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Majala Manza Research

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ID; - MSM/WE/136/12

APRIL, 2024


This study examined the practices and challenges of public relations within two government
organizations in Ethiopian towns. It assessed the roles and functions of public relations
within the organizations in awash international bank wolaita sodo Menahariya branch,
pertinent to the contemporary global views of the practices of public relations. The study
observed that the issues of public relations is still at its pre-historic stage which deals with
propaganda, publicity, and manipulation. A descriptive data analysis of the practices and
challenges of the public relations was used to communicate the findings of the study. The
study revealed that the practice of public relations in the towns under study is very deprived
and highly challenging for effective performance and implementation of public relations
activities. The reason being that the major perspectives of public relations roles and
functions are not clearly identified. Hence, public relations practitioners should get involve
in strategic management, decision making and implementation of organizational planning.

Key Words, Management, marketing, organization, public relations

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE..................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study...........................................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the problem............................................................................................................2
1.3. Basic Research Questions.........................................................................................................2
1.4. Objective of the study...............................................................................................................2
1.4.1. General Objective..............................................................................................................2
1.4.2. Specific Objective...............................................................................................................2
1.5. Significance of the Study..........................................................................................................3
1.6. Delimitation of the Study.........................................................................................................3
1.7. Organization of the Study........................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO...................................................................................................................................4
2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITRATURE............................................................................................4
2.1 Definition and Meaning of Public Relation.................................................................................4
2.2 Overview of Public Relation.........................................................................................................5
2.2.1 History of Public Relation......................................................................................................5
2.2.2 Public Relation and Social Responsibility..............................................................................6
2.2.3 Function of Public Relations..................................................................................................6
2.3 Elements of Public Relation.........................................................................................................7
2.4 Public Relations for Internal and External Public.........................................................................7
2.4.1 Internal public of public relation...........................................................................................7
2.4.2 External Public of Public Relation.........................................................................................8
2.5 The Role and Impact of Public Relations......................................................................................8
2.6 Major tools of public relations.....................................................................................................9
2.8 Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Public Relation...............................................................10
2.9 Practice of PR in Banks...............................................................................................................10
2.10 Dimensions for Public Relations in Banks................................................................................11
2.11 Challenges of Public Relations.................................................................................................12
CHAPTER THREE.............................................................................................................................14
3. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY............................................................................14
3.1. Description of study area..........................................................................................................14

3.2. Research Design........................................................................................................................14
3.3. Population and Sampling Techniques.......................................................................................14
3.4. Types of Data Collected............................................................................................................14
3.4. Method of Data Collected.........................................................................................................14
3.5. Method of Data Analysis...........................................................................................................15


1.1 Background of the Study
Creating proper public relation is one of the vital factors that determine the competitiveness
of a specific organization and create a better image in the mind of both internal and external
customers. The importance of the role of public relation in the service sector is to develop
commitment, motivation and morale among people to enable them to function under different
circumstances (banik, 2004:38).The bottom line of public relation practice is in the results
that come from putting theories and principles to work in a way that benefits the organization
issuing the paycheck and the society of which that organization is apart (allen; 2002:1).

According to Banik, (2004:39) public relation is a deliberate, planned and sustained effort to
establish and maintain mutual understanding and goodwill between an organization and its
publics. Public relation is an effort to identify and interpret policies and programs of an
organization with the objective to establish a bridge of understanding and goodwill between
an organization and its publics (Banik, 2004:4). Public relations provide a service for a
company by helping to give the public and the media a better understanding of how he
company works. Public relations also help a company to achieve its full potential. Public
relation defined as an applied social and behavioral science which measures evaluates and
interprets the attitudes of the various relevant publics (kaul; 1988:14).

The scale of activities to promote good public relation may vary considerably according to
the size and nature of interested parties but the philosophy, the strategy and method will be
very similar weather the public relation program is designed on relevance of international
understanding or to improve relation between a company and its customer agent and
employee(black 2004:3).

Public relation recognizes a long term responsibility and seeks to persuade and to achieve
mutual understanding by securing the willing acceptance of attitude and ideas. The main
reason for the company’s poor image and in the mind of the society is the gap of mutual lines
of communications, service and social events understanding acceptance and cooperation
between an organization and its publics. Some of the problems related with the public
relations are limitation of decision making due to unclear structural setup of the organization
and not having clear distinguish goals between departments and limited public relation

services offered by the department due to shortage of manpower and facility, and budget
limitation (Kotler; 2002: 605).

1.2. Statement of the problem

The problem that the student researcher observes from the Awash international bank in
wolaita sodo menahariya branch public relation practice are the following; the company
public relation department is small relating to the bank’s size and standard so they don’t
practice public relation appropriately. And the company only uses sponsorship tool from the
public relation tools and it’s has four employees in the public relation division so that the
student researcher has gained problem in terms of these practice of the company. But they
don’t use public relations tools appropriately such as community service, counseling, and
press relies because of that the company loses its competitive advantage.

This is a tentative gap in which the company doesn’t take remedial measure it may lose its
reputation which is one source of competitive advantage. After conducting the research it
might be found as true or not.

1.3. Basic Research Questions

1. What does the public relation practice of the company looks like awash international bank
in wolaita sodo menahariya branch?
2. How the bank measures its public relations activities awash international bank in wolaita
sodo menahariya branch?
3. What are the major factors that affect the public relation practice of the bank awash
international bank in wolaita sodo menahariya branch?
4. What measures are taken by the bank to avoid the problem with regards to its public
relation practice awash international bank in wolaita sodo menahariya branch?

1.4. Objective of the study

1.4.1. General Objective
To assess the public relation practice of the case awash international bank in wolaita sodo
menahariya branch.
1.4.2. Specific Objective
• To describe the public relation practice of the awash international bank in wolaita sodo
menahariya branch.
• To point out the company’s public relation practice measurement awash international bank
in wolaita sodo menahariya branch.

• To assess the major factors that affects the public relation practice of the awash
international bank in wolaita sodo menahariya branch.
• To analyze the measures that the bank take to avoid the problems with regards to its public
relations practice Awash international bank in wolaita sodo menahariya branch.
1.5. Significance of the Study
First and foremost this study will be important to the student researcher in doing the cross
match of the theoretical aspect with the real marketing practices. It will also be useful for
others researchers who may be interested to conduct research in similar topics. In addition to
this the study will have an importance to awash international bank in wolaita sodo
menahariya branch as an input for decision making.
1.6. Delimitation of the Study
The study will be delimited to public relation practice in the case of awash international bank
in wolaita sodo menahariya branch. Due to the branch of the bank are scattered throughout
the country the research gives emphasis on awash international bank in wolaita sodo
menahariya branch and head office current status only. Because of time, place cost and other
factors the student researcher will be used the data available from 2023 to 2024.

1.7. Organization of the Study

This study will be organized as follows, the first chapter will deal with introduction
including background of the study, Statement of the problem, research question, objective of
the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study and
organization of the paper, the second chapter will deal with review of related literature,
which describe briefly about the definition and concept of purchasing, the third chapter will
include research design and method, data type and source, data collection tools, sampling
design, and sampling techniques and method of data collection.



2.1 Definition and Meaning of Public Relation
Public relation can be defined as the development and maintenance of positive relationship
between an organization and its publics. The development place the responsibility on the
organization and the world maintenance identifies public relation as an on-going and
continuous process (Milner, 1995: 184). Public relation is one of the major promotional tool
and it build good relation with the companies various publics by obtaining favorable
publicity, building up good corporate image and handling or heading of unfavorable rumor,
stories and events (Kotler, 2006: 477-478).
Create proper public relation is one of the vital factors that determine the competitiveness of
specific organization and create a better image in the mind of both internal and external
customers and public relation is used to promote product, people, place, idea, activities,
organization and even nation. Public relation is a management tool designed to favorably
influence attitudes towards an organizations this promotional tool is typically a step child
relegated for behind personal selling, advertising and sales promotion (Etzel and other, 2001:
The practical public relation (Banik, 2004: 5) defined as the establishments of two ways
communications to resolve conflict interests and the establishment of understanding based on
truth, knowledge and full information from this perspective pubic relation requires execution
of communication program designed to bring public acceptance and common understanding.
Many companies do not take the task of public relations seriously for various reasons; firstly
the term public relations have not been defined properly.
Different firms draw different mining out of it and make use of it in several ways, when they
are unable to draw desirable results out of it they start neglecting it. Secondary most firms
have a compact organizational structural in which there small public relations department
whereas this task should be undertaken by the marketing department that is versify enough to
make public dealings. Thirdly till recently many firms didn’t realize the value of public
relation. For them it was a wasteful activity after the economy become open, they felt the
need for it and started taking it seriously (Monga, 2003: 491).
(Cooper and Heinbig 2000: 364) forwarding their idea on public relation; the act of
evaluating public opinion and identifying organizational policies and practice with interest of
the audience, followed by the development and execution of plans that earn public awareness,

understanding acceptance, support and action, in addition to they also suggest that; in practice
public relation is a multi-strategy, multi tactical means of reaching various external and
internal target audiences called “ publics” by practitioners, public relation enables peoples to
deliver message that inform, educate and create or change opinions, attitudes and actions that
have an impact on objectives.
Relationships may be between an organization and it stake holders. An organization
communicates with various stake holders, both internal and external public relations efforts
can be directed toward any and all of this firm stake holders can include customers, suppliers,
employees, stake holders, the media, educators, potential investors, government officials and
society in general public relations can be used to promote people, place, ideas, activities and
even countries. It focuses on enhancing the image of the total organization (Pride, 2005: 477).

Public relation is the use of publicity and other non-paid forms or communication designed to
present firm and its products positively they also suggest that public relation can be used to
establish the social responsibility of a good corporate citizen. Because of the typical content
and source or messages it is possible to reach upscale opinion leaders who in turn spread the
massage (frazier and Harrell, 1995:455) On the above definitions we can understand that
public relations is effective way of communication in order to get better solution and to create
better image in the mind of publics that results good will for an organization.
2.2 Overview of Public Relation
This portion of literature review gives emphasis on the public relations historical background
and will try to vivid its functions
2.2.1 History of Public Relation
Public relation have a relatively short history and a very long way to go (Banik 2004:10)
elaborates that public relations in the past has been practiced as an information and publicity
tool of the government he also clearly categorized the phase of history banik explained that
public relations in the past has been practiced as an information and publicity tool of the
government he also clearly categorized the phases based on the Indian history as the era of
propaganda the era of publicity and the modern public relations.
All of the above three phases have their definite communication objectives the phase of
propaganda techniques used to preserve the government rule and keep an eye on the intrigues
of their enemies the era of publicity of public relations facilitate information availability to
the public the modern public relations becoming an integral part of management process in
the business activity. It establish credibility become a strategic resource to the management

unlike any other profession modern public relations demand a high degree of ethical conduct
credibility knowledge and creativity (Banik 2004:10).
2.2.2 Public Relation and Social Responsibility
In today rapidly changing business markets the business is expected to build the management
structure and the operations of the company which meet the competitive environment (Banik,
2004:20) Further banik strengthen this idea by saying the business should clearly indicate that
the business and the community have a profound effect on each other perhaps the concept of
social responsibility is developing in the minds of the management the general public etc.
According to bank the business should realize that it has the responsibility towards
customer’s community media action groups and the general public.
2.2.3 Function of Public Relations
Public relation has general objectives to establish and maintain appositive image of the
company among its various publics (Blech, 2004:23) therefore the public relation target to
create a conductive work environment for the company and its objective public relations
develops and implements program to meet organizations objectives by maintaining
sustainable image bridging customer loyalty and other relevant publics including employees,
suppliers, stockholders, government labor groups citizens action groups and the general
public(belch; 2004:95).
According to Kotler (2006:475) public relation department may perform any or all the
following functions Press relations /press agency – creating and placing news worthy
information in the news media to attract attention to person, person, product or service.
Product or service publicity- publicizing specific products. Public affairs building and
maintaining relation with legislators and government officials to influence legislation and
Counseling- spends time counseling top management to adopt positive program and to
eliminate questionable practice so that negative publicity doesn’t arise in the first place.
Investor relations- maintaining relationships with shareholders and others in the financial
Development- public relation with donors or members of not for profit organization s to
gain financial or volunteer support. Objectives and aims of public relation The main objective
of public relations department is to enhance a company’s reputation According to Black
(2004:18) the practical applications of public relation practice can be summarized under three
main heading of public relation practice can be summarized under three main headings.

Positive steps to achieve good will: - these consist in arousing and maintain good will and
public interest in the activities of an organization in order to facilitate the successful operation
and expansion of those activities. Action to safe guard reputation: - it is equally important to
look inward at the organization and to eliminate customs and practices which through
legitimate, are likely to offend public opinion or interfere with mutual understanding. Internal
relationship:- using public relation techniques internally in order to that the staff and
employees of the organization shall be encouraged to identify their own interests with those
of the management
2.3 Elements of Public Relation
1) The message to be transmitted
2) An independent third party endorser to transmit
3) A target audience to motivate
4) Medium (television, radio, etc.) to transmit the message
2.4 Public Relations for Internal and External Public
From the point of view of management there are two aspects of public relations internal and
external. As banik explained in his book of effective public relation in public and private
sector (Banik, 2002:40-46) the modern management of any business has to enlist objectives
winning confidence and trust of its shareholders, clients, and suppliers and public at large
there by fulfilling its internal and external obligations
2.4.1 Internal public of public relation
The modern management of a business has to enlist to participation and support of its
workers to realize its objectives winning confidence and trust of its shareholders clients and
suppliers and the public at large there by fulfilling its social obligations The employees are
the internal public of both public of both public and private sector companies they are
important because they participate in its operation, production and formulation of its ideas
effective communication between management and employees is of great importance
The objective of an internal communications programs should be the creation of an
atmosphere of understanding and merited support of co-ordinate inter change of high morale
and high efficiency communications as a practicing art has to be developed as a culture and
philosophy so that every employee function as an effective communicator or as a change
agent employees these days expect more information on what’s happening to the company
and how it will affect them. The internal communication program must be tailored to
communicate with the employee’s facts, figures and beliefs taken from the corporate policies,
objectives and achievements An organizations internal image and the moral of the work force

depend a great deal on the flow of communication the organizations which refuse to
communicate with their internal constituents and take them for granted fails to effectively
handle the flow of internal communication and on many occasions are compelled to face
undesirable consequences (banik, 2004:40-41)
2.4.2 External Public of Public Relation
External public relation as the name suggests, is concerned with people outside the
organization since it is necessary to communicate with different groups of people in public
relation the target population has to be defined it is very important to carefully identify the
people to reach them effectively otherwise it may be difficult to achieve the desired
objectives and result in undesirable consequences The private sector companies are owned by
individuals or shareholders and the external public for these organizations are:-
Opinion leaders
Mass media
Community at large
Civic and government bodies
Financial institutions
Citizens action groups and
Public at large (banik, 2004:41-42)
2.5 The Role and Impact of Public Relations
According to kotler (2006:467) public relations can have a strong impact on public
awareness at much lower cost than advertising can the company does not pay for the space or
time in the media rather; it pays for a staff to develop and circulate information and to
manage events if the company develops an interesting story. It would by picked up several
different media having the same effects as an advertising that would have more credibility
than advertising Public relations activities are needed to deal with local government, media,
trade associations and the general public. The role played by public relation is not just to help
the company sell its product or service but also to present the firms as a good corporate
citizen concerned about the future of the country often public relations are needed to deal
with specific problems accompany faces it takes responsibility to maintain mutually
beneficial relationships between the organization and its public (belchand belch; 2003: 694)
In addition (shri and shri; 2004:12) public relations play an important vital role in enhancing
image of organization in the eyes of the public relations is not projecting the negative as

positive public relations in the organization existing and with whom the organization

2.6 Major tools of public relations

To communicate with internal and external customers and also the public a company’s
public relation department must use appropriate tools depending up on the nature of activities
public relation tools as majors:- • Publications – companies rely extensively on published
materials to reach and influence their target markets these include annual report, brochures,
articles company news, letter magazines and audiovisual material (kotler, 2002:606).

• Events – companies can draw attention to new products or other company activities by
arranging special events like news conferences, seminar, outings exhibits contests and
competitions anniversaries sport and cultural sponsorships that will reach the target publics
(kotler, 2002:608).

• News – one of the major tasks of public relation professionals is to find or creates favorable
news about the company. Its products and its people news generation requires skill in
developing story concept, researching it and writing après release but the public relation
persons skill must go beyond preparing news, stories, getting to media to accept press
releases and attend press conferences call for marketing and interpersonal skills (kotler,

• Speeches – can also create product and company publicity increasingly company executives
must field questions from the media or give tasks at trade associations or sales meeting and
these events can either build or hurt the company’s images (kotler, 2002:608).

• Public services activities – companies can build good will by distributing money and time
to good causes. Large companies typically ask executives to support community affairs. In
other instances, companies will donate an amount of money to specified cause. Such cause
related marketing is growing number companies to build a public good will (kotler,

• Corporate identity – can help create a corporate identity that the public immediately
recognize logos, stationary, brochures, signs, business forms, business card, buildings,
uniforms and company cars and trucks all become marketing tools when they are attractive
distinctive and memorable. Finally, companies can improve public good will by contributing
money and time to public services activities (kotler, 2002:608). 2.7 Advantage of public

relation Public relations have both advantage and disadvantage (Belch, 2006:576) specified
these elements as follows Advantage

1. Credibility – because public relations communications are not perceived in the same light
as advertising that is the public does not directly or indirectly paid for them they tend to have
more credibility.

2. Avoidance of clutter – they are typically perceived a new items public relation messages
are not subject to the clutter of advertisement

3. Image buildings – effectives public relation help to develop appositive image for the
organization a strong image is insurance against inter misfortunes

4. Cost – in both absolute and relative terms, the cost of public relations is very low 5.
Leading generation – information about technological innovations and the like may results
the firm some quality sales leads 6. Ability to reach specific groups – if the company does not
have the financial capability to engage in promotional expenditures, the best way to
communicate to these groups is though public relations

2.8 Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Public Relation

There might be many factors which have an influence on the practical public relations
activities of any organization.

Hiebing and cooper (2003:383) recommend the following factors should be considered prior
to any public relations activities implemented these activities are setting public relation
objectives identifying the company target group identifying the appropriate public relation
tools activities shall be specific setting standards selection of personnel of public relations
department and availability of technology.

2.9 Practice of PR in Banks

Public perception is the key to the success of any bank. In the liberated market economy and
a more competitive environment with more players and innovative products in banking
industry, a question arises how we build public relations on banks. It is through customer-
friendly approach based on two-pronged strategy:- a) Customer friendly products and honest
services. b) A public relations communication strategy (redid, 2010:228)

Some public relations are determent factors in improving the reputation of individual bank or
financial institutions to build up enduring relationships with the people inside and outside the

bank. Banks deal with the public money, are the repositories of peoples savings, serve people
with financial services, have to maintain good relations with stakeholders, have to liaise with
other financial institutions and government and non-government bodies, have to deal with
media for effective communication, have to provide information under the right to
information act, etc. are few to quote functions that justify the need for public relations in the
banking industry (redid; 2010: 229)

2.10 Dimensions for Public Relations in Banks

Employees relations Employees are one of the public that have to be cared for by public
relations as they provide services to customers. Though employees of the bank are the
constituencies for public relations department, the management expects that public relations
must be directed towards external publics. A research in the area of customer services shows
that customers can be satisfied if and only if employees are themselves satisfied. The main
business of the bank is to satisfy customers and only asatisfied employee is capable of
delivering the quality service expected by customers. House journals are the key tools of
employees relations (redid, 2010:232)

Relation with customers A bank customer is broadly defined as apotential users of banks
service. Ensuring his/her satisfaction is of paramount importance to a banker. The concept of
customer satisfaction, therefore, has gained renewed emphasis in the present-day context.
Today, customer awareness grown and therefore, they are more demanding. The mass media,
the consumerism and media exposure have raised the levels of expectations and this trend
will continue. In the current scenario when banks have very little difference in interest rate,
the only differentiation and most powerful weapon they have is customer service. A customer
evaluates the bank on the basis of his/her past experience, awareness and above all his/her
perception of the banks service quality (Reddi, 2010:233).

Service survey Customer service is an important arm in the public relations exercise of any
bank. Public relations in terms of customer service are performance, followed by recognition.
If the bank staff and authorities do not perform, then its negative image will be built rather
than a positive image (Reddi, 2010: 2010:235).

Media relations Since media is the conduit of reaching publics of the bank, public relations is
expected to create and maintain good media relations for getting fair coverage in both print
and electronic media. Tactics, such as press kit, press conference, news photograph, press

discussions are utilized for getting good coverage of banks activities, and also reaching the
target audience (Reddi, (2010:235).

2.11 Challenges of Public Relations

As Weiner, (2006:21-29) discussed; public relations faces numerous challenges on a number
of different levels. From within the organization, public relation budgets have always been
given great scrutiny-meaning, kept as small as feasible and sometimes smaller and yet the
expectation is that public relation will provide a return on investment for every dollar spent.
Public relation is under pressure to deal effectively with the proliferation of new media and
new media categories and globalization. Finally, from within the public relations profession
places obstacles in its own path, such as loosely defined professional standards, generally
inadequate levels of professional education and talent development. Internal Challenges The
internal challenges include conventional marketing wisdom that often boxes public relation
efforts into old formulas, constrictions of funding and resource, and uncontrollability of
information. • Conventional Marketing Wisdom Conventional marketing wisdom often keeps
public relation on periphery (side-line). Within most organizations, public relation is regarded
as great for interacting with the media, writing and distributing press releases, and helping
with special events, but not much else.

However, the sphere and potential of public relations is much greater than top management
often perceives. Whether it is raising awareness among prospective hires about a company’s
being a desirable place to work or Wall Street as being a worthwhile investment, or creating
marketing momentum to accelerate the scale of goods and services, public relation is capable
of some very heavy lifting. • Resource and Funding Generally speaking, one of public
relations key benefits is that it is intrinsically less costly than advertising. Public relation
requires no money-back offers and no media buys, so even its most ardent practitioners want
it to have a smaller budget.

That being the case, it would be unrealistic to expect that public relation would ever have the
same budget as advertising. But still, even as marketers being to recognize public relations
abilities, public relations is grossly underfunded when compared to other marketing forms.
To properly deliver consistent and effective public relations results, public relation programs
must be properly funded. External Challenges Public relations practitioners also face greater
external challenges than ever before, including back of control of the media, greater media
attention to corporate behavior, and the risk of new forms of media, especially on the internet.

2.12 Measuring the Effectiveness of Public Relation According to (belch, 2004:577), to
determine if the public relations program is working the firm must measure the effectiveness
of the public relation effort as with the other promotional relation elements. It is important to
evaluate the effectiveness of the public relation effort. In addition to determine the
contribution of this program element to attaining communications objectives, the evaluation
offers other merits.

• It tells management what has been achieved though public activities.

• It provides management with a way to measure public relations achievement quantitatively

• It gives management away to judge the quality of public relations achievements and
activities Simon in (belch;2004:578) suggests additional means for accomplishing this
evaluation process, including the following: Personal observation and reaction- personal
observation and evaluation by ones superiors should occur at all levels of the organizations.
Matching objectives and results- specific objectives designed to attain the overall
communications objectives should be related to actions, activities or media coverage. The
team approach- one way of evaluating public relation activities especially in internal public is
the degree that results from public relations in creating term approach to meet the overall
objective of an organization. Therefore by doing the above others the company can make
effective public relation activities.

2.13 Evaluating Public Relation Effectiveness

One approach to measuring the effectiveness of publicity based on public relation is to count
the number of exposures in the media to determine which releases are published in print
media and how often, an organization can hire a clipping service, a firm that clip and sends
news releases to client companies. To measure the effectiveness of television coverage ,
affirm can enclose a card with its publicity releases, requesting that the television station
record it is name and dates when the news items is broad cat (pride, 2005:480). The
evaluation step in public relation program is essential. It permits the practitioner to assess the
effectiveness of the effort, demonstrate that effectiveness to management and plan for future
efforts. It also gives an opportunity to adjust tactics while the campaign is progress all this
means that competent evaluation demonstrates the value of public relations to management.
Evaluation techniques may include impact analysis, audience coverage, audience response,
campaign impact, and environmental assessment.



3.1. Description of study area
Wolaita zone Sodo town will be the market town and the separate woreda in southern
Ethiopia the administrative town of the Wolaita zone. It located on the main road from Addis
Ababa to Nairobi. The town has longitude and latitude of the 6’24’30’’N
38’18’30’’E/6.40833’N 38.30833’# with an elevation of 1570 water of above sea level. It
was the part of the Zuriya woreda and is currently surrounded by Zuriya woreda.

Demographically based on the 2007 census conducted by the CSA this town has the total
population of 59,150 of whom 31,068 are men and 28,082 women. The majority of the in
habitants was practiced Ethiopia orthodox Christianity with 41.65% of population reporting
that belief, 39.2% was protestants, 15.93% was Muslim and 2.68% was Catholic. The 1994
national census reported this town had a total population of 33.734 of which 17,346 was men
and 16,3888 was women. (www.gede.gov.et).

3.2. Research Design

In order to answer the above basic research questions, the student researcher uses descriptive
research method. Descriptive research method helps to describe the research setting as it is
and also allows the use of both qualitative and quantitative approach.

3.3. Population and Sampling Techniques

The student research has included customers, employees and managers of the bank as target
population of the study. The student researcher uses non probability sampling, particularly
convenient sampling technique, and used Malhotra’s (2006; 329) suggestion of 150
respondents customers as representative sample in order to have sufficient and reliable data
and enable the student researcher to meet the respondents on their availability.

3.4. Types of Data Collected

The student researcher will be aimed to use both primary and secondary data. The primary
data is to be collected from customers and head of the bank’s public relation department.
Secondary data will be gathered from documents of the bank, reference books, internet and
previous researches.

3.4. Method of Data Collected
The student researcher will be used both open and close ended questionnaire, and interview
to collect primary data. Questionnaires will be distributed to customers while they are coming
to the bank for service. Interview is taken personally with the head of the awash international
bank public relation department. The secondary data is gathered through referring different
text books, internet and unpublished data of the corporation; related with subject matter.

3.5. Method of Data Analysis

The study will use both quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques. The responses
that will be collected from questionnaires are analyzed by quantitative approach; tabulation
and percentage are used. Responses are obtained through interview are narrated qualitatively.


Table 6 Public relation tools

Item No Item Description No of Percentage (%)

1 The company uses Strongly Agree
Published materials as a means Agree
of sharing information with Neutral
customer Disagree
Strongly Agree
2 How do you rate the Very High
company’s level of High
participation in fund raising? Average
Very Low
3 How do you rate the Very Good
company’s effort to participate Good
in sponsoring different events? Medium
Very Poor
As it is shown in item 1 of table 6, 32(24%) of the total respondents strongly agrees, 47(35%)
respondents agrees, 38(29%) respondents chose to be neutral, 9(7%) respondents, 7(5%)
disagrees to the statement “the company uses published materials as a means of sharing
information with customers.” the majority of respondents specifically 49(36%) agreed to the
statement indicating the company does indeed make use of published materials as a means of
sharing information. Item 2 of the above table shows how respondents rated the company’s
level of participation in fund raising, out of the total respondents 27(20%) rated it as very
high, 38(29%) rated it as high, 38(29%) rated it as average, 15(11%) rated as low, 10(8%)
rated it as very low. The majority of respondents rated it as average; in comparing the number
of respondents that chose below and above average, respondents that above average takes the
lion share indicating the company usually participates in fund raising. Item 3 of the same

table shows how customers have rated the company’s past experience in sponsoring different
events. The majority of respondents (65 in number and 49 in percent) rated it as good, the rest
41(31%) and 26(20%) rated it as very good and medium respectively. This indicates that the
company highly uses sponsorship as a means of reaching its target customers. In addition to
this the public relation department manager has emphasized that the company uses different
public relation tools such as fund raising, publication, press release, speeches, sponsorship,
and the likes. He further underlined that the company mostly engages in sponsorship.

Table 7 Company relation with society

No item item Description No of Percentage (%)

1 The company has good Strongly agree
relationship with the Agree
society. Neutral
Strongly Agree
2 What is the level of the Very High
company’s effort in being a High
part of social activities? Average
Very Low

As it is shown in item 1 of the above table, 27(20%) agrees strongly, 38(29%) agrees,
54(41%) Chose to be neutral, 13(10%) disagrees to the statement “the company has a good
relationship with the society.” Even though the majority chose to be neutral respondents that
agreed indicates that the company is effective in creating a good relationship with the society.
Item 2 of the same table shows how customers rated the company level of effort in being a
part of different social activities. Out of 132 respondents, 28(21%) rated it as very high,
36(27%) rated it as high, 51(39%) as average the rest 17(13%) respondents rated it as low.
The majority of respondents rated the company’s effort as average. This shows that
customers expect the corporation to enhance its participation in social activities.

Table 8 handling problem

Item No. Item Description No of Percentage (%)

1 Have you ever Yes
faced a problem No
regarding the Total
public relation
2 If your response Yes
to the above No
question is Total
“yes” did you
inform the
3 If you answered Very fast
“yes” for the Fast
above question Average
how fast did the Slow
corporation very
gave you Total

As it is shown in item 1 of the above table, 71(54%) of respondents have faced a problem
regarding the company’s public relation practice, the rest 62(46%) of respondents have faced
a problem. The majority of respondents have faced a problem. This implies the company’s
public relation practice and customers’ expectation is not in the same page. In item 2 of the
same table respondents who have had a problem were asked whether they have informed the
company or not. Out of 71 respondents 47(66%) choose “yes”, 24(34%) choose “no”. the
majority of respondents choose yes which indicates the company welcomes customers
comment, In item 3 of the same table, those respondents who have informed the company
about the problem they faced were further asked how fast the company gave them
solution.accordingly,17(36%) of respondents received solution fast, ware as the majority

26(55%) received solution at an average speed and the rest 4(9%) received slow solution.
This indicates the corporation speed in giving solution.



This chapter of the study deals with summary, conclusion, and recommendation. The
findings stated in chapter 3 are summarized and based in the summary made conclusion is
driven; last but not least possible recommendation is given.

5.1. Conclusion
In this Particular section of the study, conclusion is presented below.

• From the findings of the research it can be concluded that most of the company’s customers
are well educated and run their own business (merchants).

• Image the company in the mind of customers is high. However, the company’s effort is to
maintain this image is not as fruitful as it should be.

• The company’s public relation acceptance is high.

• Another conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that the company’s public relation
practice is average compare to other competitive company’s.

• The company’s is not using sufficient tools in making information available as well as
create ongoing relationship with the public.

• The company’s public relation department participation in social activity was rated by most
of the respondents as having an average level. The conclusion is that the company does not
participate in social activates up to the desired level.

• The research also shows there is a gap between the company’s actual performance and
customer’s expectation of the public relation practice.

5.2. Recommendations
The Bank should strive to maintain the favorable image it has by making a detail analysis of
its public relation practices actual performance and the expectation of its customers and keep
up with their expectation. The company should make enhancement in its overall public
relation practice because in a growing competitive industry change inevitable so in order to
stay in business the company should make use of different techniques and create a
competitive advantage over its competitions. As indicated by different authors participation
in social activity is a vital public relation tool that could allow a company to have a good

relationship as well as create a favorable image. In the case of Wogagen Bank, participation
in social activities is in average desired level. The company should engage in more social
activities that it currently does.

The company should make use of sufficient communication tools to keep the external public
up to date in new information’s about the company like media relation, which can be used by
public relation department to create and maintain a two way communication with the public.
The company should give more attention through making research in creating a common
understanding with the external public and make sure an ongoing relationship has been


MANAGEMENT Questionnaire to be filled by customers

This questionnaire is prepared by a prospect graduate student of St, Mary’s university in the
field of marketing management for the partial fulfillment of a senior essay in order to assess
the public relation practice and its challenges of Wegagen Bank. Your answer will be
concrete base for this student’s research paper. Please fill all answer dedicatedly and honestly
just by talking a few minutes of out of your precious time. All information you provide to this
study will be kept strictly confidential thank you in advance for filling this questionnaire
General direction

• No need to write your name • Please put “ √ “ mark on the boxes that mostly explains your

• Please write short and precise answer or additional opinions if any, in the space provided

I. General questions A. Personal information

1. Sex A) Male B) Female

2. Age A)18-25 B) 26-33 C) 34-41 D) 42-49 E) Above 50 B. Educational back ground A)

12th complete B) certificate C)diploma D) 1st degree E) master and above C. Occupation A)
Student B)Government Employee C)retired D)merchant If it is other than this please
specify…………………………………….. Questions Directly Related to the Study VH-
Very High H- High A- Average L- Low VL- Very Low VS- Very Strong S- Strong M-
Medium W- Weak VW- Very Weak


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