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1410 R16 Inft Vii Itdlo7032 Mad QP

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Program: BE Sem VII Engineering

Curriculum Scheme: Revised 2016

Examination: Final Year Semester VII ( R) 2016
Course Code: ITDLO7032 and Course Name: Mobile Application Development
Time: 1hour Max. Marks: 50
Note to the students:- All the Questions are compulsory and carry equal marks .

Q1. Which will be best suited for Android

Option A: Desktop Operating System

Option B: Mobile Operating System

Option C: Web Server

Option D: Virtual Server

Q2. Which is following is not Android Libraries?

Option A: android.content

Option B: android.database

Option C: android.class

Option D: android.app

Q3. What is the Role of Manifest

Option A: Configuration file for the application.

Option B: Messages wiring components together

Option C: Represents a portion of user interface in an Activity.

Option D: External elements, such as strings, constants and drawable pictures.

Q4. For a foreground activity in Android what is the lifecycle order ?

Option A: onCreate() -> onStart() -> onResume()

Option B: onCreate() -> onresume() -> onResume() -> onStop()

Option C: onCreate() -> onstart() -> onStop()

Option D: oncreate() -> onStart() -> onResume() -> onStop() -> onRestart()

Q5. In what state is an Activity when it doesn’t exist in memory

Option A: Loading state

Option B: Starting state

Option C: Running state

Option D: Inexistent state

Q6. What is setContentView() used for?

Option A: lays out the UI by inflating a layout resource

Option B: it is used to set the UI Contents

Option C: It is used to inflate the images in UI

Option D: it is used to create a new Activity

Q7. What happens to an Activity when the onDestroy() is called?

Option A: The App process is comes to foreground

Option B: Activity Shuts Down

Option C: User returns to the Activity

Option D: Activity is launched

Q8. The method called when a Fragment is associated with an Activity

Option A: onCreateView()

Option B: onDetach()

Option C: onCreate()

Option D: onAttach()

Q9. In Android which mechanism responsible for anononymous application components

service action request.

Option A: Explicit Intent

Option B: Implicit Intent

Option C: Activity

Option D: Applications

Q10. Which broadcast in Android includes information about Battery state level

Option A: Android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED

Option B: Android.intent.action.BATTERY_LOW

Option C: Android.intent.action.BATTERY_OKAY

Option D: Android.intent.action.CALL_BUTTON.

Q11. Which of the following is NOT a valid usage for Intents?

Option A: Activate and Activity

Option B: Activate a service

Option C: Activite a Broadcase receiver

Option D: Activate a SQLite DB connection

Q12. ______ is a helper class tha creates links within Text View.

Option A: Activity

Option B: Button

Option C: Text View

Option D: Linkify

Q13. Which of the following is not in-built ContentProvider provided by android OS

Option A: Contacts list

Option B: Telephone log

Option C: Application list

Option D: Bookmarks list

Q14. Which of the following is not a JSON type?

Option A: Object

Option B: date

Option C: Array

Option D: string

Q15. Which datatype is not supported by the SQLite storage classes?

Option A: Integer

Option B: Real

Option C: Text

Option D: Varchar

Q16. Which Database in Android is not external Database to device

Option A: Firebase

Option B: Google Cloud

Option C: SQLite

Option D: MySql

Q17. What is the MIME type of JSON?

Option A: application/x-json

Option B: text/json

Option C: application/json

Option D: application/javascript

Q18. Which of the following permission needs to be registered in

AndroidManifest.xml to use camera in android application?

Option A: android.system.permission.CAMERA

Option B: android.permission.CAMERA

Option C: android.permission.ACCESS_CAMERA

Option D: android.permission.REQUEST_CAMERA

Q19. Which class is used to access to the system location services?

Option A: LocationManager

Option B: GoogleManager

Option C: Google Maps

Option D: Reverse Encoding

Q20. To know the latitude and longitude of an area, then which of the following class
is used?

Option A: LocationViewmapper

Option B: MapViewLocation

Option C: Geocoder


Q21. How to add marker in map?

Option A: Directly use draw method.

Option B: You cannot add marker on the map.

Option C: Implement an Overlay class and override the draw() method.

Option D: Enter latitude and longitude manually

Q22. Which one of the following way is correct to install/deploy apk file in android

Option A: Downloading from Apple store

Option B: Download from Google Play.

Option C: Transfer from IoS device.

Option D: Transferred from windows device.

Q23. Following is one of the possible way hacker can attack android phone.

Option A: Using Wi-Fi remote access from long distance.

Option B: By sending suspicious SMS When the users click that particular link in the
message, they may be redirected to a malicious website

Option C: Using camera of user’s device.

Option D: Using contact details of user device.

Q24. If users downloaded the untrusted(harmful) app how harmful it is

Option A: Such harmful apps are malware, which can be very harmful.

Option B: These harmful apps are antivirus

Option C: These harmful apps are good and enhance security.

Option D: The dos attack not possible

Q25. Which one is not perform in penetrating testing in android

Option A: To identify vulnerability of the system

Option B: To deploy the app on the market place

Option C: To identify the possible cyber risk

Option D: To identify possible threats.


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