in turn, will significantly impact the ability to self-care as
Despite the novel advancements in stroke management well as their ability to participate in social activities.
in a clinical setting, which had considerably limited the Since the use of upper limbs is not dispensable during
number mortality cases attributable to stroke, it is still our social and daily life activities, it is of great impor
identified as highest contributor to mortality and motor tance to regain their function in patients who recently
disability worldwide (Global of Burden Disease, recovered from stroke (Bailey, Klaesner, and Lang,
2016Stroke Collaborators, 2019; Simpkins et al., 2020). 2015).
Meanwhile, the number of neurologically-impaired In this context, many motor rehabilitative programs,
patients with significant disabilities has increased involving motor learning paradigms, have been pro
remarkably (Baumann, Lurbe-Puerto, Alzahouri, and posed in order to promote the functional recovery of
Aïach, 2011). That being said, only a limited number an impaired limb of patients who recently recovered
of cases could witness a functional improvement in their from stroke (Arya, Pandian, Verma, and Garg, 2011;
upper limbs (ULs) (Choo et al., 2015). Even though Brewer, Horgan, Hickey, and Williams, 2013;
physical training combined with aerobic exercise is con Langhorne, Bernhardt, and Kwakkel, 2011). Based on
sidered the gold standard of motor rehabilitation follow the witnessed advances in technologies exploring the
ing stroke recovery, approximately 15 to 30% of patients human brain, which has improved our understanding
with stroke are disabled for life (Roger et al., 2012). This, of neuroplasticity and its correlation with stroke
CONTACT Wanees M. Badawy Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy for Neuromuscular Disorders and its Surgery,
Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt
© 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
recovery (Johansson, 2011; Kleim and Jones, 2008; experience as well as the ability of the medical person
Talelli, Greenwood, and Rothwell, 2006), neural plasti nel. On the other hand, it has been reported that the
city has been proposed to have the ability to alter the trainings involved in conventional therapy, despite
structure as well as the function of the central nervous their repetition patterns, are still not sufficient to
system (Hosp and Luft, 2011; Takeuchi and Izumi, induce neural-plasticity-based motor improvement of
2012a). In turn, the rehabilitation of impaired limbs in the disabled limb (Saposnik and Levin, 2011). The
stroke survivors has been noted to depend mainly on aforementioned limitations drove researchers to
enhancing neural plasticity (da Silva Cameirão et al., develop and test other novel options that would be
2011; Saposnik et al., 2016). more efficient in regaining functional recovery of
In recent years, numerous stroke rehabilitation pro impaired limb in stroke patients, such as virtual reality
grams have been proposed to improve limb function (VR) (da Silva Cameirão et al., 2011; Laver et al., 2015;
following stroke, based on clinical research characteriz Lohse et al., 2014).
ing brain remodeling because of neuroplasticity Virtual reality is recognized as a novel, computer-
(Brewer, Horgan, Hickey, and Williams, 2013; Chen based simulation environment, which helps engage indi
and Shaw, 2014; Dobkin and Dorsch, 2013; Johansson, viduals in various environments and tasks inside the
2011; Pollock, Baer, Langhorne, and Pomeroy, 2007; assigned virtual scenario (Saposnik and Levin, 2011),
Takeuchi and Izumi, 2012b; Veerbeek et al., 2014; even at advanced intensities than those in conventional
Zorowitz and Brainin, 2011). The efficacy of such pro rehabilitation programs for chronic stroke patients
grams in enhancing motor function has been examined (Chen et al., 2016). This approach has recently emerged
and verified by various meta-analyses studies (Hsu et al., as a potential therapeutic option for motor function
2012; Laver et al., 2015; Nijland, Kwakkel, Bakers, and rehabilitation in patients with UL disabilities after stroke
van Wegen, 2011), but still due to the complex nature of (Laver et al., 2015). VR allows stroke survivors to be
stroke recovery and the methodological heterogeneity in involved in a repetitive, intensive, and goal-oriented
various studies (Chen and Shaw, 2014; Pollock, Baer, program in order to promote and enhance their func
Langhorne, and Pomeroy, 2007; Veerbeek et al., 2014; tional disabilities, activity restraints, and societal contri
Zorowitz and Brainin, 2011), it is difficult to draw bution limitations (Merians et al., 2002). In addition, VR
a conclusion as to which programs are superior to others offers real-time visual feedback for movements, and
or which ones could be adopted for the entire rehabilita thus, it enhances patients’ engagement in such enjoyable
tion process. rehabilitation protocols (Levin, Weiss, and Keshner,
Task-based approach of sufficient intensity and gen 2015).
eral exercises have been proposed as methods that be Despite the fact that various VR interventions have
added to stroke rehabilitation program. (French et al., been directed to patients who recovered stroke, the
2007; Kita et al., 2013). Various passive stimulation efficacy of VR rehabilitation interventions is not yet
approaches that use proprioceptive, hepatic and visual confirmed by high-quality evidence. In particular, ran
feedback are used to regain lost sensory and motor domized clinical trials on the qualitative as well as quan
function, in stroke patients (Doyle, Bennett, Fasoli, and titative valuable effects of VR on upper extremities
McKenna, 2010; Kita et al., 2013). These include differ motor function and independence in carrying out
ent techniques of electrical stimulation such as: neuro ADLs among patients with chronic stroke are still
muscular stimulation; cutaneous electrical stimulation; scarce. Therefore, we conducted the current investiga
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) tion to systematically review the available high-quality
(Kita et al., 2013); intermittent pneumatic compression evidence (i.e. randomized controlled trials) in the litera
(Cambier, De Corte, Danneels, and Witvrouw, 2003; ture concerning the use of VR rehabilitation interven
Kita et al., 2013); thermal stimulation (TS) (Chen, tions, compared to conventional physical therapy, in
Liang, and Shaw, 2005; Wu et al., 2010); and peripheral regaining the UL motor function among patients with
magnetic stimulation (Kita et al., 2013). chronic stroke.
Conventional therapies, in the form of occupational
or physical therapy, are commonly approached to
further enhance the regain of motor functionality of Methods
upper extremities of stroke patients with significant
Search strategy and study selection
disabilities (Ackerley et al., 2016; Jarvis, Reid,
Edelstyn, and Hunter, 2014). That being said, this con We followed the recommendations of the Preferred
ventional approach is often time-consuming with low Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
compliance rate, and the outcomes often depend on the Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) checklist which were
built for conducting the systematic review and meta- Data extraction
analysis. We searched for eligible papers until
We extracted the data using an Excel sheet
June 25, 2020 in nine databases listed in order:
(Microsoft office 365, Microsoft, Redmond, WA). At
metaRegister of Controlled Trials (mRCT), Web of
least two investigators extracted the necessary infor
science (ISI), Scopus, Google Scholar, PubMed,
mation from each paper and revised by a third inves
System for Information on Grey Literature in
tigator for more accuracy. A senior author was
Europe (SIGLE), Clinical, Virtual Health
consulted in case of disagreement between the three
Library (VHL) and the International Clinical Trials
Registry Platform (ICTRP) operated by the World
Health Organization (WHO) databases using key
words, medical subject (MeSH) terms. Another
search on the same databases was carried out on Risk of bias assessment
February 1, 2021. Publication types based on the Due to the inclusion of RCTs only, we decided to use the
participants, interventions, comparisons, outcomes, Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials (RoB 2)
and study design (PICOS) framework: participants (Sterne et al., 2019). Three investigators rated the quality
were any patient with chronic stroke (chronic stroke of evidence according to several metrics: randomization
will be defined as ≥ 6 months after onset) (Wechsler bias, allocation bias, missing data bias, outcome bias,
et al., 2018), affected upper extremity, the interven and selection bias (Sterne et al., 2019). A senior author
tion was the VR-based therapy, the comparison was was consulted when there was a disagreement between
the conventional therapy, and the treatment effec the three investigators.
tiveness was the outcome of interest. “Conventional
therapy” could consist of usual conventional ther
apy, physical therapy, occupational therapy or Statistical analysis
a combination of any of them.
“Effectiveness” was defined as the positive change All data were analyzed using R software version 4.0.1
from baseline values to the last follow up point. In (Team RC, R Foundation for Statistical Computing:
the case of multiple outcomes, effectiveness is mea Vienna, Austria). The standardized mean difference
sured by the change in the outcome that has been (SMD) effect size and its variance were calculated
reported as the primary outcome or most relevant to using the pre- and post-intervention data for both
other studies to maintain homogeneity (Molley, intervention and control groups (Hedges,
1990). We further did a manual search of references Pustejovsky, and Shadish, 2013). Using a “meta”
in our included papers to avoid missing relevant package, change from baseline for both intervention
studies (Vassar, Atakpo, and Kash, 2016). We and control were analyzed to calculate the pooled
included randomized-controlled trials study design SMD and the corresponding standard errors (SE).
that had a matched control group comparing the The SMD was used due to the difference in measure
VR techniques to conventional therapy in chronic ment methodology among included studies plus it is
stroke patients. We did not restrict inclusion criteria more generalizable than mean difference (Takeshima
for publication data or language of the included et al., 2014). The related 95% confidence intervals
studies to prevent results bias by missing one rele (CI) of the computed effect size were calculated
vant paper. using a fixed- or random-effects model based on the
We excluded records or full texts that include extent of heterogeneity. To assess heterogeneity,
animal populations, non-randomized trials and Q statistics and I2 test considering were used, with
other study design such as cohorts, case-control, I2 value higher than 50% or P less than 0.05 consid
cross-sectional and case series studies. We also ered significant (Higgins et al., 2019).
excluded studies that recruit the same patients We conducted Egger’s regression test to assess pub
because they will lead to results bias. Three authors lication bias which was considered significant when P is
screened the title and abstracts of each record then less than 0.10 (Egger, Davey Smith, Schneider, and
performed full texts screening to for the inclusion of Minder, 1997; Peters et al., 2006). Moreover, using meta-
related papers. In each step, a fourth review revised regression, we investigated if any of the following factors
the screening results for ensuring more accuracy. induced response to VR interventions: 1) VR session
A senior author was consulted if disagreement duration (min); 2) post-stroke duration (months);
occurred. and 3) Age (years) (El-Qushayri et al., 2020).
(77.8%) 63 with chronic stroke, (2) 17) and taking any Z game exercise IADL, and IADL (p = 0.01) and SIS
(10.54) aged 18 years and prescribed drugs that controller plus therapy, 8 (5) SIS domain of
above, (3) the affected could potentially affect 1.5 hours of sessions (once communication (p =
arm scored at least 4 physical function and standard a week) 0.03). A significant
out of 6 according to balance (such as physiotherapy time effect was found
the motor assessment corticosteroids, exercises, 8 in FMA-UE (p = 0.001),
scale, and (4) able to antipsychotics, or sessions (once WMFT (p = 0.001),
participate in the VR antidepressants). a week) Lawton IADL (p =
games training 0.01), and SIS domains;
without limitation strength, ADL and
(presently with good stroke recovery (p <
health and no self- 0.05)
reported orthopaedic,
medical, or painful
Crosbie/2012/ 18 First stroke Exp= 5 Exp= Medically stable; an adult Patients who presented VR (30-45 Physiotherapy (1) Upper limb Both groups 3 weeks
UK (55.6%), 56.1 aged 18–85 years; 6– with mental score test minutes), (duration and Motricity demonstrated small
Con= 5 (14.5), 24 months following of less than 7/10,15 three sessions number of Index and (7–8 points on upper
(55.6%) Con= a first stroke and able a star cancellation per day, for 3 sessions were (2) Action limb Motricity Index
64.6 to follow a two-step score of less than 48/ successive not reported) Research and 4 points on the
(7.4) command. 52,16 scored less than weeks. Arm Test. Action Research Arm
25 out of 100 on the Test), but non-
upper limb Motricity significant, changes to
Index,17 had800 their arm impairment
Clinical Rehabilitation and activity levels.
26(9) comorbid
conditions affecting
their rehabilitation
potential (e.g. cardiac,
respiratory or arthritic
problems) and
reported arm pain on
a visual analogue scale
of >6/10. Patients with
pacemakers were also
Table 1. (Continued).
Author/Year/ Sample Stroke Experimental Measurement Program
Country Size Description Male% Age Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Arm Control Arm Tools Outcomes Duration
Kim/2018/ 24 NR Total= 15 Exp= (1) Those who had NCS VR programs (1) FMA and The experimental group 12 weeks
Korea (62.5%) 50.91 passed at least six using video traditional (2) MFT participants’ daily
(9.57), months after the onset games plus rehabilitation living activities
Con= of a stroke, (2) Those traditional (12 weeks, 5 improved after
57.23 who scored 21 points rehabilitation times per training. In addition,
(14.63) or above in the Berg (12 weeks, 3 week, and 30 the experimental
Balance Scale, (3) times per min per time, group scored
Those who scored week, and 40 same exercise significantly higher on
Stage 4 or above in the min per time, program) all the tests than the
Brunnstrom motor same VR control group, but
recovery stages of arm exercise upper extremity
and hand, and (4) program) function between the
Those who understood groups was not
the therapist’s significantlydifferent.
instructions with 24
points or above in the
Mini-Mental State
Shuster-Amft 52 Ischemic stroke= Exp= 16 Exp= Patients had to be at Previous or current VR (four 45- Conventional (1) BBT, (2) Patients in the 4 weeks
/2018/ 43, (72.7%), 61.3 least six months after functional deficits of minute physiotherapy CAHAI-13, experimental and
Switzerland Hemorrhagic= Con= 23 (13.4), his or her first-ever the arm and hand training or and (3) SIS control group
11 (71.9%) Con= stroke (ischemic or motor function not sessions per occupational improved: Box and
61.2 hemorrhagic) with due to stroke, severe week for 4 therapy (four Block Test mean 21.5
(11.2) a persistent motor cognitive deficits weeks) 45-minute ±SD 16 baseline to
deficit of the arm and indicated by a Mini- training mean 24.1±SD 17
hand, indicated by Mental State sessions per follow-up; Chedoke-
a Chedoke-McMaster Examination score of week for 4 McMaster Arm and
Stroke Assessment 20 or lower, severe weeks) Hand Activity
(CMSA) score of three visual disorders, or Inventory mean 66.0
or greater on the arm a history of epileptic ±SD 21 baseline to
subscale and two or seizures triggered by mean 70.2±SD 19
greater on the hand visual stimuli within follow-up.
subscale. Patients also the past six months.
had to be able to sit in
a normal chair without
armrests or backrest
support and to score at
least one on the Box
and Block Test, which
was the primary
outcome measure.
Table 1. (Continued).
Author/Year/ Sample Stroke Experimental Measurement Program
Country Size Description Male% Age Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Arm Control Arm Tools Outcomes Duration
Stockley/ 12 NR Total= 6 Exp= Community dwelling NCS VR (30-minute Gym therapeutic (1)MAL, (2) There were no significant 12 weeks
2017/UK (50%) 70.8, stroke survivors who session), with exercise in the BBT, and (3) differences between
Con= had a confirmed first a total of 18 onsite gym FSS the experimental and
70.6* stroke more than 6 session over with a longer gym groups although
months ago. 12 weeks training there were significant
Participants were duration. within group
included if they improvements on the
complained of upper motor activity log
Figure 2. Quality of the included studies. A: Risk of bias graph: review authors’ judgments about each risk of bias item presented as
percentages across all included studies; B: Risk of bias summary: review authors’ judgments about each risk of bias item for each
included study (D1: bias arising from the randomization process; D2: bias due to deviations from intended interventions, D3: bias due
to missing outcome data, D4: bias in measurement of the outcome, and D5: bias in selection of the reported result).
Figure 2. Continued.
Figure 2. Quality of the included studies. A: Risk of bias graph: review authors’ judgments about each risk of bias item presented as
percentages across all included studies; B: Risk of bias summary: review authors’ judgments about each risk of bias item for each
included study (D1: bias arising from the randomization process; D2: bias due to deviations from intended interventions, D3: bias due
to missing outcome data, D4: bias in measurement of the outcome, and D5: bias in selection of the reported result).
The present systematic review and meta-analysis are
aimed to summarize the comparative effectiveness of
VR-based interventions compared to conventional
therapies in regaining the functional state of ULs in
patients with chronic stroke (after ≥ 6 months of stroke
VR-based programs have been proposed to have sev
eral benefits, including being economical, providing
clear motivation, improving treatment effects, and pro
viding opportunities for stroke patients get engaged in
Figure 2. Continued.
a realistic environment resembling real objects and
events through the integration of multiple sensory sti
a low risk of bias in domains of missing data and out muli such as visual, auditory, tactile, and somatosensory
come measures among all of the included studies systems (da Silva Ribeiro et al., 2015; Gibbons,
(Figure 2). Thomson, de Noronha, and Joseph, 2016;
Iruthayarajah et al., 2017; Tinga et al., 2016). In light of
the previous reasons, a VR-based rehabilitation program
Effectiveness of VR therapy
has recently emerged as an approach of great value in
Six studies (seven datasets) evaluating the effectiveness promoting functional recovery of upper extremities in
of VR therapy (pre- versus post-intervention) were patients after stroke.
included in the analysis. There was a significant In this regard, a total of six randomized controlled
improvement in following the VR therapy in stroke trials (RCTs, 174 patients) that included stroke survivors
survivors, compared to their scores prior to it and who were assigned to receive one of two interven
(SMD = 0.28; 95% CI = 0.03–0.53; P = .03). tions (i.e. VR-based intervention vs. conventional ther
Noteworthy, only one study (Subramanian et al., 2013) apy) were included in our analysis. We analyzed the pre-
did show a slight deterioration in the motor functions of post effectiveness of VR-based interventions regarding
the upper extremity; however, this difference was not the recovery of UL motor function (FMA-UE), activity
significant. There was neither heterogeneity (I2 = 0% and (BBT), and participation (MAL-AS) in patients with
P = .51) nor a risk of bias (P = .8) among the included chronic stroke and significant impairment of UL motor
studies (Figure 3). The meta-regression analysis did not function. We noted a significant improvement in UL
show any significant effect of the VR session duration function following VR-based intervention compared to
(min), post-stroke duration (months), or age (years) the pretest score, with an overall effect size of 0.28 (95%
factors on the treatment effects (Supplementary CI = 0.03–0.53). Furthermore, in terms of between-
Table 1). group differences (VR-based program vs. conventional
In the same context, six studies (seven datasets) eval therapy), the effectiveness of VR was slighter higher than
uating the comparative effectiveness of VR therapy and conventional therapy in improving limb performance;
conventional therapy were included in the analysis. however, this difference did not reach statistical signifi
Overall, VR interventions produced a comparable pro cance. Our analyses did not reveal any significant het
portional recovery to that of the conventional rehabilita erogeneity among included studies nor a significant
tion, with no statistically significant difference publication bias.
Figure 3. Forest plot for the effectiveness of virtual reality-based rehabilitation on upper limb motor function of chronic stroke patients
(pre- versus post-intervention).
Several factors should be carefully considered The protocols used in the investigated studies where
when interpreting our results. For instance, although different. Ahmad et al. (2019) conducted bilateral ULs
all the involved studies included patients who had VR games inform of Mosquito Swat, Music Catch,
a chronic stroke, there was a noticeable difference ReBounce, Bejeweled, and Balloon Popping, 10-Pin
in stroke severity and characters among the included Bowling, Air Hockey, Mah-Jongg, and Solitaire.
populations. For example, one study recruited Crosbie et al. (2012) used virtual tasks simulate a range
patients with persistent hypertonia (score 4 or more of upper limb tasks related to reach to target, reach and
in the Motor Assessment Scale) (Ahmad et al., 2019); grasp and game tasks within a 3D environment. In the
one study recruited patients after their first experi study conducted by Kim (2018) the study group under
ence of stroke without much detail on the degree of went a range of exercise programs including tennis,
their disability of the severity of the stroke (Crosbie baseball, and golf in Wii Sports. Schuster-Amft et al.
et al., 2012); one study included patients with mild (2018) and Stockley et al. (2017) utilized a game-based
disability (stage 4 or more in the Brunnstorm Motor virtual reality system (YouGrabber) for upper-limb
Recovery Staging) (Kim, 2018); two studies included rehabilitation. While participated patients in
moderate-to-severely impaired patients (Chedoke- Subramanian et al. (2013) study were involved in
McMaster Stroke Assessment Stage of 3 or more) a simulated supermarket scene using 3D Computer
(Schuster-Amft et al., 2018; Stockley et al., 2017); Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (CAREN) soft
and one study included patients who could move ware. These variations between the introduced protocols
a least 1 block within 60 seconds in the Box and had an impact on the results of these studies.
Block Test (BBT) (Subramanian et al., 2013). In the A critical point should also be considered, the dura
same context, two randomized trials did not report tion of the VR-based intervention varied greatly among
their exclusion criteria clearly (Kim, 2018; Stockley included trials, for example, the program duration was
et al., 2017). 3 weeks in one trial (Crosbie et al., 2012), 4 weeks in two
Figure 4. Forest plot for the comparative effectiveness of virtual reality-based rehabilitation versus conventional therapy on upper limb
motor function of chronic stroke patient.
trials (Schuster-Amft et al., 2018; Subramanian et al., which included 27 trials/ 1094 patients concluded that
2013), 8 weeks in one trial (Ahmad et al., 2019), and VR-based intervention in stroke survivors was signifi
12 weeks in two trials (Kim, 2018; Stockley et al., 2017). cantly better than conventional therapy for the recovery
The intensity of the intervention was low in some trials of upper extremity function. Our finding is inconsistent
(30 minutes, one session per week, for 8 weeks) (Ahmad with these observations; however, it should be noted that
et al., 2019) and was very intense in other studies (30– these meta-analyses analyzed stroke patients collectively,
45-minute session, 3 sessions per day, for 3 weeks) of acute, subacute, and chronic stroke, while we investi
(Crosbie et al., 2012). Also, the intervention arm of the gated those with chronic stroke only. Going in line with
two trials included patients who underwent adjuvant our finding, when Mekbib et al. (2020) conducted
VR-based and conventional interventions. This variabil a subgroup analysis based on patients with chronic
ity in the protocols of VR-based and conventional ther stroke only, the author noted no statistically significant
apy interventions could potentially explain the reason difference between VR-based interventions and conven
we could not reach a statistically significant result in the tional therapy (control group) in terms of improving
efficacy of VR interventions in improving UL motor upper limb functions (FMA-UE).
function compared to conventional therapies. Moreover, Lee, Park, and Park (2019) conducted
Another point to consider is that the outcome mea a systematic review of 21 studies and 562 patients to
surement tools of UL function were variable among examine the efficacy of VR rehabilitation training com
included studies in our meta-analysis, and the most pared to conventional therapy in chronic stroke popula
commonly used tools were: Fugl-Meyer Assessment for tion in regaining UL function, and the authors reported
Upper Extremities (FMA-UE) (Ahmad et al., 2019; Kim, an overall moderate effect size of 0.431. However, the
2018); Motricity Index (MI) (Crosbie et al., 2012); Box authors did not report if this finding was related to a pre-
and Block Test (BBT) (Schuster-Amft et al., 2018; post analysis or a comparison between VR and conven
Stockley et al., 2017); and Motor Activity Log-Amount tional therapy interventions.
Scale (MAL-AS) (Subramanian et al., 2013). Given the fact that physical adaptation to physical
Furthermore, the majority of included studies had practice usually requires 6 to 8 weeks of training
some concerns (Kim, 2018; Schuster-Amft et al., 2018; (Kraemer et al., 2002), we assumed that adaptation
Stockley et al., 2017; Subramanian et al., 2013) in terms to VR rehabilitation interventions requires around
of risk of bias, while one study had a low risk of bias the same duration. However, half of our included
(Crosbie et al., 2012) and another had a high risk of bias trials included patients who underwent VR rehabili
(Ahmad et al., 2019). There were major concerns related tation training for a period of 3 to 4 weeks (Crosbie
to the selection of reported results in most studies since et al., 2012; Schuster-Amft et al., 2018; Subramanian
most studies did not clarify if they had a previously et al., 2013). We think that this difference, in part,
published protocol and whether or not they complied would be the reason why no statistical significance
with these protocols. Moreover, there was a major con was noted between both interventions. The charac
cern related to the deviation from the intended inter teristics of chronic stroke patients would make it
vention since only one study reported that they excluded difficult to maintain long-term VR therapy. The dis
drugs that could have affected the physical functionality advantage of VR rehabilitation is that it focuses on
of included patients (i.e. corticosteroids, antipsychotic, accomplishing the rather than the quality of task
and antidepressants) (Ahmad et al., 2019), and only two performance (Molier, Van Asseldonk, Hermens, and
studies monitored if the patients secretly carried out self- Jannink, 2010). That being said, research should put
implemented physical activity outside of the VR or the into consideration that a period of at least 8 weeks of
conventional therapy setting (Crosbie et al., 2012; training is essential for adaptation (Lee, Park, and
Schuster-Amft et al., 2018). Park, 2019). It looks like there was not a significant
In our meta-analysis we noted a significant improve difference between both arms because chronic stroke
ment in UL motor function following VR-based rehabi patients took some time to adapt to VR programs.
litative intervention in patients with chronic stroke; For this the affected side needs training from three to
however, when compared to conventional therapy, the five times per week and lasts for 11 to 13 weeks for
difference was less significant. Several meta-analyses implying positive effects with VR as a rehabilitation
have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of approach (Levin, Weiss, and Keshner, 2015).
VR rehabilitation in stroke patients (Ahn and Hwang, Nevertheless, it is of critical importance to conduct
2019; Lee, Park, and Park, 2019; Mekbib et al., 2020). more studies with longer training periods with stan
Both meta-analyses of Ahn and Hwang (2019) which dardized treatment protocols in order to further elu
included 9 studies/698 patients and Mekbib et al. (2020) cidate this point.
In our study, we conducted a regression analysis to based interventions in regaining UL motor function in
determine if some factors, such as age, the duration of chronic stroke patients.
treatment training, and post-stroke duration would have
affected our outcomes; however, we noted no significant
change. Consistent with our findings, Lee, Park, and Declaration of interest
Park (2019) analyzed the effect of VR rehabilitation The authors declare no conflict of interest.
intervention by treatment duration, and the authors
noted that longer durations were associated with stron
ger effect, but such change did not achieve statistical Funding
significance. Since the number of included trials in our
meta-analysis was limited and the findings were not This work was supported by the Deanship of Scientific
Research at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University,
statistically significant, we suggest that more clinical
Saudi Arabia, through the Research Groups Program [RGP-
trials are still warranted in order to reach a final conclu 1440-0012].
sion in this regard.
Wanees M. Badawy PhD, PT
Our study had several limitations, the most important of 9814-4162
which is the small number of included trials besides the
small sample size in each study ranging from 12–52
patients per study. Secondly, the variability in the VR- References
based rehabilitation protocols could have made it diffi Ackerley SJ, Byblow WD, Barber PA, MacDonald H,
cult to reach a statistically significant result and half of McIntyre-Robinson A, Stinear CM 2016 Primed physical
the included trials had treatment duration of 4 weeks or therapy enhances recovery of upper limb function in
less, which we think is not enough to reach adaptation. chronic stroke patients. Neurorehabilitation and Neural
Repair 30: 339–348. doi:10.1177/1545968315595285.
Thirdly, there were considerable concerns related to the Ahmad MA, Singh DK, Mohd Nordin NA, Hooi Nee K,
quality of included studies, in particular, deviation from Ibrahim N 2019 Virtual reality games as an adjunct in
intended intervention and selective reporting of results. improving upper limb function and general health among
Fourthly, the measurement tools of UL function were stroke survivors. International Journal of Environmental
widely variable among included studies, and thus, there Research and Public Health 16: 5144. doi:10.3390/
should be a standardized criterion to determine
Ahn S, Hwang S 2019 Virtual rehabilitation of upper extremity
improvement in UL in future studies. Finally, we cannot function and independence for stroke: A meta-analysis.
conclude that VR-based intervention has superior effi Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation 15: 358–369.
cacy over conventional therapy in terms of regaining the doi:10.12965/jer.1938174.087.
functional state of the upper limbs of patients with Arya KN, Pandian S, Verma R, Garg RK 2011 Movement
chronic stroke based on the aforementioned limitations. therapy induced neural reorganization and motor recovery
in stroke: A review. Journal of Bodywork and Movement
Therefore, we well-designed RCTs with larger sample Therapies 15: 528–537. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2011.01.023.
sizes, longer training duration, and standardized proto Bailey RR, Klaesner JW, Lang CE 2015 Quantifying real-world
col are still warranted. upper-limb activity in nondisabled adults and adults with
chronic stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 29:
969–978. doi:10.1177/1545968315583720.
Baumann M, Lurbe-Puerto K, Alzahouri K, Aïach P 2011
Increased residual disability among poststroke survivors
In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we noted and the repercussions for the lives of informal caregivers.
a significant improvement in upper limb function of Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 18: 162–171. doi:10.1310/
patients with chronic stroke who underwent VR-based Brewer L, Horgan F, Hickey A, Williams D 2013 Stroke reha
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