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Selection of Passive Techniques For Sampling Groundwater Monitoring Wells

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Designation: D7929 − 14

Standard Guide for

Selection of Passive Techniques for Sampling Groundwater
Monitoring Wells1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7929; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope oping groundwater monitoring wells in granular aquifers, and

1.1 This standard provides guidance and information on D6452 provides a standard guide for purging methods used in
passive sampling techniques for collecting groundwater from groundwater quality investigations. Consult ASTM Standard
monitoring wells. Passive groundwater samplers are able to D6724 for a guide on the installation of direct-push ground-
acquire a sample at a discrete depth or interval in a well, water monitoring wells and ASTM Standard D6725 for a guide
without the active transport associated with a pump or purge on the installation of direct-push groundwater monitoring wells
technique (1).2 Passive groundwater sampling is a type of with pre-pack screens.
no-purge groundwater sampling method where the samplers 1.4 The values stated in SI Units are to be regarded as the
are left in the well for a predetermined period of time prior to standard. Values in inches (such as with well diameters) are
collecting the sample. given in parentheses, and are provided for information. Use of
1.2 Methods for sampling monitoring wells include low- units other than SI shall not be regarded as nonconforming with
flow purging and sampling methods, traditional well-volume this standard.
purging and sampling methods, post-purge grab sampling 1.5 This guide provides information on passive groundwater
methods (for example, using a bailer), passive no-purge sam- sampling in general and also provides a series of considerations
pling methods, and active no-purge sampling methods such as when selecting a passive groundwater sampling method.
using a bailer to collect a sample without purging the well. This However, it does not recommend a specific course of action,
guide focuses on passive no-purge sampling methodologies for and not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in all field
collecting groundwater samples. These methodologies include situations. This document cannot replace education or experi-
the use of diffusion samplers, accumulation samplers, and ence and should be used in conjunction with professional
passive-grab samplers. This guide provides information on the judgment. This ASTM standard is not intended to represent or
use, advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of each of these replace the standard of care by which the adequacy of a given
passive sampling technologies. professional service must be judged, nor should this document
1.3 ASTM Standard D653 provides standard terminology be applied without consideration of a project’s many unique
relevant to soil, rock, and fluids contained in them. ASTM aspects. The word “standard” in the title of this document
Standard D4448 provides a standard guide to sampling ground- means only that the document has been approved through the
water wells, and ASTM Standards D5903 and D6089 provide ASTM consensus process.
guides for planning and documenting a sampling event. 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
Groundwater samples may require preservation (Guide safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
D6517), filtration (Guide D6564), and measures to pack and responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
ship samples (Guide D6911). Standard D7069 provides guid- priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
ance on the quality control and quality assurance of sampling bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
events. ASTM Standard D5092 provides standard practice for
the design and installation of groundwater monitoring wells, 2. Referenced Documents
ASTM Standard D5521 provides a standard guide for devel-
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and Fluids
Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.21.04 on Groundwater D3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies
Sample Collection and Handling. Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as
Current edition approved Aug. 15, 2014. Published October 2014. DOI:
Used in Engineering Design and Construction
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of D4750 Test Method for Determining Subsurface Liquid
this standard. Levels in a Borehole or Monitoring Well (Observation

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D7929 − 14
Well) (Withdrawn 2010)3 curve) where the rate of desorption of analytes from the
D4448 Guide for Sampling Ground-Water Monitoring Wells receiving phase to the sampled medium is negligible (2 and 3).
D5092 Practice for Design and Installation of Groundwater These samplers provide a total mass for the time they are
Monitoring Wells deployed, which can be converted to concentration values in
D5521 Guide for Development of Groundwater Monitoring some cases.
Wells in Granular Aquifers
3.2.2 groundwater sampling, n—most groundwater sam-
D5903 Guide for Planning and Preparing for a Groundwater
pling methods currently involve purging the well prior to
Sampling Event
sample collection although, samples can be collected without
D6089 Guide for Documenting a Groundwater Sampling
purging the well as long as the data-quality objectives of the
investigation are met. Additional information on active sam-
D6452 Guide for Purging Methods for Wells Used for
pling methods that involve purging the well can be found in
Groundwater Quality Investigations
Guides D4448 and D6452.
D6517 Guide for Field Preservation of Groundwater
Samples no-purge groundwater sampling, n—sampling meth-
D6564 Guide for Field Filtration of Groundwater Samples ods that differ from active purging-and-sampling methods for
D6724 Guide for Installation of Direct Push Groundwater sampling groundwater (as described in Guide D6452) in that
Monitoring Wells there is no requirement to remove water from the well prior to
D6725 Practice for Direct Push Installation of Prepacked sampling. Thus, without purging the well, no-purge methods
Screen Monitoring Wells in Unconsolidated Aquifers can collect a sample using an active method (such as pumping,
D6911 Guide for Packaging and Shipping Environmental suction, bailing) or a passive method.
Samples for Laboratory Analysis passive groundwater sampling, n—a type of no-
D7069 Guide for Field Quality Assurance in a Ground-water
purge groundwater sampling method where the samplers are
Sampling Event
deployed in the well at one or more target depths within the
3. Terminology well screen or open bore hole and are then left in the well for
a predetermined period of time prior to collecting the sample
3.1 For common definition of terms about soil and rock and
(rather than collecting a sample immediately). These sampling
the fluids contained in them, refer to Terminology in D653.
methods do not use pumping, suction, or bailing to collect the
3.2 Explanation of Terms Specific to this Standard: sample and thus do not induce stress on the aquifer (Guide
3.2.1 passive environmental sampling, n—is a group of D4448).
sampling technologies that were first developed to sample air,
were subsequently adapted to sample soil vapor, and now are 3.2.3 passive-groundwater samplers, n—are deployed in the
being used to sample water. In the scientific literature, passive well for a set period of time prior to sample collection; this is
sampling in air, soil, and water has been defined as any either an equilibration time or a deployment time that is based
sampling technique based on the free flow of analyte molecules upon linear uptake of the analytes by the sampler. All of these
from the sampled medium to a receiving phase in a sampling devices provide a sample from a specific location within the
device as a result of a difference between the chemical well screen or borehole. Spatial integration, if any, is a result of
potentials of the analytes in the two media (2 and 3). These natural ambient flow of the sampled medium. These samplers
passive sampling devices are usually based on diffusion can be classified by the mechanism used to collect the sample
through a diffusion barrier or permeation through a membrane and include: diffusion samplers (4 and 5), accumulation
(2 and 3). Uptake of analytes follows a standard uptake curve samplers (1, 6), and passive-grab samplers.
where uptake initially is linear, followed by a period of time diffusion samplers, n—usually contain deionized
where uptake is no longer linear (that is, becomes curvilinear), (DI) or distilled water inside a membrane and rely on diffusion
and finally equilibration is reached. Analytes are retained in a of analytes through the membrane to reach equilibrium with
suitable medium within the passive sampler, known as a concentrations in the well. These samplers are an equilibrium
reference or receiving phase, which can be a solvent, chemical type of passive sampler (as defined in 3.2.3). The length of the
reagent, or a porous adsorbent (2 and 3). There are two main equilibration period depends primarily upon the types of
accumulation regimes, kinetic and equilibrium, and these are analytes, the membrane material, the rate of exchange of water
described based on the device’s physical basis of operation as in the well, and temperature of the well water.
defined below. accumulation samplers, n—typically consist of a equilibrium samplers, n—passive samplers that have membrane that houses a sorbent medium, either liquid or
an exposure time that is sufficiently long to permit establish- particulate, and rely on diffusion and sorption to accumulate
ment of thermodynamic equilibrium between the sampled analytes in the sampler. Although, these samplers can be used
medium and receiving phase (3). as either an integrative or equilibrium sampler, adsorptive integrative or kinetic samplers, n—passive samplers samplers are prone to saturation effects and other reactions
that work in the linear uptake phase (of a standard uptake which make them less suitable for equilibrium sampling (7).
When these samplers are used in the integrative (or kinetic)
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on mode, the sampling time must be within the linear portion of
www.astm.org. the uptake curve.

D7929 − 14 passive-grab samplers, n—are grab samplers that water flow (15) to produce water quality conditions in the well
collect a whole water sample and require an equilibration bore that effectively mimic those conditions in the aquifer
period prior to sample collection. Passive-grab samplers should adjacent to the screen or open interval. For samplers that
not disturb the water column during sample collection, should require the establishment of equilibrium, it is important that the
be able to collect a sample at the target depth(s) in the well, and equilibration period be long enough to allow the well to
should be able to isolate the sample inside the sampler prior to recover from any disturbance caused by placing the sampler in
removing it from the well. the well and to prevent, or reduce, losses of analytes from the equilibration period, n—the suggested deployment water sample by sampler materials due to sorption. For kinetic
period for all passive-grab and diffusion samplers and accu- accumulation samplers (used as kinetic samplers), it is impor-
mulation samplers when they are used as equilibrium samplers. tant that the deployment time is long enough that quantitative
The appropriate deployment period depends upon one or more uptake can occur but not so long that uptake is no longer in the
of the following factors: the time needed for environmental linear portion of the uptake curve (that is, has become
disturbances caused by sampler deployment to dissipate and curvilinear).
ambient conditions in the well to return, the time needed for 4.2.1 As with all types of groundwater sampling methods,
equalization of analyte concentrations with surrounding con- the appropriate use of passive methods assumes that the well
centrations in the well water, and the time needed to reduce has been properly located (laterally and vertically), designed,
losses due to sorption of the analytes by the sampler materials constructed, and was adequately developed (as described in
to negligible levels. Guide D5521) and maintained (as described in Practices deployment time, n—a term used for an accumula- D5092 and D6725, or Guide D6724). These measures are
tion sampler that is being used as an integrative (or kinetic) necessary so that the well is in hydraulic communication with
sampler and is a function of the time needed for the sampler to the aquifer.
achieve quantitative levels of uptake of the target analytes. For 4.2.2 Each type of passive sampler has its own attributes
accurate quantitative measurements, the deployment time must and limitations, and thus data-quality objectives (DQOs) for
be within the linear portion of the uptake curve of the sampler the site should be reviewed prior to selecting a device. For
for the analytes of interest. wells in low-permeability formations, diffusive flux may be-
come more important than advective flow in maintaining
4. Significance and Use aquifer-quality water in the well.
4.1 General—In the past ten (plus) years, the Interstate 4.3 Advantages—While passive methods are not expected to
Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) has provided several replace conventional pumped sampling in all situations, they
technical and regulatory documents on the use of passive often offer an easier-to-use (requiring only minimal operator
groundwater sampling methods (1, 4-6). Collectively, these training), alternative “tool” for sampling groundwater monitor-
documents have provided information and references on the ing wells when their use meets DQOs and regulatory require-
technical basis for their use, comparison of sampling results ments. Other advantages include that these samplers can be
with more traditional sampling methods, descriptions of their used in most wells and typically have no depth limitation.
proper use, limitations, and a survey of their acceptance and These samplers are either disposable or dedicated to a well, and
use by responding state regulators. this eliminates or reduces the need for decontamination.
4.1.1 Because of the large number of passive samplers that Passive samplers typically reduce the logistics associated with
have been developed over the past fifteen years for various sampling and are especially useful at sites where it is difficult
types of environmental sampling, it is beyond the scope of this to bring larger equipment (such as pumps and compressors)
standard to discuss separately each of the methods that could or onto the site.
can be used to sample groundwater. Extensive literature 4.3.1 Passive groundwater sampling techniques typically
reviews on diffusion- and accumulation-passive samplers can provide a much lower “per-sample” cost than conventional
be found in the scientific literature (that is, 3, 7-13). These pumped sampling methods (16-25). This is primarily because
reviews provide information on a wide variety of passive the labor associated with collecting a sample is substantially
sampling devices for use in air, soil vapor, and water. A review reduced.
paper on the use of diffusion and accumulation-type passive 4.3.2 If there is interest in identifying contaminant stratifi-
samplers specifically for sampling volatile organic compounds cation within the well, multiple passive samplers can be used to
(VOCs) in groundwater (14) includes information on other characterize vertical contaminant distribution with depth.
passive samplers that are not included in the ITRC documents Baffles or packers can be used to segregate the sampling zones
(1, 6) and discusses their use with respect to measuring mass and often provide better characterization of each zone. (In
flux. cases where turbidity is a concern, it is important to deploy the
4.2 Use—Passive samplers are deployed at a pre-determined sampling devices as gently as possible.) Profiling contamina-
depth, or depths, within a well for a pre-determined period of tion with depth in a well can be especially useful when trying
time and should remain submerged for their entire deployment to decide where to place a passive sampler within the well
time. All of the passive technologies described in this docu- screen; placing a sampler at the mid-point of the screen may
ment rely on the sampling device being exposed to the not yield a sample with the highest contaminant concentrations
groundwater during deployment and the continuous flushing of or one that agrees best with previous low-flow concentrations
the open or screened interval of the well by ambient ground- (for example, 25).

D7929 − 14
4.4 Disadvantages—As with any groundwater sampling objectives (DQOs) for the sampling event and overall site
method, rapid or rigorous deployment of the sampler(s) (or monitoring program, and by the ability of the sampling method
pumps in the case of active sampling methods) can increase to meet them accurately and reliably. Considerations when
turbidity in the well. For passive groundwater samplers, this selecting a passive sampling method can include sampler
can be reduced or eliminated if the equilibration time is long design, ability of the sampler to collect the target contaminants,
enough to allow the return of the natural ambient turbidity in well construction (including well diameter, screen and filter
the well. In many cases, passive samplers are deployed at the pack length, and proper slot size for the screen and filter pack
end of a sampling event and left in the well until the next design as described in Practice D5092), vertical and horizontal
scheduled sampling event; this practice provides more than flow patterns within the well, and contaminant stratification.
enough time for equilibration to occur. Additional guidance on the selection of a passive sampling
4.4.1 It is also possible that some wells where only passive method can be found in Table X2.1.
sampling methods are used may require more frequent main- 5.2 Analytes of Interest—When deciding whether to use
tenance than wells that are routinely pumped. However in other passive sampling or which passive sampling method to use,
instances, sampling methods that utilize pumping can bring consideration should be given to the contaminants of concern
fines into the well and the well may need more maintenance (COCs) for the site and other analytes or parameters that may
than if a passive method is used. be used to evaluate the geochemical processes of interest.
4.5 Limitations—There are three primary limitations with Some passive samplers collect only specific analytes, whereas
passive samplers: analyte capability, sample volume, and size other devices can be used for a broader suite of analyte types.
(that is, with respect to well diameter). For the diffusion and 5.2.1 Some samplers collect a limited volume of sample,
accumulation samplers, the membrane and sorbent (for accu- and this may limit the use of these samplers. The sample
mulation samplers) determine the specificity of the sampler. volume that can be collected will be determined by the type of
Although, two or more individual types of samplers can be passive sampler, the diameter of the well, and the length of the
used simultaneously to sample for a broader spectrum of desired sampling interval in the well. A larger total sample
analyte types. In contrast, passive-grab samplers collect whole volume can be obtained by increasing the number of samplers
water samples and can be used for most analytes. used within the sampling interval (at the same depth or in series
4.5.1 With respect to volume limitations, the passive-grab with depth) or, in some cases, by increasing the size of the
and passive-diffusion samplers collect a finite sample volume. sampling device (that is, using a longer or wider diameter
This volume may not be sufficient when there are several types sampler). However, when samplers are deployed in series with
of analytes to be analyzed or when several water-quality depth, concentrations in the samplers will reflect any stratifi-
measurements (such as dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, etc.) need cation that exists in the sampling zone. Also, as mentioned
to be conducted (that is, surface measurements versus in-situ previously, consulting with the analytical laboratory may make
measurements). Additional samplers or larger volume samplers it possible to reduce the minimum volume of sample. (See
may be available and can be used to meet the volume Table X1.1 for suggested minimum volumes.)
requirements. Alternatively, because laboratories typically use 5.2.2 More specific information on the capabilities of par-
only a small portion of the sample collected, it may be possible ticular sampling devices can be found in 6.1.4, 6.2.4, 6.3.8, and
to provide the laboratory with a smaller sample volume. Table in Table X2.1. For devices that are available commercially,
X1.1 provides suggested minimum volumes for several analyte current information can also be obtained by contacting the
classes. However prior to sampling, the total volume of sample sampler vendor(s).
needed to run all of the chemical analyses should be confirmed
5.3 Site Considerations—In general, passive groundwater
(for each sampling point) with the laboratory.
samplers can be used in a wide variety of hydrogeologic
4.5.2 Finally, the diameter of the sampler or combination of
settings. Site considerations can include: accessibility of the
samplers must be able to fit in the well or multi-level sampler.
wells, well diameter, screen length, saturated thickness, the
NOTE 1—The quality of the result produced by this standard is hydraulic connection between the well and aquifer, and the
dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and the hydraulic gradient that generates flow. Passive samplers are
suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the
particularly well suited for conditions where active sampling
criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent
and objective testing. Users of this standard are cautioned that compliance methods can be problematic. These conditions can include
with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure reliable results. Reliable low-yield formations where excessive drawdown is unavoid-
results depend on many factors; Practice D3740 provides a means of able even at low flow rates, locations that are difficult to access
evaluating some of those factors. with a vehicle, or where low-turbidity samples are needed but
cannot be obtained using other sampling methods such as with
5. Considerations for Passive Groundwater Sampling a bailer or a pump.
5.1 Planning a Passive Sampling Event—As with all sam- 5.3.1 However, there can be situations that preclude the use
pling activities, it is essential that all parties involved in of any sampling method, including standard purged methods.
planning the use of any sampling method identify and agree on Both passive and active sampling methods may inadvertently
the sampling and data-quality objectives, data-evaluation collect non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL). For example, this
criteria, end use of the data, target analytes, and hydrogeologic can occur when a sampler or pump passes through a NAPL
concerns before the sampling method is selected. The appro- zone during deployment or when droplets are drawn down or
priateness of any method is determined by the data-quality entrained while pumping the well. In these cases, collection of

D7929 − 14
water samples from wells containing NAPL may overestimate used at a site, or at a particular well, provides results that meet
the risk to human health and may complicate data interpreta- the DQOs for the project.
tion. Therefore, the practical effect of this bias on the sampling 5.5.1 There are many different passive sampling systems,
objectives and project DQOs should be evaluated, and contin- and these technologies vary with respect to the degree of field
ued collection of the water sample may not be warranted. validation they have received. Methods that can provide good
5.4 Acceptability of Passive Groundwater Sampling reproducibility among different users, field conditions, and
Methods—Numerous studies have shown that passive- time frames are best suited for long-term monitoring strategies.
groundwater sampling methods can be valid and viable alter- Two or more passive sampling techniques may be deployed
natives to purged sampling methods. (These studies are listed simultaneously and provide samples for a broader range of
for each type of sampling device in 6.1.4, 6.2.4, and 6.3.8.) As analytes and thereby meet the site DQOs. Also for well water
a whole, passive groundwater sampling methods continue to with a broad range of analyte concentrations, it may be
gain acceptance among the regulatory, scientific, and user necessary to deploy two or more samplers of the same type in
communities. Much of the acceptance of these methods can be a well.
attributed to the publication of guidance documents and free 5.5.2 New Sites—In cases where new wells or a new site is
internet training provided by the ITRC Diffusion/Passive- under consideration, selection of a sampling method does not
Sampler Team. rely on historical data continuity, and thus method selection
5.4.1 Questions about the “need to purge” have been largely would rely on a rigorous evaluation of the data quality needs
answered over the course of the last few decades (15, 26, 27). for the site. Improved site-characterization methods can yield
In properly designed, developed, and maintained monitoring better designed wells (often with shorter screens) and thereby
wells, adequate hydraulic communication exists between the improve this decision process. Data from passive sampling
aquifer and well. With adequate hydraulic gradient, aquifer methods that use multi-level samplers may provide more
water flows into and out of the screened or open sections of a specific and detailed high-resolution information in terms of
well. Passive sampling devices set in such screened or open aquifer stratigraphy, contaminant fate and transport, and site
zones will collect aquifer water that is in dynamic equilibrium management.
with the aquifer without purging. The hydraulics within the 5.5.3 Older Sites—There should be no impediment to
well, well bore, and the formation will determine what the switching to a passive method as long as the DQOs of the site
sample actually represents. It is not in the scope of this guide are well understood and can be met by the particular sampling
to describe how an aquifer is to be represented; that is for the method chosen. A number of field and laboratory studies (listed
user to determine. in 6.1.4, 6.2.4, and 6.3.8) have been conducted to determine the
5.4.2 There are conditions where a passive sample does not comparability of passive methods with conventional sampling
collect a sample from the entire screened zone of a well. This methods. These studies reveal that in most situations, passive
may be due to for example, vertical flow in the well, contami- methods provide samples that have analyte concentrations that
nant stratification, poor hydraulic communication, or a low are not significantly different (on a statistical basis) from those
hydraulic conductivity in the formation (creating a long resi- collected using other conventional sampling methods such as
dence time in the well). However, these conditions can also be low-flow purging and sampling.
problematic for purged sampling methods (28, 29). These When considering a change in sampling methods,
conditions do not necessarily make passive sampling an the question arises how the results of the existing and new
unacceptable alternative because passive sampling can repre- methods will compare. When converting to a passive sampling
sent the adjacent aquifer differently than a pumped sampling method, a side-by-side comparison test with the site’s current
method. In contrast, pumped sampling methods collect a method or comparison with historical data may be necessary to
flow-weighted average sample that is more heavily weighted understand data differences between sampling methods or may
by the more transmissive portions of the adjacent aquifer(s). be required by a regulator. Further discussion on how to
Recommendations on how to deal with differences between conduct this type of test, how to analyze the data, and how to
analyte concentrations when comparing passive vs. active best interpret the data are given in Appendix X3.
sampling methods are given in Appendix X3. 6. Types of Passive Groundwater Sampling Devices
5.4.3 In instances where there is poor hydraulic communi- The three types of passive groundwater sampling devices
cation between the aquifer and the well, rehabilitation of the (that is, passive-grab samplers, diffusion samplers, and accu-
well or redevelopment often improves the communication mulation samplers) vary greatly in how they function and each
between the aquifer and well. This can be necessary for both type has its own specific deployment-time requirements.
pumped and passive methods. 6.1 Passive-grab Samplers are used to collect a whole water
5.5 Implementing Passive Sampling Methods—Technical sample from a discrete depth or interval within the well or
concerns, regulatory concerns, or both should be addressed borehole after a predetermined deployment period in the well.
when selecting a sampling method or changing one, as there This residence time allows the well to recover from the
are inherent advantages and limitations in every groundwater disturbance caused by inserting the sampler in the well and
sampling method. These differences should be examined thus allows the water in the screened interval to return to the
within the context of the particular project objectives, data ambient flow conditions that existed between the well and the
needs, and site conditions for each proposed application. A formation. This reduces the possibility of collecting a sample
fundamental concern of regulators is that the sampling method with an artificially elevated turbidity and thus obtaining falsely

D7929 − 14
elevated concentrations of particle-borne contaminants. This diameter. In instances where a larger sampler volume is
residence time also allows time for the sampler materials to needed, a larger sampler may be available or, it may be
effectively equilibrate with analyte concentrations in the sur- possible to place several samplers at the same depth in larger
rounding well water prior to sample collection, and thereby diameter wells or in series with depth in smaller diameter
prevents, or reduces, analyte losses due to sorption by the wells. However, placing multiple samplers in series with depth
sampler materials (30-34). Sample collection does not occur extends the length of sampling interval, and this longer sampler
until the device is triggered or actuated. Passive-grab samplers could also dislodge particles from the wall of the well, which
should not disturb the water column during sample collection, could become entrained in the sample.
should be able to collect a sample at the target depth(s), and 6.1.4 Additional Information—There are several field and
should be able to isolate the sample inside the sampler prior to laboratory studies that have evaluated the performance of these
removing it from the well. These criteria distinguish “passive- types of groundwater samplers include peer-reviewed reports
grab samplers” from other grab samplers that are used as and papers (that is, 21-24, 34, 35) and other reports (16, 36).
no-purge samplers, such as various types of bailers including Also, several of these reports (16, 23, 24) include cost analyses
point-source bailers and collapsible bailers (for example, that demonstrate the cost savings that can be achieved using
sleeve-type samplers). The ITRC Diffusion/Passive Sampler these types of passive samplers when compared with conven-
Team (1, 6) previously categorized grab samplers used in tional pumped sampling methods.
passive sampling as “equilibrated-grab samplers.” However, 6.2 Diffusion Samplers rely on diffusion of analytes of
not all of “equilibrated-grab samplers” meet the more restric- interest through a membrane into distilled or deionized (DI)
tive definition for passive-grab samplers” given in this stan- water contained inside the sampler. Polymeric materials com-
dard. monly used for the membranes include low-density polyethyl-
6.1.1 Advantages—The primary advantage of passive-grab ene (LDPE), regenerated cellulose (or dialysis membrane),
samplers is that typically they can be used to collect samples nylon, and polymethylsulfone. Typically, a minimum of two
for a wide range of organic and inorganic analytes. This is weeks is recommended for equilibration (1, 4-6) but a longer
because sample collection is not limited by the sampler period may be needed for some analytes such as explosives
membrane or the collection media inside the device. These (17-19). Diffusion samplers provide a time-weighted average
devices do not exclude colloidal particles, and thus can be used concentration that is weighted most heavily towards concen-
to collect samples for analyses of total and dissolved concen- trations in the well over the last few days the sampler is in the
trations of analytes. Samples collected with these samplers can well; the degree of this weighting depends on the equilibration
be used to measure pH, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), rates for the analytes of interest for the membrane being used
electrical conductivity, and dissolved gases. Also, these sam- (that is, the type and thickness), the water temperature, and rate
plers can be used for quarterly, semi-annual, or annual sam- of recharge (flow rate) in the well.
pling events. After collecting a sample, a new sampler or 6.2.1 Advantages—Diffusion samplers are easy to use and
sample bottle is placed in the well thereby eliminating having can be quickly deployed and retrieved. Waste disposal is
to make a second trip to the field. For one passive-grab sampler limited to a small amount of unused water from the samplers
(that is commercially available), the samples are sealed in a and the spent disposable samplers, and thus little or no
sample bottle in the well. In some instances the sample bottle decontamination is required. Most of these samplers can be
can remain sealed until the sample is analyzed; this prevents used for quarterly, semi-annual, or annual sampling events.
loss of VOCs during transfer in the field or in the laboratory. Depending upon the membrane used in the sampler,
6.1.2 Disadvantages—For passive-grab samplers, inadver- it may be possible to collect samples that can be used to
tently agitating or aerating the well or dislodging particles from measure pH, ORP, electrical conductivity, or dissolved gases.
the inside of the well casing or well bore during sampler Some diffusion samplers can be used to collect samples for a
deployment can alter some analyte concentrations including variety of organic and inorganic analytes, and some mem-
dissolved gases, metals subject to oxidation/precipitation branes provide unique advantages. As an example, the LDPE
reactions, and particle-borne or colloid-borne contaminants. membrane used in some samplers will prevent alkalinity
However, entraining particles that are not part of the total exchange of the aquifer water with the (DI) water in the
mobile load moving through the aquifer under ambient condi- sampler (37). This can be an advantage when collecting VOC
tions can also occur with pumped sampling methods. samples from alkaline aquifers where addition of the sample to
Therefore, the length of the equilibration period should be the acid preservative in the vial (or vice versa) results in
sufficient to provide time for the well to recover from any effervescence and subsequent loss of the VOCs.
disturbance caused by inserting the sampling device in the Several of these samplers are available commer-
well. The extent of recovery in the well depends upon the flow cially and generally are relatively inexpensive to purchase.
rate in and out of the screened interval and the condition of the However, even using samplers that aren’t commercially avail-
well. In instances where entraining extraneous particles is a able (and thus have to be constructed) has still been shown to
problem, this can be mitigated in some cases by redeveloping be cost effective (16-24). [For more information on commer-
the well. cial availability, see the ITRC Diffusion/Passive Sampler
6.1.3 Limitations—The primary limitations with these sam- Team’s publications (1, 5, 6).]
plers are their size and the sample volume collected. Typically, 6.2.2 Disadvantages—These samplers exclude all particles
these samplers do not fit in wells less than 5 cm (2 in.) in bigger than the pore size of the membrane and thus they cannot

D7929 − 14
be used to collect samples for analytes that are particle-borne 6.3.1 These samplers are placed at the desired depth in the
or colloid-borne such as total metals or hydrophobic organic well and left for an exposure period that allows the sorbent to
analytes (for example, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons accumulate a detectable level of the target analytes. Exposure
(PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs). Another disad- periods are a function of the sampler design and target analyte
vantage is that some of these samplers are not commercially capability, estimated contaminant concentrations, temperature
available and therefore have to be constructed in a clean of the well water, and the rate of exchange of water in the well.
environment such as a laboratory. Thus, the recommended exposure time can range from a time
6.2.3 Limitations—The primary limitations associated with scale of minutes or hours to months, depending on whether
using diffusion samplers are that: 1) their use is limited to only they are being used as a kinetic (integrative) or equilibrium
those analytes that will diffuse through the membrane (depend- sampler. Typically, the exposure time for kinetic (accumula-
ing upon the type of membrane), 2) their use is limited to tion) samplers ranges from minutes to several hours and the
analytes in the dissolved form, 3) the sample volume is limited exposure time of equilibrium (accumulation) samplers ranges
to the size of the sampler, 4) depending upon the size of the from days to months. Sampler design ranges from complex (in
sampler, deployment may be limited to 5-cm (2-in.) diameter terms of assembly and adsorbent housing) to relatively simple
or larger wells, and 5) depending upon the sampler membrane, designs that require minimal handling.
the maximum deployment time may be limited. In instances 6.3.2 As a group, these samplers can detect a wide range of
where a larger volume is needed, longer samplers often can be volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds. Examples in-
custom made. Smaller-diameter samplers can also be custom clude fuel-related and chlorinated compounds, PAHs, organo-
made. chlorine pesticides, dioxins and furans, PCBs, and pharmaceu- While most samplers can be deployed after a sam- tical compounds. Other samplers have been developed for
pling event and left until the next sampling event, some sampling for inorganic compounds including some metals.
membranes, such as the regenerated-cellulose membrane, may 6.3.3 While other passive groundwater samplers provide a
undergo biodegradation if left in some wells for more than two water sample that is analyzed, it is the sorbent material in these
weeks (6, 37). In those instances, two trips to the field are samplers that is analyzed. Particulate sorbents may be ex-
typically required (one to deploy the sampler and one to collect tracted with water (or some other aqueous solution), an organic
it). However even with two trips to the field, these samplers solvent, or thermally desorbed. Samplers containing an organic
have been shown to provide substantial cost savings over solvent do not require further extraction but may require
low-flow sampling methods (16-20). Also, samplers that are additional cleanup prior to analyses.
left in the well for a long time (such as between quarterly 6.3.4 Typically, the results of these analyses are given in a
sampling events) should be examined to determine that bio- total mass for each of the analytes for the exposure time.
fouling has not occurred. The presence of a biological film can However, there is an extensive body of research on passive,
affect the transport of analytes through the sampler membrane sorbent-based methods which can allow one to estimate
or can affect sorption by sorbents that are directly exposed to concentrations in water by measuring sampler uptake rates.
the water column. The total mass measured (per exposure time) and the measured
6.2.4 Additional Information—Besides those reports and uptake rate of the analytes by the sampler can be used to
papers already cited, there are several other peer-reviewed calculate analyte concentrations present in the well water.
reports and journal papers (7, 8, 21-24, 27, 35, 38-44) that Monitoring well-specific data may be needed to calibrate the
provide additional information on passive-diffusion groundwa- measured uptake rate of the samplers. This data can include
ter samplers. water pressure (that is, sampler depth in water column), water
temperature, groundwater velocity, and the performance of
6.3 Accumulation Samplers rely on diffusion through a
reference compounds incorporated in the sampler.
membrane and then sorption by sorbent media within the
sampler that accumulates the analytes of interest within the 6.3.5 Advantages vary with sampler design. These samplers
sampler (1, 6). The sorbent is typically a sorbent powder but can be designed to target a specific class, type, or species of
can be a liquid. These samplers include nonporous, semi- analytes. Common advantages associated with using these
permeable, or permeable membrane devices that allow either samplers result from not having to handle and transport vials
direct diffusion of the analytes in the groundwater through the and bottles (especially glass) containing aqueous samples,
membrane, or there can be direct partitioning into the mem- reduced shipping weight, easier handling in the field, and in
brane or partitioning to the vapor phase with subsequent some cases not having to refrigerate the samples during storage
diffusion through the membrane. The analytes accumulate in or shipping.
solid or liquid sorbent material housed within the sampler. The 6.3.6 Disadvantages vary considerably depending upon the
membranes control the type, uptake rate and size of the analyte sampler design, sample handling procedures, extraction
molecules that reach the adsorbent (for example, hydrophilic methods, and the analytical methods used. Depth below the
compounds), while protecting the integrity of the sample. water table may limit sampler placement, if the water entry
Alternatively, the sorbent can be directly exposed to the water pressure of the sampler membrane is overcome or if the sealing
column and utilize materials such as those used in solid-phase of the membrane to the housing is breached due to pressure.
extraction (SPE) materials. Stationary phases can include Also, some regulators may balk at using calculated concentra-
extraction cartridges and disks. tion values.

D7929 − 14 Those samplers that contain an organic solvent as samplers for sampling groundwater. Other review papers (for
the sorbent medium may require special handling because of example, 2, 3, 7, 9-13) discuss the use of these samplers for
concerns with flammability, and regulatory agency approval aqueous sampling in general. One recently published peer-
should be obtained prior to placing them in a groundwater reviewed technical report (25) provides the results from a
environment. demonstration that used an accumulation sampler at two
6.3.7 Limitations are a function of the sampler design and Department of Defense sites and presents data on the associ-
handling. Typically accumulation samplers are limited to ated cost savings that can occur when this sampling method is
certain types of analytes. For metals, depending upon the used (when compared with conventional low-flow sampling).
DQOs, it may be important to know whether a particular
sampler provides total or dissolved concentrations of these 7. Selecting a Passive Sampling Method
analytes. Kinetic (accumulation) samplers rely on a brief Table X2.1 provides a matrix table that can aid the user when
exposure (so that uptake of the analytes remains in the linear selecting a passive sampling method.
portion of the uptake curve) and thus they cannot be left in the
well between sampling events. In contrast, the exposure time 8. Keywords
for equilibrium (accumulation) samplers is much longer and 8.1 accumulation sampler; diffusion sampler; equilibrated-
some of these samplers can be left in the well between grab sampler; equilibrium sampler; groundwater sampling;
sampling events, depending upon the sampler design and well integrative sampler; kinetic sampler; passive diffusion sampler;
conditions. passive-grab sampler; passive groundwater sample; passive
6.3.8 Additional Information—Several sources (1, 6, 14) groundwater sampling; passive sampler; sorptive sampler;
provide more specific information on the use of accumulation time-integrated passive sampler



TABLE X1.1 Suggested Minimum Sample Volume Needed for Analyses (6)
Normal “Easily accepted”
EPA volume (mL) minimum vol. Common
Method requirement (mL) for one number of
Preservation Type Analytes Reference for SW 846 analysis reruns Comments

Unpreserved (Must Alkalinity 310.1* 200 10 1 Titration to pH 4.5

be collected in
separate bottle)

Unpreserved (Can be Anions by IC (Cl, Br, 300/9056A 50 5 3 For IC, all samples start at 1/10 dilution. Thus,
combined in one NO3, SO4) standard curve concentrations are lower by a
container) factor of 10.

BOD, using 60 mL 405.1 100 100 1 Assumes use of 60-mL bottles, set at 1/1, 1/3,
bottles 1/30 and 1/100 dilutions and DO meter/probe.
PQL is based upon the minimum amount of D.O.
uptake required by the method (2.0 mg/L)
multiplied by sample dilution factor.

Hex Chromium 7196 M 300 5 1 Sequential or flow-injection colorimetry using 4-mL

sample cups.

Perchlorate 314 50 25 1 Must have enough sample to run conductivity test

and filter sample in cases of high chloride, sulfate,

Perchlorate 9058 50 10 1 No conductivity test required.

Perchlorate 6850 10 10 1

TDS 160.1 200 100 1 Gravimetric

TDS 160.1 200 20 1 Gravimetric

D7929 − 14
TABLE X1.1 Continued
Normal “Easily accepted”
EPA volume (mL) minimum vol. Common
Method requirement (mL) for one number of
Preservation Type Analytes Reference for SW 846 analysis reruns Comments
Sulfuric Acid COD 410.4 100 5 1 Hach COD digestion tubes (p/n 21259-15: high
level, 21258.15: low level) using 2 mL/tube.

NH3, w/out dist. 350.1 100 5 1 Sequential or flow-injection colorimetry, using 4 or

8-mL sample cups, assuming no distillation

TKN 351.2 500 20 1 Up to ~5 dilutions from 1 distillation, but no repeat

distillations. Block digestion using 20 mL of
sample, followed by sequential or flowinjection
colorimetry using 4 or 8-mL sample vials.

Phenols, distilled 420.2 100 50 1 In-line sequential-flow distillation followed by


Dissolved gases RSK 175 120 40 1 Using GC FID TCD

(Methane, ethane,

Sulfuric Acid TOC 415.1 120 50 1 UV or heated-persulfate TOC analyzer, with

40-mL VOA vial autosampler

Nitric Acid Total Hardness 130.2 100 10 1 Titration to sky-blue endpoint

RCRA or CAM Title 6010 250 25 1


RCRA or CAM Title 6020 250 25 1


RCRA or CAM Title 700 Series 250 25 1


Mercury 7470 250 50 1 Hot-block digester

Sodium Hydroxide Total Cyanide 335.4/9012 500 50 1 Please note 335.4 and 9012 are the same
procedure. Differences are in the QC
requirements. (335.4 ICV acceptance: 90-110 and
LCS: 90-110; 9012 ICV: 85-115 and LCS: 74-
123). Midi distillation of 50-mL sample, followed
by sequential or flow-injection colorimetry.

Zinc Acetate + Total Sulfide 376.1 100 60 1 No headspace, 60-mL BOD bottle.
Sodium Hydroxide
9030B 100 100 1 Midi distillation requires 100-mL sample.

Hydrochloric acid Volatile Organics 8260 140 20 1 If separate 40-mL vials are used for each 20 mL
aliquot, inert material is need to occupy the
remaining 20 mL. Approved inert material should
be used. Alternatively, 20-mL vials can be used.

Unpreserved (SVOCs) BNAs 8270 1000 250 1 Can use 100 mL, but RLs will be higher than

Pesticides 8081 1000 100 1

PCBs (1016,1221, 8082 1000 100 1 100 mL extracted by separatory funnel (3510) and
1232, 1242, 1248. concentrated to 1.0 mL, 2 µL injection dual
1254, & 1260) column GC/ECD analysis.

Herbicides 8151 1000 100 1

Acronym Meaning

AFCEE Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment

BNA Base Neutral and Acid Extractable SVOC
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
CAM California Assessment Manual
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
DO Dissolved Oxygen
ECD Electron-Capture Detector

D7929 − 14

EPA US Environmental Protection Agency

FID Flame-Ionization Detector
GC Gas Chromatography
IC Ion Chromatography
ICV Initial Calibration Verification
ITRC Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council
LCS Laboratory Control Sample
PCB Polychlorinated biphenyl
PQL Practical Quantitation Limit
QAPP Quality Assurance Program Plan
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RSK175 Method for Dissolved Gases (methane, ethane, etc.) in Water
SVOC Semi-volatile Organic Compound
SW864 US EPA Test Method for Evaluating Solid Waste
TCD Thermal Conductivity Meter
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TKN Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
TOC Total Organic Carbon
UV Ultraviolet
VOA Volatile Organic Analysis
VOC Volatile Organic Compound


TABLE X2.1 Decision Matrix

Applicability of Passive Sampler Technologies
Type of Consideration Consideration grab Diffusion Accumulation Comments
Sample volume and Need to collect a whole water yes no N/AA 1
These samplers do not collect water samples but rather sorb
analyte type sample specific analytes.

Need to collect a large volume probably1 possibly1 N/A 1

May have to use multiple samplers, larger samplers, or less
of sample sample volume.

Need to sample for a number of yes1 possibly2 possibly2 1

In most cases but sampler volume dependent.
organics and inorganics Depends on the sampler; may have to use more than one
sampler type.

Need to collect sample for water yes possibly1 N/A2 1

Depends on sampler design
quality measurements Would have to make these measurements in-situ.

Only need to sample for limited yes yes yes

analyte types

Need to determine yes yes yes/no1 1

Depends on sampler design. May need more than one type of
concentrations of only dissolved sampler.

Need to determine both total yes no possibly1 1

Depends on sampler design
and dissolved analyte

Internal diameter (ID) Sample a well with an ID of 5 yes yes yes

of well or multi-level cm (2 in.) or more

Sample a well with an ID of possibly1 possibly1 yes 1

May be able to make or have made smaller diameter sampler
2.5 cm (1 in.) but less than 5.1
cm (2 in.)

Sample a well or multi-level no possibly1 yes2 1

May be able to make or have made smaller diameter sampler
sampler with an ID between 0.6 Depends on sampler design
cm (1⁄4 in.) and 2.5 cm (1 in.)

Hydrogeology Profile contaminants with depth yes yes yes

in well screen or open borehole

Determine the average no no yes/no1 1

Yes if uptake is in the linear portion of the uptake curve;
contaminant concentrations over otherwise samplers left for an extended period of time will reach
a longer period of time equilibrium.

Do not want to miss a flush of no no yes


Sample a formation where the yes yes yes

hydraulic conductivity is low

D7929 − 14
TABLE X2.1 Continued

Require analyte concentrations yes no yes1 1

If used as a kinetic sampler where sample is collected during
at a specific point in time (vs. linear portion of uptake curve.
timeaveraged concentrations)
N/A = Not applicable for this technology


At sites where the transition from conventional sampling to X3.2.1.1 The statistical analyses should be conducted on
passive sampling methods is proposed, some form of compari- each analyte independently. This approach is preferable be-
son study of the two methods can be enlightening or may be cause different analytes can behave differently and one analyte
required by the regulator. There are two basic approaches to may be impacted more by a particular sampling method than
these studies: a side-by-side comparison field test or a com- another. Also, if the data for different analytes is combined into
parison of initial passive sampling results with historical data. one data set, there can be concerns whether each data pair (that
For a well that has exhibited relatively low variability in is, the analyte concentrations for the conventional and passive
temporal concentrations, comparing the passive sampler results samples) are truly independent given that the results for
to historical data may provide enough information to determine multiple analytes were obtained from the analysis of the same
whether conversion to the use of passive samplers is desirable samples.
or appropriate. In other instances, direct comparison may be
needed to satisfy site requirements. X3.2.1.2 When comparing data from these studies, the
quality of the data needs to meet all the DQOs for the site.
X3.1 Conducting a Field Comparison Test Therefore, it is important to determine if both sampling
methods yield reproducible results. If the relative percent
X3.1.1 For field-comparison tests, the results from the
difference or relative standard deviation is used to evaluate the
passive samplers are compared with the results from the
conventional sampling method that is being used at the site. precision of the data-quality results, it is important to remem-
Typically the conventional method is a pumped method that ber that the variability between duplicate samples typically
involves purging the well prior to collecting the samples; for increases as concentrations approach the laboratory detection
example, low-flow purging and sampling. For these or reporting limit. Data sets where many of the analyte
comparisons, it is important that the passive samples are concentrations are near the detection limit can make either of
collected first and then the samples from the conventional these metrics difficult or impossible to interpret. It is also
pumped method are taken as immediately after as possible. The important to remember when comparing the variability of a
passive sampler should be deployed at the same depth as the passive method with a conventional pumped sampling method
pump (or tubing) inlet. If the well does not already contain that while the passive samples are true co-located duplicate
dedicated equipment then, if possible, the passive sampler samples, the duplicate pumped samples are taken one after the
should be deployed at the same time as when the pump (or other without stopping or starting the pump and thus have been
tubing) is placed in the well. The sampler design and well defined by some regulators as subsample field duplicates (45).
diameter will dictate whether the passive sampler and the pump X3.2.1.3 When comparing the two sampling methods, a
can be deployed in the well at the same time. It is important paired-t test (or its non-parametric equivalent such as the
that the passive sampler be fully submerged and left in the well Wilcoxon Signed Rank test) can be used to determine if there
for the proper deployment (or equilibration) period prior to is a statistically significant difference between the two methods
sampler retrieval. When removing the passive sampler from
(that is, if there is a consistent difference associated with one
the well, try not to disturb the water column because this can
sampling method versus the other). It may be that the concen-
increase turbidity in well and prolong purging prior to collect-
trations are significantly higher (or lower) using a passive
ing low-flow samples.
method. This will be discussed more in the next section.
X3.1.1.1 If the passive samplers and pump equipment
cannot be deployed in the well at the same time, then the X3.2.1.4 However, a more useful approach is to simply plot
passive samplers should be carefully removed from the well the data for the two sampling methods on an X-Y scatter plot
prior to placing the pump (or tubing) in the well. The former in relation to a 1:1 concentration line. This approach allows for
approach reduces potential concentration differences between meaningful visual observation of the data. Wells exhibiting
the two methods that may result from additional well distur- outlying data on these plots can be noted and, if need be, later
bance during equipment deployment or removal at the time of examined to determine the cause(s) of this difference. Linear
sampling (6). regression analyses can then be used to determine whether the
relationship is linear (on a statistically significant basis) and
X3.2 Data Analyses whether the slope of the regression line is significantly different
X3.2.1 While this section provides some general recom- from 1.0 (assuming a y-intercept of 0). The slope of the line is
mendations on how to compare conventional and passive useful in determining the degree of agreement or difference
sampling methods, this section is not intended to be an between the two sampling methods; a slope of 1.0 indicates a
exhaustive explanation of statistical analysis. 1:1 correlation between the two sampling methods.

D7929 − 14
X3.3 Interpretation of Comparison—Study Data in the well screen or open borehole. With pumped methods,
X3.3.1 While the majority of the comparisons between water from areas not adjacent to the screened interval can be
pumped and passive methods have shown agreement between drawn in; for example, water may come from an adjacent zone
the two methods for the majority of analytes and wells, it can of higher permeability, along inadequate well seals, or through
be difficult to decide how to proceed in cases where the two fissured clay or fractured rock. If the water that is drawn into
methods produce different results. Differences can be expected the pump contains higher (or lower) contaminant concentra-
in some cases because each sampling method represents the tions than the ambient water in the well, then the passive
aquifer in its own way. Sampler or pump position in the well sampler results probably will differ. The difference may be due
and aquifer flow regimes, with or without pumping, can affect to a variety of factors, including head differences, hydraulic
the two sampling methods differently. and chemical heterogeneity within the screened or open
X3.3.1.1 Thus passive samplers may provide data that does interval of the well, and the relative permeability of the well
not agree with the existing sample database. This can occur bore and well screen. In the absence of ambient vertical mixing
when the water sample has undergone some degree of mixing in a well, passive samplers can help identify whether chemi-
during purging, sampling, or both, and represents a different cally stratified zones are present, although the exact location of
(often larger) aquifer volume. Also, passive-sampler data taken the stratigraphic interface cannot always be determined. In
from multiple depths in a well may provide more specific and contrast, pumped methods can combine water from multiple
detailed high-resolution information in terms of aquifer stra- zones, potentially resulting in different mixed concentrations
tigraphy and contaminant fate and transport. than those found using a passive method.
X3.3.1.2 While different sampling methods may produce X3.3.1.4 A borehole flowmeter, multiple passive samplers,
different individual sample results (for individual wells), sub- or both may help determine how and why passive and pumped
stantial systematic differences (that is, consistent differences or methods differ. A borehole flowmeter can assess whether
biases) may be cause for concern and should be evaluated with intra-borehole flow is present and multiple passive samplers
respect to the DQOs of the project and the possible cause(s) for can be used to determine if contaminant stratification is
these difference(s). If the differences between the sampling present. For most of the passive samplers discussed in this
methods (either for the entire site or individual wells) are document, multiple samplers can be placed at narrow, discrete
outside of an acceptable range, follow-up work is needed to depths throughout the well screen or borehole, thereby profil-
explain the reason(s) for the poor correlation. This work can ing contamination with depth in the well. In those cases, the
include vertical profiling, bore-hole flow testing, review of the use of baffles or packers can be used to separate the different
hydrology and well construction information, evaluation of the sampling intervals.
pumped sampling method, etc.
X3.3.1.3 Variations in the results from different sampling X3.4 Data Handling
methods sometimes can be attributed to wells that connect X3.4.1 Because long-term monitoring (LTM) programs
zones of significantly different hydraulic head or contaminant generally emphasize evaluating trends, records and reports
concentrations. With passive sampling, analyte concentrations should clearly identify the date when a change in sampling
reflect the groundwater concentrations at the sampler location method occurs (5).


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