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You are Tarika/Tarun of Non Public School. Faridabad. You are taking part in Inter
School Debate Competition. The topic of the debate is ''Animal performance
should be banned in circus". Write for against the topic in about 120 words.

My name is Tarun and I am from Doon Public School, Faridabad. I am going to present
my views on the topic 'why animal performances should be banned in circus'. Ever
since men have dominated the earth. The men have had to face numerous threats from
us. it is true that men have not yet stopped practicing cruelties to animals for his selfish
needs. There is society for prevention of cruelty towards animal (SPCA), yet it is heart
rending to see how cruelly we treat animals, especially in circus shows. It is really sad to
watch animals being captivated in small cages and really uncomfortable conditions. It is
painful to watch the ring masters use cruel ways make the animals perform antics and
dangerous feats. They looked hungry and emancipated. But the whip of the ring master
makes them do the things unwillingly. The training methods are inhumane and cruel. At
times we also hear about the tigers being trained using electric shocks. Elephants are
trained using a spear in their head. f warn to arouse the conscience of all animal's livers
to wage a movement against the cruelty and torture that is being inflicted upon the
helpless beasts. Circus is nothing but slavery of animals. In today's world such
inhumane treatment cannot be justified on any ground.

Now-a-days we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is
happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish
produced? Discuss your opinions related to favor or against the motion.
In our highly industrialized era there is a growing awareness about the excessive
amounts of trash people producing. We are about to be flooded by different types of
garbage if certain measures will not be taken. This essay will explore some causes of
this and propose ways to solve the problem. To begin with, different food producers
decided that their products will be selling better if they will pack them in small-sized
boxes and packets. These colourfull, and attractive packs go straight to the trashcan,
the number of packs is growing along with the consuming growth.
More consuming produces more waste. Government and businesses encourage
consuming because it leads to high profits and development of state economy. They are
not interested in the situation there a person is going to use something for a long time.
Society is being bombarded with commercials, pleading to buy, for instance, a new
mobile phone. Buying new things cause throwing away old but good things.
The problem of garbage is very complicated. As we can see, government is not
interested of reducing consuming. Thus, the responsibility has to be taken by individuals
and non-governmental organizations. Certain laws, regulating the percentage of
packaging material per ton of product should be established. Moreover interesting
programs, involving people to participate can be developed. For example, bonuses for
not asking for a plastic bag in supermarkets or for buying extra large pack of food. In
addition, everyone should become concerned about the future of human beings and our
planet. If we do not wish to be buried in rubbish, we should think twice before buying
things we do not need.

The age of Information Technology has taken a lot of people by surprise. While it
has become a way of life for some, others know very little about it and may be
unlikely to learn. Eventually we will have a polarized society and this will lead to
serious social problems. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Ans. The Age of Information Technology

Our highly informative era became quite a shock for many of us. At the time one part of
society uses new means of information very actively other people stay in the dark
without any chance to make an approach to understanding new technologies. There is a
raising awareness of does this problem have a potential danger of slicing the society
into two parts which would never understand each other. It is the fact that many of
everyday activities became available for computer users only. For example, if you are a
university student, you are supposed to submit your term paper as typed and primed
document they no longer accept hand-written papers. Furthermore, some
manufacturers do not distribute information leaflets, but give a website address on their
products' packs. Thus only the Internet users can have an access for product details.
The last but not the least; the computer skills became a crucial requirement for
employment in urban areas.
Meanwhile, inhabitants of rural areas do not need new means of acquiring information.
Their work and everyday activities do not demand using computers. For example, a
fanner can use radio to hear news and ordinary mail to communicate. Taking into
account the fact not every citizen can use new information technologies, governments
would not change. The traditional ways of interaction with their people. It is highly
unlikely people would no longer have a possibility to vote by filling papers by hand or do
other activities, important for their citizenship. Informatisation of society affected those,
who have a need of instant information exchange. People, whose lifestyle do not require
any haste in communication have an opportunity to use traditional ways of it. I am
assured that as long as situation does not make others to change their way of life
against their will, there is no risk of receiving serious social problems.

Today in this modern contemporary world, people are striving hard to earn their
living and to have two square meals a day. In this so called high profiled
technological growth, people are suffering from many problems and diseases. As
the growth is proliferating so is the problem of maligning image. Today the
juveniles are suffering front what is called eve-teasing.

Ans. Eve-teasing
Eve-teasing is scaling rapidly now-a-days. As per the dictionary meaning of eve-teasing
it means commenting on someone in order to make fill), or abashing him or her. This
problem has elevated now as compared to past. Question arises what is the main cause
of eve-teasing? Is it that we want to show that we are superior to others? Or we just
want to make fun of others. Well whatever may be the reasons; this is really a bad
aspect of human life that we are treating others as inhumane.

The problem of eve-teasing may be attributed to the had education scenario, because it
is what the education makes the human as humane. Today's education scenario is such
like we have some hesitation in talking to people of other gender. We are not taught
how to behave with the members of other gender. Another main factor which is
contributing towards growing this menace is the fashion of today. Today fashion is such
that we are in volubly compelled toward-teasing. Last but not the least, as far as I am
concerned I think is the cinema which is responsible for, sonic pan of eve-teasing.
Movies are not what they used to be, they are hampering the minds of people, affecting
their mentality and growth. People are becoming stoical, not convivial. They are not of
placating nature now.
In the nutshell we can say that eve-teasing is becoming a serious problem now as
population or penury. People who undergo eve-teasing may end up their life due to
abashment. Government should behave like a martinet and should imprison or impose
monetary implications on those who are responsible because everyone in this world has
the right to live without trepidations

"Is City life better than living in a Village"? How far do you agree? Discuss your
opinions related to favor or against the motion.
Honorable Judges and my dear friends, I stand before you to discuss my opinions
related to whether city is better than village or not. 1 completely disagrees as village life
is better than cities.
The village is praised for its calmness. Fresh air and the laid back way of doing thinks.
The town on the other hand is a busy place but with lots of opportunities. But where is
the grass truly greener? Living because life has become more expensive. You can't live
in town without money. But in village you can survive because life is relatively cheap.
Meanwhile criminal activities are more likely to happen in town than in the village. In the
village people eat fresh food, which they grow themselves. People in the village can
also slaughter animals and get meat. They also enjoy lots of fruits. Hunger is foil-rotten
in the village. Because of fewer vehicles in the village, people are safer and road
accidents are minimized. The village also has clean air and the environment is very
beautiful. Rural life is simple. Families stay close together and care more for each other.
Also, natural resources such as rivers, hills, mountains are plenty in the village. People
who are living in rural areas are very important to our economy because they are the
producers of food.
In conclusion I must say love, relationships, family. Intimacies are present in the soul of
village life which is completely fades away in pragmatic and practical soul of the town.
Here I would like to add the line of the poem of famous poet William Shakespeare "Clod
made the country and manmade the town".

Punishment is necessary for every wrong act otherwise nobody thinks twice or
thrice before act and used their liberty as a license. Do you think Corporal
punishment should be allowed in schools? Discuss both sides of favor and
against the motion.
Honorable Judges and my dear friends. I stand before you to discuss my Opinions v.
Nether corporal punishment should be allowed or nor? Corporal punishment is generally
used to try to punish someone for doing something wrong and to deter them from doing
it again and has a very long history to it. Some kind of physical punishment will be
administered and could involve smacking an individual around the buttocks or across
the legs or anything else which results in pain.
Corporal punishment is sometimes used in schools to rectify a naughty child's behavior;
sometimes parents decide to use corporal punishment to discipline their child: while
there are occasions when in a judicial setting corporal punishment will be used. Not
everyone believes that corporal punishment is appropriate, though, and some think that
it actually causes more harm than good.
Some studies have shown that spanking your kid, three times a week lowers their IQ
and some report have said spanking leads your child to bad behavior. While others,
personal account, said a little spanking, once a while. makes you more successful latter
in life .These days, it is observed that many parents are in favor of physical punishment
to discipline their children but its a issue of society that its had or good but I am partially
agree in my point of view. First and foremost thing is throughout punishment in schools
leads to good Performance Students get punished strictly which teach them how to
leave in decorum with good outcomes. Such as if teachers smack children to be in
disciplined in early age then it leaves great impact on children's mind not to repeat that
mistakes again in future. So here it has become one important task.
However, it has sonic disadvantages as well. In schools or any education centre
teachers commit punishment to students just to release his or her stress. It may lead
them to drop off the school or some of them commit suicide due to harsh behavior of
teachers. Such children who are leading lavish life mostly because they are not under
control force them to behave ill mannerly among teachers. It gets them towards on
wrong path. In additional, its difficult for teachers to manage children by persuading,
explain in smooth way all efforts are useless so therefore only way is left that is corporal
punishment which has quickness and effectiveness to make decorum among students.
But it should he in some limited way not in cruel manner.
To conclude: To be strict with children is good method to teach them but in my
views it should be limited way not to be heated.


In democratic countries where people have a right to choose their
representatives, voting is often the easiest and strongest way to impact the way
the government is run. Discuss the reasons why all citizens should be required to

India is a democratic nation whose strength lies in the quality of its citizens. To make
our democracy continue to grow and flourish in the right direction, its citizens must be
vigilant towards their votes. This vote is extremely very important because it determines
the kind of government that comes in power. The electorate must remember that it is his
duty towards the nation to vote wisely. He or she must exercise his or her right to vote
without fear or favour to have a real democracy. The vote rightly cast can help in rooting
out corruption from public life.

The candidates elected must have charismatic personality, character and merit. But
unfortunately our country lacks these types of leaders or politicians. At present it is
facing political corruption as well as crime at every level. The leaders have become self-
seeking. They have no moral, they have no honesty, they have no personality and filially
they have no stability. The result is that our country is continuously going down. When
such is the condition of the country. The responsibility of the voters becomes even more
important. The candidates should be accountable. It is important for all of us to rise
above the considerations of caste, creed, region and language. The citizens have to
know what they should expect from their elected representations. If they feel their
representatives may not prove themselves very fruitful, they have full right not to vote
for them. No creed, temptation or threat should come in the way of our conscience while
voting. It is every voter's duty to make it his or her business to find out all about each
candidate's record of achievement in public life, personal honesty and sense of service.
Ile or she should be able to judge which parties and their candidates are genuinely
committed to working for the country's welfare and whether they have fulfilled earlier
election promises or not. Once again, each vote is important and should only be cast
after due consideration.

Sometimes the voters get misled by the candidates. This is highly undemocratic and
against the welfare of the country. In such circumstances, the voters should be strong
enough not to be taken in by self-seeking candidates. They should be politically aware
and should not cast their votes under anybody's influence.


As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no
role for teachers in the classroom. What do you think teachers are necessary for
class-rooms, computers should replace teachers or not? Discuss both the view
point in giving arguments in favour or against.

Ans. There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people's
lives. Especially in the field of education. Nowadays, an increasing number of students
rely on computers for research and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes.
Others have decided to leave the original way of learning and to get knowledge through
online schools. These changes in the learning process have brought a special concern
regarding the possible decrease of importance of teachers in the classroom.
Some people believe the role of teachers started to fade because computers have been
helping some students to progress in their studies quicker compared to studies in an
original classroom. For example: in the same classroom, students have different
intellectual capacities, thus some would be tied to a slow advance in their studies
because of others' incapability of understanding. In this way, pupils could progress in
their acquisition of knowledge at their own pace using computers instead of learning
from teachers.

However, the presence of a teacher is essential for students because the human
contact influences them in positive ways. Firstly, students realize that they are not
dealing with a machine but with a human being who deserves attention and respect.
They also learn the importance of studying in a group and respect for other students,
which helps them improve their social skills.
Moreover, teachers are required in the learning process because they acknowledge
some students' deficiencies and help them to solve their problems by repeating the
same explanation, giving extra exercises or even suggesting a private tutor. Hence,
students can have a better chance of avoiding a failure in a subject.

If a non-living object is the thing that establishes discipline, it is not as effective as it

would be when a teacher does this. How many times have you tried to search on
Google for help with your homework? While it may contain a lot of information, it cannot
help you to understand the concepts. Thus, computers should not replace teachers. In
conclusion, the role for teachers in the learning process is still very important and it will
continue to be such in the future because no machine can replace the human
interaction and its consequences.

"Dowry is undoubtedly a social evil." Write a debate in favour or against the


Dowry: A social Evil


Respected Chairperson and Honourable Members

All of you agree with me that dowry has been the greatest of all our social evils. It has
been the greatest stumbling block in the growth of all our social evils. It has been the
greatest stumbling block in the growth and development of women. Dowry is given at
the time of marriage by the bride's father. It is an old custom in India. But now this
system has become a social evil. It is no longer a token of love. It has become a
compulsion. A bride who does not bring ample dowry is mentally harassed and is
physically tortured. She has to suffer the taunts of her in laws. Her life becomes hellish.
In short the life of a woman becomes hellish.

Hence I do agree that dowry is a social evil.

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