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Development of Science in Asia & Africa: 3.) Middle East

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AFRICA - The Middle East countries are dominantly
 History of Science - covers all the occupied by Muslims.
development of science from ancient to  Ibn al – Haytham - regarded as the Father
present time. Proto science early science of optics
and natural philosophies.  Muhmmad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi -
DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE IN ASIA concept of algorithm.
 Algebra is derived from al-jabr, the
- Among Asian civilizations considered beginning title of one of the publications
particularly notable for their contributions to of Muhammad
science and technology were India, China and  Muslim Chemists and alchemists played
the West Asian civilizations. an important role in the foundation of
modern chemistry.
- While such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan  Jabir ibn Hayyan – Father of Arabic
are recently known for technology. chemistry
1.) INDIA  Also pioneered the discovery of definite
 known for manufacturing iron and in
metallurgical works.
 Their iron steel is considered to be the DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE IN AFRICA
 Famous in medicine. - blessed with natural and mineral resources.
 Suruta samhita describes different
surgical and other medical procedures - Science emerged in here before Europeans
famous in Ancient India. colonized it.
 Notable in the field of astronomy. - history of science and mathematics show that
 Known for their mathematics. similar to other ancient Civilizations in Africa are
The Ancient Genius in India knowledge producers too.

 Aryabhata 1.) EGYPT

- Mathematician and Astronomer “The Ancient Egyptian civilization has
- introduced a number of trinometric contributed immensely and made Significant
functions, tables, and techniques, as well advances in the fields astronomy, mathematics
as algorithms of algebra. and medicine”.
 Brahmagupta - suggested that gravity - Egypt was known to be a center of alchemy,
was a force of attraction and explained which is known as the medieval Runner of
the use Of zero as both a placeholder and chemistry.
a decimal digit. - tried to study human anatomy and
 Madhava of sangamagrama pharmacology
- is considered as the founder of
mathematical analysis. - applied important components such as
examination, diagnose, treatment, and prognosis
2.) CHINA for the treatment of disease.
 Traditional Medicines - these components displayed strong parallels to
 Tolls like compass, papermaking, the basic empirical method of studying science.
Gunpowder, and printing tools.
 Tools like iron plow, wheelbarrow, and ASTRONOMY
 Invented the first seismological detector, - Egyptian civilization-sciences-astronomy.
and developed a fry dock facility.
- The Egyptians also studied the night sky, taking
measurement from the stars to accurately align
their pyramids and sun temple like other ancient

- The development of geometry was a product of

necessity the layout and ownership of farmlands
of the Egyptians living along the Nile river.

- The rulers of geometry were develop and used

to build rectilinear structures .The post of lintel
architecture of Egypt


- good in the four fundamental mathematical

operation and other mathematical skills

- have knowledge of basic concepts of algebra

and geometry

- imported iron technology from the neareast

region that enable the to benefit from the
development during the bronze age and the iron

- invented metal tools used in their homes, in

agriculture and in building their magnificent


Mathematician - was also known to be

prominent in the life of early people in the
African continents

Lebombo Bone - a tool for multiplication,

Division, and simple mathematicalcalculation or a
six month lunar calendar.

- From the mountains between Swaziland and

South Africa.


- In Africa during the medieval period was also
benefiting from matthematical learning.
- consider advance during those times, such as
algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.
- Metallurgy was also known in African region.
THE CONTRIBUTION OF GREEK, PERSIAN pulley that resulted in the invention of
AND ROMANS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF machines which could easily move loads.
- He calculated the value of pi
- He excelled in geometry, calculus,
I. THE CLASSICAL GREEK PHILOSOPHERS theoretical mathematics, hydrostatics and
(400B.C.-400 A.D.) displacement.
g) Ptolemy, about 100 A.D.
- location is in Greece, a country in Southern - one of the greatest astronomers who
Europe founded the Geocentric theory (Earth-
centered) and wrote the Almagest.
Science and Technology Development:
h) Democritus
a) Thales of Miletus (638-548 B.C.) - developed atomic theory; elaborated
- developed the theory of matter based idea that matter consisted of atoms.
upon water. i) Pythagoras (497-581 B.C.)
b) Socrates (470-399 B.C) - Mathematician, held that numbers were
- emphasized the study of human nature basic to matter; the Pythagorean
in relation to society; established the Theorem.
theory of skepticism j) Plato
c) Empedocles (493-433 B.C.) - dealt with the nature of the universe,
- assumed that there were more than one ascribed geometric forms composed of
kind of matter and postulated four roots bounding planes to the elements of earth,
of elements: earth, air, fire and water. fire, air and water based upon their
d) Hippocrates about 400 B.C. physical properties
- started the science of medicine and is k) Aristarchus
known as the greatest physician of - Both a mathematician and an
antiquity and regarded as the father of astronomer
medicine. - discovered new theories about the way
- stated that diseases have natural causes the planets move in their orbits.
and the body has the power to repair - thought that even though the earth
itself. revolved around the sun, it also spun on
- His name is always associated with its own axis, or spin-point, as it followed
Hippocratic Oath, an oath traditionally its orbit around the sun.
taken by newly graduate physicians to l) Hipparchus
observe the ethical standards of their - discovered the length of the month
profession, specifically to seek to which is only one second off from the
preserve life. length that we use today.
e) Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) m) Eratosthenes
- regarded as the father of Biology - determined that the circumference of
- undertook a large-scale classification of (the distance around) the earth was
plants and-animals. 28,000 miles, which is only three
- introduced a method of scientific thousand miles more than what we know
thinking. today.
- Engrossed himself in studying many n) Theophrastus
areas of science - regarded as father of plant science,
- His "scala naturae" or Great Chain of - wrote "History of Plants" and "Causes of
Being is one of the first theories in Plants" The manuscript also deals with
biology. the medicinal uses of plant.
f) Archimedes (287-212 B.C.) - Most outstanding botanist of the early
- performs experiments which led him to botany.
discover the laws of the lever and the
- Location: Persia is the former name of Iran. - - Latin is the language spoken by Romans.
The Persian Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great
in the 6th century BC(the largest empire of the
ancient world) Science and Technology Development:
- culture of Persians is one of the oldest in the a. Water power and watermills
Middle East.
- use for making cereals milling, sawing timber
and crushing ore. They exploited wood and coal
Science and Technology Development: for heating.

Persia has one of the richest art heritages in b. The Romans made great use of aqueducts,
world history (architecture, painting, weaving, dams, bridges, and amphitheaters.
pottery, calligraphy, metalworking and c. Constructed numerous aqueducts
stonemasonry, Persian rugs)
- for supplying water.
a. Nastaliq - is the most beautiful Persian
Calligraphy style and also technically the most d. Romans dedicated their many resources to the
complicated. Even the second popular Persian study of astronomy, astrology, geography, and
calligraphy style i.e. "Cursive Nastaliq" or other sciences. Their contributions were crucial
"Shekasteh Nastaliq". to future generations and have helped us collect
the knowledge we have today.

e. Sundials - to tell time and even created

b. Pottery -The taste and talent of the Persian portable versions. They also used tools for
people can be seen through the designs of their measuring, manual drills, and metal spikes (used
earthen wares, ceramic art objects such as as nails).
figures, tiles, and tableware made from clay and
other raw materials. f. Advanced glassblowing techniques
c. Domes - were an important part and - brought new technology to Rome in the form of
constructed on the first large-scale in Persia. The window glass, hanging glass oil lamps, and other
outer surfaces of the domes are mostly mosaic objects made of glass.
faced, which creates a magical view.
g. Rome's military benefited from technological
improvements to weapons, shields, armour, and
other items.
d. Various structures such as mosques,
mausoleums, bazaars, bridges, and different h. Some of the Notable Roman Scientists:
palaces have mainly survived from this period.

1. Galen (129-199 AD.) - great physician and

e. A wind tower is a chimney-like structure surgeon; Galen influenced the development of
positioned above the house to catch the various scientific disciplines, including anatomy,
prevailing wind. physiology, pathology, pharmacology, and
neurology, as well as philosophy and logic.

2. Vitruvius - is another writer whose work has

III. ROMAN CIVILIZATION provided us with important knowledge about
- Location: Rome is the capital of Italy. Ancient Rome.

- ruled by emperors - Also an architect and an engineer, sometimes

referred to as the first architect.
- Today it is known as 'the eternal city.
3. Pliny - described almost a thousand species of
plants, most of which were highly valued for their
medicinal uses.

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