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Correspondence Matrix Between Media PNR and FLS PNR

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Correspondence matrix between Media PNR and FLS PNR

Reference: 00.00.00334 Issue date: 17-MAY-2023 Last check date: 17-MAY-2023 Status: Open
A/C type/serie: A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, ... ATA: 00-00
Engine manufacturer: Supplier:
Purpose / Reason for revision: List updated
Engineering Support Status: Open

A320 family


ISI 00.00.00329
ISI 00.00.00337
ISI 00.00.00384
ARINC standard 665
ARINC standard 667
ARINC standard 835


In the frame of the A320 family & A330/A340 Field Loadable Software (FLS) Media
Digitalization, physical medias are no longer part of the A/C definition and will
gradually disappear from any new Service Bulletin (SB) and Technical Manuals such
as Illustrated Part Catalog (IPC), Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) and Trouble
Shooting Manual (TSM).


The aim of this article is to provide useful information for the configuration
management of the FLS at digital format (ARINC 665 and ARINC 835) to get
prepared for the FLS Media Digitalization on A320 family & A330/A340.

The scope of the FLS Media Digitalization at systems level is the following:
A correspondence matrix is provided as an attached file, to have a global view of the
FLS (classified as LSAP as well as some Operationally Approved per ARINC standard
667) available at digital format, including the FLS Part Number (PNR), the former
Media PNR and the identification of the FLS itself (as electronically delivered).

Refer to ISI 00.00.00329 to get the detailed information to order the FLS at digital
format from Airbus.

In addition, information related to some specific cases is also highlighted:

 FLS for which related information displayed on the Multipurpose Control & Display
Unit (MCDU) of the A/C is supported by the physical media itself to enable the
configuration check.
After FLS Media Digitalization, the FLS PNR has been changed to be in line with
information displayed on the MCDU (“PNR realignment”).

 FLS with double data-loading protocol (through bus ARINC 429 or Ethernet) for
which the configuration management is made through a specific Media PNR
depending on the said data-loading protocol.
After FLS Media Digitalization, the FLS identification (as electronically delivered) is
changed as follows:
o PNR-A429 for FLS to be used with ARINC 429 bus,
o PNR for FLS to be used with Ethernet bus.

Note: The package delivered through Electronic Delivery Service (ref. ISI
00.00.00329) systematically contains both elements, then the format
corresponding to the right data-loading protocol is to be chosen by the Airline
based on the configuration of the aircraft.

Solution / Recommendation:

Any new FLS system upgrade will be proposed in dematerialized format and will be
electronically available.

As of now, only some A/C delivered from the Airbus Delivery Center (Entry Into Service
from Q3 2021) are compliant with the FLS Media Digitalization and as such are certified to
be operated without physical media:
 from MSN 10876 on A320 family
 from MSN 2011 on A330 family
In addition, a specific Service Bulletin for A330 may be proposed upon request to enable
the dematerialization of existing FLS Media, for A/C with e-data loading capability and A/C
with FLS configuration equivalent to MSN 2011 (A330 family).

For any A320 family configuration, and for any A330 family configuration not covered by
the above mentioned Service Bulletin, the airlines who wish to dematerialize the related
FLS, are suggested to follow the RFC/RMO process handled by Airbus Airframe Services.

For the rest of in-service A/C, the physical media need to remain on-board at any time
since this is part of the A/C definition (except few specific cases implemented through
dedicated Service Bulletin).

Additional Note:

Only FLS PNR (classified as LSAP as well as some Operationally Approved per ARINC
standard 667) previously hosted on physical media, mentioned in the attached table, are
considered as dematerialized.

FLS proposed only in dematerialized format are not included in the attached file since the
aim is to make the link between the FLS PNR and its former physical media.
Survey for the Engineering Support section

General Information
Potential impact:
Key information:
Solution benefit:
First issue date: 11-DEC-2020 Issue date: 17-MAY-2023 Last check date: 17-MAY-2023

Technical parameters
ATA: 00-00
A/C type/serie: A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, AST
Engine manufacturer:
Fault code/ECAM
Part Number:

- ISI_00.00.00334_Summary.docx
Engineering Support:
- ISI_00.00.00334_list.xlsx

Other articles (ISI/TFU):
- 00.00.00329, 00.00.00329, 00.00.00329, 00.00.00329, 00.00.00337, 00.00.00384, 00.00.00406
Airnav documents:
- OIT 999.0101/18

© Airbus SAS, 2023. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.The technical information provided in this article is for convenience and information purposes only. It
shall in no case replace the official Airbus technical or Flight Operations data which shall remain the sole basis for aircraft maintenance and operation. These recommendations and
information do not constitute a contractual commitment, warranty or guarantee whatsoever. They shall not supersede the Airbus technical nor operational documentation; should
any deviation appear between this article and the Airbus or airline's official manuals, the operator must ensure to cover it with the appropriate document such as TA, FCD, RDAS.
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