Customer Relationship
Customer Relationship
Customer Relationship
ISSN : 2962-8328
E-ISSN : 2962-6323
Pp : 73-86
Volume 1 No 2 2022
One good strategy to retain customers is Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
CRM focuses more on what customers value, not on the products the company wants
to sell. Through the implementation of CRM, companies are expected to be able to
build good communication and relationships with their customers. Consumer
satisfaction is an important factor in creating loyalty, by feeling satisfied with a
product, consumers will automatically return to buy and consume the product. In the
end, this is expected to be the main driver for achieving the company's own profits,
where when consumers are loyal to a product, of course it will encourage continuous
product sales because the biggest profits are obtained by the company from loyal
customers. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) on customer loyalty and customer satisfaction at
saung rindu alam restaurants in Gowa District, South Sulawesi. This research is
quantitative and the data collection method uses a questionnaire of 105 samples.
Methods of analysis using validity, reliability, path analysis, and hypothesis testing.
The results showed that customer relationship management has an effect on
customer loyalty, customer relationship management has an effect on customer
satisfaction, customer satisfaction has an effect on customer loyalty, and there is an
indirect effect on customer relationship management on customer satisfaction as an
intervening variable.
Keywords : customer relationship management; customer loyalty; customer
Business development in the 21st century has developed very rapidly and
experienced an irrational metamorphosis. Every business actor in each business
category is required to be sensitive to any changes that occur and to place an
orientation towards customer satisfaction as the main goal (Kotler, 2005).
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an important strategy for every
business sector organization. Through the Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) approach, companies can find out more deeply the extent to which Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) is utilized by using information technology in
relation to providing optimal service to its customers. CRM covers all aspects
relating to potential and current customers, including marketing, providing up-to-
date information, product ordering, technical support, field service, and handling
customer problems and complaints. By doing CRM, companies have the ability to
better understand customer buying behavior, or at least understand various other
things that can be obtained with this concept, as well as determine the type of
communication that must be built by companies with customers.
Purpose of Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Basically, the purpose of a company adopting CRM is to increase customer
resilience and satisfaction. In general it can be said that the goal of any CRM strategy
is to develop profitable relationships with customers. The main goal of CRM is to
increase the long-term growth and profitability of a company through a better
understanding of customer behavior. Among the other CRM goals is knowing
customer needs in the future; assist companies in improving better services that can
be provided to customers; get new customers; find out the improvements needed by
Location and Research Design
This research conducted on customers at Saung Rindu Alam Restaurants,
Gowa District, South Sulawesi. Research conducted in September 2022.
Population or Samples
The target population in this study are consumers who have or have consumed
products (food or drinks) at Saung Rindu Alam Restaurant, Gowa Regency, South
Sulawesi. The sample in this study were consumers who had visited Saung Rindu
Descriptive Statistics
This study uses customers of Saung Rindu Alam Restaurants, Gowa District,
South Sulawesi as respondents as many as 105 people. The characteristics of the
observations in this study were gender, age, job, and frequency of visits to Saung
Rindu Alam Restaurants.
Based on the results of the study, respondents with several characteristics
were obtained. The gender of the majority of women amounted to 61 (58%) while
men are 44 (42%). Age characteristics used three age ranges, the first range was 18-
25 years with 44 people (42%), the second range was 26-35 years with 37 people
(35.2%), and the third range was 36-45 years with 24 people (22,8%). The next
characteristic is work where there are 43 people working as entrepreneurs (41%),
civil servants are 12 people (11.4%), private employees are 31 people (29.6%) and
others are 19 people (18%). The last feature is the frequency of visiting Saung Rindu
Alam Restaurants, customers who visit less than 3 times are 46 people (43.8%), 4-8
times are 37 people (35.2%) and more than 10 times are 22 people (21%)
Prerequisite Evaluations
In this study, validity and reliability tests were first carried out where the test
results showed that the research instrument or questionnaire was valid and reliable
or it could be said that the questionnaire could be used for further research and
The validity test found that all the calculated r values were greater than the r
table values, namely 0.2039. The people variable (X1) obtained a correlation value of
0.877 – 0.924. The process variable (X2) obtains a correlation value of 0.841 – 0.91.
The technology variable (X3) obtains a correlation value of 0.734 – 0.810. The
customer satisfaction variable (Y1) obtained a correlation value of 0.886 – 0.909. and
the customer loyalty variable (Y2) obtains a correlation value of 0.671 – 0.745.
Path Analysis
The effect of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), namely people, process,
technology on customer loyalty
The results of this study indicate that Customer Relationship Management
consisting of People, Process, and Technology have a joint effect that contributes with
a positive and significant value to customer loyalty. 0.693 or 69.3%. These results are
in line with research conducted by M. Raka Alfajri & Aditya Wardhana (2020) with
the title "The Effect of Customer Relationship Management on Customer
Loyalty (Survey of users in the city of Bandung)". Based on the results of
this study, it can be concluded that respondents responses to the customer
relationship management variable as a whole fall into the good category with a
percentage value of 68.1%. The customer loyalty variable as a whole is included in
the pretty good category with a percentage value of 64.8%. In the CRM variable, there
is the lowest statement, namely when using to use tixpoint. This means that
the respondent stated that when using the application, he did not collect
tixpoints. Meanwhile, in the customer loyalty variable, the lowest statement is the
value of 57%, that is, they will not use even though other online travel
agents offer cheaper rates, which is the CRM sub-variable which has a significant
influence on customer loyalty of users in the city of Bandung with a total
contribution of 62.2%, the remaining 37.8% were influenced by external factors that
were not examined in this study.
The result shown that the variable Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) which consists of people, process and technology together (simultaneously)
influences and fulfills the standard of significance to customer loyalty (Y2), the
variable Customer Relationship Management (CRM) which consists of people,
process and technology together (simultaneously) have an effect on and meet the
standard of significance on customer satisfaction (Y1), customer satisfaction
variable (Y1) has a significant effect on customer loyalty (Y2), and there is an
indirect influence on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) consisting of
people, process and technology with customer satisfaction as an intervening
variable at the Saung Rindu Alam Restaurant, Gowa District, South Sulawesi.
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