Zaliapin 2016
Zaliapin 2016
Zaliapin 2016
Accepted 2016 August 4. Received 2016 August 3; in original form 2016 March 27
C The Authors 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society.
Global analysis of earthquake clusters 609
Table 1. Statistics of singles, main shocks, aftershocks and foreshocks in the cluster analysis of events with m ≥ 4 in the NCEDC catalogue during
Magnitude range Singles Families
Main shocks
(= no. of families) Aftershocks Foreshocks
No. Per cent No. Per cent No. Per cent No. Per cent
All events: m ≥ 4 116 228 45.2 19 612 7.6 105 790 41.2 15 363 6.0
4≤m<5 98 385 47.9 8098 3.9 86 749 42.2 12 197 5.9
5≤m<6 17 503 36.8 9141 19.2 17 999 37.8 2968 6.2
6≤m<7 340 9.6 2049 57.7 973 27.4 187 5.3
7≤m<8 0 0 298 79.5 66 17.6 11 2.9
m≥8 0 0 26 89.7 3 10.3 0 0
California with preferred locations correlated with the heat flow. making them more swarm-like, and moves some cluster events to
based on earthquake epicentres and is not affected by the depth Here ei are the eigenvalues of the strain rate tensor. The strain
uncertainties. rate tensor style S can be used to roughly quantify the type of
Fig. 1(a) shows the spatial intensity (x) of events in the NCEDC displacement into contraction (S < −0.5), strike-slip (0.5 < S <
catalogue, in events with magnitude m ≥ 4 per year per 10 000 −0.5), and extension (S > 0.5). The maps of strain rate tensor
km2 . Appendix B describes the process of producing smooth spatial second invariant and style are shown in Fig. A2.
maps of different seismic and physical characteristics used in this
study. The intensity varies over several orders of magnitude, from
0.02 to 12.5, with the highest values associated with contracting 2.4 -Analysis
subduction zones and lowest values associated with mid-oceanic
spreading ridges. The global spatial distribution of the maximal Any cluster analysis of earthquakes is affected by the existence of
observed earthquake magnitude mmax of the examined seismicity the catalogue lower cut-off magnitude mmin (which may be smaller
is illustrated in Fig. 1(b). Naturally, the fluctuations of the maxi- than the completeness magnitude mc ). For instance, if we analyse
mal observed magnitude are closely related to the seismic intensity earthquakes with m ≥ mmin = 4, then an earthquake of m = 4 cannot
fluctuations. The distribution of hypocentral depth of the examined have recorded aftershocks of a smaller magnitude, while an m = 6
earthquakes is shown in Fig. A3(a). Its spatial variations resemble event may have aftershocks with magnitudes 4 ≤ m ≤ 6. To equalize
those for the earthquake intensity and maximal magnitude. the magnitude ranges for potential fore/aftershocks of main shocks
with different magnitudes, we sometimes perform -analysis that
and the tensor style S defined by Kreemer et al. (2014) as: 3.3 Bimodal distribution of the nearest-neighbour distance
e1 + e2 Consider the space and time distances between event i and its par-
S= . (3)
max (|e1 | , |e2 |) ent j normalized by the magnitude of the parent event (Zaliapin
Global analysis of earthquake clusters 611
Figure 1. Spatial distribution of selected statistical characteristics of earthquakes with magnitude m ≥ 4 according to the global NCEDC catalogue during
1975–2015. A point is included in this graph if the circle of radius 100 km centred at the point contains 5 or more earthquakes of magnitude m ≥ 5. Red lines
depict major tectonic faults. Shades correspond to bathymetry and topography. Continents are depicted by grey colour. (a) Earthquake intensity in events ×
yr−1 × 10 000 km−2 (b) Maximal observed magnitude mmax . (c) Proportion of events with m ≤ 5.
612 I. Zaliapin and Y. Ben-Zion
et al. 2008): give very close results. The details of numerical implementation
are discussed in Hicks (2011). A model assigns to each event the
Ti j = ti j 10−qbm i ; Ri j = (ri j )d 10− pbm i ; q + p = 1. (5) probabilities w and (1−w) of being attributed to one or the other
This is convenient because now log ηi j = log Ti j + log Ri j . mode. We make the final mode assignment according to the maximal
Zaliapin et al. (2008) and Zaliapin & Ben-Zion (2013a) demon- probability v = max (w, 1−w). This corresponds to choosing the
strated that a time-stationary space-inhomogeneous Poisson flow of mode separation threshold η0 that equalizes the densities of the two
events with Gutenberg–Richter magnitudes corresponds to a uni- estimated Gaussian modes:
modal distribution of (log T, log R) that is concentrated along a line
N (η0 ; μ1 , 1) = N (η0 ; μ2 , 2 ). (7)
log10 T + log10 R = const. Observed seismicity, however, shows a
bimodal joint distribution of (log10 T, log10 R), as has been docu- The background (cluster) events now can be equivalently defined
mented in multiple studies of various regions (e.g. Zaliapin et al. by the condition ηij > η0 (ηij ≤ η0 ). In 1-D case, the position ηbg
2008; Zaliapin & Ben-Zion 2011, 2013a,b, 2015, 2016; Gu et al. of the background is defined as the mean value of the estimated
2013; Davidsen et al. 2015; Reverso et al. 2015; Schoenball et al. rightmost Gaussian mode: ηbg = max (μ1 , μ2 ). In 2-D case we
2015). One of the modes is similar to that observed in a Poisson pro- define ηbg = max (μ1 [1]+μ1 [2], μ2 [1]+μ2 [2]), where the notation
cess and corresponds to background events, while the other consists [i] refers to the ith component of a vector. Alternatively, one can
of clustered events located considerably closer in time and space to define ηbg as (a) the mean generalized earthquake distance ηij of
their parents than expected in a Poisson process (see Fig. 4). the background events, or (b) the mean generalized distance of
events that happened at large spatial distance from their parent (say,
R > 5, 50). The last approach is motivated by the observation that the
3.4 Separating the background and cluster modes: a majority of events at large spatial distances from their parent belong
Gaussian mixture model approach to the background mode (see Fig. 4). These alternate approaches
give results (not shown) that are very close to those obtained with
Analysis of statistical properties of the background and cluster
our main method.
modes is one of the main tools of this study (see Section 4.2).
The regional mode separation quality Q is defined as the average
The bimodality of the earthquake distance distribution (Figs 4b and
value of the mode assignment probability v = max (w, 1 − w)
d) allows one to use a suitably chosen nearest-neighbour threshold
over all events in a region. According to this definition, the quality
η0 to formally attribute each event to either the background (if ηij
is constrained by 0.5 ≤ Q ≤ 1, where Q = 1 corresponds to a
> η0 ) or cluster (if ηij < η0 ) mode. The threshold selection is done
perfect separation (each event is attributed to one of the modes
here according to a Gaussian mixture model with two modes.
with probability 1) and Q = 0.5 corresponds to an indeterminate
A two-mode Gaussian mixture model assumes that sample xi
separation (each event is attributed to either mode with the same
Rm , i = 1, . . . , n comes from the distribution
probability of 0.5).
F(x) = wN (x; μ1 , 1) + (1 − w)N (x; μ2 , 2) , (6)
where w is the mixture weight of the first mode and N(x;μ, )
3.5 Cluster identification
denotes the Gaussian (Normal) distribution, with mean μ that is a
vector with m components and variance that is a positive-definite Connecting each earthquake in the catalogue to its nearest neigh-
m × m matrix. The estimation of such model can be done using the bour (parent) according to the nearest-neighbour distance η of eq.
Expectation-Maximization algorithm (Dempster et al. 1977). (4) produces a single cluster (spanning network) that contains all
In our setting, we can either apply a 1-D Gaussian mixture model examined events. From a graph-theoretical perspective, this cluster
to the log-distance log10 η or a 2-D Gaussian mixture model to is a tree graph, which means that it does not have loops (Zaliapin
the logarithmic components (log10 T, log10 R). Both approaches & Ben-Zion 2013a; Baiesi & Paczuski 2004). Removing all links
Global analysis of earthquake clusters 613
that correspond to large parent-offspring distances, defined by the Fig. 3(b) shows the average value of seismic intensity for events
condition η ≥ η0 , creates a spanning forest—a collection of trees with m ≥ 4 in the same coordinates (S, I2 ). The highest average
each representing a separate earthquake cluster. The forest contains intensity of ≈ 3 events per year per 10 000 km2 is exclusively
many single-event trees, which we call singles. The other clusters observed within contracting environments: S < −0.75, I2 > 100.
contain multiple events and are called families. The lowest average intensity, 0.2 < < 1, is observed within
extending environments. The intensity in strike-slip zones is in-
termediate around and slightly below = 1. The highest seismic
3.6 Event classification activity typically occurred in subduction zones, which explain a
In each family, the earthquake with the largest magnitude is called close resemblance in the patterns of seismic intensity (Fig. 3b) and
main shock. If there are several earthquakes with same largest mag- that of the average hypocentral depth (Fig. A4a). The average heat
nitude within a family, the first one is considered to be the main flow has the highest values (H > 0.25) exclusively within extension
shock, so each family has a single main shock. All events in a fam- environments—along the mid-oceanic spreading ridges (Fig. 3c).
ily that occurred after the main shock are called aftershocks. All The results in Figs 3(b) and (c) emphasize that the spatial distri-
events that occurred prior to the main shock are called foreshocks. bution of seismic intensity is inversely related to that of the heat
Each single is also considered to be a main shock (that has no flow. We also perform Spearman’s rank correlation analysis (see
foreshocks and aftershocks). Appendix C for definition and discussion) and generalized linear
Figure 3. Average values of selected statistics as a function of strain rate tensor style S and second invariant I2. (a) Seismogenic area A [km2 ] (the values are
reported on a logarithmic scale). (b) Seismic intensity [event yr–1 10 000 km–2 ] (the values are reported on a logarithmic scale). (c) Heat flow H [W m–2 ].
compared to that of the clustered mode. The latter is centred at is centred at about log10 T = −2 (lower intensity of background
log10 T = −6 and has much larger spread, interpreted as slow decay events compared to those in cold regions), and has notably higher
of intensity of offspring earthquakes. In hot regions (panel b), on the intensity than the cluster mode. The cluster mode is centred at about
contrary, the two modes are well separated. The background mode log10 T = −6.5 and has smaller spread than that of the cluster mode
Global analysis of earthquake clusters 615
in cold regions, suggesting faster decay of intensity of offspring (panel b). The map of the quality Q of the mode separation is shown
earthquakes. in Fig. A3(c).
The location of the background mode is primarily controlled by
the absolute intensity of the background events (Zaliapin et al. 2008;
Zaliapin & Ben-Zion 2013a). This explains the inverse relation be-
tween the background location (Fig. 6a) and earthquake intensity
4.2 Cluster and background modes
(Fig. 1a). Furthermore, the values of ηbg follow a three-modal distri-
The results of Figs 3–5 demonstrate that earthquake clustering style bution, clearly outlining the major tectonic environments in agree-
is space-dependent and related to the heat flow production. We now ment with Fig. 3(b). The highest earthquake intensity and lowest
complement these analyses by additional statistics involving the values of ηbg < −4.5 are observed within convergent environments.
earthquake nearest-neighbour distances. Specifically, we apply a The lowest earthquake intensity and largest values of ηbg > −3.75
1-D Gaussian mixture model (Section 3.3) to the nearest-neighbour are observed along divergent boundaries. Intermediate values of
distances log10 η of events within circles of radius r = 200 km earthquake intensity and background position −4.5 < ηbg < −3.55
centred at the epicentres of all examined earthquakes. The model is are observed along transform boundaries. Fig. A3(b) shows the
used to estimate the space-dependent threshold η0 that separates the worldwide spatial distribution of a related feature—the threshold
cluster and background modes, partition the events into cluster and η0 that separates the background and cluster mode, according to a
background populations, estimate the characteristic position ηbg of Gaussian mixture model.
the background mode, and assess the quality Q of mode separation. The other examined cluster characteristics exhibit similar spatial
Fig. 6 shows the spatial maps of the position ηbg of the background variations. In particular, divergent environments have uniformly
mode (panel a) and the proportion of events in the background mode increased background proportions pbg > 0.7 (Fig. 6b) and high
616 I. Zaliapin and Y. Ben-Zion
mode separation quality Q ≈ 0.95 (Fig. A3c). Convergent envi- 4.3 Properties of earthquake clusters
ronments exhibit much larger spatial variability and intermittence
The 256 993 events of the examined catalogue have been partitioned
in the values of background proportions pbg and separation quality
into 135 840 clusters according to the procedure of Section 3. Of
Q. For instance, Fig. 6(b) shows that in the Northwestern part of
those clusters, 116 228 (85.6 per cent) are singles and 19 612 (14.4
the Pacific plate, along the Kuril-Kamchatka and Japan trenches,
per cent) are families with sizes ranging from 2 to 6584. Tables 1 and
the background proportion varies widely in the range 0.2–0.7 over
2 summarize the individual event classification (into singles, main
a scale of hundreds of kilometers that coincides with the spatial
shocks, foreshocks, and aftershocks) in the regular and -analysis,
resolution of our analysis. Another example of highly intermit-
tent spatial behaviour is the Persia-Tibet-Burma orogeny in the
Fig. 8(a) shows the distribution of cluster size N for clusters in
Eurasian plate. Overall, however, the average proportion of the
areas with high (H > 0.2) and low (H < 0.2) heat flow levels. The
background events in transform and convergent environments is
distribution tail in both cases can be approximated by a power law
lower than in divergent environments, as illustrated in Fig. 7(b).
Similarly, the mode separation quality Q shows high intermittency S (N ) = Prob [cluster size > N ] ∝ N −α (8)
within transform and convergent boundaries. It changes in the range
between 0.9 and 0.95 with rather sharp spatial gradients (Fig. A3c), with power index α ≈ 2 in hot areas and α ≈ 1 in cold areas. The
and has overall lower values compared to divergent zones (Fig. value of α ≈1 was previously reported for the cluster size distri-
7c). The observed clear spatial variations in the cluster parame- bution in southern California (Zaliapin & Ben-Zion 2013a). The
ters are not spurious but governed by local tectonic and physical observed difference in the cluster size distributions implies that (i)
settings. This was shown in a local study for southern California cold areas have much larger clusters—indeed, the maximal cluster
(Zaliapin & Ben-Zion 2013b); a detailed demonstration of such size in cold areas is max (N | H < 0.2) = 6584 while the maximal
correlations in the global setting is outside the resolution of this cluster size in hot areas is 35 times smaller, max (N | H ≥ 0.2) =
study. Fig. 7 compares the three examined parameters of seismic 186; and (ii) the proportion of clusters with size N > 10 is larger
clustering as functions of strain rate tensor’s style S and second in cold areas. Recall that the cluster size statistically increases with
invariant I2 . The comparison of earthquake cluster statistics with the maximal observed magnitude, since larger events have more
heat flow and strain rate tensor parameters using Spearman’s cor- offspring (e.g. Utsu 1970); it also increases as the magnitude of
relation and GLM approach is illustrated in Tables 5, 6 and Figs completeness decreases. Accordingly, the dominance of large clus-
D1(d)–(o). This further documents the coupling between the exam- ters in cold regions observed in Fig. 8(a) is explained by statistically
ined cluster characteristics and their correlation with the heat flow higher maximal magnitude (Fig. 1b) and better quality of catalogues
(cf. Fig. 3c). (Fig. 1c) in cold regions compared to hot ones.
Global analysis of earthquake clusters 617
To eliminate effects related to differences in the largest regional magnitude m > 6. At the same time, the size of intermediate-
magnitude, we compare the cluster size distributions in relatively magnitude clusters (with main shock magnitude m < 6) is stochas-
hot and cold areas using -analysis with = 2 (Fig. 8b). This tically larger in hot regions. These two observations are consistent
approach equalizes the cluster sizes with main shocks of different with the finding of Zaliapin & Ben-Zion (2013b) in southern Cal-
magnitudes (Zaliapin & Ben-Zion 2013a), and hence should elim- ifornia, who also pointed out the difference in clustering styles of
inate the discrepancy caused by different levels of seismic activity the largest regional events and the rest of earthquakes, and reported
in cold and hot regions. The results indicate that the cluster size is larger cluster size of intermediate-magnitude clusters in hot regions.
stochastically larger in cold area. Recall that a random variable X As a particular case of small-cluster size analysis, we notice that
is said to be stochastically larger than Y if the survival function of the proportion pS of smallest clusters—singles—among all detected
X is larger than that of Y for all arguments. Finally, we compare the clusters is higher in cold areas: pS (H < 0.2) = 0.86 vs pS (H ≥ 0.2)
cluster size distribution for clusters with intermediate-magnitude = 0.80. The observed difference in proportions is highly signif-
main shocks. As shown in Fig. 8(c), the size of clusters with main icant, with p-value being essentially zero (p < 10−16 ) according
shock magnitude m < 5 is stochastically larger in hot regions. to the Fisher test (Agresti 2007). This effect is noteworthy, since
Similarly, the cluster size is stochastically larger in hot regions for the higher maximal magnitude, better quality of catalogues, and
clusters in all magnitude ranges below m = 6 (not shown). In ad- lower completeness magnitude in cold regions should decrease the
dition, the number of foreshocks and aftershocks per cluster with number of singles (e.g. Zaliapin & Ben-Zion 2015). On the other
main shock magnitude m < 6 is significantly higher in hot regions hand, the probability of being a single is higher for small-magnitude
(not shown). events (e.g. it is more probable for m = 4 event to have no offspring
In summary, stochastically larger cluster size in cold regions is than for m = 7). Accordingly, an increased detected proportion
related to the presence of large-magnitude clusters with main shock of small-magnitude events in cold regions (Fig. 1c) might inflate
618 I. Zaliapin and Y. Ben-Zion
Figure 7. Statistics of background and cluster modes as functions of strain rate tensor’s style S and second invariant I2 . (a) Average nearest-neighbour distance
log10 ηbg in the background mode. (b) Proportion of background events pB . (c) Quality Q of background/cluster mode separation.
the proportion of singles. We demonstrate that this effect is not singles is higher in cold regions (not shown) for each magnitude
ultimately responsible for an increased proportion of singles in interval from [4.0, 4.1), to [5.5, 5.6). Table 3 summarizes the re-
cold regions by repeating the analysis within each magnitude in- sults of a formal statistical testing that uses magnitude intervals of
terval of length 0.1: [4.0, 4.1), [4.1, 4.2), etc. The proportion of length 0.5 and confirms the statistical significance of the observed
Global analysis of earthquake clusters 619
Table 2. Statistics of singles, main shocks, aftershocks and foreshocks in the cluster -analysis of events with m ≥ 2 in the NCEDC catalogue during
Magnitude range Singles Families
Main shocks
( = no. of families) Aftershocks Foreshocks
No. Per cent No. Per cent No. Per cent No. Per cent
All events: m ≥ 4 404 1.9 2309 10.9 16 165 76.3 2314 10.9
4≤m<5 – – – – 9280 88.4 1,216 11.6
5≤m<6 – – – – 6067 86.9 913 13.1
6≤m<7 390 11.8 1999 60.3 750 22.6 174 5.2
7≤m<8 14 3.7 284 75.9 65 17.4 11 2.9
m≥8 0 0 26 89.7 3 10.3 0 0
−2 slo 10
10 pe
10 −3
10 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Cluster size, N Cluster size, N
(c) Regular analysis, mainshock m < 5
High heat flow (H>0.2)
Low heat flow (H<0.2)
Survival function, S(N)
−2 slo
10 pe
. 5
10 0 1 2
10 10 10
Cluster size, N
Figure 8. Distribution of cluster size N in regions with high (H > 0.2, red solid line) and low (H < 0.2, blue dashed line) values of heat flow. For families, the
heat flow value is estimated at the main shock epicentre. The y-axis shows the survival function S(N) = Prob.[cluster size > N]. The lines that correspond to
power laws S(N) ∝ N−α with indices α = 1 and α = 2 are shown for visual convenience. (a) Regular analysis, all clusters. (b) Delta analysis with = 2. (c)
Regular analysis, clusters with main shock magnitude m < 5.
differences for events with magnitudes from 4.0 to 5.5. This analysis Fig. 9(a) shows the proportion pS of singles among families in
also demonstrates that events with m > 5.5 in cold regions become different regions. The proportion varies between 0.7 and 0.95. The
singles less often than those in hot regions (not shown). It is difficult highest values (pS > 0.9) are typically observed within cold regions,
to conclude with the existing data whether this effect is related to while lowest values (pS < 0.75) almost exclusively belong to hot
the inferior catalogue quality in hot regions or is a real physical areas. A closer examination reveals that the proportion of singles
property. exhibits abrupt spatial fluctuations in some areas (e.g. mid-ocean
620 I. Zaliapin and Y. Ben-Zion
Table 3. Testing the hypothesis H0 : Proportion of singles among the clusters is the same in cold and hot regions.
Magnitude Cold regions, H < 0.2 Hot regions, H ≥ 0.2 Fisher test p-value Decision at 0.01 level
No. singles/clusters Prop. singles No. singles/clusters Prop. singles
4.0 ≤ m < 4.5 48 085/49 906 0.963 4216/4422 0.953 0.001 Reject H0
4.5 ≤ m < 5.0 39 654/44 655 0.888 6430/7500 0.857 7 × 10−14 Reject H0
5.0 ≤ m < 5.5 12 238/16 872 0.725 2477/3638 0.681 9 × 10−8 Reject H0
ridges) over hundreds of kilometres. These fluctuations are caused observed values of A (while clusters with larger magnitude gap
by local tectonic and physical settings, such as transition from trans- may artificially become singles). Hence, the reported difference in
form to extension faulting, but are not the focus of this study. The magnitude gap might be influenced to some extent by inferior cata-
relation between the proportion of singles and heat flow is further logue quality in hot areas. However, Zaliapin & Ben-Zion (2013b)
illustrated in Fig. 10(a) that shows pS as a function of strain tensor reported lower magnitude gap in hot regions in a local study in
parameters (S, I2 ). The large-scale averaging used in this analysis southern California, where the quality of catalogues is comparable
clearly demonstrates an increased proportion of singles within cold in both cold and hot regions. We therefore believe that the magni-
areas. The comparison of pS with heat flow and strain rate ten- tude gap difference between hot and cold areas is a real phenomenon
Figure 9. Global spatial distribution of selected earthquake cluster statistics. (a) Proportion pS of singles among regular clusters. (b) Proportion pF of foreshocks
among foreshocks and aftershocks. (c) Average leaf depth corrected for cluster size, dN , for families with size 5 ≤ N ≤ 20.
to cold areas. We also notice that (i) the difference between hot and Next we focus on the spatial distribution of the average leaf depth
cold regions (difference between red and blue lines) is increasing d and family branching B. The values of both statistics depend on
with the family size and (ii) the values of both statistics increase the family size (Fig. 11), which can contaminate spatial analysis
with the family size. as the family size N significantly varies from region to region, as
622 I. Zaliapin and Y. Ben-Zion
Figure 10. Average values of selected cluster statistics as a function of strain rate tensor’s style S and second invariant I2 . (a) Proportion pS of singles among
clusters. (b) Proportion pF of foreshocks among foreshocks and aftershocks. (c) Aftershock magnitude gap A . (d) Average leaf depth corrected for cluster
size, dN , for families with size 5 ≤ N ≤ 20.
Global analysis of earthquake clusters 623
High heat flow, H > 0.2
High heat flow, H > 0.2
0.7 Low heat flow, H < 0.2
Family branching, log10 B
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [10, 20) [20, 50) >50
Family size, N
Figure 11. Average leaf depth d (a) and family branching B (b) as a function of family size N for regions with high (H > 0.2, red solid line and circles) and
low (H < 0.2, blue dashed line and squares) values of the heat flow H. Notice positive trend in both examined characteristics with family size N.
documented in Fig. 8. A least-square regression analysis suggests correlation and GLM approach is summarized in Tables 5, 6 and
that the examined statistics have the following relation to the family Figs D1(y)–(ad). The results confirm that heat flow exerts the pri-
size N in the intermediate size range 5 ≤ N ≤ 20: mary control on the values of these two statistics.
earthquakes reported in the NCEDC global catalogue into individ- shocks (Fig. 8); (9) proportion pS of singles among regular families
ual clusters. We then compare the worldwide space distribution of (Figs 9a, 10a and D1p); (10) proportion pF of foreshocks among
various cluster statistics with global heat flow production (Bird et foreshocks and aftershocks (Figs 9b, 10b and D1s); (11) average leaf
al. 2008) and style of lithospheric deformation indicated by an es- depth corrected for the family size, dN (Figs 9c, 10d, 11a, 12a and
timated strain rate tensor (Kreemer et al. 2014). Our comparison is D1y); (12) average family branching corrected for the family size,
based on (i) spatial maps of selected characteristics in seismically BN (Figs A3e, A4b, 11b, 12b and D1ab) and (13) aftershock mag-
active regions (Figs 1, 2, 6 and 9), (ii) averaged values of the ex- nitude gap A (Figs A3d, 10c, D1y). The results are summarized in
amined characteristics as a function of the strain rate tensor style S Tables 4–6.
and second invariant I2 (Figs 3, 7 and 10), (iii) Spearman rank cor- The cluster structure and statistics estimated by our technique
relation analysis (Table 5, Appendix C) and (iv) Generalized Linear are subject to artefacts related to catalogue uncertainties (Zaliapin
Model analysis (Table 6, Fig. D1). & Ben-Zion 2015). We address potential effects of catalogue in-
We demonstrate that multiple statistics of earthquakes and seis- completeness, varying earthquake intensity, and maximal magni-
micity clusters have spatially dependent distribution, tightly corre- tude on each of the examined statistics and design the analysis
lated with the global heat flow production: (1) earthquake intensity to minimize the possible artefacts. Notably, some of our obser-
(Figs 1a, 3b and D1a); (2) average nearest-neighbour earthquake vations (e.g. increased size of small clusters in Fig. 8c and de-
distance ηbg within the background mode (Figs 4, 6a, 7a and D1d), creased proportion of singles in Figs 9a and 10a) demonstrate a
(3) proportion pB of background events (Figs 4, 6b, 7b and D1g), trend that goes against possible artefacts of catalogue uncertain-
(4) quality Q of background/cluster mode separation (Figs 4, A3c, ties. Furthermore, the results of this study are consistent with those
7c and D1j); (5) threshold η0 that separates the background and of a local analysis of southern California (Zaliapin & Ben-Zion
cluster modes (Figs 4, A3b and D1m); (6) rate of temporal de- 2013a,b) obtained with a high quality catalogue (median location
cay of offspring events (Figs 4 and 5); (7) intensity of repeaters error of 500 m) by Hauksson et al. (2012) and much lower min-
(Fig. 5); (8) Cluster size of intermediate magnitude (m < 6) main imal magnitude of analysis, mmin = 2. The combination of our
Global analysis of earthquake clusters 625
Table 5. Spearman’s correlation between the examined cluster statistics and heat flow, deformation type.
Variable Heat flow, H Tensor style, S Strain rate second invariant, I2
Earthquake intensity, −0.38a −0.40 0.12
Background nearest-neighbour distance, log10 (ηbg ) 0.46 0.43 0.001 (0.88)
Proportion of background events, pbg 0.23 0.07 0.16
Quality of mode separation, Q 0.34 0.27 0.09
Threshold between background and cluster modes, log10(η0 ) 0.25 0.30 −0.10
Proportion of singles, pS −0.29 −0.21 −0.04 (10−7 )
Proportion of foreshocks, pF 0.38 0.19 0.37
Aftershock magnitude gap, A −0.12 −0.09 −0.03 (10−4 )
Size-corrected leaf depth, dN 0.33 0.22 0.13
Size-corrected branching, BN −0.30 −0.19 −0.09
a The P-values are indicated in parentheses; no P-value is indicated in case P < 10−10 . See Appendix C for definitions.
Table 6. Generalized Linear Model Analysisa : Coefficient of determination for a GLM E[Y] = β 0 + β 1 X + β 2 X 2 + β 3 I{X > mean(X)} .
Predictor, X
Response, Y Heat flow, H Tensor style, S Strain rate second invariant, I2
Earthquake intensity, 0.20 0.16 0.12
Background nearest-neighbour distance, log10 (ηbg ) 0.29 0.19 0.05
Proportion of background events, pbg 0.09 0.09 0.06
Quality of mode separation, Q 0.18 0.09 0.04
Threshold between background and cluster modes, log10(η0 ) 0.09 0.08 0.02
Proportion of singles, pS 0.04 0.03 0.06
Proportion of foreshocks, pF 0.20 0.08 0.11
Aftershock magnitude gap, A 0.04 0.02 0.01
Size-corrected leaf depth, dN 0.14 0.08 0.05
Size-corrected branching, BN 0.10 0.06 0.03
a See Appendix D for definitions and further detail.
global results and those obtained in the detailed regional study of magnitude occurring in a small number of generations and decay-
Zaliapin & Ben-Zion (2013a,b) indicate clear dependency of seis- ing until merging with the background seismicity. Heterogeneity
mic clustering on the heat flow in the region. The results are con- of stress/strength field (which might create fracture barriers) and
sistent with those obtained by Yang & Ben-Zion (2009) and Enescu generally larger failure threshold in cold regions reduce the trig-
et al. (2009) by different statistical analyses, and with theoretical gering potential, which particularly affects small-to-intermediate
expectations based on a viscoelastic damage rheology model (Ben- magnitude events and results in lower overall offspring production,
Zion & Lyakhovsky 2006). smaller cluster size, and increased proportion of singles. At the
The overall picture emerging from these studies indicate that same time, large events (m > 6) have sufficient potential not only for
there exist two primary types of earthquake clustering. (i) Brittle overcoming the failure threshold but also for significantly disturb-
fracture in cold regions results in burst-like clusters characterized ing the neighbouring stress/strength field and generating long slow
by a prominently large main shock that happens in the very be- decaying aftershock sequences. (ii) Brittle–ductile failure mecha-
ginning of the sequence and triggers multiple offspring of smaller nisms in hot regions result in swarm-like clusters that lack a single
626 I. Zaliapin and Y. Ben-Zion
prominent main shock. Instead, they gradually develop, event-by- the global strain rate model data. The paper benefitted from com-
event, by triggering earthquakes of comparable magnitudes. The ments by two anonymous reviewers and Editor Eiichi Fukuyama.
offspring span generally multiple generations in such clusters, but Some plots were made using the Generic Mapping Tools version
decay overall much faster creating a notable temporal gap between 4.5.8 (; Wessel & Smith 1991). This re-
offspring activity in a fading cluster and future background events. search was supported by the Southern California Earthquake Center
The stress/strength field in hot areas is more homogeneous, and the (Contribution No. 6486). Southern California Earthquake Cen-
failure threshold is generally lower than in cold regions, which fa- ter is funded by National Science Foundation Cooperative Agree-
cilitate triggering potential and allows small-to-medium magnitude ment EAR-1033462 & United States Geological Survey Coopera-
events to have offspring. This leads to increased size of clusters tive Agreement G12AC20038.
(for small-to-intermediate main shocks) and decreased proportion
of singles.
Our findings on preferential occurrence of swarm-like clusters in
hot regions, (prominently including the mid-ocean ridges transform REFERENCES
areas) and their general statistical properties, are consistent with
previous large-scale analyses of oceanic swarms (e.g. McGuire et Agresti, A., 2007. An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis, Wiley,
400 pp.
al. 2005; Roland & McGuire 2009). Furthermore, our results on
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Figure A2. Characteristics of the strain rate tensor (Kreemer et al. 2014). (a) Strain rate tensor style S of eq. (3). (b) Strain rate tensor second invariant I2 of
eq. (2).
Global analysis of earthquake clusters 629
Figure A3. Worldwide spatial distributions of selected earthquake and cluster statistics. (a) Average hypocentral depth, z. (b) Threshold η0 that separates the
background and cluster modes. (c) Quality Q of separation between the background and cluster modes. (d) Aftershock magnitude gap A . (e) Average family
branching BN corrected for cluster size, for families with size 5 ≤ N ≤ 20.
Downloaded from by guest on 20 June 2023
I. Zaliapin and Y. Ben-Zion
Figure A3 (Continued).
Global analysis of earthquake clusters 631
the difference between the magnitudes of the family main shock and
A P P E N D I X B : P R O D U C I N G S PAT I A L the largest aftershock (only defined for families with aftershocks).
A spatial map of a selected characteristic is produced via the
In this study we produce spatial maps for selected characteristics of
following steps:
the lithosphere, earthquakes, and earthquake clusters. These char-
acteristics can be partitioned into the following four types: (1a) The value of an individual earthquake characteristic is as-
signed to the event epicentre.
(i) Individual earthquake characteristics—magnitude m, (1b) The value of an individual cluster characteristic is assigned
hypocentral depth z, Baiesi-Paczuski distance ηij to the parent, to the epicentre of the family main shock (single is considered to be
foreshock index IF (i) that equals to unity if earthquake i is a a main shock).
foreshock and zero otherwise, and background index IB (i) that (1c) The value of a regional characteristic is estimated at the
equals to unity if earthquake i belongs to background population, epicentre of each catalogue event with magnitude m ≥ 5 within a
and zero otherwise. circle with radius r = 200 km centred at this event.
(ii) Regional characteristics—earthquake intensity , maximal (2) To obtain an averaged (or maximal) value of the selected
observed magnitude mmax , the position ηbg of the background popu- characteristic at point x, the raw estimation from (1) is averaged (or
lation, and quality Q of separation between background and cluster maximized) within circles of radius r = min (r100 , 100 km), where
mode. r100 is the radius of the circle centred at x that contains 100 events
(iii) Individual cluster characteristics—index IS (k) of being a with magnitude m ≥ 5. The points where the circle of radius 100 km
single that equals to unity if cluster k consists of a single event, and contains less than 5 events of magnitude m ≥ 5 are left transparent.
zero otherwise, size-corrected average leaf depth dN (only defined The bandwidth of such adaptive averaging is inversely related to the
for families), size-corrected average family branching BN (only de- seismic intensity, which leads to emphasizing detailed changes of
fined for families), and the aftershock magnitude gap A equal to the examined earthquake characteristics in high-intensity regions
632 I. Zaliapin and Y. Ben-Zion
while applying large-scale smoothing in low-intensity regions. The under the null hypothesis of independence has the Student distri-
100 km limit for the radius of the averaging circle produces coloured bution with N − 2 degrees of freedom (Kendall & Stuart 1973).
bands that are often wider than actual seismicity domains, in partic- For large sample sizes this is very close to the standard normal
ular in the transform and divergent environments. This is done for distribution.
visual convenience. The bootstrap and analytical approaches give practically indis-
(3) An isotropic Gaussian filter is applied to a map from (2). This tinguishable results for our sample sizes. We report the significance
last step is only applied to smooth the maps. It does not disturb the levels (see Table 5) according to the analytical approximation of
global patterns of spatial variability. eq. (C1).
Figure D1. Generalized Linear Model (GLM) analysis of global seismicity. Each panel refers to forecasting a particular characteristic of seismicity using
either heat flow H (first column—a, d, g, j, m, p, s, y, ab), strain rate tensor style S (second column—b, e, h, k, n, q, t, w, z, ac), or logarithm of strain rate
tensor second invariant log10 (I2 ) (third column—c, f, i, l, o, r, u, x, aa, ad). Grey dots—data points; each data point corresponds to a 0.5◦ × 0.5◦ Earth surface
cell. Black lines—GLM forecast. (a, b, c): Seismic intensity [events/year]; the analysis is done for log10 ; (d, e, f): Average distance in background mode,
log10 (ηbg ); (g, h, i): Proportion of background events, pbg ; (j, k, l): Quality of separation between cluster and background modes, Q; (m, n, o): Threshold that
separates the cluster and background modes, log10 (η0 ); (p, q, r): Proportion of singles among clusters, pS ; (s, t, u): Proportion of foreshocks among aftershocks
and foreshocks, pF ; (v, w, x): Difference between magnitude of the main shock and the largest aftershock, A ; (y, z, aa): Average leaf depth, corrected for
family size, dN ; (ab, ac, ad): Average family branching, corrected for family size, BN .
Downloaded from by guest on 20 June 2023
I. Zaliapin and Y. Ben-Zion
Figure D1 (Continued).