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41 Solutions

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Let G be a group and let A be a nonempty set.

1. Let G act on the set A. Prove that if a, b ∈ A and b = g · a for some g ∈ G, then
Gb = gGa g −1 (Ga is the stabilizer of a). Deduce that if G acts transitively on A
then the kernel of the action is ∩g∈G gGa g −1 .
Solution. If x ∈ Gb then we write x = g · (g −1 xg) · g −1 and note that (g −1 xg)a =
g −1 x(ga) = g −1 xb = g −1 (xb) = g −1 b = a we’ll have x ∈ gGa g −1 , so Gb ⊆
gGa g −1 (∗). If x ∈ gGa g −1 then x = gyg −1 for some y ∈ Ga , from this we
have xb = gyg −1 b = gy(g −1 b) = gya = g(ya) = ga = b therefore x ∈ Gb , so
gGa g −1 ⊆ Gb (∗∗). From (∗) and (∗∗) we have Gb = gGa g −1 . Second part of the
problem is trivial because the kernel of the act is equal to ∩a∈A Ga .

2. Let G be a permutation group on the set A(i.e., G ≤ SA ), let δ ∈ G and let

a ∈ A. Prove that δGa δ −1 = Gδ(a) . Deduce that if G acts transitively on A then
∩δ∈G δGa δ −1 = 1.
Solution. This is a corollary of the problem 1 and definition of kernel.

3. Assume that G is an abelian, transitive supgroup of SA . Show that δ(a) 6=

a∀δ ∈ G − {1}∀a ∈ A. Deduce that |G| = |A|[Use the preceding exercise.]
Solution. Use the problem 2. By G is an abelian group we have δGa δ −1 = Ga ,
then Ga = 1∀a ∈ A, and we have first part. For the second part we note that by
transitive , |A| is equal to the number of elements of equivalence class and equal to
[G : Ga ] = |G|.(Proposition 2)

4. Let S3 act on the set Ω of ordered pairs: {(i, j)|1 ≤ i, j ≤ 3} by δ((i, j)) =
(δ(i), δ(j)). Find the orbits of S3 on Ω. For each δ ∈ S3 find the cycle decomposi-
tion of δ under this action (i.e., find its cycle decomposition when δ is considered
as an element of S9 - first fix a labelling of these nine ordered pairs). For each orbit
O of S3 acting on these nine points pick some a ∈ O and find the stabilizer of a in
S3 .
Solution. It is easy to see that the orbits of S3 on Ω are {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)} and
{(1, 2), (2, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2)}. The third part of the problem is easy, for
the second part, we labelling as following (1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 2, (1, 3) = 3, (2, 3) =
4, (2, 2) = 5, (2, 1) = 6, (3, 1) = 7, (3, 2) = 8 and (3, 3) = 9, it is easy, too.

5. For each parts (a) and (b) repeat the preceding exercise but with S3 action
on the specified set:
(a)The set of 27 triples {(i, j, k)|1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ 3}
(b)The set P({1, 2, 3}) − {∅} of all 7 nonempty subsets of {1, 2, 3}.

Date: 11.11.2008.

Solution. It is easy and similary with the problem 4.

6. Let R be the set of all polynomials with integer coefficients in the indepen-
dent variables x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 and S4 act on R by permuting the indices of the four
σ · p(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = p(xσ(1) , xσ(2) , xσ(3) , xσ(4) )
for all σ ∈ S4 and p ∈ R.
a)Find the polynomials in the orbit of S4 on R containing x1 + x2 ;
b)Find the polynomials in the orbit of S4 on R containing x1 x2 + x3 x4 ;
c)Find the polynomials in the orbit of S4 on R containing (x1 + x2 )(x3 + x4 ).
Solution. Solved on the class!

7. Let G be a transitive permutation group on the finite set A. A block is a nonempty

subset B of A such that for all σ ∈ G either σ(B) = B or σ(B) ∩ B = ∅.
a)Prove that if B is a block containing the element a of A then GB := {σ ∈
G|σ(B) = B} is a subgroup of G containing Ga ;
b)Show that if B is a block and σ1 (B), · · · , σn (B) are all dinstinct images of B
under the elements of G then these form a partion of A;
c)A transitive group G on a set A is said to be primitive if the only blocks in A
are the trivial ones: the sets of size 1 and A itself. Show that S4 is primitive on
A = {1, 2, 3, 4}. Show that D8 is not primitive as a permutation group on the four
vertices of a square;
d)Prove that the transitive group is primitive of A iff for each a ∈ A, the only
subgroups of G containing Ga are Ga and G.
a)It is easy to check that GB ≤ G.
If σ ∈ Ga then σ(a) = a therefore a ∈ σ(B) ∩ B, so σ(B) = B because B is a
blocks, hence σ ∈ GB .
b)We need prove following assertions
i,∀a ∈ A∃i : a ∈ σi (B);
ii,σi (B) ∩ σj (B) = ∅∀i 6= j.
Proof of i: Choose b ∈ B (we can because B 6= ∅) and fix it! By G is transitive,
there is an element σ of G such that a = σ(b).
Proof of ii:σi (B) ∩ σj (B) 6= ∅ =⇒ σj−1 σi (B) ∩ B 6= ∅ =⇒ σj−1 σi (B) = B =⇒
σi (B) = σj (B).
d)⇐=: Assume that B is a block in A and |B| > 1, then we must prove that B = A.
Choose b1 , b2 ∈ B such that b1 6= b2 (this works because |B| > 1). If G = GB then
A = B, in fact, if A 6= B then we choose a ∈ A, a 6∈ B, because G is transitive,
there is σ ∈ G such that σ(b1 ) = a, so σ 6∈ GB . If G = GB ∀b ∈ B then we have con-
tradiction, in fact, choose σ ∈ G such that σ(b1 ) = b2 (by G is transitive, we can),
then σ ∈ GB because B is block, therefore σ ∈ Gb ∀b ∈ B, particularly, σ(b1 ) = b1 .
=⇒: For all a ∈ A, fix it! Assume that H is a subgroup of G such that Ga ⊂ H.
We must prove that G = H or Ga = H. On A consider following relation
x ∼ y ⇐⇒ ∃h ∈ H : y = h(x).
It is easy to see that this is an equivalence relation, denote ā is the class which con-
taining a in that relation. Now, ā is a block, in fact, if σ ∈ G such that σ(ā) ∩ ā 6= ∅

then σ(b) = c(b, c ∈ ā) therefore σ(h1 (a)) = h2 (a)(h1 , h2 ∈ H) or h−1

2 σh1 ∈ Ga ,
hence σ ∈ H, but by σ(ā) ⊂ ā, |ā| < ∞ and σ is injective we have σ(ā) = ā. Be-
cause G is primitive we have |ā| = 1 or ā = A. If |ā| = 1, assume that h ∈ H then
h(a) = a therefore h ∈ Ga , so H = Ga . If ā = A, assume that g ∈ G and g(a) = b,
then g(a) = h(a) for some h ∈ H therefore h−1 g ∈ Ga , so h−1 g ∈ H, hence g ∈ H
and we are done.

8. A transitive permutation group G on a set A is called doubly transitive if for

any (hence all) a ∈ A the subgroup Ga is transitive on the set A − {a}.
a)Prove that Sn is doubly transitive on {1, 2, · · · , n} for all n > 1;
b)Prove that a doubly transitive group is primitive. Deduce that D8 is not doubly
transitive in its action on the 4 vertices of a square.
b)This is a corllary of the problem 7d or they are similar.

9. Assume G acts transitively on the finite set A and let H be a normal sub-
group of G. Let O1 , O2 , · · · , Or be the distinct orbits of H on A.
a)Prove that G permutes the sets Oi . Prove that G is transitive on {Oi }. Deduce
that all orbits of H on A have the same cardinality;
b)Prove that if a ∈ O1 then |O1 | = |H : H ∩ Ga | and r = |G : HGa |.
b)Use the Second Isomorphim Theorem and note that Ga ∩ H = Ha .

10. Let H and K be subgroups of the group G. For each x ∈ G define the HK
double coset of x in G to be the set
HxK = {hxk|h ∈ H, k ∈ K}.
a)Prove that HxK is the union of the left cosets xi K, where {xi K} is the orbit
containing xK of H acting by left multiplication on the set of left cosets of K;
b)Prove that HxK is the union of right cosets of H;
c)Prove that HxK and HyK are either the same set or are disjoint for all x, y ∈ G.
Show that the set of HK double cosets partitions G;
d)Prove that |HxK| = |K| · |H : H ∩ xKx−1 |;
e)Prove that |HxK| = |H| · |K : K ∩ x−1 Hx|.
Solution. Routine again!
P.S. These problems are from ”Dummit and Foote, Abstract Algebra” but solutions
are of mine.
Email: trungtuan.math@gmail.com


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