2024 Religious Education Mock Examination Marking Scheme
2024 Religious Education Mock Examination Marking Scheme
2024 Religious Education Mock Examination Marking Scheme
There are four questing in this section, answer one or two.
1.a) Tell the story of the visit of the Wisemen. (Matthew 2:1-12)[5]
● Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea during the time when Herod was
● Soon afterwards, men who studied the stars came from the East of Jerusalem and
● “Where is the baby to be born King of the Jews?
● We saw His star when it came up in the East and we have come worship Him”
● When King Herod heard this, he was upset,
● and so was everyone else in Jerusalem.
● He called together all the Chief Priests and the Teachers of the Law and asked them,
● “Where will the Messiah to be born?"
● “In the town of Bethlehem in Judea",they answered!
● “For this what the Prophet wrote,
● “Bethlehem in the Land of Judah
● You are by no means the least of the leading cities of Judah
● For From you will come a leader who will guide my people, lsrael?”
● Herod called the visitors from the East to a secret meeting and found out from them
the exact time the star had appeared.
● Then he sent them to Bethlehem with these instructions,
● “Go and make a careful search for the child,
● And when you find him let me know, so that I too may go and worship Him.”
● And so they left on their way they saw the same star they had seen in the East.
● When they saw it what joy was theirs.
● It went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child wαs.
● They went into the house and when they saw the child wit his mother, Mary, they
knelt devin and worshipped.
● They brought out their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh presented them to Him.
● They returned to their county by another road since God had warned them in a
dream not to go back to Herod.
b) How did Herod react when he heard about the birth of Jesus? Give 2 points.[4]
● He was upset.
● He was furious.
c)i. Mbandu has just given birth to a baby boy. She and her husband plans to have the
child dedicated to God in church. Her husband's grandfather objects and insists to
tattoo the baby and put amulets containing special charms around the boy's neck and
waist. State two reasons that her husband’s grandfather would give to support his
position and state one Christian argument against the practice.
Argument in Favour of the Practice.
● Protect the child against evil spirits.
● Protect the child from witchcraft by witches.
Christian Argument.
● Protection lies in the hands of God.
● God is the answer in every situation for a Christian
c)ii. State the 3 ways in which people protect their newly born babies in Modern
Zambian Society. [6]
● Dedicates them to God in prayer.
● Husband and Wife are not allowed to have sexual relationships for a period of time.
● Both mother and baby are secluded for a period of time.
● Prayers are offered to ancestral spirits.
d) In what ways is the teaching of Christianity on religious duty and family loyalty
similar to that of the Zambian Tradition. Give two points.
● Both respect parents and family members.
● Both are loyal to their parents.
● he continued on his way full of joy.
● Phillip went on his way preaching the Good News up to Ceasarea
b) According to the New Testament when should a person get baptized Give two
● You need Repentance of Sin.
● You need Confession of Sin.
c)i. Mrs Tusha has a bouncy boy. Her husband suggests that the child should be
baptised immediately. Give three points why the baby boy should be baptised.[6]
● To initiate the child in the parents church.
● To wash away original sin from their Father Abraham.
● To enable one to enter God's Kingdom.
● So that the child grows to fear God.
c)ii. What are some of the various methods of baptism practised by Christian
churches in Modern Zambian Society? Give three points.[6]
● Immersion.
● Sprinkling
● Pouring
- Then Peter said,“ I swear that I am telling the truth,
- May God punish me if I am not, I do not know that man.
- Just then a cock crowed and Peter remembered what Jesus had told him,
- “Before the cock crow, you will say three times that you do not know me.
- He went out and wept bitterly.
c)i. John confides in you saying “I find it difficult to stay away from temptation since I
do not know the ways through which temptation comes. As Christian state three
different ways in which temptation may come. [6]
- Our desires.
- Our weaknesses.
- Our Pride of Position.
- Poverty and Prosperity
- Friends.
- Trying to help others.
- Circumstances
c)ii. How do People in Modern Zambian society overcome Temptation? State 3 three
- Prayer.
- Use the word of God, quote or speak to the evil though.
- Submit to God. Obey God by following commandments.
- Move away.
- Repent and ask for forgiveness.
d) In what ways is the Christian teaching different from that of the Hindu with regard
to temptation. [4]
- Christianity: There are many temptations and temptation is not in sin.
- Hinduism: There are too many temptations for Hindus (Lust and Greed).
(2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks
4.a) Narrate the story of Jesus casting out evil spirits from the man at Gerase. (Luke
● Jesus sailed to Gerase across lake Galilee.
● As Jesus was coming ashore, He met a man who had demone in him.
● For this man had gone without clothes and stayed in burial caves.
● He gave a loud cry, threw himself down at Jesus feet
● and shouted "Jesus son of the most High God, what do you want from me I beg you
don't punish me.”
● He said this because Jesus had ordered them to come out of him.
● Many times it has seized hum and even though he was kept a prisoner, his hands
and feet fastened with chains.
● He would break the chains and be driven by demons out into the desert.
● Jesus asked him, "What is your name?”
● “My name is Mob”, he answered because many demons had gone into him.
● The demons begged Jesus not to send them into abyss.
● There was a large herd of pigs near-by feeding on a hillside.
● So the demons begged to let them go into the pigs and he let them.
● They went out of the man and into the pigs.
● The whole herd rushed down the side of the cliff into the lake and was drowned.
● The men who had been taking care of the pigs saw what had happened,
● saw they ran off and spread the news among the farms.
● People went out to see what had happened.
● and when they came to Jesus,
● they found the man from whom the demons had gone out sitting at the feet of Jesus,
● clothed and in his right mind, and they were all afraid.
● Those who had seen it told the people how the man had been cured.
● Then all the people from the territory asked Jesus to go away, because they were
terribly afraid.
● So Jesus got into the boat and left.
● The man from whom the demons had gone out begged Jesus,"Let me go with you"
● But Jesus sent him away saying, “Go back home and tell what God has done for
● The man went through the town, telling what Jesus tad done for him
b) What did the people learn about the reason why Jesus had come? Give three
● To fulfil what prophet Isaiah said, to preach God news.
● To bring deliverance to captives.
● To heal.
c)i. Bupe and Thabo were walking along the road leading home. Suddenly Thabo
started behaving strangely, Bupe realises that the friend had been posessed by evil
spirits and decided to take him to a group of Christians who were congregating at a
nearby church.State three methods the Christians would use to drive out demons out
from Thabo.[4]
● Exorcism.
● Using the word of God, the Bible.
● Prayer.
c)ii. Identify different types of Spirits in Modern Zambian Society.Give three points.
● Human Spirit.
● The Angels.
● Evil Spirits.
● Holy Spirit
There are four questions in the section, Answer one or two.
● "You snakes, he said to them, who told you that you could escape from the
punishment God is about to send?
● Do those things that will show that you have turned from your sins.
● And don't start saying among yourselves that Abraham Is our .
● I tell you that God can take stones and make descendants of Abraham.”
● "The axe is ready to cut down the trees at the roots, every tree that does not bear
good funt will be cut donca and Hirowin in the fire."
● The people asked him, “What are we to do then?"
● He answered, "Whoever has two shirts must give one to the man who has none, and
whoever has food to share it"
● Some tax collectors came to be baptised, and they asked him, “Teacher what are we
to do?"
● “Don't collect more than is legal, "he told them.
● Some soldiers also asked him, "What about us, What are we to do?"
● He said to them,“Don't take money from anyone by force or accuse anyone falsely.
Be content with your pay"
● Peoples hopes began to rise, and they began to wonder whether John perhaps might
be the Messiah.
● So John said to all of them, "I baptise you with water but someone is coming who is
much greater than I am.
● I am not good enough to untie his sandals.
● He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire. • He has the winnowing shovel with
him, to thresh out all the grain and gather the wheat into this baun.
● but he will burn the chaff in a fire that never goes out.”
b) What pictures of Judgement did John use and what did he mean by them? Give two
Pictures & Meanings
● Fire: Fire burns up unwanted rubbish.
● Famer: A farmer separates wheat from chaff as Jesus will separate believers from
unbelievers at the final Judgement.
c)ii. “Judgement won't be there", Shouted the drunken man.“No one has ever been
judged by God, because we have never seen any dead person come to life to explain
his experience of bein judged. VWhat Christian advice would you give Him on the
coming Judgement? State three points.[6]
● Christ will come suddenly.
● Be ready all the time.
● Judgement is certain.
c)ii. How should people in Modern Zambian Society respond to the coming
judgement. Give three points.[6]
● Go out to witness.
● Helping others in need Christ.
● Obeying God's instructions.
● Confessing their sins.
d) In what ways are the Christian ideas about personal judgement similar from that of
● Rewards and Punishment are inevitable.
● They do not worry about judgement.
● One can't escape the results of one's action.
(Any points, 2 marks each = 4 marks)
6.a) Relate the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.[5]
● Jesus also told thus parable to people who were sure of their own goodness and
despised everybody else.
● Once there were two men who went up to the Temple to pray,one was a Pharisee the
other a Tax Collector
● The Pharisee stood apart by himself and prayed.
● “I thank you, God that I am not greedy,dishonest or an adulterer like everybody else. I
thank you that I'm not like that Tax Collector over there.
● “I fast two days a week and I give you tenth of all my income.”
● But the Tax Collector stood at a distance and would not even raise his face to
● but beat on his breast and said,“God have pity on me a sinner”
● “I tell you”, said Jesus,“the Tax Collector and not the Pharisee,was in the right with
God when he went home.
● For all who make themselves great will be humbled and all who humble themselves
will be made great.”
b) What lessons can Christians learn from the above parabel. Give two points.[4]
● God answers prayers which come with faith in Him.
● Pray to God in humility.
● Pray to God in sorrow for our sins.
● Do not boast before God.
c)i. There areany reasons why Christians ptay but I wonder why Jesus prayed since
He was the son of God exclaims Mutale. As a mature Christian, guve Mutale three
reasons why Jesus prayed.[6]
● To draw strength from Him to go ahead with doing His Father's will.
● When he wanted guidance.
● When he wanted help e.g.(feeding the five thousand people)
(Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks)
c)ii. How can people in Modern Zambian Society respond positively to prayer?[6]
● Go to witness
● Look for the Lost
● Give to the poor
● Bandage the wounded.
d) In what ways is the conduct of prayer in Christianity different from that of Zambian
Tradition Religion? Give two points.[4]
● Christianity: Prayers are conducted in the church.
● ZTR: Prayers are held at shrines.
b) Mention two despised groups of people that existed at the time of Jesus and state
withy each one of them was despised.[4]
● Tax Collectors:-Regarded as traitors to the Nation.
● Lepers:-Sinners, the disease was a punishment
● Gentiles:-Sinners, disobedient to God.
(Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks)
b) Tutwa and Tebuho have fallen in love with each other and intend to get married. The
parents to Tebuhe who are not Christians discovered that Tutwa is an albino and
refuses to consent to the intended marriage. As a Christian, what advice would you
give to Tebuho parents on their attitude towards Tutwe. Give three points.[6]
● God does not discriminate, therefore we follow his example.
● Christians are are the same in God's eyes.
● Spend more time with her, to get to know her well not by colour.
c)ii. What should be the attitude of people to albinos in Modern Zambian Society?
Give three points.[6]
● Show love.
● Show companion.
● Mix with them.
d)What two ways is Christian teaching about ideas of life death similar to that of the
● Both believe that there is life after death.
● Both believe that a soul doesn't die.
● There is better life after this present life.
8.a) Narrate the story of Jesus raising a widow's son at Nain.(Luke 7:11-16)[5]
● Soon afterwards Jesus went to a town named Nain,
● accompanied by his disciples and a large crowd.
● Just as they arrived at the gate of the town, a funeral procession was coming out.
● The dead man was the only son of a woman who was a widow,
● and a large crowd from the town was with her.
● When the Lord saw her, his heart was filled with pity for her, and he said to her,“Don't
● Then He walked over and touched the coffin, and the men carrying it stopped.
● Jesus said, “Young man, Get up, I tell you!
● The dead man sat up and began to talk,
● And Jesus gave him back to his mother.
● They all were filled with fear and praised God.
● “A great prophet has appeared among us”, they said,
● God has come to save his people
● This news about Jesus went out through all the Country and the surrounding territory.
b) What two lessons do Christians learn from the incidence about the Authority of
● Jesus has power over death.
● Jesus hao power to raise the dead.
● Jesus is the son of God.
● Jesus is the resurrection and the life.
c)i. Christians should not fear death because it is the gate to heaven, observed the
church elder. State three other reasons why Christians should not fear death.[6]
● The death of Christ removes fear of death from these who believe in his name.
● Physical death is temporal because becausee, Jesus through his death on the cross
defeated death.
● Those who believe in Jesus though they die, shall live again, death has no power
over those who believe in Jesus.
● The power of death comes from sin but Christ has defeated death by removing the
sin of mankind through the cross.
● Only the body to destroyed but not the Spirit.
c)ii. State three ideas people have about life after death in Modern Zambian Society.
● Some believe life continues in one form or another.
● Others do not believe in life after death at all.
● There are those who believe that the dead have Influence on the living.
● Others believe that a person's actions in this life determines the next life.
● Christian teachers believe that there will be a resurrection of the dead.
d) In what two ways is Christian teaching about ideas of life after death similar to that
of the Hindus?.[4]
● Both believe that there is life after death.
● There is better life after this present life.
● There is life beyond the grave and its eternal.
There are four questions in this section. Answer one of two.
9.a) Describe the Problem which arose in the Early Church between the Hebrew and
Greek - Speaking Jewish Widows. (Acts 6:1-7)[5]
● Some time later as the numbers of disciples kept growing.
● there was a quarrel between the Greek-speaking Jews and the native Jews.
● The Greek-speaking Jewcs claimed that their widοws were being neglected in their
daily distribution of funds.
● So the twelve apostles called the whole group of believers together and said,
● “It is not right for us to neglect the preaching of God's word in order to handle
● So then brothers and sisters, choose seven men among you who are known to be full
of the Holy Spirit and wisdom,
● and we will put them in charge of this matter.
● We ourselves, then, will give our full time to prayer and the work of preaching.”
● The whole group was pleased with the Apostle's Proposal.
● So they chose Stephen,a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit and,
● Phillip Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Permenas and Nicolaus, a Gentile from Antioch
who had earlier been converted to Judaism.
● The group presented them to the apostles who prayed and placed their hands on
● And so the word of God continued to spread.
● The number of disciples in Jerusalem grew larger and a great number of Priests
accepted the faith.
b) Mention the Problems which were faced by the Early Church and show how each of
them was solved. State two points[4]
● Language Barrier:-Disciples were given the ability to speak in they didn't learn.
● Pagan Practice by Non Jewish Christians:-Resolution was done at the Council of
Jerusalem on Christian standard of behaviour to be followed.
● Opposition from Servants of Satan:- They casted out demons and rebuked the
c)i. “The Christians from the Church in the valley are living exactly like the Early
Church in the Bible.” Bwalya concluded. What Christian values were displayed by the
Early Church that have been identified with the Christians in the valley Church? Give
three points.[6]
● Love.
● Honesty.
● Justice.
● Hospitable.
c)ii. How do people react to Persecution in Modern Zambian Society? Give three
● Show them love.
● Pray for them.
● Forgive them.
● Ignore them.
● Tolerate them.
● Hate them.
● Criticise them.
d) State two points of difference between Christians and Muslims on how they react to
● Christians: Forgive their persecutors
● Muslim: Forgiveness is considered as weakness.
● The next day he and Barnabas went to Derbe.
b) Give any two qualities from Paul's background which helped him effectively
witness to people of various races and cultures.[4]
● He was zealous.
● He had courage.
c)i. Nota works for a company where the Manager sexually abuses female employees.
She is afraid of reporting the Manager for fear of losing her job. Using Paul as an
example, Give Nota 3 reasons why she should not be afraid of reporting the
● Should have courage to speak so that the manager does not continue his evil deeds.
● Should stand for the truth and report the manager.
● Should correct wrong acts.
● Should report the manager so that he realises his wrongs.
c)ii. What are some of the negative attitudes in Modern Zambian Society towards
people of different races and cultures? Give three points.[6]
● Isolate them.
● Mock them.
● Discriminate against them.
d) In what ways are the Christians teachings on reactions to criticism similar to that of
Hinduism? State two points.[4]
● Both react in a non-violence way.
● Both forgive.
● Both react in a tolerant way
● Both show love.
● The servant who had received five thousand coins went off at once and invested his
money and earned another five thousand.
● ln the same way, the servant who received two thousand coins earned another two
● But the servant who had received one thousand coins dug a hole in the ground and
hid his master's money.
● After a long time, the master came back and settled accounts with them.
● The servant who had received five thousand coins came and handed over the other
five thousand,
● “You gave me five thousand”, so he said,“Look Here are another five thousand that I
have earned.”
● “Well done you good and faithful servant”, said the master. “You have been faithful in
managing small amounts, so I will put you in managing charge of large amounts.
● Come on in and share my happiness.”
● Then the servant who had been given two thousand care came in and said,
● “You gave me two thousand coins, sir Look Here are another two thousand that I
have earned.”
● “Well done, you good and faithful servant.”said his master. “You have been faithful in
managing small amounts, Come on in and share my happiness.”
● Then the servant who had received one thousand coins came in and said,
● “Sir I knew you are a hard man, you reap harvest where you did not sow, and you
gather crop where you did not scatter seed.
● l was afraid, so I went off and hid your money in the ground. Look, Here is what
belongs to you.”
● “You bad and lazy servant”, his master said,
● “You know, did you, that I reap harvests where I did not sow and gather crops where I
did not scatter seed?
● Well then, you should have deposited my money in the bank, and I would have
received it back with interest when I returned
● Now take the money away from him and give it to the one who has ten thousand
● For to every person who has something, even more will be given,
● and he will have more than enough, but the person who has will be taken away from
● As for this useless servant, throw him outside in the darkness, there he will the cry
and goue grind his teeth.
b) State the two lessons that Christians learn from the Parable [4]
● God has given man at least one of the Tatents.
● Talents are given according to our abilities.
● There will be a day of reckoning when we shall be required to account for the use of
talents and abilities.
● More responsibility is given to those who need to develop their talents.
● God often uses our natural abilities developing them as we surrender them to Him for
guidance in our work.
(Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks)
c)i. A businessman was initially doing fine in his business.However when, he started
drinking alcohol and womanising, his business started declining and he became
worried. State three points of Christian attitude to work that the businessman should
consider to resistant his brain business.
● His work and deeds should be in accordance with God's requirements.
● Remove dark patches of alcohol and womanizing in his life and work honestly.
● Earn money for the family with pride.
● Our work should contribute to welfare of society e.g.the needy, widows not alcohol.
c)ii. How should Christian attitude be in conflict over work situations in Modern
Society? Give three points.[6]
● In a calmness ommit the problem to God in Prayer
● Explain the situations calmly to offenders.
● Ask offenders to ask for forgiveness.
● Explain with Biblical examples
d) In what ways are Christian teachings on Work similar to those of the Muslims?[4]
● Both commands people to work.
● Both do not disrespect manual workers.
● Both believe neglect of work leads to lack of food and shelter.
● Both believe in working to contribute to society.
● Both believe in working to feed families.
12.a) Tell the story of Jesus in the Temple of the age of 12 years. (Luke 2:41-52)[5]
● Every year the parents of Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover festival.
● When Jesus was twelve years old, they went to the festival as usual.
● When the festival was over they started back home but the boy Jesus stayed back in
● His parents did not know this.
● They thought he was with the group, so they travelled a whole day then started
looking for him among their relatives and friends
● They did not find him, so they went back to Jerusalem looking for him.
● All who heard him say here amazed at his intelligent answers.
● On the third day, they found him in the Temple
● sitting with the Jewish teachers, listening to them and asking questions.
● The parents were astonished when they saw him,
● and his mother said to him, “Son why have you done this to us?
● Your father and I have been terribly worried trying to find you.”
● He answered them,“Why did you have to look for me?
● Didn't you know that I had to be in my Fathers house?”
● But the did not understand his answer.
● So Jesus went back with them to Nazareth, where he was obedient to them.
● His mother treasured all these things in her heart, Jesus grew both in body and
● Gaining favour with God and people
c)i. Butala pays no attention to his children's needs. What three pieces of advice
would you give duties of parents to their children.[6]
● To provide for their needs.
● Pray for their children.
● Share responsibility of teaching their children Godly to.
● Train and discipline their children.
● Parents lead and children follow
● Children are the responsibility of their parents, not other relatives.
● To love their children.
c)i. How are children supposed to relate to their parents in Modern Zambian Society?
Give three points.[6]
● Honour and obey parents.
● Respect elders and parents.
● Care for parents in old age -
● Do not harbour resentment against parents.
d) In what two ways is the Christian teaching about relationship of parents with their
children differ with Zambian Tradition?[4]
● Christianity: Children respect and obey their parents out of love.
● ZTR: Children respect and obey their parents out of fear and obligation
● Christianity: Children are free to discuss with their parents on any matter of concern.
● ZTR: Children are not free to discuss with their parents on any matters of concern.