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Day 1, Session 1 Year End 2011 (not exact words) People who give the most meaningful contribution

to society a)garbage collectors b)toilet cleaners c)road sweepers d)gardeners

Secondly, garbage collectors should be held in high esteem as their job of maintaining the hygiene of society is a crucial one. This means that without them, diseases would spread rampantly. In addition, the overall health of society would suffer as garbage that is uncollected is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and insects. For instance, piles of uncollected rubbish is the perfect place for dengue and malaria carrying mosquitos and many more. Last but not least, a garbage collector's job is very meaningful to society because in this modern era, humans have managed to produce so much rubbish per day that without them, the sheer amount would drown the whole city in a week! Imagine how much plastic packaging each of us throws away within a day. Take for example all the empty plastic bottles, Maggi mee wrappers, plastic packaging from the supermarket and even paper products like cigarette boxes and newspapers among others. In short, society would be seriously crippled if garbage collectors did not do their job. Therefore, I truly believe that garbage collectors provide a very meaningful contribution to today's society. Thank you.

Candidate A:

Good morning to the examinerS and my fellow candidateS. There are many people in this world who contribute meaningfully to society. Some sit in high positions while those who do menial tasks are no less worthy. Likewise, garbage collectors have a significant contribution to our society as not many would voluntarily do this 'stinky' but necessary job. First and foremost, I think garbage collectors deserve merit because they are the ones who maintain the cleanliness of our neighbourhood. This is because, without them, there would be rubbish strewn around everywhere which is a sight for sore eyes. Moreover, the stench itself would cause unease among citizens who need to go about their daily business. For example, rotten food, soiled diapers and so on would be an unbearable sight if not collected and disposed of properly.

So what do you think about this sample? What makes it a high band response? POSTED BY AUDREY WILES AT 7:19 PM 75 COMMENTS:

Good morning to examiners and my fellow candidates. I can ensure there are many different levels of human such as those live a high quality life and those live in low quality life. But, now's society are not interest in serving for citizens. Road sweeper, who play a crucial role in keeping road cleanly. Anyone here desire to serve for social members today? There are small number of social members who willing to do it so. Road sweeper contribute a lot of mental and physical in serving citizens. If the road is not being cleaned up, what will happen to the next? I think the index of car accident of our country will grow up by this way. Take for example, that will cause a series of road accident when the road be covered by a layer of oil. Furthermore, that will expose social members in an unhygienic environment even expose citizens in suffering diseases such as diarrhea and vomiting. In order to prevent the incident occurred, road sweeper play an important role to prevent social member exposed in an unhygienic condition even prevent from suffering diseases. Last but not least, beautiful environment can lead us live in a comfortable and an enjoyable environment. We will obtain the fresh air. Instead, road are not be cleaned up will destroy the beautiful and fantastic world. The fresh are will be turned to stinky air. That is the incident we cannot accept. They are playing their role to rise up the quality of life. I truly believe that road sweeper give the most meaningful contribution to society.

Reply Good morning to the examiners and all candidates. Human should be treating each others respectively immaterial types of jobs they contribute to society. Among the entire services field thats provided, I would like to say that toilet cleaners are the most contribution to society. First and foremost, toilet cleaners are the people who keep cleaning the toilets or gens clean and good looking after everyone usage. To ensure the toilets condition clean and available to be using all the time, toilet cleansers bound to act in full commitment and responsible to carry out their task. Besides that, sometimes this category of workers is also facing some problems on people looking down on them. Thus, it is their must to stay calm and patient to fulfill their task. Indirectly, the contribution also comes to society in sense of toilet cleansers showing him or her personal moral value on the dairy roles thats being learned and respectful by the society itself. Secondly, a person who works as toilet cleaner is less salary even though they work hard. Their contributions are unlimited however the salaries are fixed. Furthermore, we cant make sure the number of times they need to perform their cleaning per day. Thus, their contribution is so unforeseeable. Moreover, no matter hows good the facilities on toilets provided, it is useless if without a toilet cleaner to perform the cleaning job. As to say, people, visitors or customers will feel reluctant visiting a venue thats dirty and stinky and will causing lose of popularities and revenue.

Thirdly, toilet cleansers are those who work hard in behind without notice of others to benefit many aspects. For example, toilet cleansers also keep good image of a company, organization or corporation when the time people visiting their building. Thus, toilet nowadays also becomes part of crucial element within the hospitality management field. With or without our notice, toilets always provided all the tools that necessary for us to use. It is also the responsible of toilet cleaners to ensure the completely set of toilets materials to be provide. By the way, toilet cleaners in society nowadays also have to clean other areas if the toilets are clean. Thus, their jobs would be variable differently based on the circumstances and situation. In a nut shell, society will run out of comfortable if no one willingly to act as toilet cleaners. Therefore, I strongly believe thats contributions from toilet cleaners is undeniable highest integrity and most valuable moral value in their roles. Reply I don't know if this is actually correct(correct me if I'm wrong)

cause but, the people who contributes most to society are the ones who do all the dirty works like toilet cleaners. Without them our public toilets would be filled with graffiti of all sort as well as the byproducts of our own doing being laid waste to rot and decompose with time. First, toilet cleaners do most of the dirty jobs to sanitise a place which is considered to be one of the most "unclean" in Asian society. An example of this is that toilet cleaners cleans the mouth of the toilet as well as the body of the toilet in addition to keeping the place clean as a whistle so that people who use these toilets would feel comfortable as well as not being driven off by the stench of human by-products. secondly, toilet cleaners put their life on the line as they are prone to being infected with bacteria but they do it anyway. They take responsibility of cleaning the toilets because the people who use the toilets is not responsible enough to flush their own waste down the drain and making sure that they use facilities like these clean in other words, it's more closely related to vandalism. Lastly, toilet cleaners do what they do, which is keeping the cleanliness of our toilets. This is because most wouldn't even dare to come close to a dirty toilet. Their job as I said is keeping the cleanliness of the toilet, a toilet that is not clean can be hazardous to the health of society, therefore I strongly believe that toilet cleaners a contribute and provide for society. Thank you **the ones who do the dirty works such as the toilet cleaners

Candidate B : toilet cleaners I bid good morning to both the examiners and my fellow candidates.contribution to society is often thought of as contributing to new buildings, keeping the peace like the patrolling policemen and so on. All very thought of contribution to a higher

-being laid to waste. -do most of the dirty jobs, such as sanitising -as they are prone to being infected by bacteria -the people who use these toilets are not. -and the order of which I arrange my sentence if it has anything to do with it MUET SPEAKING- PAST YEAR QUESTIONS MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 1st Booklet Your collage is organising a youth seminar. You are invited to submit some relevant topics for the seminar. Discuss which of the following is the most relevant topic for the youth seminar

Discuss which of the following is the most important factor which contributes to good performance in examinations.

i. Self- discipline ii. Parental support iii. Experienced teachers iv. Peer influence

MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 3rd Booklet

Discuss which of the following is the best way to help a country that has just faced a catastrophic natural disaster.

i. 'Graduating with a degree can help one's future' ii. 'Young people should serve their community' iii. 'The importance of teamwork' iv. 'Being optimistic' MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 2nd Booklet

i Doonating a large sum of money ii Sending food and supplies iii Providing medical services iv Sending experts to look for survivors MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 4th Booklet

Discuss which of the following is the most effective way to prevent burglaries.

i Talking to family members and relatives. ii Going to education and career fairs.

i Fasten all doors and windows securely ii Install a burglar alarm iii Organise a neighbourhood watch programme iv Keep the emergency numbers of the police

iii Sourcing for infomation from the media iv Seeking advice from the career guidance councellor MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 7th Booklet

Discuss which of the following is the best way to save money. MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 5th Booklet Which of the following is the greatestact of kindness? i Spending less on entertainment

i Sending an injured motorcyclist to hospital. ii Cheering up the elderly at the old folks' home. iii Helping disaster victims rebuild their village iv Sponsoring the education of an orphan MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 6th Booklet

ii Spending less on shopping iii Growing one's own vegetables iv Using public transportation

Discuss which of the following is the most useful source of information to help you make your decision on higher education?

MUET JULY 2012 SPEAKING 8th Booklet

B) language barrier Which of the following is the greatest advantage of being able to speak more than two languages? C) financial problems D) culture shock

i It is an advantage at work.

3.Welfare club wants to help children in a hospital A) read to the children regularly

ii It is an advantage in the community. iii It is an advantage when travelling. iv It is an advantage when purchasing items.

B) organise games and activities C) assist the children with their studies D) collect things like toys and books for the children

MUET SPEAKING -YEAR END 2011 1.People gives the most meaningful contribution to society A)garbage collectors B)toilet cleaners C)road sweepers D)gardeners

4.Sex education should be taught to the young. Who should impart this knowledge? A) teachers B) parents C) friends D) the mass media

2. Challenges of studying abroad A) homesick

5.Which is the most important in life? A)health

B)friends C)education D)family

C) animation D) action 9. How youth express their feeling: A)face to face

6.What are the qualities that can strengthen a relationship. A)respect B)honesty C)generosity D)tolerance 7.Parents may differ opinions with their teenagers on A) choice of friends B) choice of career C) extend freedom D) lifestyle

B)sms C)social networking D)phone call 10.Qualities of a good team player A)respect other's point of view B)strong commitment C)cooperative D)communicates well 11.which professions should paid high salary A)football player B)singer

8. What kind of movies appeal to Malaysian people? A) horror B) comedies

C)nurse D)policeman

12. What is the quality for a team player? A) respect on others view B) Shows commitment C) cooperate D) communicate wells

A)A great achievement would be to bring about economic prosperity. B)A great achievement would be to bring about excellence in sports. C)A great achievement would be to bring about world class education. D)A great achievement would be to bring about excellent health facilities.

MUET SPEAKING PAPER 2-MID 2010 1. A person's character is often influenced by other people around him/her. Who has the greatest influence on a person's character? A)You think that parents have the greatest influence on a person's character. B)You think that teachers have the greatest influence on a person's character. C)You think that friends have the greatest influence on a person's character. D)You think that famous personalities have the greatest influence on a person's character. 3.What do teenagers expect from their parents? A)Increase their allowance B)Give them more freedom C)Be more understanding D)Spend more time with them

4.You and your friends are deciding on the choice of universities and programmes of study available. You would like to seek the opinion of others before you make your final decision. A)You think that it is important to seek the opinion of your parents.

2.If you were given the opportunity to serve as the Prime Minister of Malaysia for one term, what would be a great achievement to leave behind?

B)You think that it is important to seek opinion of your friends C)You think that it is important to seek opinion of your teachers

D)You think that it is important to seek opinion of your career guidance counselor

B)Daily habits C)social relationships D)World view

5. You are preparing for your first job interview. There are many things that you should do. What are some of these? A)Get information about the job B)Obtain information about the organisation C)Dress appropriately for the interview D)Improve on your communication skills 8.In today's society, more people arre trying to lose weight. What could be the reason? A)For health reasons B)To be fashionable C)Because of their job 6.Everyone has a role to play in making Malaysia a safer place to live in. Suggest what can be done at different levels to achieve this. A)Every individual can play a role in maintaining safety. B)The community C)The school or college D)The government 7.Electronic media such as the mobile phone, computer and electronic games has an impact on young people of today. What aspects of their lives are affected? A) Electronic media can affect the study habits of youths. 9.What are the costs-cutting measures that can be taken by a family to reduce expenditure? Give some suggestions. A) Use public transport B)Spend only on what is needed C) Carry out their own repair and maintenance work D)Recycle and reuse household items D)Because of social pressure

10.Who do you regard as a successful person? Give your view. A)Someone who is very rich B)Someone who is very intelligent C)Someone who is very powerful D)Someone who is very famous 11.What factors can influence a student's academic performance? A)Study habits B)Sleeping habits C)Leisure activities D)Network of friends

The rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products. How will this affect the society? Give your opinion. You should write at least 350 words. [60 marks] Money is always an issue in today's era of materialism. Most people need it for basic survival while the lucky few indulge in luxuries without worrying about money. In my opinion, I strongly agree that the rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products and this will definitely affect the society. In this essay, I would like to touch on the effects this price increase has on society today, namely increasing vice activities, widening the gap between the rich and the poor and affecting the population trend in the long term. First and foremost, society will immediately be affected by the rise in fuel prices because consumer products will be more costly and this leads to an increase of vice activities. This is because basic necessities such as rice, flour, sugar and so on will be in great demand and some warehouses will store or hoard the items to further increase the price of the product. Moreover, in the newspapers today, reports of smuggling of these items prove that this vice activity is on the rise. For example, the recent sugar price hike caused a furor among the Malaysian society as it costs more fuel to travel to and from the supermarket and when arriving, most places had run out of stock even though the government had allocated 2kg of sugar to one person. Therefore, the fuel price increase had definitely caused more hardships to society today.

12.It is important to be a good neighbour. What are some of the qualities needed? A)Polite and respectful B)Friendly and caring C)Helpful and responsible D)Tolerant and understanding SAMPLE 4) MUET WRITING 800/4 QUESTION 2 By Audrey Koh

Secondly, it is undeniable that the rise in fuel prices leads to the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor. This is due to the fact that people are greatly affected by the price of basic necessities such as food and fuel in particular. Furthermore, the rich people will still be able to afford such things but the poor will face greater challenges as the popular saying goes: "The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer." For instance, when money is used to purchase consumer products that are necessary for survival, then less money will be spent on health and dental check-up, educational purposes and others. Thus, it is clear that the fuel price hike will further stress on the differences between the rich and the poor which is such a tragedy. Last but not least, in the long term the population trend or demographics of the society will be greatly affected. This means that new families will consciously decide not to have too many children in order to increase their quality of life. In addition, society is now more aware of birth control and family planning so this will greatly reduce the population as most families will have 1 to 5 children instead of more. Take for example, new families with less children will surely spend less on basic necessities like food, clothes, transport and many more. Hence, the demographics of the whole country will be affected and this in turn will reduce our workforce which will affect our country's productivity and prosperity. In short, there are many short term to long term effects of a fuel price increase which includes more crimes like hoarding and smuggling will occur and this leads to the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor as well as a change in the society's demographics. I still strongly believe that the rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products and this will surely

cause a negative impact to society. The government must find a way to stabilise the fuel price at a reasonable rate so that it does not affect the productivity of this country towards achieving the aspirations of the nation for Vision 2020.

SPEAKING SAMPLE QUESTIONS COMPILATION OF YEAR END 2011 MUET SPEAKING QUESTIONS: Here some sample of speaking question that you can try :) have a nice try :) SET 1 Some people make a very meaningful contribution to society. Who are they? Task A Candidate A: You think that garbage collectors make a very meaningful contribution to society. Elaborate. Candidate B: You think that toilet cleaners make a very meaningful contribution to society. Elaborate. Candidate C: You think that road sweepers make a very meaningful contribution to society. Elaborate. Candidate D: You think that gardeners make a very meaningful contribution to society. Elaborate.

Task B Discuss which of the following people contribute most to society. (i) Garbage collectors (ii) Toilet cleaners (iii) Road sweepers (iv) Gardeners SET 2 Students face many challenges when studying abroad. What are some of these challenges? Task A Candidate A: You think that homesickness is one of the challenges. Explain. Candidate B: You think that language barrier is one of the challenges. Explain. Candidate C: You think that financial aid is one of the challenges. Explain. Candidate D: You think that cultural differences are one of the challenges. Explain. Task B Discuss which of the following is the greatest challenge students face when studying abroad. (i) Homesickness (ii) Language barrier (iii) Financial aid (iv) Cultural differences

SET 3 Transcribed by Kandasamy Purivajan & edited by Audrey Koh Sui Ean 2012

The welfare club of your college plans to help sick children in a hospital. What would be a good way to help them?

Task A Candidate A: A good way to help them would be to read to the children regularly. Elaborate. Candidate B: A good way would be to organise games and activities for the children. Elaborate. Candidate C: A good way would be to assist the children with their studies. Elaborate. Candidate D: A good way would be to collect things like toys and books for the children. Elaborate. Task B Discuss which of the following would be the best way to help sick children in a hospital. (i) Read to the children regularly. (ii) Organise games and activities for the children. (iii) Assist the children with their studies. (iv) Collect things like toys and books for the children.

SET 4 Sex education should be taught to the young. Who should impart this knowledge? Task A Candidate A: You think teachers are suitable for this task. Justify. Candidate B: You think parents are suitable for this task. Justify. Candidate C: You think friends are suitable for this task. Justify. Candidate D: You think the mass media is suitable for this task. Justify. TASK B Discuss which of the following is the most suitable to impart sex education to the young. (i) Teachers (ii) Parents (iii) Friends (iv) The mass media SET 5 Transcribed by Kandasamy Purivajan & edited by Audrey Koh Sui Ean 2012

Task A Candidate A: Health is important in life. Elaborate. Candidate B: Friendship is important in life. Elaborate. Candidate C: Education is important in life. Elaborate. Candidate D: Family is important in life. Elaborate.

Task B Discuss which of the following is the most important in life. (i) Health (ii) Friendship (iii) Education (iv) Family

SET 6. The career club in your college plans to invite someone to give a talk to pre-university students on life in the university. Who should be invited to give the talk?

Task A There are some things that many people think are important in life. What are some of these? Candidate A: A university lecturer should be invited to give the talk on life in the university. Elaborate. Candidate B: A university student should be invited to give the talk on life in the university. Elaborate.

Candidate C: A university counsellor should be invited to give the talk on life in the university. Elaborate. Candidate D: A successful university graduate should be invited to give the talk on life in the university. Elaborate.

Candidate B: You think that relationships should be based on honesty. Elaborate. Candidate C: You think that relationships should be based on generosity. Elaborate. Candidate D: You think that relationships should be based on tolerance. Elaborate.

Task B Discuss which of the following is the most suitable person to give a talk to pre-university students on life in the university. (i) A university lecturer (ii) A university student (iii) A university counsellor (iv) A successful university graduate

Task B Discuss which of the following is the most important quality in any relationship. (i) Respect (ii) Honesty (iii) Generosity (iv) Tolerance

SET 7 Certain qualities are necessary to make relationships stronger and better. Transcribed by Kandasamy Purivajan & edited by Audrey Koh Sui Ean 2012 SET 8 Sometimes teenagers and their parents have different opinions on many issues. What are some of these issues?

Task A Suggest some of these qualities. Task A Candidate A: You think that relationships should be based on respect. Elaborate. Candidate A: Choice of friends is one of these issues. Elaborate. Candidate B: Choice of career is one of these issues. Elaborate. Candidate C: Extent of freedom is one of these issues. Elaborate.

Candidate D: Lifestyle is one of these issues. Elaborate.

Candidate D: You think that a telephone call is a way to express ones feelings. Elaborate.

Task B Discuss which of the following issues teenagers and parents differ most in opinion on. (i) Choice of friends (ii) Choice of career (iii) Extent of freedom (iv) Lifestyle Task B Discuss which of the following would be the best way to express ones feelings. (i) Face-to-face communication (ii) The short message system (SMS) (iii) Social networking sites (iv) A telephone call

SET 9 Youths now have many ways to express their feelings. What are some of these ways? Transcribed by Kandasamy Purivajan & edited by Audrey Koh Sui Ean 2012 SET 10 What kind of movies appeal to the Malaysian audience?

Task A Candidate A: You think that horror movies appeal to the Malaysian audience. Elaborate. Candidate B: You think that comedies appeal to the Malaysian audience. Elaborate. Candidate C: You think that animation appeal to the Malaysian audience. Elaborate. Candidate D: You think that action movies appeal to the Malaysian audience. Elaborate.

Task A Candidate A: You think that face-to-face communication is a way to express ones feelings. Elaborate. Candidate B: You think that the short message system (SMS) is a way to express ones feelings. Elaborate. Candidate C: You think that social networking sites is a way to express ones feelings. Elaborate.

Task B

Candidate D: You think that a policeman player should be paid a high player. Justify.

Discuss which of the following types of movies appeal most to the Malaysian audience. (i) Horror movies (ii) Comedies (iii) Animation (iv) Action movies

Task B Discuss which of the following should be paid the highest salary. (i) A football player (ii) A singer (iii) A nurse (iv) A policeman

SET 11 Some professions deserve to be paid a high salary. What are some of these professions?

SET 12 What are the qualities of a good team player?

Task A Task A Transcribed by Kandasamy Purivajan & edited by Audrey Koh Sui Ean 2012 Candidate A: A good team player respects different points of view. Elaborate. Candidate B: A good team player shows commitment. Elaborate. Candidate C: A good team player cooperates with others. Elaborate. Candidate A: You think that a football player should be paid a high player. Justify. Candidate B: You think that a singer should be paid a high player. Justify. Candidate C: You think that a nurse should be paid a high player. Justify. Candidate D: A good team player communicates well. Elaborate.

Task B Discuss which of the following qualities makes an effective team player.

(i) Respects different points of views (ii) Shows commitment (iii) Cooperates with others (iv) Communicates well


Transcribed by Kandasamy Purivajan & edited by Audrey Koh Sui Ean 2012

Repeat Point - thesis statement (As a conclusion/ To conclude/ In a nutshell) Repeat stand (In my opinion, I strongly agree that..........) Recommendation (I suggest that the government, community and individual should .....)

WRITING QUESTION 2 TIPS Introduction Current Situation (Nowadays..... In the era of globalization..... ) Stand (In my opinion, I think that............... I strongly agree that..........) Thesis statement (I will discuss 3 major reasons/ factors/..........)

There are more linkers that all of you can use in this question. till then.. WRITING 101 :) Friday, 4 January 2013 | 0Superstar (s)!

Body Paragraph


Main Idea (Firstly/ First and foremost/ Secondly/ Thirdly......) Reasons (This is because/ The reasons are/ This is due to.... moreover/furthermore/besides) Examples (For example/ For instance/ Such as..) Mini Conclusion (Thus/ Hence/Therefore....)

Dear students, for this post I would like to introduce all of you writing skill. well,let me introduce to this paper. This paper contain 2 question which is question 1 and question 2. 1 hour and 30 minutes will be given to complete both question. Thus, all the students are advise to spend about 40 minutes on question 1 and 50minutes on question 2. The maximum marks for this paper is 90 marks.

Question 1 is basically require students to write a report writing based on the stimulus given. These stimulus are from a non-linear sources like bar chart, pie chart, table and etc. Students need to interpreting information based on a set of non-linear sources. They must read and understand the question very well, analyse the question the anlyse and synthesise the given sources, write an outline, write the draft and make the report within 150-200 words. The format: Title: Need to underline the title and find the title in the question

Question 2 is an essay writing or academic writing. It contain 5 paragraphs which are introduction, 3 body paragraph and conclusion. Student will be given a critical thinking question and need to make an essay must be more than 350 words. The format:

Introduction :

Current situation Introduction : The introduction to the stimulus. For example, "The bar graph show ________________ (title of the graph)" Stand Thesis Statement Overview: Overall features of the graph. For example how many categories include, the highest data, the lowest data, overall trend like what is change by what. Body Paragraph : Main point Reasons Examples Key Features: The important point from the graph that need to plot in the report. For instance, the changes (increase, decrease, constant, etc). Key features must have a point, data and time frame. Mini conclusion Conclusion : Repeat Thesis Statement Conclusion: What can be concluded in the report Repeat stand Recommendation

SPEAKING AGAIN :) For task A, Just begin with salam and greeting,

You are given 2 minutes to present your point.. before that, you also will be given 2 minutes to prepare. after that the examiners will ask if there is a question from you and the others candidates.sitting arrangement would be like this, Examiner 1 Candidate A Candidate B

Step 1 : "Thank you to the examiners, and good day to all my fellow candidates"

Step 2 : "Today, I would like to talk about ________________(Your main situation given)"

Examiner 2 Candidate C

Step 3 : "In my opinion, I think that_______________(You main topic given- different from the others candidates)"

Candidate D For task b, the examiners allocate you 10 minutes to complete this task and also give you two minutes again to prepare, it doesn't matter who start the discussion first. and REMEMBER.. this task is a GROUP DISCUSSION an require you to discuss which mean there are agree and not agree opinion. there also need a conclusion when it comes to the end of the task.

Step 4 : "This is because___________ moreover___________ for example__________" (give two reasons and example as an elaboration)

Step 5 : As a conclusion, i really think that __________(main topic) is the best way, causes, reasons to ______(situation)

Step 6 : smile and thanks to the examiner again :)

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