Is Overpopulation A Problem? A Short Reflection Paper
Is Overpopulation A Problem? A Short Reflection Paper
Is Overpopulation A Problem? A Short Reflection Paper
The fifth module discussed population dynamics – why and how populations
multiply and diminish. This module on population dynamics evoked memories of
similar lessons I took from my former school. In this particular module, I learned
more of the various demographic processes affecting and different factors limiting
population growth. I attributed this lesson to the common issues on population that
the country is facing.
One such matter that population affects is poverty. Population growth is linked
to higher poverty incidences. The more members there are in the family, the harder it
will be for the breadwinners to give them a good life, let alone sustain their individual
needs. In addition to that, people living in poverty are those who have bigger families
due to lack of knowledge on family planning. According to a report by the Asian
Development Bank (ADB), the poor have larger families, with six or more members.
Since people living in poverty have bigger families, it is harder for the heads of the
families to support their schooling. Education is a huge factor for job opportunities
that could potentially lift them up from poverty. The ADB (2009) also stated that
poverty levels are strongly linked to educational attainment.
Poverty and climate change are large-scale problems. Different nations have
been finding a solution to this for decades. These continue to persist up until now,
further aggravated by increased population growth. Coincidentally, the poor are
those more vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Overpopulation continues
adding fuel to fire for a lot of problems. Hopefully, we can help through individual
influencing but I believe that collectively we can make that change we want to see in
the world.