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Islamiyat Notes PDF

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Islamiyat Notes

Paper 1
Quranic Verses

1. Surah Al-Naas
 Main Theme: The theme is Allah’s rela onship with the created world. Believers are taught
to seek refuge with Allah from all evils, Who is the Lord, the King and the God of mankind.
Tells us that Shaitan, along with other Jinns and evil-minded people, may cause us harm and
the best way to protect ourselves is to approach Allah only
 Importance of theme: This Surah is a shield for Muslims against all evils. It is a prayer that
has been taught to seek Allah’s refuge by referring to His three a ributes; the Sustainer, King
and deity of men. There is no one beside Him with whom they should seek refuge because
He can fully protect and save the reciter from evil. Evil sugges on is not only by Shaitan but
our own choices as well so we should ask for Allah’s protec on with this Surah.

2. Surah Al-Ikhlas
 Main Theme: The theme is Allah in Himself. These verses clearly signify the Oneness of Allah
in His person, a ributes and commandments. He is not dependant on anyone for anything.
He is incomparable to any of His crea on.
 Importance of theme: Proclaims the Oneness and absolute nature of Allah, and refutes all
forms of Shirk in beliefs and ac ons. Negates all corrupted beliefs as Allah is beyond human
comprehension. Renders the ideas of those who think angels are daughters of Allah or Jesus
is His son, invalid and baseless. The Prophet encouraged Muslims to recite this Surah to
purify their faith.

3. Surah Al-Duha
 Main Theme: The theme is Allah’s messengers. Elaborates Allah’s special rela onship with
The Prophet. These verses were sent down to ease the distress of The Prophet a er an
unusual delay in his revela on, as he was being mocked by his enemies. Allah men ons to
not give up hope in difficult mes and always be thankful to Him and share our wealth.
 Importance of theme: Teaches us about the importance of having faith in Allah and His help
toward His slaves. Muslims should always retain their faith in difficult mes by remembering
Allah. We should persevere with pa ence and accept the challenges that Allah has given us
and understand that it is a way of ge ng closer to Allah. We can also strengthen our rela on
with Allah by showing kindness to the weak and always helping the poor and needy.

4. Surah Al-Kauthar
 Main Theme: The theme is Allah’s rela onship with The Prophet. Revealed a er he lost his
second son, and the Makkans started insulted him by calling him Abtar. Allah is consoling him
and informing him that He would make his enemies suffer and no one will remember them.
Helped relieve the tension he felt at the me.
 Importance of theme: Makes us realise that to win our Creator’s love, we must love and
respect The Prophet and his Sunnah. This Surah can protect a person from the effects of
jealousy and envy. Excellent for relieving tension. Signifies Allah’s blessings and teaches them
to be grateful to Allah even in difficult circumstances. We must turn to Him in adora on and
offer sacrifice for Him alone. Also acts as a warning that Allah will deal with people who try
to slander the Prophet.

Ways of Revela on

- As the ringing of a bell, and it was the hardest on The Prophet. When Angel Jibreel would leave, he
remembered what he had said

- The Angel appeared before The prophet in the form of a man, talked to him and remembered

- The Angel appeared before The prophet in original form, The prophet would become extremely
quiet, he would sweat a lot and would feel extremely heavy.

- True dreams that came true

Why gradual revela on?

To gradually implement the laws of Allah, made easier for The Prophet to bear the revela ons, To
make the understanding, memorisa on and applica on of The Quran easier for the Prophet and
Muslims, the revela on was revealed during a suitable situa on so the believers could benefit from it


Ijma means ‘to be unified or agreed’. In terms of Islamic law, it means, the agreement of all the
scholars in Islam of one era on a single Islamic ruling. Ijma is the third source of Islamic law a er the
Quran and Sunnah. It marks the extension of guidance contained in the primary sources. Can only be
used if a certain ruling is not men oned in The Quran and Sunnah. For example, selec on of Abu
Bakr as caliph, compila on of Quran, The Azaan for Friday Prayer


Qiyas is a principle of the extension of Islamic law on the basis of similarity in two situa ons, one of
which can be found the The Quran or Sunnah. It is basically common sense and logical reasoning. For
example: Consump on of alcohol. The scholars of Islam contemplated that the reason for alcohol
being haram is because of intoxica on. Therefore, through Qiyas, this means that all items that cause
intoxica on are also haram.

Paper 2
Selected Ahadis (6-10)

 6. Teachings: Teaches us about our obliga ons when we see an evil act. We are taught to act
against evil acts with whatever means possible. It is the best of faith to make use of our hand
to condemn evil. This should be done with people with higher authority like a ruler or a
judge. Those who can’t, use their speech and for those who can’t even do that, then just
don’t follow the evil acts.
 Pu ng into ac on: Make use of our hand to stop evil whenever it is in our capability. Then,
speech. Ex: repor ng against corrup on. Anyone commi ng acts of evil should be told not
to. Then, distance themselves from the acts of evil and condemn it inwardly. Even though it’s
weakest of faith, it is be er than no faith. If Muslims implement these in their lives, the
community become freer of sins and would reduce oppression.
 7. Teachings: Teaches Muslims about Jihad. Jihad is a struggle in the way of Allah. People
who perform Jihad are the most excellent of men. Struggle for Allah and submit to His will
even if it means changing one’s personality and leaving behind sins that are common in their
life. They are also said to struggle with their property. Example: When the Makkans migrated
to Madinah and leave behind their property.
 Pu ng into ac on: Struggle in the way of Allah. If he commits a sin, he should strive to let go
of this sin, no ma er how much pleasure this gives him. Abandon ego and be humble for the
sake of Allah. Examples of companions include Abu Bakr and Umar gave a large por on of
their wealth for the expedi on of Tabuk. Muslims should sacrifice their property no ma er
how important it is to them for the cause of Allah. Muslims will also achieve martyrdom with

 8. Teachings: Teaches Muslims about martyrdom. Martyrdom is not only achieved only by
ge ng killed in combat as many think it is to be. Hadith explains that the Muslims who live s
righteously intending to a ain Allah’s pleasure, and they die either by (the deaths), are
considered martyrs. Figh ng in the way of Allah has great reward whether or not one
 Pu ng into ac on: Struggling for Allah. Muslims should perform Jihad in whatever form
possible. One is working honestly and truthfully by helping those who are in need or
suppor ng those who are vulnerable and helpless. Being kind to all the creatures of Allah
and looking a er the environment is also a type of Jihad. Muslims should give up forbidden
acts no ma er how difficult it is.

 9. Teachings: The importance of working by themselves. Teaches about independence and its
value for a Muslim: pu ng in hard work by oneself is much be er than spreading one’s
hands in front of others. Begging and other forms of unlawful earnings are discouraged such
as the and corrup on. This brings us closer to Allah. Taught to stay away from gambling,
be ng and usury. There is far greater respect for those who earn lawfully with his effort.
 Pu ng into ac on: Abstain from all sort of illegal means of earning. Be er to earn less than
to earn a lot unlawfully. Avoid gambling, bribery, corrup on and the . Make effort to earn
with our own efforts and keep earnings lawful. The Prophet never looked down at any job.

 10. Teachings: The rights of people, Islam promotes social jus ce and community welfare.
Taking care of the widows and poor men has a great reward. It is equal to staying up for
prayer at night or fas ng. Be a source of benefit for them. Worship is not restricted to just
prayer and fas ng, but it covers every good deed.
 Pu ng into ac on: Looking a er the needy people around them. Think of it as an act of
worship with a similar reward and help out everyone in need of help in whatever way
possible. Strive to fulfil the rights of the needy as Allah gives it significant importance.

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