
Sugenden(?), formed with the suffix -iri-.
Alfonso Archi
Sun God (in the inscription of Atalen: Utu); Kuuh, the Moon God;41
Nubadig (Tiatal: Lubadag);42 awuka (Atalen: INANNA); Nergal of the
Sumerian-Akkadian tradition (Tiatal, Atalen: a Hurrian god equated to
him, e.g., Atabi?);43 the Lady (NIN) of Nagar (Tiatal)
That of the kingdom of Arraphe (sixteenth and fifteenth centuries
b.c.e.) is an example of a pantheon in an eastern region formed by panHurrian and local gods.44 The bowl of Hasanlu (ca. eleventh century),
with three male deities in the topmost register: the Moon and the Sun
Gods each in a chariot drawn by mules, the Storm God in a chariot
drawn by a bull; in the lower registers: a hero fighting a monster with
human head and its lower body enclosed in a mountain (the Storm God
and Ullikummi); Itar/awuka on two rams, exposing her nude body;
the presentation of a newborn child by a female figure (a midwife) to an
enthroned god (Ullikummi presented to Kumarbi), shows (according to
the fascinating interpretation by Edith Porada45) the persistence of the cult
of pan-Hurrian gods and mythical motives in the east until the beginning
of the first millennium b.c.e.
A goddess of eastern origin who occupied a position of a certain
importance in the West Hurrian pantheon is the Elamite Pirinki/ar: a type
of Itar.46
The pantheon of Mittani listed in the treaty of attiwaza with
uppiluliuma I responded to political needs, different from those of a
cultic pantheon. It opens with Teub of Heaven and Earth; Moon (Kuuh)
Alfonso Archi
and Sun (imeki), the local Moon of Harran; some local form of Teub;
Ea lord of wisdom; Sumuqan of Gurta; Anu and Antum; Enlil and Ninlil;
the Indo-Aryan deities Mitra-il, (W)aruna-il, Indra, Naattiyana; the
subterranean watercourse of amanminu (the Balih-river?); some local
forms of Teub (e.g., of Irrite); Pardahi of uda; Nabarbi; uruhhi; ItarVenus-star; ala; Belet-ekalli; Damkina; Ihara.47
Teubs epithet of Heaven and Earth is derived perhaps from the
Syrian milieu (the beginning of the Ugaritic god list is also organized
according to cosmological principles48). The several hypostases of Teub
and other local deities define approximately the core of the kingdom,
therefore having a political function. Ea lord of wisdom, the two couples
Anu-Antum and Enlil-Ninlil, as well as Belt-ekalli and Damkina are
derived directly from the Babylonian theology. ala and Ihara were
instead Syrian goddesses. The Indo-Aryan deities concerned the cults of
the Mittanian aristocracy.
6. The cult lists of the Hurrian gods known to us come from the
western regions. Their origin lies in the canon established in Aleppo
before uppiluliuma I, transmitted to Kizzuwatna and Hatti. The less
extensive lists of Ugarit also reflect the Aleppo ordo.
E. Laroche reconstructed the lists from Aleppo (1948), published
those of Ugarit (1968), and, with insight, interpreted this data (1976).49 At
the head of the pantheon are Teub and his consort Hebat, each of whom
is followed by a court (kaluti) of deities, respectively male and female. The
Hurrians received Hebat from the local cult: she had been the consort of
the Storm God Hadda of Halab at least from the twenty-seventh century.50
This division by gender was an innovation introduced by the Hurrians
residing at Aleppo (there is no evidence to suggest that it derives, instead,
from Amorite or pre-Amorite tradition). This probably reflects the
positioning of images and symbols of the gods in the temple of Aleppo.
According to KUB 29.8 (ChS I/5 no. 9) I 37, 5057, the gods were aligned
47. This list is given in Haas, Geschichte der hethitischen Religion, 54243.
48. For an edition of the list, see Dennis Pardee, Ritual and Cult at Ugarit, WAW 10
(Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2002), 1921.
49. Emmanuel Laroche, Teub, Hebat et leur cour, JCS 2 (1948) 11336; idem,
Textes hourrites en cuniformes alphabtiques, in Ugaritica V, ed. J. Nougayrol, E.
Laroche, Ch. Virolleaud and Cl. F. A. Schaeffer (Paris: Geuthner), 497533; idem,
Panthon national et Panthons locaux chez les Hourrites, 9499.
50. The name Hebat is a later form of dHa-a-ba-du, /ha(l)abjtu/, She of Halab, the
paredra of Hadda of Halab in the Ebla period (Alfonso Archi, Studies in the Pantheon
of Ebla, OrNS 63 [1994] 24951).
along the right side, the goddesses on the left.51 The two processions of
Hurrian gods at Yazilikaya, instead, portray the male and female gods
moving respectively from the left and the right towards the center.
Teub is followed by six major gods: Tamiu (his pure brother),
Kumarbi, Kuuh, imeki, Atabi, Nubadig. A third group of male gods
follows, in varying order. The goddesses who come immediately after
Hebat enjoy these positions because they are the consorts of the male gods
in the second group (phonetic writings reproducing the Akkadian names
alternate with logograms). It is only after these that the goddesses of great
importance in the cult appear: awuka, Ihara, Allani.
Teub / IM / U
~ Hebat
Tamiu / Hitt. uwaliyat
Kumarbi / NISABA (= Dagan) / EN.LL ~ NIN.LL
.A (Hayya)
~ Damkina (DAM.KI.NA)
Kuuh / 30 / EN.ZU (Sn)
~ Nikkal (NIN.GAL)
imegi / UTU
~ Aya (A.A) (- Ekaldu)52
Atabi / NIN.URTA
Ea (Hayya) is a Babylonian god. Hurrian texts attribute to this god the
Akkadian epithet: lord of wisdom, bl hassi (attested in the Turatta
treaty), Hurr. mti-ni, Hitt. hattannas LUGAL-u (the epithets may be
divinized: dMati dHazzizzi). Also received along with him are his spouse
Damkina and his vizier Izzummi (Akk. Isimud/Um). The fact that,
in Hurrian songs Ea plays a role similar to that attributed to him in
the Babylonian myths, shows that the god was received directly from
Babylonia. The cult of the god had reached Mari as early as the first
centuries of the second millennium.53
51.Volkert Haas, Die Serien itkahi und itkalzi des AZU-Priesters, Rituale fr
Tamiarri und Tatuhepa sowie weitere Texte mit Bezug auf Tamiarri, ChS I/1 (Roma:
Multigrafica, 1984), 89.
52. The sequence dAya dE/Ikalti / dE/Ikaldun is a Syrian misinterpretation of Aya
kalltu Aya the spouse (of the Sun), the usual epithet of this goddess, see Laroche
Teub, Hebat et leur cour, 133. Notice that the most aberrant forms occur in Hurrian
texts, probably because the Hittite scribe was not acquainted with this name, KUB
45.41 II 10: dA-ya e-ni-kal-d[u(-); 23.13 I 19: dA-ya-ni-kn-du.
53. The most recent presentation of this local pantheon is in J.-M. Durand, La
religion amorrite en Syrie lpoque des archives de Mari, in Mythologie et religion
des Smites occidentaux I, bla, Mari, ed. Gregorio del Olmo Lete (Leuven: Peeters,
2008), 198.
Alfonso Archi
The other male gods are Hurrian. Lubadag is attested already in the
Tiatals inscription (dLu-ba-da-ga); the texts from Hattua offer the forms
Lubadig/Nubadig (in Ugarit: Nbdg).54 It is possible that the natures of
imeki (the Sun)55 and Kuuh (the Moon) were influenced, in part, by
contact with Babylonia.
The frequent use of logograms in writing the names of these gods
and the fact that their spouses are just Babylonian names added to the
list of male gods to provide symmetry (only Nikkal appears outside
this list), must not, however, mislead us. The grouping of the gods is
not a stereotyped reproduction of a Babylonian model,56 even though
the Hurrians were already aware of the Mesopotamian pantheon from
the Late Akkadian period on. Apart from Ea (Hayya), included in the
Hurrian theology because of his particular personality, the gods of the
second group already appear individually in the earliest commemorative
inscriptions. The choice of gods in the inscriptions of Tiatal and Atalen
does not appear to have been influenced by literary models, even though
some names are written with logograms. (Nergal = Atabi?).57 The use
of logograms, favored by the cuneiform writing, meant that, already in
that period, a correspondence had to be established between the major
Hurrian gods and those from Babylonia with similar functions. Without
such a comparison, we would know very little about the nature of certain
Hurrian gods.
Nikkal (NIN.GAL) holds an important position in the Hurrian
pantheon,58 since her cult was already widespread in Syria. It reached Mari
as early as the last century of the third millennium,59 and, further, Ugarit.
54.Initial lu- and nu- alternate also in Sumerian (D. O. Edzard, Sumerian Grammar
(Leiden: Brill, 2003), 18. Note the OB misinterpretation: dNu-ba-an-da-ag (ARM 26/1
581, n. 281, 8: a god of Karkamish).
55. imegis vizier was the Hurrian Lipparu; Ilse Wegner, Hurritische Opferlisten aus
hethitischen Festbeschreibungen. Teil I: Texte fr ITAR-a(w)uka, ChS I/3.1 (Rome:
Bonsignori, 1995), no. 1 obv. II 21.
56. Wilfred Lambert (The Mesopotamian Background of the Hurrian Pantheon,
RHA 36 [1978], 12934) suggested instead that the Hurrian pantheon was modelled
on a Mesopotamian pantheon, possibly an archaic Sumerian one.
57. The influence of a literary model may be in some cases quite marked in writing
a commemorative document. A good example is given by the foundation inscription of
Yahdun-Lim of Mari, which presents some formulas inspired by Babylonian models,
e.g., ll. 137147: Enlil, judge of the gods, Sin, the elder brother among the gods,
Nergal, the god of the weapon, Ea, king of destiny.
58. Fiorella Imparati, RLA 9 (19982001), 35657.
59. Durand, La religion amorrite en Syrie, 198, 211.
The goddess was the spouse of Yarih; a Ugaritic hymn is dedicated to her.
The Hurrian documents from Ugarit have not only the couple Kuuh
Nikkal, but also Umbu (Ib)Nikkal, as in the Hurrian-Hittite texts.60
Umbu is another name for the moon received by the Hurrians.61
7. Teub received some traits from the Syrian Hadda. The Mountaingods Hazzi (> Gr. Kasion, the Jebel al-Aqra; Sapuna, the mountain of the
Ugaritic Bal, was the Kasion: ks)62 and Namni (the Anti-Cassius?) are
associated with him.63 It is quite possible that these two mountains were
included in the cult of Teub at Aleppo, although there is no evidence for
it.64 The Hurrians gave the names erri() and Hurri to the two bulls who
drew the chariot of the Storm God; an attribute of Hadda of Halab already
attested by the Eblaite documentation.65 Teub inherited also Hebat, the
spouse of Hadda of Halab from the third millennium.66
Kumarbi was equated with Enlil (the Sumero-Akkadian father of the
gods) and Dagan, the Syrian god of the Middle Euphrates region.67 In
the Hedammu and Ullikummi myths (as well as in other fragmentary
documents of the Kumarbi cycle) his vizier is Mukianu, whose name is
derived from Muki, the region of the city of Alalah.68
a(w)uka and Itar were equated already in the last centuries of the
third millennium.
8. Several gods were received from the Syrian milieu. NIN..GAL,
Blet-ekallim, appears together with NIN.GAL, Nikkal, already in the old
pantheon of Mari;69 therefore, she was introduced to Syria from Babylonia
already in the Ur III period. In the cult of Teub of Halab (CTH 698) she
is associated to Pithanu, KBo 14.142 I 16, dupl. KUB 27.13 I 10: dPithanu
ANA dNIN..GAL A dU uruHalap. She is qualified as concubine of
Alfonso Archi
Teub, KBo 14.142 I 14, dupl. KUB 27.13 I 9: dNIN..GAL na-ar-ta-aa / na-ar-ti-ya A dIM/U;70 KBo 35.155 IV 5 (ChS I/3.2 no. 151):71 [ANA] E-E-ER-TI dU-ub-bi-na. For Pithanu, see also KUB 45.28+39.97(+)
I 5: GAM gi.A dU dPithanu ezi down at Teubs throne sits Pithanu.
NIN..GAL had to be represented in a particular fashion because a statue
of her (ALAM, zalmi, dZalmi) is mentioned in the cult of Itar of amuha
(KUB 27.1 II 54; 47.64 III [2]) and Hattarina (KUB 45.37 III 12, 38, 11), in
the (h)iuwa festival (KBo 15.37 II 38; 33.181 obv. 12; KUB 40.102 II 13).72
The Hurrian writing is dP-en-ti-kal-li, KUB 27.13 I 20; Ug. pdg.73
Ur/r-u-u/-i/e / (d)U-ur-u-u/-i/e, followed always by (d)I-kal-li,
belongs to the court of Hebat. Very few passages have only (d)Ikalli.74 A
Hurrian passage of the (h)iuwa festival, KBo 17.98 V 1516 (dupl. KUB
40.103 I 12) (ChS I/3.2 nos. 140, 141) has: dUrui dIkalli dHu-u[-ur-ni(?)]
/ a-am-ma-na (d)Ikalli, where mmana could be an epithet of Ikalli.
The Hurrianized ritual aux dieux antiques CTH 492 qualifies Ikalli as
witness of the goddess, KUB 17.20 II 1314: EGIR-U-ma dHu-ur-nii e-e-zi GAM-ma dI-ha-a-ha-ar-na I-PU / DINGIRME L ME e-e-zi
EGIR-U-ma I-kal-li I-PU DINGIRME MUNUSME e-e!<-zi> behind
sits Huurni, next sits Ihaharna witness of the male gods; behind sits
Ikalli witness of the goddess (in III 1011: dIkalli kutrua Ikalli
witness).75 This term could be derived from Akk. egallu great temple
(also a name of the nether world) (the gods listed in the ritual KUB
17.20 are the Anunnakk), and attributed to Urui (/Uru=e/), therefore:
the great temple (of the nether world deities) of the city of Uru(m); its
original meaning must soon have been lost.
An element received from literary tradition (perhaps in Syria) is dHi-inkal-lu-u (KUB 17.20 II 8), dHe-en-kal-li (KUB 60.153:11): the phonetic
writing of Sum. h - g l abundance, divinized in the Hurrianized ritual
aux dieux antiques CTH 492.76
Alfonso Archi
of His 65th Birthday, ed. Theo P. J. van den Hout and Johan de Roos (Nederlands
Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul, 1995), 16.
84. Notice that the list of the deities invoked in the treaty from Tell Leilan L.T.-5
opens with [AN] / [dEN-LL] / [LUGA]L ma-t-in /[dD]a-gn (Eidem, The Royal
Archive from Tell Leylan, 329, 417): three denomination of the same god, because
LUGAL mtim was the epithet of Dagan of Tuttul, and in Syria Dagan was equated to
Enlil. According to a contract from Hana, the king unuhrammu offered a sacrifice
to Dagan of the Hurrians (i.e., Kumarbi: dDa-gan a Hur-ri) (Ignace J. Gelb, Hurrians
and Subarians [Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago, 1944], 63).
85. Ilse Wegner, Gestalt und Kult der Itar-awuka in Kleinasien, AOAT 36 (Kevelaer: Butzon & Bercker; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1981), 8687; Daniel Schwemer, alu, ala, RLA 11 (20068) 590.
86. Fr. Thureau-Dangin, Tablettes Hurrites provenant de Mri, RA 36 (1939) 17,
no 5, 3.
87. J. A. Belmonte Marn, Die Orts- und Gewssernamen der Texte aus Syrien im 2.
Jt. v. Chr. RGTC 12/2 (Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2001), 5960.
88. Alfonso Archi, Studies in the Ebla Pantheon, II, OrNS 66 (1997) 41617.
Adam(ma) was a month name also at Emar; the pantheon of Emar included
Adam(m)atera (Gary Beckman, The Pantheon of Emar, in Silva Anatolica. Anatolian
Studies Presented to Maciej Popko on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, ed. Piotr
Taracha (Warsaw: AGADE, 2002), 40.
Alfonso Archi
gods, who [.....] mighty gods, listen! (it follows a list of these gods).
Let Ammezzadu, [Tuhui(?) ] the father (and) mother of [] listen!
Let [Enlil(?) and Apant]u, the father (and) mother of Ihara, listen. Let
Enlil [(and) Ninlil ], who are the mighty (and) firmly established gods,
Father (and) mother indicate the known (and unknown) ancestors
of a deity, invoked in order that all the gods may be present. In the kaluti of
Teub,94 the bulls erri and Hurri are followed by (nos. 1819): the gods
of the father of Teub; the gods of the father of the sacrificer (DINGIRMEna attanni=wena ahuikkunni=na); similarly, in the kaluti of Hebat,95 the
goddesses Adamma, Kubaba, Hauntarhi are followed by (nos. 1516):
the gods of the father of Hebat; the gods of the father of the sacrificer.
As well as for Teub and Hebat the gods of the father are attested for
other major deities: the Sun God imeki, NIN.GAL, awuka, Lilluri.
Exceptionally, the gods of the father of imeki are qualified as male,
and those of awuka as female: an irrational division by gender.96 A
list of the passages where the gods of the father occur is given by van
Gessel,97 ad/t-d/ta-a DINGIRME; 999: DINGIRMEA-BI; 10026: e-en-na /
DINGIRME at-ta-an-ni-bi/we-na).
A theological system can admit that a god has a father (and a mother).
The gods of the father of DN is, instead, an anomalous expression,
modeled on the gods of the father of the sacrificer. In Semitic Syria the
cult of the god(s) of the father was widespread from the third millennium.98
An echo of this can be found also in the Tale of Appu and the Romance of
Kei, which the Hurrians composed in Syria.99 Used to refer to the gods,
the god of the father is a misconception.
The Hurrian god lists from Ugarit, interpreting the respective lists in
Ugaritic, reveal that the Hurrian theology had no difficulty in placing a
god father at the head of its own pantheon, that is to say, an unnamed
entity at the origin of everything: eni attanni god father (RS 24.295,
24.254); attanni father (24.274) enna-(ta) attanna-(ta) gods fathers
(24.261), who were followed by El, Kumarbi, and Teub.100
In light of the Hurrian to Ugaritic equivalence: ilib - DINGIR a-bi of
the Akkadian pantheon, J. Nougayrol noted that Dieu (ou: dieu) du pre
reste la traduction la plus ingnue du texte accadien, et elle prsente aussi
lavantage de convenir tous les passages o ilib se rencontre. Cependant,
a-bi peut tre tenu galement pour un st. abs. = st. cstr. de abu, do Dieu
(ou dieu) pre, et, tant donn la place faite ce dieu dans les textes
rituels, il semble que cette interprtation soit prfrable.101
The Ugaritic pantheon opened with a genealogy, probably reflecting
a need to systemize resulting from the influence of Babylonian thology:
Ilib - El - Dagan - Bal. Dagan only played a marginal role in mythopoetic
thought (he usually appears in relation to his son, Bal: bn bl) or in the
Ugaritic cult; El is a figure created in the West Semitic milieu during
the second millennium. The god El did not exist in the earliest Semitic
pantheons: those of Ebla and Akkad.102 Still open to discussion is whether
Ilib was the god of the father, that is of the clan (which would fit in well
with West Semitic tradition), or (less probably) was an artificial figure,
god father.103
The Hurrian pantheon did not follow the genealogy described in
Kingship in Heaven. Following the Ugaritic order, Teub was preceded
first by Kumarbi (equated with Dagan); then El (entirely extraneous to the
Hurrians) and, lastly, a god father: a generic ancestor of the gods, since
the sense of the god of the clan was not fully understood.104
100. Laroche, Textes hourrites en cuniformes alphabtiques, 519); La syntaxe
du hourrite nautorise aucune hsitation: atta-nni le pre est une apposition en(n)i,
dieu ou le dieu (Laroche, Textes hourrites en cuniformes alphabtiques, 523).
101.Jean Nougayrol, Textes sumro-accadiens des archives et bibliothques
prives dUgarit, in Ugaritica V, 4446. For the Semitic lists of Ugarit, see also
Pardee Les textes rituels, Ras Shamra-Ougarit XII (Paris: ditions Recherche sur les
Civilisations, 2000), 292; idem, Ritual and Cult at Ugarit, 1224.
102. Alfonso Archi, Il in the Personal Names, OLZ 91 (1996) 13351.
103. See the long discussion in Pardee, Ritual and Cult at Ugarit, 187, 296300, who
interprets Ilib as /iluab/ > /iluib/.
104. According to van der Torn, Ilib (in general the deified ancestor) stands (in
this list) for a primeval deity whose reign has long since come to end (Ilib and the
God of the Father, UF 25 (1993) 385.
Alfonso Archi
11. It is possible that Hutena and Hutellura, who belong to the kaluti
of Hebat, have been modeled on the Syrian birth goddesses.105
E. Laroche has analyzed the name Hutellura as hute=ll=ur=na: plural
(-na), comitative (-ra-); Hutena as a nominal form, deriving both from
the verb hut(e/i). From their Hittite equivalent Gule, and the DINGIR.
MAHME, he deduced that they were female divinities, and suggested the
meaning to favor for the verb, in agreement with passages in the Mittani
letter. The goddesses who determined ones fate were seen as benevolent
entities, auguring well.106 Hutena is Those of favoring: hud=we=na. In
the Hurrian birth ritual KBo 27.1:10 (= ChS I/5, no. 98): MUNUSi-in-ti-maa-ni hu-ti-il-lu-r[i], hutilluri means midwife, being apposition of the
personal name indimani.107
The Ugaritic pantheon has ktrt (Kothart) translated dSa-s-ra-tum
in the Akkadian version (RS 20.24), and hdn hdlr (Hutena - Hutellura) in
the Hurrian lists.
The Sumero-Akkadian Mother Goddess was assisted by seven assistants
called wombs, assrtu, who, because also of their equivalences in the
Ugaritic lists, have to be identified with birth goddesses.108 The Kothart
were seven in number.109 The Kartum were known also in the region
of Mari.110
Proof of the interference between the Syrian and the Hurrian birth
goddesses is that hutilluri is the apposition to indimani in a Hurrian
birth ritual KBo 27.1 (= ChS I/5, no 98, 10: MUNUSi-in-ti-ma-a-ni hu-tiil-lu-r[i]) with the meaning of midwife. As Volkert Haas has remarked,
the first element of indimani is ind(i) seven, showing that the Hutena
Hutellura goddesses were a heptad,111 as well as the West Semitic Kothart.
12. While conquering Aleppo, uppiluliuma I was fully aware of the
extraordinary importance of the cult of the citys storm god in Syria and
eastern Anatolia. Thus he assigned religious functions to Telepinu, the
105.Alfonso Archi, The Anatolian Fate-Goddesses and Their Different Traditions, forthcoming.
106. Laroche, Teub, Hebat et leur cour, 12426.
107.Haas, Geschichte der hethitischen Religion, 483
108. Marten Stol, Birth in Babylonia and the Bible: Its Mediterranean Setting, CM 14
(Groningen: Styx, 2000), 8083.
109. Gregorio del Olmo Lete, Mythologie et religion de la Syrie au II millenaire av.
J.C. (15001200), in Mythologie et religion des Smites occidentaux, II: mar, Ougarit,
Isral, Phnicie, Aram, Arabic, ed. G. del Olmo Lete (Leuven: Peeters, 2008), 43.
110. Wilfred G. Lambert, The Pantheon of Mari, MARI 4 (1985) 52930.
111. Geschichte der hethitischen Religion, 37273.
Alfonso Archi