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Application of Dstatcom For Isolated Systems

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Alka Adya Bhim Singh J.R.P.Gupta A.P.Mittal
NSIT,Dwarka IIT Delhi,Hauz Khas NSIT, Dwarka NSIT, Dwarka
New Delhi-45 New Delhi-16 New Delhi-45 New Delhi-45
India India India India

Abstract - This paper demonstrates a model of distribution static

compensator D-STATCOM controller connected to an isolated has the ability to provide immediate reactive power compensation
system. Simulation is performed using Power System Toolboxes and system and improve the voltage profile of the system. This shunt
Simulink of standard MATLAB software. Two simple PI controllers device can also cancel the effect of unbalanced load currents such
are used to offer DC bus voltage control and ac bus voltage that the current drawn from the source is balanced and also at unity
regulation at the point of common coupling. Results are obtained power factor with the source voltage.
for D-STATCOM applied to a simple isolated distribution system
when it is connected to an alternator. D-STATCOM is an important II. D-STATCOM CONFIGURATION
shunt controller that has the potential to solve power quality
problems faced by distribution systems. Results show that D- D-STATCOM is a solid state DC- AC switching power converter
STATCOM is able to regulate unity power factor correction and that consists of a three-phase voltage sourced inverter (VSI) bridge
provide voltage regulation. having six IGBT switches. It is connected to the distribution
network via the impedance of the coupling transformer. A charged
Index Terms - D-STATCOM, voltage regulation, MATLAB capacitor provides constant DC link voltage. A 3.125 MVA
alternator coupled to diesel engine and governor is used as source.
The synchronous machine voltage and speed outputs are used as
feedback inputs to a Simulink Control system that contains the
Generating plant sizes of the order of 2000 MW have been quite Diesel engine and governor block as well as an excitation system
common in the last century. A new trend emerging nowadays is the block. The excitation system used is the standard IEEE Type 1
development of significantly smaller sized plants dedicated to small model taken from Machine library.
or medium sized industrial loads. Small distribution generators are
nowadays commonly used in parallel with the normal grid III. OPERATING PRINCIPLE
connected power systems. These sets generally supply emergency
power in the need of hour. However, completely isolated power The output voltage of D-STATCOM is generated by a DC - AC
systems are gaining increased importance in electric power systems voltage source inverter operated from an energy storage capacitor.
on ships, aircrafts, off shore plants, power distribution in islands etc. From the DC input voltage source, provided by a charged capacitor,
Small-dedicated systems installed at the customer premises and the converter produces a set of controllable three phase output
catering only to local loads has gained a lot of awareness. voltages with the frequency of AC power system. Each output
Conventional Flexible AC Transmission system devices (FACTS) voltage is in phase with and coupled to the corresponding AC
like Static Var Compensators (SVC) have been around for a long voltage via tie reactance (leakage reactance of coupling
time. Advances in power electronic devices and technology have transformer). By varying the magnitude of output voltage produced,
given rise to Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR), Thyristor the reactive power exchange between D-STATCOM and AC system
Switched Capacitor (TSC) and Static Compensator (STATCOM) [1- is controlled. If the amplitude of output voltage is increased (or
3]. decreased) above the AC system voltage, the converter generates (or
absorbs) reactive power for the AC system. D-STATCOM acts as a
Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM) is a key FACTS shunt compensator connected in parallel to the system so that it can
controller and it utilizes power electronics to solve many power inject the necessary compensation currents.
quality problems commonly faced by distribution systems. Potential
applications of D-STATCOM include power factor correction,
voltage regulation, load balancing and harmonic reduction. Use of
D-STATCOM with utility grid connected as source has been studied
[4], however very little work has been done related to application of A. Power Circuit
D-STATCOM to systems isolated from the utility grid. This paper Fig.1 shows complete model of D-STATCOM along with control
presents D-STATCOM connected to an isolated system when it is circuit. The power circuit as well as control system are modeled
connected to an alternator. using PSB and simulink. The synchronous generator is shown
In this paper, modeling of D-STATCOM is carried out in MATLAB driven by a diesel engine set. Three phase AC loads are connected at
environment using Simulink and Power system Block set to the other end of alternator. A step down transformer is connected to
implement the power circuit as well as the control circuit. A step down the generated voltage 415V distribution level. D-
3.125MVA, 60Hz synchronous alternator acts as source for the STATCOM consists of PWM voltage source inverter circuit and a
system load drawing lagging power factor current. D-STATCOM DC capacitor connected at one end. IGBT based PWM inverter is
implemented using Universal bridge block from Power Electronics
0-7803-8560-8/04/$20.00©2004 IEEE


subset of PSB. RC snubber circuits are connected in parallel with reference currents are to regulate the AC system voltage at PCC.
each IGBT for protection. The output of PI controller over the DC bus voltage is considered as
Component Hysteresis
Vt ref + Ispqr reference + Isref Reference
PI Current Dstatcom controller
Controller Generator Current
- + generation
Vt 6 gate

Quadrature unit
Vector generation Isabc

Unit voltage Inphase
generator Reference PI
template Current Controller
uabc generator Ispdr

3 phase

DG set 3 ph alternator

Fig1. Control scheme of D-STATCOM for Isolated Alternator

System driven by Diesel Engine
the amplitude of the in-phase component of supply reference
A salient pole 3.125MVA, 4 pole, 60 Hz, three phase synchronous currents and the output of PI controller over AC terminal is
machine is modeled as an isolated alternator having L-L rms voltage considered as the amplitude of the quadrature component of supply
of 2.4kV. The associated diesel engine and governor models are reference currents. The instantaneous reference currents are obtained
selected from standard reference [9, 10]. IEEE Type1 synchronous by multiplying the in-phase supply reference current with unit
machine voltage regulator combined to an exciter is used. Fig.2 vectors and quadrature supply reference currents with quadrature
shows the block diagram of synchronous generator with excitation unit vectors. Once the reference currents for D-STATCOM are
system and governor. A 3MVA, 2.4kV/ 415 V ph-ph rms. voltage generated, a carrier less PWM controller is employed over the
step-down transformer is used with the primary winding connected sensed D-STATCOM currents and instantaneous reference currents.
in delta and secondary winding in star connected to ground. If the current in phase ‘A’ is less than reference current in that
phase, then upper IGBT for leg ‘a’ is ‘OFF’ and lower IGBT is
The load on the system is modeled using the block three phase ‘ON’. Similar logic is applied to other two legs. The controller
parallel RL load connected in star configuration with the neutral controls the D-STATCOM currents in a band around the desired
connected to ground. Active power (P), Reactive power (Ql) has reference current values. The hysteresis controller generates
been set to 1MW and 0.8Mvar. Capacitive reactive power has been appropriate switching pulses for six IGBTs of the VSI inverter.
set to zero. Provision is made to connect two such loads in parallel
so that the effect of sudden load addition and removal is studied
easily. The feeder connected from the generator to load is modeled
using appropriate R, L components.

B. Control Circuit

Fig.1 shows the control circuit of D-STATCOM with two PI

controllers. One PI controller is to regulate the DC link voltage
while the second PI controller is to regulate the terminal voltage at
point of common coupling (PCC). The in-phase components of D-
STATCOM reference currents are responsible for the case of power
factor correction of load and the quadrature components of supply


A detailed model of D-STATCOM for an isolated system consisting
Voltage of a three-phase alternator driven by Diesel engine and feeding local
Reference loads has been developed. The simulation of the physical model is
done in MATLAB environment using Simulink and PSB. The
responses show that D-STATCOM is able to achieve power factor
correction, voltage regulation and load balancing. It is hoped that the
proposed D-STATCOM will be quite useful in a number of
applications like isolated power generation for ships, aircrafts.
+ Synchronous System parameters used in simulation
Alternator: 3.125MVA, 2.4kV (L-L rms), 4 pole, 60Hz, H=1.07s,
Td’=3.7s, Td”=0.05s, Tqo”=0.05s, Xd=1.56, Xd’=0.296pu,
- Xd”=0.177pu, Xq=1.06pu,Xq”=0.177 pu, Xl=0.052pu
Fig2. Block diagram of alternator with governor and excitation
system Controller parameters: Kpd=0.95,Kid=120,Kpa=10,Kia=90
Load : P=1MW, Ql=0.8Mvar,Qc=0 ,415V (L-L rms)
Simulation of the system has been performed using MATLAB. The
following cases have been studied.
[1] N.G.Hingorani and L.Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS, Standard
A. Steady State operation
Publishers, Delhi, 2001.
In this case study, the alternator is loaded to 34 % i.e. 1MW load at
[2] R.M.Mathur (Editor), Static Compensators for Reactive Power
0.8 power factor is connected. The mechanical power Pm stabilizing
Control, Contexts Publications, Winnipeg, Canada, 1984
at 1.2 Mw after load flow has been performed. Also, terminal
[3] Y.H.Song and A.T.Johns, Flexible AC Transmission Systems
voltage Vt and speed are shown attaining their steady state values.
(FACTS), IEE Press, Oct 1999.
The alternator attains 1800rpm at nearly 0.2sec and also the terminal
[4] A.Ghosh and G.Ledwich, Power Quality Enhancement Using
voltage Vt at the alternator reaches 2400v ph-ph rms value. It can be
Custom Power Devices, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London,
easily observed that D-STATCOM operates in power factor
correction mode. Source voltage Vs, and source current are in phase
[5] H. Akagi, Y Kanazawa and A Nabae, “Instantaneous Reactive
even though Il lags behind Vs. The DC link voltage reaches
Power Compensators Comprising Switching Devices without
reference value of 1500V. The steady state results for the system can
energy storage Components,” IEEE Transactions on Industry
be observed till time t=0.65 sec in Fig 3 and Fig.4.
Applications, vol. 20, no 3, May/June 1984, pp. 625-630.
[6] Bhim Singh, V. Mishra and R.K.P. Bhatt, “Performance
B. Application of Load
Analysis of Static Condenser for ac Voltage Regulation, Power
In this case study, after the alternator has reached steady state, a
Factor Correction and Load Balancing,” IE (I) Journal, vol. 84,
sudden load disturbance of 20% load addition is applied at time
June 2003, pp. 28-36.
t=0.7sec. The response in Fig.3 shows that the DC link voltage tends
[7] B.N.Singh, A. Chandra, Al-Haddad, “DSP based indirect-
to decrease but the controller action tends to maintain the voltage
current controlled STATCOM -I Evaluation of current
level. The voltage settles down to the reference value of 1500V
controlled techniques,” IEE proceedings on Electric Power
again. The source current and load currents settle down to their new
Applications, vol. 147-2, March 2000, pp.107-112.
steady state values. It is seen that source voltage Vs and source
[8] B.N.Singh, A. Chandra, Al-Haddad, “DSP based indirect-
currents Is are in phase thus improving the power factor and making
current controlled STATCOM-II Multifunctional capabilities,
it unity.
IEE proceedings on Electric Power Applications, vol. 147-2,
March 2000, pp.113-118.
C. Removal of Load
[9] Power System Block set For Use with Simulink, User’s Guide;
In this case study, the three phase load of P=1 MW and Q=0.8 Mvar
The Math works Inc., 2000.
is initially applied to the alternator. At time t=0.7sec, 20% of the
[10] Yeager K.E., Willis J.R., “Modeling of Emergency Diesel
load is switched off. The DC link voltage tends to increase but then
generators in an 800MW Nuclear Power Plant”, IEEE
settles down to the set reference value of 1500V. The source current
Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol.8, no 3, Sep 1993.
and load currents settle to their new steady state values. Fig.4 shows
that D-STATCOM provides power factor correction completely
clear from the plots of Vs and Is which are in phase.


Fig 3 : Performance of D-STATCOM for sudden load switched on at t=0.7sec

Fig 4 : Performance of D-STATCOM for sudden load switched off at t=0.7sec

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