155 16-Eg1
155 16-Eg1
155 16-Eg1
16-EG3 (1010)
m 120-1377 TONS
(420 - 4840 kW)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Table of Contents
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
OptiView Control Center.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Reliability Features.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
How It Works............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Mechanical Specifications......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Optional Features....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Application Data......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Ratings........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Nozzle Arrangements................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
Physical Data.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 46
Electrical Data............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 49
Guide Specifications.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 51
Today’s environmental and energy considerations demand Inlet Air Cooling – Use a YIA chiller to cool inlet air to a
innovative chiller plant designs which save expensive gas turbine or a compressor. The lower specific volume
peak load kW hours and eliminate CFC’s. In a growing associated with cooler air provides more combustion ca-
number of applications with waste heat or abundant low pacity by increasing the overall efficiency of the system.
pressure steam, single-stage absorption chillers offer an
ideal means of saving on cooling costs without a significant Waste Heat Recovery – Recover waste heat from printing
installation cost penalty. plants, incinerators or gas engine jacket water to provide
required comfort or process cooling at little operational
That’s why Johnson Controls is proud to introduce the cost.
YIA Single-Stage Absorption Chiller. The YIA Absorption
Chiller offers the rugged, industrial grade design of our Commercial Cooling/Peak Shaving – For particularly
previous single effect model, with a whole new package pronounced peak loads with few operating hours, the
of user friendly microprocessor controls, designed to YIA absorber’s lower first cost may provide an acceptable
increase reliability and enhance performance. payback when more efficient, yet more expensive double
effect chillers cannot.
Applications particularly well suited for the YORK YIA
Absorption Chiller include the following: For these and similar money saving designs, consider
the field proven YIA design. In over thirty-five years of
Combined Heat & Power or Cogeneration – For CHP operation, the YORK single-effect design has proven
systems, high pressure steam has many valuable uses, itself in applications ranging from schools to refineries.
while low pressure steam or hot water is considerably Now, with state of the art controls and continual product
less useful, yet more plentiful. In these plants, the YIA improvement, the YORK YIA absorption chiller is truly
absorber can provide cooling with low pressure steam or without peer. When it comes to absorption technology,
hot water, freeing high pressure steam for power genera- there’s only one leader - Johnson Controls
tion or other valuable uses.
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
YIA OPTIVIEW CONTROL CENTER WITH SMART- logged in at service access level. Included in this is the
PURGE Advanced Diagnostics and troubleshooting information
for the chiller and the panel.
The YORK YIA OptiView Control Center, furnished as
standard on each chiller, provides the ultimate in efficiency,
The panel is fused through a 1.0 KVA transformer in the
monitor-ing, data recording, chiller protection and operat-
power panel to provide individual over-current protected
ing ease. The Control Center is a factory-mounted, wired
power for all controls. Numbered terminal strips for wiring
and tested state-of-the-art microprocessor based control
such as Remote Start/Stop, Flow Switches, Chilled Water
system for lithium bromide absorption chillers. The panel is
Pump and Local or Remote Cycling devices are provided.
configured with a 10.4-in. (264 mm) diagonal color Liquid
The Panel also provides field interlocks that indicate the
Crystal Display (LCD) surrounded by “soft” keys, which
chiller status. These contacts include a Remote Mode
are redefined with one keystroke based on the screen
Ready-to-Start, a Cycling Shutdown, a Safety Shutdown
displayed at that time. This revolutionary development
and a chiller Run contact. Pressure transducers sense
makes chiller operation quicker and easier than ever
system pressures and thermistors sense system tem-
before. Instead of requiring keystroke after keystroke to
peratures. The output of each transducer is a DC voltage
hunt for information on a small monochrome LCD screen,
that is analogous to the pressure input. The output of
a single button reveals a wide array of information on a
each thermistor is a DC voltage that is analogous to the
large, full-color illustration of the appropriate component,
temperature it is sensing.
which makes information easier to interpret. This is all
mounted in the middle of a keypad interface and installed
Setpoints can be changed from a remote location via
in a locked enclosure.
010VDC, 4-20mA, contact closures or through serial
com-munications. The adjustable remote reset range [up
The LCD display allows graphic animated display of the
to 20°F (11.1°C)] provides flexible, efficient use of remote
chiller, chiller sub-systems and system parameters; this
signal depending on reset needs. Serial data interface
allows the presentation of several operating parameters
to the Building Automation System (BAS) is through the
at once. In addition, the operator may view a graphical
representation of the historical operation of the chiller as
well as the present operation. A Status Bar is displayed
at all times on all screens. It contains the System - Status
Line and Details Line, the Control Source, Access Level,
Time and Date. This printed circuit board requests the required data from
the Microboard and makes it available for the Johnson
The panel verbiage is available in eight languages as Controls Metasys® network. This optional board is avail-
standard and can be changed on the fly without having able through the Johnson Controls Building Efficiency
to turn off the chiller. Data can be displayed in either group. The operating program is stored in non-volatile
English or Metric units plus keypad entry of setpoints to memory (EPROM) to eliminate chiller failure due to AC
0.1 increments. power failure/battery discharge. Programmed setpoints
are retained in lithium battery-backed RTC memory for
Security access is provided to prevent unauthorized 10 years minimum.
changes of setpoints. This is accomplished with three
different levels of access and passwords for each level. Every programmable point has a pop-up screen with
There are certain screens, displayed values, program- the allowable ranges, so that the chiller cannot be pro-
mable setpoints and manual controls not shown that are grammed to operate outside of its design limits.
for servicing the chiller. They are only displayed when
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
When the power is applied to the chiller, the HOME screen cated by alternating shades of color moving in and out of
is displayed. This screen displays a visual representation the pipes. Adjustable limits on the low water temperature
of the chiller and a collection of data detailing important setpoints allow the chiller to cycle on and off for greater ef-
operations and parameters. When the chiller is running ficiency and less chiller cycling. The chiller cycles off when
the flow of chilled liquid is animated by the alternating the leaving chilled water temperature is below setpoint and
shades of color moving in and out of the pipe nozzles. The is adjustable from 1°F (0.55°C) below to a minimum of
primary values that need to be monitored and controlled 40°F (4.4°C). Restart is adjustable from setpoint up to a
are shown on this screen. They are as follows: max of 77°F (25.0°C). The panel will check for flow to avoid
freeze up of the tubes. If flow is interrupted shutdown will
Programmable occur after a minimum of two seconds. From this screen
• Login/Logout – View, Operator, or Service Modes you can perform the following.
• Print
• Warning Reset
• Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature – Setpoint
• Soft Shutdown
Display Only
Display Only
• Chilled Liquid Temperature - Returning
• Chilled Liquid Temperature – Leaving
• Chilled Liquid Temperature – Leaving
• Chilled Liquid Temperature – Returning
• Refrigerant Temperature
• Condenser Liquid Temperature – Returning
• Stabillizer/Unloader Valve (Open/Closed)
• Condenser Liquid Temperature – Leaving
• Refrigerant Level Switch (Open/Closed)
• Total Operating Hours
• Cooling Liquid Temperature - Returning
• Latest Run Time
• Number of Starts Navigation
• Chilled Liquid Flow (On/Off) • Home Screen
• Cooling Liquid Flow (On/Off) • Generator/Condenser
• System
• Purge
• Evaporator/Absorber
• Generator/Condenser The GENERATOR/CONDENSER screen displays a cut-
• System away view of the chiller generator/condenser shell. The
liquid flow is animated to indicate flow through the genera-
• Purge tor and condenser. All setpoints relating to the generator
• Control Valve and condenser side of the chiller are maintained on this
• Setpoints screen. From this screen you can view the following:
• Sales Order
Display Only
• History
• Generator Shell Side Pressure
With the “soft” keys the operator is only one touch away • Steam or Hot Water Inlet Temperature
from the 7 main screens that allows access to the major • Steam or Hot Water Inlet Pressure
information and components of the chiller. The 7 screens • Strong Solution Temperature
CONDENSER, SYSTEM, PURGE, CONTROL VALVE, • Strong Solution Concentration
SETPOINTS, SALES ORDER, and the HISTORY. Also • Automatic Decrystallization Temperature
on the Home screen is the ability to initiate a Soft Shut- • Solution Temperature Leaving the STS
down, Log In, Log Out, Print, Warning Reset. Log In and
• Minimum Temperature to Crystallize
Log Out is the means by which different security levels
are accessed. • Condense Leaving Cooling Liquid Temperature
• Refrigerant Temperature from the Condenser
The EVAPORATOR/ABSORBER screen displays a • Control Valve Mode
cutaway view of the chiller evaporator/absorber shell. All
setpoints relating to the evaporator side of the chiller are Navigation
maintained on this screen. Animation of the evaporation
• Home Screen
process indicates whether the chiller is presently in RUN
condition (bubbling) and liquid flow in the pipes is indi- • Evaporator/Absorber
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
The SCHEDULE screen allows for daily starting and stop- Programmable
ping of the chiller and permits different stop/stop times for • Print
each day of the week. The SCHEDULE screen permits14
holidays to be programmed separately as defined by the Display Only
user. • Model Number
• Panel Serial Number
• Chiller Serial Number
• Daily Schedule
• Johnson Controls Order Number
• Time On/Off
• System Information
• Repeat Sunday
• Evaporaor, Condenser/Absorber, and Genrator De-
• Holiday ( up to 14 per year)
sign Load Information
The USER screen allows definition of the language for the • System Information
chiller to display and defines the unit of measure.
Programmable • Home Screen
• System Language
The HISTORY screen allows the user to browse through
• English/Metric Units
the system faults. Details of Safety Shutdowns, Cycling
Shutdowns, Start Inhibits, and Warning history can be
The COMMS screen allows definition of the necessary
viewed from this screen.
communications parameters.
Display Only
• Safety Shutdowns History File
• Chiller ID
• Cycling Shutdown History File
• Com 2 Baud Rate
• Start Inhibit History File
• Com 2 Data Bit(s)
• Warning History File
• Com 2 Parity Bit(s)
• View Details
• Com 2 Stop Bit(s)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Reliability Features
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
The YORK OptiView w/SmartPurge YIA Absorption Chiller matically purges the non-condensible gases, the Smart-
introduces a revolutionary system of unit controls and Purge contains and quantifies the non-condensible gas
mechanical devices designed to keep the chiller running generation and warns of excessive purging, making it an
in even the most extreme circumstances. Old concerns early warning system for air leaks - air leaks being the
about crystallization are approached with a hybrid of new number one culprit of short lived absorption machines.
technology and older, proven methods. Additionally, the YIA The SmartPurge also eliminates labor and maintenance
chiller contains a host of other features designed to give the time – since no personnel are needed to purge the unit
machine a long, trouble free life. or empty the purge tank, plus eliminates the chance of
costly mistakes resulting from over-purging and under-
This YORK brand absorption chiller has been in produc- purging associated with manual type purge systems.
tion for more than 40 years. Yorks’ commitment to quality,
reliability, and service after the sale is evidenced by having 3. ADVAGuard™ 750 Corrosion Inhibitor – is an envi-
many absorbers that have been in operation for more than ronmentally friendly inorganic corrosion inhibitor that pro-
40 years. York has a worldwide service network that allows vides superior corrosion protection. Corrosion inhibitors
us to provide the highest degree of technical support, even promote the formation of an oxide film on the surfaces
in the most remote regions of the world. The result: the of the chiller that are in contact with LiBr solution. AD-
smartest, safest, and most reliable single effect absorption VAGuard 750 Corrosion Inhibitor creates a highly stable
chiller on the market today. See Fig. 1 for the location of the magnetite layer resulting in lower hydrogen generation
reliability features. and only an eighth of the corrosion as compared with
other traditional inhibitors.
1. Optiview Control Panel – The OptiView control panel 4. Hermetic Pumps – The YIA’s industrial pump provides
offers diagnostics logic for ease of trouble shooting, a life of trouble-free operation with a recommended
informs of maintenance intervals, improved heat input 75,000 hours between service inspections. These
control valve logic to minimize fluctuations in leaving pumps feature self-adjusting spring loaded conical
chilled water temperature, and self corrective actions if bearings that ensure concentric rotation and reduce
the absorber is nearing a state of crystallization, among interference. These bearings, made of carbon graph-
many other features. ite, maintain correct bearing/journal fit at all times and
ensure extended trouble free operation. The pump and
2. SmartPurge™ System – SmartPurge is a most sub-
motor are bolted together allowing easy and inexpensive
stantial improvement to assure longevity and reduce
replacement of the bearings.
maintenance costs. The SmartPurge not only auto-
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
10. Load Inhibition – Before the YIA unit shuts down due
to a given safety condition (see Controls section for a
complete list), it first crosses a warning threshold which
will cause the panel to limit heat input to the machine.
In this manner, the YIA unit continues its vital task of
making chilled water, while allowing operators the op-
portunity to find system deficiencies before they lead to
an actual shutdown.
5. Pump Isolation Valve – Refrigerant and Solution Pump 11. Stainless Steel Pans – Both the pan in the evaporator
suction and discharge connections equipped with factory (which holds refrigerant) and the pan in the condenser
installed isolation valves permit quick and easy servicing (which holds refrigerant) are fabricated from stainless
of pumps. steel, giving the machine added protection against cor-
6. Concentration Limit – The OptiView Control Center
actually forestalls high lithium bromide concentrations 12. Double Walled Evaporator – The Evaporator on
that can occur during abnormal operating conditions each YIA model is lined with a second wall, reducing
such as rapidly decreasing cooling water temperatures the amount of sweating that occurs on the evaporator
at high load conditions. The panel will sense near shell. To minimize sweating on the evaporator shell and
crystallization conditions and take corrective action to refrigerant piping, the refrigerant insulation option must
prevent crystallization. If crystallization persists the panel be applied.
limits heat input until the solution reaches equilibrium
at a lower concentration. In this manner, the machine 13. Evaporator Spray Nozzles – Evaporator spray nozzles
operates only within the safe and practical limits of the are made of corrosion resistant brass to ensure long life.
lithium bromide absorption cycle.
14. Absorber Spray Nozzles – Absorber spray nozzles are
7. “J” Tube – If crystallization were to occur, it would begin fabricated from stainless steel or brass, providing trouble
in the strong solution side of the solution heat exchanger. free operation in a particularly demanding environment.
This would force the strong solution to back up into the
generator. At a certain generator solution level, the hot 15. Single Power Connection – A single point power
strong solution would over flow into the “J” tube. This connection is all that is required for the YIA Absorption
tube sends hot solution directly to the absorber, imme- Chiller, providing further reliability and ease of installa-
diately warming the weak solution. The heated weak tion.
solution would then warm the crystallized solution on the
opposite side of the heat exchanger. This transfer of heat 16. 45°F (7.2°C) Condenser Water – The YIA chiller is
will cause the crystallized lithium bromide to move back capable of operating with entering condenser water
into solution, allowing the unit to continue operation. temperatures as low as 45°F (7.2°C). Without proper
compensation, lower tower water temperatures cause:
8. Stabilizer Valve – If minor crystallization occurs and low refrigerant level, potential for crystallization, and low
causes overflow in the “J” tube, the temperature of refrigerant temperature. The combination of three control
the “J” tube will increase because of the hot solution. A systems described below allow the YIA to maintain a
specially placed sensor detects this change in tempera- stable balance of solution and refrigerant parameters as
ture, and the panel sends a signal to open a solenoid on entering tower water temperature varies:
YORK’s patented Stabilizer Valve. When the Stabilizer
Valve is open, refrigerant water is injected into the strong • At low refrigerant levels, the Unloader Control Valve
solution immediately before the heat exchanger. The opens to inject lithium bromide into the refrigerant
water serves to dilute the strong solution, allowing the line. This maintains refrigerant level preventing pump
crystallized lithium bromide to become soluble at a lower cavitation and keeps flow available to dilute the con-
concentration. centrated solution.
• The Steam Valve Override Control System adjusts
9. Steam Supply Pressure/Temperature Limit – The
OptiView Control Center actually monitors the inlet the steam input regulating the concentration of the
steam (or hot water) temperature and steam pressure. lithium bromide leaving the generator to a safe level
The panel will close the control valve to the machine for the operating temperature of the machine.
if temperatures or pressures become excessive, thus • The Stabilizer Valve will open to dilute the absorber
protecting the machine from potentially harmful condi- concentration if the refrigerant temperature drops
tions. To prolong the life of the control valve the control below a preset level.
panel restricts the control valve from modulating to a
less than 10% open position, thus preventing high flow
velocities that could potentially cause wear and erosion The result is a system that maintains proper balance of
of the valve gating components. machine loading, and solution and refrigerant charac-
teristics to allow continuous operation with tower water.
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Percent Cooling (tons)
°F 45 50 55 60 65 70
°C 7.22 10.00 12.78 15.56 18.33 21.11
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
How It Works
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Mechanical Specifications
The mechanical features listed here apply to chillers sold The generator uses 3/4” O. D. (19.1 mm), 0.035” (0.89 mm)
in North America. Some of the features may differ on chill- wall, 90/10 cupro-nickel tubes with external enhancements.
ers delivered to other regions. Among those differences The condenser tubes are 3/4” (19.1 mm) .022” (0.56 mm)
are the method of chiller shipment preparation and the (models 1A1, 1A2, 2B1, and 4C1), or 1” (25.4 mm) O. D.,
types of piping interface. .025” (0.66 mm) (for all other models), wall prime surface
copper tubing. The condenser and generator are separated
The YORK YIA Absorption Liquid Chiller is completely by a finned eliminator which prevents liquid carryover into
factory packaged, including upper and lower shell as- the condenser.
semblies, solution heat exchanger, hermetic solution
and refrigerant pumps, microprocessor controls and all Water boxes are fabricated of carbon steel. The design
interconnecting piping and wiring. working pressure is 150 PSIG (1.0 MPa)[tested at 195
PSIG (1.3 MPa)]. Integral steel water baffles are located
Models YIA 1A1 through YIA 10E3 are shipped as a and welded within the water box to provide the required
one piece assembly, charged with nitrogen. Models YIA pass arrangements. Stub out water nozzle connections
12F1 through YIA 14F3 are shipped as two pieces (upper grooved in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C-606 are
and lower shells), each charged with nitrogen, for field welded to the water boxes; these nozzles are suitable for
reassembly. A modulating control valve shall be shipped welding, flanges, or commercially available couplings, and
loose for field installation. The lithium bromide fluids will are capped for shipment. Lifting lugs are provided on each
be packaged and shipped just prior to the start-up of the water box, and plugged vent and drain connections are
chiller. Service personnel must notify the factory to release provided for each water box.
the fluids shipment 2 weeks prior to start-up.
The Generator Water boxes for steam applications are
SHELL ASSEMBLIES designed for 150 PSIG (1.0 MPa) working pressure and
are tested at 195 PSIG (1.3 MPa). The steam working
The shell assemblies consist of a generator, condenser,
pressure is limited to the specified design pressure, which,
evaporator and absorber housed in upper and lower shells.
under no circumstances, is to exceed 15 PSIG (103 kPa)
The shells are constructed of rolled carbon steel plate with
at the generator. The steam connections are 150 PSIG
fusion welded seams. Carbon steel tube sheets, drilled and
ANSI flanges. The Generator water boxes for hot water
reamed to accommodate the tubes, are welded to the end
applications are designed for 300 PSIG (2.17 MPa) and
of the shells. Intermediate tube supports are fabricated of
tested at 390 PSIG (2.69 MPa). The hot water connections
carbon steel plates. Each tube is roller expanded into the
are stub-out water connections and grooved in accordance
tube sheet to provide a leak tight seal and each tube is
with ANSI/AWWA C-606.
individually replaceable from either end of the unit.
The lower shell houses the low pressure section of the ma-
chine which includes the evaporator and the absorber. Both The solution heat exchanger is a shell and tube design
the evaporator uses ¾” O. D. (19.1 mm), 0.025” (0.66 mm) with carbon steel tubing. The shell is formed from carbon
wall and the absorber uses 3/4” O. D. (19.1 mm), 0.022” steel plate with fusion welded seams. Tubes are roller
(0.56 mm) wall, copper tubing. The evaporator tubes are expanded into carbon steel tube sheets.
externally enhanced, while the absorber tubes are prime
surface. The evaporator shell is double walled, enhancing PUMPS
unit reliability and eliminating the need for insulation over
Solution and refrigerant pumps are hermetically sealed,
the entire shell, however in order to eliminate sweating
self-lubricating, totally enclosed, factory-mounted, wired
on the shell a narrow strip of insulation is required on the
and tested. Motor windings are not exposed to LiBr or
longitudinal portion of the evaporator/absorber shell and
water. The suction and discharge connections for each
insulation of the refrigerant piping as defined in the instal-
pump are fully welded to the unit piping to minimize the
lation manual. This insulation is available as a factory
opportunity for leaks. Pumps are designed to operate for
installed option. Spray nozzles in the absorber are either
a total of 75,000 hours between service inspections.
stainless steel (models 1A1 through 6C4) or brass (models
7D1 through 14F3), while those in the evaporator are made
These pumps feature self-adjusting spring loaded conical
of brass. The evaporator and absorber are separated by
bearings that ensure concentric rotation and reduce inter-
finned eliminator baffles designed to allow only water in the
ference. These bearings, made of carbon graphite, main-
vapor state to pass to the absorber.
tain correct bearing fit at all times and ensure extended
trouble free operation. They provide greater resistance to
The upper shell contains the high pressure section of the
wear than ordinary journal bearings.
machine, which includes the generator and the condenser.
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
STABILIZER VALVE Steam – The valve is a cage type (for low steam mass
flow) with a cast iron body or butterfly type (high steam
A solenoid actuated valve sends refrigerant water into
mass flow) with a carbon steel body. Cage valves are sup-
the solution heat exchanger circuit in order to combat any
plied with 125 PSIG ANSI raised face flanges. Butterfly
minor crystallization.
valves are wafer type valves and are supplied with 150
PSIG ANSI raised face flanges.
A solenoid actuated valve sends lithium bromide solution Hot Water – The valve is a 3 way diverting type. Valves
into the refrigerant circuit, allowing the unit to operate at are available in 125 PSIG, 250 PSIG, and 300 PSIG rat-
condenser water temperatures as low as 45°F (7.2°C). ings. All valves are supplied with ANSI raised face flanges.
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Optional Features
SPECIAL TUBE MATERIALS AND WALL THICK- plate and a 16 gauge steel cover sheet. The size is the
NESSES same as the unit mounting feet (with the same mounting
holes), and an approximate compressed height of 3/4”
YIA units are designed for long life with the standard tube
(19 mm).
materials and wall thicknesses in each heat exchanger.
For special applications where different tube specifications
are required, YORK offers a wide array of copper and
copper-nickel tubing of varying wall thicknesses. Stain- For applications with working pressures which exceed
less steel and titanium tube materials can be provided for 150 PSIG (1.0 MPa), high pressure water boxes with
extreme applications where the fluid conditions are harsh flanges are available. These compact water boxes are
and tube life is critical. rated for 300 PSIG DWP (2.1 MPa) and tested at 390
PSIG (2.7 MPa).
Often for harsh fluid conditions, where protection consid-
erations extend beyond the tube wall thicknesses and Marine water boxes allow service access for cleaning of
tube material types, specially coated water boxes and the heat exchanger tubes without the need to break the
tube sheets are required. Factory applied coatings such as water piping. Bolted-on covers are arranged for conve-
nient access. ANSI/AWWA C-606 nozzle connections
WATER FLANGES are standard; flanges are optional. Marine water boxes
are available for the evaporator or absorber/condenser
150 lb. (1.0 MPa) ANSI raised faced flanges for the evapo-
circuits. Marine water boxes are only available for circuits
rator and/or absorber/condenser water connection as well
with 150 PSIG (1.0 MPa) working pressures.
as the generator connection are factory welded to water
nozzles. Companion flanges, bolts, nuts and gaskets are
not included.
A factory-applied coating of industrial-strength Amerlock
KNOCK DOWN SHIPMENT 400 epoxy primer and Amershield finish is applied to ex-
terior chiller surfaces for harsh environments.
The chiller can be shipped knocked down into two major
sub assemblies (generator and main shell) as required
to rig into tight spaces. This is particularly convenient for
existing buildings where equipment room access does not Chiller control and power panels are enclosed in NEMA
allow rigging a factory packaged chiller. Shipment in the 4 rated enclosures for industrial applications. This option
knock down configuration is standard on units YIA 12F1 includes waterproofing of control and power connection
through YIA 14F3. wiring.
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Application Data
The following discussion is a guide for the application The rate of evaporator flow change should be slow, to
and installation of YIA Single-Effect Absorption Chillers to make sure that the chiller controls can track the building
ensure reliable, trouble free life for which this equipment load.
was designed.
Below is a rough guideline for an allowable variable evapo-
LOCATION rator flow rate of change. This may require modification
based on specific application criteria.
YIA units make very little noise or vibration and may
generally be located at any level in a building where the
Maximum allowable rate of change is 15 minutes to go
construction will support the total system operating weight.
from 100% to 50% of design flow, based on a minimum
chilled fluid system turnover rate of 15 minutes. System
The system location should provide sufficient space at
turnover rate (STR) is a measure of the chilled fluid system
either end of the unit to permit tube or spray header
volume as compared to the design chilled fluid flow rate,
removal, if required. If a door or other large opening is
and is defined as:
conveniently located opposite one end of the system, the
tubes or spray headers may be extracted and replaced
System Turnover Rate (minutes) =
through these openings. Allow sufficient clearance on
the remaining sides of the unit for necessary access and
Volume of chilled fluid system gallons (liters)
Design chilled fluid flow rate gpm (liters per minute)
Absorption chillers are not suitable for outdoor installation.
As noted above, if the STR is above 15 minutes, chilled
The machine room must be enclosed, well lighted and
fluid flow rate of change is 15 minutes. If STR goes be-
properly ventilated to keep its temperature no higher than
low 15 minutes, chilled fluid flow rate of change must be
104°F (40°C) and no lower than 35°F (1.7°C).
modified as follows:
Rate of Change from 100% to 50% Flow (minutes) = 15
Flow Rate – For normal fluid chilling duty, evaporator + 15 - STR
and absorber/condenser flow rates are permitted at water
velocity levels in the heat exchangers tubes of between Temperature Ranges – For normal chilling duty with
3.3 ft/sec (1.00 m/s) and 12 ft/sec (3.66 m/s). Two pass 100% water (no glycol), leaving chilled fluid temperatures
units are also limited to 45 ft H2O (134 kPA) water pressure may be selected as low as 40°F (4.4°C).
drop. Three pass limit is 67.5 ft H2O (201 kPA).
Water Quality – The practical and economical application
Under variable chilled fluid and tower fluid flow conditions, of liquid chillers requires that the quality of the water supply
special attention needs to be paid to the rate of change for the evaporator and the absorber/condenser be ana-
of flow rate with time and the minimum/maximum veloci- lyzed by a water treatment specialist. Water quality may
ties through the tubes. Applications involving chilled and effect the performance of any chiller through corrosion,
condenser fluid flow rates which vary by more than +10% deposits of heat resistant scale, sedimentation or organic
from design will require the below special considerations. growth. These will hurt chiller performance and increase
operation and maintenance costs. Normally, performance
Variable Flow - through the evaporator and absorber/ may be maintained by corrective water treatment and
condenser can be applied to the YORK absorption chill- periodic cleaning of tubes. If water conditions exist which
ers, with a couple of notes of caution: cannot be corrected by proper water treatment, it may be
necessary to provide a larger allowance for fouling, and/
The minimum velocity through the tubes is 3.3 fps (1.00 or specify special materials of construction.
m/s), so systems designed for variable flow should be
selected with higher velocities at design conditions. General Water Piping – All chilled water and tower water
piping should be designed and installed in accordance
The reduction in fluid flow rate should not exceed the with accepted piping practice. Chilled water and tower
reduction in load. For example, at 50% load the fluid flow water pumps should be located to discharge through the
rates should be 50% or greater of the design value. The YIA unit to assure positive pressure and flow through the
leaving chilled fluid temperature should not be allowed to unit. Piping should include offsets to provide flexibility
drop below the design value and the leaving absorber/ and should be arranged to prevent drainage of water
condenser fluid temperature should not be allowed to rise from the cooler and condenser when the pumps are shut
above the design value. down. Piping should be adequately supported and braced
independent of the chiller to avoid imposition of strain
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
on chiller nozzles and components. Hangers must allow ditioning applications, YIA absorbers can tolerate entering
for alignment of the pipe. Isolators in the piping and in tower water temperatures as low as 45°F (7°C) without
the hangers are highly desirable in achieving sound and a cooling tower bypass. The YIA unit, by a system of in-
vibration control. ternal controls which regulate the solution concentration,
can operate continuously and automatically with entering
Convenience Considerations – With a view to facilitating cooling water temperature as low as 45°F (7°C). In order
the performance of routine maintenance work, some or to safely accept such low cooling water temperatures, the
all of the following steps may be taken by the purchaser. YIA machine actually measures solution concentration
Evaporator, absorber and condenser water boxes are leaving the generator. If the solution concentration is too
equipped with plugged vent and drain connections. If high, the OptiView Control Center will begin to close the
desired, vent and drain valves may be installed with or steam valve until the concentration reaches an accept-
without piping to an open drain. Pressure gauges with able level. Thus, the full load capacity of the machine may
stop cocks, and stop valves, may be installed in the inlets decrease as the temperature of the cooling water falls. In
and outlets of the tower and chilled water lines as close normal air conditioning applications, this is not significant
as possible to the chiller. An overhead monorail or beam because chilling load generally decreases with lower wet
hoist may be used to facilitate servicing. bulb temperature.
Connections – The standard IsoFlow unit is designed for For process or critical applications which have strict
150 PSIG (1.0 MPa) design working pressure in both the requirements for leaving chilled water temperatures, a
chilled and tower water circuits. The connections (water three-way cooling tower bypass valve is recommended.
nozzles) to these circuits are furnished with grooves in The bypass valve should maintain entering cooling water
accordance with ANSI/AWWA C-606 (ANSI flanges are temperature at +2.5°F (1.4°C) of the design temperature.
optional). Piping should be arranged for ease of disassem-
bly at the unit for performance of routine maintenance such At the initial start up, entering tower water temperature
as tube cleaning. A contractor provided crossover pipe is may be as low as 45°F (7°C).
necessary to route the tower water from the absorber up
into the condenser. All water piping should be thoroughly CONTROL VALVES
cleaned of all dirt and debris before final connections are
An automatic control valve is furnished with the unit by
made to the YIA unit.
Johnson Controls for field mounting and wiring. The valve
will be electrically actuated and will automatically close on
Chilled Water – The chilled water circuit should be
unit shutdown. The valve should be located a distance of
designed for constant flow. Low flow protection shall be
5 to 10 pipe diameters from the absorption unit generator
provided by a thermal-type water flow sensor, factory
inlet flange. Cage steam valves are of a fail-close design
mounted in the water nozzle connection and wired to the
and will close on a loss of power. Butterfly steam valves
chiller control panel. A water strainer, of maximum 1/8”
are not of a fail-close design and will not close on a loss of
(3.18 mm) mesh should be field installed in the chilled
power, thus a condensate drain solenoid valve is factory
water inlet line as close as possible to the chiller. If located
supplied for field mounting (by others) on the generator
close enough to the chiller, the chilled water pump may
outlet piping.
be protected by the same strainer. The flow sensor and
strainer assure chilled water flow during unit operation.
Automatic control valves are sized according to job
The loss or severe reduction of water flow could seriously
specific full load steam or hot water parameters. For
impair the YIA unit performance or even result in tube
applications with low steam mass flows, the cage valve
freeze up.
provides the best control. However, at higher mass flow,
the cage valve pressure drops are prohibitively high. Thus,
Condenser Water – Like the chilled water circuit, the
a butterfly valve is used. Hot water valves are three way
tower water circuit requires a means of proving flow. Low
diverting valves which bypass hot water that is not needed
flow protection shall be provided by a thermal-type water
to maintain capacity.
flow sensor, factory mounted in the water nozzle connec-
tion and wired to the chiller control panel.
The YIA chiller is engineered for maximum efficiency at Since the YIA unit generates very little vibration, vibration
both design and part load operation by taking advantage eliminating mounts are not required. However, when the
of the colder cooling tower water temperatures which machine is installed where even mild noise is a problem,
naturally occur in the winter months. For standard air con- pads can be used.
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
To determine the total heat content contained in a quan- seen is equivalent to saturated steam with a quality of 1.0
tity of steam multiply the specific enthalpy by the mass (100% vapor). It is important to note that as the quality
of the steam. decreases, the heat content of the steam also decreases.
To determine the approximate heat input to the YIA unit Table 1 below lists two enthalpy values; saturated liquid
the following equation should be used. enthalpy and the saturated vapor enthalpy. As discussed
above, steam with a quality less than one (1) will have
Input (Btu/hr or W/hr) = (h1 - h2) X m a certain percentage of liquid and vapor present in the
steam. The saturated vapor enthalpy assumes dry steam,
Where: quality: X = 1. The saturated liquid enthalpy assumes
h1 = enthalpy of steam entering the unit (satu pure water, quality: X = 0. The enthalpy of saturated wa-
rated vapor) ter is much less than saturated steam. It follows that as
h2 = enthalpy of condensate leaving the unit the quality decreases, the enthalpy decreases from the
(subcooled liquid) saturated vapor value to the saturated liquid value. Since
m= mass flow rate of steam (lb./hr or kg/hr) enthalpy is an indication of the heat in the steam, available
heat is reduced if liquid water is contained in the steam.
h1 can be determined by reading the pressure at the
Steam Inlet Pressure Indicator. Then refer to steam tables System Design
to find the enthalpy of the saturated vapor at this pressure. The use of low pressure steam as a heat source for single
This value assumes that dry steam is entering the unit. effect absorption chillers is the most common application.
Steam is utilized by the absorption unit at 15 PSIG (103
Refer to subcooled liquid tables to determine enthalpy of kPa) or lower. It can be used from a low pressure boiler,
the condensate leaving the unit. Both temperature and a waste steam source, or reduced from a high pressure
pressure must be measured to determine this value. boiler or district steam supply (approximately 18.3 lb. (8.3
kg) of steam per hour per ton of refrigeration).
Steam Information
Latent heat is the quantity of energy that must be re- The YIA Single-Effect Absorption Chiller is designed for a
moved to condense steam from a saturated vapor to a maximum pressure into the steam valve of 15 PSIG (103
saturated liquid (at a constant pressure). Any additional kPa G), with a maximum steam temperature of 337°F
heat removed will subcool the liquid. The same energy (169°C).
is needed to vaporize steam from a saturated liquid to
saturated vapor. Any additional heat added will only su- The OptiView Control Center incorporates a steam de-
perheat the steam. mand limiting control which allows the user to slowly in-
crease steam demand in a linear fashion for a time period
Steam Quality up to 255 minutes (see “Controls” section). When steam
Steam quality is simply a mass percentage of saturated demand limiting is not employed, start up steam demand
vapor to the total mass that is contained in a saturated is appreciably higher than the normal full load steam rate.
steam sample. This percentage of vapor is referred to as Unrestricted start up demand is dependent upon the full
the steam quality (X). A quality of .80 means that 80% load pressure drop through the valve. If full load design
of the saturated steam is in the vapor phase while 20% is based upon a relatively high pressure drop through the
is in the liquid phase. The term dry steam that is often valve, the increases in steam demand on start up will not
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
purities may manifest themselves in the form of dirt, rust would be set at a slightly higher pressure than the large
or precipitates. This strainer will prevent chiller system valve so it will stay open at low flow rates while the large
components from getting plugged. Plugged components valve closes, thus protecting the seat of the larger valve.
will reduce system capacity and increase maintenance
costs. A pressure gauge must be installed before and The use of two steps of steam pressure reduction may
after the steam strainer. If the pressure drop as read from be desirable on applications with pressure differentials in
these two gauges increases to an unacceptable level, the excess of 100 PSIG (690 kPa). The noise generated in a
strainer should be removed and cleaned. single step of reduction may be objectionable.
Steam Separator – The steam separator is installed in Automatic Shut-Off Valve – This valve may not be
the steam supply line and is used to separate any liquid applicable to all units and is under the discretion of the
present in the steam and assures that only dry steam customer or the customer’s representative to supply
enters the generator section. This condensate liquid and install this valve. The purpose of this valve is to as-
would normally be piped through a steam trap back to the sure 100% shut-off of the steam/hot water flow during a
condensate tank. The steam trap will prevent any steam cycling/safety shutdown or a power failure. A valve that
from blowing through the separator into the condensate will completely shut-off steam/hot water flow to the unit
return system. The use of a steam separator and trap will during such a failure is recommended. This steam valve
allow dry steam to enter the unit at all times. should be bubble tight.
The system requirement is to have dry steam into the Pressure Relief Valve – A 15 PSIG (103 kPaG) pres-
generator of the absorption chiller. Wet steam will lessen sure relief valve should be installed to protect the steam
the heating content of the steam and will affect the chiller generator vessel. The vessel must be protected from
performance. Wet steam may also cause erosion of the pressures above 15 PSIG (103 kPaG).
generator tubes and control valve components, or cause
water hammer. If dry steam can be supplied without the To prevent nuisance blowing of the relief valve, it should
use of a steam separator then it is not necessary to install be set 2 or 3 PSIG (14 to 21 kPa) above the generator
one. operating pressure and within code requirements. The
relief valve should be sized for maximum steam flow and
In cases where the chiller is located close to the boiler or vented in accordance with local codes. A relief valve is not
is supplied with superheat, the steam reaching the chiller required if there is a properly sized relief valve elsewhere
may already be dry. However, since any liquid present in in the system, which will keep the system below 15 PSIG
the steam entering the chiller will reduce the heat input, (103 kPaG).
it is important to include a steam separator unless it is
truly not necessary. Steam Control Valve (Johnson Controls Supplied) –
The steam control valve as found in the ship-loose-items,
Pressure Reducing Valve – A pressure reducing valve should be installed as shown in Fig. 3. This valve should
must be used if the steam pressure to the chiller is greater be connected to the appropriate wiring harness and is
than 15 PSIG (103 kPaG). For applications where the used to control the amount of steam that enters the unit.
steam supply pressure is known to fluctuate, it is recom- It will modulate from 10% to 100% depending on the
mended that a steam pressure regulating valve be used. leaving chilled water temperature. The minimum value
of 10% is set in the field. This is explained in detail in the
When needed, a steam pressure reducing valve suitable installation manual.
for dead end service must be provided in the steam sup-
ply piping ahead of the steam control valve. This pres- Steam Inlet Pressure Indicator (If Desired) – A pressure
sure reducing valve should be sized on the basis of the gauge can be installed to allow the operator to determine
pressure drop and absorption unit full load steam flow the inlet steam pressure to the unit. The inlet steam
requirements, not on the basis of steam supply pipe size pressure is indicated by the micropanel, but an additional
(which can result in an oversized valve). The pressure pressure gauge may be desired.
reducing valve should be provided with stop valves on
both inlet and outlet and a full size bypass with a globe Drain Solenoid Valve (Johnson Controls Supplied) –
valve to permit manual operation during maintenance. Factory supplied device used to insure zero steam flow
through the unit during shut down. This valve should be
Two pressure reducing valves, one large and one small, installed in a horizontal run of pipe within 2 feet (0.6 m) of
piped in parallel may be desirable for those applications the chiller condensate outlet. This valve is not supplies
with continued operation at low loads or where highly when a fail-close steam control valve is used.
variable upstream pressures exist. The smaller valve
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
If an atmospheric return system is used, the generator The steam trap should be selected for about 1.5 times
will not operate in the vacuum region, but will operate the design full steam flow rate, at the design operating
at atmospheric pressure at the low load conditions. pressure differential. The operating full load pressure dif-
Throttling of the steam valve at low load results in ferential: PD = SP – P1 – P2 – P3 where:
steam condensate back up into the generator tubes. As
the load increases, the steam valve will open and the PD = Trap pressure drop, PSIG.
rising steam pressure will force the condensate out of SP = Steam pressure, PSIG, at generator flange nor
the generator. The accumulation of condensate in the mally 3 PSIG less than the design pressure to
generator at reduced loads and subsequent drainage the control valve.
will have no adverse effect on absorption unit efficiency. P1 = Condensate line pressure drop losses, PSIG.
However, the cyclical drainage of condensate from P2 = Check valve pressure drop loss, PSIG.
the unit will require that the main system condensate P3 = Condensate cooler pressure drop loss, PSIG.
receiver be sized with sufficient additional capacity to
accommodate this fluctuation (assumed to be equal to Select float capacity from manufacturer’s ratings per
the absorption unit generator volume as a maximum above recommendations.
see Table 2 on page 22).
The line from the steam trap to the condensate receiver
To avoid fluctuation in condensate return or water hammer will contain some flash vapor flowing with the condensate.
in the generator tubes, a vacuum breaker swing check This line should be as short as possible, preferably not
valve can be added as shown in Fig. 5 on page 24. A 3/8 more than 30 feet (9 m) in equivalent length. As a general
inch size is sufficient to prevent condensate build up. For rule, it should be sized according to the number of traps
safety, a pipe should be installed from the check valve to used and one or more sizes larger in the case of longer
a location close to the floor or other safe place. The use piping runs.
of the check valve to permit air entrance into the genera-
tor tubes has the disadvantage that this air must later be Check Valve – A check valve should be provided in the
purged through the thermostatic element of the float trap trap outlet line to prevent any possible air or condensate
and tends to entrain air in the condensate return. leakage back to the generator under reduced load operat-
ing conditions.
Strainer(s) – A fine mesh strainer with blow off valve
should be provided ahead of the steam trap(s) to protect Condensate Cooler – The use of a condensate cooler
it from damage. between the trap and the condensate receiver to cool the
condensate below its flash is required for vacuum return
systems and may be desirable, though not required, for
Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap(s) – Fig. 3 shows
atmospheric return systems.
a typical condensate steam trap piping arrangement as
used on an absorption unit. The trap serves the purpose
The variations in condensate flow must be recognized
of passing condensate, but preventing the loss of steam.
and the cooler selected to cool the maximum flow of con-
A float and thermostatic steam trap is recommended for
densate 5-10°F (3-6°C) below the saturation temperature
this application. It should be applied in accordance with
of the lowest pressure in the system (atmospheric pres-
the manufacturer’s recommendations. The trap should be sure for an atmospheric return or the lowest pressure
located as close to the generator condensate outlet as in a vacuum return system). Sufficient coolant must be
possible in the horizontal plane. In the vertical plane, the provided to cool the maximum condensate flow to the
trap should be located below the generator condensate desired temperature. Coolers may be air or evaporatively
outlet, a minimum of 12 inches (0.3 m). Preferably, the cooled, providing they can produce the desired leaving
maximum possible elevation between the generator outlet condensate temperature. The flow of coolant should be
and the trap should be used. automatically controlled to provide the desired leaving
condensate temperature. Coolant flow could be manually
The condensate outlet line should be sized in accordance set for maximum load and allowed to operate continu-
with good engineering practice for condensate at the flash ously at that level with no operating difficulties, but the
point and should be kept as short and simple as possible. poor economics of such an arrangement make automatic
Stop valves should be provided ahead of the strainer and control preferable.
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Auxiliary Condensate Receiver – An auxiliary con- tion unit’s generator and returning it to the boiler. Either
densate receiver must be used if the main condensate an atmospheric or a vacuum condensate return system
receiver is located a great distance from the chiller or may be used with absorption units, as discussed earlier
above the chiller. An auxiliary condensate pump is used in this section.
to send condensate from the auxiliary receiver to the main
condensate receiver. A general understanding of the YORK single-effect ab-
sorption unit operating requirements and characteristics
The auxiliary condensate receiver should be located at is necessary before discussing the condensate return
floor level as close to the absorption unit as possible. A systems. The absorption chiller will operate at full load
check valve in the auxiliary condensate pump discharge steam pressures in the 9 12 PSIG (62 to 88 kPa) range,
line is recommended where condensate backflow may down to pressures well into the vacuum region at part load.
occur. As the cooling load decreases, the chilled water controller
will start closing the steam control valve, reducing both
Auxiliary condensate receivers with condensate pumps steam flow and steam pressure to the generator. At some
are available as a package. They include a float or other part load point, say 75% for illustration, the steam pressure
control to cycle the pump to suit the condensate flow. will be 0 PSIG, or atmospheric. With further reduction in
Manufacturers’ recommendations concerning selection load, the steam valve will continue to close, resulting in
and application of these packages should be followed. generator steam pressures below atmospheric pressure
(providing a vacuum condensate return system is used).
CONDENSATE RETURN SYSTEMS If an atmospheric return system is used or if a vacuum
breaker is installed at the outlet of the chiller then the
Steam condensate return systems should be designed
generator pressure will not drop below atmospheric. The
in accordance with good engineering practice for the
use of a vacuum breaker is discussed on page 21.
general purpose of removing condensate from the absorp-
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
as detailed under condensate cooler in the component A condensate cooler must be provided in the line between
details section. It must be sized to cool the maximum the steam trap and the auxiliary receiver, as detailed under
flow to a temperature 5-10°F (3-6°C) below the saturation condensate cooler in the component details section. It
point of the vacuum return system. must be sized to cool the maximum flow to temperature
System (3) – When the low pressure steam for a YIA 5-10°F (3-6°C) below the saturation point of the vacuum
unit comes at or below atmospheric pressure (i.e. steam return system.
turbine exhaust), the entire system can run at a higher
efficiency by using a vacuum pump on the condensate HOT WATER SUPPLY
return system. At low load, when the absorption system
A hot water supply of 266°F (130°C) will provide suf-
is operating in the vacuum region, this vacuum can only
ficient heat to achieve nominal ratings. Lower hot water
be obtained if the condensate return system similarly
temperatures may not achieve the nominal capacity for a
operates in a vacuum. With a vacuum condensate re-
given size. Your local YORK office can provide ratings for
turn system, the steam supply can be at vacuum steam
specific hot water temperatures. A sample hot water piping
pressure, rather than at a minimum steam pressure of
arrangement is shown in Fig. 7, 8, and 9 with various hot
0 pounds gauge (as it is limited by systems (1) and (2).
water conditions and contorl valve schemes. YORK rec-
Discharging at a steam pressure in the vacuum region
ommends that shut off valves be installed in the hot water
can improve a steam turbine’s economy and efficiency.
supply and return piping for serviceability. On hot water
unit shutdown, the water in the generator contracts as it
In this system a vacuum breaker can not be used.
cools. This may form a vacuum. This can be prevented
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
12" MIN.
by installing a check valve in the return hot water piping may be desirable to prevent sweating of cold surfaces or
with a 3/4” (19.1 mm) bypass around the check valve. It to prevent overheating of the mechanical equipment room
would be piped between the generator outlet and the hot due to heat gains from the high temperature surfaces of
water bypass. Refer to Fig. 7, 8, and 9. the unit. Tables 3 and 4 below give the heat loss and ven-
tilation requirements for a 10°F ambient temperature rise
INSULATION for the various YIA units and further reduces the risk of
crystallization. Tables 5 and 6 on page 32 and 33 provide
No appreciable operation economy can be gained from
approximate insulation areas.
the insulation of YORK YIA chillers. However, insulation
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
24” (620 mm) minimum vertical rise
Hot water supply
Hot water return PI TI PI
4 1
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Hot water supply
1A1 7,500 750 1A1 7,500 750
1A2 7,500 750 1A2 7,500 750
2A3 8,800 880 2A3 8,800 880
2A4 10,000 1,000 2A4 10,000 1,000
2B1 11,000 1,100 2B1 11,000 1,100
3B2 12,500 1,250 3B2 12,500 1,250
3B3 14,000 1,400 3B3 14,000 1,400
4B4 16,000 1,600 4B4 16,000 1,600
4C1 18,000 1,800 4C1 18,000 1,800
5C2 20,000 2,000 5C2 20,000 2,000
5C3 22,000 2,200 5C3 22,000 2,200
6C4 25,000 2,500 6C4 25,000 2,500
7D1 28,000 2,800 7D1 28,000 2,800
7D2 32,000 3,200 7D2 32,000 3,200
8D3 36,000 3,600 8D3 36,000 3,600
8E1 42,000 4,200 8E1 42,000 4,200
9E2 46,000 4,600 9E2 46,000 4,600
10E3 51,000 5,100 10E3 51,000 5,100
12F1 58,000 5,800 12F1 58,000 5,800
13F2 66,000 6,600 13F2 66,000 6,600
14F3 72,000 7,200 14F3 72,000 7,200
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
1A1 16 16 2/11, 4/4 70 2 6C4 26 18 2-1/2 / 14, 3/4, 4/6 185 4
1A2 16 16 2/12, 4/3 70 2 7D1 39 31 3/17, 4/6 180 7
2A3 16 16 2/12, 4/3 81 2 7D2 39 31 3/18, 4/6 200 7
2A4 16 16 2/13, 4/3 93 2 8D3 39 31 3/19, 4/6 225 7
2B1 19 17 2/9, 2-1/2 / 4, 4/4 95 3 8E1 55 43 3/22, 4/8 225 8
3B2 19 17 2/10, 2-1/2 / 4, 4/4 110 3 9E2 55 43 3/24, 4/8 255 8
3B3 19 17 2/11, 2-1/2 / 4, 4/4 125 3 10E3 55 43 3/24 285 8
4B4 19 18 2/12, 2-1/2 / 4, 4/4 136 3 12F1 67 44 3/21 290 10
4C1 26 18 2-1/2 / 11, 3/4, 4/6 132 4 13F2 67 44 3/23 320 10
5C2 26 18 2/12, 3/4, 4/6 148 4 14F3 67 44 3/24 355 10
5C3 26 18 2-1/2 / 13, 3/4, 4/6 165 4
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Minimum and Maximum Flow Rates (Liters/second)
Evaporator Absorber/Condenser Generator (HW Only)
1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
1A1, 1A2 27.2 98.2 13.6 49.1 9.1 32.7 6.8 24.5 42.1 45.2 21.0 45.2 14.0 45.2 10.2 36.7 5.1 18.4 3.4 12.3
2A3,2A4 27.2 98.2 13.6 49.1 9.1 32.7 6.8 24.5 42.1 61.9 21.0 61.9 17.2 50.6 10.2 36.7 5.1 18.4 3.4 12.3
2B1 36.8 132.5 18.4 66.3 12.3 44.2 9.2 33.1 57.7 66.4 28.9 66.4 19.2 66.4 13.6 48.9 6.8 24.4 4.5 16.3
3B2, 3B3,
36.8 132.5 18.4 66.3 12.3 44.2 9.2 33.1 57.7 90.3 28.9 90.3 25.1 69.4 13.6 48.9 6.8 24.4 4.5 16.3
4C1 53.1 191.4 26.6 95.7 17.7 63.8 13.3 47.9 82.9 102.6 41.5 102.6 28.5 99.6 19.2 69.2 9.6 34.8 5.7 20.4
5C2, 5C3,
53.1 191.4 26.6 95.7 17.7 63.8 13.3 47.9 82.9 138.8 41.5 138.8 38.5 99.6 19.2 69.2 9.6 34.8 5.7 20.4
7D1, 7D2,
73.0 263.2 36.5 131.6 24.3 87.7 18.3 65.8 113.2 190.6 56.6 190.6 52.9 136.0 26.4 95.0 13.2 47.7 8.9 31.9
8E1, 9E2,
94.0 338.7 47.0 169.3 31.3 112.9 23.5 84.7 146.5 354.3 98.3 264.1 N/A N/A 47.7 171.9 23.9 86.1 16.0 57.6
119.8 431.9 59.9 215.9 39.9 144.0 N/A N/A 187.6 354.3 98.3 338.0 N/A N/A 47.7 171.9 23.9 86.1 16.0 57.6
13F2, 14F3
Standard Mod D tubes using minimum velocity of 1.015 m/s and maximum velocity of 3.658 m/s
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
(FT.) (FT.)
1A1 120 2140.2 54 44 288.0 3 14.2 85 101.2 432.0 3 14.1
1A2 155 2774.0 54 44 372.0 3 26.6 85 101.2 558.0 2 13.6
2A3 172 3084.4 54 44 412.8 2 11.7 85 101.2 620.0 2 12.5
2A4 205 3654.0 54 44 492.0 2 18.1 85 101.2 740.0 2 19.5
2B1 235 4182.0 54 44 564.0 2 11.9 85 101.2 846.0 2 17.3
3B2 273 4889.0 54 44 655.2 2 17.7 85 101.3 980.0 1 17.7
3B3 311 5518.5 54 44 746.4 2 25.0 85 101.1 1120.0 1 10.4
4B4 334 5978.3 54 44 801.6 1 4.4 85 101.2 1200.0 1 12.9
4C1 363 6488.7 54 44 871.2 2 15.2 85 101.2 1308.0 2 20.8
5C2 410 7368.2 54 44 984.0 2 21.1 85 101.3 1475.0 1 8.0
5C3 446 7942.0 54 44 1070.4 2 27.2 85 101.3 1600.0 1 10.2
6C4 518 9239.5 54 44 1243.2 2 39.9 85 101.2 1870.0 1 15.1
7D1 565 10138.4 54 44 1356.0 2 21.2 85 101.3 2030.0 2 20.6
7D2 617 11035.2 54 44 1480.8 2 27.5 85 101.2 2220.0 1 10.4
8D3 704 12608.0 54 44 1689.6 2 39.1 85 101.3 2530.0 1 14.7
8E1 794 14080.2 54 44 1905.6 2 27.5 85 101.1 2860.0 1 9.0
9E2 908 16121.9 54 44 2179.2 1 5.5 85 101.2 3270.0 2 36.1
10E3 960 17148.9 54 44 2304.0 1 6.7 85 101.3 3450.0 1 15.6
12F1 1148 20327.8 54 44 2755.2 2 38.6 85 101.1 4140.0 1 12.3
13F2 1235 21875.8 54 44 2964.0 1 6.8 85 101.1 4450.0 1 15.4
14F3 1377 24535.6 54 44 3304.8 1 9.1 85 101.2 4960.0 1 20.6
1A1 420 970.8 12.2 6.7 18.17 3 42.3 29.4 38.5 27.25 3 42.1
1A2 545 1258.3 12.2 6.7 23.47 3 79.4 29.4 38.5 35.20 2 40.5
2A3 605 1399.1 12.2 6.7 26.04 2 34.8 29.4 38.5 39.11 2 37.3
2A4 721 1657.4 12.2 6.7 31.04 2 54.1 29.4 38.4 29.40 2 58.2
2B1 826 1896.9 12.2 6.7 35.58 2 35.6 29.4 38.4 53.37 2 51.7
3B2 960 2217.7 12.2 6.7 41.34 2 52.8 29.4 38.5 61.83 1 21.8
3B3 1094 2503.2 12.2 6.7 47.09 2 74.7 29.4 38.4 70.66 1 30.9
4B4 1174 2711.7 12.2 6.7 50.27 1 13.2 29.4 38.5 75.71 1 38.5
4C1 1276 2943.3 12.2 6.7 54.96 2 45.3 29.4 38.5 82.52 2 62.2
5C2 1442 3342.2 12.2 6.7 62.08 2 63.1 29.4 38.5 93.06 1 23.8
5C3 1568 3602.5 12.2 6.7 67.53 2 81.1 29.4 38.5 100.94 1 30.3
6C4 1821 4191.0 12.2 6.7 78.43 2 119.3 29.4 38.4 117.98 1 45.1
7D1 1987 4598.8 12.2 6.7 85.55 2 63.4 29.4 38.5 128.07 2 61.6
7D2 2170 5005.6 12.2 6.7 93.42 2 82.1 29.4 38.5 140.06 1 82.1
8D3 2475 5719.0 12.2 6.7 106.59 2 116.7 29.4 38.5 159.61 1 43.9
8E1 2792 6386.8 12.2 6.7 120.22 2 82.1 29.4 38.4 180.43 1 27.0
9E2 3193 7312.9 12.2 6.7 137.48 1 16.5 29.4 38.4 206.30 2 107.7
10E3 3376 7778.8 12.2 6.7 145.36 1 20.1 29.4 38.5 217.65 1 46.7
12F1 4037 9220.7 12.2 6.7 173.82 2 115.4 29.4 38.4 261.19 1 36.6
13F2 4343 9922.9 12.2 6.7 186.99 1 20.4 29.4 38.4 280.74 1 46.0
14F3 4842 11129.4 12.2 6.7 208.49 1 27.2 29.4 38.4 312.92 1 61.4
1. All IsoFlow Chillers are rated according to ARI 560-2000. Ratings in Tables above represent unit performance at
nominal conditions. For full and part load conditions at specific conditions, contact your local Johnson Controls office.
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent of Full Load
Capacity (tons)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (in minutes)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Ratings - continued
or =
APLV 0.01 + 0.42 + 0.45 + 0.12
Where: A = Kw / ton at 100% Load
B = Kw / ton at 75% Load
C = Kw / ton at 50% Load
D = Kw / ton at 25% Load
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Nozzle Arrangements
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Physical Data
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
1. Units in “F” family are rigged in two pieces, as a standard.
2. Operating weight = shipping weight + Weight of refrigerant and solution + weight of chilled, tower and hot water in the tubes.
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
1. Units in “F” family are rigged in two pieces, as a standard.
2. Operating weight = shipping weight + Weight of refrigerant and solution + weight of chilled, tower and hot water in the tubes.
Electrical Data
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Disconnect Max-Dual
Solution Pump Refrigerant Pump Purge Pump Minimum
Chiller Voltage (Volts- Switch Elem. Fuse
Circuit Total KW
Model Ph-Hz) (Customer (Customer
supplied) supplied)
200/208-3-60 12.5 51 12.5 51 2.1 14.2 35.2 60 45 5.9
230-3-60 12 55 12 55 2.2 12.8 33.5 60 45 5.9
380-3-50 6.5 23 6.5 23 1.1 5.4 18.3 30 20 5.9
400-3-50 6.3 25 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 17.7 30 20 5.9
460-3-60 6 28 6 27.5 1.1 6.2 16.8 30 20 5.9
575-3-60 4.9 24 4.9 24 1 4.9 13.7 30 15 5.9
200/208-3-60 12.5 51 12.5 51 2.1 14.2 35.2 60 45 5.9
230-3-60 12 55 12 55 2.2 12.8 33.5 60 45 5.9
380-3-50 6.5 23 6.5 23 1.1 5.4 18.3 30 20 5.9
400-3-50 6.3 25 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 17.7 30 20 5.9
460-3-60 6 28 6 27.5 1.1 6.2 16.8 30 20 5.9
575-3-60 4.9 24 4.9 24 1 4.9 13.7 30 15 5.9
200/208-3-60 12.5 51 12.5 51 2.1 14.2 35.2 60 45 5.9
230-3-60 12 55 12 55 2.2 12.8 33.5 60 45 5.9
380-3-50 6.5 23 6.5 23 1.1 5.4 18.3 30 20 5.9
400-3-50 6 25 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 17.7 30 20 5.9
460-3-60 6 28 6 27.5 1.1 6.2 16.8 30 20 5.9
575-3-60 5 24 4.9 24 1 4.9 13.7 30 15 5.9
200/208-3-60 13 51 12.5 51 2.1 14.2 35.2 60 45 5.9
230-3-60 12 55 12 55 2.2 11.2 33.5 60 45 5.9
380-3-50 7 23 6.5 23 1.1 5.4 18.3 30 20 5.9
400-3-50 6.3 24.5 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 17.7 30 20 5.9
460-3-60 6 27.5 6 27.5 1.1 6.2 16.8 30 20 5.9
575-3-60 4.9 24 4.9 24 1 4.9 13.7 30 15 5.9
200/208-3-60 12.5 51 12.5 51 2.1 14.2 35.2 60 45 5.9
230-3-60 12 55 12 55 2.2 12.8 33.5 60 45 5.9
380-3-50 6.5 23 6.5 23 1.1 5.4 18.3 30 20 5.9
400-3-50 6.3 24.5 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 17.7 30 20 5.9
460-3-60 6 27.5 6 27.5 1.1 6.2 16.8 30 20 5.9
575-3-60 4.9 24 4.9 24 1 4.9 13.7 30 15 5.9
200/208-3-60 20 78 12.5 51 2.1 14.2 44.6 60 60 7.3
230-3-60 19 80 12 55 2.2 12.8 42.3 60 60 7.3
380-3-50 6.5 23 6.5 23 1.1 5.4 18.3 30 20 7.3
400-3-50 6.3 24.5 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 17.7 30 20 7.3
460-3-60 9.5 40 6 27.5 1.1 6.2 21.2 30 30 7.3
575-3-60 7.8 33 4.9 24 1 4.9 17.4 30 25 7.3
200/208-3-60 20 78 12.5 51 2.1 14.2 44.6 60 60 7.3
230-3-60 19 80 12 55 2.2 12.8 42.3 60 60 7.3
380-3-50 9.5 38 6.5 23 1.1 5.4 22.1 30 30 7.3
400-3-50 10.4 39 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 22.9 30 30 7.3
460-3-60 9.5 40 6 27.5 1.1 6.2 21.2 30 30 7.3
575-3-60 7.8 33 4.9 24 1 4.9 17.4 30 25 7.3
200/208-3-60 20 78 12.5 51 2.1 14.2 44.6 60 60 7.3
230-3-60 19 80 12 55 2.2 12.8 42.3 60 60 7.3
380-3-50 9.5 38 6.5 23 1.1 5.4 22.1 30 30 7.3
400-3-50 10.4 39 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 22.9 30 30 7.3
460-3-60 9.5 40 6 27.5 1.1 6.2 21.2 30 30 7.3
575-3-60 7.8 33 4.9 24 1 4.9 17.4 30 25 7.3
200/208-3-60 20 78 12.5 51 2.1 14.2 44.6 60 60 7.3
230-3-60 19 80 12 55 2.2 12.8 42.3 60 60 7.3
380-3-50 9.5 38 6.5 23 1.1 5.4 22.1 30 30 7.3
400-3-50 10.4 39 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 22.9 30 30 7.3
460-3-60 9.5 40 6 27.5 1.1 6.2 21.2 30 30 7.3
575-3-60 7.8 33 4.9 24 1 4.9 17.4 30 25 7.3
200/208-3-60 20 78 12.5 51 2.1 14.2 44.6 60 60 7.3
230-3-60 19 80 12 55 2.2 12.8 42.3 60 60 7.3
380-3-50 11 40 6.5 23 1.1 5.4 24 30 30 7.3
400-3-50 10.7 42 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 23.2 30 30 7.3
460-3-60 9.5 40 6 27.5 1.1 6.2 21.2 30 30 7.3
575-3-60 7.8 33 4.9 24 1 4.9 17.4 30 25 7.3
1. Table 18 is appropriate for both Steam and Hot Water Units.
2. Purge pump ratings are for the Welch model 1402.
3. Disconnect size in accordance with NEC. A Johnson Controls supplied 100 amp, non-fused, unit disconnect switch is in the power panel.
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Disconnect Max-Dual
Solution Pump Refrigerant Pump Purge Pump Minimum
Chiller Voltage (Volts- Switch Elem. Fuse
Circuit Total KW
Model Ph-Hz) (Customer (Customer
supplied) supplied)
200/208-3-60 20.0 78.0 12.5 51.0 2.1 14.2 44.6 60.0 60.0 7.3
230-3-60 19.0 80.0 12.0 55.0 2.2 12.8 42.3 60.0 60.0 7.3
380-3-50 14.0 65.0 6.5 23.0 1.1 5.4 27.7 30.0 40.0 9.7
400-3-50 14.3 64.0 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 27.7 30.0 40.0 9.7
460-3-60 9.5 40.0 6.0 27.5 1.1 6.2 21.2 30.0 30.0 7.3
575-3-60 7.8 33.0 4.9 24.0 1.0 4.9 17.4 30.0 25.0 7.3
200/208-3-60 20.0 78.0 12.5 51.0 2.1 14.2 44.6 60.0 60.0 7.3
230-3-60 19.0 80.0 12.0 55.0 2.2 12.8 42.3 60.0 60.0 7.3
380-3-50 14.0 65.0 6.5 23.0 1.1 5.4 27.7 30.0 40.0 9.7
400-3-50 14.3 64.0 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 27.7 30.0 40.0 9.7
460-3-60 9.5 40.0 6.0 27.5 1.1 6.2 21.2 30.0 30.0 7.3
575-3-60 7.8 33.0 4.9 24.0 1.0 4.9 17.4 30.0 25.0 7.3
200/208-3-60 33.0 107.0 12.5 51.0 2.1 14.2 60.9 100.0 90.0 9.7
230-3-60 30.0 118.0 12.0 55.0 2.2 12.8 56.0 60.0 80.0 9.7
380-3-50 14.0 65.0 6.5 23.0 1.1 5.4 27.7 30.0 40.0 9.7
400-3-50 14.3 64.0 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 27.7 30.0 40.0 9.7
460-3-60 15.0 59.0 6.0 27.5 1.1 6.2 28.1 30.0 40.0 9.7
575-3-60 12.0 47.0 4.9 24.0 1.0 4.9 22.6 30.0 30.0 9.7
200/208-3-60 33.0 107.0 12.5 51.0 2.1 14.2 60.9 100.0 90.0 9.7
230-3-60 30.0 118.0 12.0 55.0 2.2 12.8 56.0 60.0 80.0 9.7
380-3-50 14.0 65.0 6.5 23.0 1.1 5.4 27.7 30.0 40.0 9.7
400-3-50 14.3 64.0 6.3 24.5 1.1 5.1 27.7 30.0 40.0 9.7
460-3-60 15.0 59.0 6.0 27.5 1.1 6.2 28.1 30.0 40.0 9.7
575-3-60 12.0 47.0 4.9 24.0 1.0 4.9 22.6 30.0 30.0 9.7
200/208-3-60 33.0 107.0 12.5 51.0 2.1 14.2 60.9 100.0 90.0 9.7
230-3-60 30.0 118.0 12.0 55.0 2.2 12.8 56.0 60.0 80.0 9.7
380-3-50 14.0 65.0 9.5 38.0 1.1 5.4 30.7 60.0 40.0 11.2
400-3-50 14.3 64.0 10.4 39.0 1.1 5.1 31.8 60.0 45.0 11.2
460-3-60 15.0 59.0 6.0 27.5 1.1 6.2 28.1 30.0 40.0 9.7
575-3-60 12.0 47.0 4.9 24.0 1.0 4.9 22.6 30.0 30.0 9.7
200/208-3-60 40.7 118.0 21.0 78.0 2.1 14.2 79.0 100.0 110.0 11.2
230-3-60 36.8 130.0 19.0 80.0 2.2 12.8 71.5 100.0 100.0 11.2
380-3-50 14.0 65.0 14.0 65.0 1.1 5.4 35.2 60.0 45.0 13.5
400-3-50 14.3 64.0 14.3 64.0 1.1 5.1 35.7 60.0 50.0 13.5
460-3-60 18.4 65.0 9.5 40.0 1.1 6.2 35.8 60.0 50.0 11.2
575-3-60 15.0 52.0 7.8 33.0 1.0 4.9 29.3 30.0 40.0 12.6
200/208-3-60 40.7 118.0 33.0 107.0 2.1 14.2 91.0 100.0 125.0 13.5
230-3-60 36.8 130.0 30.0 118.0 2.2 12.8 82.5 100.0 110.0 13.5
380-3-50 14.0 65.0 14.0 65.0 1.1 5.4 35.2 60.0 45.0 13.5
400-3-50 14.3 64.0 14.3 64.0 1.1 5.1 35.7 60.0 50.0 13.5
460-3-60 18.4 65.0 15.0 59.0 1.1 6.2 41.3 60.0 50.0 13.5
575-3-60 15.0 52.0 12.0 47.0 1.0 4.9 33.5 60.0 45.0 14.9
200/208-3-60 33.0 107.0 33.0 107.0 2.1 14.2 81.4 100.0 110.0 13.5
230-3-60 30.0 118.0 30.0 118.0 2.2 12.8 74.0 100.0 100.0 13.5
380-3-50 14.0 65.0 14.0 65.0 1.1 5.4 35.2 60.0 45.0 13.5
400-3-50 14.3 64.0 14.3 64.0 1.1 5.1 35.7 60.0 50.0 13.5
460-3-60 15.0 59.0 15.0 59.0 1.1 6.2 37.1 60.0 50.0 13.5
575-3-60 12.0 47.0 12.0 47.0 1.0 4.9 29.7 60.0 40.0 13.5
1. Table 14 is appropriate for both Steam and Hot Water Units.
2. Purge pump ratings are for the Welch model 1402.
3. Disconnect size in accordance with NEC. A Johnson Controls supplied 100 amp, non-fused, unit disconnect switch is in the power panel.
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Guide Specifications
GENERAL and absorber tubes shall be 3/4” (19.1 mm), 0.028” (0.71
mm) wall copper. Condenser tubes shall be copper and
Provide Single-Stage Steam (or Hot Water) Absorption
be sized to eliminate the need for contractor provided
Chiller(s) capable of producing chilled water per the ca-
bypass piping [3/4” or 1” (19.1 mm or 25.4 mm)] with a
pacities shown on drawings and schedules. Chiller shall
wall thickness of 0.028” (0.71 mm). Tubes for the solution
be capable of starting and operating at entering condenser
heat exchanger shall be 0.043” (1.9 mm) wall carbon steel.
water temperatures as low as 45°F (7.2°C).
Each chiller shall be of hermetic design and factory helium
leak tested. Water boxes shall be removable to permit tube cleaning
and replacement. Water circuit tubing to be replaceable
(For YIA-1A1 to YIA-10E3) Chiller shall ship as a one- from either end of the absorption unit. Stub-out water
piece assembly in a vacuum. (For YIA-12F1 to YIA-14F3) connections having Victaulic grooves shall be provided
Chiller shall ship as two pieces (upper and lower shells) as standard (ANSI flanged connections are optional). All
for field assembly. Each shell shall be shipped charged water boxes and associated water circuit nozzles and tube
with nitrogen. A modulating control valve shall be shipped bundles shall be designed for 150 PSIG (1.0 mPa) working
loose for field installation. pressure and shall be hydrostatically tested to 225 PSIG
(1.5 mPa). Vent and drain connections shall be provided
All unit mounted controls and control panels shall be fac- on each water box. Manufacturers shall provide lifting lugs
tory mounted, wired, tested, and shipped pre-installed as on each of the water boxes or install lifting lugs in the field.
integral components of the chiller.
The Generator Water boxes for steam applications are
Unless supplied with a double walled evaporator, chiller designed for 150 PSIG (1.0 MPa) working pressure and
shall include 3/4” (19.1 mm) neoprene insulation of the are tested at 225 PSIG (1.5 MPa). The steam working
entire shell. pressure is limited to the specified design pressure, which,
under no circumstances, is to exceed 14 PSIG (198 kPa)
Purchase price shall include start-up service and parts at the generator. The steam connections are 150 PSIG
and labor warranty for a period of one year from start-up ANSI flanges. The Generator water boxes for hot water
or eighteen months from delivery, whichever occurs first. applications are designed for 300 PSIG (2.17 MPa) and
tested at 450 PSIG (3.20 MPa). The hot water connections
CONSTRUCTION are stub-out water connections with Victaulic grooves.
The chiller shall consist of a generator, solution heat
exchanger, absorber, condenser and an evaporator. The
unit construction shall minimize the opportunity for internal Chiller shall include an automatic decrystallization system
leaks between the generator and evaporator sections designed to remove any minor crystallization which may
through the use of a two-shell design, with the upper shell occur. System shall immediately detect a blockage in the
housing the higher pressure generator and condenser, heat exchanger through the use of thermal sensors and
and the lower shell housing the low pressure absorber respond with the introduction of refrigerant water to dilute
and evaporator. To minimize the risk of corrosion, the the strong solution entering the solution heat exchanger.
evaporator and condenser pans shall be stainless steel.
The evaporator-absorber and the generator-condenser
Solution and refrigerant pumps shall be hermetically
shall be of shell and tube construction. The steam genera-
sealed, self-lubricating, totally enclosed, factory-mounted,
tor section shall have a tube-side DWP of 150 PSIG(1.0
wired and tested. Motor windings shall not be exposed
mPa) (limited by the ASME code to 15 PSIG (103 kPa)
to lithium bromide or water. The suction and discharge
maximum working pressure): hot water generator shall
connections for each pump shall be fully welded to the
be designed for 300 PSIG (2.0 mPa) DWP tube-side and
unit piping to minimize the opportunity for leaks. Suction
tested to 450 PSIG (3.0 mPa). A shell-side bursting disk
and discharge connections shall be equipped with factory
set to burst at 7 PSIG ± 2 PSIG (48 kPaG ± 14 kPaG)
installed isolation valves to permit quick and easy servicing
shall be furnished with all units.
of pumps. Pumps shall be designed to operate for a total
of 55,000 hours between service inspections.
Generator tubes shall be 3/4” (19.1 mm), 0.035” (0.89 PURGING SYSTEM
mm) wall 90/10 copper-nickel and allow for the removal
Absorber shall be equipped with a purging system to
of the tubes from either end of the machine. Evaporator
remove non-condensible vapors from the unit during op-
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Hot Water chillers shall be furnished with a 3-way diverting • Return and leaving chilled water temperatures
type valve, linkage and the actuator motor. This assembly • Return and leaving condenser water temperatures
shall be shipped loose for field installation. The valve shall • Inlet steam pressure
feature a cast iron or carbon steel body. The 3-way valve • Refrigerant temperature
assembly shall be capable of modulating hot water flow
continuously from 10% to 100% of the maximum design • Solution temperature
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
FORM 155.16-EG3 (1010)
Form 155.16-EG3 (1010) New Release