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MCQ - Mobile Application Development

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1. Android applications signed at the time _____.

A. before installed B. After installed C. Both A and B D. None of these

2. In android application which file holds the internet_____.

A. create file B. Manifest file C. system file D. None of these

3. Specifies the layout of android screen use_____file.

A. R B. manifest C. layout D. None of these

4. ______ contains the R.java file.

A. src B. gen C. Both A and B D. None of these

5. In memory, Activity doesn’t exist That is____state.

A. initial B. running C. starting D. All of these

6. Src folder contain____files

A. Java source code B. XML C. manifest D. None of these

7. user interface use for______

A. xml B. java C. c++ D. Both A and B

8.which class stores additional information?

A. Bundle B. Data store C. Extra D. None of these

9. In Status data a _____use in the android system.

A. content provider B. intents C. network D. None of these

10._____method is used to close an activity

A. Finish B. Stop C. Close D. None of these

11. To use the Android menu system what method you should override?

A. on Create Menu() B. on Create Options Menu() C. Both A & B D. on Menu Created() E. on

Create Context Menu() F. None of these

12. Which is not an Android component of the following?

A. Layout B. Service C. Activity D. Both A & C

13. _____is the first callback method invoked by the system during an Activity life-cycle,?

A. on Start() B. on Stop() C. Both A & B D. on Create()

14. What does the line of code achieve of the following? Intent intent = new Intent
(FirstActivity.this,SecondActivity.class );

A. Starts an activity. B. Creates a hidden Intent C. Creates an implicit Intent

D. Create an explicit Intent

15. Which is NOT a valid usage for Intents of the following?

A. Activate and Activity B. Activate a Service C. Both A & B D. Activate an SQLite DB


16. Which is not a valid Android resource file name of the following?

A. my_layout.xml B. mylayout.xml C. myLayout.xml D. Both B & C E. mylayout1.xml

17. ______of the following is not defined as a process state?

A. Visible B. Non-visible C. Both A & B D. Foreground

18. Which folder that contains the R.java file of the following?

A. res B. src C. Both B & D D. bin E. gen

19. Which is a correct statement about an XML layout file of the following?

A. A file that is used to draw the content of an Activity B. A layout PNG image file

C. Both A & B D. A file that contains all application permission information

20. The src folder contains _____ of the following?

A. Image and icon files B. XML resource files C. Both A & B D. Java source code files

21. ______is the parent class of all Activity widgets?

A. View B. ViewGroup C. Layout D. Both A & C E. Widget

22. ______ is the name of the class used by Intent to store additional information?

A. Parcelable B. Extra C. Both A & B D. Bundle

23. ______is not included in the Android application framework?

A. Notification Manager B. Window Manager C. Both A & B D. Dialer Manager

24. Which Eclipse plugin is required to develop Android application?

A. Android Software Development Kit B. J2EE C. Both A & B D. Android Development


25. _______ of these files contains text values that you can use in your application?

A. AndroidManifest.xml B. res/Text.xml C. res/layout/Main.xml D. Both B & C

E. res/values/strings.xml

26. The Android project folder “res/” contain_____?

A. Resource files B. Java Activity classes C. Both A & B D. Java source code

27. Which is a Java call-back method invoked when a view is clicked of the following?

A. Detector B. OnTapListener C. Both A & B D. OnClickDetector E. OnClickListener

28. Which is not an Activity lifecycle call-back method of the following?

A. onStart B. onCreate C. Both A & B D. onPause E. onBackPressed

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