Day 1 Baby Massage Blossom - Berry
Day 1 Baby Massage Blossom - Berry
Day 1 Baby Massage Blossom - Berry
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We will upload all the materials in their electronic versions using Glip.
We will use this platform to keep in touch and keep sharing good practice.
What we will learn…
Day 1
Professionalism, ethics and the role of the instructor
Origins of baby massage
Anatomy and physiology of the infant
Infant sensory awareness
Benefits of positive touch and research studies relating to baby massage
Setting up your class, oils and creating the right environment for baby
Baby massage routine
Day 2
Teaching techniques for successful learning
Presentation skills and how to face challenging situations
Baby massage assessment
Marketing and setting up a business
(face to face)
Case studies
Necessary resources for your classes
Recommended reading
The Blossom & Berry Philosophy
Our classes provide:
• Time for baby
• Relief for colic and support unsettled babies
• Enhance parent/baby communication
• Opportunities for parents to meet the early developmental needs of babies through
touch, movement, sight and sound
• Opportunities to enhance the bonding process between carer and baby
• Time for parent and baby to spend together
2. During your classes parents should massage with their own baby.
Necessary equipment
Find the right place to deliver the classes
Decide dates and times
Define price
Bookings registration
Setting up the room
Materials for parents/carers
(oils and handouts)
What is massage?
• Therapeutic practice in which muscles and other soft tissues of the body are manipulated with
the aim of improving health and wellbeing.
• Evident benefits in systems: muscular, circulatory, lymphatic, endocrine and nervous.
History of massage…
• China
Sui Dynasty 589-617 and Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)
Anmo – antique word that means pressure and friction
Tui Na – of more modern origin, it means press and stretch
Massage in China was commonly incorporated with methods of Acupuncture
• Japan – massage was developed through the interpretation of Chinese literature
• Egypt – usage of creams and oils (camel fat, almond oil, perfumed oils): as offering to their gods,
for embalming and as beauty products
• India – oils for cosmetic use, massage for military soldiers, Ayurvedic massage
• Greece – Aristotle stated that touch was the most fundamental of all senses. Hippocrates
(‘father of medicine’) described the benefits of massage
• Romans – Greek influence.The Emperor Galen wrote at least 16 books related to massage and
exercise, he recommended massage to all injured gladiators. Julius Caesar received massage to treat
his neuralgia (nerves condition).
History of massage…
• 1517-1590 – Ambrose Pare (French doctor, one of the founders of modern surgery), began
using massage techniques to treat rigid joints and to treat wounds after operations.
• Autism
• Atopic dermatitis / eczema
• Bulimia
• Cystic fibrosis (lung congestion)
• Diabetes
• Arthritis
• Down Syndrome
Baby Massage Origins
• The word ‘massage’ comes from the Arabic ‘to stroke’
The circulatory system if formed by the cardiovascular system that carries blood and
lymphatic system that carries lymph.
To carry oxygen and nutrients to all body cells
Drain waste products to be eliminated by the kidneys via urine or by the lungs when air
full of carbon dioxide is exhaled
Intervenes in the defence mechanism of the body against diseases
Regulates body temperature
Cardiovascular System
The weight of the baby’s heart doubles in the first year of life, and it grows six
times from its original size by the time the child is 9 years old. The growth
rhythm decreases 20% from 3 to 15 years of age.
Cardiovascular System
Precaution: massage firmly towards the heart, more gently away from the heart. It is best
to obtain medical consent before massaging babies or children with circulatory problems,
and if consent is granted, avoid movements away from the heart.
Lymphatic System
Consists of:
• Vessels – structures that transport the lymph.
• Lymph – formed by the drainage of excess liquid
from the blood vessels to the interstitial space. This
excess is picked up by the lymphatic capillaries and
ends in the left subclavian vein.
• Nodes – small swellings in the lymphatic system
where lymph is filtered and lymphocytes are formed so
they help the body recognise and fight infections.
• Babies are born with passive immunity (the antibodies that the
mother transferred via the placenta are reinforced through
• Those antibodies disappear between 6 and 12 months
• As the immune system of the baby develops, the baby is able to
produce his own lymphocytes
• The development of the immune system takes years and this is
why babies and children are more likely to catch infections and
• Immunisations help to build immunity as well as being exposed to
Massage can help increase the lymphatic flow of the body, helping processing
and expelling toxins and waste products.
On the skeletal muscles, which allow voluntary and conscious movements such as
crawling and walking. In tummy massage, we work in smooth muscles.
Muscular System
The main function of the muscular system is to allow the movement of the
body. We have more than 650 muscles which are connected to the skeletal
system through the tendons.
Does anybody know which are the most developed muscles in a baby?
Massage increases the blood supply in the muscles, bringing oxygenated blood
and nutrients and taking away waste products, reducing muscles fatigue and
warming up the muscles.
Regular massage helps muscles become firmer and more flexible, more
malleable and elastic. Massage is very helpful in cases of hypotonia and
Precaution: Massage firmly in areas with more musculature (like the thighs), be more gentle in
less fleshy areas (such as the chest). Apply moderate pressure when massaging so that the
strokes are not ticklish, pressure to get into the second layer of the skin to aid relaxation.
Skeleton System
Consists of:
• Bones
• Joints
• The bones remain together
thanks to strong fibre tissue
called ligaments
• Do not apply pressure on the skull or head during
• Avoid putting excess pressure on the joints as they are
very malleable, movements should glide on the skin and
• Be very careful when massaging arms and legs, do not
stretch them abruptly, work with baby’s natural flexibility,
do not force any movement
• Do not apply direct pressure on the spine when
massaging the back
The skin is the largest organ of the body. When
the embryo is developing in the womb, the skin Functions:
is one of the first organs to form and is made • Protective barrier against infections
of the same embryonic tissue as the brain. • Temperature regulator
• Controls fat storage
• Regulates liquid waste and allows
the exit of electrolytes and water
Babies are very sensitive to touch because of the high concentration of nerve
endings in the dermis layer of the skin. Depending on the pressure used in
massage, the effect of touch can have a stimulating or relaxing effect on the body.
One third of the toxins of the body goes out through the skin. It is
important that skin pores are not blocked to help eliminate waste
products. A vegetable based oil helps lubricating the skin, providing
nutrients and absorbing more easily.
The skin is known as ‘the third lung’ or ‘third kidney’ in Chinese culture,
which illustrates its role of eliminating waste products from the body
• Massage can help skin suffering from
eczema, only in areas where the skin is not
opened, severely irritated or weeping. If this is
the case, then eczema is a contraindication.
• Avoid mineral and essential oils for baby
• The emollients (like the ones used for
eczema) should not be applied in the
direction of hair growth and therefore are
not appropriate for massage as pores can be
• The baby’s skin is very thin, the epidermis is
weakly linked with the dermis, even friction
can cause bruises.
Reproductive System
The kidneys:
• Filter the blood to remove urea,
uric acid and creatinine
• Balance the body’s fluids (sweat
and urine)
• Regulate mineral electrolytes
(sodium and potassium)
• Release hormones to help with The total water content of an infant’s body is
the production of Vitamin D and red vulnerable to loss because they ingest and excrete
cells a relatively greater water volume each day. A baby
• Helps control blood pressure and may exchange half of his extra-cellular fluid daily,
volume whereas the adult may only exchange 1/6; so
• Controls the pH of the blood at proportionally the baby has less reserve of body
7.4, so that enzymes can work fluid at any one time. This is also due to their
metabolic rate, infants expend 100kcal/kg of body
adequately (neutral to alkaline)
weight, whereas adults 40 kcal/kg.
Urinary System
• The kidneys are protected by the ribs and muscles covered with a layer of fat, however,
they are delicate and one has to be careful not applying a lot of pressure when massaging
the back.
• When massaging the lower abdomen, do not put excess pressure on the bladder as this
will be uncomfortable for baby.
• During class, it is recommendable to have spare baby wipes at hand, so that parents feel
that it is safe and it is allowed to take baby’s nappy off during the massage.
Respiratory System
In the womb, the baby’s lungs are filled with fluid. When the baby is born, this
fluid is dispersed. The contractions of the uterus and the passage of the baby
through the birth canal helps to clear the lungs of mucus and fluid.
Children breath quicker than adults. The normal respiratory rate changes
from 30 to 60 breaths per minute when the baby is born, to a rate of 12 to
20 breaths per minute at 18 years old.
Respiratory System
Grasp Galant
Moro Rooting
Nervous System
More reflexes…
Creeping parachute
Atonic neck
Dive Crawling
Nervous System
What is myelination?
enables messages
to be
more effectively,
and at greater
speed, along
nerve cells. This
helps overall
Nervous System
The sensory
stimulation during
massage accelerates
the myelination
• Once babies are undressed, if the parent or carer constantly removes his/her hands
from baby or separates, the baby can get unsettled or upset, because of the sudden
assault of the peripheral nervous system (sense of danger or uncertainty). It is important
to keep contact and closeness at all times.
• During the face massage, remember not to cover the eyes or the ears, so that baby can
see and listen at all times and doesn’t feel invaded.
• Apply moderate pressure, if the massage is too light, then this will cause a ticklish
sensation, which can alter the baby’s peripheral’s nervous system.
Endocrine System
The endocrine system works alongside the primal brain (sub cortical brain) and the immune
system (hypothalamus and pituitary gland). Michel Odent (1986) calls ‘primal health’ to the
equilibrium levels achieved by these systems at the end of the first year of life.
• When teaching parents and carers, it is very important to reiterate that massage should
only be carried out when the baby allows it, it must not be forced.
• Mention the importance of ‘listening’ and responding to the baby’s non verbal cues. This
allows mum/dad to help regulate the baby’s emotions and to reduce the incidents of high
cortisol levels.
• Avoid the usage of essential oils as these can cause instability in the endocrine system.
Digestive System
Stomach capacity in ml
Newborn 1 week 2-3 1 month 3 1 year 2 years 10 years 16 years Adult
weeks months
10-20 30-90 75-100 90-150 150-200 210-360 500 750-900 1,500 2,000 –
• When massaging the tummy, movements are always
clockwise and downwards, below the ribs. This is
because peristalsis occurs in this direction.
• One must be careful not putting pressure directly on
the belly button.
• The massage movements must be done below the
diaphragm, so that they assist peristalsis correctly.
Baby’s Sensory World
Sight Hearing
From third
trimester gestation
onwards, the
foetus becomes
aware of external
sounds , the
mother’s voice will
become very
Newborn ---------------------- Six Months familiar.
Taste Smell
Taste manifests from
7-8 weeks gestation Parental/maternal smells
and matures at 14 provide baby with very
weeks. important sensations
about her environment
Babies prefer sweet and provides security.
flavours as breastmilk This is essential to
is sweet. strengthen the bond
between parent and baby.
Baby’s Sensory World
The sense of touch is the first one to
develop, from only 3 weeks gestation.
Babies explore their world through touch. They use touch to comfort
themselves and seek being comforted through touch too.
Importance of skin to skin contact and
tactile stimulation
Alleviates depression and anxiety by releasing “feel good hormones”
Reduces pain by releasing endorphins (the body’s natural pain killing hormones)
Characteristics of an ‘attachment’:
• Safe Haven: If the child feels threatened, he can return to his care giver for reassurance
and comfort.
• Secure Base: The caregiver provides a secure base for the child to explore the world.
• Proximity Maintenance: The child stays near the caregiver, to provide safety and
• Separation Distress: If separation occurs from the caregiver, the child will become
Attachment Theory – Background
What is Attachment?
from Attachment Parenting International
Baby Massage and the Importance of Bonding
“When a baby is
born – his parents
are too” - Osho.
Becoming a parent is a
wonderful experience, but
it is also full of challenges
and requires to adapt to
lots of changes.
The Touch
Research Institute Electronic book
University of Miami
Tiffany Field
Hammett, F. S. (1922)
"The effect of
on reproduction
albino rats"
Summaries of Relevant Studies
R. Hansen and G. Ulrey (1988)
“Motorically Impaired Infants:
Impact of a Massage Procedure of
Caregiver-Infant Interactions"
Make sure none of these conditions are present when a baby is due to have a
massage. Always ask the group if the babies are happy and healthy before you
begin each class to make sure nothing has changed since the last time you met.
And before you start a new group, always make sure parents and carers
complete a health questionnaire.
General Contraindications
Acute infections
Undiagnosed lumps and bumps
Contagious disease
Serious skin complaints
Recent haemorrhage
Childhood Leukimia
Brittle Bones
Local Contraindications
A parent may also feel that there are other times when it is
inappropriate to massage their baby. Each parent knows their own
baby’s mood and behaviour. Parents should always listen to their
instincts when deciding if a massage is appropriate.
• Hygiene
□ Mats clean
□ Each family to bring their own blanket or towel
□ Floor dry and clean
□ Remove jewellery
□ Clean hands and short nails if possible
□ Ventilated venue with the right room temperature
□ Have handy: cleaning wipes, hand cleaner gel, anti-bacterial spray and cleaning cloth
Creating the right environment
Creating the right environment
• Temperature
• Lighting
• Space
• Noise
• Music
• Items that families
should bring
• Sunflower
• Fractioned Coconut Oil
• Grape Seed Oil
(low in oleic acid, high in linoleic acid)
100% natural
Nourish the baby’s skin
No harm if they end up in baby’s mouth
Not irritable if they end up in baby’s eyes
Unlikely to cause an allergic reaction
Easily to absorb by the skin
They don't block the skin’s pores
Safe to use in dry skins
Quiet – Sleep
Active – Sleep (R.E.M.)
Active – Alert
Quiet – Alert
Baby’s face is relaxed, bright open eyes,
observant, relaxed limbs
Common reactions:
Tired or unhappy
Parents/carers should clean their hands with a cleaning wipe or wash their hands before
and after the massage.
Babies should remain wrapped up warm after the massage.
It is recommendable to offer baby a drink after the massage as they can be thirsty.
Allow the baby to sleep if he/she is tired.
Avoid exposing baby to sunshine straight after the massage as the oil can make him more
susceptible to sun burns.
Course for parents structure
What is colic?
When the baby is crying, it is not the parents’
fault, they are the ones who can best respond to
their baby’s needs. Even when the first attempts to
soothe the baby might not seem fruitful, gradually
they will start getting to know the baby better and
better. If they are experiencing a very challenging
time, the best thing to do is to seek help.
towards crying
Parenting and Massage
It is very important to only give out information in your sessions which you are
qualified to teach. However, it may be tempting to give out generic advice on
baby care, always be professional and never diagnose conditions or give out
medical advice. If you suspect there is an underlying condition causing baby to
be unsettled or unwell always advice a parent/carer to seek medical advice.
Although there is no medical treatment for colic, it is worth mentioning about
a condition called silent reflux which can often have similar characteristics as
colic which can sometimes be treated with medicine.
Discussion time during classes
• Anxiety
• Panic attacks
• Tension and irritability
• Fatigue / exhaustion
• Lack of concentration / inability to make decisions
• Rejection of baby / partner
• Inappropriate / obsessive thoughts
• Loss of libido
• Physical symptoms (lack of sleep, lack of appetite, headaches)
Post Natal Depression (PND)
Time to pratice
Baby Massage Routine
Legs and feet 20. Draw a heart
1. Relaxed touch 21. Criss-cross
2. Indian draining
3. Winging Arms and hands
4. Sole stroking 22. Relaxed touch
5. Rolling toes 23. Pit stroke
6. Pressure under toes and arch 24. Indian draining
7. Walking thumbs 25. Wringing
8. Foot strokes 26. Finger rolling
9. Ankle circles 27. Wrist circles
10. Swedish draining 28. Swedish draining
11. Rolling 29. Rolling
Tummy Face
12. Stomach hold 30. Face strokes – forehead
13. Stomach stroking 31. Stroking eyebrows
14. Elevated stomach stroking 32. Breathe easy
15. Open tummy 33. Happy gums
16. Full circle 34. Relaxed jaw
17. Half circle Back
18. Full circle/ half circle 35. Back to bottom and all the way above the ankles
19. Walking fingers 36. Back paddling
37. Circles
38. Combing
Any questions?
I don't know about you but...
I am ready for the weekend!