Molding English Vs Chinese List
Molding English Vs Chinese List
Molding English Vs Chinese List
氮 nitrogen
殘餘應力 residual stress
電鍍 electroplating
靜電 static electricity
EMI electromagnetic interference
RFI radio frequency interference
RM release agent
鹽霧測試 salt fog and humidity test (salt humidity test)
消毒 sterilization
兩種過鍚爐方法 SMT & DIP
雷雕 laser etching / laser marking
nomenclature 命名法
periodically 定期地, 偶爾
transverse 橫向的
in accordance with 依照符合
applicable 合適的
stipulate 規定, 要求
Consumable 消耗品
corrugated Box 紙箱
flexible Container 太空包
daily capacity 日產能
monthly consumption 每月消耗量
Throughput 生產量,生產率;吞吐量
subsidiary 子公司
affiliated companies 相關企業
ergonomics 人體工學