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Balthazar T 2011

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Minireview: Hormones and Human Sexual Orientation

Jacques Balthazart
University of Liège, Groupe Interdisciplinaire de Génoprotéomique Appliquée Neurosciences, Research
Group in Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, B-4000 Liège, Belgium

Many people believe that sexual orientation (homosexuality vs. heterosexuality) is determined by
education and social constraints. There are, however, a large number of studies indicating that
prenatal factors have an important influence on this critical feature of human sexuality. Sexual
orientation is a sexually differentiated trait (over 90% of men are attracted to women and vice
versa). In animals and men, many sexually differentiated characteristics are organized during early
life by sex steroids, and one can wonder whether the same mechanism also affects human sexual
orientation. Two types of evidence support this notion. First, multiple sexually differentiated
behavioral, physiological, or even morphological traits are significantly different in homosexual
and heterosexual populations. Because some of these traits are known to be organized by prenatal
steroids, including testosterone, these differences suggest that homosexual subjects were, on
average, exposed to atypical endocrine conditions during development. Second, clinical conditions
associated with significant endocrine changes during embryonic life often result in an increased
incidence of homosexuality. It seems therefore that the prenatal endocrine environment has a
significant influence on human sexual orientation but a large fraction of the variance in this
behavioral characteristic remains unexplained to date. Genetic differences affecting behavior
either in a direct manner or by changing embryonic hormone secretion or action may also be
involved. How these biological prenatal factors interact with postnatal social factors to determine
life-long sexual orientation remains to be determined. (Endocrinology 152: 2937–2947, 2011)

ost people are sexually attracted to individuals of cause this orientation is less common and thus sometimes
M the opposite sex; they are heterosexual. There is,
however, a significant minority (3–10% according to
considered wrongly as “abnormal.” It must be noted,
however, that trying to understand the origins of homo-
many estimates) of men and women who are exclusively sexuality or heterosexuality essentially represents the
attracted to individuals of their own sex; they are ho- same question.
mosexual. Intermediate forms of attraction also exist, Under the influence of a variety of theories ranging
and as early as in 1948, Kinsey et al. (1) were classifying from Freudian psychoanalysis to social constructivism,
sexual orientation in seven distinct categories ranging sexual orientation has been, and often still is, considered
from completely heterosexual to completely homosex- as being the result of social experiences during early child-
ual. Sexual orientation (heterosexual vs. homosexual) is a hood, in particular improper interaction with one’s par-
behavioral trait that displays one of the largest degrees of ents (dominant or possessive mother, distant or absent
sexual differentiation, given that 90 –97% of individuals father). The newborn baby would in this context be sex-
of one sex display an attraction that is different from that ually neutral; his/her sexual orientation would develop on
of the other sex. a tabula rasa and could go either way as a function of
The mechanisms that determine human sexual orien- postnatal social interactions only. This interpretation ig-
tation have been the subject of heated controversies. These nores, however, a vast corpus of data concerning both
discussions often focused on homosexuality proper, be- animals and humans demonstrating that the prenatal en-

ISSN Print 0013-7227 ISSN Online 1945-7170 Abbreviations: CAH, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia; 2D:4D, ratio of the lengths of the
Printed in U.S.A. second (index) to the fourth (ring) fingers; DES, diethylstilbestrol; FoR, female-oriented ram;
Copyright © 2011 by The Endocrine Society INAH3, interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus number 3; MoR, male-oriented
doi: 10.1210/en.2011-0277 Received March 10, 2011. Accepted May 31, 2011. ram; OAE, oto-acoustic emission; oSDN, sexually dimorphic nucleus of the ovine preoptic
First Published Online June 21, 2011 area; SDN-POA, sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area.

Endocrinology, August 2011, 152(8):2937–2947 endo.endojournals.org 2937

2938 Balthazart Minireview Endocrinology, August 2011, 152(8):2937–2947

docrine environment has profound and irreversible effects

on a variety of morphological, physiological, and behav- G enetic sex
ioral features of an individual.
Because male and female embryos are exposed to a
different hormonal milieu during specific phases of their C X +T or E
intrauterine life, male and female newborns are substan-
tially different on the day of birth. I summarize here the
main principles that govern sexual differentiation identi-
fied by experimental studies in animals. Then I discuss to Adult male Adult female
what extent these principles could also determine sexual
differentiation of brain and behavior in humans and fi-
nally review evidence derived from epidemiological and
clinical studies, suggesting that sexual orientation is a sex- Masculinized female Non masculinized male

ually differentiated behavioral feature that is most likely FIG. 1. In mammals, early exposure to testosterone produces a male
phenotype: the behavioral characteristics of the male are strengthened
influenced, like other sexually differentiated features, by
(masculinization) and the ability of males to show behavior typical of
the prenatal hormonal environment. I do not mean to say females is reduced or lost (defeminization). The female phenotype
that the postnatal social environment has no influence on develops in the apparent absence of hormone action (or in the
presence of very low estrogen concentrations). These spontaneous
sexual orientation, but based on currently available data,
differentiation processes occurring during early development of
these social influences seem to play only a minor role, animals can be entirely reproduced by experimental manipulations (via
possibly via interaction with prenatal endocrine effects. castration, injections of agonists or antagonists) of steroid
concentrations in embryonic or newborn animals. The figure shows
that after such treatments, neonatally castrated (CX) males behave like
females, whereas females treated early in life with testosterone (T) or
Sexual Differentiation of Sex and its aromatized metabolite estradiol (E2) behave like males. Experimental
animals considered are those shaded in blue (genetic males) or red
Courtship Behaviors in Animals (genetic females). Other subjects represent only the test stimuli.

Many behaviors in animals are sexually differentiated and

produced preferentially or exclusively by one sex. Estro- These organizing actions of sex steroids on behavior are
gens are often unable to activate female-typical behaviors paralleled by irreversible changes in brain structure. Em-
(e.g. receptivity) in males, and vice versa, testosterone does bryonic sex steroids differentiate the size of several brain
structures (see Ref. 6 for a general review on this topic),
not reliably activate male-typical copulatory behavior in
including the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic
females even after its conversion to estradiol (2). It was
area (SDN-POA). This group of cells is five to six times
originally believed that these sex differences resulted from
larger in male rats than in females, and this difference
the presence of different hormones in the two sexes: tes-
results almost exclusively from the action of testosterone
tosterone in males and estradiol (plus progesterone) in
during late embryonic life and the first days of postnatal
females (3). The seminal work of Young and co-workers
life. Once acquired, the sex-typical size of the SDN-POA
(4) demonstrated that, to a large extent, these differences
cannot be altered in adulthood by steroid hormones (7, 8).
result from the early exposure of embryos to a different
endocrine milieu: a high concentration of testosterone for
male embryos in mammals and a much lower (lack of?)
Partner Preference and Its Control in
exposure to sex steroids in females (Fig. 1). These differ-
entiating (organizing) effects usually occur early in life,
during the embryonic period or just after birth and are These organizing effects of embryonic sex steroids specif-
irreversible. ically concern the type of behaviors that will be displayed
It is not the type of adult hormone (androgens or es- by adults. More recent studies demonstrate that similar
trogens) that determines the behavior that will be ex- principles also contribute to determine the sex of the part-
pressed (male or female typical), it is the nature of the ner that will be the target of these behaviors. Unlike other
neural substrate on which this hormone acts (the sex of the aspects of human sexuality that have no equivalent in an-
animal and associated embryonic exposure to sex ste- imals (e.g. gender identity), sexual orientation can be stud-
roids). Recent studies also show that genetic mechanisms ied in nonhuman animals by offering them a choice be-
called “direct,” because they are not mediated through the tween a male or female sexual partner. Recording the time
action of sex hormones, influence some behavioral differ- spent with each partner and the type of behavior displayed
ences between males and females (5). toward them will provide a measure of a behavioral phe-
Endocrinology, August 2011, 152(8):2937–2947 endo.endojournals.org 2939

notype (sexual partner preference) that represents a rea- levels in MoR compared with FoR (19). The features of
sonable (although imperfect) model of human sexual this nucleus therefore correlate with sexual partner pref-
orientation. erence: subjects attracted to males (females and MoR) are
The sexual preference of a male for a female is con- similar and distinguished from subjects attracted to fe-
trolled, like the expression of male-typical sexual behav- males (FoR).
ior, by the medial part of the POA. Experimental lesion of Roselli et al. (20) demonstrated that the volume of the
this brain region causes a reversal of the males’ preference oSDN is already larger in males than in females around the
in rats and ferrets: after surgery, they prefer to spend time end of embryonic life (around d 135) and differentiates
with other males rather than with sexually receptive fe- under the influence of testosterone in males. Embryonic
males (9, 10). treatment of females with testosterone between 30 and
This preference for a partner of the same or the opposite 90 d of gestation results in a masculinized oSDN in females
sex is also determined by prenatal hormones and can be (18, 20). Furthermore, the size of this nucleus is no longer
reversed by hormonal treatments during early develop- modified in adulthood by castration or treatment with
ment (weeks preceding or immediately after birth depend- testosterone (21). If the small size of oSDN in MoR is
ing on the species) (11–15). The preference determined at determined like in females by a relative lack of early ex-
that time subsequently appears to be a stable characteristic posure to testosterone, it might represent (one of) the
of the individual. Like the type (male or female typical) of cause(s), and not a consequence, of their atypical sexual
sexual behavior displayed in adulthood, sexual partner attraction. This nucleus is indeed located in the center of
preference seems to be determined by sex steroids during the POA, a region involved in the control of sexual
embryonic or early postnatal life. Exposure to testosterone behavior and male-typical partner preferences, and it
(or its metabolite estradiol) induces male-typical partner would in this scenario differentiate before subjects had
preference (preference for a female over a male sex part- an opportunity to express their sexual partner prefer-
ner), whereas in the absence of high concentrations of ence. This unfortunately remains impossible to prove
these steroids, a female pattern of mate preference will with the current technology, because it is not possible to
develop (preference for male partner). measure the volume of the oSDN in a male embryo and
Sexual interactions between same sex partners (male to know at the same time what would have been his later
mounting another male or female mounting another fe- partner preference.
male) are observed quite frequently in a broad variety of In conclusion, these studies demonstrate that sexual
animal species (16, 17). Often, these behaviors are ex- orientation in animals is a sexually differentiated feature
pressed only when a suitable partner of the opposite sex is like other sexually differentiated behaviors or morpho-
not available due to captivity (zoo or other captive pop- logical characteristics. Male-typical sexual orientation is
ulations), or when a skewed sex ratio in the population, or controlled at least in part by the POA (like sexual behav-
the presence of dominant males is preventing access to ior), and it differentiates under the influence of pre-/peri-
females. These behaviors do not represent a true same sex natal sex steroids.
preference but serve as an outlet for sexual motivation in
the absence of suitable partners of the opposite sex.
A case of spontaneous same sex preference has, how- Many Sex Differences in Humans Are
ever, been described and studied in detail. It concerns a Organized by Embryonic Sex Steroids
sheep population in the western part of the United States.
A significant fraction of rams in this population (8%) mate Do these endocrine mechanisms demonstrated in animals
exclusively with other males when given a choice between have any significance in humans? The answer to this ques-
a male or female partner. Various factors that could ex- tion should be considered in two steps. 1) Do we have any
plain this male-directed sexual behavior, such as rearing in evidence that sex steroids are, in humans like in animals,
single sex groups, which is common in sheep, were ruled implicated in the sexual differentiation of morphology
out (see Ref. 18 for review), and studies then focused on (e.g. genital structures) but also of brain (e.g. SDN-POA)
endocrine and neural aspects of this preference for males. and sexual behavior? And 2) are there any data indicating
The SDN of the ovine POA (oSDN), a structure that is that embryonic sex steroids have, like in animals, organi-
approximately three times larger in males than in females zational effects on sexual orientation in humans? The an-
and contains about four times more neurons, was shown swer to the first of these questions is clearly yes, and there
to be significantly smaller in male-oriented rams (MoR) is probably no need to elaborate on the arguments sup-
than in female-oriented rams (FoR). The oSDN also con- porting this conclusion especially in an endocrine journal.
tained fewer neurons and expressed aromatase at reduced To just briefly restate the obvious:
2940 Balthazart Minireview Endocrinology, August 2011, 152(8):2937–2947

1) Sex steroids (testosterone, estradiol, progesterone) Many studies have analyzed the potential influence of
are present in the human plasma in concentrations steroids on human sexual orientation. They have clearly
similar to those observed in other mammals. established that sexual orientation is not affected by ac-
2) Receptors for these steroids are present in humans, tivational effects of steroids in adulthood. Gonadectomy
and their brain distribution is similar and even does not influence orientation nor does adult treatment
nearly identical to the general pattern observed in with androgens and estrogens. Furthermore, numerous
vertebrates. studies have clearly established that plasma concentra-
3) Testosterone action during embryonic life clearly tions of sex steroids are perfectly “normal” (typical of the
controls the differentiation of male-typical external gonadal sex) in both gay men and lesbians (27).
and internal genital structures. Organizational effects of steroids are by contrast more
4) Sex differences in brain structures have been identi- likely to be implicated. Sexual orientation is a sexually dif-
fied, although their control by embryonic steroids is ferentiated function that might depend, like many other be-
usually not established at this time. havioral characteristics, on variations in the early (fetal) ex-
5) Physiological or behavioral differences between men posure to sex steroids (androgens and also possibly their
and women are too numerous to be summarized here estrogenic metabolites). Exposure to a high concentration of
(22). These differences are complex in nature, and testosterone during a critical phase of development would
their origin is more difficult to determine than for lead to a male-typical orientation (attraction to women),
differences in genital morphology. Learning, educa- whereas a lower embryonic exposure to steroids would lead
tion, and expectations of society clearly play an im- to a female-typical orientation (attraction to men). There
portant role in the genesis of behavioral and even would be a critical concentration of testosterone required to
sometimes physiological differences. Nevertheless, masculinize this feature like other aspects of behavior in an-
quite often, these environmental factors build on and imals and humans (see Fig. 2).
On average, male embryos are exposed to higher con-
amplify smaller, sometimes minor, differences
centrations of testosterone than female embryos, but these
caused by biological factors that were already pres-
concentrations vary around a mean value for various rea-
ent at birth. Many physiological and behavioral dif-
sons (environmental, genetic, etc.). Male subjects at the
ferences are thus rooted in biology. This is quite ob-
lower end of this sex-specific distribution could thus ac-
viously the case for many sexually differentiated
quire a female-typical orientation (and be gay), whereas
diseases related to brain function (e.g. anorexia ner-
females at the high end of the concentration curve would
vosa affects 93 women for every seven men; Gilles de
acquire a male-typical sexual attraction and be lesbian.
la Tourette syndrome affects 90 men for every 10
Even if they are not attracted by the same specific indi-
women) (see Refs. 22–24 for an extensive list of such
viduals, females and gay men share an attraction for men,
differences). How would education or society induce
such differences? But many behavioral differences
also probably depend to some extent on biological
mechanisms often already acting during prenatal life
(e.g. increased aggressivity and greater interest in
Number of subjects

male-typical activities in girls prenatally exposed to Threshold T concentration

high androgen concentration due to congenital ad-

renal hyperplasia (CAH) (see Refs. 25, 26).

A Hormonal Theory of Homosexuality

The second question (do embryonic sex steroids affect sex-
ual orientation in human?) is obviously more difficult to
answer for a variety of reasons, such as the intrinsic dif-
[Low] [High]
ficulties in assessing in a reliable manner the sexual ori-
T concentration
entation of a subject, the long latency between embryonic
endocrine events potentially controlling sexual orienta- Homosexual Homosexual
men women
tion and its overt manifestation in adulthood, and finally,
FIG. 2. Theoretical model illustrating how fluctuations around an
the complete impossibility for ethical reasons of manipu- average concentration of testosterone (T) during embryonic life could
lating the process. lead to a homosexual or heterosexual orientation.
Endocrinology, August 2011, 152(8):2937–2947 endo.endojournals.org 2941

whereas males and lesbians share an attraction for during his/her embryonic life. We must therefore rely on
women. indirect evidence. A number of sexually differentiated
It has been argued that such a theory is impossible, morphological, physiological, and behavioral character-
because it would imply that homosexual men have femi- istics seem to be irreversibly influenced by embryonic hor-
nized (or at least less masculine) genital structures whereas mones in humans like in animals. Many studies have quan-
lesbians should have experienced some masculinization of tified these features comparatively in homosexual and
genital structures similar to what is observed for example heterosexual populations to research whether homosex-
in CAH girls. Although detailed attention has been given ual subjects had been exposed to atypical hormonal con-
to this possibility, no data supporting this idea have been ditions during their development. Positive results were ob-
collected, and if anything, penises of gay men are possibly tained in a number of these studies.
larger than in heterosexual men, suggesting that, contrary The sexually differentiated characteristics that have
to the theory in its simplest form, they would have been been studied in this context include variables that could be
hypermasculinized (these data are, however, based on self secondarily affected by homosexuality [e.g. performance
measurements, and it has been argued that homosexuals in cognitive tests (see Ref. 29) or physiological responses
may have been excited more than heterosexuals by the to the smell of androgenic or estrogenic steroids produced
view/manipulation of their own penis, thus biasing these by males or females (30, 31)]. These traits were shown to
measurements). be significantly different in homosexual and heterosexual
Recall, however, that genital structures and the brain
men and/or women, but we shall not review them here in
(supporting behavior) presumably differentiate at differ-
detail, because they do not represent conclusive evidence
ent times during embryonic life (see Ref. 28 for supporting
for exposure to an atypical endocrine milieu during em-
evidence in rhesus monkeys). It is therefore possible that
bryonic life (see Refs. 32–34 for detail).
the hormonal imprinting that takes place at these two time
In contrast, other morphological and physiological fea-
periods is substantially different. A male embryo could for
tures are clearly influenced by prenatal testosterone, and
example be exposed to high (male typical) concentrations
it is difficult to conceive how they could possibly be af-
of testosterone during the first three months of gestation
fected secondarily by adult sexual orientation. We briefly
(and have perfectly masculine genitalia) but then experi-
discuss three of these traits that are significantly modified
ence a (temporary?) drop in testosterone concentration
during the final maturation of the brain and thus fail to in gays or lesbians.
develop a male-typical sexual attraction.
The ratio of the lengths of the second (index) to
Alternatively, the differentiation of sexual orientation
the fourth (ring) fingers (2D:4D)
could diverge from genital morphology, because steroid
action in the brain may be affected while remaining nor- The 2D:4D is significantly smaller in men than in
mal in the genital skin. Remember that to produce its ef- women. This ratio was shown by two out of three studies
fects, testosterone must often be metabolized in its target to be masculinized in CAH women exposed to an excess
structures (aromatized in the brain, 5␣-reduced in the gen- of androgens in utero and also masculinized in females of
ital area), bind to specific receptors, and then activate com- a variety of mammalian and even avian species by injection
plex intracellular signaling cascades, eventually leading to of androgens during embryonic life. This ratio has there-
changes in protein synthesis and/or neural activity. Any fore been used as a biomarker for embryonic exposure to
aspect of this complex suite of actions could be deficient in testosterone in the human fetus (35), although a number
the brain but not in the periphery, leading also to a dis- of studies have questioned its reliability (e.g. Ref. 36).
crepancy between somatic sex differentiation and sexual Multiple studies in humans have shown that this ratio is
orientation. masculinized (smaller) in lesbians compared with hetero-
Although this theory remains speculative (and is likely sexual women. Although there have been occasional fail-
to remain unproven due to the logistic difficulties men- ures to replicate this effect, and its significance has been
tioned before), two types of evidence suggest that it con- questioned (e.g. Is the effect size meaningful? Does it re-
tributes substantially to the control of sexual orientation flect differences in bone length or in fat accumulation)
in humans. (37), it has been confirmed by several meta-analyses of
available data (e.g. Refs. 35, 38), suggesting that lesbians
have, on average, been exposed to higher than typical con-
Atypical Sexually Differentiated
centrations of androgens during development. Interest-
Characteristics in Gays and Lesbians
ingly, most studies have failed to detect a corresponding
Practical reasons make it nearly impossible to determine feminization of this feature in gay men, and surprisingly,
the hormonal milieu to which an individual was exposed some studies have even reported a lower (hypermasculin-
2942 Balthazart Minireview Endocrinology, August 2011, 152(8):2937–2947

ized) 2D:4D ratio in some gay men (39). A modification of covered in the human POA a nucleus they called interstitial
the length of long bones (arms and legs), a feature also nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus number 3 (INAH3)
supposed to be influenced by early exposure to sex ste- (a member of four cellular condensations of the POA) that
roids, has been reported in gay men (40). was significantly larger in men than in women (44). Sub-
sequent studies showed that INAH3 is significantly
Oto-acoustic emissions smaller in homosexual men than heterosexual men, so that
One set of studies also investigated the physiology of its size is essentially equal to what is observed in women
the inner ear and more specifically the small noises pro- (45). An independent study based on different brains con-
duced in the cochlea (presumably) by movements of the firmed the reduced size of INAH3 in male homosexuals
tympanic membrane, the so-called oto-acoustic emissions compared with heterosexuals, although the magnitude of
(OAE). OAE are produced either spontaneously or in re- the difference observed in this replication was lower than
sponse to short noises in the environment (e.g. clicks). in the original study and not statistically significant (46).
These OAE are more frequent in women than in men as In this study, homosexual men also had a greater cell den-
well as in females compared with males in a variety of sity (more cells per unit volume) but a similar total number
animal species. In animals, OAE are masculinized (de- of neurons in INAH3 than heterosexual men: neurons
crease in frequency) after embryonic treatment of females were more densely packed, potentially because they
with androgens. OAE were shown to be significantly less formed fewer synapses (during development?).
frequent in lesbians compared with heterosexual women, The mechanisms that control the development of this
again suggesting that these lesbians were exposed to nucleus in humans are unknown, but INAH3 volume does
higher concentrations of androgens than usual during not seem to depend significantly on hormonal status in
early life. Similar studies assessing other aspects of acous- adulthood (47). In rats and sheep, the size of a potentially
tic physiology (e.g. auditory evoked potentials) that are homologous nucleus located in the same part of the POA
also sexually differentiated confirmed a masculinization (SDN-POA in rat, oSDN in sheep) is irreversibly deter-
of these traits in lesbians (41). Interestingly, feminization mined by embryonic sex steroids. Moreover, lesions of this
of these features was never observed in gay men, and some nucleus in adult male rats or ferrets modifies sexual part-
studies even reported hypermasculinization of these traits. ner preference, an animal model of sexual orientation. If
the same mechanisms control the development of INAH3
Brain structures in humans, the smaller INAH3 of gay men could then be
Several brain structures have also been shown to be a marker of deficient exposure to androgens during on-
different between homosexual and heterosexual subjects, togeny and even be a cause of the modified sexual orien-
and in this case, studies focused almost exclusively on tation. Alternatively, the small INAH3 of gay men could
males. The first of these differences concerns the supra- also be a consequence of their sexual orientation.
chiasmatic nucleus, the central clock of the organism, that
was shown to be significantly larger in gay men than in
heterosexual subjects (42). However, this nucleus is not Clinical Studies
sexually differentiated in a control heterosexual popula-
tion, and its links to reproduction are only indirect. The A potential implication of the embryonic hormonal envi-
significance of this difference and potential relation with ronment in the control of sexual orientation is also sup-
sexual orientation are thus difficult to assess. ported by studies of various clinical disorders that affect
The size of the anterior commissure, measured in the the endocrine system during fetal life. In some cases, these
midsagital plane, was reported to be larger in gay men than early endocrine disruptions lead to a complete sex rever-
in heterosexual control subjects (43). This difference is sal, so that, postnatally, subjects are raised assuming a sex
more interesting for the purpose of the present discussion, (gender) that is opposite to their genetic sex. For example
because the size of this commissure is known to be larger XY subjects with complete androgen insensitivity syn-
in women than in men. However the size of this commis- drome are born with female genitalia and are typically
sure has no obvious relationship to sexual orientation (it raised as girls at least until puberty, when the absence of
could relate to functional lateralization), so the meaning of menstruation leads to medical examination and diagnosis.
the difference between homosexual and heterosexual men These subjects usually have a female gender identity and a
remains difficult to interpret. female-typical sexual orientation (they are sexually at-
Finally, researchers from the laboratory of Roger Gor- tracted to men) (48). These cases demonstrate that sexual
ski (who had identified the SDN-POA of rats) at the Uni- orientation is not necessarily associated with the genetic
versity of California, Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA) dis- sex but tell us little about the role of prenatal hormones vs.
Endocrinology, August 2011, 152(8):2937–2947 endo.endojournals.org 2943

postnatal environment, because both concur to produce a more specifically of heterosexual activity. Although gen-
female-typical orientation. italia are surgically feminized at birth, they still do not
The same confusion is potentially associated with the have an ideal structure in some women and therefore allow
5␣-reductase deficiency affecting XY men who are born little or no penetrative heterosexual relationships. These
with genital structures that are not masculinized and are modified genitalia could also induce a general aversion
often raised as daughters. The rise in plasma testosterone toward sexual activity (see Ref. 26 for a more detailed
associated with puberty later masculinizes (at least in part) discussion of this issue).
the genital structures, and these individuals usually con-
form to a male gender and male-typical sexual orientation. Treatment of pregnant mothers with
It has been argued that the relative ease with which these diethylstilbestrol (DES)
subjects apparently change gender and (presumably) sex- Between 1939 and 1960, about 2 million pregnant
ual orientation at puberty despite having been raised as women were treated with DES in Europe and the United
females was related to their exposure to androgens during States to prevent spontaneous miscarriages. This treat-
embryonic life (testosterone secretion is apparently nor- ment turned out to be ineffective and also to have detri-
mal in these subjects, it is only its 5␣-reduction that is mental long-term consequences, but one of the unexpected
deficient) (49, 50). However, the condition of these sub- outcomes was that girls born from these treated mothers
jects is usually known from birth, so that their sex of rear- showed a significant increase in nonheterosexual (bisex-
ing was not necessarily unequivocally female. Further- ual or homosexual) fantasies or sexual activity, whereas
more the obvious social advantages related to adopting a the socialization of these subjects was fundamentally con-
male gender identity in the societies where this 5␣-reduc- sistent with their genetic female sex (54, 55). The repro-
tase deficiency frequently occurs and was studied raise ducibility of this effect has been questioned, but if the
additional questions about the reasons underlying the effect of DES is real, which will be difficult to confirm
rapid and easy postpubertal change in gender orientation, given that this treatment has been abandoned for a long
identity, and role. time, it would indicate that estrogens as well as androgens
In other clinical conditions, however, the prenatal en- (testosterone) are able to masculinize sexual orientation.
docrine environment may push sexual orientation in a This would fit with rodent data, where many effects of
direction opposite to the effects of postnatal social envi- testosterone on sexual differentiation are produced after
ronment. These cases therefore provide a more useful test conversion into estradiol by aromatase in the brain, but
of the role of either type of factor. Three such clinical would be in conflict with other data from humans that
conditions are important to mention here, because they assign a prominent role to androgens in sexual differen-
are associated with a significantly increased incidence of tiation. Note, however, that in rhesus monkeys, fetal ex-
homosexual orientation. posure to DES was shown to increase adult mounting be-
havior although not to the male-typical level (56).
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Girls exposed in utero to abnormally high levels of an- Cloacal exstrophy
drogens not only show masculinization of genital struc- Complex genito-urinary malformations occasionally
tures and of a variety of behavioral traits (e.g. aggressive occur during embryonic development resulting in the birth
play), but they also display a markedly increased proba- of XY males who, in addition to various malformations of
bility of interest or participation in homosexual relation- the pelvis, have no penis. These subjects have normal testes
ships in comparison with control females or to unaffected and were thus presumably exposed to a male-typical pat-
sisters (51–53). Some studies reported up to 30 – 40% of tern of androgen secretions before birth. Typically, in the
CAH girls having some form of homosexual attraction past, these subjects were assigned a female sex, submitted
compared with 10% or less in control populations. Be- to vaginoplasty, and raised as girls. Follow-up studies have
cause the endocrine defect was corrected soon after birth, demonstrated that in a significant number of cases (about
genital structures were surgically feminized, and these girls half), when adults, these subjects chose to adopt a male
were presumably raised as girls, these data therefore sug- identity, gender role, and male-typical sexual orientation
gest that prenatal androgens are involved in the determi- that presumably relate to their embryonic exposure to an-
nation of sexual orientation in women. This effect of pre- drogens (57, 58).
natal androgens could be mediated through a direct action Altogether, these clinical cases are consistent with the
on the brain as well as through an indirect action on the idea that embryonic hormones play a substantial role in
genitalia that would secondarily induce an overall reduc- determining adult sexual orientation. It should be noted,
tion of sexual activity and interest in sex in general, or however, that these changes in sexual orientation as a re-
2944 Balthazart Minireview Endocrinology, August 2011, 152(8):2937–2947

sult of embryonic endocrine disruption always only con- Although this genetic contribution was identified many
cern a fraction of affected individuals (usually a maximum years ago, the responsible gene(s) remain(s) unknown.
of 30 – 40%), so that at least 60 –70% of subjects in these Sexual orientation in men tends to be transmitted through
conditions retain the heterosexual orientation consistent the matriarchal lineage: a gay man has a higher probability
with their gender assignment at birth. of having gay men among his ancestors on the maternal
side (uncles, cousins), than on the paternal side. This was
originally interpreted as a sign of inheritance through
Genetic and Immunological Factors? gene(s) located on the X chromosome, and one study iden-
tified a linkage with markers located in the subtelomeric
If embryonic hormones affect adult sexual orientation, region of the long arm of the X chromosome, a region
then what is the cause of the endocrine changes that result called Xq28 (67). This association with Xq28 was repli-
in an atypical orientation in some subjects? Based on ret- cated in one subsequent study (68) and in another set of
rospective analysis of men born in Berlin during World data that were not published in a peer-reviewed journal
War II (with all the problems that are potentially associ- (see Ref. 69) but not in a fourth one (70). A meta-analysis
ated with such an approach), it has been suggested that of all these data strongly supports (P ⬍ 0.0001) the
exposure to chronic stress might be a critical determinant existence of this linkage (71). More recent studies have
(59 – 61), but to our knowledge, these data have never suggested that the differential heritage through the ma-
been replicated and are considered unreliable by some triarchal lineage could also be the result of epigenetic
authors. modifications of the expression of genes located on sev-
Individual genetic differences could affect the synthesis eral other chromosomes (71, 72).
of steroid hormones or their activity in the brain of the In summary, the existence of a genetic contribution to
embryo, although to date, no evidence for such a mecha- the control of sexual orientation is now firmly established,
nism has been obtained despite active research (62– 64). but the specific gene(s) that are implicated in this process
Alternatively, studies in mice indicate that genes located have not been identified so far. Whether or not this (these)
on the sex chromosomes contribute in a direct manner to gene(s) affect sexual orientation by modifying steroid se-
the sexual differentiation of brain and behavior (5). Var- cretion or action during ontogeny has also not been
ious arguments suggest a significant genetic contribution determined.
to sexual orientation. Whether this partial genetic control Finally, to complete the picture of biological factors
is mediated by alterations of steroid action or more di- affecting sexual orientation, it should be noted that the
rectly by a sexually differentiated expression of specific factor most reliably associated with homosexuality in
genes has not been determined. males is the presence in the family of older brothers born
Multiple epidemiological studies have demonstrated a of the same mother. The incidence of homosexuality in-
correlation between concordance of sexual orientation creases by 33% for each older brother and is accompanied
and genetic relatedness. For example, if a boy is gay, be- by a small but statistically significant decrease in weight at
birth. These effects do not appear to be explained by dif-
tween 20 and 25% of his brothers will share this sexual
ferences in education or family background and may be
orientation, compared with 4 – 6% in a control popula-
the result of accumulation of antibodies in the mother
tion. Similarly, lesbian women have a greater probability
during successive pregnancies against one or more pro-
than heterosexual women of having a homosexual sister.
teins expressed specifically by the male brain. This inter-
Twins studies indicate that this correspondence in sex-
pretation currently remains an untested hypothesis and
ual orientation probably does not reflect a communality of
the specific antigenic proteins underlying this phenome-
postnatal experiences (psychosocial factors) but rather ge-
non have not been identified. Candidate proteins have,
netic similarity. Several studies indeed demonstrated that
however, been suggested as potential target(s) for this im-
there is a better agreement of sexual orientation in mo-
mune reaction based on their distribution and properties
nozygotic (identical) twins than in dizygotic twins (frater-
(73). Whether this effect involves hormone actions is
nal twins conceived from different ova and sperm) (65). If
a dizygotic gay twin has a brother, there is on average a
15% probability that the brother will also be homosexual,
but this probability rises to 65% in monozygotic twins
(66). Overall, these studies suggest that in social condi-
tions typical of Western societies, 50 – 60% of the variance There is thus substantial evidence suggesting that sexual
in sexual orientation in humans has a genetic origin. orientation, and homosexuality in particular, is influenced
Endocrinology, August 2011, 152(8):2937–2947 endo.endojournals.org 2945

before birth by a set of biological mechanisms. These several of these predisposing factors are combined that an
mechanisms include genes that affect sexual orientation by homosexual orientation is observed.
currently unidentified mechanisms and hormonal actions Or finally, all biological factors that have been as-
classically mediating sexual differentiation. Our current sociated with homosexuality only become effective in
understanding of these prenatal factors admittedly suffers conjunction with exposure to a given (as yet unspeci-
many limitations. For example, all embryonic endocrine fied) psychosocial postnatal environment. The postna-
disorders that have been associated with an increased in- tal environment would in this scenario play an impor-
cidence of homosexuality have a limited effect size and tant permissive role, but it is then surprising that no
never affect more than 30 – 40% of subjects. Furthermore, quantitative study has been able so far to formally iden-
all identified correlates of homosexuality that suggest ex- tify aspects of this environment that play this limiting
posure to an atypical endocrine environment during on- role in the control of sexual orientation. It has, however,
togeny in gays and/or lesbians are only weakly associated been suggested that embryonic hormones may directly
with sexual orientation and often are modified in a reliable affect aspects of juvenile behavior (e.g. play behavior)
manner in one sex only (2D:4D ratio, OAE in women) or and that this in turn could condition the development of
have been studied only in one sex (INAH3 volume in men). sexual orientation (75, 76).
They are statistically correlated with sexual orientation Current knowledge does not allow discriminating be-
but are unable to predict it accurately due to the large tween these interpretations (see Ref. 34 for a more detailed
variance in this relationship. discussion). It is clear, however, that biological factors
The limitations of the results probably relate not only acting during prenatal life play a significant role in the
to the complexity of the behavioral trait under consider- control of sexual orientation and that homosexuality is
not, for most people, the result only of postnatal experi-
ation but also to methodological difficulties specific to
ences or a free choice. It is often an awareness that presents
their study, such as the long latency between putative hor-
itself to the individual during their adolescence or early
mone actions and their effects, the absence for ethical rea-
adult life. The acceptance of a nonheterosexual orien-
sons of truly experimental studies, and the taboos associ-
tation in a minority of subjects is often the cause of
ated with human sexuality. One should also consider that
significant psychological distress and social isolation.
gays and lesbians probably do not constitute homoge-
In contrast, heterosexual orientation emerges with the in-
neous populations. In addition to the obvious gradation
dividual often being unaware of the underlying process.
between heterosexuality and homosexuality that was al-
There is no question of choice here. Data presented in this
ready recognized by Kinsey et al. (1, 74), some lesbians
review strongly suggest that most human beings do not
display obvious male characteristics (“butch”), whereas
choose to be heterosexual or homosexual. What they
others do not (“femme”), and the same dichotomy exists
choose is to assume or not their orientation and eventually
in gay men. These differences are unfortunately rarely
reveal it openly. Sexual orientation represents a highly
taken into account in experimental studies. complex behavioral trait under multifactorial control that
Despite these limitations, I believe that biological stud- includes genetic, hormonal, and presumably immunolog-
ies suggest a significant contribution of genetic and hor- ical determinants potentially acting in concert with the
monal factors in the control of sexual orientation. In con- social postnatal environment. More interdisciplinary re-
trast, alternative explanations based on features of the search is needed to better understand this fascinating as-
postnatal environment, such as relationships with parents, pect of human behavior.
social interactions, or early sexual experiences, although
they are widely accepted in the public, are not usually
supported by quantitative experimental studies. It is clear, Acknowledgments
however, that none of the biological factors identified so
far is able to explain by itself the incidence of homosex- Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Dr.
uality in all individuals. Three possibilities can be contem- Jacques Balthazart, University of Liège, Groupe Interdisci-
plinaire de Génoprotéomique Appliquée Neurosciences,
plated to explain this failure.
Research Group in Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, 1 Ave-
Either there are different types of homosexuality. Some
nue de l’Hôpital (B36), B-4000 Liège, Belgium. E-mail:
forms could be determined by genetic effects, others by
hormones, and yet others by the older brothers effect and This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health
the associated immunological modifications. Grant MH50388 and by the Belgian Fonds de la Recherche Fon-
Or the effects of different biological factors interact to damentale Collective 2.4537.09.
varying degrees in each individual, and it is only when Disclosure Summary: The author has nothing to disclose.
2946 Balthazart Minireview Endocrinology, August 2011, 152(8):2937–2947

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