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History of Life On Earth: Cambrian Period (544-505 Million Years

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Cambrian Explosion – The era began with a

History of Life on Earth

spectacular burdt of new life. This is called
Geologic Time Scale – a record of life forms theCambrian Explosion.
and geological events in Earth’s history.
Cambrian Period (544- 505 million years
Strata – Layers of rocks ago)

Fossils – Remnant, impression, or trace of an - Following the precambrian mass

animal or plant of a past geologic age that has extinction, there was an explosion of new
been preserved in Earth’s crust. kinds of organisms in the Cambrian.

The complex of data recorded in fossils - Many types of primitive animals called
worldwide – known as the fossil record – is sponges evolded.
the primary source of information about the
histoy of life on Earth.

Geologic Time Scale is divided into:

Eon – The largest division of geologic time
scale; half billion - nearly 2 billions of years.

Precambrian – 4.5 million years; about 88% of

the Earth’s history

Era – Divisions that span time periods of tens

to hundreds of millions of years.

Periods – A division of geologic history with

spans of no more than 100 million years.

Paleozoic Era – “ancient or old life”; Many

organisms that have emerged during this time
were invertebrates.
- Small ocean invertebrates (animals without - The first amphibians evolved to colonize
a backbone) called trilobites, were very land, but they had to return to the water to
abundant. reproduce.

Ordovician Period (505-440 million years - Soon after amphibians arose, the first
ago) reptiles evolved. They were the first
animals that could reproduce on land.
- The oceans were filled with invertebrates
of many types Permian Period (290-245 million years ago)

- The first fish evolded. - All the major land masses collided to form
a supercontinent called pangea.
- Plants colonized the land for the first time,
but animals still remained in water. - Temperatures were extreme and the climate
was dry.
Silurian Period (440-410 million years ago)
- Plants and animals evoldedadaptations to
- In the oceans, corals appeared and fish
dryness, such as waxy leaves or leathery
continued to evolve.
skin to prevent water loss.
- On the land, vascular plants appeared. With
- The permian ended with a mass extinction,
special tissues to circulate water and other
materials, they could grow larger than Permian Extinction – The era ended with the
earlier, nonvascular plants. biggest extinction the world had ever seen.
This is known as the Permian extintion.
Devonian Period (410 – 360 million years
ago) Mesozoic Era – “Middle life”; started more
than 280 million years ago. Also called the
- The first seed plants evolved, seeds had a
“Age of reptiles” or “Era of Dinosaurs”
protective coat and stored foods to help
them survive. Seed plants eventually Triassic Period
became the most common type of land
- The first dinosaurs branched off from the
reptiles and colonized the land, air, and
- Fish with lobe fins evolved, They could water.
breathe air when they raised their heads
- Huge seed, ferns, and conifers dominated
above water. Breathing would be necessary
the forests, and modern corals, fishes, and
for animals to eventually colonize the land.
insection evolved.
Carniboniferous Period (360 – 280 million
- The supercontinent Pangea started to
years ago)
separate into Laurasia and Gondwanaland.
- Widespread forest of huge plants left
- The triassic period ended with a massive
massive deposits of carbon that eventually
turned to coal,
Jurrasic Period
- “The golded age of dinosaurs”; earliest
birds evolved from reptile ancestors
- All the major groups of mammals evolded,
through individual mammals were still
small in size.
- Flowering plants appered for the first time,
and new insects also evolved to pollinate
the flowers.
- The continents continued to move apart,
and volcanic activities was especially

Cretaceaous Period
Dinosaurs reached their peak in size and
- By the end of the Cretaceous, the
continents were close to their present
locations, this period ended with the
dramatic extinction of the dinosaurs.
- Earth’s overll climate was warm; even the
poles lacked

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