Intended Learning Outcome
Intended Learning Outcome
Intended Learning Outcome
Elpidio Gazmen Road, Gazmen Compound, Magugpo West, Tagum CityCourse Syllabus
Course Code:
Course Title: Work-Based Learning with Emphasis on Trainers Methodology
Pre-requisite: None
Course Credit Units: 3 units
Number of Hours: 54 hrs.
This course deals on the different modalities of work-based leaning such as, dual training system, apprenticeship, on-the-job training and other knowledge and skills in establishing
the training requirements for trainees, supervising and monitoring work-based training, and evaluating its effectiveness in the attainment of the training program objectives.
Reflective Thinking
Students will evaluate themselves
based on whether or not they met
the objectives of work-based training
during their senior year in on-the-job
Defined dual training system Dual Training Blended Learning Teacher-Made Test (Multiple Choice Module in TM 3
Discussed the objectives of the System Flipped Classroom Students will be asked to PowerPoint
Dual training system Act of Students will be given this task answer written test Presentation
1994 ahead of time, they will research the LCB
Dual Training System Act of 1994 Projector/TV
Teacher and students engaged in Interviews Laptop
an open-ended collaborative Using the guide questions provided ICT Tools
exchange of ideas. students will conduct interviews
Teacher asks questions and w/ TESDA trainer about how they
students answer implement dual training system in
Students ask questions and their respective training
teacher answers. institution.
Discussed the activities needed Industry Collaborative learning and Peer Formative Assessment, Module in TM 3
to establish linkage with the Linkages Responses Teacher Made Test (Multiple Choice PowerPoint
Industry for the purposes of Students will work together to and Essay) Presentation
work-based training Explained the responsibilities of Students will be asked to answer LCD/Projector
Established the responsibilities Written test. ICT Tools
of trainers in work-based
training Trainers in work-based training Reflection Paper
Students will also search the Students will make a reflection on
needed activities on how to what they have learned about the
establish linkages with industry topic.
for the purpose of work-based
Students will present their
findings in the class.
Students will give feedback to
one another
Teacher will facilitate the
learning process.
Determined the current Trainees’ Discussion with Demonstration Performance Task Module in TM 9
Competencies of the Training Socratic Method PowerPoint
Trainees/group of trainees. Requirement This task will ask students to Presentation
Identified trainees training Teacher will discuss how to identify determine trainees training LCD/TV
requirements Trainees training requirements Requirements for a work-based Projector
After telling the students what to do, training using a hypothetical data. LCD
the teacher will show them exactly They need to prepare the forms Laptop
how to do it. of their qualification before filling ICT Tools
it up with data of a hypothetical
trainee who has just finished in-
house training in your
Performance criteria checklist will
be provided.
Defined a Training Plan; Training Plan Discussion and Demonstration Performance Task Module in TM 9
Differentiated a training plan Socratic Method PowerPoint
From session plan, Teacher will discuss the purpose of Using the list of identified Presentation
Identify the parts of the raining each evidence gathering tools and trainees’ training requirement LCD/TV
plan how to use it. (output of previous performance Projector
Described how to accomplish After telling students what to do, the task, students need to prepare Laptop
each column of the raining plan teacher will show them exactly how the Training Plan using the given ICT Tools
Prepared training plan to do it. template.
Performance criteria checklist
will be provided
Identified he facilities for Training Blended Learning, Teacher Made Test (Essay) Module in TM 3
training based on the trainees Facilities for Flipped Classroom Students will be asked to answer PowerPoint
training requirement Work-Based Students will be given this stask Essay questions. Presentation
ahead of time, they will research the Module in TM
Classified Training facilities Learning required training facilities in their PowerPoint
qualifications Presentation
Teachers and students are Reflection Paper LCD/TV
engage in an open-ended The students will write a brief Projector
collaborative exchange of ideas reflection paper on the Laptop
Teacher asks questions and importance of having a ICT tools
Students answer complete training facility
Students ask questions and
teacher answers
Identified tools for monitoring Monitor Socratic Method and Collaborative Performance Task (1) Module in TM 9
Work-based training ing Tools for Learning Approach In reference to the output of PowerPoint
Explained the importance of Work-based The teacher will ask questions, and the previous activity which is Presentation
monitoring training activities in training the students will answer; the training plan, the LCD/TV
work-based training The students will be divided into students will prepare their Projector
Prepared trainees record book four groups and will review the trainees record book Laptop
Prepared progress chart tools for monitoring work-based following suggested template
training. Performance criteria
The students will present their checklist will be provided
answer and the teacher will ask Performance Task (2)
follow up questions The next activity, students
need to prepare their
trainees progress chart
following suggested template
Performance criteria
checklist will be provided.
Provided necessary feedback Feedback Discussion with Demonstration Teacher-Made Test (Essay) Module in TM 3
To the trainees Teacher will discuss the purpose of Students will be asked to answer PowerPoint
Stated the purpose of feedback each evidence gathering tools and essay questions. Presentation
Identified the characteristic how to use it. Reflection Paper LCD/TV
of feedback After telling students what to do, The students will write a brief Projector
Gave feedback to the trainees The teacher will show them exactly reflection paper on the importance Laptop
how to it. of having a complete training facility ICT tools
Performance Task
Students will role play on how to
provide feedback to a trainee who is
receiving on-the-job training
Performance criteria checklist will be
Work-Based provided.
Discussed ways of evaluating Training Socratic Method & Collaborative Teacher Made Test (Essay) Module in TM 3
the effectiveness of work-based Evaluation Learning Tools Students will b ask to answer essay A PowerPoint
training. Tools The teacher will ask questions, and questions. Presentation
Explain how to prepare work- the students will answer. LCD
based training evaluation tools. The students will be divided into four Reflective Paper Projector/TV
groups and prepare work-based The students will write a brief Laptop
training evaluation tools. Reflection paper on the importance ICT Tools
The student will prepare their answer of work-based evaluation tools
and the teacher will ask follow up
Identified the different forms Program Socratic Method & Performance Test Module in TM 9
designed Evaluation Collaborative Learning Approach A PowerPoint
Analyzed and interpret Interpretation The teacher will ask questions, and Given hypothetical data, students Presentation
evaluation data. and Analysis the students will answer. should be able to interpret and LCD
The students will be divided into four analyze data using the 5-point Likert Projector/TV
groups and will analyzed and Scale. Laptop
interpreted evaluation data. ICT Tools
The students will present their
answer and the teacher will ask
follow up questions.