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Windlass, Winch - 936 Navaltecnica San Lorenzo VRC6000

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SUPPLIED TO: Navaltecnica – San Lorenzo

Largo Esopo

Serial Number: 7055207, 7055208

JOB Number: 936

P/O Number: 149/07AB CV11


Alex Ee


Muir Engineering Pty Ltd (HEAD OFFICE)

100 Browns Road, Kingston 7050 Tasmania Australia

Tel: ITN’L (61-3), AU (03) 62118811
Fax: ITN’L (61-3), AU (03) 62297030
Email: info@muir.com.au Web: www.muir.com.au

The world power in windlasses & anchoring systems



Scope of supply


Line Type
Gearbox Description
Motor Description


Bolt Torque Settings


Motor Specifications
Gearbox specifications
Exploded / general layout drawings
Electrical Information


Equipment Supplied includes the following items


2 x VRC6000 Vertical Windlass – Mirror Image Pair
Fitted with a single gypsy and single capstan.
Gypsy to suit 16mm U2 Stud.
Knurled Capstan Finish
Electric Motor & Torque Limiter
Dog Drive
2 Polished Stainless Steel Finish

3 Stainless Steel Clutch handle

4 45 degree Brake Handle

5 1 x Dual 2 Speed Windlass Control Cabinet

5 Installation manuals


The VRC6000 Model Vertical Windlass is powered by an electric motor through a single stage drive
reduction. The windlass consists of a gypsy and capstan mounted on a stainless steel drive shaft
supported by low friction bearings, mounted on a stainless steel base plate.

The clutch handle fitted into the Clutch Nut is used to de-clutch the drive and free wheel the chain
gypsy. The brake band controls the run of the anchor and chain. The capstan is keyed directly to
the drive shaft and the gypsy is driven by engaging the clutch. All components are of bronze or
stainless steel construction.

LINE: 16mm U2 Stud


Manufacturer: Bonfiglioli
Description: Single Stage 90 Degree Worm Drive Gearbox
Model: MVF 130 FC
Ratio: 80:1


Manufacturer: WEG
Model: 380V /3ph / 50Hz / 5.5kW
Description: 2 speed motor





To fit the chain pipe it is necessary to determine
The windlass should be positioned to ensure a the correct packing size to ensure that the centre
clear lead from the anchor roller to the gypsy. line of the chain pipe feed hole is at the same
The normal run of the chain around the gypsy is height as the gypsy centre groove, and the peeler
in the clockwise direction therefore the winch locates centrally in the gypsy hub. Before fitting
should be offset from the vessel centre line, to the the chain pipe coat all mating surfaces with
port side, so that the anchor chain is parallel the sealant.
centre line. Ideally the windlass should be
positioned centrally over the chain locker. In DISMANTLING THE WINDLASS
installations where this is not possible a length of
'lead in' tube with a belled end and a bore of at This operation can be performed from above and
least the chain width plus 50% can be used to below deck. The deck plate in each case remains
guide the chain to the centre of the locker. in place.
Ensure the chain locker is of sufficient capacity to The reduction gear and motor assembly can be
store all the chain and leave a minimum depth of removed by first undoing the lock bolt located
36" (915mm) when using up to 1/2" (13mm) chain under the gear drive in the end of the main shaft.
between the underside of the deck and the top of By undoing the bolts located between the gear
the chain pile. For 5/8" or 7/8" (16mm-22mm) drive and adaptor flange the reduction assembly
chain the minimum depth should be at least 48" can be removed. (The adaptor is bolted internally
(1220mm). Once the location of the windlass has to the base plate.)
been determined a hole drilling template can be To remove the drive shaft and top assembly first
used to mark out the position of the mounting remove the drive key from the lower section of the
holes, centre holes and chain pipe holes and shaft, the top assembly and running gear can now
check the underside before drilling. The standard be lifted clear of the base plate supported by the
mounting position of the chain pipe is on the port chain gypsy.
side, however for a left handed or anti-clockwise
windlass it would be mounted on the starboard DISMANTLING THE TOP ASSEMBLY
See Figure 1.
To mount the windlass to the deck it is necessary, 1 Remove screws from top cover plate.
first, to remove the deck plate from the drive shaft
2 Remove bolt and washer from shaft end.
leaving intact the complete top assembly to mark
the windlass and chain pipe hole patterns before 3 Wind the capstan lifter assembly off the shaft
drilling holes.
The chain pipe should be fitted last after checking anti-clockwise.
the fitting to the gypsy. If the windlass is to be 4 Remove chain pipe from deck and 45- degree
mounted on a steel or alloy deck an insulator,
preferably timber or some form of rigid plastic brake assembly if required.
must be used to avoid any problems with 5 Lift brake band after releasing bracket
dissimilar metals. It is also advisable to insulate
the mounting bolts with plastic sleeves. The gear 6 Remove Capstan / dog clutch, keeper ring and
drive can be fitted in multiple positions to allow the
chain to fall away from the motor, If the vessel has shaft keys.
a curved deck an appropriately shaped mounting 7 Lift off the chain gypsy.
block must be used.
8 Remove base / gear drive adaptor bolts and
Before fitting the base plate all mating surfaces lower shaft through base to remove motor and
should be coated with sealant. To ensure enough
is applied allow it to squeeze out as the mounting gear drive.
bolts are tightened.
9 Remove adaptor bolts and separate base and
Reassemble the windlass, fitting the shaft and top
assembly complete, (refer exploded view) using a adaptor.
waterproof grease to lubricate all parts and
running gear. When assembly is completed apply
grease to the capstan drum via grease nipples. -Base/deck plate can now be removed if

The reverse applies for reassembling of the windlass. The self-aligning top and bottom adaptors assure no
alignment problems on installation or assembly. (Refer to exploded view for details of individual parts).

For round base model windlasses the brake locator is mounted to the deck. Tighten and slacken brake band to
positions to centralize brake band position before drilling locator to deck.

3. Re Grease the top of the shaft and thread before

Figure 1. Windlass Dismantling/Lubrication replacing remaining parts as per Fig 1 and

As the windlass will be operating in an extremely

corrosive environment it is also highly recommended
that corrosion protection be used on the external
surfaces of the motor, gear drive and adaptor, and
also in any areas where water may lie to protect
against moisture in the chain locker. Products such
as TECHTYL under body anti-corrosion film and
DENSO grease tape are ideal for this application.

Storing Windlass prior to installation:

Always Store unit Vertically in similar position as to
be installed.


Ensure all wiring is completed as per supplied wiring

diagram and that all circuit components and wire is
suitable for the system rating. To maintain the
manufacturers warranty on the windlass a suitably
rated overload protection must be installed to protect
the motor.


To ensure minimal pressure loss or heat build up, it is

Refer to the Exploded View included for Part descriptions if recommended that hydraulic piping of the following size
required is used.

LUBRICATION Length of Line Pipe Size (Outside Diameter)

Up to 30’ (9.1m) 5/8” (16mm)
It is important to thoroughly lubricate all mating Over 30’ (9.1m) 3/4” (19mm)
surfaces with grease suitable for marine applications.
To maintain the manufacturers warranty on the
Before using the windlass ensure all grease nipples windlass a pressure relief valve must be installed to the
are checked and lubricated and that the gear drive is hydraulic circuit. Muir also recommends that a
filled to the required level or quantity (see page 5 of counterbalance valve be installed to the hydraulic
this section, and also gear drive specifications). motor to prevent runback.

Upon Reassembling the windlass the following points Hydraulic Motors should be filled with oil before
will assist in correct greasing. operation.

1. Apply grease to the base bore and shaft then slide Caution: Larger electric AC drive motors may require
the shaft through the base. a support bracket between under deck and the top of
the motor to distribute weight.
2. Grease Gypsy and underside of the keeper ring
before sliding both onto shaft.



1. Ensure all electrical wiring to controls and motor is completed to the specification outlined in the
wiring diagram supplied. (refer GA and Schematics section)

2. Grease all nipples (refer page 5 of this section)

3. Check gear drive oil level (refer page 5 of this section, and gear drive Specifications).

4. Disengage the clutch by turning top anti clockwise.

5. Disengage brake.

6. Rotate the motor by power or by the motor shaft to ensure windlass is free to rotate.

7. Start the windlass with no load. Ensure that direction of rotation is correct and check that windlass is
operating with no undue noise or vibration.

8. Continue running-in the motor and gear drive for 30 minutes. Check gear drive oil level and grease

9. Torque limiter is preset by the factory, refer to section for design operation.

10. Information regarding motor / gear drive specifications and fault finding can be obtained in the
appropriate sections.



It is important that the windlass operator understands Before lifting the anchor ensure that the clutch is fully
the operation and safety instructions included before engaged and locked into position before releasing the
controlling the equipment supplied to ensure safe, brake band then the chain stopping device.
correct and efficient use. Always keep clear of running
gear and chain when operating. Engage the clutch by tightening the clutch nut (turning
clockwise). The anchor can now be lifted by operating
The windlass can be powered up and down; this gives the control.
the option of using the power system to release the
anchor chain, or by releasing the clutch and controlling DOG CLUTCH OPERATION
the chain release with the brake band.
To ensure correct engaging of the dog clutch use the
Before attempting to lower the anchor by the free following steps in the order listed:
wheel method, apply the brake, ensure the gypsy is
disengaged by rotating the clutch nut in an anti 1. Ensure the four drives are aligned correctly using
clockwise direction until the dog clutch is clear. The the alignment marks on the Gypsy and Capstan.
chain stopping device can now be disengaged (if This alignment can be done by utilising the controls
fitted), check the area is clear then proceed to lower to inch the windlass, or by using the brake slowly
the chain and anchor by slowly releasing the brake lower the chain and correctly align the drive.
and using the brake to control the rate of descent.
Once the anchor is set at the required depth the brake 2. Engage the drive by turning the clutch nut
should be tightened and the chain stopper engaged to clockwise until the capstan has been completely
take the load off the windlass while at anchor. lowered and the dogs are engaged.

If powering down, engage the clutch drive by turning 3. Gently slacken the brake to allow the gypsy to
the hand wheel in a clockwise direction until the clutch rotate slowly. This will allow the faces of the drive
is engaged, loosen the brake band by turning the to contact and become fully engaged for anchor
handle anti-clockwise, operate the control forward to retrieval.
4. When the dog drive is fully engaged the brake may
It is recommended that a chain stopping device be be slackened completely and windlass operated.
fitted forward of the windlass to take the mooring load
off the windlass as this may result in serious damage The above functions will allow the drive to be
being done to the gears in the reduction. successfully engaged to operate the windlass in the
If this is not possible use a snubber line forward of the recovery operation to retrieve the chain.
windlass to take loading off the windlass and make
sure that the brake is fully engaged while at anchor.


• The windlass is not to be used for lifting people aloft.

• Ensure no one is swimming nearby as anchor is lowered or retrieved.
• Ensure that hands, feet, hair and clothing are kept clear of the windlass and chain when in operation.
• DOG CLUTCHES DO NOT SLIP: To avoid damage to the gearbox, windlass or vessel by bringing the anchor up
hard against the vessel it is practical to mark the chain in several positions, approx 5 meter intervals from the
anchor to alert the operator to the anchor position. As the anchor breaks the water the control should be released
and the windlass inched until the anchor is in the stowed position.

• Under no circumstances should the winch be operated if it is stalled or overloaded.

• Never engage the clutch as the anchor is free falling, use the brake band to control the speed.
• Engage the chain stopper and devils claw when traveling to ensure that the anchor and chain are secured as
vessel movement or vibration may cause the anchor to drop whilst the vessel is underway.

• If easy anchor retrieval is impaired by high winds, heavy seas or the anchor is snagged, ease the load by
motoring slowly into the wind.



Although these motors are water resistant some It is recommended that lubrication is performed on
protection from the sea air and should be provided by a regular basis, at least 4-6 times a year, and
spraying the outside with water repellent spray every increased if usage is higher than normal.
6-8 weeks or covering the motor with a protective
coating. Any damage to the external paint should be GENERAL MAINTENANCE
repaired immediately
Twice yearly it is recommended that the above deck
GEARBOX running gear is disassembled, all salt crust removed,
the parts thoroughly cleaned, greased and the
Prior to operating the windlass it is necessary to fill the windlass reassembled.
gearbox with lubricant to the level mark on the sight
glass. Once filled check the oil level every 6-8 weeks. It is good practice to wash salt water off all running
parts with fresh water, after every use to avoid
Refer to the appendix for gearbox information and corrosion. The use of a close fitting cover when the
recommended lubrication intervals. winch is not in use is highly recommended.

The gearbox assembly is waterproof and should be Ensure the main drive shaft remains greased at all
protected in the same way as the motor. times.

CORROSION PREVENTION Before installation always store the unit vertically or in

a similar position as to be installed.
As the windlass will be operating in an extremely
corrosive environment it is highly recommended that RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS
Denso Tape (grease tape) be used on the external
surfaces of the Hydraulic motor, hose ends, gearbox Worm / Wheel Gearbox Oil
and adaptor, and corrosion protection be used in any
areas where water may lie (e.g. top of gearbox output Synthetic
shaft) to protect against moisture. Products such as Type of oil Manufacturer
lubricating Oil
TECHTYL under body anti-corrosion film are ideal for Recommended Tivela OIL S 320 SHELL
this application.
Telium OIL VSF 320 AGIP
Klübersynth GH 6
Alternatives KLUBER
Before using the windlass ensure all grease nipples 320
are checked and lubricated and that the gearbox is Alphasyn PG 320 CASTROL
filled to the required level or quantity. Carter SY 320 TOTAL

It is important to thoroughly lubricate all mating

surfaces with grease suitable for marine applications A more comprehensive list may be found in the
Greasing points for the various parts of the windlass Appendixes of this manual.
are as follows:
1. Capstan Grease nipples: Lubricates the capstan
movement on the shaft. Apply 3-4 pumps to each. An extreme lithium based grease with anti corrosion
2. Gypsy Grease nipples: Located in the top dog properties and suitable for marine use is
section of the gypsy, lubricates the gypsy rotation recommended. E.g. BP Energrease MM-EP2
on the shaft and the base contact flange. Apply 3-4
pumps to each. Hydraulic Fluid
3. Brake band Grease nipples: Located on each
brake band lug to lubricate thread and shaft. Apply We recommend CASTROL AWS32 or equivalent
1-2 pumps to each.
4. Base Grease nipple: Located in the top flange of
the base plate, lubricates the rotation of the shaft in
the base plate bearing. Apply 3-4 pumps.

1 6 X M10 SHCS 35Nm
2 6 X 10m m SPING WASHER -
3 4 X 1/2" BSW HEX 61Nm
4 4 X 1/2" FLAT WASHER -
1 6 X 5/8" UNC HEX 140Nm
2 6 X 5/8" SPING WASHER -
3 4 X 5/8" UNC HEX 140Nm
4 4 X 5/8" FLAT WASHER -
1 6 X 3/4" UNC HEX 250Nm
2 6 X 3/4" SPING WASHER -
3 4 X 5/8" UNC HEX 140Nm
4 4 X 5/8" FLAT WASHER -
1 6 X 3/4" UNC HEX 250Nm
2 6 X 3/4" SPING WASHER -
3 4 X M22 HEX 400Nm
4 - -
1 6 X 3/4" UNC HEX 250Nm
2 6 X 3/4" SPING WASHER -
3 4 X M22 HEX 400Nm
4 - -
1 6 X 3/4" UNC HEX 250Nm
2 6 X 3/4" SPING WASHER -
3 8 X M16 HEX 152Nm
4 8 X 16m m SPING WASHER -











90 01

This manual seeks to cover all WEG asynchronous continuous improvement therefore information is subject to
induction motors with squirrel cage and slip ring motors, that is, change without notice.
frames 63 to 630, three-phase (and single-phase) motors. For further details, please consult our Engineering Department.

The motors mentioned in this manual are subject to



Motors stored over long periods are subject to loss of insulation
resistance and oxidations of bearings. Bearings and the lubricant
All involved with electrical installations, either erection, deserve special attention during prolonged periods of storage. The
operation or maintenance, should be well-informed and updated weight of the rotor in an inactive motor tends to expel grease from
concerning the safety norms and principles that govern the work between the bearing surfaces thereby removing the protective film
and furthermore, they are advised to heed them. Before work that impedes metal-to-metal contact. As a preventive measure
commences, it is the responsibility of the person in charge to against the formation of corrosion by contact, motors should not
ascertain that these have been duly complied with and to alert be stored near machines which cause vibrations, and, periodically,
his personnel of the inherent hazards of the job in hand. their shafts should be rotated manually. Insulation resistance
fluctuates widely with temperature and humidity variations and
It is recommended that these tasks be undertaken by qualified the cleanliness of components. When a motor is not immediately
personnel. put into service it be protected against moist, high temperatures
and impurities, thus avoiding damage to insulation resistance.
Fire fighting equipments, and notices concerning first aid should Insulation resistance should be measured before the motor is put
not be lacking at the work site; these should be visible and into service.
accessible at all times.

2.2 - DELIVERY Should the ambient be very humid, a periodical inspection is

recommended during storage. It is difficult to prescribe rules for
Prior to shipment, motors are factory-tested and balanced. They the true insulation resistance value of a machine as the resistance
are packed in boxes or bolted to a wooden base. vary according to the type, size and rated voltage and the state of
Upon receipt, we recommend careful handling and a physical the insulation material used, method of construction and the
examination for damage which may have occurred during machine's insulation antecedents. A lot of experience is necessary
transportation. in order to decide when a machine is ready or not to be put into
In the event of damage and in order to guaranty insurance service. Periodical records are useful to take that decision. The
coverage, both the nearest WEG sales office and the carrier following guidelines show the approximate values that can be
should be notified without delay. expected of a clean and dry machine when, at 40oC,test voltage is
applied over a period of one minute.
Motors should be raised by their eyebolts and never by their
shafts. It is important that high rating three-phase motors be
raised by their four eyebolts. Raising and lowering must be
steady and joltless, otherwise bearings may be harmed.

When motors are not immediately installed, they should be

stored in their normal upright position in a dry even temperature
place, free of dust, gases and corrosive smoke. Other objects
should not be placed on or against them.
Insulation resistance Rm is obtained by the formula:

Rm = Un + I

where: Rm - minimum recommended insulation resistance in

MSl with winding at 40oC.

Un - rated machine voltage in kW.

In case that the test is carried out at a temperature other than 4O

o o
C, the reading must be corrected to 40 C using a curve of
insulation resistance vs. temperature for the particular machine.
If such a curve is not available, an approximation is possible
with the aid of Figure 2.1; at this point mention must be made
that resistance practically doubles every 1O C that insulating
temperature is lowered.

On new machines, lower values are often attained due to

solvents present in the insulating varnishes that later evaporate
during normal operation. This does not necessarily mean that
the machine is not operational, since insulating resistance will
increase after a period of service.

On old machines, already in use, much larger values are often

attained. A comparison of the values recorded in previous tests
on the same machine, under similar load, temperature and
humidity conditions, serves as a better indication of insulation
condition than that of the value derived from a single test. Any
substantial or sudden reduction is suspect.

Insulation resistance is usually measured with a MEGGER. In

the event that insulation resistance be inferior to the values
derived from the above formula, motors should be subjected to a
drying process.

2.3.1 DRYING THE WINDINGS but will increase again later when the insulation becomes dryer.

This operation should be carried out with maximum care, and by The drying process should be extended until successive
only qualified personnel. The rate of temperature rise should not measurements of insulation resistance indicate that a constant
exceed 5 C Per hour and the temperature should not exceed 105 value above the minimum acceptable value has been attained.
C. An overly high final temperature as well as a-fast
temperature increase rate can both generate vapour harmful to It is extremely important that the interior of the motor be well
the insulation. ventilated during the drying operation to ensure that the
dampness is really removed.
Temperature should be accurately controlled during the drying
process and the insulation resistance measured at regular Heat for drying can be obtained from outside sources, an oven, in
intervals. the case of smaller motors, and the energization of the heat
resistance in larger motors - or, by introducing a current through
During the early stages of the drying process, insulation the actual winding of the motor to be dried.
resistance will decrease as a result of the temperature rise,
b) Locate the rated voltage of the motor and the feed network
distance in the upper part of the corresponding table. The point
3.2.1 - FEED SYSTEM of intersection of the distance column and the line referring to
current will indicate the minimum required gauge of the
Proper electric power supply is very important. The choice of motor conductor.
feed conductors, whether branch or distribution circuits, should be
based on the rated current of the motors as per standards IEC and Example: Size the conductors for a 15 HP, three-phase,22OV,
ABNT - NBR-5410, Cha 552-2.1. 40A, motor located 60 meters from the main supply with cables
laid in conduits.
Tables 4, 5 and 6 show minimum conductor gauges sized according to
maximum current capacity and maximum voltage drop in relation to a) - Current to be located: 1.25 x 40A = 50A
the distance from the distribution centre to the motor, and to the type b) - Closest value on table 6:55A
of installation (Overhead or in ducts). c) - Minimum gauge: 6 AWG

To determine the conductor gauge proceed as follows: 3.2.2 - STARTING OF ELECTRIC MOTORS

a) Determine the current according to Standards [EC and ABNT - Induction motors can be started by the following methods:
NBR-5410, multiply the current indicated on the voltage by motor
nameplate by 1.25 and then locate the resulting value on the DIRECT STARTING
corresponding table.
Whenever possible a three-phase motor with a squirrel cage
If the conductor feeds more than one motor, the value to be sought on motor should be started directly at full supply means of a
the table should be equal 1.25 times the rated current of the largest contactor (Connection diagram a).
motor plus the rated current of the other motors.

In the case of variable speed motors, the highest value among the
rated currents should be considered.

When motor operation is intermittent, the conductors should have a

current carrying capacity equal or superior to the product of the motor
rated current times the running cycle factor shown on Table 7.

TABLE 7 - Running cycle factor (NBR 5410,TABLE 79)

short time 5min 15min 0 a 60min Continuous
Short(operating 1,10 1,20 1,50 -
activating contacts
Intermittent (passen- 0,85 0,85 0,90 1,40
ger or freight eleva-
tors, tools, pumps,
rolling bridges etc.)
Cyclic (rolling mills, 0,85 0,90 0,95 1,40
ger or freight eleva-
tors, tools, pumps,
rolling bridges etc.)
Variable 1,10 1,20 1,50 2,00
Voltage Distance of motor from distribution centre (meters)
110 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 125 150
220 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 250 300
380 35 50 70 80 100 140 170 200 240 280 310 350 430 520
440 40 60 80 100 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 500 600
Cable gauge (Conductor)
5 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 12 12 12 12 10 10 8
10 14 14 14 14 12 12 10 10 10 8 8 8 6 6
15 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 8 6 6 6 6 4 2
20 12 12 12 10 10 8 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 2
30 10 10 10 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 2 2 2 1/0
40 8 8 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 2 2 1/0 2/0
55 6 6 6 6 6 4 2 2 2 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 2/0
70 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 1/0 1/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 3/0
95 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/0 1/0 1/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 250M


Voltage Distance of motor from distribution centre (meters)
110 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 125 150 200
220 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 250 300 400
380 50 70 80 100 140 170 200 240 280 310 350 430 520 690
440 60 80 100 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 500 600 800
Cable gauge (Conductor)
15 14 14 14 12 12 10 10 10 8 8 8 6 6 4
20 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 8 6 6 4 4 2
30 14 12 10 8 8 8 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 1/0
40 12 10 10 8 8 4 4 4 2 2 2 1/0 2/0
55 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 2 2 2 1/0 2/0 3/0 -
70 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 1/0 1/0 2/0 3/0 - -
100 6 6 4 4 2 2 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 4/0 - - -
130 4 4 4 2 1/0 1/0 2/0 4/0 - - - - - -
175 2 2 2 1/0 2/0 2/0 - - - - - - - -
225 1/0 1/0 1/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 - - - - - - - -
275 2/0 2/0 2/0 4/0 - - - - - - - - - -
320 3/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 - - - - - - - - - -


Voltage Distance of motor from distribution centre (meters)
110 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 125 150
220 50 60 70 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 250 300
380 85 100 120 140 170 210 240 280 310 350 430 500
440 100 120 140 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 500 600
Cable gauge (Conductor)
15 12 12 12 10 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 4
20 12 10 10 10 8 8 6 6 6 6 4 4
30 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2
40 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 1/0
55 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 1/0 1/0 1/0
70 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 1/0 1/0 1/0 2/0 2/0
95 2 2 2 2 2 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0
125 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 2/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 250M
145 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 250M 300M
165 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 4/0 250M 350M
195 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 250M 250M 300M 350M
215 250M 250M 250M 250M 250M 250M 250M 250M 250M 300M 350M 400M
240 300M 300M 300M 300M 300M 300M 300M 300M 300M 300M 400M 500M
265 350M 350M 350M 350M 350M 350M 350M 350M 350M 350M 500M 500M
280 400M 400M 400M 400M 400M 400M 400M 400M 400M 400M 400M -
320 500M 500M 500M 500M 500M 500M 500M 500M 500M 500M 500M -
There are direct starter assemblies available combining a three-
pole contactor, a bimetal relay (overload protection device), and TABLE-8
a fuse (short circuit protection on branch circuit). Usual connections of three-phase motor windings.
Operation Start with
Direct starting is the simplest method, only feasible however, Winding Design
when the starting current does not influence the mains supply. voltage star-delta starter

220V yes
Bearing in mind that the initial starting current in induction 220/380
380V no
motors reaches values as much as six to seven times that of the
rated current, and as the rated current relates to power, a 220V/230V no
situation arises whereby the respective starting current (1p) 220/440/230/460
440V/460V no
should be in such a proportion to the rated mains that during the
starting cycle, this heavier current (1p) causes no supply
disturbances to other consumers due to voltage drops in the 380/660 380V yes
mains supply
220V yes
220/380/440/760 380V no
This condition is complied with under one of the following
440V yes
a) The rated mains supply current is high enough for the starting
current not to be proportionally high; RHEOSTAT STARTING
b) Motor starting current is low with no effect on the mains;
c), The motor is started under no-load conditions with a short On starting slip ring motors an external rheostat is connected to the
starting cycle and, consequently, a low starting current with a rotor circuit by means of a set of brushes and sliding rings
transient voltage drop tolerable to other consumers. (connection diagram d).
The extra rotor resistance is held in the circuit during the starting
cycle to reduce the starting current and increase torque. Furthermore,
it is possible to regulate external resistance so as to have a starting
torque equal to, or close to the maximum motor torque value.
Should direct starting not be possible, either due to restrictions
imposed by the power supply authority or due to the installation 3.2.3 - MOTOR PROTECTION
itself, reduced voltage indirect starting methods can be
employed to lower the starting current. Motor circuits have, in principle, two types of protection: motor
overload, locked rotor and protection of branch circuit from short
The single line connection diagram (c) shows the basic circuits.
components of a compensating switch featuring a transformer
(usually an auto-transformer) with a series of taps corresponding Motors in continuous use should be protected from overloading by
to the different values of the reduced voltage. means of a device incorporated into the motor, or by an independent
Only three terminals of the motor are connected to the switch, device, usually a fixed or adjustable thermal relay equal or inferior to
the other being interconnected as per diagram, for the indicated the value derived from multiplying the rated feed current at full load
voltage. by:

- 1.25 for motors with a service factor equal or superior to 1.15;or

- 1.15 for motors with service factor equal to 1.0 (NBR- 541 0 Chap.
It is fundamental to star-delta starting that the motor allows for 552.2).
dual-voltage connections and that the higher voltage is equal to
that of the lower multiplied by \[3-; Some motors, at client's request, are fitted with overheating protective
devices (in the event of overload, locked rotor, low voltage,
for example: 220/38OV; inadequate motor ventilation) such as a thermostat (thermal probe),
380/660V or 440/760V (connection diagram b) thermistor, RTD type resistance which dispense with independent
Table 8 shows the multiple rated voltages commonly used in
three-phase motors and their suitability for usual mains supply THERMOSTAT (THERMAL PROBE): bimetallic thermal detectors
voltages. A direct or an auto-transformer starting is feasible in with normally closed silver contacts. These open at pre-determined
all cases shown in Table 8. temperatures. Thermostats are series- connected directly to the
contactor coil circuit by two conductors.
The 660V or 760V connection is only used for star-delta starting
with 380V or 440V mains supply, respectively. THERMISTORS: Semi-conductor heat detectors (PTC) that sharply
All the connections for the various voltages are made through change their resistance upon reaching a set temperature. Thermistors,
terminals in the terminal box in accordance with the wiring depending upon the type, are, series or parallel-connected to a control
diagram that accompanies the motor. This diagram may be unit that cuts out the motor feed, or actuates an alarm system, in
shown on the nameplate or in the terminal box. response to the thermistors' reaction.
The star-delta connection is usually used only in low-voltage
motors due to normally available control and protection devices.
The resistance type heat detector (RTD) is a resistance element COMPARISON BETWEEN MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEMS
usually manufactured of copper or platinum. Basically, the RTD Current-Based
operates on the principle that the electrical resistance of a Protection
metallic conductor varies linearly with the temperature The with probe
Fuse and
detector terminals are connected to a control panel, usually fitted thermistor
Fuse only thermal
with a temperature gauge, a test resistance and a terminal in motor
changeover switch. CAUSES OF
Subject to the desired degree of safety and the client's OVERHEATING
specification, three (one per phase) or six (two per phase)
protective devices can be fitted to a motor for the alarm systems,
circuit breaker or combined alarm and circuit breaker, ith two
leads from the terminal box to the alarm or circuit breaker
system and four for the combined system (alarm and circuit
breaker). 1. Overload with 1.2
Table 9 compares the two methods of protection. Times rated current
2 Duty cycles
S1 to S8
IEC34, EB 120
Before starting a motor for the first time, it will be necessary to:
3. Bra kings, reversals
a) Remove all locking devices and blocks used in transit and and frequent starts
check that the motor rotates freely;
4. Operating with more
b) Check that the motor is firmly secured and that coupling than 15 starts per hour.
elements are correctly mounted and aligned;

c) Ascertain that voltage and frequency correspond to those 5. Locked rotor

indicated on the nameplate. Motor performance will be
satisfactory with mains supply voltage fluctuation within ten per
cent of the value indicated on the nameplate or a frequency
fluctuation within five percent or, yet, with a combined voltage 6. Fault on one phase
and frequency variance within ten per cent;

d) Check that connections are in accordance with the connection 7. Excessive voltage
diagram shown on the nameplate and be sure that all terminal fluctuation
screws and nuts are tight;
8. Frequency
e) Check the motor for proper earthing. Providing that there are fluctuation on mains
no specifications calling for ground-insulated installation, the supply
motor must be earthed in accordance with prevalent standard for
earthing electrical machines. The screw identified by the symbol 9. Excessive Ambient
-=L should be used for this purpose. This screw is generally to temperature
be found in the terminal box or on one foot of the frame;
10. External heating
f) Check that motor leads connecting with the mains, as the
caused by bearings,
control wires and the overload protection device, are in
belts, pulleys etc.
accordance with ABNT Standards;

g) If the motor has been stored in a damp place, or has been idle 11 Obstructed
for some time, measure the insulating resistance as Ventilation
recommended under the item covering storage instructions;
Caption Unprotected
h) Start the motor uncoupled to ascertain that it is turning in the
desired direction. To reverse the rotation of a three-phase motor,
invert two terminal leads of the mains supply. Partially Protected
High voltage motors bearing an arrow on the frame indicating
rotation direction can only turn in the direction shown;
Totally protected
i) Prior to slip ring motors entering into service the brush holder
assembly screws require tightening.The gap between brush
holders and slip ring surfaces should be between 2mm and
Brush pressure on the slip ring should be in accordance with Table 10 moved to each successive position until normal running position
and, furthermore, should the brushes be of the radial type, brush is reached, stopping at each tapping stage until the current
incidence to the contact surface should be perpendicular; indication shows no visible current drop.
On motors with brushes in permanent contact, the starter
j) Bronze slip rings are often supplied with a protective coating of rheostat remains in the "run" position whilst the motor is
varnish. Prior to entering into service this coating should be removed. running.
It is advisable to make sure that all surfaces are smooth and clean. Special speed control rheostats designed for permanent
connection to resistance contacts within a given range of
settings are an exception to the above.

TABLE-10 Brush Characteristics 3.3.3 - OPERATION

BRUSH TYPE Drive the motor coupled to the load for a period of at least one
hour whilst watching for abnormal noises or signs of
High conductivity overheating.
application to low Under continuous running conditions without load fluctuations
EGO 180
voltage and high this should not exceed the rated current times he service factor,
current machines. also shown on the nameplate.
Copper and graphite All measuring and control instruments and apparatus should be
CM1 S 140 continuously checked for anomalies, and any irregularities
CM3 H Bronze graphite alloy 210
3.3.4 - STOPPING

Before proceeding, an important warning is timely: To touch

any moving part of a running motor, even though disconnected,
is a danger to life and limb.
3.3.2 - THE FIRST START-UP a) Three-phase motor with cage rotor:
It suffices to open the stator circuit switch, and with the motor
THREE-PHASE MOTOR WITH CAGE ROTOR stationary, reset the auto-transformer, if any, to the "start"
After careful examination of the motor, follow the normal sequence of position;
starting operations listed in the control instructions for the initial start- b) Three-phase slip ring motor:
up. Open the stator circuit switch. When the motor is stationary,
reset the rheostat to the "start" position.
Before running the motor verify that the starter rheostat is in the
"start" position, and that the brushes are correctly set against the slip 3.4 - ACOUSTICAL PROPERTIES
If the rheostat tap positions are numbered, the lowest usually
corresponds to the "start" position, and the highest to the normal Day by day, electrical rotating machines are increasingly used in
running position. offices and homes. Under these circumstances it is essential that
Next, close the stator circuit switch. Now, the ammeter needle should machines operate silently without contributing to ambient
deflect sharply and then returning to a fixed lower value after motor discomfort. Likewise, in industry, the quest for more silent
start. electric motors seeks better working conditions and the
When the needle is almost stationary, the rheostat should be quickly attenuation of possible injuries to the auditory system. The
moved to the next tapping position. solution lies in the ever closer collaboration of the user and the
Coincident with speed increases the rheostat should be machine manufacturer.
Assembly B3R, Frames 63 to 355 M/L

Copper wire used is enamelled NAMEPLATE
with Class H anti-fungus non- Stainless steel nameplate FRAME
ENDSHIELDS hydroscopic varnish. In addition, secured with stainless steel Made of FC-200 high-density
Made of cast iron, provided high dielectric strength materials rivets containing a complete cast iron, the premium grade
with grease nipples and are used as insulation between and permanent record of all cast iron demanded by certify-
grease relief system from coils and slots. All WEG motors motor data as per IEC 34-1. ing authorities for explosion
160 frame (inclusive) on. are wound with spike resistant proof motors. The external fins
Improved thermal dissipa- wire for optimum life in inverter ensure enhanced thermal dis-
tion guarantees long bear- applications. sipation thus improving motor
ing life. lifetime.

Made of steel to avoid Made of polypropylene for
breakdown and increase frame 63 up to 200 L and of
resistance to fatigue die cast aluminium for frame
caused by bending and 225 S/M up to 355 M/L.
vibration in heavy duty ap- The whole cooling system is
plications. Supplied with designed to obtain maximum
key and threaded hole ac- refrigeration using specific
cording to DIN 332. Frames fans for each speed, thus
280 up to 355 for 4 pole reducing the noise level and
speed and slower are sup- increasing the motor effi-
plied with high tensile 4140 ciency.
steel shaft, which is 300%
stronger than standard
1045 steel thus being ideal FAN COVER
for mining applications or Made of pressed steel for
coupling via pulleys. frame 63 up to 160M and
of cast iron for frame
180M up to 315 S/M. The
new fan cover and fan
design make WEG mo-
tors one of the quietest
BEARINGS motors on the market.
All motors are supplied with
either ball, roller or angular
contact bearings selected
from the top manufacturers ROTOR
of the world. From 63 up to Made of magnetic steel lami-
132 frame (inclusive) bear- nations of low electric
ings are sealed for life, losses, short-circuit ring and
whereas frames 160-355 cast aluminum bars pressed
are supplied with into one piece, rendering it
re-greasable bearings. almost indestructible. The
rotor laminations undergo
the same thermo chemical
treatment as the stator.
The magnetic laminations
are thermochemically treated
to improve efficiency, reduc- TERMINAL BLOCK TERMINAL BOX
ing electric losses and oper- All motors have captive terminal blocks Made of cast iron with plenty of inter-
ating temperature, thus ex- with terminal posts and links made of nal space. It can be rotated in 90
tending motor life. high conductive material. The insulat- degrees intervals, having one or two
ing block has a high dielectric regidity threaded holes to connect ducts or
and great mechanical and thermal cable glands. Stock motors are
resistance. mounted with the terminal box on the
right hand side facing the shaft end.
WEG, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of electric motors, has a
wide range of products to suit your needs. Electric motors are available
in single-phase and three-phase, squirrel cage or slip ring, AC or DC,
with outputs varying from 0.09kW up to 22,000kW and voltages from
110V up to 13,800V.
WEG’s facilities comprise five industrial plants equipped with the most
modern equipment. WEG foundries produce high density homogenous
cast iron motor bodies. WEG Stamping Centre tests, stamps and
thermally treats all lamination in order to minimise energy losses. WEG
Machining, Wire Drawing and Winding Centres guarantee the precise ASSEMBLY B35R
machining and superior insulation system of WEG motors.
WEG is also a drive manufacturer and as such understands the Frame of
implications of using VFDs with electric motors. Hence WEG has taken Flange C LA ØM ØN ØP T S a Holes

the necessary measures to make the WEG motor the best option for 63 FF-115 40 9 115 95 140 3 10
VFDs. WEG utilizes a superior insulation system for its whole range of 71 FF-130 45 9 130 110 160 10
motors and offers special protection against EDM (electrical discharge 80 50
165 130 200 3.5 12
machining) as an optional feature. 90 S FF-165 10
90 L
WEG, as an ISO9001 company accredited by BVQI from England, had
100 L 63
its quality system approved by the most demanding standards such as FF-215 11 215 180 250
CSA, UL, JET CESI, PTB, Germanisher Lloyd, SAA and SABS. 112 M 70
132 S 4 15
WEG is proud to present its new W21 Multi-Voltage line, a high efficiency 132 M
FF-265 89 12 265 230 300
45° 4
motor, with guaranteed efficiencies tested by summation of losses as 160 M
per IEC 34-2, designed to suit the most common voltage supplies 108
160 L
worldwide in 50 and 60 Hz. FF-300 300 250 350
180 M
For more information or to get our electronic catalogue, please contact 180 L
your nearest WEG dealer or visit our web site at 200 M 18 5 19
http://www.weg.com.br. FF-350 133 350 300 400
200 L
225 S/M FF-400 149 400 350 450
500 450 550
280 S/M 190 22°30° 8
• Single Phase Rolled Steel TEFC and ODP Motors 315 S/M FF-600 216 600 550 660
• Dual Voltage Single Phase Cast Iron Frame Motors 22 6 24
355 M/L FF-740 254 740 680 800
• Three Phase TEFC and ODP Multi-Voltage Motors
(*) According to DIN 42948 designed as type “A” flange.
• Three Phase Mining Motors
• Premium High Efficiency Motors
• Forced Cooled Motors with or without Encoder
• Aluminium Motors up to 112 frame
• Flameproof Motors up to 300kW and 1100V
• Brake Motors
• Multi-Speed Motors
• TEAO Motors for Fan and Kiln Applications
• Saw Arbor Motors
• Slip Ring Motors
• High Voltage Motors up to 22,000kW and 13.8kV
• DC Motors
• Brushless Synchronous Generators
• Soft Starters and Inverters
Frame of
Flange C ØM ØN ØP S T Holes
Frame of 63 C 90 40 75 60 90 M5
Flange C ØM ØN ØP S T Holes 2.5
71 C 105 45 85 70 105
63 FG 063CD120GG 40 100 80 120 M6 3 4 M6
80 C 120 50 100 80 120
71 FG 071CD140GG 45 115 95 140 M8 3 4
90 S 3
80 FG 080CD160GG 50 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4 C 140 56 115 95 140
90 L 4
90 FG 090CD160GG 56 130 110 160 M8 3.5 4 M8
100 L 63
100 FG 100CD200GG 63 165 130 200 M 10 3.5 4 C 160 130 110 160
112 M 70 3.5
112 FG 112CD200GG 70 165 130 200 M 10 3.5 4
132 S/M C 200 89 165 130 200 M 10
160 M/L C250 108 215 180 250 M 12 4

B3R B5R B 35 R B 14 R B 34 R V6 V5
with feet without feet with feet without feet with feet with feet with feet

V1 V3 V 15 V 36 V 18 V 19 B8R
without feet without feet with feet with feet without feet without feet with feet

NOTE: The terminal box can be supplied on the top, right or left side viewing the motor from the D.E. shaft. This information must be given
when placing an order or when enquiring about special motors.
Three-Phase Multi-Voltage
Squirrel Cage Motors
Standard features Optional features
• Supply 50 Hz 60 Hz • IP56 and IP65 Degree of Protection
Up to 100 frame (inclusive): D – 220-240V 254-276V • Roller and Angular Contact Bearings
Y – 380-415V 440-480V • Insulated Bearings
From 112 frame on: D – 380-415V 440-480V • Shaft Earthing Brush
Y – 660-690V 760-830V • Forced Cooling Kit
• Degree of Protection: IP55 • Double Shaft End
• Frames IEC 63 up to 355M/L • Anti-Condensation Heaters
• Class F Insulation with Class B Temperature Rise or Better • Class H Insulation
• Tropicalized Winding • Cable Glands
• Thermistor 11kW and above • Oversized and Undersized Flanges
• B3R Mounting Configuration • NEMA Frames and Flanges
• Suitable for Continuous Duty (S1) • Top Mounted Terminal Box Motors
• High Density Cast Iron Frame • Bearing Thermistors or RTDs
• Sealed for Life Bearings from 63 up to 132 Frame • 1000V Motors
• Regreasing System Frame 160-355 (inclusive) • Special Paint for Aggresive Ambient
• Flange Mounted Motors with Oil Seal • Other Colours
• Paint Colour: RAL 5077 (blue) • Special Electrical and Mechanical
• Manufactured and Tested According to IEC Standards Characteristics upon request

Dimensions in millimetres
Front Shaft End Rear Shaft End Bearings

63 100 21 116 124 128 80 22 95 40 78 11j6 23 14 4 8.5 4 9j6 20 12 3 7.2 3 63 8 124 - 7 217 241 EM4 6201-ZZ 6201-ZZ

71 112 30 132 140 136 90 38 114 45 88 14j6 30 14 5 11 5 11j6 23 14 4 8.5 4 71 12 140 - 7 248 276 DM4 6203-ZZ 6202-ZZ

80 125 35 149 159 145 100 40 126 50 93 19j6 40 22 6 15.5 6 14j6 30 14 5 11 5 80 13 158 - 10 276 313 DM6 6204-ZZ 6203-ZZ
M20 x 1.5
90 S 100 131 10 306 350
140 38 164 178 155 42 56 104 24j6 50 28 8 20 7 16j6 40 25 5 13 5 90 15 178 - DM8 6205-ZZ 6204-ZZ
90 L 125 156 10 329 375

100 L 160 49 188 198 165 140 50 173 63 118 28j6 60 36 8 24 7 22j6 50 28 6 18.5 6 100 15 198 - 12 376 431 6206-ZZ 6205-ZZ
112 M 190 48 220 222 190 140 50 177 70 128 28j6 60 36 8 24 7 24j6 50 28 8 20 7 112 18 235 280 12 394 448 6307-ZZ 6206-ZZ

132 S 140 187 452 519 M25 x 1.5

216 51 248 270 218 55 89 150 38k6 80 56 10 33 8 28j6 60 36 8 24 7 132 20 274 319 12 DM12 6308-ZZ 6207-ZZ
132 M 178 225 490 557

160 M 210 256 596 712

254 64 308 312 256 65 108 174 42k6 110 80 12 37 8 42k6 110 80 12 37 8 160 22 317 370 14.5 2 x M32 x 1.5 6309 C3 6209 C3
160 L 254 300 642 756
180 M 241 294 664 781
279 80 350 358 276 75 121 200 48k6 110 80 14 42.5 9 48k6 110 80 14 42.5 9 180 28 360 413 14.5 2 x M40 x 1.5 6311 C3 6211 C3
180 L 279 332 705 820

200 M 267 332 729 842

318 82 385 396 292 85 133 222 55m6 110 80 16 49 10 48k6 110 80 14 42.5 9 200 30 402 464 18.5 6312 C3 6212 C3
200 L 305 370 767 880
2 x M50 x 1.5
286 280 55m6* 110 100 16 49 10 55m6* 110 100 16 49 10 815 936
225 S/M 356 80 436 476 366 105 391 149 225 34 466 537 18.5 6314 C3 6314 C3
311 255 60m6 140 125 18 53 11 60m6 140 125 18 53 11 847 995

311 312 60m6* 140 18 53 11 60m6* 140 923 1071 6314 C3

250 S/M 406 100 506 476 366 138 449 168 125 125 18 53 11 250 42 491 562 24 6314 C3
349 274 70m6 140 20 62.5 12 60m6 140 923 1071 6316 C3
368 350 65m6* 140 125 18 58 11 60m6* 140 1038 1188 6314 C3 6314 C3
280 S/M 457 100 557 600 488 142 510 190 125 18 53 11 280 42 578 668 24 2 x M63 x 1.5
419 299 80m6 170 160 22 71 14 60m6 140 1068 1218 NU319 C3 6316 C3

406 376 65m6* 140 125 18 58 11 65m6* 140 1128 1278 6314 C3 6314 C3
315 S/M 508 120 628 600 492 152 558 216 125 18 58 11 315 52 613 703 28
457 325 85m6 170 160 22 76 14 65m6 140 1156 1308 NU319 C3 6316 C3

560 75m6* 140 125 20 67.5 14 65m6* 140 125 18 58 11 1400 1572 M20 6316 C3 6314 C3
355 M/L 610 140 750 816 698 200 760 254 381 355 50 725 835 28 2 x M80 x 1.5
630 100m6 210 200 28 90 16 80m6 170 160 22 71 14 1565 1645 M24 NU322 C3 6319 C3

* For II Pole (3000 RPM) motors

• In frames 280S/M and above “H” dimensions have tolerance of 1mm.
• For construction use only certified data.
Full Efficiency % Power Factor Noise Moment Max.
Locked Full Locked Break-
Rated load Service level
Rated rotor load rotor down of locked Approx.
Frame current dB(A)
output speed current torque torque torque
% of full load factor inertia rotor weight
IEC at 400 V Sound
KW rpm IL/Ir Tr TL/Tr Tb/Tr SF J time kg
Ir pressure
A % Nm % % 50 75 100 50 75 100 level kgm2 hot (s)

2 Pole – 50 Hz
0.12 63 2850 0.43 430 0.39 250 300 44.00 53.00 58.00 0.51 0.60 0.70 1.15 60 0.00011 26 6.5
0.18 63 2730 0.50 450 0.64 240 270 61.00 63.00 64.00 0.65 0.77 0.82 1.15 52 0.00013 18 6.5
0.25 63 2730 0.69 450 0.85 240 280 60.00 64.00 68.00 0.53 0.69 0.77 1.15 52 0.00017 16 7
0.37 71 2780 0.85 550 1.26 240 280 68.00 73.00 73.60 0.70 0.80 0.85 1.15 56 0.00034 17 9.5
0.55 71 2780 1.25 550 1.89 270 270 71.00 74.00 75.00 0.72 0.80 0.85 1.15 56 0.00045 13 10.5
0.75 80 2770 1.68 600 2.54 280 280 72.50 74.50 76.00 0.73 0.82 0.85 1.15 59 0.00079 9 14
1.10 80 2800 2.41 600 3.76 250 250 76.00 78.00 78.50 0.68 0.78 0.84 1.15 59 0.00091 10 14.5
1.50 90 S 2850 3.11 750 4.93 270 280 76.50 79.50 81.00 0.72 0.82 0.86 1.15 68 0.00206 7 20
2.20 90 L 2840 4.60 700 7.42 2.7 2.8 81.90 82.80 83.10 0.72 0.79 0.83 1.15 68 0.00242 7 21.5
3.00 100 L 2890 5.83 730 9.72 250 280 81.70 83.80 84.40 0.77 0.85 0.88 1.15 67 0.00617 8 31
4.00 112 M 2890 7.71 760 13.40 260 280 84.00 85.30 86.10 0.75 0.83 0.87 1.15 64 0.00842 10 46
5.50 132 S 2925 10.30 800 18.00 260 320 86.00 87.50 88.50 0.74 0.83 0.87 1.15 68 0.02056 8 62
7.50 132 S 2930 13.70 750 24.00 250 320 87.00 88.00 89.00 0.79 0.86 0.89 1.15 68 0.02430 8 68
9.20 132 M 2930 16.90 750 30.00 280 320 86.00 89.00 89.50 0.76 0.83 0.88 1.15 68 0.02804 9 77
11.0 160 M 2950 20.8 750 35.70 240 280 88.60 90.00 90.80 0.76 0.82 0.84 1.15 70 0.04707 12 100
15.0 160 M 2945 27.60 750 47.70 250 320 88.50 90.80 91.20 0.75 0.83 0.86 1.15 70 0.05295 11 109
18.5 160 L 2945 33.80 780 59.60 260 330 90.00 91.40 91.90 0.76 0.84 0.86 1.15 70 0.06472 11 131
22.0 180 M 2950 37.90 800 71.40 260 280 89.00 91.50 92.00 0.84 0.89 0.91 1.15 70 0.14364 9 175
30.0 200 L 2960 53.00 740 94.90 280 260 90.50 92.30 92.90 0.82 0.87 0.88 1.15 74 0.20630 13 245
37.0 200 L 2970 66.30 770 118.00 280 270 90.00 92.80 93.60 0.78 0.84 0.86 1.15 74 0.22424 16 260
45.0 225 S/M 2965 77.40 740 142.00 260 300 90.50 92.80 93.30 0.85 0.88 0.90 1.15 78 0.39465 16 385
55.0 250 S/M 2960 94.70 750 178.00 240 300 91.50 93.00 93.10 0.82 0.88 0.90 1.15 78 0.46640 18 450
75.0 250 S/M 2960 128.00 750 237.00 250 280 92.00 93.30 93.10 0.84 0.88 0.91 1.00 78 0.55609 14 470
90.0 280 S/M 2960 153.00 690 297.00 220 250 92.00 93.70 94.10 0.85 0.89 0.90 1.00 79 1.27084 33 705
110 280 S/M 2960 189.00 720 356.00 230 250 92.20 93.60 94.20 0.81 0.86 0.89 1.00 79 1.41204 38 740
*132 315 S/M 2970 224.00 720 414.00 220 250 93.00 94.10 94.50 0.85 0.89 0.90 1.00 81 1.64738 32 880
*150 315 S/M 2970 252.00 820 473.00 220 250 94.00 95.10 95.30 0.85 0.89 0.90 1.00 81 2.11806 25 990
*185 315 S/M 2965 318.00 800 592.00 220 260 94.20 95.00 95.30 0.81 0.86 0.88 1.00 81 2.11806 23 990
*200 315 S/M 2980 334.00 780 636.00 220 290 95.00 95.70 95.90 0.82 0.87 0.90 1.00 81 2.16513 45 990
220 355 M/L 2990 370.00 850 704.00 210 300 93.30 94.50 95.00 0.83 0.86 0.88 1.15 92 5.67000 23 1670
250 355 M/L 2970 427.00 720 804.00 170 210 93.50 94.70 95.00 0.83 0.87 0.89 1.15 91 5.88000 23 1780

4 Pole – 50 Hz
0.12 63 1370 0.45 500 0.82 240 250 44.00 54.00 59.00 0.45 0.55 0.65 1.15 44 0.00045 12 7
0.18 63 1400 0.58 400 1.25 240 270 55.00 61.00 64.30 0.50 0.60 0.70 1.15 44 0.00056 19 7.5
0.25 71 1400 0.78 550 1.66 300 310 56.00 62.60 65.20 0.52 0.63 0.71 1.15 43 0.00079 22 10.5
0.37 71 1390 1.04 440 2.53 270 280 65.00 71.50 73.60 0.53 0.62 0.70 1.15 43 0.00079 26 10.5
0.55 80 1440 1.36 700 3.66 250 270 69.00 74.00 75.00 0.58 0.70 0.78 1.15 44 0.00242 11 14
0.75 80 1415 1.73 650 4.96 240 260 73.00 75.00 76.20 0.62 0.75 0.82 1.15 44 0.00294 8 16
1.10 90 S 1440 2.61 750 7.32 300 280 73.00 76.00 77.00 0.58 0.70 0.79 1.15 47 0.00504 8 22.5
1.50 90 L 1420 3.20 750 9.89 280 270 78.00 79.50 80.50 0.67 0.79 0.84 1.15 47 0.00673 7 24
2.20 100 L 1420 4.67 750 14.80 280 300 81.00 82.30 83.00 0.70 0.80 0.82 1.15 51 0.00842 9 33
3.00 100 L 1420 6.10 750 19.80 280 270 80.50 82.50 83.50 0.70 0.80 0.85 1.15 51 0.00995 7 37
4.00 112 M 1430 8.03 750 27.00 270 280 83.70 84.80 85.60 0.69 0.78 0.84 1.15 55 0.01875 8 49
5.50 132 S 1470 10.60 730 35.80 240 300 84.50 87.50 88.50 0.70 0.80 0.85 1.15 58 0.04264 10 63
7.50 132 M 1470 14.40 750 47.80 250 280 85.50 88.00 88.60 0.72 0.81 0.85 1.15 58 0.05040 7 71
9.20 132 M 1465 17.80 750 59.90 220 250 85.00 86.50 88.80 0.69 0.79 0.84 1.15 58 0.05815 7 80
11.0 160 M 1470 21.00 700 71.70 220 280 86.00 89.00 89.90 0.70 0.80 0.84 1.15 62 0.08030 12 110
15.0 160 L 1460 28.80 600 96.20 220 240 88.00 89.00 90.60 0.67 0.78 0.83 1.15 62 0.10037 12 121
18.5 180 M 1470 34.70 750 119 300 280 88.00 91.00 91.70 0.72 0.81 0.84 1.15 64 0.16146 11 165
22.0 180 L 1475 40.00 750 143 290 270 91.00 91.80 92.20 0.76 0.82 0.86 1.15 64 0.19733 11 185
30.0 200 L 1475 54.80 700 190 220 250 91.00 92.50 92.90 0.74 0.82 0.85 1.15 67 0.33096 14 240
37.0 225 S/M 1475 66.40 640 238 230 270 91.20 92.10 92.50 0.74 0.84 0.87 1.15 70 0.52490 14 330
45.0 225 S/M 1475 79.00 700 286 230 250 91.00 92.90 93.40 0.81 0.87 0.88 1.15 70 0.76986 12 380
55.0 250 S/M 1475 94.40 700 357 250 260 92.70 93.30 93.40 0.80 0.88 0.90 1.15 70 0.97982 16 460
75.0 250 S/M 1480 133.00 720 475 240 260 92.50 93.50 93.70 0.79 0.85 0.87 1.15 70 1.15479 11 510
90.0 280 S/M 1485 159.00 810 591 240 270 92.10 93.40 92.20 0.79 0.85 0.87 1.15 74 2.81036 22 795
110 280 S/M 1485 199.00 750 709 230 250 92.30 93.60 93.90 0.78 0.84 0.85 1.15 74 2.81036 20 780
132 315 S/M 1480 230.00 650 831 220 260 93.30 94.50 95.10 0.80 0.85 0.87 1.15 77 3.77392 34 990
150 315 S/M 1485 265.00 770 946 240 250 92.50 94.40 95.10 0.78 0.84 0.86 1.15 77 3.77392 20 990
*185 315 S/M 1485 325.00 670 1182 230 250 93.50 95.00 95.50 0.81 0.85 0.86 1.00 77 3.77392 18 995
*200 315 S/M 1485 356.00 670 1277 210 240 93.00 94.80 95.40 0.74 0.83 0.85 1.00 77 3.77392 17 1000
220 355 M/L 1485 378.00 700 1419 220 220 93.80 95.20 95.40 0.73 0.84 0.88 1.15 79 7.45663 33 1585
250 355 M/L 1475 455.00 680 1619 220 220 94.30 95.20 95.80 0.76 0.84 0.88 1.15 79 8.38871 41 1595
260 355 M/L 1490 441.00 650 1650 220 220 93.70 95.30 95.60 0.80 0.87 0.89 1.15 79 8.38871 42 1595
300 355 M/L 1485 514.00 650 1892 220 240 94.30 95.60 95.80 0.77 0.84 0.88 1.15 79 10.25287 47 1770
315 355 M/L 1485 531.00 650 2034 220 240 94.20 95.90 96.20 0.80 0.86 0.89 1.15 79 10.25287 44 1775
330 355 M/L 1490 550.00 650 2121 230 230 95.00 96.00 96.20 0.83 0.88 0.90 1.15 79 11.18495 32 1865
Full Efficiency % Power Factor Noise Moment Max.
Locked Full Locked Break-
Rated load Service level
Rated rotor load rotor down of locked Approx.
Frame current dB(A)
output speed current torque torque torque
% of full load factor inertia rotor weight
IEC at 400 V Sound
KW rpm IL/Ir Tr TL/Tr Tb/Tr SF J time kg
Ir pressure
A % Nm % % 50 75 100 50 75 100 level kgm2 hot (s)

6 Pole – 50 Hz
0.12 63 915 0.48 480 1.23 220 210 37.20 50.00 55.00 0.49 0.55 0.65 1.15 43 0.00068 16 8
0.18 71 890 0.74 530 1.97 220 230 41.00 51.00 57.00 0.48 0.57 0.62 1.15 43 0.00079 16 10.5
0.25 71 890 0.96 520 2.60 210 200 55.00 62.00 66.00 0.40 0.50 0.57 1.15 43 0.00096 11 11.5
0.37 80 925 1.21 520 3.80 170 200 60.00 64.00 67.80 0.48 0.62 0.65 1.15 43 0.00225 7 13.5
0.55 80 920 1.60 530 5.73 210 220 61.00 66.00 67.00 0.50 0.65 0.74 1.15 43 0.00311 9 15.5
0.75 90 S 910 2.09 520 7.72 210 200 68.20 71.60 72.00 0.51 0.63 0.72 1.15 45 0.00448 8 18.5
1.10 90 L 920 3.35 530 11.50 230 230 66.30 70.70 72.90 0.48 0.59 0.65 1.15 45 0.00673 8 23
1.50 100 L 940 3.93 550 14.90 210 220 70.20 76.00 77.50 0.50 0.63 0.71 1.15 44 0.01121 10 29
2.20 112 M 930 5.83 570 22.70 210 210 71.00 76.10 80.10 0.43 0.58 0.68 1.15 48 0.01682 9 39
3.00 132 S 935 7.00 610 30.00 230 240 79.80 82.40 82.5 0.58 0.69 0.75 1.15 52 0.03489 13 56
4.00 132 M 940 8.95 640 41.10 230 250 82.50 85.50 86.00 0.60 0.71 0.75 1.15 52 0.05040 14 68
5.50 132 M 945 12.3 700 55.70 210 240 80.90 84.30 85.10 0.60 0.70 0.76 1.15 52 0.06203 11 79
7.50 160 M 970 15.3 640 72.40 230 290 86.70 87.70 87.30 0.62 0.74 0.81 1.15 56 0.12209 16 109
9.20 160 L 970 18.7 650 90.50 230 280 87.20 88.20 87.60 0.61 0.74 0.81 1.15 56 0.14364 11 127
11.0 160 L 975 22.8 700 108 220 260 86.70 88.30 88.30 0.59 0.72 0.79 1.15 56 0.17596 12 136
15.0 180 L 965 27.2 750 146 250 260 89.10 90.50 90.30 0.78 0.86 0.88 1.15 56 0.30338 10 183
18.5 200 L 975 34.8 650 180 220 250 89.30 91.00 91.30 0.70 0.79 0.84 1.15 58 0.37671 25 224
22.0 200 L 975 42.8 700 216 230 260 88.90 90.90 91.50 0.65 0.75 0.81 1.15 58 0.41258 20 235
30.0 225 S/M 985 55.0 680 285 250 260 89.60 91.20 91.50 0.77 0.83 0.86 1.15 61 0.98843 17 366
37.0 250 S/M 980 69.6 680 358 240 240 89.00 92.10 92.50 0.74 0.80 0.83 1.15 61 1.22377 20 440
45.0 250 S/M 980 81.1 780 430 260 280 89.00 90.00 91.00 0.78 0.83 0.88 1.15 61 1.55325 17 460
55.0 280 S/M 985 106 680 535 240 250 90.50 92.20 92.80 0.66 0.76 0.81 1.15 66 2.64298 29 655
75.0 280 S/M 985 136 670 713 210 230 92.00 93.20 93.40 0.72 0.81 0.85 1.15 66 3.10263 24 705
90.0 315 S/M 985 166 640 891 210 220 92.10 93.60 93.40 0.70 0.80 0.84 1.15 69 3.67719 22 810
110 315 S/M 985 201 650 1070 230 240 92.50 93.50 94.00 0.69 0.79 0.84 1.15 69 5.28597 30 980
*132 315 S/M 980 237 830 1254 210 210 92.60 93.30 93.50 0.77 0.83 0.86 1.15 69 5.28597 10 980
150 355 M/L 985 294 650 1426 190 210 93.10 94.20 94.50 0.65 0.73 0.78 1.15 73 9.05472 21 1460
185 355 M/L 985 358 700 1783 190 210 93.00 94.00 94.50 0.64 0.73 0.79 1.15 73 10.24613 44 1485
200 355 M/L 990 376 550 1916 220 230 93.20 94.50 94.80 0.70 0.78 0.81 1.15 73 12.39067 80 1550
220 355 M/L 990 418 650 2128 200 200 93.60 94.60 95.00 0.69 0.77 0.80 1.15 73 13.82037 72 1690
250 355 M/L 995 543 710 2400 220 230 92.80 94.50 95.00 0.63 0.68 0.70 1.15 73 14.77350 52 1750
*315 355 M/L 990 612 600 3051 220 220 93.60 95.00 95.30 0.65 0.75 0.78 1.15 73 15.48834 35 1730

8 Pole – 50 Hz
0.12 71 700 0.60 420 1.61 190 210 37.00 44.20 47.20 0.40 0.52 0.61 1.15 41 0.00079 25 10.5
0.18 80 700 0.77 450 2.51 180 190 41.00 51.00 54.20 0.40 0.53 0.62 1.15 42 0.00242 8 13.5
0.25 80 700 0.92 410 3.31 180 180 52.00 59.00 62.30 0.42 0.55 0.63 1.15 42 0.00294 10 15
0.37 90 S 685 1.44 450 5.13 230 240 50.00 60.80 63.80 0.40 0.50 0.58 1.15 43 0.00448 12 18
0.55 90 L 690 1.83 510 7.63 230 220 63.20 69.00 69.90 0.40 0.53 0.62 1.15 43 0.00617 11 21
0.75 100 L 700 2.37 460 10.00 180 210 65.60 71.00 72.60 0.42 0.55 0.63 1.15 50 0.00953 16 27
1.10 100 L 700 3.30 420 15.10 150 210 67.50 71.50 74.00 0.43 0.56 0.65 1.15 50 0.01289 18 30
1.50 112 M 710 4.08 550 19.80 240 290 76.00 81.30 81.60 0.45 0.57 0.65 1.15 46 0.02430 17 45
2.20 132 S 710 5.40 710 29.70 240 270 78.00 81.50 84.00 0.50 0.61 0.70 1.15 48 0.07528 19 70
3.00 132 M 710 7.01 580 39.60 230 240 76.50 82.90 85.80 0.52 0.64 0.72 1.15 48 0.08531 21 78
4.00 160 M 730 10.3 540 52.90 230 310 81.30 84.30 85.20 0.46 0.57 0.66 1.15 51 0.12209 24 110
5.50 160 M 730 14.7 540 72.20 240 320 80.20 83.60 84.60 0.42 0.55 0.64 1.15 51 0.14364 20 126
7.50 160 L 725 18.7 500 96.90 210 280 82.30 84.90 85.20 0.46 0.59 0.68 1.15 51 0.16519 15 130
9.20 180 M 730 21.0 670 120 210 270 81.30 84.20 85.60 0.47 0.60 0.74 1.15 51 0.26201 7 163
11.0 180 L 725 23.2 680 145 220 240 84.00 85.90 86.50 0.60 0.74 0.79 1.15 51 0.30338 10 183
15.0 200 L 725 33.6 500 194 200 210 85.00 87.30 88.30 0.55 0.65 0.73 1.15 53 0.37671 30 225
18.5 225 S/M 735 35.2 690 239 210 250 88.30 90.40 90.30 0.70 0.78 0.84 1.15 56 0.8473 16 340
22.0 225 S/M 730 42.4 750 289 260 250 88.80 91.00 91.30 0.70 0.80 0.82 1.15 56 0.98843 19 365
30.0 250 S/M 730 56.7 680 385 210 240 89.00 91.10 92.00 0.70 0.78 0.83 1.15 56 1.22377 17 440
37.0 250 S/M 735 70.6 680 478 200 200 90.00 92.20 92.30 0.68 0.78 0.82 1.15 59 2.29825 23 590
45.0 280 S/M 740 85.2 690 570 190 200 90.40 92.50 93.00 0.68 0.77 0.82 1.15 59 2.64298 26 630
55.0 280 S/M 735 104 650 717 190 200 90.90 93.10 93.30 0.69 0.78 0.82 1.15 59 3.10263 27 689
75.0 315 S/M 740 141 710 949 160 200 91.50 93.30 93.50 0.73 0.81 0.82 1.15 62 4.36667 19 860
90.0 315 S/M 740 166 680 1186 210 220 91.60 93.80 94.40 0.70 0.78 0.83 1.15 62 5.28597 28 960
*110 315 S/M 735 212 680 1433 170 190 91.00 93.50 94.90 0.60 0.73 0.79 1.15 62 5.28597 15 960
132 355 M/L 735 254 650 1672 160 170 93.00 94.40 94.80 0.63 0.74 0.79 1.15 70 13.18845 20 1510
160 355 M/L 735 326 720 2102 160 220 92.80 94.00 94.50 0.60 0.70 0.75 1.15 70 16.32856 43 1590
185 355 M/L 735 365 620 2389 170 180 93.00 94.80 95.10 0.56 0.68 0.77 1.15 70 17.27059 20 1730
200 355 M/L 745 389 700 2546 160 180 93.00 94.80 95.20 0.55 0.68 0.78 1.15 70 19.46867 37 1830
220 355 M/L 740 439 630 2848 170 170 93.20 94.70 95.20 0.57 0.69 0.76 1.15 70 20.41090 44 1900

- The average values shown are subject to change without notice. To obtain guaranteed values please contact your nearest sales office.
- To obtain the pull up torque multiply the starting torque by 0.85.
- The only dimensional difference between an S/M frame and a M/L frame is dimension B.
In order to facilitate an interchange of frames, Weg motor feet are drilled to suit both dimensions.
* Class F or better temperature rise.

1) Torque limiter setting should not be set above 15-20% max motor
current rating value (rated amps of the motor)

2) Damage to gearbox may occur if this is not done correctly

3) After testing reset the torque limiter to motor rated value.

4) Commissioning information should include this information.

5) The torque limiter has not been set from the factory; this is to ensure
that the winch is correctly set at time of installation to avoid future
possible damage to the winch and the deck structure that the
winch is mounted to.

6) Please follow the instructions for Torque Limiter setting contained in

this manual.

7) The torque limiter is designed to slip when the winch is over loaded;
this needs to be set carefully for the torque limiter to work correctly
as designed.

Torque Limiter Setting

1) The winch has been delivered with the torque limiter disabled, this
need to be set before your winch will operate.

2) You have a current draw for the motor which relates to that
required for the two minute test of classification. You will now adjust
the torque limiter so that it slips at a current loading 110 – 115% of
this current, this is the figure supplied in the manual you are now
reading. This figure should not be exceed the full load motor current
as stated on the motor tag by more than 15%.

3) Make sure that you can gain a current reading from the inlet to the
4) Apply the brake to the winch so that the motor can be run up to
the current required with out the winch slipping on the brake.
Alternatively the chain stopper can be used.

5) The torque limiter adjustment via 4 cap screws must be first backed
right off and then progressively tightened up by the 4 cap screws,
which compressors the torque limiter/clutch pack, by increments of
90% on each screw, 1 to 4, with a wrench/spanner. The four bell
housing supports around the torque limiter are at 90 degree

6) The torque limiter needs to be adjusted SLOWLY and each bolt is

required to be adjusted by 90 degrees at a time in the following

a) Apply current to the winch slowly until the torque limiter slips, if the
current achieved is less than the current required, then the torque
limiter needs adjusting upwards.

b) Turn off the power to the windlass and isolate.

c) Adjust all 4 bolts on the torque limiter by adjusting by 90 degrees in

a tightening direction.

d) With all hands removed from the torque limiter connect power to
the winch and re –apply current to the motor until the torque limiter
slips, again if the current reached is below the current required,
then turn off the power to the winch, isolate and adjust the torque
limiter by 90 degrees in a tightening direction.

e) If the current reaches the required current and the torque limiter
has not slipped then the torque limiter has now been set too high
and needs to be backed off. Again turn off the power to the winch
and isolate. Loosen off the torque limiter by undoing all 4 bolts one
flat at a time.

f) Repeat the procedure until the torque limiter slips at the motor
current figure we have supplied in the manual.


ISO 9001





Bonfiglioli worm / wheel gearboxes are oil-bath lubricated and require oil filling by the user before use, they must be filled
with the correct quantity of oil, using tables (A2) and (A3) as a guide and checking the oil level plug visually upon filling.
This must be done with the gear unit in the mounting position in which it will be used in the application.

These gearboxes are provided with oil fill, level, and drain plugs that are positioned specifically to suit the mounting
position of the gearbox. Customers should check the mounting position and plug locations before filling the gearbox using
tables (A4) and (A5).

Synthetic Oils are recommended and common products can be seen in the table below.

Synthetic lubricating Oil Type of oil Manufacturer

Recommended Tivela OIL S 320 SHELL
Telium OIL VSF 320 AGIP
Tivela OIL SC 320 SHELL
Alternatives Klübersynth GH 6 320 KLUBER
Alphasyn PG 320 CASTROL
Carter SY 320 TOTAL
Degol GS 320 ARAL
Permitted Synlube CLP 320 TEXACO
Renoling PG 320 FUCHS


The first oil change must take place after about 300 hours of operation, carefully flushing the gear unit using suitable
detergents. After the initial oil change, check the oil level regularly and change oil at the intervals shown in the table (A1)
below. Do not mix mineral oils with synthetic oils.


1. Place an adequate container under the drain plug.

2. Remove the filler and drain plugs and allow the oil to drain out.
(The oil will drain better if it is warm.)
3. Wait for a few minutes until all the oil has drained out, then screw the drain plug back on with a new gasket.
4. Fill the gear unit with the new oil (in its actual mounting position) to the centre of the level plug.
5. Tighten down the filler plug after fitting a new gasket.

(A1) Oil change interval (h)

Oil temperature [°C] Synthetic oil Mineral oil
< 65 25000 8000
65 – 80 15000 4000
80 – 95 12500 2000

(A2) Oil Quantity Table (l)

Gearbox Size Flange Type B3 B6 B7 B8
VF110 A-F-FC-P 2.8 1.9 1.9 1.7
VF130 A-F-FC-P 3.9 2.5 2.5 2.3
VF150 A-F-FC-P 4.5 3.5 3.5 3.0
VF185 A-F-FC-P 9.6 5.5 5.5 5.0
VF210 A-P 15 9.5 9.5 7.5
See the following page for Gearbox Mounting Positions in table (A3)

Lubricants, solvents and detergents are toxic/harmful to health:

- they may cause irritation in direct contact with the skin
- they may cause intoxication if inhaled
- they can be fatal if swallowed.
Handle them with care using suitable individual safety equipment.

(A3) Mounting Positions

B3 B6 B7 B8


(A4) Positions of oil fill, level and drain plugs


(A5) Dimensions and location of oil filling, level and drain plugs.

Mounting Position
Gearbox Sizes Flange Type
B3 B6 B7 B8
3 C(1/2") 4 C(1/2") 5 C(1/2") 1 C(1/2")
F-FC-FR-P 4 L(1/2") 2 L(1/2") 2 L(1/2") 2 L(1/2")
1 S(1/2") 5 S(1/2") 4 S(1/2") 3 S(1/2")
110 – 130 – 150 - 185
3 C(1/2") 5 C(1/2") 4 C(1/2") 1 C(1/2")
A 4 L(1/2") 2 L(1/2") 2 L(1/2") 2 L(1/2")
1 S(1/2") 4 S(1/2") 5 S(1/2") 3 S(1/2")
3 C(1/2") 4 C(1/2") 5 C(1/2") 1 C(1/2")
P 2 L(1/2") 2 L(1/2") 2 L(1/2") 2 L(1/2")
1 S(1/2") 5 S(1/2") 4 S(1/2") 3 S(1/2")
3 C(1/2") 5 C(1/2") 4 C(1/2") 1 C(1/2")
A 2 L(1/2") 2 L(1/2") 2 L(1/2") 2 L(1/2")
1 S(1/2") 4 S(1/2") 5 S(1/2") 3 S(1/2")
C Filling/breather plug
L Level plug
S Drain plug

Maintenance and replacement work must be done by expert maintenance technicians trained in the observance
of applicable laws on health and safety at work and the special ambient problems attendant on the installation.

Before beginning any work on the unit, the operator must first switch off power to the gear unit and ensure that it
is out of service, as well as taking all necessary precautions against it being accidentally switched on again or
its parts moving without warning (due to suspended loads or similar external factors).

Furthermore, all additional environmental safety precautions must be taken (e.g. elimination of residual gas or
dust, etc.).

• Before performing any maintenance work, activate all safety equipment and, if necessary, inform
persons working in the vicinity. In particular, mark off the area around the unit and prevent access to
any equipment which, if activated, might be the cause of unexpected health and safety hazards.
• Replace worn components with original spare parts only.
• Use the lubricants (oil and grease) recommended by the Manufacturer.
• When working on the gear unit always replace gaskets and seals with new original ones.
• If a bearing requires replacement, it is good practice to also replace the other bearing supporting the
same shaft.
• We recommend replacing the lubricating oil after all maintenance work.
• The above instructions are aimed at ensuring efficient and safe operation of the gear unit.
• The Manufacturer declines all liability for injury and damage to components due to the use of non-
original spare parts and non-routine work which modifies the safety requirements without the express
prior authorisation of the Manufacturer.
• Refer to the specific spare parts catalogue when ordering spare parts for the gear unit.

Do not dump polluting liquids, worn parts and maintenance waste into the environment. Dispose of all
such materials as stipulated by applicable legislation.


Keep the gear unit at its maximum efficiency by following the routine maintenance schedule specified by the
Manufacturer. Good maintenance enables the unit to operate at its maximum performance over a long service
life in compliance with safety regulations.

Frequency Component Type of work Operation

Check oil level Check for leaks Maintain or replace compo-

1000 h External seals and gaskets
by eye nents as required

3000 h For gear units with torque arm: Check for cracks/ageing Replace if no longer fully
polymer bushings effective

5000 h Gear unit seals and gaskets Inspect carefully for wear/age- Replace if aged/worn
ing of external seals.
The following information is intended to serve as an aid in identifying and correcting defects and faults. In some
cases, such problems may be caused by the plant or machine onto which the gear unit is assembled, and
hence, the cause and eventual solution can be found in the Manufacturer’s technical documentation for the
machine/plant in question.


Oil level too low Top up oil level

Bearing temperature too high Oil too old Replace oil

Defective bearings Contact authorised workshop

Oil level too high Check oil level

Operating temperature too high Oil too old Replace oil

Impurities in oil Replace oil

Gears damaged Contact authorised workshop

Bearing axial backlash too
Contact authorised workshop
Abnormal running noise Bearings defective or worn Contact authorised workshop
Correct service load to nominal values
Service load too high
given in Sales Catalogue
Impurities in oil Replace oil

Mounting bolts loose Tighten down to specified torque

Abnormal noise at gear unit mounting
Mounting bolts worn Replace bolts

Oil level too high Check oil level

Casing/coupling seals
Oil leaks Contact authorised workshop
Gaskets worn Contact authorised workshop
Replace oil (see table of recommended
Oil viscosity too high
Gear unit does not run or runs with difficulty Oil level too high Check oil level

Service load too high Redesign drive for actual service load

Output shaft does not turn with motor running Gears damaged Contact authorised workshop

Bolt Tightening torque [Nm]

Bolt size Bolt class
8.8 10.9
M4 3 3.8
M5 5.9 8.0
M6 10.3 13.0
M8 25.5 32
M10 50 64
M12 87.3 110
M14 138.3 180
M16 210.9 275
M18 306 390
M20 432 540
M22 592 720
M24 744 930
M27 1100 1400
M30 1500 1850
Series VF

2 2 3 2 3 2 3


1 1
2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3
3 3



VF 30
VF 44 VFR 44 M
VF 49 VFR 49
VF 130 VFR 130
VF 150 VFR 150
VF 185 VFR 185 A-B A-B A-B
VF 210 VFR 210
VF 250 VFR 250
solution A for positioning; solution B for positioning and handling.

1 Ring harness Screw clamp

(use with harness) M Lift manually
(weight £ 15 kg)
Maximum permissible tilt during
handling: 15°
2 Rope and hooks Snap hook
15° 15°

(use with rope) Lift as per diagram A

3 Open harness
with eyelets
Eyebolt (already fitted
to gear units VF130...VF250) B Lift as per diagram B


When lifting, use accessories such as eyebolts, snap hooks, screw clamps, straps, ropes, ho-
oks etc. which are certified and adequate for the load.
The weight of the product to be lifted is given in the Sales Catalogue.

The method of attachment for the products covered by this Manual are detailed below according to the vario-
us product series, sizes and configurations.
The most suitable type of solution for safely lifting and handling each is indicated below.


Lifting method Manual Through mechanical equipment

Simbol M A B

Approximate weight £ 15 Kg > 15 Kg

Recommended method for po- Recommended method for

Instruction —
sitioning handling and positioning

Warning — The load may be unstable The load may sway or oscillate.

Slide the lifting ring to align it

with the load’s centre of gravity
as shown in the diagrams below
Stabilise the moving load by
Lock the ropes under the ring hand.
Solution — with a cable clamp or similar
device so as to prevent them Observe all precautions regar-
sliding, and lift the load ding the handling of loads
Observe all precautions regar-
ding the handling of loads

The load must not be allowed to sway or oscillate by more than 15° in any direction when being lifted.
If the oscillation exceeds this limit, stop and repeat the lifting operation as instructed.
VF 86 ... VF 185 HS




Bearings VF...
Rodamientos 86 110 130 150 185
30306 32306 32307 32308 32309
8 30x72x20,75 30x72x28,75 35x80x32,75 40x90x35,25 45x100x38,25
VF.../FC 9 6010 6012 6214 6215 6217
50x80x16 60x95x18 70x125x24 75x130x25 85x150x28
32010X 32012X 30214 30215 30217
9/1 (solo/only FR) 50x80x20 60x95x23 70x125x26,25 75x130x27,25 85x150x30,5

Anelli di tenuta
Oilseals VF...
Joint d’étanchéité
Retén 86 110 130 150 185
10 30x62x7 30x62x7 32x62x7 40x72x7 45x80x10
11 50x65x8 60x85x8 70x100x10 75x100x10 85x110x12

VF... N. Denominazione Description Dénomination Benennung Denominación
1 Cassa Case Carter Getriebegehäuse Caja
2 Vite senza fine Wormshaft Vis sans fin Schneckenwelle Vis-sin-fin
3 Corona elicoidale Wormwheel Couronne Schneckenrad Corona
3/1 Corona elicoidale (/FR) Wormwheel (/FR) Couronne (/FR) Schneckenrad (/FR) Corona (/FR)
4 Cappellotto di chiusura Cap Capuchon de fermeture Abschlußdeckel Sombrerete
5 Cappell. di chiusura per anello Cap Capuchon de fermeture Abschlußdeckel Sombrerete portaretén
6 Guarnizione cassa Gasket Joint Dichtung Junta
7 Guarnizione cappellotto Gasket Joint Dichtung Junta
86-110-130 8 Cuscinetto Bearing Roulement Kugellager Rodamiento
150-185 9 Cuscinetto Bearing Roulement Kugellager Rodamiento
9/1 Cuscinetto (/FR) Bearing (/FR) Roulement (/FR) Kugellager (/FR) Rodamiento (/FR)
N-A-F 10 Anello tenuta Oilseal Joint d’étanchéité Simmerring Retén
FC - FR - P 11 Anello tenuta Oilseal Joint d’étanchéité Simmerring Retén
12 Linguetta Key Clavette Einlegekeil Chaveta
13 Vite a testa esagonale Hex. head screw Vis de fixation Schraube Tornillo exg.
14 Vite a testa esagonale Hex. head screw Vis de fixation Schraube Tornillo exg.
15 Dado alto Nut Ecrou Nutter Tuerca
16 Vite a testa esagonale Hex. head screw Vis de fixation Schraube Tornillo exg.

18 Distanziale per golfare Spacer ring Entretoise Distanzring Distanciador

130-150-185 19 Golfare M14 Eyebolt M14 Anneau de levage M14 Aufhängeöse M14 Argolla M14
20 Tappo chiusura M14 Screw plug M14 Bouchon de fermature M14 Verschlußschraube M14 Tapón M14

110-130 21 Tappo di livello Level plug Niveau Schauglas Tapón nivel

150-185 22 Tappo di scarico Drain plug Bouchon de vidange Entleerungsschraube Tapón vaciado

130-150-185 23 Vite a testa esagonale Hex. head screw Vis de fixation Schraube Tornillo exg.

24 Coperchio con piedi Foot cover Couvercle pied Deckel mit Füße Tapa con piés
86-110 23 Vite a testa esagonale Hex. head screw Vis de fixation Schraube Tornillo exg.
110-130-150-185 25 Tappo di carico e sfiato Breather plug Bouchon de charge Entluftungsschraube Tapón de llenado
86-110-130 26 Coperchio di chiusura Plain cover Couvercle Deckel Tapa
150-185 27 Coperchio con flangia Flange cover Couvercle-bride Flanschdeckel Tapa con brida
F 86-110 28 Vite a testa esagonale Hex. head screw Vis de fixation Schraube Tornillo exg.

110-130 25 Tappo di chiusura Screw plug Bouchon de fermeture Verschlußschraube Tapón

150-185 29 Tappo di carico e sfiato Breather plug Bouchon de charge Entluftungsschraube Tapón de llenado

86-110-130 26 Coperchio di chiusura Plain cover Couvercle Deckel Tapa

150-185 30 Coperchio con flangia corta FC cover Couvercle avec bride FC Deckel mit kurzem Flansch Tapa con brida corta
FC - FR 86-110 28 Vite a testa esagonale Hex. head screw Vis de fixation Schraube Tornillo exg.
110-130 25 Tappo di chiusura Screw plug Bouchon de fermature Verschlußschraube Tapón
150-185 29 Tappo di carico e sfiato Breather plug Bouchon de charge Entluftungsschraube Tapón de llenado

P 31 Coperchio di chiusura P cover Couvercle P P Deckel Tapa P




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Limited for period of One(1)year
(From Commissioning)

We warrant each new product manufactured by us to be free from defects in material and
workmanship for a period of 1 year (first Owner).

This warranty shall become effective only upon receipt of a completed warranty registration or
certificate of commissioning, which shall identify the product so registered by serial number. This
warranty shall remain in effect for a period of one (1) year from the date of commissioning of the vessel.

While this warranty applies to defects in material and workmanship, it does not apply to:
• Normal worn parts or to damage caused by neglect, lack of maintenance, accident or improper
service/installation or service by persons other than an authorised Muir representative.
• Muir shall not be responsible for failures due to products being used in applications that they are not
intended for, or exceed the products performance specifications.
• For warranty claim, defective product must be returned to Muir for inspection.
• Muir will not be responsible for freight charges, removal or installation labour on warranty claims.
• Damage due to unsatisfactory storage or use of equipment prior to installation in the
approved/intended manner.
Warranty is limited to twelve months for:
• Electric motors / controls / equipment
• Hydraulic pumps / controls / valves
• Weather seals
• Use on charter/hire/commercial boats

All incidental and/or consequential damages are excluded from this warranty. Warranties of
merchantability and fitness are excluded from this warranty. Implied warranties are limited to the life of
this warranty. Some countries do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above may not apply to you.
We reserve the right to improve the design or materials used on any product without assuming any
obligation to modify any product previously manufactured or used.

Muir Engineering liability under this warranty shall be to the exclusion of all other warranties or liabilities
(to the extent permitted bylaw). In particular (but without limitation):
Muir Engineering shall not he liable for:
Any indirect or consequential loss including (without limitation) any loss of anticipated profits, damage
to reputation or goodwill, loss of expected future business, damages, costs or expenses payable to any
third party or any other indirect losses. Any damage to yachts or equipment. Death or personal Injury
(unless caused by Muir Engineering negligence).

Muir Engineering Pty Ltd – HEAD OFFICE,

100 Browns Road, Kingston 7050 Tasmania
Tel: 03 62118811 Fax: 03 62297030
Email: info@muir.com.au Web: www.muir.com.au

The world power in windlasses & anchoring systems

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