Handouts in Quarter 1 Music 9
Handouts in Quarter 1 Music 9
Handouts in Quarter 1 Music 9
During this time, the arts highlighted grandiose and elaborate music ANTONIO VIVALDI
ornamentations. These were clearly seen in the musical compositions Italian Baroque composer, Catholic priest and a virtuoso violinist.
created by Baroque composers. Recognized as one of the greatest Baroque composers, his influence
during his lifetime was widespread over Europe.
Vivaldi is known mainly for composing instrumental concertos,
MUSICAL MUSICAL COMPOSERS especially for the violin, as well as sacred choral works and over
PERIOD forty operas. He entered the priesthood and was ordained in 1703.
Medieval ADAM DE LA HALLE Vivaldi is well known for giving the strings a major role in his
Period was one of the oldest secular composers whose literary and musical compositions.
works include chansons and poetic debates. He was a trouvére, His most famous piece is The Four Seasons. This composition is a
poet and musician, whose literary and musical works include series of four violin concerti depicting each of the seasons, Spring,
chansons and jeux- partis (poetic debates) in the style of the Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
trouveres, polyphonic rondel and motets in the style of early
liturgical polyphony. His musical play, Jeu de Robin et Marion‖ was GEORGE FRIEDRICH HANDEL
considered the earliest surviving secular French play with music. Handel is remembered for his operas and oratorios. Handel became
England’s favorite composer. He had given English audiences
Renaissance GIOVANNI PIERLUIGI DA PALESTRINA music that in variety and interest rivalled anything they could
Period said to be the greatest master of Roman Catholic Church music remember.
during the Renaissance period. Majority of his compositions are Handel lost both of his eyesight in 1753. When he conducted his
sacred music. oratorio, ―Samson,” a few in the audience were unaware that he
Palestrina’s Pope Marcellus Mass is held up as the perfect example had lost his eyesight. The Messiah is Handel’s most famous
of counter - reformation style. Kyrie is part of the first two sections creation and the very well known ―Hallelujah‖ chorus is part of
of the Pope Marcellus Mass. Handel’s Messiah.
His first book Masses became popular and was greatly appreciated MEDIEVAL PERIOD – TWO TYPES OF MUSIC
1.) Sacred or Religious Music > Primarily contrapuntal textures with some homophony
> The Sacred or religious music and the secular or non-religious music. Sacred > Dynamic contrast – alternation between loud and soft
music was written specifically for use in religious services while the secular music was > Music genres—operas, oratorios, suites, tocatas, concertó grosso, fugue
composed for purposes other than religious. > Orchestra consists of strings and continuo
> Gregorian Chant - is a form of monophonic religious music in Western Christianity > New forms: binary – AB, ternary – ABC
that accompanied the celebration of mass and other ritual services. > ground bass
> The earliest notation used symbol called neumes to indicate tone-movements and > fugue
relative duration within each syllable but not specific pitches of individual notes. By the 13th
century the neumes of Gregorian chant were usually written in square notation on a four-line BAROQUE
staff with a clef.
>Gregorian chant is written in Latin and was normally sung in unison without
instruments (acapella) so its texture is monophonic. There isn’t a beat or regular metric
1. MASS – is a form of sacred musical composition that sets texts of the Eucharistic liturgy
into music.
2. MADRIGAL – A secular vocal polyphonic music composition which originated from Italy. It
was written and expressed in a poetic text and sung during courtly Social gatherings. It is the
most important secular form during the Renaissance Period.