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Liberty Collage: Conduct/Facilitate User Training

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liberty collage

Conduct/Facilitate User Training

Learning outcomes
At the end of the module the learner will be able
Plan ICT training system

Identify IT system training needs

Implement training change

Monitor and review implementation

Prepare and deliver training on use of modified

Module contents
 1. Plan ICT Training system
 1.1. Planning IT training
 1.2. Evaluating IT training
 1.3 Identifying those who will take
 2. Identifying Training needs
 2.1. Determining IT training bench mark
 2.2. Identify needs
 2.3. Assessing proposed training
 2.4. Over viewing of multimedia tools
Module contents
 3. Implement training change
 3.1. Allocating resource for training
 3.2. Giving training
 4. Monitor and Review Implementation
 4.1. Submitting performance results to
higher office
 4.2. Monitoring and reviewing
Plan ICT Training system

 What is training?
 Training refers to teaching and learning
activities carried out with the intention of
helping an individual to acquire and apply
knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes
needed to affect a desired change
Uses of training
 Training can reduce or eliminate the gap between
actual performance and an organization’s needs.
 It does so by changing the behavior of
individuals, by giving them the knowledge, skills,
or attitudes that they need to perform to the
required standard.
 Changing behavior then is the function of training
 Lack of practical skills, lack of experience in the
field, inadequate knowledge, or improper attitudes
can hinder an organization’s operation. Training
can solve a variety of problems which may affect
the performance of individuals in an organization.
Training can help an individual
 Improve his/her knowledge and skills
 · Improve his/her interpersonal
communication skills
 · Develop new skills or knowledge in
specific area
 · Improve quality of service delivery
 · Satisfy the community being served, and in
return be satisfied by results
 · Meet the desired level of performance

 Training includes both directed training and workplace

 Directed training can be delivered inside or outside the
workplace. It consists of planned and structured training
which is insulated from immediate operational job
 Workplace Training one the other hand is planned and
structured training carried out under normal operational
job pressures.
Planning IT training
 In designing any training intervention, it is
assumed that pre-programme planning
namely: identification of training needs,
rationale and cost implications have been
considered and agreed. The next stage in
systematic training is to prepare a Training
What is a Training Plan?
 A training plan is a framework which shows
the general structure of training content
designed to meet specified objectives.
 The Training plan is a detailed statement of
the items to be addressed when designing
any block of training.
 The Training plan takes into account such
items as training aim, objectives, approach,
equipment/materials to be used, etc
Training Plan – The Benefits

 The plan is a practical working document

to be used by all those involved in
developing, implementing, monitoring and
funding training programmes.
Training Plan – The Benefits
 As an aid to developing training
 As an aid to implementing training
organization of training programmed, it
provides a current recorded of course
characteristics which
 facilitates efficient and effective
organization of training programmed
 < ensures continuity i.e. that training
programmed are independent of
 designer/instructor.
 < provides details of resources for related
 As and aid to monitoring training
programs, it provides a standard format
 to review programs
 assure consistency
 assist validation processes.
 As an aid to funding training programmes, it
 contains information required by funding
 assists in purchasing and utilization of
 provides comparison of programme
performance in different locations
Training Title

 The training title should

 clearly identify the
 be specific to the training content
 be included on all written materials
produced for the training.
Training Aim

 The rationale for the training i.e. the reasons

why the training program has been designed
should be stated.
 A broad general statement should be
included describing the proposed program
and what it is expected to achieve. It should
clearly indicate expected outcomes of the
training in terms of trainee opportunities.
Program Objectives
 should clearly specify the expected
performance to be demonstrated by the trainee
at the end of the overall training period.
 should reflect aim of programme, cover all
the proposed skill, knowledge and attitudinal
aspects of the training.
 should be realistic, measurable and
Outline Training Plan

 should illustrate by means of a diagram

 the titles of the modules of training
 their sequence of delivery
 the balance of time (in days/weeks)
allocated to direct and workplace training in
each module as relevant
Training Duration

 should indicate the total time allocated to

the training in terms of hours per week and
number of weeks. The duration of all main
elements including workplace training and
directed training, as appropriate, and the
assessment time should be clearly shown.
Training Approach

 should clearly identify for directed and

workplace training, as appropriate how the
learning will be managed on the training
programme the main training methods
instructional techniques, any special media
and audio visual materials to be used
Training Facilities
 should list capital equipment, non-capital
tools and equipment, and consumables
required location specifications for directed
and workplace training, as appropriate, to
include workshop and / or classroom
requirements special facilities appropriate
to the particular training

Steps In preparing Training


This step identifies activities to justify an
investment for training. The techniques
necessary for the data collection are
surveys, observations, interviews, and
customer comment cards.
The objective in establishing needs analysis is to
find out the answers to the following questions:

 Why" is training needed?

- "What" type of training is needed?
- "When" is the training needed?
- "Where" is the training needed?
- "Who" needs the training? and "Who" will
conduct the training?
- "How" will the training be performed?
Steps In preparing Training
This step establishes the development of
current job descriptions and standards and
procedures. Job descriptions should be clear
and concise and may serve as a major
training tool for the identification of
Steps In preparing Training
This step is responsible for the instruction and
delivery of the training program. Once you have
designated your trainers, the training technique
must be decided. One-on-one training, on-the-
job training, group training, seminars, and
workshops are the most popular methods.
 Before presenting a training session, make
sure you have a thorough understanding of
the following characteristics of an effective
trainer. The trainer should have:
 - A desire to teach the subject being taught.

- A working knowledge of the subject being

- An ability to motivate participants to
"want" to learn.
- A good sense of humor.
 A dynamic appearance and good posture.
- A strong passion for their topic.
- A strong compassion towards their
- Appropriate audio/visual equipment to
enhance the training session.
 This step will determine how effective and
profitable your training program has been.
Methods for evaluation are pre-and post-
surveys of customer comments cards, the
establishment of a cost/benefit analysis
outlining your expenses and returns, and an
increase in customer satisfaction and
. Evaluating IT training

 What is evaluation? 
 Evaluation is the process of gathering information
and assessing the value of a given program against
established goals and objectives. Evaluation
includes a range of value judgments about
training, including trainees’ responses to the
program and the effect that the training effort has
had on the individuals and organization
Why is it important to evaluate training?

 The purpose of evaluation is to determine

whether the goals and objectives of a
 have been achieved and address the gaps
identified during the training needs
The evaluation of a training
program should focus on:
 1. The trainers
 2. The trainees
 3. The training objectives
 4. The training/ instructional materials
 5. The training methods
 6. The timing and sequencing of topics
 7. The venue for the training activity
 8. The physical facilities and training equipment
 9. The administrative arrangements
Who needs the results of a training evaluation and why?

 Evaluating training is not an individual

activity, but instead, it is a joint venture, in
which individuals and organizations with
different capacities participate in different
 Each of these parties can benefit from the results of a
training evaluation:
 1. The trainee needs feedback about his achievement.
 2. The trainer needs feedback on how well he has achieved
the training
 objectives.
 3. The organizations are eager to know what their people
learned from the training (knowledge and skills), and how
much this new knowledge will improve performance.
Perspective on Evaluating
 Evaluation is often looked at from four
different levels (the "Kirkpatrick levels")
listed below. Note that the farther down the
list, the more valid the evaluation
 Reaction - What does the learner feel about the training?
 Learning - What facts, knowledge, etc., did the learner
 Behaviors - What skills did the learner develop, that is,
what new information is the learner using on the job?
 Results or effectiveness - What results occurred, that is,
did the learner apply the new skills to the necessary
tasks in the organization and, if so, what results were
END OF lo1

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