Inflation and Interest Rate On Infra
Inflation and Interest Rate On Infra
Inflation and Interest Rate On Infra
Global Listed Infrastructure | May 2021 For Professional / Institutional Investors only
Vaccine rollouts and government stimulus have led to expectations of higher economic growth,
inflation and interest rates. This has put pressure on listed infrastructure returns with the asset
class significantly underperforming global equities over the past 12 months. But with over 70%
of the investible universe able to pass through the cost of inflation to consumers, are these fears
overblown? Global Listed Infrastructure Portfolio Manager Trent Koch explains why inflation can
be positive for many infrastructure assets and how market uncertainty has created a compelling
investment case for the asset class.
Why are investors concerned about higher Transurban is a good example of a stock with this pricing power.
The company owns 21 toll roads in Australia and North America,
inflation today? most of which have the ability to increase tolls by inflation or
The COVID-19 pandemic caused the deepest global economic better.
recession in nearly a century. Global growth slowed,
unemployment increased and the transportation of people and Toll increases compared to CPI components Australia
goods were severely disrupted. In response, central banks and
governments are now seeking to aggressively stimulate their 10
economies. The likely results of this stimulus are increased global
growth and higher inflation. 9
It’s important to note that not all inflation is bad. Governments
around the world often target a 2-3% inflation range and most 8
countries have been trending well below that ‘ideal’ target band.
Inflation is concerning when it is sustained and aggressive, 7
because this can lead to economies becoming overheated. When
economies overheat, central banks often raise interest rates in 6
order to contain inflation.
Should rising interest rates worry investors
in infrastructure?
First Sentier Investors I Global Listed Infrastructure
Real growth Degree of inflation protection by sector
Where rising interest rates reflect accelerating real economic
growth, listed infrastructure tends to lag as investors shift from 100%
defensive to growth equities. Evidence of this is illustrated in the
following chart.
Performance in Rising/Falling Bond markets
1.2% 20%
Monthly average change
Oil Pipelines
Freight Rail
Gas Pipelines
Passenger Rail
Toll roads -
Toll roads -
0.3% 0.2%
Source: First Sentier Investors
0.0% Data as at 31 March 2021
What impact could higher inflation have on
First Sentier Investors I Global Listed Infrastructure
How does your portfolio change depending How has listed infrastructure performed
on inflation expectations? relative to inflation over time?
Part of our job as active managers is to take interest rate Global listed infrastructure has proved capable of delivering
expectations into account when positioning portfolios. We are returns well in excess of inflation. For the 15 years to March 2021,
able to shelter portfolios from the impact of rising rates by tilting listed infrastructure has delivered total returns of 8.5% pa,
away from “income” infrastructure sectors such as utilities; and equivalent to CPI plus 6.6%.
increasing holdings in “growth” infrastructure sectors such as
roads and railways. Listed Infrastructure Performance
While macroeconomic conditions play a part, the impact of
inflation also depends on particular companies and their assets. 500
As bottom-up investors, we look at the dynamics of the asset and
the sector, including barriers to entry, pricing power and structural 400
growth opportunities.
What are your thoughts on leverage for
infrastructure companies today? 200
It’s important that infrastructure companies maintain appropriate
debt structures so that when inflation does increase, they have
the ability to increase prices and see that flow through to the 0%
bottom line. It’s one thing to be able to pass on the costs of
inflation to the end customer, but if debt costs are rising by as -2%
much or more, the asset will be in a weak financial position.
Less than 1 - 2% 2 - 3% 3 - 4% Greater than
1% 4%
Infrastructure FTSE Global Core Infra 50/50 Net TR Index (USD) from Dec-05, prev Macquarie
Equities MSCI Daily TR Gross World USD
CPI US CPI Urban Consumers SA
Source: Bloomberg and First Sentier Investors
Quarterly time series from 2006-2021
As at 30 April 2021
First Sentier Investors I Global Listed Infrastructure
Why is listed infrastructure a strong Conclusion
potential opportunity now? Investing in a portfolio of global listed infrastructure assets
2020 was clearly an unprecedented period in many ways, and it provides investors with exposure to assets including toll roads,
was a challenging year for global listed infrastructure. For just the airports, railroads, utilities, pipelines and mobile towers. These
second time in the last 15 years, listed infrastructure sectors share common characteristics like high barriers to entry
underperformed both global equities and bonds (global equities and pricing power. We estimate over 70% of the assets we invest
+15%, bonds +9%, listed infrastructure -4%). We now feel that in have the ability to pass through inflation to the end customer.
concerns around potential increases in interest rates have already Investor concerns around rising inflation and higher interest rates
been priced in. have been largely priced in providing investors with a compelling
case to invest in an asset class that we expect to provide inflation
We think our investment universe of utilities, toll roads, airports, protected income and strong capital growth for many years to
railroads and towers are well positioned today on a relative value come.
basis. And whilst we have maintained a cautious view of the
airports sector, we believe toll roads and railroads are well
positioned for a strong COVID-19 recovery as global economies
Utilities 50% North American utilities – Regulated return on investment methodology with allowed
returns moving with interest rates which implicitly incorporate inflation. Utilities file for a
rate case requesting costs such as inflation be passed through to the end customer.
Allowed ROEs have been in the 8-10% range historically despite falling interest rates.
European utilities – As a general rule regulation provides protection against inflation.
Key difference is if Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is determined in real
(adjusted for inflation) or nominal terms (fixed returns).
UK / Australia utilities – WACC is set in real terms with Regulated Asset Base (RAB),
Capital Expenditure (Capex) and Operating Expenditure (Opex) estimated and approved
by a regulator in real terms using inflation forecasts. Returns are then adjusted each year
for actual inflation.
Transport 30% Toll roads – Concession agreements for a defined period which specifies how inflation
will be treated. Agreements are often 30 years plus with explicit links to inflation.
Airports – Depends on the regulatory model of the airport. The majority of airports are
dual-till where aeronautical revenues are regulated with explicit links to inflation. Non-
aeronautical revenues are typically commercial agreements so depends on the contract.
Railroads – Freight rail rates are largely unregulated but strong pricing power allows
them to pass through many uncontrollable costs. Passenger rail revenue depends on
contract in place.
Communications 10% Mobile towers – US tower operators have contracted price escalators of ~3% per
annum. Contracts are typically 5-15 years in length. European tower operators have
contracts that are mostly linked to inflation.
These allocations are indicative only and may vary over time.
First Sentier Investors I Global Listed Infrastructure
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First Sentier Investors I Global Listed Infrastructure