Safety Data Sheet: Hempadur Mastic 45889 Base
Safety Data Sheet: Hempadur Mastic 45889 Base
Safety Data Sheet: Hempadur Mastic 45889 Base
Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex II, as amended by Regulation (EU) No. 2020/878 - Europe
1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Field of application : metal industry, ships and shipyards.
Ready-for-use mixture : 45880 = 45889 3 vol. / 95880 1 vol. 45881 = 45889 3 vol. / 95881 1 vol. 4588W = 45889 3 vol. /
9588W 1 vol.
Identified uses : Industrial applications, Professional applications, Used by spraying.
1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet 1.4 Emergency telephone number
Company details : HEMPEL A/S Emergency telephone number (with hours of operation)
Lundtoftegårdsvej 91
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby +45 45 93 38 00 (08.00 - 17.00)
Denmark See section 4 First aid measures.
Tel.: + 45 45 93 38 00
Date of issue : 19 February 2024
Date of previous issue : 13 November 2023.
3.2 Mixtures
Product/ingredient name Identifiers % Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [CLP] Type
bisphenol A-(epichlorhydrin) REACH #: 01-2119456619-26 ≥10 - ≤22 Skin Irrit. 2, H315 Skin Irrit. 2, H315: C ≥ 5% [1]
epoxy resin MW =< 700 EC: 216-823-5 Eye Irrit. 2, H319 Eye Irrit. 2, H319: C ≥ 5%
CAS: 1675-54-3 Skin Sens. 1, H317
Index: 603-074-00-8 Aquatic Chronic 2, H411
titanium dioxide REACH #: 01-2119489379-17 ≥10 - ≤25 Carc. 2, H351 - [1] [*]
EC: 236-675-5 (inhalation)
CAS: 13463-67-7
Index: 022-006-00-2
xylene REACH #: 01-2119488216-32 ≥5 - ≤10 Flam. Liq. 3, H226 ATE [Dermal] = 1100 mg/kg [1] [2]
EC: 215-535-7 Acute Tox. 4, H312 ATE [Inhalation (gases)] =
5000 ppm
CAS: 1330-20-7 Acute Tox. 4, H332
Index: 601-022-00-9 Skin Irrit. 2, H315
Methylstyrenated phenol REACH #: 01-2119555274-38 ≥5 - ≤10 Skin Irrit. 2, H315 - [1] [3]
EC: 270-966-8 Skin Sens. 1B, H317
CAS: 68512-30-1 Aquatic Chronic 3, H412
benzyl alcohol REACH #: 01-2119492630-38 ≥1 - ≤3 Acute Tox. 4, H302 ATE [Oral] = 1230 mg/kg [1]
EC: 202-859-9 Acute Tox. 4, H332 ATE [Inhalation (vapours)] = 11
CAS: 100-51-6 Eye Irrit. 2, H319
Index: 603-057-00-5
ethylbenzene REACH #: 01-2119489370-35 ≥1 - ≤3 Flam. Liq. 2, H225 ATE [Inhalation (gases)] = [1] [2]
EC: 202-849-4 Acute Tox. 4, H332 4500 ppm
CAS: 100-41-4 STOT RE 2, H373
Index: 601-023-00-4 (hearing organs)
Asp. Tox. 1, H304
1,3-bis(12-hydroxyocta- REACH #: 01-0000016979-49 <1 Skin Sens. 1B, H317 - [1]
decanamide-N-methyle) EC: 423-300-7 Aquatic Chronic 4, H413
4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol REACH #: 01-2119457856-23 ≤0.022 Eye Dam. 1, H318 M [Acute] = 1 [1] [2] [4]
EC: 201-245-8 Skin Sens. 1, H317 M [Chronic] = 10
CAS: 80-05-7 Repr. 1B, H360F
Index: 604-030-00-0 STOT SE 3, H335
Aquatic Acute 1, H400
Aquatic Chronic 1, H410
See Section 16 for the full text of the H statements declared
There are no additional ingredients present which, within the current knowledge of the supplier and in the concentrations applicable, are
classified as hazardous to health or the environment and hence require reporting in this section.
[1] Substance classified with a health or environmental hazard
[2] Substance with a workplace exposure limit, see section 8.
[3] Substance meets the criteria for vPvB according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, Annex XIII
[4] Substance of equivalent concern
[*] The classification as a carcinogen by inhalation applies only to mixtures placed on the market in powder form containing 1% or more of titanium
dioxide particles with aerodynamic diameter ≤ 10 μm not bound within a matrix.
4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
Potential acute health effects
Eye contact : Causes serious eye irritation.
Inhalation : No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Skin contact : Causes skin irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction.
Ingestion : No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Over-exposure signs/symptoms
Eye contact : Adverse symptoms may include the following:
pain or irritation
Inhalation : No specific data.
Skin contact : Adverse symptoms may include the following:
Ingestion : No specific data.
4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Notes to physician : Treat symptomatically. Contact poison treatment specialist immediately if large quantities have been
ingested or inhaled.
Specific treatments : No specific treatment.
xylene EU OEL (Europe, 1/2022). [xylene, mixed isomers] Absorbed through skin.
TWA: 50 ppm 8 hours.
TWA: 221 mg/m³ 8 hours.
STEL: 100 ppm 15 minutes.
STEL: 442 mg/m³ 15 minutes.
ethylbenzene EU OEL (Europe, 1/2022). Absorbed through skin.
STEL: 884 mg/m³ 15 minutes.
STEL: 200 ppm 15 minutes.
TWA: 442 mg/m³ 8 hours.
TWA: 100 ppm 8 hours.
4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol EU OEL (Europe, 1/2022).
TWA: 2 mg/m³ 8 hours. Form: Inhalable fraction
Body protection : Personal protective equipment for the body should be selected based on the task being performed and
the risks involved handling this product.
Wear suitable protective clothing. Always wear protective clothing when spraying.
Respiratory protection : Use a properly fitted, air-purifying or air-fed respirator complying with an approved standard if a risk
assessment indicates this is necessary. Respirator selection must be based on known or anticipated
exposure levels, the hazards of the product and the safe working limits of the selected respirator. If
working areas have insufficient ventilation: When the product is applied by means that will not generate
an aerosol such as, brush or roller wear half or totally covering mask equipped with gas filter of type A,
when grinding use particle filter of type P. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Environmental exposure controls
Emissions from ventilation or work process equipment should be checked to ensure they comply with the requirements of environmental
protection legislation. In some cases, fume scrubbers, filters or engineering modifications to the process equipment will be necessary to
reduce emissions to acceptable levels.
10.1 Reactivity
No specific test data related to reactivity available for this product or its ingredients.
No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Reproductive toxicity
No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Teratogenic effects
No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Aspiration hazard
Product/ingredient name Result
ethylbenzene ASPIRATION HAZARD - Category 1
Sensitization : Contains bisphenol A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin MW =< 700, Methylstyrenated phenol, 1,3-bis
(12-hydroxyocta-decanamide-N-methyle)benzene. May produce an allergic reaction.
11.2 Information on other hazards
Endocrine disrupting properties : See Section 15 for details.
Other information : No additional known significant effects or critical hazards.
12.1 Toxicity
Do not allow to enter drains or watercourses. Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Product/ingredient name Result Species Exposure
bisphenol A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy Acute EC50 >11 mg/l Algae 72 hours
resin MW =< 700
Acute EC50 1.8 mg/l Daphnia 48 hours
Acute LC50 2 mg/l Fish 96 hours
titanium dioxide Acute LC50 >100 mg/l Daphnia 48 hours
Acute LC50 >100 mg/l Fish 96 hours
Methylstyrenated phenol Acute EC50 15 mg/l Algae 72 hours
Acute EC50 14 - 51 mg/l Daphnia 48 hours
Acute EC50 25.8 mg/l Fish 96 hours
benzyl alcohol Acute EC50 230 mg/l Daphnia 48 hours
Acute IC50 770 mg/l Algae 72 hours
Acute LC50 460 mg/l Fish 96 hours
ethylbenzene Chronic NOEC <1000 µg/l Fresh water Algae - Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata 96 hours
1,3-bis(12-hydroxyocta-decanamide- Acute LC50 >100 mg/l Algae 72 hours
Acute LC50 >100 mg/l Fish 96 hours
4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol Acute LC50 7.5 mg/l Fish 96 hours
Chronic NOEC 0.8 mg/l Fresh water Daphnia - Daphnia magna - Neonate 21 days
Chronic NOEC 0.2 - 20 ppb Fresh water Fish - Xiphophorus helleri - Juvenile 60 days
(Fledgling, Hatchling, Weanling)
Transport may take place according to national regulation or ADR for transport by road, RID for transport by train, IMDG for transport by
sea, IATA for transport by air.
14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5
UN / ID no. Proper shipping name Transport hazard class(es) PG* Env* Additional information
15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
EU Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH) Annex XIV - List of substances subject to authorization - Substances of very high concern
Annex XIV
None of the components are listed.
Substances of very high concern
Ingredient name Intrinsic property Status Reference number Date of revision
4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol Toxic to reproduction Recommended ED/01/2018 10/1/2019
Methylstyrenated phenol vPvB Candidate - 1/22/2024
4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol Endocrine disrupting Recommended ED/01/2018 10/1/2019
properties for human health
4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol Endocrine disrupting Recommended ED/01/2018 10/1/2019
properties for environment
Annex XVII - Restrictions on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of certain dangerous substances, mixtures and articles
Not applicable.
Other EU regulations
Seveso category This product is controlled under the Seveso III Directive.
Seveso category
P5c: Flammable liquids 2 and 3 not falling under P5a or P5b
Classification Justification
FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS On basis of test data
SKIN SENSITIZATION Calculation method
AQUATIC HAZARD (LONG-TERM) Calculation method
Notice to reader
Indicates information that has changed from previously issued version.
The information contained in this safety data sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and EU and national legislation. It provides
guidance on health, safety and environmental aspects for handling the product in a safe way and should not be construed as any guarantee
of the technical preformance or suitability for particular applications.
It is always the duty of the user/employer to ascertain that the work is planned and carried out in accordance with the national regulations.
This document is intended to communicate the conditions of safe use for the product and should always be read in combination with the
product's Safety Data Sheet and labels.
General description of the process covered
Indoor or outdoor spray painting by professionals or with brush, roller, putty knife, dipping etc. with good general room ventilation
This safe use information is : Professional spray painting and/or low-energy painting
linked to benzyl alcohol
Sector(s) of use : Industrial uses - Professional uses
Product category(ies) : Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removers
Operational conditions
Place of use : Indoor or outdoor use
Loading of application PROC08a More than 4 Good general room 3-5 None Use eye protection Wear suitable gloves
equipment and handling hours ventilation - Outdoors according to EN 166. tested to EN374.
of coated parts before
Professional application of PROC10 More than 4 Good general room 3-5 None Use eye protection Wear suitable gloves
coatings by brush or roller hours ventilation - Outdoors according to EN 166. tested to EN374.
Professional application of PROC11 1 to 4 hours Good general room 3-5 Wear a respirator Use eye protection Wear suitable gloves
coatings by spraying ventilation - Outdoors conforming to EN140 with according to EN 166. tested to EN374.
an assigned protection
factor of at least 10.
Industrial application of PROC07 More than 4 Good general room 3-5 Wear a respirator Use eye protection Wear suitable gloves
coatings by spraying hours ventilation - Outdoors conforming to EN140 with according to EN 166. tested to EN374.
an assigned protection
factor of at least 10.
Film formation - force PROC04 More than 4 Good general room 3-5 None None None
drying, stoving and other hours ventilation - Outdoors
Cleaning PROC05 More than 4 Good general room 3-5 None Use eye protection Wear suitable gloves
hours ventilation - Outdoors according to EN 166. tested to EN374.
Waste management PROC08a More than 4 Good general room 3-5 None Use eye protection Wear suitable gloves
hours ventilation - Outdoors according to EN 166. tested to EN374.
See chapter 8 of this Safety Data Sheet for specifications.
The information in this Safe Use of Mixture Information (SUMI) sheet is based on the data provided by the substance supplier for the substances in the product for which a chemical safety
assessment has been carried out at the time of issue. It does not guarantee safe use of the product and does not replace any occupational risk assessment required by legislation. When developing
workplace instructions for employees, SUMI sheets should always be considered in combination with the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and the label of the product.
No liability is accepted for any damage, no matter of what kind, which is a direct or indirect consequence of acts and/or decisions based on the contents of this document.
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