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Psa Unit 4

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Introduction to symmetrical components

Symmetrical components of a 3 phase system

In a 3 phase system, the unbalanced vectors (either currents or voltage) can be resolved into
three balanced system of vectors.
They are Positive sequence
components Negative sequence
Zero sequence components
Unsymmetrical fault analysis can be done by using symmetrical components.

Positive sequence components

It consists of three components of equal magnitude, displaced each other by 120˚ in
phase and having the phase sequence abc .

Negative sequence components

It consists of three components of equal magnitude, displaced each other by 120˚ in phase
and having the phase sequence acb .
Zero sequence components
It consists of three phasors equal in magnitude and with zero phase displacement from each

Sequence operator
In unbalanced problem, to find the relationship between phase voltages and phase currents,
we use sequence operator ‘a’.
a = 1∠120˚ == - 0.5+j0.866

Unbalanced currents from symmetrical currents

Let, Ia, Ib, Ic be the unbalanced phase currents
Let, Ia0, Ia1, Ia2 be the symmetrical components of phase a
Determination of symmetrical currents from unbalanced currents.
Let, Ia, Ib, Ic be the unbalanced phase currents
Let, Ia0, Ia1, Ia2 be the symmetrical components of phase a

Sequence impedances sequence networks

The sequence impedances are the impedances offered by the power system components or
elements to +ve, -ve and zero sequence current.
The single phase equivalent circuit of power system consisting of impedances to current of
any one sequence only is called sequence network.
The phase voltage across a certain load are given as

Compute positive, negative and zero sequence component of voltage

A balanced delta connected load is connected to a three phase system and supplied to it is a
current of 15 amps. If the fuse is one of the lines melts, compute the symmetrical components
of line currents.

Draw zero sequence network of the power system as shown in fig.

Draw zero sequence network of the power system as shown in fig.

Draw zero sequence network of the power system as shown in fig. Data are given below.
Representation of single line to ground, line to line and double line to ground
fault conditions.

A 50MVA, 11KV, synchronous generator has a sub transient reactance of 20%.The generator
supplies two motors over a transmission line with transformers at both ends as shown in fig.
The motors have rated inputs of 30 and 15 MVA, both 10KV, with 25% sub transient
reactance. The three phase transformers are both rated 60MVA, 10.8/121KV, with leakage
reactance of 10% each. Assume zero sequence reactance for the generator and motors of 6%
each. Current limiting reactors of 2.5 ohms each are connected in the neutral of the generator
and motor number 2. The zero sequence reactance of the transmission line is 300 ohms. The
series reactance of the line is 100 ohms. Draw the positive, negative and zero sequence
Unbalanced fault analysis problem formulation

A 30 MVA, 13.2KV synchronous generator has a solidly grounded neutral. Its positive,
negative and zero sequence impedances are 0.30, 0.40 and 0.05 p.u respectively. Determine
the following:
a) What value of reactance must be placed in the generator neutral so that the fault current
for a line to ground fault of zero fault impedance shall not exceed the rated line current?
b) What value of resistance in the neutral will serve the same purpose?
c) What value of reactance must be placed in the neutral of the generator to restrict the
fault current to ground to rated line current for a double line to ground fault?
d) What will be the magnitudes of the line currents when the ground current is restricted
as above?
e) As the reactance in the neutral is indefinitely increased, what are the limiting values of
the line currents?
Two alternators are operating in parallel and supplying a synchronous motor which is
receiving 60MW power at 0.8 power factor lagging at 6.0 KV. Single line diagram for this
system is given in fig. Data are given below. Compute the fault current when a single line to
ground fault occurs at the middle of the line through a fault resistance of 4.033 ohm.

1. What is meant by a fault?

A fault in a circuit is any failure which interferes with the normal flow of current. The faults
are associated with abnormal change in current, voltage and frequency of the power system.

2. Why fault occur in a power system?

The faults occur in a power system due to insulation failure of equipments,flashover of lines
initiated by a lightning stroke, due to permanent damage to conductors and towers or due to accidental
faulty operations.

3. List the various types of shunt and series faults.

The various types of shunt faults are:
(i) Line to Ground fault (ii) Line to Line fault
(iii)Double line to Ground fault (iv) Three phase fault
The various types of series faults are:
(i) One open conductor fault (ii) Two open conductor fault

4. What is symmetrical unsymmetrical fault?

The fault is called symmetrical fault if the fault current is equal in all the phases.The fault is
called unsymmetrical fault if the fault current is not equal in all the phases.

5. Name any two methods of reducing short –circuit current.

(i)By providing neutral reactance.
(ii) By introducing a large value of shunt reactance between buses.

6. What is meant by fault calculations?

The fault condition of a power system can be divided into subtransient, transient and steady
state periods. The currents in the various parts of the system and in the fault are different in these
periods. The estimation of these currents for various types of faults at various locations in the system
are commonly referred to as fault calculations.

7. What is the need for short circuit studies or fault analysis?

The short circuit studies are essential in order to design or develop the protective schemes for
various parts of the system. The protective schemes consists of current and voltage sensing devices ,
protective relays and circuit breakers. The selection of these devices mainly depends on various
currents that may flow in the fault conditions.

8. What is synchronous reactance?

The synchronous reactance is the ratio of induced emf and the steady rms current. It is the
sum of leakage reactance and the reactance representing armature reaction.

9. Define subtransient reactance.

The subtransient reactance is the ratio of induced emf on no load and the subtransient
symmetrical rms current.
10. Define transient reactance.
The subtransient reactance is the ratio of induced emf on no load and the transient
symmetrical rms current.

11. Name the fault in which positive, negative and zero sequence component currents are equal.
In Single line to ground fault positive, negative and zero sequence component currents are

12. Name the fault in which positive and negative sequence component currents together is equal to
zero sequence current in magnitude.
Double line to ground fault.

13. Define positive sequence impedance.

The positive sequence impedance of an equipment is the impedance offered by the equipment
to the flow of positive sequence currents.

14. Define negative sequence impedance.

The negative sequence impedance of an equipment is the impedance offered by the
equipment to the flow of negative sequence currents.

15. Write the boundary condition in single line to ground

fault. Va = 0 ; Ib = Ic = 0

16. What are the boundary conditions in line to line fault?

Ia = 0 ; Ib + Ic = 0 ; V b = V c

17. Write down the boundary condition in double line to ground

fault. Ia = 0 ; Vb = 0 ; Vc= 0

18. Give the boundary condition for 3-phase fault.

Ia + Ib = Ic = 0 ; Va = Vb = Vc= 0

1.A balanced delta connected load is connected to a three phase system and supplied to it is a
current of 15 amps. If the fuse is one of the lines melts, compute the symmetrical components
of line currents

2. 2.Draw zero sequence network of the power system as shown in fig.

3.A 50MVA, 11KV, synchronous generator has a sub transient reactance of 20%.The
generator supplies two motors over a transmission line with transformers at both ends as
shown in fig. The motors have rated inputs of 30 and 15 MVA, both 10KV, with 25% sub
transient reactance. The three phase transformers are both rated 60MVA, 10.8/121KV, with
leakage reactance of 10% each. Assume zero sequence reactance for the generator and motors
of 6% each. Current limiting reactors of 2.5 ohms each are connected in the neutral of the
generator and motor number 2. The zero sequence reactance of the transmission line is 300
ohms. The series reactance of the line is 100 ohms. Draw the positive, negative and zero
sequence networks.

4.A 30 MVA, 13.2KV synchronous generator has a solidly grounded neutral. Its positive,
negative and zero sequence impedances are 0.30, 0.40 and 0.05 p.u respectively. Determine
the following:

f) What value of reactance must be placed in the generator neutral so that the fault current for
a line to ground fault of zero fault impedance shall not exceed the rated line current?
g) What value of resistance in the neutral will serve the same purpose?
h) What value of reactance must be placed in the neutral of the generator to restrict the
fault current to ground to rated line current for a double line to ground fault?
i) What will be the magnitudes of the line currents when the ground current is restricted
as above?
j) As the reactance in the neutral is indefinitely increased, what are the limiting values of
the line currents?

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