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8 Week Abs - The Sculpted Vegan

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The health and fitness information presented in this pdf is an educational resource and is not intended as a
substitute for medical advice. Consult your doctor or healthcare professional before performing any of the
exercises described in this book or any other exercise programme, particularly if you are pregnant, or if you are
elderly or have chronic or recurring medical conditions. Do not attempt any of the exercises while under the
influence of alcohol or drugs. Discontinue any exercise that causes you pain or severe discomfort and consult a
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any warranty of any kind in regard to the content of the information presented in this book.

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Hi guys! I am so excited to meet you! I am Laura
Hutchinson, Head Trainer of The Sculpted Vegan.

For the past thirteen years I When Kim first contacted

have been running my own Curtis to enquire about training
self employed health coaching with him, I was so pleased for
business as a personal selfish reasons. I had been
trainer, pilates instructor and trying to get booked into her
gymnastics coach. But, this year sold out deyogatox workshops
my life changed dramatically! for months and saw this as my
When I received a once in a window of opportunity. And it
lifetime opportunity from Kim was, as Kim very kindly started
Constable, founder of The letting me go to her yoga
Sculpted Vegan to join the workshops for free, as she is so
company full time as Head generous like that. Around this
Trainer. Of course, the answer time my marriage with Curtis
was YES! ended but my friendship with
Kim continued and we always
If you don’t already know the kept in contact and in support
story of how Kim and I met, it is of each other through text
definitely a story of everything message and social media.
happening for a reason. I met
Kim in 2016 when she became The five years since then, can be
a personal training client of my described as nothing less than
ex-husband Curtis. Curtis was one hell of a roller coaster for
Kim’s first trainer who helped me. I’ve had much heartbreak
her begin her journey from and loss and just when I thought
skinny yoga teacher to sculpted my life was on the up in 2020,
and shredded bikini athlete.

I had the covid closures to my business. As a single, self employed woman

I can’t even describe how scared I was that I was going to lose my home,
my car, everything. In my life, work has always been the one thing that
has gone right when everything else has felt like it has gone wrong. Until
these closures, it was terrifying!

After three days of crying over my business being training and pilates classes online. I continued my
shut down, I suddenly had a thought “could I warehouse work for a couple more months until I
just get another job?” I desperately scoured the started to feel very unwell. One day, I realised that
internet for any work I could find. And three days I couldn’t move half of my face and after a frantic
after the government closed my business, I found call and race to the doctors surgery, I was told that
myself in a temporarily employed warehouse I had Bell’s Palsy. Thankfully it was very mild but
worker position. This was one of the best moves I felt it was life literally smacking me in the face
I ever made and I worked for three months in to realise that I was really burnt out and I couldn’t
the warehouse for the NHS which is the UK’s keep up both the warehouse and online work.
National Health Service, packing equipment
for our hospitals. Kim has since shared with me I have always wanted to work online but used the
that during my time in the warehouse I really excuses of “I don’t have the time” or “I don’t have
impressed her with my positive attitude and came the confidence.” Due to Covid closures, I just had
back on her radar. to do it. In October of 2020, Kim launched The
Million Dollar Mentor and I jumped at the chance
I quickly adapted to my warehouse work and to join. At $997 it was a big investment for me in
made the most of it. I was very vocal on my social the uncertain financial times I found myself in.
media about how proud I was of my new job and I But I put it on my credit card and I knew that the
was determined to stay upbeat about my current knowledge I would gain from Kim in this program
situation. I even organised Friday night pizza would pay back the financial investment. Kim has
parties for the whole warehouse each week for shared with me that she was so touched that I had
some fun! I believe you can always make the best placed that trust and investment in her when she
out of a bad situation and you are never getting knew the financial situation I was in but for me it
anywhere in life with a negative attitude. really was a no brainer. I fully emerged myself in
The Million Dollar Mentor, doing all the homework
During this time I started to move my personal and following any advice that Kim gave me.

This included an instagram voicenote, where she
told me with love that my instagram stories were
too monotone and to stop caring so much about
what others thought! She was 100% right and after
that moment I was authentically myself online and
my personality and presentation skills started to
shine through.

Fast forward to January 2021 and I received

another life changing voice note of an offer of
coming on board as a Coach within The Sculpted
Vegan. To then April 2021 and the once in a
lifetime opportunity offer of Head Trainer. At times,
I still need to pinch myself that within a year I have
gone from the potential reality and fear of losing
everything to now having my dream job!

Throughout my thirteen years within the fitness

industry, I have helped thousands of women
sculpt their dream bodies, smash their strength
goals and transform their lives in the process. I
am so honoured as Head Trainer to now share
my years of knowledge and expertise with The
Sculpted Vegan community to help you do the

Laura xx

Before you start...

Please read this PDF in its entirety at least three times.
Yes, three. I also recommend that you watch all the
exercise instructional videos for the whole plan before
your first workout so you are not having to search for how
to do an exercise in the middle of your session.

One of the most common complaints I see from women in the private groups is that they really struggle
with how their stomachs look. I could sadly say that they seem to have a hatred for their stomachs. They
feel like they have tried everything and are in complete despair that they just can’t get rid of their…

• Jelly Belly
• Spare Tyre
• Mum Tum
• Fat Gut

No matter what ‘endearing’ term that you use, the

reality is, if you are not happy with your stomach, it is
most likely just a matter of weak abdominal muscles
and body fat hiding whatever muscle that you do

I can totally connect with the feelings of wanting my

stomach to look toned and sculpted but just feeling
like I had a “pudge” and no clue of how to get rid of it.
When I was a teenager I remember wanting to have

ripped, visible abs. My idols were Britney Spears, low enough yet. I did have visible oblique muscles
Gwen Steffani and JLO in their crop tops with and a visible V shape between my lower abs and
their toned mid-sections. I would do up to 100 hips.
crunches a day and was highly disappointed when
I checked every morning for my six-pack and it While I was happy with my more defined shape,
hadn’t appeared from under my teenage puppy I couldn’t help but still feel a little bit frustrated
fat. that I didn’t have that shredded look. It wasn’t until
I began to prep for bodybuilding competitions at
the age of twenty-five that my six-pack abs finally
made an appearance. My competition prep, which
is what we call the shredding period leading up to
standing on stage, took place over the course of
twelve weeks. And every single morning I would
wake up and run into the bathroom to pull my
pyjama top up and check out my abs in the mirror.
For the first couple of weeks, I noticed no changes
but as the weeks went on and I continued to
implement precise nutrition and training to shred
away body fat, I could start to see my abs become
more and more visible. Over the twelve weeks, I
was able to get my body fat down to around 13%
and I finally had the six-pack abs that I had always
wanted. If you too want visible shredded abs, the
reality is that abdominal exercises are not the
biggest contributing factor to achieving them but
overall reduction of body fat is.

At the age of twenty, I enrolled in a Pilates

Instructor course with the high hopes of learning
the secrets to gaining a six-pack. During the
teaching of the course, I finally understood why
all my crunches had not been making a blind
bit of difference! I had only been focusing on
strengthening one area of my abs, the rectus
abdominis. This is the part that looks good but
doesn’t really do anything and you can only see
it when there is less body fat in front of it. Before
Pilates, the most my ab workouts gave me was
a red face from breathing incorrectly and a sore
neck from poor technique. Once I became a
Pilates Instructor I learnt how to engage, target
and sculpt all areas of my abs with focused
breath and precise technique. Armed with this
new knowledge I immediately began to practise
pilates every day. And while I did not achieve a
shredded six-pack, as my body fat was still not

If you are someone who is carrying excess body fat, a good combination approach would be to get
closer to a lower body fat percentage and improve your abdominal strength at the same time. If you
want visible abs, then I do warn you that they don’t tend to be visible in women until around 14-17%
body fat and for shredded six-packs it tends to be 10-13% body fat. For men it is around 14-18% body fat
for visible abs and 6-13% for shredded six-packs.

Despite lower body fat being the secret to shredded abs, we do appreciate that some members still
want to do more specific abdominal work and just love to feel their abs burn during a workout. Stronger
abdominals have many benefits; they are going to provide you with more stability in your training
sessions and help prevent injury. A strong core also improves your posture and strengthens your pelvic
floor muscles. It is important to appreciate their function and not just the way they look.

Whether you feel like you have a ‘Jelly Belly’ or you are chasing the elusive ‘six pack’. We can still
lay down the foundations for sculpted abs to shine through. I have used my extensive knowledge
of bodybuilding, gymnastics and pilates training methods to create the quickest but most effective
of abdominal training plans. These intense eight-minute abdominal circuits have been designed to
be added on to the end of your regular lifting sessions over the next eight weeks so you can sculpt
maximum abs in minimal time! I must warn you, these exercises are going to burn like hell, but it’s only
for eight minutes and anyone can do something hard for eight minutes.


8 Week Abs is all that you need to achieve strong and sculpted abs in eight weeks and only eight
minutes per day. The exercises are tough and require a lot of control and focus to perform them
effectively. If you feel your abdominal wall is weak to begin with, these exercises will prove particularly
challenging at the start. But this is what this program is designed for; to help you become stronger! You
can perform it at the end of ANY workout whether that be in a commercial gym or your home gym.

This program is designed to be used for eight weeks with the workouts to be completed six times per
week at the end of any of your current training sessions. I suggest If you are chasing visible, shredded
six-pack abs then use this program in conjunction with one of the many The Sculpted Vegan shred
programs for optimal results.

Each eight-minute workout will consist of a combination of transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis and
oblique exercises. These ab exercises have been specifically selected as they are scientifically proven
to cause high levels of abdominal activation.

The instructional videos will show you beginner to advanced options for each exercise as well as the
eight-minute workout videos where you can follow along live as I coach you through the ab sessions.
As your abdominals grow stronger, aim to progress to the more advanced options of each exercise.

The exercises consist of bodyweight only, all you need is yourself, a mat and some kick-ass motivation!
You’re going to love this quick, effective but intense program!

MAXIMUM RESULTS- For maximum results and advanced trainers, it is recommended

to complete this training program twice a day; first thing in the morning on an empty
stomach, and second after your regular lifting session. The more effort you put in, the
more results you will get out of this program.

The abdominal muscles are located
between the ribs and the pelvis on the front
of the body. They support the trunk, allow
movement and hold organs in place by
regulating internal abdominal pressure.

The four main abdominal muscles that

combine to completely cover the internal
organs include:

• Transverse abdominis
The deepest muscle layer. The main role is to stabilize the trunk and maintain internal abdominal
pressure. I like to think of it wrapping around the trunk like a corset.

• Rectus abdominis
These are slung between the ribs and the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. When
contracting, the muscle has the characteristic bumps or bulges that are commonly called ‘the
six pack’. The main function of the rectus abdominis is to move the body between the ribcage
and the pelvis.

• External abdominal oblique muscles

These are on each side of the rectus abdominis. The external oblique muscles allow the trunk
to twist, but to the opposite side of whichever external oblique is contracting. For example, the
right external oblique contracts to turn the body to the left.

• Internal abdominal oblique muscles

These flank the rectus abdominis and are located just inside the hip bones. They operate in the
opposite way to the external oblique muscles. For example, twisting the trunk to the left requires
the left side internal oblique and the right side external oblique to contract together.

Whether it’s for function or aesthetics, many Why does The Sculpted Vegan
people want strong abdominals. But the main
founder Kim Constable not train abs?
problem that I see is that most people assume
that the only abdominal muscle in the body is the
rectus abdominis, often referred to as the “six- Kim openly states that she never trains her abs.
pack”. This lack of knowledge becomes an issue This is because the majority of strength training
when people prioritize or only choose exercises exercises that she does like squats, deadlifts,
that work the rectus abdominis (such as crunches) bench press or shoulder press are already
in their core workouts. The rectus abdominis is the engaging and strengthening her abdominal
abdominal muscle furthest away from the spine muscles. When she competed as a pro bikini
so it actually plays the smallest role in abdominal athlete the requirement was to have a lean
strength. So while the rectus abdominis may look stomach and defined waist but with no chunky
great, strength there doesn’t protect the back shredded six-pack abs. Even after retiring from the
from injury and it is only a tiny part of having a competitive world of bodybuilding, Kim still does
strong core. not directly train her abs. The reality is that directly
training abdominals, especially with weighted
exercises can make the waist appear chunkier and
this is really why the majority of bikini competitors
don’t train their abs.

To maintain her current physique, Kim follows

precise nutrition which is calorie and macro
The transverse abdominis is the deepest layer counted towards her goals. The combination of
of the stomach wall. It seems to be the most heavy lifting and precise nutrition means that she
unknown or forgotten layer of the abdominal stays consistently around 15-16% body fat with
muscles when in reality we should be considering visible abs all year round.
it as the most crucial structure. If you think of
your body like building a house, even if the
outer beams and walls are really strong, if the
foundation is weak, the building is unstable. An
unstable foundation could lead to imbalances,
injuries and pain in the future.

In my experience, the oblique muscles are an

area that I have seen women very hesitant about
training. They are worried that by training them,
they will appear too ‘thick ‘or ‘blocky’ at their waist.
I’m going to take a wild guess and assume that
while you might want good abs, you don’t want a
thicker waist. Let me reassure you that the oblique
exercises that you will be performing in this plan
will not make your obliques any bigger. We will
be using high volume (more reps) that don’t add
mass. We will not be using any weighted oblique
exercises which could increase the size of the


The abdominal muscles are made up of a majority of slow-twitch, type 1 muscle fibres, which respond
best to time under tension exercises. We are going to use the principles of metabolic stress to create
this sustained contraction style training.

Metabolic Stress

Metabolic stress is a “feel the burn” type of stimulus and how you will be training in this program. The
key is to keep constant tension on the muscle— never allowing yourself to stop the reps to take a
break—until you have reached utter failure and the burning sensation is too powerful to continue. What
causes that burning sensation? Lactic acid. Lactic acid is released into the muscle during the short
and fast reps. This type of training produces cellular swelling that pumps the muscle up, but it doesn’t
cause a huge amount of muscle damage. This allows you to train the muscles more frequently without
being sore in the following days. You will feel the sorest during the actual workout, but once it’s over,
you won’t feel much.

The A, B, C of Ab Activation
When it comes to training our abdominal muscles, activation is important. In each exercise I want you to
focus on your alignment, breathing and contraction to get the best results from this plan.

1. Align - Maintaining a neutral spine during

abdominal exercises will help activate the
most abdominal muscles while creating
stabilisation and preventing back injury.
When lying on your back a neutral spine is
your halfway position between your spine
being pressed completely flat into the floor
and the spine is at its maximum arched

Try tilting your hips backwards and forward

until you find your halfway neutral spine
position. For the benefit of some exercises,
we will press our spine into the floor using a
posterior pelvic tilt. This will be explained in
the instructional demonstration videos.

2. Breathe - While breathing is our most natural process, it is something I see people ‘forget’ to
do when performing abdominal exercises. Holding your breath in does not hold your abdominal
muscles in. Think of your lungs like two big bellows and use full deep breaths to breathe into
them and pump air fully around the body.

• Inhale on the easiest part of the movement

• Exhale on the hardest part of the movement

3. Contract - The Vagina Smoothie Sucking Technique

This is Kim’s coaching tip of how she activates her transverse abdominis correctly. How to do it…

• If you are a woman, imagine that you are sucking a smoothie through a straw using your

• If you are a man, you can imagine you are trying to stop pee in mid-flow.

This keeps the transverse abdominis engaged the entire time through any exercise and means
that it will never pull into your back. For maximum ab contraction, also think about pulling your
navel to your spine.

• Eight exercises in eight minutes - The workouts in this program are short intense circuits
consisting of eight 60 seconds ab exercises.
• Sets - Perform one set of each exercise for 60 seconds each.
• Reps - Perform as many repetitions of the exercise as you can in the 60 seconds.
• Take NO rest - Perform each exercise back to back aiming for no rest to minimal rest between
• Maximum results/advanced trainers - It is recommended to complete this training
program twice a day; first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and second after your
regular lifting session.

Can you perform this circuit for more than one round? Yes of course! It is only eight minutes, so if you
wish to perform a longer ab workout and perform the circuit for 2-3 rounds, go for it!

This workout is designed to be a circuit. Perform each exercise once with as many repetitions as you
can in 60 seconds. Complete each exercise back to back with no rest.


Full Roll Up 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Dish Hold 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Reverse Crunch 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Right Side Plank 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Left Side Plank 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Tuck to Extend 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Flutter Kicks 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Bicycle Twist 1 set 60 secs, no rest


Half Recline Sit-Ups 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Hollow Criss Cross 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Single Leg Toe to Hand 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Mountain Climbers 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Spiderman Plank 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Crunch With Heel Push 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Vertical Leg Crunch 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Straight Leg Bicycle 1 set 60 secs, no rest


Hollow to Tuck 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Dish Rocks 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Leg Raises and Lower 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Right Side Plank Hip Raises 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Left Side Plank Hip Raises 1 set 60 secs, no rest
V-Sit Crunch 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Toe Touches 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Hollow Bicycle Cycle 1 set 60 secs, no rest

Full Roll Up 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Dish Hold 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Reverse Crunch 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Right Side Plank 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Left Side Plank 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Tuck to Extend 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Flutter Kicks 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Bicycle Twist 1 set 60 secs, no rest


Half Recline Sit-Ups 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Hollow Criss Cross 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Single Leg Toe to Hand 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Mountain Climbers 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Spiderman Plank 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Crunch With Heel Push 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Vertical Leg Crunch 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Straight Leg Bicycle 1 set 60 secs, no rest


Hollow to Tuck 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Dish Rocks 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Leg Raises and Lower 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Right Side Plank Hip Raises 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Left Side Plank Hip Raises 1 set 60 secs, no rest
V-Sit Crunch 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Toe Touches 1 set 60 secs, no rest
Hollow Bicycle Cycle 1 set 60 secs, no rest

Click the links below if you wish to follow along and be coached through the eight-minute workout







Bonus Abs
At The Sculpted Vegan, we love Tim Ferris, the
author of ‘The 4-Hour Body’. He was part of the
inspiration for the idea of creating an “8 minute a
day” ab program. In the book ‘The
4-Hour Body’, Tim describes how he never had
visible abs. Even when his body fat was low
enough to show veins everywhere else, his frontal
six-pack, the rectus abdominis showed almost no

He performed conventional ab exercises for more

than a decade with no real benefit until 2019 when
he created an experiment. He chose two exercises,
‘The Myotatic Crunch’ and ‘The Cat Vomit’ exercise.
He performed these two exercises just twice a
week and in a matter of three weeks,
he had a six-pack.

The following exercises and instructions are taken from the ‘6 Minute Ab’ section of the book. Feel free
to try them and/or add them as a bonus to your routine.

Exercise 1- The Myotatic Crunch
(A bosu or swiss ball is required)

1. Start with arms stretched overhead as high as possible (I

overlap my extended hands as if in a diving position). Keep your
arms behind or next to your ears for the entire exercise.

2. Lower under control for 4 seconds until your fingers touch the
floor, attempting to extend your hands further away from the
ball for the entire time.

3. Pause at the bottom for 2 seconds, aiming for maximum


4. Rise under control and pause in the upper, fully contracted

position for 2 seconds. The arms should not pass perpendicular
with the ground.

5. Repeat for a total of 10 repetitions. Once you can complete 10

repetitions, add weight to your hands.

Exercise 2- The Cat Vomit Exercise

1. Get on all fours and keep your gaze focused either directly
under your head or slightly in front of you. Don’t arch your back
or strain your neck.

2. Forcefully exhale from your mouth until all air is fully expelled.
Your abs should be contracted from this forceful exhale. Full
exhalation is necessary to contract the transversus abdominis,
and you’ll use gravity to provide resistance.

3. Hold your breath and pull your belly button upward towards
your spine as hard as you can for a target of 8-12 seconds.

4. Inhale fully through the nose after the 8-12 second hold.

5. Take one breath cycle of rest (exhale slowly out the mouth,
inhale slowly through the nose), then repeat the above for a
total of 10 repetitions.

We have a team of highly experienced coaches ready to carve a personalized plan just for you! If you
would like to book a one to one coaching session with a coach, simply click here.

If you would like to find another plan to continue your body sculpting journey,
click here to view all plans.

Well done,
Laura xx

Additional Resources
We have thousands of resources available to help you with your body sculpting goals.
To view them, simply click on the links below:

1. Strong & Sculpted Podcast

Your go to resource for everything to do with muscle sculpting and fat burning
2. Private Facebook Group
Join our private community and receive free coaching from one of our
experienced coaches
3. The Sculpted Vegan YouTube
For training videos, instructional resources and much more!
4. Training to Failure
Dive deep with me in my personal training sessions as I show you what it really
5. Training with Mark Getty
Join heavyweight pro bodybuilder Mark Getty- my personal trainer, as we
discuss supplements, protein, training and more.
6. The Sculpted Vegan Video Blogs
Come behind the scenes in my personal life and see what it takes to be a pro
bodybuilder, mom of 4 and founder of a global empire
7. Free Resources
Download training and meal plans for free





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