Reid 2018
Reid 2018
Reid 2018
Objective To evaluate cardiovascular and metabolic function in youths adopted internationally from orphanages/
institutions (postinstitutionalized) who were height-stunted at adoption.
Study design A total of 30 postinstitutionalized youths (age, 9-18 years; body mass index [BMI] percentile, 7.2-
90.4) who were height-stunted at adoption were compared with age- and BMI percentile-matched youths (n = 90).
Measurements included total body fat and visceral adipose tissue (dual radiograph absorptiometry), arterial stiff-
ness (augmentation index and pulse wave velocity), cardiac autonomic function (heart rate variability), blood pres-
sure, and fasting lipid, glucose, and insulin levels. Linear regression analyses were computed controlling for parent
education, age, trunk tissue fat, height-for-age, sex, and race.
Results Compared with controls of the same age, sex, and BMI, the postinstitutionalized children had higher sys-
tolic blood pressure (P = .018), augmentation index (P = .033), total cholesterol (P = .047), low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol (P = .03), triglycerides (P = .048), insulin (P = .005), and HOMA-IR (P = .01) values. The postinstitutionalized
children had a lower low-frequency to high-frequency ratio (P = .008), indicating lower sympathetic tone, as well
as a lower total lean mass (P = .016), a lower gynoid lean mass (P = .039), and a higher proportion of trunk tissue
fat (P = .017). The postinstitutionalized and control children did not differ in any other body composition measures.
Conclusions Early life stress, as represented by height-stunted growth in institutional care, may be associated
with early pathways to cardiovascular and metabolic risk in youths even after moving into well-resourced homes
early in life and in the absence of increased adiposity. These findings suggest that postinstitutionalized youths with
a history of height stunting may need to be closely monitored for emergent cardiometabolic risk factors. (J Pediatr
ver the last 25 years, more than 300 000 children have been adopted internationally into the US, with the majority
coming from institutional (ie, orphanage) care.1,2 Many arrive to their new families growth-delayed, with a signifi-
cant percentage meeting the criteria for mild (−1.5 z-score height-for-age) or moderate height stunting (−2 z-score
height-for-age). Families who adopt internationally tend to be of higher income and education,3 and within a short period fol-
lowing adoption, most children fall within age norms for height and weight.4 The early life histories of these children, com-
bined with the evidence of poor growth before adoption and with rapid catch-up
thereafter, theoretically should increase their risk for early-onset puberty and
obesity,5,6 ultimately leading to increased risk of developing cardiometabolic
problems.7 From the 1Institute of Child Development, University of
Our research group found that youths adopted internationally from orphan- Minnesota; 2School of Kinesiology, University of
Minnesota; 3Department of Psychiatry, University of
ages (postinstitutionalized) at age 7-14 years tended to be lean, and females did Minnesota Medical School; and 4Department of
Pediatrics, Center for Pediatric Obesity Medicine,
not exhibit early pubertal onset.8 This was true also of the 25% of the sample who University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN
were severely height-stunted at adoption.8 However, because body mass index (BMI) Funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
(R01 HL110957, to A.K.), the National Center for
is only one measure of metabolic risk, it is possible that postinstitutionalized youths Advancing Translational Sciences (UL1TR000114), the
may have higher levels of total body fat and/or a greater degree of fat mass dis- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney
Diseases (NORC Grant P30 DK050456), and the
tributed in the visceral adipose tissue (VAT) depots, which may increase cardio- Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Child and
Brain Development program (to M.G.). The content is
vascular risk.10,11 It is also possible that postinstitutionalized youths have additional solely the responsibility of the authors and does not
necessarily represent the official views of the National
metabolic and cardiovascular risks that are not captured by a measure of BMI. Institutes of Health. This material is based on work
supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate
Research Fellowship (Grant 00039202, to B.R.). Any
opinion, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this material are those of the authors(s) and
AIx Augmentation index do not necessarily reflect the views of the National
BMI Body mass index Science Foundation. A.K. serves as a consultant for Novo
Nordisk, Orexigen, and Vivus Pharmaceuticals and
ECG Electrocardiography receives research support from Astra Zeneca
HF High frequency Pharmaceuticals in the form of drug/placebo. D.D. serves
HOMA-IR Homeostasis model assessment–estimated insulin resistance as a paid consultant for Hologic, Inc. The other authors
declare no conflicts of interest.
LF Low frequency
PWV Pulse wave velocity 0022-3476/$ - see front matter. © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights
VAT Visceral adipose tissue reserved.
Early life stress has been found to contribute to metabolic and analyzed using enCore version 16.2 (GE Healthcare). VAT
dysregulation in cholesterol, insulin, glucose, triglycerides, and was estimated using CoreScan (GE Healthcare) as described
adipose tissue.12,13 Cardiac autonomic function, character- previously.27-29 Seated blood pressure in the right arm was mea-
ized by activation of the sympathetic nervous system, and mea- sured after the participant rested for 10 minutes with legs un-
sures of vascular health, such as arterial stiffness, may contribute crossed using an automated sphygmomanometer (BP-8800;
independently to the development of cardiovascular disease Colin Medical Instruments, San Antonio, Texas). Blood pres-
later in life.14-21 This study follows our previous work and in- sure percentiles were determined from age, sex, and height using
cludes predictors of metabolic and cardiovascular functioning. the Fourth Report on the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treat-
ment of High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents.30
Methods A blood lipid panel, fasting glucose, and fasting insulin were
measured (Fairview Diagnostic Laboratories, Fairview Uni-
One-hundred and twenty youths (60 females), aged 8-18 years, versity Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota). Plasma
were included in this study. Data were obtained from 2 cohorts: glucose levels were measured by the bichromatic endpoint (Fair-
a cohort of postinstitutionalized youths and a control cohort view Diagnostic Laboratories). Insulin levels were measured
of nonadopted youths living in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul met- with a chemiluminescent immunoassay (ADVIA Centaur
ropolitan area. Both study protocols were approved by the Uni- System; Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Tarrytown, New York).
versity of Minnesota’s Institutional Review Board, and consent/ The homeostasis model assessment–estimated insulin resis-
assent was obtained from parents/participants. tance (HOMA-IR) score was calculated from a standard equa-
The postinstitutionalized cohort (n = 30; 19 females) con- tion from fasting plasma glucose and insulin levels.31
sisted of youths recruited from a registry of internationally Right radial, and carotid artery waveforms, as well as carotid-
adopting families. Participants were included if their adop- radial pulse wave velocity (PWV), were recorded by applana-
tion medical records indicated a height-for-age z-score ≤-1.5, tion tonometry using SphygmoCor MM3 version 8.0 software
defined as mild height stunting. 22 Mild height stunting (AtCor Medical, Sydney, Australia). Radial and carotid artery
served as an inclusion criterion both to increase the augmentation index (AIx), both corrected to a heart rate of
postinstitutionalized recruitment pool and to include a gra- 75 bpm, were derived from a validated integral transfer func-
dation of growth faltering that often continues to decline until tion applied by SphygmoCor MM3. PWV was measured by
around age 2 years.23,24 Exclusion criteria included current the sequential acquisition of pressure waveforms from the
steroid medication use, ongoing or chronic and infections, acute carotid and radial artery using the same tonometer. Carotid-
congenital and endocrine disorders, fetal alcohol syndrome, radial PWV was calculated from the transit time between the
and pregnancy. Exclusion criteria also included adoption after 2 arteries relative to the R-wave within the electrocardiogra-
age 3 years, to investigate early insults to growth. All phy (ECG) complex, using the foot-to-foot method and the
postinstitutionalized cohort testing was conducted in the Dela- intersecting tangent algorithm.32-34
ware Clinical Research Unit at the University of Minnesota, Autonomic nervous system activity was assessed by heart
Twin Cities. rate variability (HRV) using the same SphygmoCor MM3
In the control cohort (n = 90; 57 females), data were col- system. Using a 3-lead ECG in a modified lead II configura-
lected from youths who participated in a cross-sectional study tion, Heart rate was recorded continuously for 5 minutes. All
examining cardiovascular risk factors in youths ranging in ECG recordings were reviewed and analyzed for time and fre-
weight from normal to severe obesity. Participants were re- quency domains, with segments demonstrating arrhythmias
cruited from local medical clinics and advertisements. Par- excluded from the analysis. Time domain variables, such as the
ticipants were excluded if they were taking medications known mean R-R interval length, standard deviation of R-R inter-
to influence cardiovascular function or had known/diagnosed vals, number of adjacent intervals >50 ms, and percentage of
cardiovascular disease. This cohort has been described in more adjacent intervals >50 ms, were obtained from automated al-
detail elsewhere.25 Controls were identified from this sample gorithms provided by the SphygmoCor software.25,35 Spectral
of 300 youths by matching 3:1 with cases by age and weight analysis calculated frequency-domains, including low fre-
status. Testing in both cohorts was performed in the morning, quency (LF), high frequency (HF), LF:HF ratio, and total
with the participants fasted and also fully abstinent from power.25 Frequencies of 0.04-0.15 Hz and 0.15-0.40 Hz were
tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine, for a minimum of 8 hours before defined as LF and HF, respectively.25
their study visit. Self-report questionnaires determined parent education and
Measurements for height and body mass were obtained using race. Parent education was recorded as either 1, obtained a
a wall-mounted stadiometer and electronic scale, respec- college degree (associate’s degree or above), or 0, no college
tively. BMI was calculated as body mass in kilograms divided degree. Race was defined as 0, white, or 1, nonwhite.
by height in meters squared. BMI percentile was calculated using
Centers for Disease Control normality scales and stratified into Statistical Analyses
3 categories: normal weight (>5th to <85th percentile), over- Descriptive statistics were tabulated separately for
weight (≥85th to <95th percentile), and obese (≥95th postinstitutionalized and control subjects. The P values pre-
percentile).26 Body composition was measured by dual X-ray sented in Table I were based on t tests for continuous covariates
absorptiometry (iDXA; GE Healthcare, Madison, Wisconsin) and c2 tests for categorical covariates. Outliers were winsorized,
2 Reid et al
Values presented are mean (SD) and mean difference (95% CI), adjusted for age, sex, BMI percentile, current height-for-age, parent education (college vs others), and race (white vs others).
Significant P values are in bold type.
Early Life Adversity with Height Stunting Is Associated with Cardiometabolic Risk in Adolescents Independent of 3
Body Mass Index
FLA 5.5.0 DTD ■ YMPD10083_proof ■ August 23, 2018
Table III. Autonomic nervous system activity and arterial stiffness by group status
Postinstitutionalized Control (n = 90), Adjusted difference
Measure (n = 30), mean (SD) mean (SD) (95% CI) P value
Autonomic nervous system activity
Heart rate, bpm 65.2 (7.71) 67.5 (10.12) −3.4 (−8.76 to 2.01) .216
SBP, mmHg 116.9 (10.5) 106.6 (10.46) 5.7 (1.02-10.4) .018
SBP percentile 68.6 (25.06) 47.9 (27.45) 13.6 (−1.95 to 29.25) .086
DBP, mmHg 60.7 (10.7) 58.7 (8.65) 1.4 (−5.60 to 8.36) .693
DBP percentile 35.0 (24.0) 41.0 (29.32) 3.3 (−17.41 to 24.08) .749
NN50 160.2 (60.77) 141.3 (65.82) 20.5 (−17.48 to 58.4) .287
PNN50 50.0 (19.76) 45.6 (22.83) 6.3 (−6.66 to 19.30) .336
Mean R-R interval, ms 933.1 (115.0) 912.9 (142.16) 42.1 (−30.88 to 115.15) .255
SD R-R interval, ms 86.1 (40.8) 100.7 (58.97) 1.0 (0.72-1.44) .921
LF:HF .6 (.41) 1.1 (1.4) −0.68 (−1.18 to −0.18) .008
Arterial stiffness
Carotid AIx 7.2 (10.97) −6.4 (16.92) 10.0 (0.81-19.21) .033
Radial AIx 4.6 (11.28) 1.2 (15.29) 0.4 (−9.31 to 10.12) .934
Carotid-radial PWV 7.1 (1.35) 6.5 (1.27) 0.4 (−0.35 to 1.11) .303
DBP, diastolic blood pressure; NN50, number of adjacent intervals over 50 ms; PNN50, percentage of adjacent intervals over 50 ms; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SD R-R, standard deviation of
R-R intervals.
Values presented are mean (SD) and mean difference (95% CI), adjusted for age, sex, BMI percentile, current height-for-age, trunk tissue fat (%), parent education (college vs others), and race
(white vs others).
demonstrated higher systolic blood pressure, evidence of ar- physiological mechanisms of catch-up growth promote the ac-
terial stiffening, and evidence of higher total cholesterol, low- cumulation of VAT after nutritional deprivation,5 this was not
density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, and insulin levels observed in these postinstitutionalized youths. Instead, the
and HOMA-IR scores. Importantly, these associations were postinstitutionalized youths were also more likely to have a
found to be independent of body composition as the major- higher percentage of trunk tissue fat, but not of VAT specifi-
ity of youths in the postinstitutionalized group were well within cally. Indeed, results on early growth stunting and later vis-
healthy norms for body composition and, because the com- ceral adiposity have been mixed.37 An obesogenic environment
parison group was selected to be consistent with the may be the critical component in the association of early life
postinstitutionalized group, this was true of the comparison catch-up growth with later obesity and/or increased VAT.38
group as well. In addition, the postinstitutionalized youths dem- Arterial stiffness is indicated by both AIx and PWV. Aug-
onstrated a less sympathetically driven cardiovascular system. mentation index measures the relative magnitude of the re-
These results suggest that children with a history of early life flected (ie, retrograde) pulse wave early in the cardiac cycle,
stress and malnutrition might be at higher risk for with greater values indicating increased arterial stiffening.14 Pulse
cardiometabolic health problems even compared with youths wave transit time increases within stiffer arteries and is mani-
with a similar BMI. fested by higher PWV values.14 The postinstitutionalized youths
Although previous work by our group had shown normal had higher carotid Aix values after controlling for parent edu-
BMI in postinstitutionalized youths,8 we questioned whether cation, race, age, sex, height for age, trunk tissue fat, and BMI
more rigorous tests might reveal greater accumulation of fat percentile. In contrast, there were no differences in PWV
in the viscera. Nonetheless, although evidence suggests that the between the postinstitutionalized and control groups.
Table IV. Participant blood lipid, glucose, insulin, and HOMA-IR results by group status
Postinstitutionalized Control (n = 90), Adjusted difference
Measure (n = 30), mean (SD) mean (SD) (95% CI) P value
Total cholesterol, mg/dL 169.8 (29.3) 155.4 (27.9) 15.2 (0.19-30.11) .047
Total cholesterol, mmol/L 4.4 (0.8) 4.0 (0.7)
LDL, mg/dL 92.0 (25.4) 82.3 (24.0) 14.4 (1.40-27.45) .03
LDL, mmol/L 2.4 (0.7) 2.1 (0.6)
HDL, mg/dL 59.7 (16.6) 57.3 (15.4) −1.4 (−9.66 to -6.90) .742
HDL, mmol/L 1.6 (0.4) 1.5 (0.4)
Triglycerides, mg/dL 88.9 (39.3) 79.4 (34.7) 1.2 (1.01-1.54) .048
Triglycerides, mmol/L 1 (0.4) 0.9 (0.4)
Glucose, mg/dL 79.0 (8.7) 77.2 (8.7) −0.7 (−5.76 to 4.36) .785
Glucose, mmol/L 4.4 (0.5) 4.3 (0.5)
Insulin, mU/L 7.8 (4.3) 5.0 (3.9) 1.6 (0.06-0.34) .005
Insulin, mmol/L 54.2 (29.9) 34.7 (27.1)
HOMA-IR 1.5 (0.9) 1.0 (0.8) 1.5 (1.10-2.12) .01
4 Reid et al
Arterial stiffness is an independent risk factor for cardiovas- comment on how gestational age and birth weight play a
cular disease in adults16 and has been shown to be associated role in metabolic or cardiovascular differences between the
with cardiovascular risk factors and excess adiposity in groups. Catch-up growth from preterm or low birth weight
children.39-41 might influence the results and represent a risk to the
The HRV results were mixed. The postinstitutionalized postinstitutionalized youths distinct from their postnatal
youths exhibited a lower LF:HF than control youths, yet dif- adversity. Low birth weight is overrepresented in
fered in no other measures of HRV. The LF:HF is considered postinstitutionalized youths compared with other groups,
a measure of the autonomic nervous system’s overall and thus the effects seen in this study might come not from
sympathovagal balance, with lower values indicating a less sym- early life stress and malnutrition, but rather from low birth
pathetically driven cardiovascular system.42,43 This less sym- weight.52 In a similar vein, we are unable to make claims
pathetically driven system is consistent with a Romanian study about the adversity that the control cohort may or may not
of postinstitutionalized youths who showed lower sympa- have experienced early in life, in either a psychosocial or a
thetic nervous system reactivity to a psychosocial challenge com- physical domain. We do not have data on the height-for-age
pared with children reared in their families.44 In both this study of the control cohort at an age comparable with the age of
and the study of postinstitutionalized youths in Romania, adoption in the postinstitutionalized cohort, and thus we are
youths with a history of early life adversity were prone to ex- unable to comment on the linear growth of the control cohort
periencing a “down-regulated” sympathetic nervous system early in life.
response.45,46 The postinstitutionalized mean LF:HF of 0.6 is A third limitation is the absence of the measurement of
also lower than the expected range of 1.1-11.6 reported in other health behaviors in this study. We are unable to make claims
studies with adults.47 Because sympathetic tone is associated about the participants’ current health behaviors. Diet may play
with increasing age, postinstitutionalized youths might a large role in mediating the relationship between early life ad-
experience increased LF:HF as they age. 47 Alternatively, versity, growth restriction, and later risks to cardiovascular and
LF:HF may be an early indicator of less optimal HRV for metabolic health. It is not yet clear how these youths’ diets may
postinstitutionalized youths later in life, despite other mea- impact their current or future health. As continued research
sures of HRV that do not exhibit increased risk. suggests that psychosocial stress may induce emotional
Postinstitutionalized children exhibited higher systolic, but overeating,53-56 emotional eating in individuals with a history
not diastolic, blood pressure. Previous studies of the associa- of adversity could lay the groundwork for later obesity and even
tion between adverse childhood experiences and blood pres- higher risks of cardiometabolic disease.57,58 Thus, future studies
sure have shown mixed results. There have been few studies would benefit from rigorously measuring and assessing diet
of adolescents with a history of adverse childhood experi- as a covariate to account for differences that may influence the
ences that report blood pressure metrics, and the results of these metabolic outcomes.
studies have shown either no relationship between adverse early Finally, many outcomes were studied in this pilot study, and
experiences and blood pressure or a relationship between early thus, with multiple testing, there could be increased risk for
adversity and diastolic, but not systolic, blood pressure.48,49 chance findings. Results should be interpreted cautiously. Future
Increased plasma cholesterol has been identified as playing studies of cardiometabolic risk in postinstitutionalized youths
a key role in arterial impairment and a higher augmentation would benefit from additional statistical power.
index in a pediatric population. 50 The results from this This study provides preliminary evidence that youths exposed
postinstitutionalized cohort suggest that the combination of to early life stress and growth stunting may be at greater risk
higher plasma cholesterol levels and increased carotid aug- of developing heart disease and metabolic disorders indepen-
mentation index could put children with early adversity at risk dent of BMI. Postinstitutionalized youths with a history of
for cardiometabolic dysfunction without the presence of obesity. growth stunting may require close monitoring for emergent
Postinstitutionalized youths in this study exhibited higher cardiometabolic risk. ■
insulin levels than controls. The higher HOMA-IR scores seen
in the postinstitutionalized group, although consistent with We thank the families for their participation in the International Adop-
the group’s higher levels of insulin, exist without a signifi- tion Project, and thank Bonny Donzella, Bao Moua, Cameron Naughton,
cantly higher glucose level. Although the mean HOMA-IR and Heather Taylor for their assistance with the study. We also thank
the Center for Neurobehavioral Development and Clinical Transla-
scores are not above the HOMA-IR cutoff scores for insulin tional Science Institute at the University of Minnesota.
resistance for either prepubertal or pubertal youths, this in-
crease without the presence of obesity could signal Submitted for publication Mar 12, 2018; last revision received May 22, 2018;
cardiometabolic risk for youths with a history of early life accepted Jun 14, 2018
adversity and height stunting.51 Reprint requests: Brie M. Reid, MA, Institute of Child Development, University
of .Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. E-mail:
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