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Post Lockdown Workplace Preparation Plan R1

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Post Lockdown
Workplace Protection Strategy

Document Version & Date Prepared By Approved By

R1 | 21 April 2020 Shuvendu Rout Antao Argenio
COVID19 - Workplace Risk Management

This document is intended to consolidate practical guidance that is available at the time of writing
on how to manage business continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose is to guide on
best practices for reducing the spread of coronavirus in Colliers project sites and workplaces.

The Colliers International team in India is encouraged to implement appropriate measures at their
office locations and project sites to addresses risks to both workers and the public. This guidance
is correct at the time of publication and will be restructured with the future announcements from
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare department, Govt of India.

This document specifies requirements to implement, maintain and improve the ability to protect
against, prepare for, respond to and recover from COVID-19 related disruptions.

This document covers Risk Identification and Defence against COVID-19 by planning mitigation
and ensuring preparatory actions essential for the fight against nCOV-19 virus.

The document provides measures to ensure safety and well-being of our employees, our workforce
and maintain Business continuity.

 Minimising the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19.
 Risk of Exposure to workers in the Construction Industry.
 Managing the risks of exposure to COVID-19.
• Preamble
• Pre-Start Protocol & Logistic Planning
• Physical distancing
• Work Protocol
• Hygiene and Cleanliness
• Vendors and materials arriving at the workplace
• Consultation and communicating with workers
• Health checks and Quarantine
 Monitor Review and Update Control Measures
 Additional Actions to be undertaken
 Checklists
• Post Lockdown Workplace Preparation Checklist
• Self-Declaration

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COVID19 - Workplace Risk Management

Minimising the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19

The BOCW ACT & Rules state that the employers are to take care of
the health and safety of their workers and others at the workplace.
This includes:

 providing and maintaining a work environment without risk to

health and safety of the workforce; and
 adequate facilities for workers in carrying out their work.

Risk of exposure is high at construction sites in India due to large gathering of workforce. Hence,
the identification of risk and swift and decisive action for its elimination / minimisation is of
paramount importance.

COVID-19 - Risk of Exposure to workers in Construction

The number of workers on a construction project can vary significantly between projects and from
day to day. Where workers work closely together it increases the risk of exposure to the COVID-
19 the Corona virus.

Control measures must be implemented to minimise the spread of the COVID-19 the Corona virus
and ensure that other measures to address well known work health and safety risks continue to be
implemented through Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS).

Managing the risks of exposure to COVID-19:

 Universally adopt a ‘Zero Tolerance Policy’
 Bring in abundant discipline for enforcement
 Actions shall be consistent, precise and result oriented
 Practise and Preach
 ‘3S’ mantra - Screening, sanitation and Sanitisation

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Pre-Start Protocol & Logistic Planning:

 Plan & review construction site logistics.
 Formulate the COVID19 ERT.
 Insurance of Covid19 for all employee.
 Sanitise the entire workplace. No employee allowed to enter workplace unless declared fit for
work by the Office Manager / Project Head.
 Disinfecting the entire workplace on regular basis.
 Dedicated Isolation room at workplace.
 Sanitisation of vehicle, machinery at entry and Hand wash at entry.
 Regular instruction through megaphone / PA system.
 Monitoring through CCTV camera.
 Encourage communication through e-mail and phone.
 Insist on meetings through Audio and Video Conference
 Discourage Consultants & other visitors to site unless urgent.
 Developer / owner to provide clear instruction for resumption based on approval from Local
Govt. Authority.

Physical distancing
Keeping physical distance of at least 2 metres between everyone on construction sites will be
challenging at times but is a key measure to minimise the spread of COVID-19.

What you must do to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19:

 Staff to be advised to travel to office / site only through private-

own vehicle. No ride-sharing facility to be utilised strictly.
 Contractor’s advised to arrange transportation facility for their
workforce to commute to site with maintaining the physical
 Limit physical interactions between workers / workers and
clients / workers and other persons at the site (e.g. deliveries)
and promote use of other methods such as mobile phone or radio to communicate.
 Limit worker numbers on site where possible.
 Split shifts into AM and PM - Project Managers / Project Heads / Project Directors to implement
rostering of workers and engineers viz. alternate days or alternate weeks.
 Reduce the number of tasks to be completed each day.
 Facilitate work from home / factory, wherever / whenever you can.
 Create pre-defined walkways for all employees / workers to enter through Disinfector Tunnel
on site maintaining physical separation.
 Not more than 3 persons will be allowed to travel in lifts or hoists. Use of staircase for climbing
to be encouraged; distance of at least 5 to 6 steps to be maintained between users of staircase.
Material lifting to be done through lift or to be followed with adopting the engineering control.

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 Stagger mealtimes to limit the number of workers assembling in one area; demarcate separate
areas within site for workers to have meals without going outside.
 Maintaining the physical distancing during usage of bathroom and
toilet with maintaining the physical distancing.
 Supply of packed food from reliable source to be considered to prevent
any worker go out to shops for lunch.
 Workers should not share their belongings like food, water, utensils,
mobile phones etc with each other.
 Conduct virtual meetings as much as possible. If this cannot be avoided, conduct such
meetings in wide open spaces to enable workers to maintain the required physical distance of
at least 2 metres.
 Discourage Paperwork, pursue all approvals including Bill of Entry / delivery through Email /
 Limit the number of workers in the hoist/lift at any one time. Promote the use of stairs but be
aware of any indirect risks that may arise from this and cause injuries.
 Postpone non-essential meeting / training that can potentially gather more than 7-8 people in
one location.
 Place signage about physical distancing and hygiene around the work site where you can.

Nominate marshal / safety officers / responsible persons to ensure workers are following the rules
for physical distancing and hygiene. Encourage Contractor’s team to identify to search marshal /

The guideline on social distancing is provided by Ministry of Health Department of India aimed at
educating the public about COVID-19.

Work Protocol:
 Out of abundant precaution, re-mobilisation of manpower at all sites to be done in a gradual
manner. This allows proper screening on medical fitness and sanitisation infrastructure to be
fully streamlined and operational
 Sites should be made monsoon ready first. Critical works to offset the monsoon period and
make the site safe should be prioritised, especially for sites which are still below ground.
 Projects at Structure stage: Evaluate available labour and critical activities to start with as
preliminary assumption will be that initial strength will be 30% of requirement.
 Projects where structure is completed: Evaluate workforce availability and spread works so
that social distancing norms are strictly met.
 Implement rostering of workforce, as in above section
 Practice Hygiene and Cleanliness as in subsequent sections
 Transportation to and from workplace is key. Please ensure carriage of proper identification
and passes as required by Government agencies during travel.

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Hygiene and Cleanliness:

Worker Hygiene

Workers should practice good hygiene. These include:

 Covering mouth with an elbow or a tissue while coughing or sneezing

 Disposing of tissues in closed container.
 Washing hands regularly (preferably every 1 hour) with soap (touch free recommended) and
water for at least 20 seconds, including before & after eating, and after using toilet.
 Using alcohol-based hand sanitisers (touch free recommended) with at least 60% ethanol or
70% isopropanol as active ingredient.
 Regular cleaning and disinfecting surfaces including tabletops,
or any area used for eating after each use.
 Avoid touching face, nose, mouth and eyes.
 Avoid handshakes or any other close physical contact.
 Strict ban on Gutka / “Tambaku”) / Paan / Cigarettes on site to
be enforced and spitting to be strictly prohibited and should attract heavy fines.
 Taking complete body bath and cleaning clothes thoroughly every day
 Maintain Physical distancing ( See section ’Physical distancing for details’)
 Staying home if sick, or any symptoms are identified. Instruct any member with symptoms /
sickness to self-quarantine for minimum 14 days.

Washroom facilities on construction sites: should have adequate supplies for good hygiene,
such as adequate supply of soap, water and toilet paper. Washroom facilities must be kept clean,
dry, properly stocked and in good working order.

Dedicated person to be deployed full time to monitor and adhere to above points along with
ensuring the social distancing.

Infirmary: consider installation of an infirmary / first aid room in the form of a portacabin at site;
Basic support medical equipment to be also present.

Furthermore, construction sites should implement the following;

 Demarcation of the construction site and the common areas.

 All workers shall be alerted and reminded (with poster or through video training ) to wash
their hands with soap and water for minimum 20 seconds, or with sanitiser, before entering
and exiting a common area.
 Adopt a coordinated approach to avoid large congregations. e.g. reduce number of workers
utilising the common areas at a given time (staggering meal breaks, work start times,
planning work activities in an efficient manner and ensuring no work overlap at a single
 Conduct Induction trainings to engineers and workers on workplace protocol and standards
that are expected when utilising the common areas (cleaning up after yourself, placing
rubbish in bins provided, avoiding putting items such as phones on meal surfaces etc.)
 Reduce the number of touch points for workers. For example, leave access doors open,
where appropriate.

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COVID19 - Workplace Risk Management

Environmental Cleaning

The amount of time the COVID-19 virus survives on objects and

surfaces will vary. Environmental cleaning is one way to remove
this virus.

Construction work inevitably requires regular touching of objects

and surfaces. This means that usual cleaning schedules on
construction sites need to be increased.

 Frequently touched surfaces on a construction site, including

any plant, equipment, lifts, hoists, handrails and doors, should be cleaned and disinfected
frequently using appropriate detergent or disinfectant solutions.
 Personal items and items used for work such as tools, glasses and phones should also be
frequently cleaned and disinfected (e.g. using isopropyl alcohol wipes).
 Site amenities, including lunchrooms, site offices, change rooms, toilets, showers, drink
fountains and vending machines, should be cleaned industrially (as per WHO guidelines) and
the frequency of this cleaning should increase. (Understand the guideline from Ministry of
Health & Family Welfare department information on cleaning and disinfection-principles for
COVID-19 for further information.)

Train workers to clean plant or equipment immediately after use.

To minimise the risk of exposure to COVID-19, the person

cleaning should wear gloves and use alcohol-based hand
sanitiser before and after wearing gloves.

Garbage disposal: The workplace should provide non-touch /

closed bins with biodegradable garbage bags for workers at all
common access areas and arrangements on disposal of the same hygienically regular basis and
sanitisation of bins.

Air Condition and Ventilation:

 All air Filters must be kept clean and advisable to inspect the AHUs and ducts for Air
tightness and low leakage.
 Inspect and clean the indoor unit Coils and Install the clean & sanitized filters

 Set Room Temperature between 24°C and 30°C. Maintain relative humidity between 40%
and 70%.
 Keep Heat Recovery Wheel off mode to reduce cross contamination. The wheel must first
be sanitized during restarting.
 Toilet and Kitchen Exhaust Fans must be kept in operating mode.
 Limit return air circulation. The return air system could be converted to an exhaust system.
 Run the fresh air system at the maximum intake of air setting.
 Start and run the exhaust systems if available.
 Start the air conditioning system in fan mode only, without filters and run it for minimum of
two to four hours with doors open and exhaust system operational.
 Start the AC in normal mode and run for two hours with doors open and then close the
doors and windows.
 The fresh air and ventilation system should be kept on throughout the off cycle and on the
weekend and holidays in air circulation mode.

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COVID19 - Workplace Risk Management

Vendors and materials arriving at the workplace

 Non-essential visits to be cancelled or postponed.
 Delivery agents and other contractors who need to attend the
workplace should be given clear instructions of your
requirements while they are on site.
 As an immediate requirement, designate fixed delivery spots
at sites. Such spots should be manned by security personnel
/ marshals. These locations shall be equipped with adequate
screening and sanitisation measures.
 Minimise the number of workers attending to deliveries and contractors as much as possible.
Make alcohol-based hand sanitiser available for workers after physically handling deliveries.
 Truck drivers entering site to remain in vehicles and use contactless methods such as mobile
phones to communicate with the workers wherever possible.
 Use, and ask delivery agents and contractors to use electronic media instead of paperwork
where possible, to minimise physical interaction. Where possible, set up alternatives to
requiring signatures. For instance, see whether a confirmation
email or a photo of the loaded or unloaded goods can be
accepted as proof of delivery or collection.
 Check source of materials reaching site; for e.g in case of
imported materials, check records if such materials have been
quarantined at port for at least 1 week. If not then plan
quarantine sheds at site for such material
 Apart from the above, all incoming materials shall be left
untouched at site for at least 3 days.

Consultation and communicating with workers:

 Consult with workers on health and safety matters relating to COVID-19. Allow workers to
express views before you make decisions.
 Consult with supervisors and engineers deployed at site. Collaborate with all team members
to arrive at practical methods of implementation of all requirements
 Workers are most likely to know about the risks of their work.
Involving them will help build worker commitment to this
process and any changes.
 Maintain roster / register of workers to a track on health and
movement status of workers.
 Toolbox Talks sessions briefing to be included on regular
update and awareness with ensuring highly dynamic scenario
on social distancing norms. During these sessions, H&S
Officer on site must inform all the site engineer and supervisor including workers on the hazard
and safety guidelines and important updates with job specific hazard. In specific:
 All workers to be adequately briefed about the risks of exposure to COVID-19. Where
required, workers should be trained in infection control.
 Communicate and guide clearly with workers about control measures. Provide clear
direction and guidance about; a) when to stay away from the workplace, b) what action
to take if they become unwell and c) what symptoms to be concerned about.
 Remind workers they are responsible for their own health and safety and to not
adversely affect the health and safety of others. Provide responsible person contact
detail with workers to discuss their concerns and to access support services.
 Reinforce the Covid-19 messaging on the severity of the pandemic and the importance
of self-isolation
 Announcement: All necessary arrangements for public announcement shall be organised. Use
PA system, microphone, portable megaphone as appropriate.

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COVID19 - Workplace Risk Management

 Signage : The Ministry of Health and Welfare Department has a range of posters and other
resources aimed at educating the public about COVID-19. Ensure appropriate signage spelling
out safety practices in local language / Hindi.
 Hospital / Clinics authorised to treat Covid-19 patients should be identified and list should be
displayed at site all the time.
 Provide clarity to staff on leave arrangements for those that cannot work to encourage self-
reporting and minimise the spread of risk.
 Encourage workers to put forward practical ideas at toolbox meetings for changing work
practices to avoid the spread of coronavirus.

Health Checks and Quarantine

Monitor workers for key symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever.

 Mandatory temperature monitoring at gate entry.

 Direct all workers (whether they are at the workplace or camp)
to report if:
• they are experiencing any symptom
• they have been, or have potentially been, exposed to a
person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is
suspected to have COVID-19 (even if the person who is
suspected to have COVID-19 has not yet been tested),
• they have undertaken, or are planning to undertake, any
 Encourage workers to report if they observe another worker is displaying any symptoms.
 Prohibit workers from entering the workplace / construction site if they are displaying symptoms.
Such cases should immediately be reported to concerned Health officials.
 Restrict unbridled labour movement. All travel from labour camp to city or vice versa to be
strictly forbidden. Single person from labour unit / gang may be appointed for procurement of
essential needs of the labour. Enforce screening mechanism for such workmen who will enter
labour camp from outside
 Modify and update site inductions to identify potential risks, such as recent travel and health
issues, and to educate new starters on the controls in place on the worksite.
 Prohibit workers who have contracted COVID-19 from returning to the workplace until they
provide evidence (necessarily through a proper COVID 19 test) that they are clear of the virus.
 Implement, wherever possible, in conjunction with Clients, a system of issuing a ‘Fitness Card’
to workers entering sites.

Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)

Mandatory usage of PPE (face mask, hand gloves, goggles
along with all others as applicable) by everyone entering the
premise. Re-usable PPEs should be thoroughly cleaned and
should not be shared with others.

Single Use PPE to be thrown in the waste bin after usage.

Select employees to be provided Apron or Jacket like Hazmat Suit depending on their role.

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Monitor Review and Update Control Measures:

Be vigilant with health and safety. Monitoring team should inform all workers
to keep a close eye on compliance and report any concerns. Workplace to be
constantly monitored and regular reviews to be conducted.

Installation of CCTV Cameras in all strategic locations to monitor and control

on social gathering and where possible, also critical work areas.

Ask yourself the following questions regularly

 Are there any obvious breakdowns? Is there anything you missed? Is the plan working?
This will enable implementation of further controls and to make necessary improvements.
Additional actions to be undertaken
Stay up to date on the COVID-19 situation. Follow advice from Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare and check daily for any updates to safety advice.

Understand business vis-a-vis its hazards and risks. Due to the nature of the trade, it will be a
challenge to enforce ideal working conditions as well as social distancing. However, we need to
minimise the risks by implementation of this plan. Advocate to your clients and stakeholders to
enforce a ‘Zero Tolerance Policy’.

Ensure the premises are properly resourced to manage risks during the COVID-19 outbreak, and
check that the available resources are being used effectively.

Review, update policies, procedures and reporting process to ensure they are up to date for any
incidents, hazards and other issues that arise during this time.

As the lockdown is released in a graded manner, migrant labour shall be returning from various
locations. Effective screening should be strictly implemented of all labour / workers entering the
labour camp. Quarantine of these incoming labour, as specified (14 days) shall be undertaken.
Ensure these are communicated clearly and processes are being followed.

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Sl No. Elements

This is a checklist to be undertaken before resumption of work in response to the planning required post-COVID
19. Staff to be assigned responsibility of coordinating this for preparedness of workplace to receive workforce.

A team has been established specifically to address COVID-19 preparedness planning.

List committee or team member name(s), designation(s) and contact information:
Sl No Name Designation Contact Number
Intense deep cleaning, sanitization and fumigation of all common areas, staircases, lift lobbies,
basements, food courts, washrooms, car parks etc. and all crowd gathering spots
Deep cleaning, sanitisation of touch points such as handles, doors, desks and chairs, telephones, taps,
switches, AHUs etc.
Ensuring disinfection of all laptops, desktops, IT peripherals on site/office along with used by employees
during lockdown, before getting them back in office premises.
Ensure the project / facility adheres to approved infection prevention and control practices with alcohol-
5 based hand sanitiser (>60%) for hand hygiene being available at all key areas. Ensure hand wash areas
are well-stocked with soap and paper towels for hand washing and proper disposal for tissues
Plan the critical workflow with priority and non-priority activity, ensure to maintain social distancing and
mass gathering of workers.
7 Arrangements on shift wise works based on the priority and non-priority workflow.
All staff including contractors, workers to regularly monitor themselves for fever and symptoms of
COVID-19, as a part of routine practice.
Self-declaration from employees and all service providers to be taken about his or her illness on daily
basis. The declaration should also include family members health status.
10 Site / office locations to work without air-condition and increase ventilation by opening windows.
11 Avoid usage of printer for printing and encourage use of soft copy.
Coordinate with Facility Manager to undertake disinfection treatment of the entire building for site and
office locations.
Restrict and replace the usage of Biometric reader with online attendance recording. If this is not
13 possible, then single attendant should be in charge of attendance book and he/she should record
attendance of the employee.
14 Deactivate access control doors and keep open all non-essential doors permanently.
To maintain physical distance employee sitting arrangements should be on alternate workstations with
shift arrangements. Usage of work stations may be based on odd and even arrangements.
16 Strict instructions on usage of hand sanitizers, face masks and gloves for all employees/workers.
17 Designate Marshals with responsibility to monitor employee / workers in all areas.
18 Minimise/ restrict domestic and international travel.
Visitor access and movement to the facility / project to be reviewed, confirmed and updated within
necessary details. Visitor can enter the facility with limitation and with all required PPE.
20 Ensure washbasin to be provided on entry and exit and in strategic locations to carryout hand wash.
21 Thermal Screenings all employee/worker at entry and temperature to be recorded.
In case, employee has/had COVID 19 symptoms then Medical fitness certificate with self-declaration is
23 Ensure and record the detailed history of travel of each person prior to resuming work.
24 Cancel / Close employee welfare facilities like Gym and swimming pool etc.

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Sl No. Elements

25 Identify & ensure quarantine room in case of emergency is set-up and operational.
If any employee / worker develops any symptoms at work, the same to be reported to the management
immediately and said employee / worker to be sent to quarantine room for further process.
Ensure pregnant female employee to continue to work from home. WFH also applicable to employees
with children below 5 years or parents above 65 years of age at their residence.
28 Ensure frequent and effective cleaning of workplace and project site premises all the duration.
29 Check all site security including fencing, lighting, surveillance, etc. is operational
Review of logistics and planning w.r.t. demarcated walkways and assembly zones, barricaded delivery
spots, material quarantine yard etc.
Provide Portable full-body disinfection tunnel / chamber at the entry point. (Only one entry point to be
maintained. All other entry points to be sealed off)
Hospital tie up to be streamlined in line with the requirements of Covid19. Contact information of 2
nearest hospitals (identified by the government) to be available and displayed on the notice board.
Ensure the health screening of all employees by conducting a medical camp in coordination with your
admin team and insurance partner.
34 Ensure there is no biological hazard in the site/facility, like animals and insects.
35 Ensure office cabs and material delivery vehicle to be de-sanitized prior to unloading of materials.
36 Conduct induction of workers prior to start of the activity.
37 Display of Do's and Don’ts on Covid19 as per WHO guideline in strategic locations.
Ensure awareness through megaphones every hour at site locations and through FAPA in office
39 Stagger lunch timing for employees / workers. This will avoid larger gatherings at workplace.
40 TBT to be followed with maintained social distancing starting with awareness and update with Covid19.
41 Ensure meetings conducted at site/office maintain social distancing.
42 Avoid meetings / mass gatherings.
43 PPE isolation with marking so no one can use each other's PPE. Same shall also apply for Visitors
44 Define & Display usage of PPE in strategic locations at site/office and ensure proper disposal after use.
A list of all recommendations from central/local Government is to be updated and implemented regularly.
The same shall also be displayed on the notice board
Deployed security is to be trained to watch out for employee / worker / visitor symptoms of Covid19 with
immediate reporting and restricting to entry.
Implemented measures to be regularly validated by respective project lead and office admin and
communicate to management.
48 Consult and inform the suppliers / contractors on strict adherence to Covid19 guidelines.
49 Greet people without shaking hands.
The housekeeping staff assigned to clean the area should avoid touching their face while they are
cleaning and should wear household or disposable single use non-sterile nitrile gloves.
51 Analyse, review and update the risk assessment and management.
52 Ensure and update the insurance for Covid19 for all employees.
Irrespective of having followed the above:
a. If the site / office is in the COVID19 hotspot area as per local authority, then it is restricted to open of
site / office and wait for further communication and instruction from the Government.
b. In case of any Government Directive reinstating the lock-down once again to prevent the second wave
of COVID19, then follow such guidelines and keep in touch with your local administration.

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For the health and safety of our community, declaration of illness is required. Be sure that the information you'll
give is accurate and complete. Please get immediate medical attention if you have any of the COVID-19 signs.

Name (in full): Date:

Name of the
Address: Employee Id:
Govt ID
Contact No.

Have you travelled abroad in 2020? Yes No

If Yes, mention the place of visit and date of visit.

Country State City Arrival date to India for each area

Have you been in contact with people being

Yes No
infected, suspected or diagnosed with COVID19?

Have you or your family members visited any

Yes No
COVID19 Hotspots within India since Feb 2020?

If yes, please mention the place and Your relationship with the people and your last contact date with them.
State City Date Visited Last contact date

Please state whether you've experienced/are experiencing the following

Fever Yes No Indicate the current temperature recorded
Cough Yes No
Headaches Yes No
Shortness of
breath No
Persistent Pain in
the Chest No

NOTE: When on site, please adhere to our on-site standard processes/procedures regarding infection control,
i.e. hand washing/hand sanitising and general coughing/sneezing etiquette and physical distancing?

I, ___________________________________ hereby declare that the information I have given is accurate and

Signature Date:

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