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1 s2.0 002190459290050X Main
1 s2.0 002190459290050X Main
In this paper we investigate those radial basis functions h associated with func-
tions whose mth derivative (modulo a scalar multiple) is completely monotonic.
Our results apply both to interpolation problems that require polynomial repro-
duction and to those that do not. In the case where polynomial reproduction is not
required and the order M is 0 or 1, we obtain estimates on the norms of inverses of
scattered-data interpolation matrices. These estimates depend only on the minimal-
separation distance for the data and on the dimension of the ambient space, Iw”.
When the order 112 satisfies m 2 2, we show that there exist parameters n,, __.,a,
such that the function h(x) +a, +a, , r2 + + ar rZm-’ gives rise to an invertible
interpolation matrix, and we obtain bounds on the norm of the inverse of this
matrix. For interpolation methods in which one wishes to reproduce polynomials
of totd degree IYI - 1 or less, bounds for the norm of the inverse of the interpolation
matrix are obtained, provided the data contains a s,,,_ r(P) unisolvent subset.
These results apply, in particular, to Duchon’s “thin-plate spline” results. 0 1992
Academic Press, Inc.
Over the last few years, there has been considerable progress concerning
the theoretical development of data fitting in two or more dimensions. In
particular, the method of thin-plate splines, as developed by Duchon [2],
and, more recently, the results of Micchelli [9] and Madych and Nelson
[7, 81 concerning radial basis functions are notable examples. In each of
these papers, certain classes of interpolation matrices associated with
scattered data in W were shown to be invertible. These results established
the “well-poisedness” of the scattered data interpolation problem relative to
the families of either the thin-plate splines or certain radial basis functions,
such as the Hardy multiquadrics [6].
0021.9045192 $3.00
Copyright 0 1992 by Academic Press, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
bounds for the norm of the inverse of the iuter~o~ation matrix are
obtained, provided the data contains a E,-,(W) unisolvent subset. These
results are given in Section IV. In particular, they are relevant to Ducho
“thin-plate spline” interpolation [2].
In Section V we deal with the problem in which h is a CN
of order m > 1 and where polynomial reproduction is not
show that there exist parameters a,, .... CI, such that the shifts to the inter-
polation points of the function
h(x)fa,+a,_,r2+ .” -+a,r’“-*
we have C;” Fjckh(xk -xi) ~0. We denote by JV~ the class of these
In what follows, we will assume that R” is endowed with a. norm // . /I.
define the function V: R” + R+ by v(x) = /Ix/j.
LEMMA 1.3 (K. Ball Cl]). Let (xi);” be distinct points in R” and let
FESKNS be nonnegative and supposethat h(x) = F(‘(iix\l) is a strictly condi-
tionally negative definite function of order 1. Also, let A be the matrix with
entries AiSk= h(x, - xk). If the inequality
JIA-lJI d 0-l.
The proof of this result involves elementary matrix theory and will be
omitted. The result itself is important because it is useful for obtaining
estimates on /(A-‘(( in the ti = 1 case and because it suggests the connec-
tion between norm estimates and quadratic form estimates in cases where
m 3 2, a connection that we exploit in obtaining our results.
We close this section with a result that will be of use later.
LEMMA 2.1. Let g: [O, co) + R be continuous on [0, co) and let E> 0 be
arbitrary. If ( - 1)” g’“’ is completely monotonic on (0, co), then on [O, co)
there exists a nonnegative Bore1 measure dy(t) for which
m- 1gW(E)(o- E)i
g(o)= c j!
ProojI Since (- 1)” g’“) .is completely monotone, there exists [I$] a
unique nonnegative Bore1 measure &(t) such that
Next, let G be an arbitrary point in (0, KI). Using Taylor’s Theorem wit
remainder about the point (r = E, we have
m- 1 g(i)(E) 1
&T(a) = 1 - (“-E)‘+(m- ___ 1) i Eu g’“‘(o’)(a’ - CT)“- 1 L&J’.
j=. j!
Substituting (2.1) into the integral expression above yields the desired
In what follows, V,, k = 0, 1, 2, .... will be the subspace
Q, := 5 <j~ke-IIXI-XkllZ’. (2.4)
j,k= 1
ProoJ Note that F(r) = -g(r’) for some function g for which
(- 1)” g’“” is completely monotonic. Note also that by Lemma 1.4, the
quadratic form involving the polynomial part of F is zero and hence our
claim is validated. 1
We wish to obtain a lower bound on Q restricted to the subspace VA _ 1.
Corollary 2.2 allows us to obtain such a bound by first getting exphcit,
positive, lower bounds on the quadratic form Q, defined in (2.4), then
stituting them into (2.3), and finally integrating. To describe the 1
bound on Q,, we need to introduce some notation. As in [IO], we let 4
half the smallest distance between any two points in our data set
x,}; we will call q the separation radius. We assume that the data
set comprises N distinct points, so that q > 0. The lower bound on Ql can
now be stated.
where I(t) appears in Theorem 2.3 and dy(t) is the measure for the com-
pletely monotonic function ( - 1)” g’“‘(t), g(t) being the function -F(&).
Then, provided g’“’ IS
. nonconstant, the following holds:
i, j = 1
Proof. The fact that r-‘F’ = 2g’(r2) is non-constant guarantees that the
measure dq appearing in (2.1) is supported on a ore1 subset of (0, cc
Consequently, 6 in (2.6) (with nz = 1) is again sitive. Since F(0) >
implies that FE C!.LNF is nonnegative, an application of Lemma 1.3 yields
the result. h
Indeed, we will show that e(t) has the lower bound given in Theorem 2.3.
To find this lower bound, we will use an adaptation of the method intro-
duced in [ 10, Sect. IV].
At first glance, it appears that the techniques developed in [lo] for
estimating lower bounds on quadratic forms such as Q, cannot be directly
employed. The lower estimates there were obtained at the expense of
constraining the components of {E R”; they had to satisfy Cy= 1 <,$==0.
Fortunately, this constraint was used only to get a certain integral
representation for the quadratic form being estimated. For the function
F,(r), this integral representation can be obtained without employing the
where Ss-I, w,-~, and do,- r are, respectively, the unit sphere in R”, its
volume, and the usual measure on it. (For future reference, we note that 52,
and o,- 1 have the following explicit formulas [ 14, pp. 26-271:
-- 2?zs12 (3.4)
os-1 - T(s/2)’
Here, r( .) denotes the Gamma function and J,( .) denotes the order p
Bessel function of the first kind.) The result of this replacement is the radial
e --r% _-
s QAur)
4,(u), (3.5)
where dyl(u) = o,_ 1(4~t)-S’2e-u*‘4t~s-1 du. Finally, insert (3.5) into (2.4)
and interchange the finite sum and the integral; this gives the following
representation for Qt.
LEMMA 3.1. The quadratic form Qr given in (2.4) has the form
(i) i>O
(ii) 9 is a radial function and
(iii) &zda,(u)/u22 f(u)u’-r du.
Then, 0(t) satisfies the inequality 0(t) 3 c,(x(Q) - c2) > 0. The precise
constants c1 and c2 are given in (3.15).
There are infinitely many functions that satisfy these criteria. Selecting a
useful x hinges on the convergence of a certain series that depends on x.
(See [IO, Sect. IV, (4.12)].) We will produce a family of such functions,
and select the one that best serves our purposes. To do that, we need to
look at the function $p, the characteristic function of the &P-ball centered
at the origin and having radius /I.
This function is radial and has a radial (inverse) Fourier transform given
Substituting (3.3) and (3.4) into (3.8) and changing the variable of integra-
tion form 24to 2)= /Ix/I 2.4result in
The integral on the right above can be evaluated explicitly ClS, p. 3501; t
result is
Using (3.9) and the series expansion for J, found in [15, p. 3591, one
easily sees that I/~ is analytic in (1x(1#O and that it has a removable
singularity at l/x/l = 0, with
P” (3.10)
h40) = (4?T)“V((s + 2)/2) ’ O.
The function that wil be used for x will be a multiple of I+$. This will
ensure that (i) wil be satisfied, since f will be the convolution of two
positive functions. Let us therefore define the function
The square of the L2-norm of 1,6~is just the volume of the sphere in R” with
radius /I and center 0, and so (3.4) and the last equation yield
j(C)< (2n)-“I‘L-‘~“o,-l
28” K
= s(4n)“*l-(s/2) ’
From this inequality, (3.7) and the support of 2 being contained in the ball
with center 0 and radius 26, it is clear that the third criterion will be
satisfied by choosing
LEMMA 3.3. For s = 1, 2, .... and for all z > 0, J&(z) < Yi2Jz7t.
Proof When s = 1, from [13, p. 2971 we have J&(z) d 2./zr~< 2’+ ‘Jzz-r.
When s > 2; Weber’s “crude” inequality 113, p. 211-J for W$(z), the order
s/2 Mankel function, implies that
For z real, JS,*(z) = ‘%i(H$(z)}. Thus from the last inequality we get
Now, it is easy to show that the maximum of zJf,,(z) must occur for z
greater than the first positive root of J&. One can estimate this root from
below by z/@/2)(.9 -I 4)/2 > (s- 1)/2. (See [13, p. 4871.) This fact and
(3.17) imply that, for all z > 0,
~J~/~(z)<~(l-(l/2))-~-~=- (3.18)
n ’
Our next goal is to use the estimate for IC, in (3.19) to estimate from
above the sum Z appearing in (3.15). From the expression given for .X in
(3.15) and the inequality in (3.19), it follows that
==Izn”-l ‘8”
K,<- t-“2n.-1-“q-‘-“e-P~/’
nzl n-2.
&E (tn)-S/2q-l-Se-8Z/‘.
From this inequality, (3.15), and (3.16), it follows that
s 1
1_71~*((3+w @q/12)-“-’ .
18 I
By using (3.4), (3.16), and the identity &I + 1) =pF(p), we may transform
the lower estimate for 0(t) given above into the form
B:==wq, where 6 := 12
Inserting (3.21) into (3.20) results in our final Lower estimate for Q(t):
(j(t) 3 Cs*--s12q~se~62q-2r-‘, 6”
where C, := (3.22)
2”+‘I-((s -t 2)/Z)’
b-‘Il G pp(26,q)’
KG Pcm
To obtain an estimate from below for the 8 that is the minimum for the
quadratic form Q associated with F, one may now use steps identical to the
ones leading up to the estimate (3.22) to arrive at
where p(u) is strictly positive, decreasing, and continuous on (0, co) and
F(0) 3 0. With 6 as given in (3.21), one has
(4-l )
BTc = 0,
The estimate on sin CI in Lemma 4.1 and the bound on the quadratic
form appearing in Theorem 2.4 suffice to prove the invertibility of G and to
estimate IIG-iIJ.
For the case k = 1, we are done. Let k 3 2. If cr2(rr2d a,) denotes the next
largest eigenvalue of A, then
then I/A-‘/j d l/6. To do this, first note that such an F is nonnegative, and
so the entries of A are nonnegative, too. Consequently,
. ..l)A i >O.
LEMMA 5.2. Let W be a real vector space with inner product ( , >, and
let U G W be a subspace. In addition, let S and T be self-anoint linear
transformations that satisfy these conditions:
(i) (SW, w> 20, for all wE W.
(ii) (Su,u)>o I)u[/~, cr>O,for all uEU.
(iii) (Su’, u’ ) = 0 and ( Tu’, u’ ) 3 z /lu’/l 2, where z > 0, f~or all u’ E U’.
Then, one may choose y so that, for all w E W, yS+ T satisfies
(b’s+T)w,w>2; llw/12.
Proof Since W= U@ Ul, we can write w E W a5 M;= au + pa’, where
U, u’ are unit vectors in U, U’, respectively, and I/w//’ = cc2+ 8’. If y is any
real number, then
Since S is nonnegative in W,
~~~~+~~~,~)~~2(y~-ll~ll)-~l~l WI W,0fP2~.
Since JIuII = \Iu’II = 1, 1(Tu, u’)l < II TII. This and the inequality
2ab < ~~~41~+ cb2 imply that
Finally, pick y = (l/o)[ II Tlj + 22-l I\TII 2 + ~/2] to complete the proof.
We are now ready to prove the main results of this section. Both
theorems we are about to state concern the invertibility of the interpolation
matrix coming from an FEgHz,, that has been modified by adding a
polynomial in r2. One of the theorems is the direct analog of results proved
in the case m = 1, while the other shows that F may be modified so that the
resulting interpolation matri.x will be negative definite.
That this is so is a consequence of Lemma 1.4 and Theorem 2.4. Lemma 5.2
then implies that there is a y1 such that
Choose b, = -(-l)“-‘y,.
In the next step, we work with
(Cw, w) d -- lIwl12, W&RN.
Thin-plate splines are radial functions that are in %QVz,, and that mini-
mize certain Sobolev norms. Because these functions have been exte~s~v~l~
employed in interpolation problems, we have chosen them to illustrate our
Let d= 1, 2, 3, .... and let m > d/2, where m is an integer.
d odd
r(m+l-d/2) ’
M + 1~ d/2 cm ~ d/2 ln ~
d even.
T(m+ 1--d/2) ’
Fm,&) := -gm,d(r2).
Using induction, one may verify that the m th derivative of gm,d is given by
which of course shows that F,,,E~ZJV~& and implies that the measure
dq(t) in Theorem 2.4 is given by
e=c,q-frnt 0
(d--s)/2---11,-629-2,-1 dt.
The first example that we wish to look at is the case in which m = 1 and
d= 1, and the CNDR function is F,,i(r) = 27r”*r. We chose this case
because, when s = 1, the best estimate on /iA -’ I/is known [ 11. If a constant
factor is accounted for, the result from Cl] is that /A-‘ll ~n-l’~q-‘,
which is sharp. To get an estimate using our results, first note that with
m = d = s = 1, we have that 6 = 27~ and that C, = 2rc3’*. From (6.1), it
follows that (3= q/2 &. Applying Corollary 2.6 then yields the estimate
Thus our results yield an estimate that is a factor of 271larger than the best
possible estimate, but that has the same q dependence.
The two most important cases occur when m = 2 and s = d = 2 or s = 3,
d= 1. In these cases, we have the following &values:
when s=d=m=2;
when m=2 and s=3, d=l. (6.3)
Combining the theorems mentioned above with (6.3) and (6.4) results in
the table below:
-r2 In r2 (808D’NIn D)q-’ max{ 1,57lq-‘} 5719-2 2,284q -’
4 & r’/3 (4.54 x 105q-‘iVD3) max(1, q-3} 1.36 x 105q-’ 5.44 x 105q-’
In the table above, D, which is the diameter of the data set, was assumed
to be larger than 2. Also, although N, D, and q are independent, one can
show (see [lo, Sect. 71) that
N<\ Df&? 2
( 2q > .