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Instructions With Solutions 26.05.2015

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Power Quality Phenomena – Instructions 26.05.2015.

Exercise 1 – Harmonic distortion

A 69kV (phase to phase) substation has a short-circuit power of 1500 MVA

(representing the reactive impedance only). The series resistive component is 1.0 ohms
(assume it is frequency-invariant).
(Note: As the diagram below shows, assume the (50 Hz) voltage to be equal to nominal
at the voltage source, i.e. between the source and the system impedance.)

A switchable 60 Mvar capacitor bank is installed at the substation, as in the Figure 1.

A Measurement indicates that there is 80 A of the 5th harmonic current, caused by a
rectifier, flowing into the substation as shown below.

Figure 1 – Diagram of the analyzed network

(a) Compute impedance values of the short-circuit impedance (system impedance)

and the capacitor bank at the fundamental and 5th order frequencies.
(b) Draw an equivalent circuit looking into the substation at the 5th harmonic.
(c) Determine the parallel resonance frequency.
(d) Determine the 5th harmonic voltage at the capacitor.
(e) Determine the RMS of the voltage at the capacitor, assume the fundamental
voltage has the nominal value before the impedance
(f) Determine the 5th harmonic voltage distortion at the capacitor
(g) Determine the 5th harmonic of the current in the capacitor
(h) Determine the fundamental current flowing through the capacitor


Part (a)

Given that and the system voltage is 69kV

Hence the system impedance at fundamental frequency is given by,

(if the phase to neutral voltage is given, the formula

should be adjusted)

The impedance at fundamental frequency is given by,

Reactance of capacitor bank at fundamental frequency is given by, (this is based on the
fact that 60MVAR is delivered at 69kV)

At the 5th harmonic, the system inductive reactance is given by,

Hence the system impedance at 5th harmonic is given by,

The reactance of the capacitor bank at 5th harmonic is given by,

The results are summarized as follows:

Element Fundamental 5th Harmonic

System Impedance 3.328Ω 15.9Ω
Capacitor bank reactance 79.35Ω 15.87Ω

Part (b)

Part (c)

The parallel resonant frequency at the substation bus is given by,

or in other words, parallel resonant frequency is 250Hz

another way to calculate the resonance frequency is using:

Part (d)

The impedance at 5th harmonic is given by (parallel connection of the system impedance
and capacitor-bank),

As the 5th order harmonic current is 80A, the 5th order harmonic voltage at the capacitor
bank is given by,


Part (e)

The RMS voltage (phase to netural) at the capacitor bank at fundamental frequency is
given by,


The total RMS voltage at capacitor bank is given by,


In line-line voltage,


Part (f)

The voltage THD at the capacitor bank bus is in this case equal to HD of the fifth order,
and given by,

Part (g)

The 5th harmonic current flowing into the capacitor bank is,

Part (h)

The fundamental current flowing through the capacitor bank is,

Hence the total current flowing in to the capacitor bank is given by,

Part (i)

The system impedance seen by the nonlinear load at resonant frequency is an

equivalent of the capacitor-bank impedance in parallel with the upstream network,
given by:

additional notes (Simulink simulation):

The frequency response of the impedance seen by the nonlinear load with and without
the capacitor bank is shown below.

Simulink Results and Analysis

Ts = 5e- 006 s.


69kV 50Hz
Z 80A 5th harmonic

C apacitor
60 MVAr

Multimeter Scope

Exercise 2 – Voltage dips and interruptions

In the factory connected at busbar POC, as shown in Figure 2, there are 2 sensitive
devices which will fail when there is a voltage dip of certain characteristics at the POC.
The immunity of these devices is:
 Frequency drives failing when the remaining voltage is less than 70%, during more than
0.1 sec.
 Control devices failing when the remaining voltage is less than 85%, during more than
0.5 sec.

The cost of each failure (due to voltage dips) is estimated at € 20.000 (per occurence).
The MV network schematic is given in Figure 2. Note: As indicated in the figure, the MV
network contains 20 identical 10 kV feeders (the figure shows only 2). The distance
between each two busbars (MV/LV substations) is 1 km, and the average failure rate of
cables used is 0.025 failures/km/year.

Figure 2 - Single-line diagram of the analyzed MV network

In the next table the annual average number of dips originating from the HV-grid are

Circuit breaker 1 (from Figure 2) has a disconnection time of 0.6 sec. Circuit breaker 2
has a disconnection time of 0.3 sec.

a) The average yearly number of interruptions (reliability) for the customer at bus 2 (138
MVA) when the second circuit breaker is not installed.
b) The average yearly number of interruptions for the customer at station 2 (138 MVA)
when second breaker is installed.
c) The average yearly number of interruptions for the customer at bus POC when the
second breaker is not installed.
d) The average yearly number of interruptions for the customer at the POC when the
second breaker is installed.
e) The amount of dips at the POC due to short circuits in the MV-grid (second breaker
installed at both feeders), and their durations and remaining voltages. Make the dip table
for these dips.
f) The total amount of dips at the POC (including the dips originating from the HV
g) The total cost of dips at POC (excluding interruptions).


a) The whole feeder is disconnected (has an interruption) for each short-circuit on the
same feeder. Faults on the other feeder and the HV network lead to dips.
The yearly average number of interruptions is:

b) Half of the faults (originating in the last 5 km) are disconnected by the second cirtuit-
breaker, so these short-circuits are seen as voltage dips at busbar 2 instead of

c) Every fault at the feeder leads to an interruption at POC

d) Same situation, because POC is downstream of the second cirtuit breaker:


Dips originating from the MV network happen due the short-circuits on the remaining
19 feeders. All short-circuits on the feeder where POC is located lead to interruptions
(hence not dips).

Dip table – only dips originating from the MV network

f) Total number of dips (on the average per year): 12.55 (sum of all numbers in the table

Total dip table – dips originating from the HV network are added to the previous table.

g) Costs are calculated based on the estimated cost per dip, times the yearly average
number of dips which lead to the disconnection of frequency drives and/or control
equipment. The dips which affect these two devices are behind the blue lines in the Total
dip table (above).
Yearly average cost = (1.9+0.475+0.2+0.3) dips/year*20000 €/outage=57500 €

Exercise 3 – Voltage flicker

A 10 kV substation has a short-circuit power of 20 MVA at the 10 kV side. The resistive

part of the impedance can be neglected. Loads are supplied via a 10/0.4 kV/kV
transformer, with an equivalent resistance of 4 mΩ and inductive reactance of 20 mΩ
per phase seen at the low voltage side at fundamental frequency (in Figure 3 the line to
line voltages are given).

Figure 3 – Diagram of the analyzed network

The transformer is supplying the following loads:

- two motor drives, connected at points A and D, which operate with many starts
and stops every hour,
- two household installations connected at points B and C, whose lights are
disturbed by the operation of motor drives.

In both LV feeders a 50 mm2 Cu cable is used, with a resistance of 450 mΩ/km and a
reactance of 80 mΩ/km. The length of every section (LV busbar to A and C, A to B and C
to D) is 100 m, as indicated in the figure.

When in operation, and without other flicker sources in operation, motor drive at
location A causes a ΔPstA = 0.7 at its own connection point – A. When in operation, and
without other flicker sources in operation, motor drive at location D causes a ΔPstD = 0.6
at its own connection point - D.
a) Pst level at locations B and C when only the motor drive from location A is in
b) Pst level at locations B and C when only the motor drive from location D is in
c) Pst level at locations B and C when both motor drives are in operation at the same


The equivalent impedance of the MV network together with the transformer:

Each LV feeder section has an equivalent impedance:

a) When only drive from location A is in operation:

Location B:
Location C has the same level as on the LV busbar of the transformer:

b) When only drive from location D is in operation:

Location B has the same level as on the LV busbar of the transformer (with the new
disturbance source):

Location C:

c) When both drives are in operation, the levels are calculated as:
For location B as the sum (by the summation law) of the and the level caused by
drive D at the LV busbar (which was calculated in part b) – to determine the level at
point B):

For location C as the sum of the level caused by drive A at the LV busbar and the level
caused by drive D at location C (calculated in parts a) and b)):

Exercise 4 – Voltage unbalance

Several one phase resistive loads are connected to a three phase system with neutral
conductor (see figure). The supply voltage is 230 V phase voltage, 400 V line voltage.

A) Calculate all currents (including the neutral current) and draw all voltages and current
vectors on appendix A
B) The neutral conductor is broken! Recalculate the currents and redraw the voltages
and current vectors on appendix B


A) The current in each phase is equal to the phase to neutral voltage (230 V) divided by the
resistance of the resistor in that phase:

The neutral current is equal to the vectorial sum of the three phase currents (which are in
phase with the phase to neutral voltages):

B) Now the currents are calculated based on the system of equations, based on phase to
neutral votlages and the voltage of the star point (UP):

The voltage difference between the star point of resistors and the start point of the source
is calculated to be UP= 57.5 V. Note: use vectorial equations!
The magnitudes of currents are I1 = 7.5 A, I2 = I3 = 5.73 A/


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