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Secondary Arts 8 q1 Module1

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• Analyze elements and principles of art in the production of arts and

crafts inspired by the cultures of Southeast Asia; and
• Appreciate the artifacts and art objects in terms of their utilization
and their distinct use of art elements and principles.
A. Introduction:

In this lesson, you will learn about the elements and principles of arts and crafts inspired by the
cultures of Southeast Asia and let you discover its contribution to the history of the world of arts. It was
developed to help you appreciate the artifacts and art objects in terms of their utilization and their distinct
use of art elements and principles.
B. Discussions
Batik is an Indonesian-Malay word, believed to be related to the Malay word titik, which means
“point”, “dot”, or “drop”. The “drop” action refers to the process of dyeing the fabric by making use of
resist technique: covering areas of cloth with a dye-
resistant substance (usually hot wax) to prevent them from
absorbing colors.
There are two categories of batik designs:
1. Geometric design
2. Free form design
The tradition of batik making, specifically made in
Figure 1-https://www.silverkris.com/history-indonesian-batik/
the island of Java, is best known in Indonesia. With diverse
patterns influenced by many cultures, Indonesian batik has a long history of acculturation. When it comes to
pattern, technique, and the quality of workmanship, Indonesian batik is the most developed one.
Batik pattern in Java can be divided into three main elements:
1. klowongan or the main decorative motif
2. isen-isen
3. decorative motif as filler
Indonesian batik patterns are usually symbolic. Infants are carried in batik slings decorated with symbols
designed to bring the child luck, and certain batik designs are reserved for brides and bridegrooms, as well as
their families.
The most common motifs of Malaysian batik are
leaves and flowers. Designs that show animals are rare
because Islam norms forbid animal images as decoration,
except the butterfly theme.
The Malaysian batik also is known for its geometrical
designs like spirals. The patterns are larger and simpler. To
Figure 2-https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q

be able to put more vibrant colors, more brush painting is applied. The colors tend to be lighter and more
vibrant than deep colored Javanese batik.
In Malaysia, the states of Kelantan and Terengganu are considered the cradle where batik first
flourished, reaching even Singapore’s shores. There are two main types of batik that are produced there:
1. Hand painted – the artist uses the canting, a small copper container with one or more different-sized
2. Block printed – is done by welding together strips of metal to form a metal block. The metal block
is then dipped into molten wax and pressed against the fabric to make a pattern.
Thai silk is produced from the cocoons of Thai
silkworms. It is mainly produced in Khorat which is the center of
the silk industry in Thailand. Thai weavers from this region raise
the caterpillars on a steady diet of mulberry leaves. Today, it is
considered to be one of the finest arts in the world, a product of
a unique manufacturing process and bearing unique patterns and Figure 3-https://www.diethelmtravel.com/wpcontent

Silk weaving in Cambodia dates to as early as the first century since textiles were used for trading.
Modern textiles have traces of motifs imitating clothing details on ancient stone sculptures.
There are two main types of Cambodian weaving:
1. Ikat technique (Khmer term: chongkiet) – to create
patterns, weavers tie and dye portions of weft yarn before
weaving begins.

Figure 4- https://www.indonesia-travel.com/cdn/wordpress

2. Uneven twill – it yields single or two-color fabrics,

which are produced by weaving three threads so that the
color of one thread dominates on one side of the fabric,
while the two others determine the color on the reverse

Figure 5-https://i.pinimg.com/originals/58/ea/14/

Cotton textiles have also played a significant role in Cambodian culture.
Krama, the traditional check scarves worn almost universally by Cambodians,
is made of cotton.

According to Lao tradition, stories were weaved in the intricate dense
patterns and motifs of textiles. Most diverse of these stories are the ones woven
into a Sihn – the Lao women’s ankle-long skirt patterns are unique to each skirt.

Figure 6-http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files
Golden thread silks were born in Vietnam. Many of
our Vietnamese fabrics originated from Ha Dong, the center
of weaving and sericulture (silkworm production), old
jacquard looms are still used. Some popular Vietnamese
fabric ranges are:
1. Shantung taffeta – is slightly thinner and less
Figure 7-http://www.naergilien.info/wp-content/uploads/
irregular. Often used for bridal gowns.
2. Bengaline weave – is a great looking, thick grained
taffeta. It is durable plain weave fabric that is characterized by widthwise cords formed by using fine
warp yarns and course weft yarns.
3. Ebony satin – all-natural lustrous silk hand-woven in southern Vietnam and naturally dyed using
ebony fruit pods. It was revitalized by the designer Vo Viet Chung.
Brunei’s traditional textile is also called batik but it is uniquely different from Indonesia, Malaysia, and
Singapore. Its designs have their national flower simpur, sumboi-sumboi (pitcher plant) and Brunei’s
traditional design of air mule. These are the techniques used in Brunei’s batik: airbrushing, cracking, bubble,
rainbow, sprinkle, geometry, and marble. These can be applied on fabrics such as cotton, chiffon, linen, and
Batik can be done in four ways:
1. Hand-drawn 3. Using metal block
2. Screen printing 4. Digital printing

Figure 8-https://www.google.com/search?q=brunei+hand
3 +drawn+batik
C. Readings
Elements and Principles of Arts and Crafts in Southeast Asia
Elements of art are stylistic features that are included within an art piece to help the artist
communicate. The seven most common elements include line, shape, texture, form, space, color and value,
with the additions of mark making and materiality.
The art of Indochina and the East Indies called Southeast Asian Art includes: Thailand, Cambodia,
Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia and Vietnam. The Philippines is sometimes included as being on the
far reaches of Eastern Southeast Asia.
The cultures of Southeast Asia are marked and influenced by several outside factors.
On the one hand they are historically overshadowed by the great empires of nearby India and China,
and on the other, they have been colonized and suppressed by a variety of different nations, all of different
cultures and languages. This gives Southeast Asia, on one hand, a background of shared influences, and on
another, entirely differing influences.
How are the elements of arts used in Southeast Asian countries?
In Thailand, scriptures of the Buddha have smooth oval faces expressing the spiritual nature of the
Buddha. They based the look of the Buddha on Pali texts that directed that he has “skin so smooth that dust
cannot stick to it”, “legs like a deer”, hands like lotuses about to bloom”, “head like an egg”, and many other
The Vietnam Dong Son drums cast in bronze with details of geometric patterns and narratives of the
lives and conquests of the culture.
Contemporary Indochina and the East Indies colorful and detailed designs in batik (a dye painted
fabric). They have the geometric design of Indonesian fabric and the floral design of Singapore.

D. Examples

Different fabric design of Southeast Asia Traditional Costume in Laos (Sihn)

Figure 9-https://quizizz.com/media/resource/gs/quizizz- Figur 10-https://www.vietvisiontravel.com/wp-

media/quizzes/ content/uploads/2018/05/The-Traditional-Costume-of-Laos

Thai silk Vietnamese Golden thread silk

Figure 11-https://upload.wikimedia.org/Wikipedia Figure 12- https://www.slideshare.net/iamcarloluna/mapeh-

/commons/thumb/e/e0/Thai_Silk_Sample_1_ 8-arts-1st-quarter-fabric-and-fabric-design

Activity 1. Compare and Contrast
Directions: Using the Venn diagram, compare and contrast the two pictures in terms of the
elements of art.
Indonesian Batik Malaysian Batik

Activity 2. Where do I belong
Directions: Identify the Southeast Asian country which incorporates its fabric design.

Characteristics Southeast Asian Country

1. Geometric design

2. Bengaline Weave

3. Ikat Technique

4. Thai silk

5. Uneven twill

6. Isen-isen

7. Sihn

8. Shantung taffeta

9. Design of sumboi-sumboi

10. Block printed

Activity 2. Where do I belong
Directions: Identify the Southeast Asian country which incorporates its fabric design.
Characteristics Southeast Asian Country
1. Geometric design Indonesia
2. Bengaline Weave Vietnam
3. Ikat Technique Cambodia
4. Thai silk Thailand
5. Uneven twill Cambodia
6. Isen-isen Indonesia
7. Sihn Laos
8. Shantung taffeta Vietnam
9. Design of sumboi-sumboi Brunei
10. Block printed Malaysia
Activity 1
Answer may vary. Use the following rubrics in giving rating.
CATEGORY 5 4 3 2
Following Student Student followed Student followed The student did not
Directions followed all the most of the some of the follow instructions.
directions directions. directions.
Content You have a You have the You have some You have the
wide knowledge on the knowledge on the basic knowledge
understanding artworks, artworks, on the artworks,
and knowledge elements and elements and elements and
on the artworks, principles of arts principles of arts principles of arts
elements and of Southeast Asia of Southeast Asia. of Southeast Asia.
principles of arts well.
of Southeast
TOTAL Asia well.
Key to Corrections

A. Directions: Write the letter of your choice on the space provided before each number.

____ 1. It is also called the main decorative motif of batik in Java, Indonesia.
A. ambatik B. klowongan C. kulit D. putri
____ 2. Where can we usually find Malaysian Batik?
A. Bali B. Java C. Johor D. Pahang
____ 3. The most common motifs of batik found in this country are leaves and flowers.
A. Brunei B. Cambodia C. Indonesia D. Malaysia
____ 4. Below are the different techniques used in Brunei’s batik. Which of these does not belong to the
A. airbrushing B. bubble C. cracking D. digital print
____ 5. What are the two main types of Cambodian weaving?
A. Ikat technique and Uneven twill C. Mat weaving and Silk weaving
B. Geometric and Free form D. Shantung taffeta and Bengaline weave
____ 6. It is an all-natural lustrous silk hand-woven in southern Vietnam and naturally dyed using ebony
fruit pods.
A. Batik B. Ebony satin C. Hand painted D. Uneven twill
____7. What is the Vietnamese fabric that is often used for bridal gowns?
A. Bengaline Weave B. Krama C. Satin D. Shantung taffeta
____8. It is an ankle-long skirt of Laos.
A. Chongkiet B. Isen-isen C. Saya D. Sihn
____ 9. What is the technique in batik making wherein weavers tie and dye portions of weft yarn before
weaving begins?
A. Block Printed B. Hand Painted C. Ikat technique D. Tie and Dye
____ 10. What is the Indonesian-Malay word, believed to be related to the Malay word titik, which means
point, dot or drop?
A. Batik B.Khorat C. Klowongan D. Simpur

B. Directions: Analyze the elements and principles of art in the artwork provided below by answering the

questions that follow.

Describe the elements and principle of art present in the fabric design below.

1. Color: _____________________________________________________________
3. Line:_______________________________________________________________
4. Proportion: _________________________________________________________
5. Balance: ___________________________________________________________

C. Directions: Create a textile design using the listed materials below and follow the given
procedures. Rubrics will be used in rating this activity.

Materials: Paper cut outs of flower, butterfly, or any design, used colored shirt, fabric bleach,
atomizer/sprayer, and scotch tape

1. Mix 4 teaspoons of bleach and 1 cup water
2. Put the mixture inside the sprayer
3. Spread the colored shirt on the floor (be sure you have old newspapers on the floor serves as mat to
your painting)
4. Secure the bottom of the shirt with tape
5. Lay down the cutout designs on top of the shirt, secure it with tape and spray bleach mixture around
the edge of the cutout
6. Spray it again then let it dry.

1. Cut your design out of 2. Spray the stencil with 3.Peel the stencil off the 4. Finish product
your solution (bleach and shirt
the paper.

CATEGORY 5 4 3 2
Following Student Student followed Student followed The student did not
Directions followed all the most of the some of the follow instructions.
directions directions. directions.
Creativity and Student output is Student output is Student output is Student output is
Workmanship very creative good and tidy. fair and has few dull with lots of
and tidy. errors. errors
Pattern Pattern of Pattern of Pattern of There is no visible
Southeast Asian Southeast Asian Southeast Asian pattern of
culture is well- culture is visible culture is Southeast Asian
defined and used but not clearly somewhat visible culture.
from beginning defined. but not
to end. continuous.

Descriptive Rating TOTAL SCORE

Excellent 10 points 13-15
Very Good 8 points 10-12
Good 6 points 7-9
Poor 4 points 6




1. B
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. C
10. A
B. Answer may vary
C. Use the rubrics in rating this activity.
CATEGORY 5 4 3 2
Following Student Student followed Student followed The student did not
Directions followed all the most of the some of the follow instructions.
directions directions. directions.
Creativity and Student output is Student output is Student output is Student output is
Workmanship very creative good and tidy. fair and has few dull with lots of
and tidy. errors. errors
Pattern Pattern of Pattern of Pattern of There is no visible
Southeast Asian Southeast Asian Southeast Asian pattern of
culture is well- culture is visible culture is Southeast Asian
defined and used but not clearly somewhat visible culture.
from beginning defined. but not
to end. continuous.

Descriptive Rating TOTAL SCORE

Excellent 10 points 13-15
Very Good 8 points 10-12
Good 6 points 7-9
Poor 4 points 6


Belinda R. Anido et.al.2013. Music and Arts of Asia21-E Boni Serrano Ave.,Q.C: Book Media Press, Inc.
2013. First Edition Music and Arts of Asia Learner’s Module for Grade 8
First Quarter 1 ART Title: Southeast Asia

Online and Other Sources

“Vietnamese Art” from New World Encyclopaedia
“The Arts” from Encyclopaedia Britannica
“History of Singaporean Art” https://singart.com/history-of-singaporean-art/
“Cambodian Art” from Wikipedia
“Thai Art” from Wikipedia
“Indonesian Art” http://factsanddetails.com/indonesia/Arts_Culture_Media_Sports/sub6_4b/entry-
“Culture of Malaysia” from Wikipedia


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