This document summarizes 7 key hadiths on Islamic teachings and how Muslims can implement them. The main teachings are:
1) Sincerely following the Quran and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, including obeying religious and community leaders.
2) Caring for others' well-being as much as one's own and wanting good for all brothers and sisters.
3) Speaking good, being generous to neighbors and guests, and refraining from idle talk as prerequisites of faith.
4) Following the five pillars of Islam like prayer and fasting will attain paradise.
5) Performing daily good deeds and acts of kindness, even through small gestures, are a form
This document summarizes 7 key hadiths on Islamic teachings and how Muslims can implement them. The main teachings are:
1) Sincerely following the Quran and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, including obeying religious and community leaders.
2) Caring for others' well-being as much as one's own and wanting good for all brothers and sisters.
3) Speaking good, being generous to neighbors and guests, and refraining from idle talk as prerequisites of faith.
4) Following the five pillars of Islam like prayer and fasting will attain paradise.
5) Performing daily good deeds and acts of kindness, even through small gestures, are a form
This document summarizes 7 key hadiths on Islamic teachings and how Muslims can implement them. The main teachings are:
1) Sincerely following the Quran and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, including obeying religious and community leaders.
2) Caring for others' well-being as much as one's own and wanting good for all brothers and sisters.
3) Speaking good, being generous to neighbors and guests, and refraining from idle talk as prerequisites of faith.
4) Following the five pillars of Islam like prayer and fasting will attain paradise.
5) Performing daily good deeds and acts of kindness, even through small gestures, are a form
This document summarizes 7 key hadiths on Islamic teachings and how Muslims can implement them. The main teachings are:
1) Sincerely following the Quran and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, including obeying religious and community leaders.
2) Caring for others' well-being as much as one's own and wanting good for all brothers and sisters.
3) Speaking good, being generous to neighbors and guests, and refraining from idle talk as prerequisites of faith.
4) Following the five pillars of Islam like prayer and fasting will attain paradise.
5) Performing daily good deeds and acts of kindness, even through small gestures, are a form
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a) Belief (Teachings)- theme
b) Actions – What to do Hadith 1 ‘Religion is sincerity.’ We said: ‘To whom?’ The Prophet said: ‘To Allah, His book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and to their common people.’
(a) The important teaching of this hadith is that Muslims
must sincerely follow the teachings of Islam. Muslims need to put their belief into action by sincerely following the five Pillars of Islam. They are not only sensitive to the needs of other people but also obey their leaders as loyal members of their community. The Holy Quran says, “O you who believe, Obey Allah, and obey the messenger and those charged with authority among you…” This means that obeying Allah, and His prophets and the pious leaders is imperative. (b) Muslims can put into practice the teachings of this hadith by following the teachings of Islam. A good Muslim obeys the commands of the Qur’an and the Prophet in their daily lives e.g Offer regular prayers and fast in the month of Ramadan. Muslims should respect their elders as the Holy Prophet (PBUH) showed respect for leaders of his time when he wrote to bring them to Islam. He wrote to them kindly despite having differences with them. Muslims should act in a way to maintain good in the society e.g taking care of neighbours, guests and even strangers. Hadith No 2 “None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself”.
(a) Concern for the well being of others is an important
aspect of faith and the core teaching of this Hadith. Islam is a religion of social justice and asks its followers to practice their faith by putting the values of care, understanding and respect into action. Belief can only be sincere when put into action and this Hadith is asking all Muslims to show sincere faith by wanting the best for others. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “ You cannot enter paradise until you are believers and you cannot be true believers unless there is mutual love between you”. (b) Muslims should always respond to the need of others. Care for others is a basic part of faith for which Muslims will be rewarded. This Hadith implicates that we should be sympathetic with the less fortunate for e.g: In case of natural disasters like floods or earthquakes, we should understand the pain of victims and help them in their rehabilitation. This can be seen with the Holy Prophet’s example of creation of brotherhood between Ansar of Madinah and Muhajirun of Makkah. Therefore, this creates a harmonious and selfless society which is free from greed and egoism. Hadith No 3 “Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbor, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest”.
(a) The teachings of this Hadith is that the foremost
prerequisite of being a Muslim are belief in God and the Last Day. Three aspects: Firstly, to speak wisely, speak the truth, and speak without taking sides. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “ A Muslim is he from whose tongue and hands Muslims are safe”. The second aspect is about living in a community and caring for ones neighbors. The importance of neighbors is emphasized by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) so much that the companions started feeling that neighbors will also be made the rightful heirs to the property of deceased. The third aspect is of generosity and hospitality towards guests. This Hadiths emphasizes in the rights and duties towards guests. (b) Belief in Allah and the day is an integral part of Muslim belief. All Muslims must follow Allah’s will as they are all accountable to Him. They must refrain from idle talk or such conversations which may offend others. E.g They should not use abusive language nor indulge in back biting etc. They should be kind and considerate to neighbours e.g We should avoid playing loud music which may disturb the neighbors. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “ None of you truly believes until he wants his brother what he wants for himself”. Similarly, guests should be welcomed whole heartedly and be served generously. It will create a polite and civilised society. Hadith No. 4 A man asked the Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and give him peace): Do you think that if I perform the obligatory prayers, fast in Ramadan, treat as lawful that which is lawful and treat as forbidden that which is forbidden, and do nothing further, I shall enter paradise? He said: Yes.
(a) The hadiths clearly outlines the basic requirements
of being a good Muslim. One may do as much as possible to attain Allah’s pleasure, but it also shows that Allah does not burden mankind with the impossible. The importance of prayer and fasting is highlighted here as pillars of Islam. There are very clear rules in Islam about what is lawful and what is not (Halal and Haram) and He expects Muslims to live accordingly. Following the basic principles of Islam attains paradise and is confirmed by the Prophet. In another Hadith, the Holy prophet (PBUH) assured an Arab that he would enter paradise if he had pure belief in Allah and followed the pillars of Islam like prayer , zakat and fasting which proves that these are the pre requisites for the success in the hereafter. (b) Muslims can put the teachings of this Hadith into practice by being obedient to God and by following the Pillars of Islam so that they can be blessed with paradise. However, Muslims need to be mindful of what is Halal and Haram. E.g: they must avoid alcohol, gambling and riba based transactions as such actions are forbidden in Islam. The Holy Quran says, “Allah has allowed trade and banned usury”. Living the lives following the straight path as shown by Allah through the Holy Quran and Sunnah will surely bring success in the hereafter. Hadith 5 Every person’s every joint must perform a charity every day the sun comes up: to act justly between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting up his belongings onto it is a charity; a good word is a charity; every step you take to prayers is a charity; and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity. (a) Social responsibility is the core teaching of this hadith. Muslims should care for the needs of others around them and everyday acts of kindness carry the reward of charity. Charity does not only refer to giving financial aid to a needy person, but concern for fellow beings at all times is also deemed as charity. Another aspect is Allah’s acceptance and the recognition of goodness. He sees the intention as good deeds as well. (b) Muslims should practice different acts of charity in their everday life e.g they should attend to the sick, help the blind to cross the road and protect the children from the traffic rush. If there is any conflict between our class fellows, instead of taking side of our friends , we should act fairly. Such acts will be blessed by Allah and will help create a pious society. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) not only showed how to worship Allah by prayer, fasting etc but also how to serve humanity (modesty, kindness, justice etc.) Hadith 6 Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand, and if he is unable to do so then with his tongue, and if he is unable to do so then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith.
a) The main teaching of this hadith is that Muslims must never
allow evil to take place in any circumstance and if they see it happening they must do all that is in their power to stop it. If they are unable to do so for whatever reasons, they must speak out against it but never condone it and always deem it as an injustice. The Hadith very clealry clarifies the moral obligation that Muslims have to promote good and forbid evil as the Holy Quran says, “ Help one another in matters of goodness and piety but do not help one another in matters of sins and transgression”. Once a person declares they are a Muslim they have to verify their faith through actions. i.e do good and forbid the wrong. b) Muslims must resist/fight evil however they can, with their hands, wealth, voice or thoughts. E.g: we should stop our friends from cheating in tests. Similarly, we should condemn backbiting and lying etc to prove that we are true Muslims. Such acts will promote modesty and purity in the society. Hadith 7 It was said: O Messenger of Allah, who is the most excellent of men? The Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘The believer who strives hard in the way of Allah with his person and his property’.
a) The teaching of this hadith says that a Muslim who is
willing to do his best himself and his wealth in God’s cause is the best amongst believers. The Holy Quran says, “ And whatsoever you spend of anything (in Allah’s cause) He will replace it”. One who spends in the way of Allah will be rewarded as well as the one who fights in the way of Allah will also be granted the best recompense. b) Sacrificing one’s time, money and, if need be, one’s life in the way of God is one way of putting the teaching of this hadith into action. E.g A true believer rises before Fajr to offer Tahajjud prayers, or sits in itikaf in the month of Ramadan or finances the Hajj of a less fortunate Muslim, they are all performing jihad. However, A Muslim must firstly fulfil the pillars of Islam sincerely first. Muslims are required to use his wealth to establish a just society based on good principles e.g The Holy prophet (PBUH) and his companions were always ready to strive for Islam like the companions generously contributed at the time of Tabuk expedition. Hadith No 8 The Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘Whom do you count to be a martyr among you?’ They said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, whoever is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr.’ He said: ‘In that case the martyrs of my community will be very few! He who is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies a natural death in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies in the plague in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies of cholera in the way of Allah is a martyr.’ The Hadith clarifies the concept of martyrdom. A martyr is the one who voluntarily gives his life for the sake of Allah while fighting on the battlefield. The Hadith however mentions more categories of martyrs who will be rewarded on the day of judgment. These categories include one who dies naturally in the cause of Allah. All those who live righteous lives and spend their lives in the way of God will be regarded as martyrs (spiritual or mental jihad). The Hadith also includes persons who die as a result of a serious disease or those who meet a sudden death due to a catastrophe. b) A Muslim who wants to attain the status of a martyr must always be busy in doing things that will please God. They must be true believers and practicing Muslims i.e they live their lives following the teachings of Islam e.g prayer, zakat, fasting etc and by fulfilling the rights of fellow beings like parents, neighbours, strangers etc. In such a case if death approaches them, whether natural or accidental , they will be rewarded as martyrs. Hadith 9 No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work of his hand. a) Earning honestly and lawfully is the teaching of this simple Hadith. Lawful earnings, no matter how meagre, have a high position in Islam. Muslims are encouraged to earn their daily wage honestly and through their own efforts. Beggary, reliance on others and earning unlawfully are condemned in Islam. Muslims must take responsibility for earning their own livelihood. Prophets also earned their living through their own work. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) appreciated the hard work by saying “ One who earns his living by the sweat of his brow is a friend of Allah”. b) A Muslim should support himself and his family through his own hard work. It is better for a Muslim to live within his means, even if it is humbly, than to earn unlawfully e.g we should not indulge in taking bribes etc. Even modest jobs like salesmen and waiters are preferred than other unlawful jobs. Beggary is increasing in our society, we should condemn and discourage it. Self sufficiency must be promoted which is good for an individual and community aswell. Hadith No 10 One who manages the affairs of the widow and the poor man is like the one who exerts himself in the way of Allah, or the one who stands for prayer in the night or fasts in the day.
a) Islam strongly encourages its followers to care for the
needs of others especially the vulnerable in society. Although, only the words ‘widow’ and ‘poor’ have been mentioned, they cover the whole range of needy people in the community. Efforts for their care and welfare have been regarded equivalent to Jihad. It clarifies that worship in not restricted to prayers and fasting, but it covers every good deed. The Holy Quran orders believers to look after the weak and vulnerable “ Therefore, treat not the orphan with oppression and repulse not the beggar”. b) Helping others in need is as important as fighting a jihad or practicing a pillar of Islam. Muslims must always be ready and willing to help those in need e.g financial assistance for the poor students to complete their education. Acts of charity of a Muslim earns Allah’s pleasure. Looking after the less fortunate holds the reward equivalent to performance of pillars of Islam or Jihad.