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B. Arch. EXAMINATION, May 2018: No. of Printed Pages: 03 Roll No. ......................

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No. of Printed Pages : 03 Roll No. .......................

B. Arch. EXAMINATION, May 2018
(Eighth Semester)

(Old Scheme) (Re-appear Only)


Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 50

Before answering the question-paper candidates

should ensure that they have been supplied to correct
and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this
regard, will be entertained after the examination.

Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting at

least one question from each Unit. All
questions carry equal marks.

(2-37/3) M-2062 P.T.O.

Unit I 6. Explain the method(s) of communicating
graphic techniques available for representing
1. Explain the neighbourhood-unit principles.
What are the challenges and opportunities in urban design ideas, proposals, projects or
development sites ? analysis.

2. How is urban design different from urban Unit IV

planning and architecture ? Explain with some
examples. What are the considerations of urban 7. Explain the role and limitation of urban design
design ? in shaping cities and their precincts in a
globalizing world.
Unit II
8. Explain the physical and non-physical
3. Explain the major Urban Planning features of determinants of city from patterns. Describe
medieval cities and Renaissance cities.
the anatomy of Districts (zones) of a city.
4. Define the various shapes that are found in
the cities. Also discuss the urban spaces and
open spaces in a city.

Unit III

5. Surveys of public perceptions and the meanings

attached to places affect the image of the city,
explain various surveys and data collection in
preparation of a urban design plan of a city.

M-2062 2 (2-37/4) M-2062 3 80

No. of Printed Pages : 03 Roll No. .......................

B. Arch. EXAMINATION, May 2017
(Eighth Semester)

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Before answering the question-paper candidates

should ensure that they have been supplied to correct
and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this
regard, will be entertained after the examination.

Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting at

least one question from each Unit. All
questions carry equal marks.

Unit I
1. Explain the principles of Urban Design used
at Metropolis level in the context of Town
(2-41/20) M-G-4003 P.T.O.
2. There are five basic elements which people Unit IV
use to construct their mental image of a city.
7. Write short notes on the following with
Describe this statement with sketches.
examples :

Unit II (a) Monocentric and Polycentric cities

(b) Topography and Natural setting
3. Discuss the Urban Design concepts and forms
(c) Nodes and Landmarks
applied in Ancient Rome and Medieval Towns.
(d) Urban forms and Density
4. Define the various shapes that are found in (e) The square and the street.
the cities. Also discuss the Urban Spaces and
8. Explain the physical determinants of city form.
open spaces in a city.
Explain the Institutional setup in India
regarding housing and physical planning.
Unit III

5. Describe the evolution of modern urban

planning in India. Explain the urban planning
idea of the Gandhi Nagar and Chandigarh City.

6. Discuss the street furniture and hardware of

the city as per visual survey of urban details.
Does the road itself and its furniture mark the
landscape or add beat to it ? Elaborate.

M-4003 2 (2-41/21) M-4003 3 380

No. of Printed Pages : 03 Roll No. .......................

B. Arch. EXAMINATION, May 2018
(Eighth Semester)
(B. Scheme) (Main & Re-appear)

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Before answering the question-paper candidates

should ensure that they have been supplied to correct
and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this
regard, will be entertained after the examination.

Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting one

question from each Unit. All questions carry
equal marks.

(3-41/13)M-G-4003 P.T.O.
Unit I 6. How intra city and intercity circulation pattern
define the urban design of a city ? Explain
1. What is Urban Design ? Compare between
with suitable example.
Architecture, Urban Design and Urban
Planning. Unit IV

2. What are the basic objectives of Urban 7. What are the different categories of Built Form
Design ? What are the basic requirements of and Urban Form in Urban Design ? Describe
Urban Design ? them.

Unit II 8. What are the various Urban Design Tools ?

What are their applications in existing and
3. What are the different phases of the Urban
new development ?
Design process ? Describe them in brief.

4. Urban open spaces are one the important

element of urban design. Explain it.

Unit III

5. What are the different parameter or elements

of a visual survey in Urban Design, related to
the characteristics of a city or its parts ?
Describe them in detail.

M-G-4003 2 (3-41/14)M-G-4003 3 490

No. of Printed Pages : 03 Roll No. .......................

B. Arch. EXAMINATION, May 2019

(Eighth Semester)

(B. Scheme) (Main & Re-appear)




Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Before answering the question-paper candidates

should ensure that they have been supplied to correct
and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this
regard, will be entertained after the examination.

Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting at

least one question from each Unit. All
questions carry equal marks.

(2-15/19) M-G4003 P.T.O.

Unit I Unit IV

1. Describe with illustration, the five elements 7. List down and explain the physical and non-
used to construct the image of an urban area. physical determinants which define city form
2. What is Urban Design ? What is the pattern.
requirement and benefits of a quality Urban
8. What are the various urban design tools ?
Design ?
What are their applications in existing and
Unit II new development ?

3. Urban open spaces are one of the important

element of urban design. Explain it.

4. Urbanization is a very long process. Explain

the process with its various stages of pre-
industrial city and industrial city.

Unit III

5. What do you understand by Visual Survey ?

What is its importance in urban design ?
Explain with suitable example.

6. How intracity and intercity circulation pattern

define the urban design of a city ? Explain
with suitable example.

M-G4003 2 (2-15/20) M-G4003 3 380

No. of Printed Pages : 02 Roll No. .......................

B. Arch. EXAMINATION, 2020
(Eighth Semester)
(B Scheme)
(Main & Re-appear)
Urban Design–VIII

Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Before answering the question-paper candidates should ensure that they have been supplied to
correct and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this regard, will be entertained after
the examination.

Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each Unit. All
questions carry equal marks.

Unit I

1. Do you agree with the statement that Urban Design is the interface between
architecture, landscape and town planning ? Support your answer with an example. 15

2. Explain Four basic phases of urban design process. 15

Unit II

3. Urban Design builds on history and community identity. Discuss this statement in
relation to Ancient and Medieval Towns. 15

4. Explain Frank Llyod Wright's Broadacre City concept as one of the Urban Utopia. 15

(1-06/74) M-G4003 P.T.O.

Unit III

5. What are the visible signs of change in cities ? Explain these changes in terms of
physical and non-physical determinants of Urban form. 15

6. Explain the urban planning process of the Chandigarh City in terms of building
masses, connections with people and places, creation of spaces for movements,
urban amenities and public realm, and the process for improving the overall townscape.

Unit IV

7. How can urban designers create new economic value by supporting and encouraging
culture and the arts ? 15

8. Explain the following concepts (any two) : 7½×2=15

(a) Key components of a city
(b) Polycentric cities
(c) Form and Edge.

(1-06/75) M-G4003 2 20
No. of Printed Pages : 03 Roll No. .......................

B. Arch. EXAMINATION, May 2017
(Eighth Semester)

(Old Scheme) (Re-appear Only)




Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 50

Before answering the question-paper candidates

should ensure that they have been supplied to correct
and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this
regard, will be entertained after the examination.

Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting at

least one question from each Unit. All
questions carry equal marks.

(2-38) M-2062 P.T.O.

Unit I 6. Describe the city image and its elements of
urban design.
1. Explain the urban design principles. What are
the challenges and opportunities in development
Unit IV
sites ?
7. If you were asked to formulate the urban design
2. How is urban design different from town
planning and architecture ? Explain with some guidelines for your neighbourhood. What
examples. surveys, techniques, methods etc. would you
employ ?
Unit II
8. What are Urban Design Tools ? How to use
3. Discuss the role and effects of the Garden
the urban design Toolkit ?
City Principles by Ebenezer Howard on the
design of modern Indian cities in 19th and
20th century.

4. Urban design as aesthetics of urban

environment, explain this statement. Explain
social values of urban open spaces.

Unit III

5. What are the modern urban planning initiatives

in India ? Explain the role of Le Corbusier in
urban planning in India.

M-2062 2 (2-38) M-2062 3 70

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