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Identidad Corporativa AURUS México (1) .PDF 8.9.23

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Corporate Identity Manual

4.1 Permitted Composition
OUR BRAND 4.2 Incorrect Composition
4.3 Minimum sizes
MOODBOARD 4.4 Complementary Graphics
4.5 Correct Chromatic Uses
1 BASIC ELEMENTS 4.6 Incorrect Chromatic Uses
1.1 Imagotype 4.7 Correct Finishes
1.2 Metrics 4.8 Incorrect finishes
1.3 Elements 5 APPLICATIONS
1.4 Protection Area 5.1 1 Business Card
5.2 Cover sheet
2 FONTS 5.3 Envelope
2.1 Internal fonts 5.4 Folder
2.2 Corporate fonts 5.5 Uniforms & Badges
2.3 Secondary fonts 5.6 Promotional materials


3.1 Corporative color 6.1 Email Signature
3.2 Auxiliary Color 6.2 Power Point Template
3.3 Positive and negative 6.3 Social Media
3.4 Grayscale
3.5 On Backgrounds
3.6 One color logo
It is important to emphasize that the correct use of the trademark
helps us to strengthen the presence of the same in our market and
benefits both customers and distributors to ensure the recognition of
the same in its multiple applications.

This Corporate Identity Manual compiles the guidelines and

standards used for this correct use in its construction, fonts and
applications in both print and digital media.

It will thus be a tool that will allow us to guarantee the legibility of the
brand to the general public in a clear and simple way for internal
use, design departments and authorized distributors.

It is not intended to limit the creativity of the organizations, but to

serve as a guide to open the door to new opportunities with clear
objectives of communication and projection of the brand for all...
Our Brand
AURUS is a brand of intelligent electronic devices. We are
committed to offering equipment that fits into our customers' lives, is
of high quality, and takes advantage of technology.
To understand the brand identity, we focused the development
thinking on technology elements, smart homes, light and cold
gradients in contrast to white elements.

To identify with the target audience, we used male and female

models between the ages of 25 and 40.
1.1 Imagotype
In order to guarantee the legibility and recognition of the brand, the following is
the official logo with which it will be represented in its different versions.

This element will be subject to the standards and specifications established in

this manual to protect the visual integrity of its elements.

Corporate Identity Manual | Basic Elements 8

1.2 Metrics
For its reproduction, a metric will be established based on the dimensions of
the element (X) in 1:1 and its segmentations. The total height of the slogan will
be taken as the X value to define the rest of the elements. This scheme will
serve as a means to facilitate the correct understanding of its composition and
its correct reproduction in digital and printed media.

5 4/5 x 17 3/5 x

Full Version
5 1/5 x

2 4/5 x 17 x

1x 5/5 x 5 4/5 x 17 3/5 x

Simple 5 1/5 x 3x

2 4/5 x 17 x

Corporate Identity Manual | Basic Elements 9

1.3 Elements
The AURUS logo is made up of three elements, as the first element we have
the isotype that is formed by the application of the letter "A" of the logotype on a
circle; the second element is the logotype is the word "AURUS" written in the
Harabara typeface family with modifications to its height, vertices and finishing
touches. Finally, the slogan "Equipos Electrónicos Inteligentes" (Intelligent
Electronic Equipment) is incorporated in the Arial Rounded font family without

Isotype Logotype


Corporate Identity Manual | Basic Elements 10

1.4 Protection Area
The protection area is a clear space surrounding the logo that enables its
proper display. This area must be preserved and should not be occupied by
other elements such as graphics, text, or images.

The overall height of the slogan will be considered as a value X to determine

the remaining elements. Subsequently, the protection area will be established
by measuring (3X) in 1:1 ratio to ensure its complete and straightforward




Corporate Identity Manual | Basic Elements 11

2.1 Internal fonts
The typeface used in the brand management for body text and editorial is Arial
for its easy accessibility and great legibility. Its applications will be in e-mails,
documents, basic and administrative stationery.

Its use is considered in Regular, Italic and Bold styles.

- Arial Regular
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn
Ññ Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
1234567890 .,:;&/(){}[]¿?!¡%$#=+<>°”¨´*^

- Arial Italic - Arial Bold

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Ññ Ññ Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890 .,:;&/(){}[]¿?!¡%$#=+<>°”¨´*^
1234567890 .,:;&/(){}[]¿?!¡%$#=+<>°”¨´*^

Corporate Identity Manual | Fonts 14

2.2 Corporate fonts
The typeface that represents the brand in various design and
advertising applications, suitable for digital and print media. This
typeface is used in Regular only.

- Harabara
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn
Ññ Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
. , : ; & / ( ){ } [ ] ¿ ? ! % $ # = + < > ¨ ´ * ^

Corporate Identity Manual | Fonts 15

2.3 Secondary fonts
If it is not possible to use the corporate typeface, the Arial Rounded MT Bold
typeface family will be used in its regular style. Its use may be applied in
advertising elements, designs for printed or digital media and promotional

- Arial Rounded MT Bold

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn
Ññ Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
. , : ; & / ( ){ } [ ] ¿ ? ! % $ # = + < > ¨ ´ * ^

Corporate Identity Manual | Fonts 16

3.1 Corporate colors
Corporate colors allow the brand identity, so each color is considered as a
fundamental part of its construction. If the brand applications do not allow the
use of color, the logo will be used in grayscale or black as established in this

PANTONE Reflex Blue C is used for the upper part of the isologue and the
type logo, PANTONE 2995 C for the lower part of the isologue and PANTONE
Process Black C for the slogan.


Reflex Blue C 2995 C Process Black C


#001489 #00A9E0 #302E2C


C100 - M87 - Y0 - K20 C79 - M3 - Y0 - K0 C0 - M0- Y0 - K100


R0 - G20 - B137 R0 - G169 - B224 R48 - G46 - B44

Corporate Identity Manual | Colors 18

3.2 Auxiliary Colors
The support of an auxiliary color will be used to complement the corporate
color, favoring the visual identity of the brand and its readability.

This information will be used to ensure the correct selection of colors in both
printed and digital media.


2607 C 291 C 424 C


#500878 #2E008B #707372


C85 - M100 - Y0 - K13 C99- M99 - Y0 - K5 C52 - M41- Y38 - K20


R80 - G8 - B120 R46 - G0 - B39 R112 - G115 - B-114

Corporate Identity Manual | Colors 19

3.3 Positive and negative
When it is necessary to use the logo in a monochromatic application, the
elements shall be used in 100 percent saturation in black or white, as
appropriate, to generate contrast and ensure legibility.

Full Positive Full Negative

Corporate Identity Manual | Colors 20

3.4 Grayscale
For the application of the logo in grayscale, three levels of saturation will be
used for the handling of the brand. Black at 80% is used for the upper part of
the isologue and the logo, black at 40% for the lower part of the isologue and
black at 100% for the slogan.

Black 80%

Black 40% Black 100%

Black 100% Black 80% Black 60%

Corporate Identity Manual | Colors 21

3.5 On Backgrounds
For the application of the logo on photographs or textured backgrounds, it shall
be applied with the corporate color or in white as necessary to ensure
maximum visibility, legibility and contrast.

When using photographs, it is important to ensure that the logo is not

obstructed by any elements. Additionally, if needed, a semicircle should be
used as a background in the recommended colors to ensure legibility.

Corporate Identity Manual | Colors 22

3.6 One-color logo
For the application of the logo in one ink, the corporate colors shall be used
except black in any printed or digital application in which it is presented.
The same may be applied on corporate or auxiliary color backgrounds as long
as legibility is not compromised.

Corporate Identity Manual | Colors 23

4.1 Permitted Composition
The logotype sets forth several guidelines to retain the brand identity
accurately. As a result, the correct use entails the arrangements of the logo in
its complete and simple model.

In its simple form, the logo should be centered with the isotype, maintaining
the original size of the elements. In other words, the logo's size will not be
increased, but it will only be centered with the isologue.

Full Version Simple version

Corporate Identity Manual | Use 26

4.2 Incorrect Composition
Any change or alteration in the composition or hierarchy of the logo is
considered incorrect usage. This results in a loss of visual identification
for the company.

Sizes, proportions, or distances of the elements cannot be modified as

in the presented examples..

Distortion of size in full version Distortion of size in simple version

Corporate Identity Manual | Use 27

4.2 Incorrect Composition
Any change or alteration in the composition or hierarchy of the logo is
considered incorrect usage. This results in a loss of visual branding
for the company.

Under no circumstances should the sizes, proportions, or spacing of

the elements be modified, as shown in the examples presented.

Distortion of order in full version Distortion of order in simple version

Corporate Identity Manual | Use 28

4.3 Minimum Sizes
A minimum reproduction size has been established for printed and digital Responsive versions of the brand in digital media
media to ensure proper legibility of the logo among other visual elements
sharing the same space.
Additionally, the brand's responsive versions will only be applied in digital
media to ensure brand recognition. For this purpose, three versions will be
used based on the minimum sizes required for the application.

Minimum total width for use: 130 px

Minimum in Print Media Minimum in Digital Media

Minimum Size for full version Size in full version Application: Profile images, ads, banners, etc.
Width: 4.5 cm - Hight 0.9 cm Width: 130 px - Hight 28.2 px

Minimum total width for use: 90 px

Application: Avatar, emails, social media content

Minimum in print media Minimum in digital media

Minimum total width for its use: 20 px
Size in simple version Size in simple version Application: icons, tabs, mobile applications
Width: 3.5 cm - Hight 0.7 cm Width: 190 px - Hight 19 px

Corporate Identity Manual | Use 29

4.4 Correct Chromatic Uses
When applying the logo on colored backgrounds, use auxiliary colors to ensure
the composition is legible and harmonious.

Maintain legibility when using the logo in negative and positive applications,
and avoid combining negative with light colors and positive with dark colors.

One-color application on background

Main composition

Two-color application on background

Corporate Identity Manual | Use 30

4.5 Incorrect Chromatic Uses
The logo should not be used on color backgrounds that compromise its
visibility or legibility. Auxiliary colors should not replace the corporate colors in
one or two inks.

Do not use the positive logo version on low-contrast or non-corporate

backgrounds, unless auxiliary colors are used.

Application in auxiliary color or low contrast Application in non-approved colors.

Corporate Identity Manual | Use 31

4.6 Correct finishes
Using the logo in various applications. The presented finishes serve as a guide
to apply graphic effects to the logo in its different versions.

These effects can be utilized in texturized formats, including metallic, satin,

and matte textures.

Soft inner shadow Soft outer shadow

Soft beveling

Corporate Identity Manual | Use 32

4.6 Correct finishes
All the graphic effects that enhance the logo's legibility in different
applications are regarded as the correct finishes. The provided
finishes will help apply those graphic effects to the various versions
of the logo.

These effects are suitable for textures such as metallic, satin, and
Metallic Finishes

Corporate Identity Manual | Use 33

4.7 Incorrect Finishes
Incorrect finishes are considered to be all those graphic effects that limit the
legibility of the logo and affect the identification of the trademark. The finishes
presented here shall be a guide to avoid such graphic effects on the logo in its

To ensure the correct application of the logo, textures other than those
authorized may not be used.

Strong inner shadow Strong outer shadow

Strong beveling

Corporate Identity Manual | Use 34

4.7 Inorrect finishes
Incorrect finishes are considered to be all those graphic effects that limit the
legibility of the logo and affect the identification of the trademark. The finishes
presented here shall be a guide to avoid such graphic effects on the logo in its

To ensure the correct application of the logo, textures other than those
authorized may not be used.

Strong outer glow Strong inner glow

Strong embossing Metallic finish Gold

Corporate Identity Manual | Use 35

5.1 Business card
Size: Front
Card (9 cm x 5 cm) thick couche
thick matte finish
Digital printing front and back
Front Information
- Full logo in negative

Information on the back

- Name and position
- Office Phone
- Cellphone
- Email
- Office address
- Webpage
- Logo Back

Corporate Identity Manual | Applications 38

5.2 Letterhead
Letter (21.5 cm x 27.9
cm)90gr White

Margins for use

Top: 4.5 cm
Bottom: 3 cm
Left: 2.5 cm
Right: 2.5 cm

Top information
- Full logo
- Phone number
- Address

Bottom Information
- Webpage
- Phone number
- Address

Corporate Identity Manual | Applications 40

5.3 Envelope
Business (24 cm x 10.5)

Information on the front

- Office Phone number
- Office Address

Interior with screening

Corporate Identity Manual | Applications 42

5.4 Folder
Letter (22 cm x 30 cm closed)
Alignment: Centered

Information on the back

- Office Phone number
- Email
- Office Address
- Webpage
- Brand Social Networks

Information on the inside

- Logo
- Webpage
- Brand Social Media

Corporate Identity Manual | Applications 44

5.5 Uniforms & Name Badges
Badge size: Card
(8.5 cm x 5.5 cm)Plastic

- Photography
- Name
- Job title
- Address
- Webpage

Type of application
Polo shirt: Embroidery
Location: Top front

T-shirt: 1 ink silk-screen printing

Location: Top front

Corporate Identity Manual | Applications 46

5.7 Promotional Items
For the creation of promotional items, the work area will be
taken into account in order to use the logo in its full or simple

The application will be made on the basis of the chromatic uses

allowed for the material used. Some examples of brandable
materials are:

- Feathers
- Cups
- Bags
- USB flash drives
- -Notebooks

Manual de Identidad Corporativa | Applications 48

6.1 Email Signature
- Name
- Job title
- Office Phone number
- Cellphone
- Office Address
- Signature image

- Font: Tahoma
- Font Size
- name:14 pts
- Job title and contact information: 10pts

- Color Name and Job Title: #4B82BC Jesús Gpe. Vanegas

- Contact Color: #003087 Servicio Técnico
Image Size Tel. (52) 81 81968000 ext. 123
- Width: 450 px Cel. 81 12127434
- Hight 67px Oficinas: Calle C #500, Col. Almacentro Industrial,
Apodaca, Nuevo León, México C.P. 66640

Corporate Identity Manual | Digital media 52

6.2 Power Point Slides
Preset Format
- Size: Standard (4:3)
- Fonts
- Theme colors
- Shape effects
- Image templates

Corporate Identity Manual | Digital media 53

6.3 Social Media
Social media will be used to create a direct connection with both the end customer and the brand's potential distributor customers, so content
must be generated according to the platform and its market. This content will be modified based on the requirements of each platform, respecting
the permitted uses of the brand but also managing a defined brand personality and voice.

In publications, the wording of the brand will always be in capital letters such as "AURUS" to strengthen the permanence in the customer's mind.
Likewise, when the brand name is to be used in the design of material, the logo should be used simple and never as regular text.

AURUS brand voice

To define the voice of the brand in social networks, it is visualized as a man between 25 and 45 years old with a cheerful personality, with a spirit
of educating customers, respectful, witty, curious, social, friendly, dynamic and intelligent.

The voice of AURUS invites the consumer to learn more about the products to be able to adapt their needs to what the brand offers, to have a
sense that they are making a conscious purchase instead of feeling that they are being sold something.

What do you talk about on social media?

It relates to topics such as smart home technology, current gadgets and pop culture. It's focused on families or young people who are looking for
smart equipment that fits their lifestyle.

Writing style
Posts should be written in the second person, using informal but not vulgar language to connect with the consumer. You can have humor and wit
when responding but avoid jokes or mocking situations that may harm the brand.

When answering direct messages, reply in the second person and in a friendly, attentive, polite, respectful and concrete manner. In case of a
complaint, investigate the problem and always try to offer an alternative to the situation.

Social Media
The AURUS brand has a presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube to connect with consumers and on LinkedIn to strengthen the presence
among potential distribution customers.

Corporate Identity Manual | Digital media 54


» O O
This Corporate Identity Manual is the property of AURUS Mexico.

Any application of the brand's graphic elements not referred to herein is considered as Not Permitted.

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