Post Lockdown Workplace Preparation Plan R1
Post Lockdown Workplace Preparation Plan R1
Post Lockdown Workplace Preparation Plan R1
Post Lockdown
Workplace Protection Strategy
This document is intended to consolidate practical guidance that is available at the time of writing
on how to manage business continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose is to guide on
best practices for reducing the spread of coronavirus in Colliers project sites and workplaces.
The Colliers International team in India is encouraged to implement appropriate measures at their
office locations and project sites to addresses risks to both workers and the public. This guidance
is correct at the time of publication and will be restructured with the future announcements from
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare department, Govt of India.
This document specifies requirements to implement, maintain and improve the ability to protect
against, prepare for, respond to and recover from COVID-19 related disruptions.
This document covers Risk Identification and Defence against COVID-19 by planning mitigation
and ensuring preparatory actions essential for the fight against nCOV-19 virus.
The document provides measures to ensure safety and well-being of our employees, our workforce
and maintain Business continuity.
Minimising the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19.
Risk of Exposure to workers in the Construction Industry.
Managing the risks of exposure to COVID-19.
• Preamble
• Pre-Start Protocol & Logistic Planning
• Physical distancing
• Work Protocol
• Hygiene and Cleanliness
• Vendors and materials arriving at the workplace
• Consultation and communicating with workers
• Health checks and Quarantine
Monitor Review and Update Control Measures
Additional Actions to be undertaken
• Post Lockdown Workplace Preparation Checklist
• Self-Declaration
Risk of exposure is high at construction sites in India due to large gathering of workforce. Hence,
the identification of risk and swift and decisive action for its elimination / minimisation is of
paramount importance.
Control measures must be implemented to minimise the spread of the COVID-19 the Corona virus
and ensure that other measures to address well known work health and safety risks continue to be
implemented through Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS).
Physical distancing
Keeping physical distance of at least 2 metres between everyone on construction sites will be
challenging at times but is a key measure to minimise the spread of COVID-19.
Stagger mealtimes to limit the number of workers assembling in one area; demarcate separate
areas within site for workers to have meals without going outside.
Maintaining the physical distancing during usage of bathroom and
toilet with maintaining the physical distancing.
Supply of packed food from reliable source to be considered to prevent
any worker go out to shops for lunch.
Workers should not share their belongings like food, water, utensils,
mobile phones etc with each other.
Conduct virtual meetings as much as possible. If this cannot be avoided, conduct such
meetings in wide open spaces to enable workers to maintain the required physical distance of
at least 2 metres.
Discourage Paperwork, pursue all approvals including Bill of Entry / delivery through Email /
Limit the number of workers in the hoist/lift at any one time. Promote the use of stairs but be
aware of any indirect risks that may arise from this and cause injuries.
Postpone non-essential meeting / training that can potentially gather more than 7-8 people in
one location.
Place signage about physical distancing and hygiene around the work site where you can.
Nominate marshal / safety officers / responsible persons to ensure workers are following the rules
for physical distancing and hygiene. Encourage Contractor’s team to identify to search marshal /
The guideline on social distancing is provided by Ministry of Health Department of India aimed at
educating the public about COVID-19.
Work Protocol:
Out of abundant precaution, re-mobilisation of manpower at all sites to be done in a gradual
manner. This allows proper screening on medical fitness and sanitisation infrastructure to be
fully streamlined and operational
Sites should be made monsoon ready first. Critical works to offset the monsoon period and
make the site safe should be prioritised, especially for sites which are still below ground.
Projects at Structure stage: Evaluate available labour and critical activities to start with as
preliminary assumption will be that initial strength will be 30% of requirement.
Projects where structure is completed: Evaluate workforce availability and spread works so
that social distancing norms are strictly met.
Implement rostering of workforce, as in above section
Practice Hygiene and Cleanliness as in subsequent sections
Transportation to and from workplace is key. Please ensure carriage of proper identification
and passes as required by Government agencies during travel.
Washroom facilities on construction sites: should have adequate supplies for good hygiene,
such as adequate supply of soap, water and toilet paper. Washroom facilities must be kept clean,
dry, properly stocked and in good working order.
Dedicated person to be deployed full time to monitor and adhere to above points along with
ensuring the social distancing.
Infirmary: consider installation of an infirmary / first aid room in the form of a portacabin at site;
Basic support medical equipment to be also present.
Environmental Cleaning
Signage : The Ministry of Health and Welfare Department has a range of posters and other
resources aimed at educating the public about COVID-19. Ensure appropriate signage spelling
out safety practices in local language / Hindi.
Hospital / Clinics authorised to treat Covid-19 patients should be identified and list should be
displayed at site all the time.
Provide clarity to staff on leave arrangements for those that cannot work to encourage self-
reporting and minimise the spread of risk.
Encourage workers to put forward practical ideas at toolbox meetings for changing work
practices to avoid the spread of coronavirus.
Select employees to be provided Apron or Jacket like Hazmat Suit depending on their role.
Understand business vis-a-vis its hazards and risks. Due to the nature of the trade, it will be a
challenge to enforce ideal working conditions as well as social distancing. However, we need to
minimise the risks by implementation of this plan. Advocate to your clients and stakeholders to
enforce a ‘Zero Tolerance Policy’.
Ensure the premises are properly resourced to manage risks during the COVID-19 outbreak, and
check that the available resources are being used effectively.
Review, update policies, procedures and reporting process to ensure they are up to date for any
incidents, hazards and other issues that arise during this time.
As the lockdown is released in a graded manner, migrant labour shall be returning from various
locations. Effective screening should be strictly implemented of all labour / workers entering the
labour camp. Quarantine of these incoming labour, as specified (14 days) shall be undertaken.
Ensure these are communicated clearly and processes are being followed.
Sl No. Elements
This is a checklist to be undertaken before resumption of work in response to the planning required post-COVID
19. Staff to be assigned responsibility of coordinating this for preparedness of workplace to receive workforce.
Sl No. Elements
25 Identify & ensure quarantine room in case of emergency is set-up and operational.
If any employee / worker develops any symptoms at work, the same to be reported to the management
immediately and said employee / worker to be sent to quarantine room for further process.
Ensure pregnant female employee to continue to work from home. WFH also applicable to employees
with children below 5 years or parents above 65 years of age at their residence.
28 Ensure frequent and effective cleaning of workplace and project site premises all the duration.
29 Check all site security including fencing, lighting, surveillance, etc. is operational
Review of logistics and planning w.r.t. demarcated walkways and assembly zones, barricaded delivery
spots, material quarantine yard etc.
Provide Portable full-body disinfection tunnel / chamber at the entry point. (Only one entry point to be
maintained. All other entry points to be sealed off)
Hospital tie up to be streamlined in line with the requirements of Covid19. Contact information of 2
nearest hospitals (identified by the government) to be available and displayed on the notice board.
Ensure the health screening of all employees by conducting a medical camp in coordination with your
admin team and insurance partner.
34 Ensure there is no biological hazard in the site/facility, like animals and insects.
35 Ensure office cabs and material delivery vehicle to be de-sanitized prior to unloading of materials.
36 Conduct induction of workers prior to start of the activity.
37 Display of Do's and Don’ts on Covid19 as per WHO guideline in strategic locations.
Ensure awareness through megaphones every hour at site locations and through FAPA in office
39 Stagger lunch timing for employees / workers. This will avoid larger gatherings at workplace.
40 TBT to be followed with maintained social distancing starting with awareness and update with Covid19.
41 Ensure meetings conducted at site/office maintain social distancing.
42 Avoid meetings / mass gatherings.
43 PPE isolation with marking so no one can use each other's PPE. Same shall also apply for Visitors
44 Define & Display usage of PPE in strategic locations at site/office and ensure proper disposal after use.
A list of all recommendations from central/local Government is to be updated and implemented regularly.
The same shall also be displayed on the notice board
Deployed security is to be trained to watch out for employee / worker / visitor symptoms of Covid19 with
immediate reporting and restricting to entry.
Implemented measures to be regularly validated by respective project lead and office admin and
communicate to management.
48 Consult and inform the suppliers / contractors on strict adherence to Covid19 guidelines.
49 Greet people without shaking hands.
The housekeeping staff assigned to clean the area should avoid touching their face while they are
cleaning and should wear household or disposable single use non-sterile nitrile gloves.
51 Analyse, review and update the risk assessment and management.
52 Ensure and update the insurance for Covid19 for all employees.
Irrespective of having followed the above:
a. If the site / office is in the COVID19 hotspot area as per local authority, then it is restricted to open of
site / office and wait for further communication and instruction from the Government.
b. In case of any Government Directive reinstating the lock-down once again to prevent the second wave
of COVID19, then follow such guidelines and keep in touch with your local administration.
For the health and safety of our community, declaration of illness is required. Be sure that the information you'll
give is accurate and complete. Please get immediate medical attention if you have any of the COVID-19 signs.
If yes, please mention the place and Your relationship with the people and your last contact date with them.
State City Date Visited Last contact date
NOTE: When on site, please adhere to our on-site standard processes/procedures regarding infection control,
i.e. hand washing/hand sanitising and general coughing/sneezing etiquette and physical distancing?
I, ___________________________________ hereby declare that the information I have given is accurate and
Signature Date: